id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 22893 Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Stanley Grauman) Pygmalion's Spectacles .txt text/plain 7181 752 93 "You drink," said the elfin, bearded face, "to make real a dream. gnomelike old man, Dan thought as he followed him across the park and "Galatea," said his voice. "Galatea!" said Dan suddenly. "Leucon," said his voice, "how did you know I was coming?" "From Galatea's mother," said the Grey Weaver, "who had them from your "He goes to weave," said Galatea after a moment. "This is ideal," he said, "but, Galatea, how am I to turn out the She skipped away toward the unbelievable forest; Dan followed, marveling "Galatea," said his voice, "Whom will you take as mate?" Dan said, "Galatea--" and paused. Dan moved to follow, but the old man raised a staying hand. "I love her too," said Dan. The Grey Weaver stared at him. strange light gleamed in her dark eyes as she turned suddenly to Dan. "Who knows?" said Dan again. "It's nothing," said Dan. ./cache/22893.txt ./txt/22893.txt