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JPEG2000 files will not be processed. See for optional dependencies. Apr 05, 2021 9:00:14 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: Tesseract OCR is installed and will be automatically applied to image files unless you've excluded the TesseractOCRParser from the default parser. Tesseract may dramatically slow down content extraction (TIKA-2359). As of Tika 1.15 (and prior versions), Tesseract is automatically called. In future versions of Tika, users may need to turn the TesseractOCRParser on via TikaConfig. Apr 05, 2021 9:00:14 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: org.xerial's sqlite-jdbc is not loaded. Please provide the jar on your classpath to parse sqlite files. See tika-parsers/pom.xml for the correct version. INFO Starting Apache Tika 1.24.1 server INFO Setting the server's publish address to be http://localhost:9998/ INFO Logging initialized @3390ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog INFO jetty-9.4.27.v20200227; built: 2020-02-27T18:37:21.340Z; git: a304fd9f351f337e7c0e2a7c28878dd536149c6c; jvm 1.8.0_281-b09 INFO Started ServerConnector@3e74829{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:9998} INFO Started @3503ms WARN Empty contextPath INFO Started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler@51fadaff{/,null,AVAILABLE} INFO Started Apache Tika server at http://localhost:9998/ INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO 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Unicode mapping for C67 (7) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (7) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (8) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (9) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (10) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (11) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (13) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (14) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (15) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (16) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (17) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (18) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (19) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (27) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (28) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (29) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (30) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (31) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C40 (32) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (33) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (34) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (35) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (36) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (37) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (38) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (39) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (40) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (8) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (9) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (10) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (11) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C85 (12) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font QYWIOQ+AdvPSSym WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (41) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (42) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (43) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (44) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (45) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (46) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C91 (47) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C93 (48) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30197 (30197) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (49) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (50) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (51) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (52) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (53) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C45 (54) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (55) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C37 (56) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (57) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (58) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (59) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (9) in font Helvetica WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C96 (60) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (61) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27117 (27117) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (62) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25597 (25597) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C163 (63) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30445 (30445) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23541 (23541) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29677 (29677) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (64) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (65) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31478 (31478) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (66) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (67) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: fina < medi WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29685 (29685) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (68) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C59 (69) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C113 (70) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (71) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (72) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33017 (33017) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30205 (30205) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (73) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (74) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C35 (2) in font NMFHLK+AdvPi3 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (2) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (3) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (4) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (5) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (6) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (7) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (8) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (9) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (11) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (12) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (13) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (14) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (15) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (16) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (17) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (18) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (19) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (20) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (21) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (22) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (23) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (24) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (25) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (26) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (27) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (28) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (29) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (2) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (3) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (4) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (13) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C40 (30) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (31) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (32) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (33) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (5) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (6) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (7) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (8) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23546 (23546) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C43 (75) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C64 (76) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (2) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (4) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (5) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (6) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (7) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (8) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (9) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (11) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font ALPLMP+AdvT001 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33773 (33773) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26100 (26100) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (1) in font JEHEKG+AdvP4C4E59 WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font JEHELH+AdvT001 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C33 (77) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (49) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 23 (73) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 45 (110) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 50 (116) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 48 (114) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 46 (111) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 36 (100) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 51 (117) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 35 (99) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 41 (105) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33521 (33521) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for 34 (73) in font TTdcr10 FILE: cache/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C47 (78) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for 73 (116) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 62 (105) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 72 (115) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 76 (119) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 57 (100) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 58 (101) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 65 (108) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 78 (121) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 71 (114) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 56 (99) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 68 (111) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 60 (103) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 67 (110) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 79 (122) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 61 (104) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 54 (97) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 59 (102) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 74 (117) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (44) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 69 (112) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 66 (109) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 75 (118) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 6 (40) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 43 (82) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (38) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 29 (68) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (41) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (46) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (50) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (48) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (49) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 46 (85) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 44 (83) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 55 (98) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (36) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (52) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (56) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (53) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 41 (80) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 38 (77) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 26 (65) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 15 (51) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 30 (69) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (67) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (37) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 32 (71) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (54) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 35 (74) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (55) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 33 (72) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (45) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 64 (107) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 83 (147) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 84 (148) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 77 (120) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 80 (133) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 45 (84) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 21 (57) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 23 (59) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 85 (162) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 70 (113) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 48 (87) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (2) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (4) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (34) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (35) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (36) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (37) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (2) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (3) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (1) in font GKCDAP+KcgypvAdvP4C4E74 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (87) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (97) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (108) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 15 (83) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 35 (116) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 33 (114) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 22 (101) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (74) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 31 (111) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 36 (117) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 30 (110) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 40 (79) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 31 (70) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 86 (164) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for f_i (31) in font AZSXEB+NewsGothicMTOT-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for f_f (30) in font AZSXEB+NewsGothicMTOT-Regular FILE: cache/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (1) in font LBGDFN+AdvP4C4E59 WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font LBGDHP+AdvT001 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *½Å¸í-Å°íµñ-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_ozwf3wzrmvgvpdjjcdjbgncuki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ozwf3wzrmvgvpdjjcdjbgncuki.txt FILE: cache/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30449 (30449) in font *½Å¸í-½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.txt FILE: cache/work_i34ipuzo3bflbn2iwskoobckaa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i34ipuzo3bflbn2iwskoobckaa.txt FILE: cache/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (1) in font ALPMIL+AdvP4C4E59 FILE: cache/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.txt FILE: cache/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.txt FILE: cache/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.txt FILE: cache/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.txt FILE: cache/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.txt FILE: cache/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (12) in font TimesNewRoman,Italic FILE: cache/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.txt FILE: cache/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (1) in font TimesNewRoman,Italic WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for Th (3) in font GJAIMH+AndulkaBookPro-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (1) in font TimesNewRoman,Italic FILE: cache/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.txt FILE: cache/work_b3t4uqlrxvgodj2hccd7sntiua.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_b3t4uqlrxvgodj2hccd7sntiua.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.txt FILE: cache/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.txt FILE: cache/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.txt FILE: cache/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 47 (86) in font TTdcr10 FILE: cache/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 81 (135) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 90 (237) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 63 (106) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for C81 (79) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (14) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (15) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (20) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (21) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (22) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (2) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (3) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (4) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (5) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (23) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (24) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (25) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (26) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (27) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (28) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (6) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (4) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (9) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (11) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (13) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (14) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (15) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (16) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (17) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (18) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (19) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (20) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (21) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (22) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (23) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (24) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (25) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (26) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (27) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (28) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (29) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (30) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (31) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (32) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (33) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (25) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (26) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (38) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (39) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (40) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (41) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (42) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (43) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (44) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C113 (45) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (2) in font NMFIBP+AdvPi1 WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (46) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (47) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (48) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C59 (49) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (50) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (51) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (52) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (53) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (54) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (27) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (55) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for K4E (0) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K6F (2) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K6E (3) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K43 (4) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K68 (5) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K65 (6) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K6D (7) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K69 (8) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K63 (9) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K61 (10) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K6C (11) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K4F (12) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K72 (13) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K67 (14) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K73 (15) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K50 (16) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K70 (17) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K75 (18) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K74 (19) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K45 (20) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K79 (21) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K49 (22) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K78 (23) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K76 (24) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K48 (25) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K42 (26) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K53 (27) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K41 (28) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K62 (29) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K4D (30) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K64 (31) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K2F (32) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K77 (33) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K66 (34) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K56 (35) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K2D (36) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K47 (37) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for K44 (38) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (28) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 FILE: cache/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.txt FILE: cache/work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma.txt FILE: cache/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.txt FILE: cache/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.txt FILE: cache/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.txt FILE: cache/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.txt FILE: cache/work_ur5wwnmsz5euniypp5wuiwhbcu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ur5wwnmsz5euniypp5wuiwhbcu.txt FILE: cache/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.txt FILE: cache/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.txt FILE: 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Unicode mapping for C1 (5) in font IGJJPM+FqrttpAdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font QKRTJM+Cambria FILE: cache/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.txt FILE: cache/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.txt FILE: cache/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (12) in font TimesNewRoman,Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (12) in font TimesNewRoman INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.txt FILE: cache/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (50) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 31 (84) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 40 (104) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 37 (101) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 25 (77) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 43 (108) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (49) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (58) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 37 (120) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (59) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (91) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (48) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (93) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (40) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (94) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (104) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 6 (41) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (50) in font cmsy10 FILE: cache/work_7wla4amdyjddbelvd4g2aiqvq4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7wla4amdyjddbelvd4g2aiqvq4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (62) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (61) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 23 (98) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (16) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 2 (0) in font cmsy10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 30 (108) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (106) in font cmsy10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (17) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 22 (120) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (94) in font cmr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (58) in font cmmi10 FILE: cache/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.txt FILE: cache/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.txt FILE: cache/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.txt FILE: cache/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.txt FILE: cache/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.txt 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msbm10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (43) in font cmr8 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 50 (89) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (98) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 2 (0) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (104) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (48) in font cmr7 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (108) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (1) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (99) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (21) in font cmsy10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 6 (48) in font cmr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (91) in font cmr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (59) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (49) in font cmr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (93) in font cmr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 6 (20) in font cmsy10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (77) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (105) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (110) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (8) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (9) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (46) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 39 (78) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (51) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (80) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 49 (115) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 47 (112) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 38 (102) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 21 (68) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 39 (103) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (109) in font cmr8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (97) in font cmr8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (120) in font cmr8 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Symbol' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (43) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (60) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (97) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 23 (108) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 21 (126) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (50) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (52) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 27 (79) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 44 (109) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 33 (97) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 55 (121) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (77) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (2) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (3) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 22 (105) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 24 (110) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (116) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 27 (103) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (112) in font cmsy10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 31 (121) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (84) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 25 (104) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 32 (112) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 26 (105) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 29 (109) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (99) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 21 (100) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 34 (115) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (3) in font cmsy8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 23 (102) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 41 (133) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (5) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 38 (119) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (58) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 29 (82) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (58) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (73) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 24 (103) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (98) in font TTdcti10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 34 (98) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 6 (46) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (50) in font cmr8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (51) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (18) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (19) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 27 (107) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 37 (118) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (44) in font TTdcti10 FILE: cache/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.txt FILE: cache/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.txt FILE: cache/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.txt FILE: 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WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (54) in font cmr8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (53) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (54) in font cmr12 FILE: cache/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (53) in font cmr8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (52) in font cmr12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (77) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (82) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (40) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (41) in font TTdcti10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (54) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 52 (118) in font TTdcbx10 FILE: cache/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 8 (67) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (83) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (121) in font cmmi7 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Symbol' WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (2) in font FPFNBP+LCIRCLEW10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 25 (111) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 26 (112) in font cmmi8 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 10 (67) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 13 (83) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (87) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (87) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (61) in font cmmi12 WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (55) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (65) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font 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(20) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (62) in font cmmi10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (40) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (41) in font TTdcbx10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 15 (56) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (11) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (85) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (20) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 15 (21) in font cmex10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (11) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 35 (115) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 9 (64) in font cmmi8 WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (49) in font cmr6 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (79) in font cmmi12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (97) in font cmmi10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 26 (78) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 53 (119) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 56 (122) in font TTdcbx10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (57) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 52 (91) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 53 (93) in font TTdcr10 WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored WARN No Unicode mapping for 42 (81) in font TTdcr10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 24 (63) in font TTdcr10 FILE: cache/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 7 (48) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 54 (120) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 32 (90) in font TTdcbx10 WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (1) in font cmbx12 WARN No Unicode mapping for 5 (108) in font cmbx12 FILE: cache/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.txt FILE: 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cache/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.txt FILE: cache/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.txt FILE: cache/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.txt FILE: cache/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.txt FILE: cache/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.txt FILE: cache/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.txt FILE: cache/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.txt FILE: cache/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.txt FILE: cache/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.txt FILE: 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No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.txt FILE: cache/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.txt