UNIVERSITY or nxcuxcau oinnaon ¢l| 39076005049049 ¢/K f 4 MORE MURDER IN A NUNNERY By the same author MURDER IN A NUNNERY MORE MURDER IN A NUNNERY B\ ERKISHLPHERD SHELD A\D “ARD xsw YORK I954 To FRIEDA CHAPTER I HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF AT HARRINGTON CONVENT WHEN Reverend Mother of Harrington was told that another dead body had been found on the conventual premises she was silent for, possibly, ten seconds. Then she said: “And they say history never repeats itself ” ' Mother Assistant, her informant, underwent a spasm of those strongly aquiline features which, though she was the gentlest soul, struck the Junior School as with a palsy. “I cannot express, dear Reverend Mother, my sympathy ” “Let me know the worst.” “It isn’t the worst, thank God. Not one of the children. Not one of us. Only a man ” God frequently consoled Reverend Mother in strange ways. He did so now. But not a sign of this interior consolation showed on her face. I “Tell me,” was all she said, “about this man.” The facts of the matter may be condensed as follows: The dead body of a man, a perfect stranger, 7 More Murder in a Nunneqy had been found early that morning by Mr. Turtle (the Convent’s head-gardener and, in a general way, most unhandy man), upon, of all places, his own sacred rubbish-dump. This dump, if dump it could be called, was as close to Mr. Turtle’s heart as anything could be to that remote organ. It was built with the greatest discrimination and maintained with the utmost method. It was a thing of beauty and, to its maker, a joy for ever—so much so that he was used to begin the day by going and having a prolonged and profoundly self-satisfied stare at it. This he had been doing that morning when he saw what looked like a very large brown- paper parcel placed on top of the dump so as to impair the perfect symmetry of its construction. A man of deep but controlled feelings, he had suppressed his indignation and hurried to the spot, strongly suspecting that “some o’ them Convent young lidies, I don’t think” had been up to their tricks again. “It were the queerest parcel as ever I seen, mum.” On attempting to lift the parcel Mr. Turtle had stumbled and fallen under its weight. The brown-paper swathings had come undone, dis- closing a “body”—the body of a man. It was “nobody as I known, mum, and I will not deny that a weakness come over me strength, like. A nice thing for a man to find on a empty stommick, and at a convent, mind you. It was 8 History Repeats Itself at Harrington Convent with difficulty as I retrace me steps where a cup of ’ot tea do somethink to restore me faculties. I seen at once, mum, as a dead body was a matter for you lidies. I ain’t sayin’ a word agin nobody, but if you will ’ave furriners a-workin’ on the place and ’inderin’ rather than ’elpin’, then dead bodies a-croppin’ up promiscous is no more than you had ought to expec’.” This allusion of Mr. Turtle’s referred to the employment by the Convent of a Spaniard to act as aide to himself in the kitchen-gardens. Green-fingered as Juan Copanza undoubtedly was, bright, intelligent and a hard worker, nothing could palliate to Mr. Turtle his dark complexion and broken English, or the fact that he had been taken on in place of Mr. Turtle’s own son “Mock” (so called by the School) on the latter’s “doin’ better for ’isself”. “Dead ’e was,” Mr. Turtle had reported to Mother Assistant; “ dead, and gone to ’is account. Which, mum, asking your pardon, so must we all, flesh bein’ like grass, and the man wot thinketh ’e stand apt to come a nasty cropper at the ’ands of an orl-seein’ God.” Reverend Mother’s face, as she listened to this recital, had undergone certain fleeting changes. Not that she smiled, or committed herself in any way. But there was a feeling, somehow, that if a dead body had to be found at the Convent, then on top of Mr. Turtle’s dump was the place where she could bear it best. 9 More Murder in a Nurznery Reverend Mother and Mr. Turtle had never been soul-mates. Once master of the facts, Reverend Mother proceeded to the situation. “The police must be informed at once. Will you attend to that, Mother?” And, guessing from certain movements of the aquiline features what was going on in Mother Assistant’s mind, she added: “I mean the ordinary police—at the Harring- ton station. I’m afraid it’s no use dialling 999 and expecting Mr. Pearson to grow on the doorstep.” “Oh no, of course not, Reverend Mother.” Chief-Inspector Andrew Pearson was that great luminary of the Yard who had come to the Convent’s aid on the occasion of the stabbing of old Baroness Sliema, and had shown such tact and delicacy, and handled the matter so success- fully, that he was remembered as a very Bayard by the Community, and was never out of its prayers. Reverend Mother knew best, of course. That went without saying. Mother Assistant professed no knowledge of the police and their elaborate etiquette. But she was a very much disappointed woman when the oracle was spoken and she found that immediate recourse to Mr. Pearson was by no means to be had. The “ordinary” police! And Mother Assistant felt so sure that Mr. Pearson would want to help Harrington again. 10 History Repeats Itself at Harrington Convent Nevertheless Mother Assistant was every inch (and she stood well up to six foot) a nun, and was off in discharge of her distasteful duty without a further word. One opening of the door served both to let Mother Assistant out and to let Mother Peagle 1n. The latter’s appearance could not have been more timely. Mother Peagle was headmistress of the School, that super-sensitive organism which must always be given first place in all practical considerations. Reverend Mother, a consum- mate mistress of the spared word, put the facts, and Mother Peagle listened with that impas- sivity of countenance which long dealing with girls had perfected in her. “I understand, Reverend Mother. The chil- dren need know nothing of this. I had better put the kitchen-gardens out of bounds at once. With your permission, I will go now and do so.” Reverend Mother had but to incline her head, and a few minutes later a notice in Mother Peaglc’s blackest-lettered hand was posted on the board, and the Head of the School—one Miss Torquilla Rohays, famous for her biceps—- was under summons, as were all the “Blue Ribbons” or prefects, to wait upon Mother Peagle at recess. Hardly had Mother Peagle fixed her notice and gone her way when a girl seemed to slip out of nowhere and stealthily approach the board. II More Murder in a Nurmegr She moved with extraordinary speed and abso- lute silence. Mother Peagle’s lettered hand was very black and large indeed. A single glance of the girl’s eyes as she passed seemed sufficient, and she slipped again into invisibility. But why did she wring her hands? And who was she that made so un-English a gesture? I2 More Murder in a .Nunnery So were the sergeants to a man, and no less the P.C.s. Miss Churston, as has been said, was lamenting the loss of the light finger. It was upon such police doldrums as these that Mother Assistant’s telephone-call tinklingly intruded, and Sergeant Baseldon, who happened to be nearest to the instrument, positively skipped to answer. “ Is that the—er—Harrington police-station?” “Yessir,” replied the Sergeant, and just re- frained from springing sharply to attention. The Sergeant had been in the Army, and he thought he knew that way of speaking. It was an oflicer, and an oflicer on whom he did not hesitate to confer field rank. It was in fact the voice of Mother Assistant crouching in an agony of nervousness at her end of the wire. Telephoning always made Mother Assistant nervous, and when she was nervous her voice and manner reverted to that long line of military ancestors, including a field-marshal or two, of which she was sprung. “I am speaking on behalf of the Reverend Mother of Harrington Convent of the Immacu- late Conception ” The Sergeant paled. To have to request a field-oflicer to repeat himself! But there was no alternative. “Begging your pardon, sir, but might I ask you to say them words again?” The field-rank officer appeared in a lenient mood. The words were repeated without a rebuke. 14 More ./I/Iurder" in a Nunnerjl But as the Sergeant hung up the receiver he felt considerable concern for the mental state of that field-officer. “ Shell-shock, Ishould say—poor fellow. Never a damn or a cuss or a ‘ go to hell!’ Ah, it was sad to hear him ” But the Sergeant soon cheered up as he hurried to spread the good news round the station. A murder! That was something like, that was. Make a new man of the Super, this would. This would show them fellas at Wimbledon and Putney and Barnes and Wandsworth who’d been going around snecring that Harrington was “dead-alive”. This would show—— But at this point the Sergeant broke off to bestow a broad, a bright, a beaming and even affectionate smile on a young colleague, whom he also chucked under the chin, kissed with the utmost assurance, and addressed as “poppet”. “Hallo, poppet. Waiting round, like, to see if Uncle has any news? You bet your life!” Olive Churston, for she it was, showed no surprise and certainly no resentment at this familiar treatment. Indeed, she put herself in the way of more of it by going and standing beside the Sergeant with her face turned up towards his questioningly. “What can I bet my life about?” “That there’s a good time coming,” said the Sergeant, with more of his highly unoflicial treatment. “What do you guess, now—a clever girl like you?” |6 From the Police Angle “As if I possibly could!” The Sergeant looked down on her with immense satisfaction. And indeed in a rather unobvious way she was pretty enough to gladden any eyes. But she had to be looked twice at. Hers was a beauty of the second sight. It seemed a queer fate which had made a policewoman of her. “Try,” urged the Sergeant. “Think what it is we’ve all been needing in this station?” “Something to do?” she suggested. “You never spoke a truer word. And what do you think we’ve got?” She raised her eyebrows. “A murder!” he said thrillingly. “A murder —up at Harrington Convent———” “Not—by one of the nuns?” “By one of the ladies!” The Sergeant looked shocked. “What a question! Why, I thought you liked nuns.” I “So I do. Though they scare me rather. What goes on inside their heads?” “Ah, you may ask. That’s what a many would like to know. No, it ain’t by a nun, nor yet of a nun, but it’s a murder all the same. And do you mean to tell me—a clever girl like you—-—as you can’t see anything for yourself in a start like this?” “For me? A bit of stooging, perhaps “You want a good smack. Stoogin’ indeed! Listen now to what’s come into your uncle’s head ” $7 17 More Murder in a Nunnery And he whispered. Olive, it should be said, was almost the daughter by adoption of Sergeant Baseldon and his “Missus”. It was ten thousand pities that this excellent couple, with a world of love to bestow, should be childless; but, finding that Olive was an orphan, and entirely without friends in Harrington—-if indeed she had any anywhere—they had adopted her, and were never so happy as when she was about the house. They treated her, and fussed about her, exactly as if she were their own child. Her tendency to disabling “moods”, for instance—intervals of some mysterious unhappiness which came over the girl from time to time—how they had dis- cussed these together, the “Missus” suspecting a “fellow” in the background, the Sergeant— who could not abide the thought of a “fellow” —blaming her loneliness and the austerity of the police life. Olive laughed when the Sergeant had done whispering, and shook her head. “Not a hope. Besides, I told you, nuns scare me. And the Super would never ” “You leave the Super to me. And what do you want to be scared of nuns for, you silly girl?” “Of course I’m not really seared. But they come into my dreams sometimes—with those crosses they wear ” “A baby, that’s what you are. A convent job! Why, it might have been arranged to suit you. 18 From the Police Angle The ladies’ll feel it a delicacy in us sendin’ ’em a nice clever girl like you as they can be free with. Now, just you wait here while I go in to the Super ” He was gone a very short time, and returned beaming. “What did I tell you? Super thinks it a brainy idea; says, if you handle it smart, it’ll be the making of you. I’m to go with you. Lordy, but won’t I be proud bein’ bossed about by you. Off with you now, and make yourself look the way you know how. I want the Ladies to see what kind of a girl you are.” “ More to the point if they knew what kind of a man you are,” Olive said. And she went and did her best to please him, excitement upon her and a strange sense as of the fulfilment of prophecy. Nuns! What sort of people were they really? Nuns “Ready, Chief?” came a hail from the Ser- geant. “Chief” indeed! But what a darling he was! Some fifteen minutes later a small, rather anomalous group of persons presented itself humbly at the back regions of the Convent and was greeted there by Mother Assistant. 19 CHAPTER Ill VERITY ACQUAINTS HERSELF WITH THE FACTS “WnAT’s all this rot?” So said Miss Verity Goodchild as, swaying gracefully, she read Mother Peagle’s notice over the nondescript heads of numerous Middle Schoolers—some of which she lightly cuffed much as a bishop at Confirmation lightly cuffs a can- didate on the cheek to remind him or her of those buffets of the world which he or she may confidently expect. The nondescripts wriggled but made no reply. They were all in great awe of Verity, who, though not a Ribbon, was away up at the dizzy top of the School, and a dark and secret power. Verity suppressed a sigh. Life was a bit dull now that all her contemporaries, even Philomene Watts and the feather-brained Jamette Kestrel, were Ribbons. She did not envy them or grudge their promotion, but she did miss those former selves in them which the magisterial Ribbon had affected, in her opinion, for the worse. She re-read the notice, deliberately occupying about three times as much space as she needed so as to mortify the curiosity of her juniors and 20 Verity Acquaints Herself with the Facts teach them that “ Life is real and life is earnest.” “A case in point,” she remarked to herself. “Now if the Peaglums had made a Ribbon of me when she jolly well ought, it would be my painful duty not only to keep all these little donkeys out of the kitchen-gardens but also to keep out myself. As things are, however ” And, pushing aside the scrum of supernumer- aries, she passed out with studied negligence through the cloister door into the garden. No- body saw her as, with a quick glance around, she slipped in among the bushes en route for the forbidden ground. “This ought to be a lesson to the Peaglums. She is quite old enough to know that you cannot have things both ways.” Verity had indeed ever been an independent thinker. That was why she was not a Ribbon. Independent thinkers do not become Blue Ribbons or Cabinet Ministers. Verity was now seventeen. She had matured. She was—not engaged to, but had a profound understanding with that Mr. “Johnny” Guest of the Peephole newspaper, who had perceived in her at a fevered glance an “helpmeet” unto his many-sided life. She met him in town at least twice every holidays, with a broadening effect on her mind. There was no secret about this; Major and Mrs. Goodchild knew as much about it as they were capable of knowing about their daughter’s proceedings. Verity, under the influence of Mr. Guest, proposed a meantime 21 Verity Aequaints Herself with the Facts Verity’s soul cried out within her. “I do believe ! It can’t be l But ” Any feelings of distaste she might have had were overwhelmed by excitement. “A body! Another body! Oh, what fun!” Perhaps Mother Peagle was right. Ribbons should be nice-minded girls, shrinking properly away from the macabre in all its forms and not exclaiming “What fun!” of a corpse on a dump. But Verity was not seeing a corpse on a dump, she was seeing that most living and beautiful thing, scope. Scope—opportunity—call it what you please. She was seeing what Olive Churston was to see later. She was seeing what “stout Cortez” saw from his “peak in Darien”. She was seeing what all the fuss of the French Revo- lution was about—la carriére ouverte aux talents. But excitement did not deprive her of prud- ence. She approached as near as she could to the dump but never so as to leave cover. She kept an eye open for Mr. Turtle, and the other for the spritely ubiquity of Juan Copanza. She kept both ears alert for sounds of the approaching police. She knew better than to touch or tamper with anything. But from the nearest point she could reach she observed the protruding foot with intensity, and was soon deducing away like Sherlock Holmes himself. It is the Watsons of this world who suppose that all feet are much of a muchness, the Sherlocks and the Veritys know that from one foot you can deduce the whole body of which it is part. as More Murder in a Nunnery Thus Verity decided at once that it was not an English foot. This was no pavement foot. It had gone bare as often as shod, and over rough country too. The sole was toughened, the toes uncrushed, the nails perfect. Verity had been out in Malta