id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt infomotions-com-3769 Fun with RSS and the RSS aggregator called Planet – Infomotions Mini-Musings .html text/html 1474 184 77 Fun with RSS and the RSS aggregator called Planet – Infomotions Mini-Musings This posting outlines how I refined a number of my RSS feeds and then aggregated them into a coherent whole using Planet. The result is a fledgling system I call "What's Eric Reading?" Since I wanted to share my wealth (after all, I am a librarian) I created an RSS feed against this system too. I went back to my water collection and created a full-fledged RSS feed against it as well. A couple of years ago the Code4Lib community created an RSS "planet" called Planet Code4Lib — "Blogs and feeds of interest to the Code4Lib community, aggregated." I think it is maintained by Jonathan Rochkind, but I'm not sure. Use the Planet software to aggregate RSS fitting your library's collection development policy. ./cache/infomotions-com-3769.html ./txt/infomotions-com-3769.txt