id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt infomotions-com-9504 Infomotions Mini-Musings – Artist- and Librarian-At-Large .html text/html 59918 4704 69 To all these ends, Voyant Tools counts & tabulates the frequencies of words, plots the results in a number of useful ways, supports topic modeling, and the comparison documents across a corpus. This essay describes, illustrates, and demonstrates how the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) can build on the good work of others who support the creation and maintenance of collections and provide value-added services against texts — a concept we call "use & understand". More specifically, this proposal assumes the collections of the DPLA include things like but not necessarily limited to: digitized versions of public domain works, the full-text of open access scholarly journals and/or trade magazines, scholarly and governmental data sets, theses & dissertations, a substantial portion of the existing United States government documents, the archives of selected mailing lists, and maybe even the archives of blog postings and Twitter feeds. ./cache/infomotions-com-9504.html ./txt/infomotions-com-9504.txt