when her father was stationed there, and she had noted the large, capable, wholesome feet of the peasants. This was a foot not unlike—a peasant foot. There are no peasants in England to-day. Verity had another brainwave, though at first it would not come. Ah, she had it. The position of the body—on a rubbish-dump———thrown there presumably by the murderer—what would Sher- lock make of that? Elementary, my dear Watson. I/Vhy, scorn! Scorn—contempt—and contumely. A peasant murdered and thrown in scorn on a rubbish-dump! Watson would shrug helpless shoulders, but Sherlock, knowing what foreigners are, would be on to it at once Politics! All foreigners are mixed up in politics: this man was a foreigner: ergo And, mind you, politics are no fun in foreign countries. Now, presently, what politics are the most dangerous? Even Watson could hardly have failed here. “A Communist! A ‘liquidated’ Commu- nist ” It was at this point of triumphant deduction 24 More Murder in a Nunnery finding itself waylaid, sank down in a huddle, covering its face with its hands. Verity, picking it up and standing it on its feet, found herself confronting—Inez Escapado. “Inez. Whatever do you think y0u’re doing?” “What busyness is it of yours? You are not a R-r-ibbon, so I t’ink. What do you t’ink you do? If you tell of me, Verity Goodchild, I also shall tell of you.” “ What’s the matter with you?” Verity inquired in a tone of real sympathy and concern, for Inez was obviously keyed up to some very high pitch indeed. “Nuzzing. Only I am not able to find where— Juan is. Do you know where Juan is?” Verity shook her head. “I haven’t seen him. And look here, Inez, don’t do this again. I may not be a Ribbon, but I’m older-than you, and I can tell you things are pretty serious, and it won’t do Juan any good to have you‘ running after him.” “I do not know what to do,” Inez said in a despairing voice, speaking, it seemed, to herself rather than to Verity. “You’re—afraid of something,” Verity said. “Yes, yes. I am afraid ” “Then you’d better tell me. Not now; we haven’t time, but as soon as you can. I might be able to help. I will if I can. You look to me as if you ought to go to the infirmary ” “No. I must find where Juan is. You do not understand. Oh, it is terrible—terriblc ” 26 Verity Aequaints Herself with the Facts “It probably isn’t as bad as you think, you poor kid,” Verity said, feeling ages older than the shuddering girl at her side. “ Come, we must get back in school now. But, Inez ” “Oh, what ?” “I tell you what I’d do if it was me, and the thing was serious ” “Serious? Yes, it is serious. What would you do, Verity?” “I’d spill the whole bally tin of beans right out to Reverend Mother.” “ Ze—beans? Oh yes, I understand. Reverend Muzzer? Oh, but I can never do that. She will not even believe me ” “If it’s real, she will.” “God knows it is real ” “Well, that’s something to hold on to—that God knows. Inez, I do want to help. I’m giving you the best advice I know. Reverend Mother will believe. And she’ll be able to help. Do now, like a good kid. I don’t care what it is—battle, murder or sudden death—Reverend Mother will be able to help.” “Verity. There is battle—there is murder— I t’ink dere will be sudden death—for me— soon, quick, now—unless something become. It is not dat Reverend Muzzer will not to under- stand—she is unable—she cannot ” “Don’t you believe it. Do as I tell you. Stick up your chin, and remember you’re the daughter of the Hazh Bazh.” “Oh, Verity, I t’ink my fazzer is dead—and 27 More Murder in a Nunnery my muzzer—and all my family right down to de last little baby—to Grandissimo Superbo ” “Well, I think they aren’t. You poor little thing. Promise me, Inez—don’t put it off—go to-day and tell Reverend Mother.” “I t’ink,” Inez murmured, “perhaps I must ” 28 CHAPTER IV A PARLIAMENT OF RIBBONS No trace of recent guilt or strong emotion remained on Verity’s fresh-coloured and incor- rigibly cheerful face when she got back into school in nice time to see the Ribbons emerging from the conference with Mother Peagle. She waited to make sure that their eyes were upon her, and then went and stood among a group of very junior juniors, where she performed an act of holding the Ribbons in awe if not terror. The Ribbons as usual looked uncomfortable, except, of course, Torquilla and the black-avised Alauda Gale, who remarked: “That one is getting a bit stale, Verity. Not so funny as it was.” Verity suddenly decided to forgive the Ribbons, for the moment anyhow. “Sorry, Alauda. I’ll try to think up some- thing quite new. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a Ribbon.” She added: “How’s the Peaglums this morning? Why this sudden prejudice against the kitchen-gar- dens? What’s the Great Secret?” Alauda (the Hon. Alauda Gale) merely smiled 29 More Murder in a Nunnery an aggravating smile down the sides of her undoubtedly Norman nose. It was the slender Philomene, always concerned for Verity, who replied. “Is there a secret?” “Don’t be disingenuous,” Verity reproved. “This Ribbon racket is corrupting you, Phil. Where is your pristine candour?” “Where is her—what?” It was the mighty Torquilla, Head of the School, who demanded. “What words you do use, Verity! You really are a prize ass.” “It’s second prize while you’re about.” And Verity dodged the cuff which Torquilla aimed at her head. By what seemed strange coincidence—or per- haps it was the workings of an interior grace— all the Ribbons had gathered round, so that Verity stood like Joseph among the brethren. “Why this sudden affection?” she asked. “It isn’t,” Alauda replied. “It’s scientific interest.” And there was a general smirk. This was annoying. It was one thing for Verity to have secrets apart from the Ribbons, quite another for the Ribbons to have a secret apart from her. The creatures obviously had a secret. They had. Little as Verity knew it, the chief subject of discussion at the recent conference had been—Verity herself. Mother Peagle had opened the proceedings 30 A Parliament of Ribbons by stressing the importance of the ban on the kitchen-gardens, but, quick at the uptake, she had noted a certain lack of response, not to say glumness, on the faces around her. She had paused accordingly, waiting for the glumness to find expression. Torquilla spoke. “I bet you anything you like, Mother ” But Mother Peagle had gone stone deaf, as she always did when a manner of speech dis- tressed her. Torquilla tried again. “Of course we’ll take care about the kitchen- gardens, Mother, but ” “Yes, Torquilla?” “Well—I shouldn’t be at all surprised if Verity was having a good nose round there at this minute ” “A good—what, Torquilla?” “Well, a good look round.” “Come, Torquilla. Verity must have seen the notice ” “Yes. But, Mother ” It was Philomene speaking, and actually inter- rupting. But a change had been coming over Philomene of late: still as slender, as fragile, as heartbreakingly pretty, she was beginning to show a strong practical side. Mother Peagle, whose wisdom had not failed her with Philomene as it had with Verity, rejoiced, and was always glad to hear Philomene’s voice raised in council. “Yes, Philomene?” 31 More Murder in a Nunnery ~}_ _ ‘ “You see, Mother—though Verity pretends, she doesn’t like not being a Ribbon. I think she feels—at her age ” Mother Peagle suppressed a sigh: the problem of Verity, a girl she loved and therefore chas- tened, was always on her conscience. “I fear Verity is as irresponsible as ever,” she answered Philomene. “No, Mother. Excuse me, but really she isn’t. You know how Verity pretends. But she is seventeen, and at seventeen you can’t help being responsible. You just feel it, and that’s all about it. If Verity still behaves funnily, it’s because her position is so funny—so senior, such a born leader, and yet not a Ribbon. It’s awfully hard on Verity, Mother ” There was a chorus of agreement—loudest perhaps in Alauda Gale, that shrewd and pug- nacious young person, who on the whole did not like Verity, and had certainly less affection than the others for Mother Peagle. “Yes, Alauda?” “I think Philomene is right. It’s a nuisance Verity’s not being a Ribbon. It would make things a lot easier for us if she was.” “Does she—obstruct you?” “Oh dear, no. Nothing so obvious. She just-—- sort of—grins at us ” “Smiles ?” “No, Mother: grins!” Another chorus of approval, above which the voice of Philomene was aga n heard. 32 A Parliament of Ribbons “I do wish you would think about it, Mother. You always decide right. Nothing can stop a person like Verity from being an influence. I’m sure it would be for the good of the School if she were a Ribbon.” “You, Torquilla?” said Mother Peagle. “I’m all for it, Mother. Verity wasn’t any more of a little beast than the rest of us, but she somehow, without meaning to, drew more atten- tion to herself. She got people’s goat ” “ What did she do?” “I don’t know how else to put it, Mother. I mean, Verity did things in a special way. It was partly that nose of hers ” There was an outburst of laughter, to which even Mother Peagle was forced to contribute a smile. Verity’s nose had a unique slight tilt which put it out of her power to look anything but cheerful, even under reprimand, even in chapel on Good Friday. Ribbon feeling, it appearec’, ran strongly in Verity’s favour. Such opposition as there was came from Prudence Rockingham, who held, and always had done, that because she was virtuous there ought to be no more “cakes and ale”. “Yes, Prudence?” “I am sorry to disagree with Torquilla and Philomene, Mother, but I must say what I think or fail in my duty. I hope I have no uncharit- able feelings ” “Oh bother!”—sotto voce but general. 33 More Murder in a Nunnery “—but when I look back I cannot help seeing how often I myself had to regret the influence of Verity. She was, of course, younger then, but I see nothing in her to-day which makes me think she is more serious and conscientious.” “Utter nonsense! If you mean she isn’t a general wet-blanket like you ” “Hush, Philomene.” And Mother Peagle again looked towards Torquilla. “Well, Mother, I can look back as far as Prudencc—and so can Phil and Alauda—and all I can say is I never regretted Verity’s influ- ence.” “Would I have been her best friend?” burst out Philomene. “What have you younger Ribbons got to say?” inquired Mother Peagle. A certain Muriel Maitland answered—a quietly forceful girl, not unlikely to be Head of the School next year. “We feel very awkward about Verity, Mother. I think most of us like her very much. Certainly I do. I don’t believe she was ever a bad influ- ence, and I’m sure she would be a good one now.” “Good,” said Torquilla: which was exactly the length at which she liked to deliver herself. “I shall certainly not overlook a point on which so many of you are agreed,” said Mother Peagle. “I am most heartily with you in liking Verity for herself ” “Oh, Mother, do make Verity a Ribbon.” It was Philomene, again interrupting. 34 . A Parliament of Ribbons “Hush,” admonished Prudence. “Oh, you shut up ” “—and in thinking,” went on Mother Peagle, “that her cheerfulness would be an asset to us. I shall earnestly reconsider the matter. Remem- ber, Philomene, only the grace of God can bring us to right judgments.” “Yes, Mother, but please do make Verity a Ribbon ” The meeting then broke up. Well might Verity suspect a secret. 35 Mr. Turtle Meets his Match “I would much rather you came. But— it’s sometimes not very nice, you know. I mean ” “Oh, I’ve been a V.A.D. in my time, and all sorts of things. It would interest me to see how you set about an affair like this ” “And so you are really a nun,” Olive said, with a frank look, as they set off. Mother Assistant laughed. “Am I as bad as you expected?” “I am not quite sure what I did expect,” Olive said, “but not—not like you.” She flushed, not feeling quite sure if this was polite. She had a very pretty flush. Mother Assistant thought so. “And you are not at all my idea of a lady detective.” “Thank goodness for that!” Olive said. And they both laughed. Verity, seated aloft at a front window paying but little heed to what she described as the “unspeakable gibberish” pouring from the lips of Mother Bracken, saw the police party pass by, recognized it for what it was, and almost fell out with excitement. “I do believe it’s a girl ’tec. They have them now. Johnny told me. Oh, how I wish it was me! How glorious to be her!” Fortunately Mother Bracken was too much absorbed in her positively astral theorem to take notice, but the Ribbons took notice, and were furious with Verity for risking a conduct mark 37 More Murder in a Nunrzery at a time when Mother Peagle might be actually on her knees in that “earnest reconsideration” which she had promised. How just like Verity! Mother Assistant felt definitely nervous for her new favourite, as, on approaching the dump, they found Mr. Turtle standing beside it, obviously in what Reverend Mother called one of his “impossible” humours. Mr. Turtle seemed always to have a presentiment of a crisis, and to stop shaving in due time ahead. “I am afraid our man is sometimes a little— difficult,” she whispered to Olive. But Olive was young and believed that Turtles are only a matter of handling. “Good morning, Mr. Turtle. How horrid for you this morning. So this is your dump. What a beauty! I should like to have a look over it when I’ve asked you a few questions.” However it may be with nuns, with Mr. Turtle it was certainly true that he was old- fashioned, easily shocked and opposed to progress in all its forms. He was not aware that such creatures as Olive existed. He hated being “spoke pert to by a young gal”. He gave Olive a look all over (at which the Sergeant bristled), and he spat aside. “And ’oo may you be, if a man may ast a plain question?” “My name is Churston,” Olive answered pleasantly. “ I am a police-oflicer, and at present looking into this case.” 38 Mr. Turtle Meets his Match mine. Can you suggest a reason why this man should not be at work as usual?” “I cannot. And reason why. ’Cos I never give ’im a thought.” “Please do so now. Do you know where he is?” “I do’ know nothink about him. Nor I do’ want to know nothink about him.” “You are a very unsatisfactory witness.” And Olive turned away from Mr. Turtle, on her heel, so to speak, dropping him as if he were some failure in his own vegetable world, and spoke to the Sergeant. “We must account for this man. Will you go over and search the hut, Sergeant? See if it shows any signs of sudden departure. Have a look in the bushes too; he may be scared and hiding.” Next minute she was supervising a photo- grapher and his work, giving expert directions and using the jargon of photography, to Mother Assistant’s edification. The body was meanwhile moved into an empty greenhouse, where Dr. Goodall followed it like a scientific vulture. He had the air of one saying to himself, “I’ll larn you to be a dead body!” and he did most thoroughly “larn” it. Olive assisted him, and seemed in her quickly assumed surgical head-dress and gloves as much at home in autopsy as in photography. “However did she pick it all up? How old can she be?” Mother Assistant was thinking 4.1 More Murder in a Nunnery as, moved by old V.A.D. memories, she watched the grisly proceedings through the glass. After a deal of general poking and probing Dr. Goodall seemed to pounce. There was a little quick work with scalpel and forceps, a grunt from the man of science, and the latter instrument was withdrawn tightly locked upon some small object, which he showed to Olive, remarking facetiously, “Here’s what done it, ma’am. Shot at dam’ short range—through the kidneys—with these little jokers!” Olive nodded, and immediately went outside to receive the report of the Sergeant, just returned from the hut. The Sergeant had drawn a complete blank. The door of the hut was not locked, everything within was orderly, there were no “firearms or other lethal weapons”, nothing was suspicious, and nothing offered a hint as to the present whereabouts of the wanted man. “My own belief is, miss, he’ll be coming back to that hut, with a headache.” Olive’s composure had been perfect through- out the proceedings, but now she began to look exhausted, and there was a trace of exasperation in her manner. She frowned for a moment as if in deep thought, and then turned to Mother Assistant. “You probably know all about that hut—er— madam. Has it a cellar or storehouse under- neath—anywhere for a man to hide in?” “No, Miss Churston. I was present myself 42 Mr. Turtle Meets his Match when it was erected. It is just a little one-room pre-fab. There is only insulation under the floor. To my certain knowledge no cellar or store- house.” But Olive, still frowning, was straining her eyes across at the hut. “What’s all that digging round the place?” she asked in a general way. “They been growing celery there, miss, or so I’d think,” said the Sergeant. Mother Assistant nodded confirmation. But at this moment there was a diversion. A small police-van much like a coffin on wheels had sidled into position. There was considerable shuffling of large feet as all officers joined in consigning the draped corpse within. Mother Assistant reverently knelt, and Olive, after a glance, did likewise. The van drove