id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt dh-crc-nd-edu-1806 DH Blog @ Notre Dame .xml application/rss+xml 512 33 60 Once parts-of-speech are denoted, a reader can begin to analyze a text on a … Continue reading → A student here at Notre Dame wants to do computer and text mining analyze a set of websites. Beth Plale and Yiming Sun, both from the HathiTrust Research Center, came to Notre Dame on Tuesday (May 7) to give the digital humanities group an update of some of the things happening at the Center. This posting documents some … Continue reading → In his words, “I will explain how practices such as text mining present a fundamental challenge … Continue reading → This Friday (April 12) the Notre Dame Digital Humanities group will be sponsoring a lunchtime presentation by Matthew Sag called Copyright And The Digital Humanities: I will explain how practices such as text mining present a fundamental challenge to our … Continue reading → ./cache/dh-crc-nd-edu-1806.xml ./txt/dh-crc-nd-edu-1806.txt