id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt innd.ss001202817 Ussher, James, 1581-1656. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God / unfolded by James, Archbishop of Armagh. .txt text/plain 7124 839 89 of the Son of God. He holy Prophet,in the Book of i!W A notable wonder indeed, and great bewilc yond all comparifon , That the Son of God what relation Chrill hath unto God by Na¬ mane nature and his Deity : the Son of God q fpeak unto God , being . and the man that is Gods owne fellow be thus of the Son of God. that debt of ours for which he flood com¬ he had b declared himfelfe to be the Son of God he who was God eqtiall to the Father , for en the new man > which after God is created in that Man had been able to lend Gods fpirit to the lifeyio man commetb unto the father but by me. all that thou defired/l of the Lord thy God in Ho 1 ?»10' power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. ./cache/innd.ss001202817.pdf ./txt/innd.ss001202817.txt