away with its burden to some place of mortuary where it would await identification. Noses were generally blown. The bleak and godless little ceremony was at an end. “Dingy, isn’t it?” Olive was saying to Mother Assistant. “They always leave out this part in the crime stories.” “You—you feel the lack of religion?” Mother Assistant gently suggested. “Yes, it is godless- ness which exhausts.” Mother Assistant was not a shining light or a person of penetrating intelligence, but one thing she did know when she saw it, and that was a tired girl. 43 CHAPTER VI REVEREND MOTHER READS THE TIMES NEVVSPAPER AT a fixed hour every day Reverend Mother was in the habit of quickly and expertly scanning through The Times. This is not to be taken as a sidelight on her character but on the position she held as head of a cosmopolitan institution. Harrington was such an institution: its human complement included, among choir-nuns, lay- sisters and children, many not entitled to the blessing of a British passport. It thus behoved Reverend Mother to keep abreast of foreign politics. Therefore she read The Times. This, and a confidential friend at the Foreign Office, kept her reasonably well informed as to the main tendencies of events in even the most obscure countries. Only a few days before the discovery of the body on the dump her eye had been caught, her attention fixed, by about an eighth of a column to the following effect: (6 News from Anaconda continues to be con- flicting—according to its source. It seems, 46 Reverend Mother Reads The Times however, to be established that the Com- munist rising against the Hazh Bazh, Don Magnifiguo Escapado, far from having been repressed, has been successful in capturing the capital city of Lilitha and in forcing the Hazh Bazh and his adherents into the jungle. The legation emphatically denies the rumour from a Communist source that he and his entire family have been put to death. While un- doubtedly a dubious situation exists in Ana- conda there is reason to believe that Don Magnifiguo still constitutes the dominating factor. He is a master of jungle warfare.” “I should not be at all surprised,” Reverend Mother commented to herself; and, completing her perusal of the paper, and folding it neatly, she rang up her friend—one Sir Clement de \N'illowby—at the Foreign Office. “Anaconda?” said the cheerful voice of Sir Clement. “If I were you I shouldn’t worry at all, Reverend Mother. If I know anything about Escapado, he isn’t done for yet-——not by a long chalk. I’ll let you have any lowdown there is. No trouble at all. Delighted. Best love to Sefiorita Inez.” Reverend Mother then sent for Inez. It was her custom to have a private word or two from time to time with all the foreign children, and so there was nothing out of the way in her doing this. “Well, Inez, my child—-—” 4-7 ll/[ore Murder in a Nunnery The lapse of two‘ years had taken nothing from the exotic beauty of Inez but rather added to it. At fourteen she was exquisite. If she was less now the perfect little savage which had once thrilled Reverend Mother’s imagination, there was a new depth to her, a greater warmth and glow, which thrilled Reverend Mother even more. There were nothing but good reports of her, for she was the soul of prudence in all things. The only people to find her a little trying some- times were her classmates and the Ribbons, because of a certain patronage which showed in her manner to both. She felt older than English fourteen-year-olds, and she could not understand what such great creatures as Tor- quilla, say, were doing still at school when by Anacondan standards they ought to be married and the mothers of at least one child. “Dear Reverend Muzzer ” Reverend Mother did not come straight to her point but kept the talk general for a while, satis- fying herself from the girl’s natural manner that she was in no present alarm. It was after some time that she said: “And how are all your people in Anaconda, Inez? Is your brother Jacquimo as good a correspondent as ever?” “Oh yes, t’ank you, Reverend Muzzer, all my family are ver’ well—from my great-grandfazzer down to de little baby-brother, Grandissimo Superbo. I have long letter from Jacquee five, six days ago. He say it is ver’ amusing in Lilitha 48 Reverend Mather Reads The Times just now because of de Communists dat shoot at us always and say dey will throw us all to de crocodiles.” “He finds that amusing, does he?” said Reverend Mother. “I have always wanted to meet Jacquimo.” “Perhaps he come to England someday to see me. He has great curiosity to see England be- cause of de funny t’ings which I write him about de English.” Reverend Mother could only wonder what sort of figure the Community cut in these pages. “You are not nervous, Inez—about the Com- munists?” Inez shrugged. “Oh no, Reverend Muzzer. Jacquee tell me it is all O.K. It is not ver’ easy to kill my fazzer. Many people try. Most days. But,” with a gesture, “he is not dead.” “Are you sorry to be away from Anaconda at this ‘amusing’ time, Inez?” “I regret sometimes, Reverend Muzzer. But I am obedient to my fazzer. In Anaconda a daughter is obedient to her fazzer. My fazzer say, Anaconda is bad, bad, bad, but dat is one of de good t’ings, dat de childrens obeys their parents. Besides, Reverend Muzzer,” Inez went on, “even in England, among all your police- men and with your English Constitution, I share in the dangers of my family.” “Surely not, Inez.” “Oh, but yes, Reverend Muzzer. If de Com- munists wish to kill all of us, dey will not miss 49 More Murder in a Nunnery me out. Dey will send a bazh—I beg your pardon, a man—to kill me also. In de Convent here, wiz all de big windows, it is easy for some- one to climb in and kill me.” Good God! Inez did not hear this inward exclamation of Reverend Mother’s. She did not see any out- ward sign of it on the perfectly controlled face. All she knew was that after a short silence Reverend Mother put an arm round her, drawing her closer to her side. When Reverend Mother spoke, it was beside the point. “What do you think your father meant, Inez, when he said Anaconda was bad, bad, bad?” “He mean that in Anaconda dere are no laws and parliaments and—and t’ings ” “Does he think there ought to be?” “Oh yes. He say to me, if ever he can settle with dese Communists he will make laws and have parliaments, and teach de people not to kill so much, and not throw anybody to de crocodiles. He was beginning to try to do some of dese t’ings, but de people only t’ink he is not so strong as he was, so they listen to de Communists, who tell zem dat a man of their own, a man called Marx, ought to be de Hazh Bazh.” “Yes,” Reverend Mother said. “I am very sorry for your father. The most diflicult thing in the world is to teach people to have new and better ideas.” She broke off, and went on, still holding the girl close to her. 50 More Murder in a Nunnery with what seemed some sort of hysterical break- down. Mother Infirmarian issued sad reports of her condition. The doctor had come, given a soothing injection, advised absolute quiet But Inez could not be quiet. She kept forever starting up in bed declaring with wild eyes that the garden was full of deadly snakes. She cried out for “Juan—_]uan”, but more often for somebody called “Diego”—whom nobody knew. The doctor came again and stayed a long while, watching Inez closely. He interviewed Reverend Mother. “Do you know of anything she may have on her mind?” Reverend Mother gave him a very guarded account of things which might well be on Inez’s mind. The doctor pulled a long face and promised to come again first thing in the morning. Reverend Mother made up her mind. She consulted no one. She was the last woman to cry out for help but the first to realize when help must at all costs be had. Effective help. “I shall let Mr. Pearson at least hear about this.” 52 More Murder in a Nunnery they were bringing the Good News from Ghent to Aix. One such would hand in a cable from the Lady Gale at Bordighera asking if it was really safe for the Honourable Alauda to stay at Harrington? Now, Alauda was no chicken; she was seventeen, a Ribbon, and about the toughest girl in the School. More excusable was the anxiety of the Mac- Binkie of MacBinkie for his Thistle, a harebell of a child. But it was a pity that his strong Scottish nationalist principles compelled him to wire in Gaelic. The boy had to be kept waiting until a certain Mother McVehoy, who alone knew Gaelic, could be run down in some remote sphere of usefulness and asked what it was exactly the MacBinkie wished to be reassured about. Reverend Mother’s post-bag swelled out to mammoth proportions, for not only did almost every parent want advice by return but all generations of “Old Children” birographed end- less pages of sympathy and begged for “just a line when you are not too busy”. There was also the Press. Whatever happens in a convent (except the prayer) is “news”, and the public must have it. But here Harrington was provided: a certain Mother Gogg, who had heard the “still, small voice” of vocation above the roar of printing machines in Fleet Street, handled the needs of the Press to perfection, and enjoyed herself into the bargain. The great thing was, of course, to prevent such a boiling over of parental solicitude as to cause 54 Told in Gath know, Reverend Mother. This is certainly a matter for us. I shall come down to Har- rington ” “ Could you spare the time? This is more than I could have ventured to ask.” But the relief in Reverend Mother’s voice was very great. “Of course I shall come. My time exists for such troubles as this of yours. Besides ” She knew he was searching around in his mind for a compliment sufficiently delicate, but much as she would have liked to hear it she could not wait. “When will you come?” “I will come at once. I will be with you in a few hours.” 57 CHAPTER VIII MR. SMITH—OF BIRMINGHAM MEANWHILE the Harrington police were very busy indeed. The usual almost touching notices were got out inviting Juan Copanza to get in touch at once, and, with a view no doubt to the personal persuasion of any officer he might meet, a detailed description of him, obtained by Olive from Mother Assistant, was circulated to all stations. The police have their own methods of letting it be known that they have a corpus delicti awaiting identification, and these were no sooner afoot than a certain Mrs. Parsley, together with her son Alfred, a lugubrious young man in the early twenties, and her pretty daughter Lulu, a “teen- ager” (to use an expression which would have sent Mother Peagle stone deaf), arrived at the station, and were interviewed by Olive. Mrs. Parsley began by stating that she was of the highest respectability and had never had dealings of any kind with the police before. Mr. Alfred looked lugubrious, and Miss Lulu giggled, nudged her mother, and said, “Come off it, Mum, now do.” Nor, resumed Mrs. Parsley, would she be 58 More. Murder in a Nunnery ~_}___#__ 7 ; Birmingham” carried her very far. Such a name and neighbourhood proclaimed itself as a hasty and impudent improvisation. Still, anything was better than nothing. The Parsleys could be closely examined about their late lodger, and his effects might yield much when inquired into. Questioned by Olive: Mr. Alfred admitted to knowing nothing about Mr. Smith. He had met him at the Party club meeting, where conver- sation had revealed them as kindred spirits. No, Smith wasn’t young—not to say young: thirty- five if a day. He knew an awful lot, Smith did, and had travelled all over the earth. In fact, as Olive saw, Mr. Alfred had been fascinated. Further questioned: Mr. Alfred knew of no enemies Mr. Smith could have had, and it was a shame if he had any. Volunteered by Miss Lulu: Smith was a man likely to have as many enemies as there was people saw him. Inserted by Mrs. Parsley: Miss Lulu was a naughty girl. Deceived as she might have been, Mrs. Parsley would always say of Mr. Smith that he was quite the gentleman. Or she would never have had him in her house, being accus- tomed to the highest standards. Mr. Alfred was to straighten his tie, and Miss Lulu to pull her frock down, for shame—what would the lady think? Further questioned by Olive: Mr. Alfred couldn’t rightly remember just how the matter arose of Smith’s coming to board with them. 6o Mr. Smith—of Birmingham I picked up the impression of a very unplea- sant person. If so, I expect his purpose was unpleasant. If only we could get hold of Juan Copanza ” “We will, love. Don’t you fret. There’s mills as grinds slow, like, but grinds exceedin’ small.” $6 63 More Murder in a Nunnery been gone already but that she was not quite sure of the hang of her skirt. “Hallo, Phil. Some people knock at doors before entering. As you are here you might have a look at this beastly skirt ” “It only wants ” And Philomene adroitly did it, remarking with studied nonchalance: “The Peaglums wants to see you for a minute ” “Bother the Peaglums! Does she expect me to keep my boy-friend waiting? W'hat does she want?” “How should I know? “There are you going?” “Now then, nosey. But if you must know, I am going to see that rich old cousin of mine—~ the one from whom I have ‘expectations’.” Philomene sighed. She knew this cousin of old. There “ wasn’t no sich a person”, but when- ever she was invoked it meant that Verity did not want any company. Philomene had wept quarts over that cousin in her day. “Don’t forget the Peaglums. Oh—and, Verity ” “What’s the matter now?” “Why are you so horrid to me?” “Don’t be maudlin. I’m not.” “Yes, you are. W e’ve never been out together once this term. We used to be such friends.” “Circumstances alter cases. It’s you that’s horrid to me really—always about with Tor- quilla and Alauda. Besides, you’re a Ribbon. You might go giving me away.” 66 More Murder in a ./Vunnery “Verity dear, you are the new Ribbon. Here it is, and may God bless you.” Verity recoiled. “Mother ” Mother Peagle went calmly on. “Torquilla and all the other Ribbons asked me to do this. On thinking it over I have felt sure they were right. It sometimes happens to strong charac- ters, dear, to get misjudged. I have allowed myself to act with prejudice against you, and I am sorry.” “Don’t, Mother-please——-—” Mother Peagle patted Verity’s hand and took up the ribbon. “Here it is. I realize it comes too late to give the pleasure it might have done ” “No. I like it this way.” “I would put it on for you,” Mother Peagle said, “if you were not so very smart. What a nice suit, Verity.” “Do you think so? The skirt is a bit—it’s apt to show my slip ” “It won’t when you are wearing the right sort of underclothes to go with it.” And Mother Peagle gave the waist a much more competent adjustment than Philomene had been able to. “You’re a wonder, Mother. Being a nun too—I beg your pardon ” “My dear, I knew all about frocks and suits before you were born or thought of. Off with you now, and have your walk. Remember, that ribbon takes effect as from the time when you 68 Better Late Than Never should have had it. It makes you next to Tor- quilla and Alauda.” She shook both Verity’s hands and kissed her. Smart as the new suit was, and slightly absurd as the new ribbon looked over it, none the less it was in this motley that Verity burst in again upon the waiting Philomene. “My worst fears are confirmed. Pray for the poor dear Peaglums, Phil; she is slipping fast away.” “ Oh—Verity ” “Don’t be lachrymose. Come on, let’s go for that walk—though I did promise my cousin ” It was when they were coming back after the walk. A “definitely super” car was standing outside the Convent door. Not that this was any- thing out of the way, but there was something dzjerent about this car. “I hope Inez isn’t worse and it’s a specialist,” Philomene said. Verity was positive. “Awful big shot, but not a doctor.” The “awful big shot” was about to descend from his chariot, the door of which was held open for him by two rigid figures at the salute. “ Coo ! ” murmured Philomene. The big shot drew himself up to a tall but tenuous height on the pavement. The early twilight of an autumn day was falling, but the ray of a street lamp shone on the face. Verity clutched Philomene by the elbow. 