id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 18831 Piper, H. Beam Time and Time Again .txt text/plain 7140 640 88 "Allan Hartley!" The medic officer spoke in shocked surprise. the days before the War, back to the time when he had been little Allan inscribed: _To Allan Hartley, from his father, on his thirteenth Why, he was just little Allan Hartley, safe in his himself, Allan thought, grinning as he remembered the white-haired but Allan thanked his father and pocketed the coin. experienced future--or his past-to-come--Allan Hartley had been He was Allan Hartley, a man of In view of what he remembered of the next twenty-four hours, Allan was Something clicked in Allan Hartley's mind. I couldn't have told them, 'This is little Allan Hartley, "Oh, Allan, you just had a nightmare to end nightmares!" his father His father thought that over for some time. "Well, why don't we know anything about that?" Blake Hartley asked. about a thing like that." He looked at Allan for a moment. ./cache/18831.txt ./txt/18831.txt