69 _ CHAPTER X THE VISIT TO THE PARSLEY HOUSE OLIVE and Sergeant Baseldon were on their way to inspect the Parsley “home” and the late Mr. Smith’s effects. As they went Olive continued to fret about the disappearance of Juan Copanza, who con- tinued to resist all calls to come and make friends with the police. “A man can’t just vanish into thin air. I have a feeling that Copanza never existed. The nuns imagined him.” As there was no one about the Sergeant per- mitted himself to be unofficial; he took and patted Olive’s hand. “Trouble with you girls,” he said, “isn’t that you ain’t clever, it’s you’re too eager. You feel things as too personal. What you’ve got to do, if you’re ever to be the first lady Chief Inspector, as the Missus and me both thinks you will be, is to keep calm. That’s the great lesson every policeman ’as to learn.” “I don’t think I shall ever be a Chief Inspec- tor,” Olive said. “You mean as you’ll get married?” (‘N0 77 71 The Visit to the Parsley House “It’s in ’ere you want to ’ave a look.” And Miss Lulu, pulling aside a curtain, revealed what was without doubt an interesting piece of luggage. It was a small case made of some metal and most meticulously locked, padlocked and tied with strong cord. “I’d take care if I was you,” counselled Lulu. “A Bolshy spy, that’s wot ’e was.” And she ducked down behind the bed while the Sergeant coped with the exhibit. But nothing startling occurred when the case at last stood open. Inside was much paper scrawled over in a language totally unfamiliar to Olive. It was not even in Roman characters. More interesting was a map, which appeared to be of the Convent walls, with special attention to those parts where a 'builder’s care was needed. There was also a passport, emanating from St. Helena, made out in the name of “John Smith, Student, British Subject”, and showing a not very recognizable photograph of the same. It was, however, under all the literary matter, and flat with the bottom of the case, that the real interest was found. Here was another case, not much larger than a pencil-box, and again closely secured. This, when the Sergeant had opened it with the utmost caution, was found to contain a very queer collection of objects. These were a sort of sturdy blowpipe and a number of highly pointed darts. “Don’t you go touchin’ ’em,” cried Miss Lulu. “The points is all over a vegytable fat of 73 The Visit to the Parsley House quick, ’e did, almost as if ’e jumped it. Some champion ’urdler ” “When was this? How long ago?” “About a week ” “Was—Srnith—in the Lane at the time?” “Yes, ’e was. Mousin’ as usual. I ’ad an idea the young fella wanted a look at ’im ” “Do you think he got one?” “I’d say ’e did.” “What you are telling me may be of the greatest importance ” (G00, 3, “Can you remember anything else?” Lulu giggled. “Yes—’cos I ’ad to laugh. Smith see the young fella come over the wall, and—’ave you ever see a big spider leg it? Well, that’s wot Smith done—sort of stoopin’ and lurkin’ and ’uggin’ the wall. An’ nex’ minute ’e was back ’ere, a-tryin’ to give me a kiss—ugh! But I fetched ’im a good ’un with the rollin’-pin. Coo! but I did ’ave to laugh?-” 75 CHAPTER XI “O CUCKOO! SHALL I CALL THEE BIRD, OR BUT A WANDERING VOICE?” OLIVE and the Sergeant took a short-cut back to the station through the Convent grounds. The season was autumn, and not now of “mellow fruitfulness” but inclining towards winter. The sky above was leaden; and though everything seemed perfectly still, none the less an occasional frisson of cold air was about, nipping some sere leaf here and there to the ground. “I hate autumn,” Olive said. “Come now, you’ve no call to do that, girl. If there was no autumn there’d be no spring.” The Sergeant was carrying Mr. Smith’s metal case, and he referred to that when he said: “Queer sort of thing. I don’t remember ever to have seen its like. I think the fellow must have been a Mexican. It’s in Mexico where they use blowguns.” “And in other parts of South America,” Olive said. The Sergeant shook his head. “Ah, I know very little about them other parts. America means Yanks to me. There’s Argentine though, 76 “O Cuckoo! Shall I Call Thee Bird?” isn’t there? And a place called Chilly——though I’m told it’s ’ot as blazes ” “Yes. And Brazil,” Olive said. “And there’s Anaconda ” “Never heard any good of any of it,” said the Sergeant. They were passing round the little lake in the grounds as they spoke, and Olive paused to watch the zigzag patterns of one or two moor- hens on the water. The Sergeant glanced at her suspiciously. “You’re tired. Let’s sit down on one o’ these benches for a minute.” They sat in companionable silence. But then Olive quoted in an undertone: “ The sedge is withered from the lake, And no birds sing.” “You couldn’t ’ardly expect ’em to sing all year round,” said the Sergeant. “They’d bust ’emselves.” He had hardly spoken when the loud, clear call of a bird rang out over the grounds. Olive sprang to her feet. Less nimbly the Sergeant rose and stood beside her. The call was repeated. “Whatever ?” Olive cried. “It’s like the cuckoo and the curlew, but with more notes. Couldn’t you swear it was telling something?” “That’s no English bird,” said the Sergeant. “Got loose out of an aviary, that has.” His police conscience rousing within him, he added: 77 CHAPTER XII SIR ANDREW PEARSON SIR ANDREW PEARSON was not a Prodigal Son— far from it—~but if he had been, and were return- ing now, husk-sated, to the paternal mansion, he could not have been more kindly received than he was by Mother Peck. One gathers from the parable that the elder gentleman, the father of the Prodigal Son, was well able to express emotion. This gift was denied Mother Peck. Some even thought her deficient. But she opened the Convent door on Sir Andrew that night in a way which nailed that calumny to the counter for ever as the false- hood which it was. “I am pleased to see you, Sir Andrew. I trust you are in good health?” The lay-sister in attendance gasped for breath: Mother Peck had not withheld the favour of her hand. Nor did Sir Andrew show himself unequal to this high moment; he grasped the hand and swept a bow over it. “I am very well indeed, thank you, Mother. But how are you?” “I am well, in the mercy of God.” 79 jllore Murder in a Nunnery There was a short religious pause. “It looks,” said Mother Peck, as she closed the door, “as if we were to have a fog, Sir Andrew.” “I fear so indeed, Mother. Turning colder too.” “These are small trials, Sir Andrew. If we were to be tried according to our deserts, which of us could abide it?” “Which indeed, Mother?” Sir Andrew stood first on one leg and then on the other. ' “Be pleased,” said Mother Peck, “to step this way.” And all the angels of God sang together as she added: “Reverend Mother is expecting you.” There was no anticlimax. No further words were spoken as the solemn progress towards Reverend Mother’s parlour was begun. But Mother Peck was edified to behold how Sir Andrew remembered the way without fault, traversed it with ceremony, and drew up as upon a chalked line. Sir Andrew would have been glad, no doubt, had he known the edification he was causing; but the truth is that memory was making such an attack on his feelings he was hardly conscious of Mother Peck, five foot full as she was. He had once been so very happy here. The words of de Musset haunted his mind: “ A Saint Blaise, 51 la Zuecca, Le coeur est bien la.” 80 Sir Andrew Pearson Nothing was altered in this timeless place. There was a lump in his throat as he inhaled again the hallows of the chapel, as he saw again the bright beam which denoted the Grotto of Lourdes, as he heard the muted recital of that organ which it seemed Mother Frederica had never given up playing. There came to him too, out of the warm dark- ness which stretched beyond the cloister, a sense of the volume of young life invisibly present there. He did not need Mother Peck to chasten him. Mother Peck now began her great act. She withdrew from the door, she stealthily approached the door, she listened at the door—she tapped at the door. She listened again. “Entrez ” The door might now be canonically opened, and with a fine flourish it was. “ Reverend Mother—Sir Andrew Pearson ” Then, with one of her throttled curtsies and a look of adoration in her sea-green eye, Mother Peck withdrew. “Some day you will come here and find me not able to be got at at all,” Reverend Mother said, as she and Sir Andrew shook hands with an exchange of cordial glances. “I am more and more hemmed in by ritual. My impulse was to meet you in the porch this evening, but I should have sent Mother Peck to bed for a fortnight if I had done. I expect you get the same sort of thing at the Yard nowadays?” “ I think not the same sort of thing. If you will 81 More Murder in a Nunnery It is enough to deceive even the-—elect. What can be done?” “Much can be done.. You and I together, we shall do it. Leave the practical side entirely to me. I beg you to put your mind at rest. I shall put through a call to the Yard—now. Then- may I speak to Inez?” “Certainly. I will fetch her. You must prepare to be shocked ” He put through his call shortly. When he had done so he stood looking all round the beautiful room where he was. The picture it presented was one of perfect security in a well-ordered and enduring scheme of things. But the eeriness dwelt. 84 Inez gladly give her life to save yours; and all around you, endlessly watchful though you cannot see it, is the whole power of the law of a great country. Put it out of your head that you are in any danger.” “Danger ” she muttered. And, her eyes awfully dilating, she looked him in the face. He observed her closely. There was lucidity again in her eye, almost a cunning; but he could not disguise from himself, and was puzzled and even hurt, that she profoundly mistrusted him. “You are great_ man of de police,” she said. “But in England all things are different from Anaconda ” “I know,” he said. “That is why I so much need your help to help you ” “Was he not covered with de brown paper?” she cried. “What more could Diego do? Is it wrong, in England, to kill a snake which is about to bite?” Sir Andrew carefully abstained from asking who “Diego” was, or what the “brown paper”. “Did Diego kill a snake?” was all he said. “Did you see him do it?” She nodded. “It was a man-snake. Dey are the worst. It was killing me, but Diego shot it. Is it wrong to kill a man-snake?” _ “Not if you know it is one, and there is nothing else you can do ” “You do not put people in prison for killing man-snakes? ’ ’ 87 More Murder in a Nunnery ‘G No, no, dear. Diego has nothing to fear. We shall only ask him to explain.” Sir Andrew was back on his old and successful policy, of trusting the innate tendency of all human stories to tell themselves if they are treated with that meekness which “inherits the earth”. Inez’s face lost its cunning look, she drew closer to him. Undoubtedly she was about to give him her confidence-——— But then suddenly her manner changed. She lifted a finger—“Hush———” He saw the terror return to her face. He was now able to watch one of these fits in action. He saw how she sought frantically around for cover but found none adequate to her needs, at which her agony increased. He saw it was not imagination which caused her panic, and it was not hysterical: it was more like a telepathy—a remotely atavistic warning, coeval with the cavemen, crucifying the nerves with foreknowledge of danger and doom. “Ah,” she cried, “de window—de win- dow ” And she threw herself in a crouched heap down in a corner. “It is nothing,” he reassured her. “A pane of the fanlights must have got loose. It is far too high for anyone to get up there from out- side.” “Down!” she whispered. “Down upon de floor. An Anacondan can climb anywhere ” There was now no doubt of a stealthy sound at the top of the great window. Even as Sir Andrew 88 CHAPTER XIV \ AN ETHICAL POINT RESOLVED BY FOG PSYCHOLOGY, more or less erroneous, is often invoked to eke out the interest of a story, but ethics hardly ever. Nevertheless, after the events of that evening, a serious ethical consideration confronted Reverend Mother. The School for which she was responsible con- sisted of not less than, say, one hundred and forty girls aged from seventeen to seven. If a very fierce measles had broken out in the School, or a scarlet fever, those children not involved would have been sent home. No measles or scarlet fever formed the present crisis, but a campaign of murder directed against one child might very well involve some one or other of the remaining hundred and thirty-nine. Suppose, for example, that snake, so effectively dealt with by Sir Andrew Pearson, had got loose in the Junior School? And who could positively say what more was coming? Reverend Mother must ask herself, therefore, if it was fair play to the parents and common honesty to keep the children at school? She knew perfectly well that if, say, the Lady Gale got so much as an inkling in Bordighera of what was happening in Harrington, then the very QI More Murder in a Nunnery latest development in jet-propulsion—said to be saucer-shaped and capable of doing its 1,500 m.p.h.—would not be nearly fast enough to bring her to Alauda’s side. , Gaelic is no doubt a rich and expressive tongue —as much richer than the Sassenagih as the works of Ossian.are obviously superior to those of Shake- speare—but Gaelic itself would fail to express the feelings of the MacBinkie of MacBinkie if he knew that his Thistle had been even for a moment on the same premises as a poisonous snake. Admiral Hercules would certainly have a fit. Reverend Mother could not doubt that, at the least hint, all the parents would arise as one parent and descend in a parental avalanche upon Harrington, all saying the same thing, and saying it very loud and clear, and shouting it in Reverend Mother’s ear. Most of the parents were earnest students of crime in its fictional form; but in factual form, and as concerning the flesh of their flesh, their horror of it would outdo that of every Chief Justice who has ever dismissed a murder appeal with an apophthegm. But first things come first; and the first thing was to get Inez back (as they put it in Guernsey) “in bed with the doctor”, a nun forever by her side, and two stout detectives from Scotland Yard cutting off all access by their bulk alone. Not a child in the School had a suspicion of what had occurred or how near they were to a sudden outburst of the Christmas holidays. Q2 An Ethical Point Resolved by Fog Of the Community, Mother Assistant knew, Mother Peagle, and, probably, Mother Bunting as novice-mistress. But such shining lights as Mother Peck and Mr. Turtle were left in total darkness: all of which goes to show how very much may be happening under the noses of intel- ligent people and they knowing nothing about it. The telephone-call put through to the Yard immediately before the outrage now began to have effect in the arrival at Harrington of a choice selection from among the brainiest and weightiest of the Chief Detective-Inspectors and Super-Superintendents of the former place. Assembled together in the Priests’ Parlour, they looked like a grounded school of porpoises, each grasping under an immense fin the squashiest of squash hats. “Well, gentlemen ” And Sir Andrew made his appearance among them, to a buzz of acclaim. “I hope,” he went on, “none of you had any difficulty in getting here? The fog is very dense, I’m afraid.” “Aye,” said a very Scots voice. “It’s that, Sir Andrew. I would feel justified in calling it dense, and I misdoot it’ll maybe be worse. I’m fearing we’re in for a long spell of it.” And Superintendent MacTavish loudly and gloomily blew his nose. “I sincerely hope you are mistaken, Mac- Tavish,” said Sir Andrew, “for I have a matter to put before you all this evening which fog would greatly complicate. However, it cuts 93 An Ethical Point Resolved by Fog “VVhat will you say, Reverend Mother, if I may ask? It is such an unprecedented thing, apart from epidemic ” “I shall say that, until a matter connected with a foreign child is settled, both the Foreign Office and Scotland Yard advise a short suspen- sion of the School.” “It is for you to say, Reverend Mother. Perhaps, if we postponed the matter for a day or two, the necessity need not arise.” “We must postpone it,” Reverend Mother said, “until this fog lifts. It would be a prac- tical impossibility to get the children off. But I shall have my letter in readiness, and, if to-morrow gives us any hope, it must be sent, and preparations made accordingly.” “Of course,” boomed Mother Assistant in her best brigadier voice—the same which had hope- lessly bamboozled Sergeant Baseldon. Reverend Mother then withdrew to draft her letter, which cost her immense pains. And she knew there could be no sleep in prospect for her that night, but she must pass its anxious hours ceaselessly patrolling the dormitories, pull- ing aside curtains to peer into cubicles, and ever and anon reverting to the infirmary for the latest report on Inez. That letter was one of the hardest tasks which Reverend Mother of Harrington had ever had to undertake. And it was destined never to be sent. 95 CHAPTER XV THE PRESENCE OF SISTER URSULA THE night passed without further event. Yet there was nothing to show in the morning that it had passed. The fog was as dense as ever. Mercifully it did not afflict the spirits of the children at Harrington, who found it exciting to have all the lights on at breakfast-time. Mass was felt to be a midnight Mass. No human power could have prevented Fr. Witherstick’s punctual arrival to say that Mass, and, the Mass said, nothing could have prevented his departure. But first a little procession of senior nuns accompanied him to the infirmary, where Inez was communicated. Her condition on this morning of all mornings seemed to be quieter. All London was coping as best as it could with this periodic nuisance which it brings down on itself. Nothing quite like a fog in an English city has ever been known, probably, in history. Mists are inevitable in a damp island, and were known in the days of Beowulf. But a fog is a result of highly artificial conditions—of indus- trialism, of factories and great smoke-stacks and of myriads of domestic chimneys, all hard at it, 96 The Presence of Sister Ursula day and night befouling the air, until the higher atmosphere becomes choked with it; then, owing to some change of temperature, it is held and forced down again to meet and mix with the ascending mists of the foul dank fens and rivers, and the light of the sun is utterly blocked out. A London fog is simply the dense saturated mists of the sea blackened by the pent-up smoke of our innumerable chimneys. In such a fog the pedestrian may be turned right round and set off in the reverse direction without in the least knowing what he is doing. Business, of course, every kind of human activity, is enormously complicated by fog. Nevertheless it has to be gone about somehow: during the night the “big shots” of Scotland Yard managed to disperse, so that in the morn- ing only Sir Andrew and Superintendent Mac- Tavish remained to partake of the breakfast which Sister Carmela brought them. Mr. MacTavish was to be in command of all police arrangements at Harrington throughout the day. He therefore made an excellent break- fast. “I’m fearing,” he remarked to Sir Andrew, “that there’ll be no evacuating the bits of lasses from this Schule to-day. So if you’ll be introducing me to the Reverend Mother body, Sir Andrew ” The “Reverend Mother body” was soon on the spot, where Mr. MacTavish addressed her 97 More Murder in a Nunnery as “Your Reverend Leddyship”, and showed a degree of cheerful resourcefulness and perfect confidence which was entirely after her mind. “If we canna remove the Schule as far as maybe we would like, your Leddyship,” said Mr. MacTavish, “we’ll be removing it at least as far as we can. Sir Andrew here has been telling me of a grand New Building you have and a fine Coronation Wing. It was my idea, if Your Reverend Leddyship was to agree, that the weans might be using them for their lessons and games the day. That way they’ll no be seeing the police bodies as will maybe be aroond doon here, and where the eye doesna see the heart doesna fash itself.” Reverend Mother began to feel that a day passed with Superintendent MacTavish might have compensations. “And don’t you think,” Sir Andrew said, addressing her, “that Inez herself might be better altogether away from this part of the house?” Reverend Mother’s mind passed immediately to some rooms in the New Building which had sometimes been used for isolation purposes. They were cut off by a separate staircase and a corridor. Their windows were high and not easily visible. “Anacondans can climb any- where ” So Inez had been proud of saying. But even Anacondans could hardly climb in at a window they could not see. In one of these rooms, with a nun constantly in and out, and with 98 More Murder in a Nunnery annoyed at such a gross error in himself, and at exposing himself, Deputy Commissioner as he was, to the rebuke of a Superintendent. “Most of these lay-sisters,” he went on, “hardly speak English. And they never heed a word that is said—too busy saying their Rosaries. That’s what they do while about their work, isn’t it, Reverend Mother?” “Theoretically, Sir Andrew. Sir Andrew is always too kind to us religious,” she explained to Mr. MacTavish. “Hoots, toots, Your Leddyship, I hae nae doots he’s aboot right. I’m a Presbyteerian masel’, but I can appreciate the beauties of the aulk kirk of Rome. And to think she would be saying her Rosary noo, and me not knowing.” “You must let us show you how it is done, Mr. MacTavish. It is really very practical, and I think might appeal to a Presbyterian. But, whether Sister Ursula was saying her Rosary or not, I feel quite sure we need fear nothing from her.” “I am sure we need not,” said Sir Andrew, and he rose to his feet. “Well, I suppose I must be making a dash for it now. I am leaving you in the best of hands, Reverend Mother. Mac here is not the man to be frightened of a few Anacondans, eh, Mac?” “I couldna rightly say, Sir Andrew, never to my knowledge having set eyes on yin. But I’m no easy to be frichted—unless it might be yin 0’ these unco’ spiders with the gey lang legs ” IOO The Presence of Sister Ursula Reverend Mother had turned to Sir Andrew. “When I think of last night-—” He blushed with delight. “You are always far too kind. I did—er—nothing—ah—nothing. To serve you in any way ” He broke off, and added: “ I shall get back here, somehow, to-night—” He turned on MacTavish. “And let me find, Mac, that you are well ahead with the Rosary.” “Dinna fash yersel’, mon,” was the reply. And it was adopted as the motto for the day. IOI The Coronation Wing “What a bore there’s such a fog I can’t see it properly. If there’s one thing I bar it’s a fog,” Verity declared. “Yes. And these convent glasses! Let’s go along to the hair-washing place and have a decent look.” “Yes, let’s.” It was pitch-dark in the corridors, and the first thing they did in their haste was to collide with something so solid that they knew it at first bump for Torquilla. “Torquilla. Really, you want a whole school to yourself ” Torquilla showed not the slightest sympathy. She never did. “ Vanitas vanitatum!” she remarked. “Well, you can’t just now. The Peaglums had a brain- storm in the night, and the only thing which would calm her down this morning was to call a Ribbons’ Meeting.” “A Ribbons’ Meeting!” “A meeting,” Torquilla explained, “of Rib- bons. Otherwise she gets melancholia with hoot- ings. The doctor says she may become dangerous if not indulged.” Such a thing was without precedent. What was more, this meeting was not to be held in the usual place, the dignified surround- ings of the Senior Library, but in a squalid and revolting changing-room adjoining the gymna- sium in the Coronation Wing. There was a general rush of fuming Ribbons :03 More Murder in a Nunnery towards this degrading place in the hope of being able to hold a short indignation-meeting before Mother Peagle came. But such hopes were dashed, for there, seated on a decrepit old chair, with Prudence simpering beside her, was Mother Peagle ahead of them, and motioning them all to squat on the floor. Mother Peagle began at once, oracular behind her spectacles. “Close the door. Thank you. Ahem——” Every eye. was fixed on her face. “Don’t stare so, children, or I shall never get through. I have a difficult task before me—the task of asking you to accept, and enforce upon others, a certain number of what you will feel to be irksome and unreasonable regulations, and without being able to offer even you Ribbons any explanation. From to-day, from now, the entire school will be confined to the Coronation Wing.” She hurried on, acutely conscious of the almost incredulous hostility which her words excited. Only one face suspended judgment; it was Verity’s. “No one may leave this wing without the permission of a nun. A Ribbon’s permission is not enough. Meals will be served in the gymna- sium. Classes will be held in the dormitories. I am afraid it is going to mean a good deal of discomfort and exceptionally hard work for you Ribbons.” 104 More Murder in a Nunnery “Does that mean, yes, Mother?” “Oh, I—I think so, Torquilla.” “Thank you, Mother.” But there was no warmth, no applause. The meeting broke up, each member setting off at once on her disgusting task of spreading the news and herding the victims to the hated Coronation Wing. 106 CHAPTER XVII OLIVE AND OLIVER “OL1vE-—--” “Yes, Super?” The Superintendent of Police at Harrington has not yet been introduced except as heartily endorsing Sergeant Baseldon’s plan for giving Olive a chance, but he existed, and his name, by a coincidence, was Oliver—Oliver Austin. He was youngish to have gained his rank, but had entered the Force by way of the Police College, where he had done extremely well. At thirty-four he was a man whom even Sergeant Baseldon, apt to be highly critical of men, approved, liked and even admired. Olive, when not in a “mood”, could never be sufficiently thankful for an appointment which had given her the Sergeant and his “Missus” for loving friends, and “Super” Oliver Austin for her superior officer. It is something when a young woman in employment receives every consideration and never hears an impatient or harsh word. In return she had brought her womanly arts to work on the station, which thus had pretty curtains at its windows, and in season window-boxes, was dusted as no char W 107 Olive and Oliver “That was our Miss Churston, sir.” “Olive Churston? Give her my very kind regards. I have not forgotten her handling of that handwriting case. What sort of a girl is she?” “First-rate. I mean, sir, a very promising young oflicer.” He remembered in time to sound impersonal and official, but Sir Andrew at his end smiled none the less. And so Olive, on herself arriving at the station, was summoned into the Super’s room. “I say, Olive, we are going up in the world. That was the Deputy. There’s some whale of a job at Harrington Convent ” She nodded quickly. “—and I’m to be third under himself and old MacTavish. He congratulated you no end on the Dump Case and sent his kindest regards. Actually asked what you were like ” “And what did you say?” “If I’d said the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I shouldn’t have got up to the Convent to-day. Olive, when are you going to put me out of my misery and say you’ll marry me?” “Oliver, I never met any man I liked as much as you. But—I don’t know if I shall ever marry. I’m too moody. I’m not fit ” “Dearest, if you like me-—-love would soon come. I’d make it. As for never marrying, don’t talk such utter nonsense. As for not being fit, don’t hurt me, girl.” . 109 More Murder in a Nunnery “I certai don’t want to do that.” “But it doe . And so does this police business. It isn’t you ” “I—I don’t know what is me. I—I sometimes think I should be happiest as a—nun—-” He looked at her with absolute horror. “A—nun! You’re not a Catholic ” “People become Catholics.” “Then do by all means, if you’d like. I would never say a word against what you want. But a nun—Olive——” “You don’t see that with some people—God has to come first?” “Yes, I do. But don’t beg the question.” “What question?” “Whether you are such a person. “You don’t think so?” “I am sure you want to put God first. But these aren’t the Middle Ages, Olive. The ‘world ’ is no longer classed with the flesh and the devil in quite the old easy-going way.” “ Easy-going? ” He pressed his point. “It was taken for granted there was only one way to God. But that idea is a back-number. An ugly word ‘escapism’ has cropped up——” “ Oliver. Of all things, nuns aren’t ‘ escapists’.” “I didn’t say they were, dear. I only said that we now know there is such a thing.” “You—you think I am one?” “I didn’t say that either.” “What did you say? I'm all muddled up.” IIO More Murder in a Nunnery “That’s not the way to be a Ribbon,” Alauda informed her. So she caught the next offender and tickled her till she squealed. Verity was easily the most popular Ribbon after that first breakfast, and yet it was found that in more serious matters the children obeyed her: to the annoyance of Alauda. Prudence also protested against Verity’s methods. “It is no true kindness to be over- indulgent,” she said. Torquilla requested both Alauda and Pru- dence to dry up. “Recommend me to the blooming haristocracy and the ‘unco guid’ for downright cruelty to children,” she said. And she went on, to Verity: “Don’t forget the tea-banquet, Verity, old thing.” “You bet I won’t. When you give a tea, Torquilla, it is a tea.” Torquilla looked sulky, as she always did when pleased. She actually took Verity’s arm. After all, one did one’s best, getting up tea-banquets and what-not: it was something to meet with a spot of real gratitude. Alauda was “sounding brass” and Prudence was “tinkling cymbal”, but good old Verity, if you asked Torquilla, had the indispensable charity. Which reminded Torquilla of something, and she ranged her lion-like way until she penned the harassed Mother Peagle into a corner. “Wouldn’t some other time do, dear?” “It’s nothing, Mother. Only I was beastly 114 Recalls a Famous Question about Moses T7? E57 FE I of l tr isf ll. st: it ll! '1)! ll? la! c: ,l 1 -4-‘“? Pi‘ ii ll l: only did the Ribbons feel more power to their elbows through her but they expected to be far better entertained than when Prudence, who was at that stage of a possible vocation which is an unmitigated nuisance to all less-favoured souls, had been apt to set the ton. Torquilla was on her guard against this, and no sooner had the guest of honour been acclaimed than she gave the board a mighty thump and began to address the meeting. “Welcome to Verity ” “I am sure we are all very ” Prudence was beginning. But Torquilla shouted her down. “I vote we leave the speeches until we’ve got outside the tea. Any objections?” There was none. “So I’ll only say just now,” resumed Tor- quilla, “that we’re all very glad to have Verity with us. She has many faults ” “Hear, hear!” from Alauda. “—as we jolly well all have “It is too true,” sighed Prudence. “—but she isn’t a drug on the market,” went on Torquilla, amid general agreement. “So, Verity, consider yourself jolly well persona grata, as the Pope says. And now, if all you ladies are like-minded, what about ?” “We haven’t said grace yet,” admonished Prudence. “Benedictus benedicat. Yes, we have,” said Torquilla; and plunging the knife into the cake, 77 117 More Murder in a Nunnery she helped herself to a large slice and handed on the plate to Verity on her right. “ Much obliged, Torquilla,” Verity said. “I’ll keep any little rejoinder I have to make to your kind words until later. At present, here’s looking to you. In the words of the poet Byron, ‘Let joy be unconfined’; that is, don’t let’s have any shop-talk while we’re eating. Let me down gently. No religion and no politics, please.” “O.K. by me,” mumbled Torquilla. The cake went the round of the table. No arrangements of any kind had been made for pouring out, and so nobody would have had anything to drink had not Philomene felt very thirsty and provided herself with a cup. It was then a case of noblesse oblige, and everybody was served, without any inquiries as to how they liked it: after which Philomene doused the tea- pot, remarking that if anyone wanted a second cup they could jolly well get up and help them- selves. Philomene returned to her place to find that a young and particularly innocent-looking Rib- bon seated beside her, by name Angela Manners, had been thieving, and a disgraceful scene ensued which would have shocked the Junior School. Otherwise, “joy was unconfined”. Verity had brought a large box of crackers, and everybody was soon adorned with a paper-cap, some of which were very a propos, Torquilla having a 118 CHAPTER XIX APPARENTLY THE END OF THE WORLD THE eclipse was total. Packed together as they were, the Ribbons could yet see nothing of each other. _ They knew they were in the refectory, but all sense of direction was gone from them. Where, for example, was the door? Startled silence reigned. But then the voice of Torquilla was heard, sounding as from far away. “Only a bust fuse. Sit tight. It’ll soon come on again. Anyone got a match?” “‘Hellish dark and smells of cheese ”’ quoted Verity. “Yes, I’ve got a box—I think ” She was felt to be feeling all over herself. “You don’t have to be modest,” Alauda said: to which Prudence duly objected. “Here it is, and—dash!—there’s only three in it. What do you think, Torquilla? Shall I light one now, so we can see where the door is? If this is general, we ought to be being useful.” “The wing has its own plant,” someone said. “They’ll be all right up there.” “Yes, but do let’s have a match.” So said several voices, from which a quiver was not altogether absent. I21 More Murder in a Nunnery “Funny everything’s so quiet. I can’t hear a sound.” “It’s no use lighting a match,” Verity said, “unless we know exactly what we’re going to do while the light lasts. Here’s what I sug- gest-——” She was interrupted by a voice definitely bor- dering on hysteria. “I—I can’t breathe. I don’t believe it is a fuse.” “Of course not,” Alauda said, “it’s the end of the world. The Day of ‘Judgment will follow shortly——” An invisible elbow shot out and caught Alauda in the ribs. It was Torquilla’s elbow. “Shut up. Everybody shut up. Now then, Verity, what were you going to say?” “While the match is burning we all catch hold of each other behind Torquilla, and then follow-my-leader to the door.” “Sound scheme. Ready with the match?” Verity struck. But the stick broke short in her hand, and in the meagre ray which flickered for a second stampede prevailed. There were scuffles, falls, and a scream. The flame was upon Verity’s very fingers before any concerted move could be made. “Stay where you are,” Verity cried, and immediately struck another match. This one burnt clear, but its light was too dim for so large a space, and before much use could be made of it to restore order there was a terrific thud some- where in the distance, followed by a concussion I22 Apparently the End of the World hurry. He drew up beside them, and seemed of such immense strength that they were all somehow able to lean against him while they fetched a deeper breath. “Och, noo, ma puir bonny lasses,” he ex- horted them, “ye’ll sune be there. Come awa’ noo, and let me into the midst of ye. That’s the gir-r-ls! Noe I can be the ingine and give ye a whir-r-l along.” He was better than his word. Not only did he “whirl” the whole exhausted Ribbonhood along, but he infallibly detected the ones nearest fainting and carried them. The fear of having this happen to her was sufficient to keep Prudence, who took the most Aloysian views of purity, on her tottering feet. Next minute they were all in the Coronation Wing again, breathing pure air with gasps and sobs and sighs of relief. The strange man was gone, but hurrying towards them with arms outstretched as if to embrace them all and with exclamations of affectionate concern came Mother Peagle, and there was a sufficient revival of strength to enable one and all to exclaim with united breath: “ The Peaglums!” 125 CHAPTER XX THE “BRAINWAVE” OF THISTLE MACBINKIE ONE mystery at any rate explained itself to the Ribbons as they subsided upon the chairs or even on the floor of the room into which Mother Peagle took them. That distant sound of screams which they had heard from below certainly did not mean that the School was being killed off like so many little piglets. Mother Peagle would hardly have maintained her composureif a Massacre of the Innocents were going on next door. Yet the screaming was much louder up here, and it definitely was screaming. But above its shrillness sounded the piano under the ever- obliging hands of Mother Frederica, and her tunes were of the gayest, and the screamers were also frantically dancing, and bursting into fits of laughter and falling down on the floor. It was indeed a case of “revelry by night”, but there was no sign of “The foe! they come! they comel”, for those who would ordinarily have been the foe of such goings-on—i.e. the nuns—could be heard actually taking part. Beyond a point the brain will not function. The Ribbons could only direct a “wild sur- mise” at Mother Peagle. 126 The “Brainwave” of Thistle MacBinkie “It is still burning,” Verity cried. “We heard it and saw it. Oh, Mother, couldn’t we help?” “My dear child, we could on no account risk any of you children. Thank God you are all safe ” “ Inez?” Torquilla said. “Inez too—and the police hope they have the matter in hand. And you Ribbons—God be for ever thanked and praised. I could not think what had become of you. I totally forgot about the tea-banquet. If you could know what I felt when I saw you—my poor children. I cannot say what I think of your discipline and courage ” “We thought it was a bust fuse,” muttered Torquilla, with one of her fierce blinks aside- at Verity, as much as to say, ‘Do nothing to encourage the Peaglums in this maudlin vein and, if you can, think of some way of heading her off.’ Verity rose to the occasion. “What a splendid idea to have a party, Mother. Shall we go in? That music makes my toes tickle. I’m simply dying to be dancing.” It was Mother Peagle’s turn to bestow a look, and her look was not so easily to be interpreted as Torquilla’s. It certainly was not a look of reproach. It was, had Verity known, a look of sheer gratitude. Mother Peagle had had a gruel- ling day, in constant anxiety for the very lives of other people’s children. This brunt she had borne 129 CHAPTER XXI THE BATTLE OF HARRINGTON (IN SIX PARTs) I. WHY SUPPRESSED IN THE NEWS THE Battle of Harrington would have been a nine-days’ wonder indeed but for the fact that the Government, acting on the advice of the police, suppressed all report of it. The police thought it not in the interests of the public that the facts should be made known. The Government agreed with the police. The Home Secretary was approached, who called in his colleague for Foreign Affairs; and together they interviewed the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister called a meeting of the Press, and after stating the facts of Harrington to the great owners and editors he asked them to accept the ruling of the Government that it was not in the interests of the public to make such facts known. In a democratic country the Press, provided its privileges are considered, is always ready to co-operate with the Government; and thus, though many thousands of people were soon in the secret, they kept their mouths closed, and 131 More Murder in a Nunnery They were armed with revolvers and tommy- guns. They had several cylinders of a stupefying gas, also incendiary bombs, and one small high-explosive bomb. They had upon their persons every known contrivance for making weird and terrifying noises. They could shriek and mutter and groan. 3. STRATEGY AND TACTICS The frontal attack—that is, on Mother Peck’s door—was made in silence by three men. They crept up and blew it off its hinges with hand-grenades. They poured in the fire of tommy-guns, from which the police withdrew; and then, with indescribable shrieks and howls, they themselves rushed into the porch, their guns still directed upon the police. But they had overlooked one factor, as had the police likewise—and that factor was Mother Peck. Mother Peck was not going to be dislodged from her rightful place by what was obviously a gang of young toughs made up for Guy Fawkes’ Day. Arming herself with a huge black ruler, without which she never ruled the smallest line, she rushed upon the intruders with flying veil and beat down the muzzles of their guns. “This is too much. What do you mean by such conduct? A gang of great naughty boys trying to frighten people! You ought to be birched ” 134- More Murder in a Nunnery dear old woman the “Comrades” appeared as probably some plumbers or gas-fitters arriving, weeks behind time, on some urgent work of repair; and with fervent thanks to the Holy Mother, who, though crowned by the Almighty in everlasting bliss, could still spare a thought for the Convent’s humbler needs, she smiled with seraphic toothlessness and sped the “plumbers” with a blessing on their way. Their way led straight to the Convent chapel! Now the Comrades were in a hurry; it was tip and run for them. But they were high- minded young men and, confronted with Super- stition, felt a duty to society. Besides, a moment would suffice to time a fuse—to scatter some incendiaries. All these rich carpets and curtains would do the rest. Quickly they fell to work. Their work done, they rushed on and out into the cloister, where they found, drawn up and with tommy-guns in position, all the other Com- rades—all, that is, but the one captured by Mother Peck. There was just time for the Red fist-shake, a bar or two of the “Red Flag”. Then, under a furious bombardment of all eleven tommy-guns, the Comrades charged in the direction of the infirmary, the police retiring before them. It was the Supreme Moment for the Com- rades. The Convent lay helpless at their mercy. 136 The Battle of Harrington 4. REVEREND MOTHER SAVES THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The police, taking cover behind doors, watched the triumphant charge of the Comrades with approval. Let the perishers round ’emselves up. The police asked nothing better. Superintendent MacTavish whistled the “March of the Cameron Men”. “It’s a peety,” he said, “they haven.a the pipes.” He then looked pawkier, if possible, than usual, and delivered himself to Oliver Austin in a series of proverbs. “Have ye ever heard tell, Mr. Austin, what it is that gangs before a fall? Ye’ll have heard the auld Roman adage to the effect Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat? They’ve exposed their flank, the loons. And if yon Reverend Mother body hadn’t told me to risk no police lives I’ve an idea I could settle with ’um.” “She said that, did she?” Oliver answered. Since his conversation with Olive he had taken a great prejudice against Reverend Mother. Taking advantage of a young girl—wasn’t that what nuns were always doing? Still, he thought it was nice of Reverend Mother to feel for police lives. And, by Jove, these women were plucky. No one had a notion as yet that the Comrades had left a surprise-packet in the chapel; and thus Mother Vannes, the sacristan, slipping in to have a look round, was blown violently out 127 More Murder in a Nunnery again and stretched on her back in the cloister half choked with smoke and flame. “Dear me ” was all she had time for as she lost consciousness. But a bomb announces itself. Nuns now came running from all quarters. Also police. Reverend Mother was there at once. Mother Assistant a second later. MacTavish was hot on their heels. Smoke and bright yellow flame was pouring through the entrance. “Don’t ye noo, Reverend Leddyship. Woman, have sense.” Thus MacTavish, crying hoarsely, and actually detaining Reverend Mother by the sleeve. “Wait noo, ma bonny leddy, till my men have ” Reverend Mother gently freed herself and with a perfectly expressionless face passed through the flame and up the steps of the altar. Mother Assistant immediately followed. “Hech, sirs—hech, sirs! Noo when did a body see the like. Daft they are—sheer daft. If the Lord doesna juist repeat the miracle of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego I’m sure I dinna ken what’s to become of the poor dear doited reverend ladies ” At this point in his lamentations the Superin- tendent was interrupted by the reappearance of Reverend Mother clasping under her veil the ciborium containing the Blessed Sacrament which she had rescued from the Tabernacle, and almost immediately after her came Mother 138 The Battle of Harrington Assistant carrying the door of the Tabernacle, a heavy sheet of gold encrusted with gems gifted to the Convent, which she had by sheer manual strength wrenched from its hinges. Neither of the two seemed to have suffered scathe in the fiery interlude, and MacTavish would have thrown himself upon them in con- gratulations when he realized in time that Reverend Mother must by no means be spoken to at present. She stood holding the ciborium while the other nuns knelt worshipping around her, even Mother Vannes recovering conscious- ness in time to stretch out her arms. No heed at all was paid to the valuable door, but it was just set on one side. A procession was formed behind Reverend Mother, a bell tinkled and a psalm was raised, and she led at a slow pace, with eyes withdrawn in ecstasy, along the corridors to the New Building, where in an improvised chapel the snowy-headed novices and their mistress received the Elements with adoration. MacTavish wept to see them go, and declared ever after that if he hadna been a Presbyterian he would juist have joined the Auld Kirk. 5. TRIUMPH OF POLICE AND NUNS While they were gone a strong body of police under Oliver Austin also broke through the flames and began beating them down as best they could. \Vith the telephones cut there was 139 The Battle of Harrington “Noo then, what do you wee laddies think you’re doing? Fine I ken you’re all married men with weans. Oot of it with all three 0’ ye, or am I to report ye for insubordination? What would her Reverend Leddyship say if she saw ye trying to shirk the duties of paternity?” The sergeants merely grinned and looked stolid. “Aweel. Wha wull to Cupar maun to Cupar. Keep ye well ahint, and don’t show your thick heads till me and Mr. Austin has had ours took off us.” Those words of Mr. MacTavish’s might well have been his last, for his next step brought him onto the landing, which was exposed to the cross-fire of eleven tommy-guns and as many revolvers. Oliver took the same step with him, and the sergeants followed in strict order of seniority. The immediate result in all five was an out- burst of sneezing and coughing. “Ugh, ugh, ugh! Where are the blighters?” Oliver was gasping. It was MacTavish who next found a voice— as a result of a particularly rending sneeze which must have cleared his passages. “Come awa’ noo, laddies. I am a police oflicer, and I arrest ye all on a charge of feloni- ously entering a dwelling-house with intent to wound and kill, and it’s my duty to warn ye forby that anything ye say may be took doon in writing and used against ye ” 141 More llfurder in a Nunnery But he broke off, for a young sergeant was pointing with horror at what looked in the glare of the police-lamps like a number of enormous blackbeetles heaving leggily in a heap on the floor. It was the Comrades. The tale told itself. They had meant to use gas against the police before shooting their way down as they had shot it up. But they were inexpert in opening the cylinder, which proved refractory: someone had lost his nerve: panic ensued: weapons were thrown down, kit torn off, gas-masks dislodged. Now the suffocating Comrades were making a final struggle against the coma which assailed them. Under artificial respiration applied down- stairs the Comrades revived and sat sulkily round in No. I7 Parlour. Under interrogation they said they desired only the English Tower and the English Block. They could also do with an English cup of tea—provided no English poison were put into it. The tea (without poison) was served them at once, but they looked so miserable as they drank that the kindly MacTavish could not refrain from words of comfort. “Hoot, toot, laddies. Dinna be too doon. Ye winna be hangit. Ye havena kill’t anny- body.” Not killed anybody! It was too much. The English weather suddenly changing, the dense black English fog was somewhat cleared 142 The Battle of Harrington away, and Sir Andrew Pearson arrived. After a word with Mr. MacTavish, he drove on to the station, where he received an astonishing com- munication from Olive Churston. The communication was amazing beyond words, and necessitated his immediate return to the Convent, where he also took Olive. But he used the station telephone (undamaged) to make arrangements with a sitting magistrate, and so the Comrades were able to get through the formalities that night and sleep comfortably in Brixton. 6. ARRIVAL OF FR. WITHERSTICK Mother Peagle was just wondering how in the world to deal with the riot set afoot by Thistle MacBinkie when Fr. Witherstick massively arrived. Characteristically he knew nothing of the day’s doings, and on being told by Mother Peagle he characteristically said He proceeded at once to give Benediction, which caused all the little Bacchantes to put on veils and turn into little angels. The ceremony over, Torquilla, Verity, Muriel and a few other Ribbons contrived by excellent staff-work that the only way open to the retiring worshippers was one which led straight to bed. 143 CHAPTER XXII “BUT WHAT FAR GROVE——” N0 sooner was the Battle of Harrington over and won—for a battle must be said to be won when the enemy is incapable of further resistance- than Reverend Mother lost not a minute in going to the New Building to make sure that all was well with Inez. She had little or even no doubt, for the Com- rades had never got near the New Building; but she did feel that the whole thing must have_been a terrible ordeal to the child, lying there and not knowing exactly what was happening. She remembered, too, that Inez had, in spite of the kindness of Sir Andrew, a strange dislike of the police. Nothing could persuade her that they were on her side. Reverend Mother’s orders with regard to Inez during the course of the disturbance had been that a nun was to be in the bedroom with the child—it was to be a choir-nun, not a lay- sister; and Reverend Mother had been careful to choose a favourite of Inez’s. Immediately outside the door were, of course, the two special detectives, and they were armed. Thus the only 144 “But What Far Grove ” way of getting in upon Inez would have to be by the window, which was high from the ground, not very near any trees, and was to be kept shuttered until after the “All Clear”. If anybody was to kill or abduct Inez he would first have to perform the almost impossible feat of reaching the window-ledge from the trees, and there, hanging on by his hands, undo the shutter in the face of the armed opposition of two experienced detectives. It is small wonder that Reverend Mother felt little anxiety as she hastened to the New Building with news which she hoped would put an end for ever to the child’s suffering and terror. Not only were the Comrades all made prisoner, but that morning’s Times had contained a very encouraging report from Anaconda. Not for one moment that Reverend Mother sympathized with dictators or desired to see their triumph anywhere, but she certainly did feel that Don Magnifiguo, who was in some strange way a man of religious principles and, if a tyrant, on the benevolent side, was much to be pre- ferred to the sheer anarchy and hatred which was contending with him. Therefore she could not be really sorry to read the following short paragraph: “Even Communist sources admit that Don Magnifiguo, the Hazh Bazh, has inflicted a heavy defeat upon them in the jungle and has retaken the capital city of Lilitha. The people I45 More Murder in a Nunnerv received him with acclamation, and he granted a general amnesty to all but foreign Com- munists. The rumour that he has declared Anaconda a republic with himself as interim President has not as yet been confirmed.” None the less, the “amnesty” warmed Reverend Mother’s heart, and she decided to ring up her friend Sir Clement de Willowby without loss of time. Thank God Inez was safe, for her father would be wanting news of her at once. Reverend Mother was not anxious—it was absurd to be anxious when all was well: but she hurried, all the same. She was almost running when she entered the New Building. The sweet sound of the novices singing before the Blessed Sacrament came to her ears, and she would certainly have gone in but for a feeling that she must not delay just now. She shook herself inwardly for such weakness, but she went quickly upstairs. At the slightest sound the detectives were both out in the passage, but saluted and relaxed smiling, when they saw who came. “All perfectly O.K., Your Reverence. The lady is still with the little girl. There hasn’t been a sound.” Reverend Mother never forgot her feelings when she opened the door. The room was in darkness. A great waft of cold air struck her full 146 “But What Far Grove——” in the face from the window, which was unshut- tered and thrown wide open. A groan from something on the floor drew her attention, and for a frightful second she thought it was Inez—Inez stabbed, wounded, dying But it was not Inez. It was Sister Ursula stretched unconscious by the bed. The two detectives were in the room, flooding every corner with light. But the strong lights showed nothing. It seemed as if the girl must have taken unto herself wings and flown from the room. Inez was gone. T47 More Murder in a Nunnery lamp was baflled by it. The only way to get along was to grope—to grope from house to house. Such going was very slow, and she stumbled incessantly. She was beset with what has been called the “innate malice of inanimate objects”. Every doorstep was a man-trap; and when, exhausted by this stumbling, fumbling course, she ventured to steer out, up rose a lamp-post and knocked her spinning. Believing herself attacked, she struck out, scrambled up and backed away, only to trip over the opposite kerb and take a header into a ditch. Something seized her by the throat; fighting the horror off, she found it to be a great jagged arm of bramble. She was now without any sense of direction at all. She did not know she had crossed the road. She was unnerved by disaster and in pain from the lamp-post’s blow. Her nose was bleeding and her mouth full of blood. The bramble had lacerated her hand. Climbing out of the ditch, she set forward again, now on hands and knees, and, as good luck would have it, she crossed the road again, moving diagonally. After what seemed an end- less time she came to a place where the fog was thinner, and she saw the dim lights of the row of small shops which she knew to be exactly opposite the Harrington Hotel. Immense relief filled her; she at least knew where she was again, and ought to be able to crawl back to the station. r50 The Face in the Fog She sat down on the kerb for a while, cheered by the brightening lights of the shops. Was the fog clearing? It had receded from the pavement, and she thought there were rifts in it beyond. There was one rift, if rift it was, which seemed to her especially promising, and she fixed her eyes on it. The fog deadened sound, nothing was to be heard as of a footstep, but as she gazed she saw to her amazement a face pass by somewhere high up in the rift. Now was the time for Olive’s lamp. But she had lost it; it must have fallen from her in the ditch. But she did not need it; the glimmer of the shops was sufficient, and for an instant before it was again eclipsed a face was re- vealed The beautiful face of Inez Escapade! But again swooped the fog, obliterating every- thing. 151 Olive in Conference “I did. One can’t help oneself. I expect I was all wrong.” “As you say, one cannot help oneself. Did you, for instance, when you found the poison darts in the possession of the man ‘Smith’, suspect that an attempt had already been made upon the little girl, and that—someone—had shot him to prevent him?” “Yes, Sir Andrew. And I felt pretty sure the man who—did the shooting—was this Juan Copanza.” “ The—er—Spanish gardener-man ? ” “Yes. But then I had another idea, Sir Andrew ” “Please tell me.” “I know it sounds wild, but when the little girl was delirious she cried upon someone called Diego ” “She did,” said Sir Andrew. “\/Vell, it occurred to me there was a secret, which sometimes she remembered and some- times did not. And I wondered if perhaps Copanza and this Diego might perhaps be the same person——” “That is—ah—profoundly interesting. Sug- gestive, one might say. Please go on, Miss—er— Olive.” “The rest is pure guesswork “Hypothesis,” murmured Sir Andrew. “Well, I—got a feeling—.that not Cop-anza but Diego was the real man, and—that—perhaps he was the—agent of—Inez’s friends. Perhaps 77 153 More Murder in a Nunnery that explains,” Olive went on, “why she hated the police ” ¢(why?77 “Because she thought the police would arrest Diego for killing ‘Smith’, and then she would have no friend left to look after her. She couldn’t be expected to know about ‘justifiable homicide’ —could she?” Sir Andrew shook his head and seemed to pass into a kind of reverie. “So your belief is,” he said at length, “that Inez has gone off with this—Diego?” “That’s what I really do think ” “Where has he been all this time? How did he keep in touch with the child?” “I don’t know the first answer now, but—I think I could tell you first thing after breakfast to-morrow morning—and—and perhaps some other things too. As for keeping in touch—he— he did it by sounds—sounds like a bird’s—which Inez would understand, but nobody else. Then, though I hate to say it, I think they’ve had an accomplice inside the house.” “This Sister Ursula?” said Sir Andrew. “I suppose she’ll get into very hot water, poor thing. But I’m perfectly sure she meant nothing but well. Please, Sir Andrew, ask Reverend Mother not to be too down on her.” “I will make a note of it. But now, Miss— er—Olive, has this very astute mind of yours got as far as where these young people are likely to have gone?” 154- Olive in Conference Olive shook her head. “No. But I think if we all put our wits together—and get Inez’s friends in the School to remember things she may have said—I don’t know a thing about Diego, not a thing, but I’ve a feeling a place chosen by him won’t be too obviously on the map.” “I suppose,” said Sir Andrew, “we must advertise their descriptions in all parts?” “I doubt if they’ll answer those descriptions by to-morrow,” Olive said. “Inez had on the queerest little bonnet which made it quite a job to recognize her.” “In fact, my dear Miss Olive, are you sure you did recognize her? Or may she not have been some quite different child?” Olive was almost cross. “Oh well, if that’s what you think of me ” “I think very highly of you, my dear. So what we want now,” said Sir Andrew, “is an answer to a question about a thing which is animal, vegetable and abstract.” I55 CHAPTER XXV MR. TURTLE RISES TO HEIGHTS AND FALLS TO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY after breakfast on the following morning Olive was off upon those further investi- gations which she had promised Sir Andrew. Her way took her through the shrubberies into the kitchen gardens and to the Copanza-Diego hut. As she passed through the shrubberies, how- ever, she paused and looked back where, across the Lane, the bedroom windows of the Parsley house could be seen, plainly affording a view of where she stood. Taking the greatest care not to kneel or con- tact the ground with her hands, she provided herself with a small wand and began to push it about among the grasses and twigs and small stones which littered the path in the shrub- beries. After a long time of pushing and poking about she uttered a low exclamation and, taking from her handbag a small pair of tweezers and brushing some dead leaves aside with her wand, she picked up and laid on a flat stone—a poison dart. 156 1!/Iore Murder in a Nunnery The lightness of her tone stung Mr. Turtle to renewed bitterness. But the bitterness forced him to speak. “Which per’aps you will kindly explain your meanin’, if an honest man may ventur’?” “I meant the young man that used to live here—your assistant, wasn’t he?” “My assistant!” repeated Mr. Turtle on a note of rising choler. “An’ ’oo told you ’e was my assistant? A furriner ’e was.” And here Mr. Turtle’s innate tendency to philosophy betrayed him: his senior years, his dignity, his very manhood required of him that he now pass hence and leave Olive to her shame. But his desire to explore the depths of truth got the better of him. “Assistant, ses you! A furriner! If there’s two things,” said Mr. Turtle, “on this ’ere revolvin’ globe as I ’ates and detests, the one is a furriner, and the other is an ’ooman out of ’er place.” “You don’t die of your complaint,” Olive said, nodding her head. “It’s called ‘xenophobia’. You seem to suffer rather badly.” She had scored. If he had a fancy it was for polysyllables; he had come like most great philoso- phers to see that without these, and a generally inverted and periphrastic manner of speech, there could be no true philosophy. But he took Olive up on another point. “I am not a man as suffers from nothink. Last time as I was taken with a turn, like, on account 158 More Murder in a Nunnery when it was for the sake of another’s need. Early on in life I ses to myself, like, ‘Turtle,’ I ses, ‘of what use are you if you ’ides your light under a bushel?’ and I resolves, miss, never so to do, and never ’ave I done. A woman’s place, miss,” he added, with simple sublimity, “is the ’ome.” Olive made a gurgling noise which might have been interpreted in many ways. Mr. Turtle heard in it the hallelujah of the Methodist convert; he heard in it a sudden conviction of sin. His heart enlarged within his bosom—and not the less because he was struck again with Olive’s charms. “I couldn’t agree with you more,” Olive said. “But how if she hasn’t got a home?” It is absurd to suppose that such a philosopher as Mr. Turtle would have no answer to such an elementary question. “If an ’ooman is so unfortnat, miss, as not to ’ave a ’ome—either the ’ome she was born in or the ’ome where she come as a sparkling bride— she cannot do better for ’erself than like the ladies up at ’ouse, and be resigned in the Lord. For the Lord, miss———the Lord ” But at this point Mr. Turtle came a heavy stumble, threw up his arms and disappeared altogether from sight. Olive rushed to his aid, for his groans were very pitiable. An excitement was upon her. Could it be that, in spite of Mother Assistant’s positive answers to the contrary, there yet was 160 More Murder in a Nunnery Really you’re a wonderful man. There’s some- thing in the masculine mind ” Mr. Turtle began to show distinct signs of recovery. He pulled at his whiskers and beamed at Olive. Olive was sorting out the sheets. The language upon all of them was wildly beyond her, she could make neither head nor tail of it, but some of the sheets were of School exercise paper, and she guessed the writing to be that of Inez. The only English she found appeared to be a page torn out of a railway time-table, dealing with trains to the New Forest. She gathered up the papers and put them into her bag. The sooner she was gone now, the better. She knew there was a hiding-place under the hut. She had the dart. In the papers she had a treasure which might prove a solution of the mystery. If only she could get the writing trans- lated She suddenly thought of the Convent’s Gaelic expert, Mother McVehoy. Mother McVehoy was said to be a genius at languages Meanwhile, there was the profound psycholo- gical task of getting Mr. Turtle to move. He had lighted his pipe and was looking extremely comfortable and only wanting another good go at philosophy. “Well, I’m afraid I shall have to leave you, Mr. Turtle,” Olive said. “I hate to do it, because after that shock you ought to get home 162 Mr. Turtle Rises to Heights and lie down. But of course not even a man as strong-minded as you could be expected to do that without help. I’ll send help to you the first minute I can.” “’Elp,” said Mr. Turtle, “is wot I never needed, miss, excep’ the self-’elp of me manly mind.” “Splendid, Mr. Turtle. That’s what I should have expected. But no mind, however manly, could possibly just get up after a shock like yours and be at the door the same time as me. Why, you’ll be telling me next that you’re going to do a bit of work this morning!” “That, miss, might be rash, considerin’ the state of me spine. But where gettin’ ’ome is concerned, and makin’ myself comf’able and takin’ the best care of mcsclf, you can rely on me self-’elp.” And Olive felt she could. 163 CHAPTER XXVI “IT IS A TERRIBLE RESPONSIBILITY, REVEREND MOTHER?” DAYs passed, much was done, but nothing was heard of Inez. Anaconda, however, appeared on the map. No longer had Reverend Mother to search in obscure columns of The Times for the informa- tion she wanted. Such information was to be had in many newspapers now, and usually on the front page. No sooner was Don Magnifiguo in power again than he made a striking gesture of affection and goodwill towards this country. “Henceforth,” he cried, “we in Anaconda shall look to great England for our manners and customs, our institutions and ideals.” England was naturally rather pleased. It is always pleasant to have somebody’s good opinion, especially when one has been at no trouble to obtain it, and no expense at all. Editors did not fail to draw attention to the very undictatorial amnesty proclaimed by the victor in Anaconda. The tables were now turned: it was not now Reverend Mother who anxiously rang up Sir Clement de Willowby about Inez, it was Sir 164. “It is a Terrible Responsibility” Clement de Willowby himself who came to the Convent and, refusing to wait until Mother Peck had ascertained what Reverend Mother’s engagements were, strode straight to the Parlour. Hardly giving Reverend Mother time to express her pleasure at seeing him, and pro- foundly disedifying Mother Peck by abstractedly shutting the door in her face, he plunged in medias res. “What’s all this I hear? You can’t find Inez? Do you realize her father is coming to see her?” Reverend Mother nodded. “I thought he might.” Sir Clement refused to sit down, he strode the room with immense strides. “And you mean to tell me that Scotland Yard —that all you clever ladies—you haven’t an idea between you?” “Scotland Yard is doing its best. As for us, we are only nuns—not mediums or soothsayers. And oh yes, there are plenty of ideas. The best is from one of the children—a senior girl, no fool, and she says she had it from Inez herself. Inez has reverted to the jungle.” “You said the girl was no fool. Revert to the jungle indeed! How can she revert to what doesn’t exist?” “Inez believes it does. She cannot imagine a great country without a jungle. And so I suppose she has gone to look for it.” “I must say,” Sir Clement said, “you seem to take it with ‘more than usual calm’.” 165 “It is a Terrible Responsibility” and a clue based on some evidence, I feel inclined to keep it to myself for the present. I shall only say now that I have had many long talks with Inez, in which she used to tell me a great deal about herself, and I used sometimes to amuse her with stories about myself. It is possible,” Reverend Mother went on after a pause, “that when the poor child was frantic for a hiding-place, one of my stories—which were true stories—may have come into her mind.” “When,” cried Sir Clement, “will you be able to go into this?” “I have gone some distance into it already. I have made sure of some points. You, Sir Clement, might be able to help me very much ” “I’ll do any mortal thing.” “You haven’t by any chance at the Foreign Office an expert in the—Anacondan language?” “In the Anacondan language!” Sir Clement threw up his hands. “Believe me, there ‘isn’t no sich a person’. Certainly there isn’t in the F.O.” “Oh well, it doesn’t matter. We have a nun here already well ahead.” “A nun—already well ahead ” Sir Clement gasped it. Reverend Mother spoke with quiet pride. “Yes. And she had nothing to go on but the Four Gospels as translated into Anacondan by the original Jesuit missionaries. These were found in Inez’s cubicle. Yet within a_ week 167 More Murder in a Nunnery Mother McVehoy was able to translate a corres- pondence in Anacondan which explained the whole of this case. We know now what hap- pened to Inez, and how she was saved. We know how this Diego hid himself and how he kept in touch. We know, though it is all but unbelievable, how he got her out of the house on the night it was attacked. It remains now to see where he took her.” “And what, if I may ask,” said Sir Clement, “does this prodigy of yours—this woman who can learn Anacondan in a week—do with her- self in a general way?” “Oh, Mother McVehoy? Well, she takes all the Senior French ” “Schoolgirl French! A woman like that! Why, she ought to be a professor in a univer- sity ” “Well,” said Reverend Mother, “she was.” “\'Vas?” cried Sir Clement, eating his mous- tache. “Why isn’t she now?” “Well, she still writes books—and reads a paper now and then to some learned society. But you see,” said Reverend Mother in almost an apologetic voice, “she found she had a vocation.” “Pshaw!” cried Sir Clement, springing to his feet. And fond as he was of Reverend Mother, and long as it was since he had seen her, no persua- sions of hers could get him to stay to tea. 168 Reverend Mother Takes a Day Of “The car is all right,” Olive said. “It’s the best at the station. It’s Oliver’s—I mean the Superintendent’s—but when he heard it was you he lent it at once.” Reverend Mother smiled and patted Olive’s shoulder. “Please give him my best thanks. Wasn’t he the officer who went upstairs with Mr. MacTavish when they might have been blown to pieces?” “Yes. And he was first in the chapel after you and Mother Assistant ” “He is—a friend of yours?” Olive’s eyes were downcast as she answered. “Yes, Reverend Mother.” “And would like to be something more, eh? Well, tell him your Reverend Mother gives her permission. And now about the driver?” “The driver is me.” “ My child. And you have such slender arms. Does Oliver really approve of this?” “Well, it’s his car. And he taught me to drive—and he always lets me drive when I go out with him ” “And you have taken the driving-test?” “One has to, you know, Reverend Mother. Whatever should I as a policeman have to say to myself?” “Well, I shall be delighted, my dear.” And Reverend Mother put her hand on Olive’s shoulder. Quite a crowd of nuns and children had gathered to see Reverend Mother off. Mother 171 Reverend Mother Takes a Day Of “Perfect,” Olive said. Reverend Mother looked pleased. “I find it quite easy when Mother McVehoy isn’t telling me how. I was always like that, I am afraid. When people start being scientific about things, talking about ‘uvulas’ and ‘fleshy processes’ and so on, I am hopeless.” She went on: “I am glad you thought it good, because, you know, we have definitely got to find Inez to-day. If we don’t her father may arrive in her absence, and that would be so terribly disappointing for him.” “I only hope we shall,” Olive said, feeling, however, very slight confidence. Soon afterwards they arrived at the charming little New Forest town of Lyndhurst. 173 CHAPTER XXVIII “ GRACE ” 7 OLIVE s spirits suffered a further declension as, entering the town, she drew up at a corner of the market-place. Owing to the fine weather there were many people in the streets and good business being done in the shops. There were cars in plenty, telling of the well-populated neighbourhood all about. Every corner directed to some part of the Forest, and Olive could not see that Inez was likely to be in one more than another. Cer- tainly she and Reverend Mother could not hope to visit more than a few. “Where had we better go now?” she inquired rather disconsolately of Reverend Mother. “There are such heaps of ways.” “And all so well worth visiting,” said Reverend Mother, rather with the air of a tripper visiting the Forest for the first time. Olive looked at her almost with hostility. There were times when Reverend Mother’s detachment could be very aggravating. “Yes. But what about Inez?” Olive said. “ Don’t worry about her, dear. If she is here at all, I think we shall be guided to the right place.” 174 “ Grace” Yes. But hadn’t we better be setting about it? The days are not very long in November.” “No, they are not, are they? We are getting along to the shortest day and Christmas. Do you know, my dear, I think I shall go into the back of the car and eat my sandwiches. I should advise you to do the same in front.” So saying, she gave Olive a neat little packet of sand- wiches and a small Thermos, herself retiring to the back with the same. When Reverend Mother had finished her lunch—and she was in no hurry—she packed away the paper and the flasks in her bag again. “Well,” she said, “I think we might be going. Myself, I have a fancy for the Lymington road. Long ago when I was a little girl and used to drive about here with my grandmother I was always glad when she chose the Lymington road. It was a charming drive in the direction of Lymington—in the old days of carriages and horses. I should be glad to do it again—after all these years ” Olive kept her temper with difficulty. “But—but is the Lymington road the best for finding Inez?” she said, almost fretfully. “ Oh, I should think so. I shouldn’t wonder. We mustn’t go fast, or I shall miss all the old places. My grandmother used to use a victoria, and I sat up beside the coachman dangling my legs.” A glance at Reverend Mother’s profile as they took the Lymington road revealed nothing but perfect tranquillity and pleased anticipation. C‘ 175 More Murder in a Nunnery Why can’t she speak outright?’ Olive chafed. “A lovely day for this time of the year,” Reverend Mother was murmuring. ‘Really—these nuns !’ Olive drove slowly and sulkily along the road to Lymington, Reverend Mother sitting up very straight beside her and missing no feature of the way. Again and again she exclaimed at the beauty of the country and commented on some incident of her own childhood. “It was just here the coachman would always inquire if Grandmamma wished to turn back. Oh, how I did hope she would say no. But little girls were not asked what they would like in those days. Really, dear, if you don’t mind, I think I should like to get out here for a moment and breathe the air again.” Olive drew up and opened the door for Reverend Mother. She was thinking: ‘By all means have a breath of the air. It’s what we seem to have come for. It will help the time nicely on until we have to go back.’ Reverend Mother, now outside the car, was renewing her youth. “Dear me, what an adventure! Grand- mamma was very strict. There was no moving her as ‘Just such another as yourself,’ Olive was thinking. ‘Like grandmother, like grandchild. Where on earth is she going now?’ Reverend Mother was across the road and sauntering off into a glade. 176 More Murder in a .Nunnery= She slightly quickened her step. “Inez may have remembered,” she said. “At any rate, I thought it worth trying. The pro- perty,” she added, “still belongs to the family, and I believe my brother has made rather a point of keeping it private. After all, why not? He has served his country very well. Of course I am prejudiced, but I do think landowners are entitled to keep a little.” ‘And you’ve had all this inside that bonnet of yours all this time!’ Olive thought. She was now intensely excited. Reverend Mother went on quietly speaking. “However, that is not the point. I mention it because if those two did come here it was open and waiting for them. It is well stocked with tinned foods and cereals. There is water to be had close at hand. And,” she added, “here is the place.” As she spoke a turn in the wooded aisle where they were walking revealed the bungalow. Or perhaps hardly revealed it, for it was small and low-lying, made of wood, and painted so as to assort with its surroundings. It might very easily have been passed by and never noticed. Reverend Mother was explaining. “In the old days,” she said, “when it was just a playhouse for children, it was called ‘Grace’s Rainproof’—after me. My name is Grace. It did not matter for my brothers when it rained, but I had to take care of my frocks. Ah,” she broke off, as she advanced to the little gate in the fence, 178 “ Grace” ‘L it is still called by the old name. How it comes over the years. He was always the dearest and kindest of brothers.” An almost unearthly silence brooded around, like the silence which falls upon a garden when bedtime ends the play of happy children. Olive was subdued. Reverend Mother seemed en- tranced. I “I/Vhat shall wc do?” Olive whispered. Reverend Mother did not reply: instead, standing where she was by the little gate, she clearly and perfectly sounded the sacred aspirate. “Inez,” she gently called, “Inez ” Nothing happened. Not an old leaf quivered of the many about to fall. Olive could have imagined that the silence was being held by some force. “Inez ” called Reverend Mother. Then there was a sound. From behind them, an almost inaudible stir. Reverend Mother did not turn round, but Olive did. And there, sure enough, stood a young man whom she recognized at once, from the descriptions and the photographs she had seen, to be the man called Juan Copanza. He spoke to her in French. “Pardon, ma’moiselle, if I make trespass. It was not my intention. I was passing by and I see the little house ” “Will you not speak to Reverend Mother?” Olive said, also in French. “ I will not intrude. I will go now. A thousand pardons ” I 79 More Murder in a Nunnery But Reverend Mother had turned round. “Diego,” she said, “where is the sefiorita?” But still he kept it up. “Pardon, madame. But perhaps there is some little error. I would very gladly serve you, but I am a stranger in these parts—in this England. It is impossible that I am a person madame would know.” “Perhaps,” replied Reverend Mother, “there is no error at all. Perhaps you know who I am and what I have come about as well as I do. You have done very well, Diego. But there is no more reason for disguise. All the danger is past. You have committed no crime. I have come to fetch the sefiorita because,” her voice rose to gentle command, “her father is coming to see her.” But his face showed not a sign. “ I do not understandi-” “Yes, you do, Diego. Be quick now and do what I tell you.” He would have denied again. But now it mattered little whether he did or no, for another’s ear had overheard Reverend Mother’s words, and another’s voice made answer. “Oh, Reverend Muzzer. Did you say my fazzer is coming? Did you say my fazzer?” And Inez stood, glowing, beside them. 180 More Murder in a Nunnery When they were gone, Diego, who had held apart in silence, approached Olive and spoke. “Pardon, lady, but you are the police, is it not?” Olive found herself flushing, and most unwil- ling to make the admission. “I am—connected—with the police. But- I am not on duty just now.” He looked crestfallen. “Perhaps you—become on duty—if I tell you I am the gardener-man Juan Copanza, which is ‘wanted’ by de police for shooting de man on de dump.” “I am afraid I must warn you,” Olive said, and got out her notebook, “that anything you say about that may be taken down and used against you.” “So I t’ink,” he replied. “But yet I wish to say that I kill that man. I do so because he has tried to kill other person, and is about to try again.” Olive made notes. “Can you remember the day of this, and where it was? And your name? And the other person’s name? And if your name is not Juan Copanza do not say it is.” He gave what Olive knew to be the right answers as to date, time and place. The “other person” was, of course, Inez. But he hesitated and seemed most unwilling to give his right name. “ I have heard Inez call you Diego,” Olive said. “Perhaps I am what you call ‘snob’,” he replied. “Perhaps I do not like to work as 182 More Murder in a Nunnery “I thought,” Diego said, “if I put de brown paper on de body that would make it all right. In Anaconda dc brown paper mean it is a mur- derer which has been killed. In Anaconda it is twice and three times to be a murderer to shoot with the poison b1owgun.” “I am not surprised. But don’t you think your best plan both for Inez and yourself would have been to tell Reverend Mother the whole story and let her take steps to protect you both?” “I do not know if she will believe me. I am, after all, only the gardener. And it all come so sudden. Before I know I am almost off my head. So nearly dey succeed. I cannot keep in touch with Inez. I am in peril also of my own life. Not that I mind this for myself, but if I am dead my beloved also will die. No, lady, no: your scheme to tell all to de Reverend Mother break down at every point.” “I think what you did was marvellous,” Olive said. “God bless de sweet soul of her. She is standing,” he cried, “like dis ” And he perfectly acted the child’s expectation of instant death. “And dat man, which is also a snake, is crouching, crouching right down on de ground, preparing his second dart. Dis I see, lady, all at a glance. I know dat nothing can save her but dis man’s destruction. Is he a man? I cry out to alarm him and make him again blow wrong. His back is towards me, and I shoot 184 In the End into him—where I know it will kill—two bullets —zip, zip ” Olive found herself shaking with reliefi “Is—is it—painful, the poison?” “For a moment, lady—-agony ” He told Olive then how he had taken Inez up to the house, keeping her in among the bushes, trying to comfort her, to explain to her his plans which she was too utterly dazed to understand. “De nun is very cross, and I see Inez crying. My heart is quite broken. But as I go away a gentle voice speak in my ear. It is dat Sister Ursula, and she say, ‘I guess dere is danger for Miss Inez, and you are on her side.’ I deny at first, but I am so lonely and so 1nis’able I tell a little. And de Sister say, ‘I also am on her side, and on your side, and all I can do to help I will do.’ \ “And so it is arranged between us—the Sister Ursula and myself. “And de Sister is good as her word. It is she dat come to my hut in de dark and fog and danger to tell me dey have moved Inez to de New Building. And she never betray dat I am hidden at my hut, but bring food whenever she can. “She warn me to come and wait outside de New Building until I see a light at a window. “Dere is a great fire in the chapel, and all de nuns are needed to put it out. So Sister Ursula go quick to de nun which is with Inez, and she 185 In the End tended to be a gardener so as to come here and look after Inez. She said you were noble, good and brave ” “Bless her. I am none of these t’ings. But I am certainly a del Sagrad y Sole. I am not—- how does he so abominably call hisself?—a Turtle.” And at this point Diego burst out laughing. “Pardon, dear lady, dat I laugh so much, but how can I help when I t’ink how you give dis old Turtle de good tickle off ” Olive found him entirely charming; he was gay, ingenuous and debonair, dividing his eager speech between the glory which was Inez and the grandeur which was the New Anaconda. “You also, dear lady—will you not come to de New Anaconda? I cannot describe to you de beauty of dat country or de excellence of de new humane institutions which de Hazh Bazh design. Dere is nuzzing which would give him so more pleasure dan de refined observa- tions of English lady—if she would give some talks perhaps about how t’ings are done in England. Oh,” cried Diego, “I feel if once you have seen dc jungle, never will you wish to absent yourself from its fascinations. Imagine seeing a python of twenty-five feet long!” ‘And imagine it seeing me!’ Olive thought. But Diego got well away on the subject of “dc excellence of de New Institutions”, which, if they could be carried out, did really sound like a measure of freedom for poor old Anaconda 187 In the End . think my man—would rather like it.—Only,” she suddenly broke off, “for goodness’ sake don’t take him into jungles ” Diego swept her an operatic bow. “Now will de Hazh Bazh be indeed a proud and happy man—to have a great Englishman and a beautiful Englishwoman to spend deir honeymoon with him in Anaconda! Now is dc freedom of Anaconda assured. De Hazh Bazh will do what your husband say, de people will do what de Hazh Bazh say, and at once we shall have London in Lilitha!” They could have gone on indefinitely but that Olive at this moment was hugged round the waist by Inez and the voice of Reverend Mother was heard in the land. . Inez never missed an opportunity of showing off her accomplishments before Reverend Mother, and so she dropped a curtsey and said: “Il faut partir, monsieur et ma’moiselle.” “ C’est dommage, n’est-ce pas?” said Reverend Mother. “And oh,” Olive cried, “how dark it’s got. I shall never be back in time—and I faithfully promised Oliver to have dinner with him ” Diego also saw the necessity of haste. “You must indeed keep such an appointment”—and picking up Inez, whom it had now become his habit to carry, he vanished at a run in the direction of the car. “It is a pity the same thing cannot be done for me,” said Reverend Mother to Olive. 189 A/[ore Murder in a Nunnery G46 Grace’ would have been there first, and scolded for romping.” She paused for a last look at the little house. “Well, I never thought to be back here again. It just shows. To think that at my age I should be stepping out like this over bumpy ground ” She stepped out, continuing to speak: “They say nuns are inhuman. But I shall miss that child every hour of the day. I like Diego, and think they will be very happy in a year or two. They have similar natures—so ingenuous and affectionate.” “It is a very pretty ending,” Olive said. “But oh, Reverend Mother, shouldn’t we thank God for pistols when we think of the—unspeak- able beginning ” “One should always thank God,” Reverend Mother said. She added, after a pause: “I suppose Diego will be in no trouble?” “An inquiry, I should suppose. Sir Andrew Pearson will attend to it.” “God bless him,” said Reverend Mother. Olive began to speak hurriedly. “ Oh—and, Reverend Mother, there was some- thing I rather wanted to tell you ” “\Vas there, dear? Tell me then.” “You remember the—man I mentioned—our local Superintendent, who went up those stairs with Mr. MacTavish and was first in the chapel after you and Mother Assistant—well, I always liked him-—he’s utterly different from other men, 190 X _ 4 -¢