FILE: cache/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font AJKCUO+AdvPSSym FILE: cache/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.txt FILE: cache/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.txt FILE: cache/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.txt FILE: cache/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.txt FILE: cache/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Object (7:0) at offset 1467 does not end with 'endobj' but with '8 0 obj' WARN Object (12:0) at offset 3440 does not end with 'endobj' but with '13 0 obj' WARN Object (17:0) at offset 5029 does not end with 'endobj' but with '18 0 obj' WARN Object (22:0) at offset 6549 does not end with 'endobj' but with '23 0 obj' WARN Object (27:0) at offset 7668 does not end with 'endobj' but with '28 0 obj' WARN Object (32:0) at offset 8439 does not end with 'endobj' but with '33 0 obj' WARN Object (37:0) at offset 9244 does not end with 'endobj' but with '38 0 obj' WARN Object (42:0) at offset 10018 does not end with 'endobj' but with '43 0 obj' WARN Object (47:0) at offset 10823 does not end with 'endobj' but with '48 0 obj' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'CourierNewPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.txt FILE: cache/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.txt FILE: cache/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.txt FILE: cache/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (1) in font MNMLHD+AdvP4C4E74 FILE: cache/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.txt FILE: cache/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (2) in font JONAAO+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (2) in font JONAED+AdvT042 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.txt FILE: cache/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.txt FILE: cache/work_6wqbmid5avg5djw7lmkx5xgt6e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6wqbmid5avg5djw7lmkx5xgt6e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.txt FILE: cache/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.txt FILE: cache/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.txt FILE: cache/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.txt FILE: cache/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.txt FILE: cache/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.txt FILE: cache/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.txt FILE: cache/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.txt FILE: cache/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.txt FILE: cache/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.txt FILE: cache/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.txt FILE: cache/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.txt FILE: cache/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (1) in font OGIJGE+AdvP4C4E74 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.txt FILE: cache/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_i2f62cwhcnfpnaqeefxdxszm7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i2f62cwhcnfpnaqeefxdxszm7a.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for vextendsingle (12) in font OXYHMX+LMMathExtension10-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for integraldisplay (90) in font OXYHMX+LMMathExtension10-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for parenleftBigg (32) in font OXYHMX+LMMathExtension10-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for parenrightBigg (33) in font OXYHMX+LMMathExtension10-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for integraltext (82) in font OXYHMX+LMMathExtension10-Regular FILE: cache/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.txt FILE: cache/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.txt FILE: cache/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.txt FILE: cache/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.txt FILE: cache/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.txt FILE: cache/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font BZMPCC+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font SMRMZN+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font OEBPUU+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font MSURTH+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font DNQFPS+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font XQRGHH+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font XQNYGG+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font CNWIGF+CambriaMath INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font GUPJYO+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font KAPOLR+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font RRKMAZ+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font ZSUHXC+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font NLFIPF+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font GTTKKT+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font UBYUKU+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font SFMFAE+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font JANWTE+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font EPJQMZ+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font FGWFBO+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font AISEZT+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font JFJUCF+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font MTOZQA+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font LPUGDC+CambriaMath INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font BJCBIL+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font XRMGPA+CambriaMath INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (1) in font IJNADB+AdvP4C4E74 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C3 (2) in font IJNADB+AdvP4C4E74 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C21 (3) in font IJNADB+AdvP4C4E74 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for H11005 (2) in font OFLHEF+Universal-GreekwithMathPi INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialUnicodeMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (1) in font PEHOOL+AdvP697C FILE: cache/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.txt FILE: cache/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.txt FILE: cache/work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.txt FILE: cache/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.txt FILE: cache/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.txt FILE: cache/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.txt FILE: cache/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.txt FILE: cache/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.txt FILE: cache/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.txt FILE: cache/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.txt FILE: cache/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for H9273 (1) in font IEKOFL+MathematicalPi-One WARN No Unicode mapping for H9273 (1) in font IEKOFL+MathematicalPi-One FILE: cache/work_cpy5whh5dzehviugzwsedj6s2m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cpy5whh5dzehviugzwsedj6s2m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.txt FILE: cache/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.txt FILE: cache/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font HGOGEA+MTSY FILE: cache/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.txt FILE: cache/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font MHNIFG+MTSY FILE: cache/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.txt WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.txt FILE: cache/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.txt FILE: cache/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.txt FILE: cache/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font EHHHPM+AdvT001 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C18 (1) in font EHHNHO+AdvP4C4E59 WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (3) in font EHHNHO+AdvP4C4E59 FILE: cache/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_nevtsdrxwrctdc3mxdstxpid64.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nevtsdrxwrctdc3mxdstxpid64.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.txt FILE: cache/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.txt FILE: cache/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+192 (192) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font ArialNarrow-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1499 (1499) in font MNGBNH+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font PABUPM+AdvPSSym FILE: cache/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+191 (191) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+11 (11) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+28 (28) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+91 (91) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+179 (179) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+180 (180) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+182 (182) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+182 (182) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+191 (191) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+180 (180) in font Arial-ItalicMT-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_q2vcqglplbb53cdillzvxp2yxe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q2vcqglplbb53cdillzvxp2yxe.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.txt FILE: cache/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.txt FILE: cache/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.txt WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Could not read embedded TTF for font ABCDEE+SegoeUI-BoldItalic Kerning sub-table too short, got 3 bytes, expect 6 or more. at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.KerningSubtable.readSubtable0( at at at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont.readTable( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parseTables( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont.( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFontFactory.createFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources.getFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.operator.text.SetFontAndSize.process( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processOperator( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStreamOperators( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStream( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processPage( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.LegacyPDFStreamEngine.processPage( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper.processPage( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDF2XHTML.processPage( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.AbstractPDF2XHTML.processPages( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper.writeText( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDF2XHTML.process( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.AutoDetectParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.RecursiveParserWrapper.parse( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.TikaResource.parse( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.RecursiveMetadataResource.parseMetadata( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.RecursiveMetadataResource.getMetadata( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.performInvocation( at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$ at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage( at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept( at org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPDestination.doService( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.lambda$handle$1( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.dispatch( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable( at$ReadCallback.succeeded( at at$ at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.runTask( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.tryProduce( at at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$ at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ at WARN No Unicode mapping for 100 (84) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 346 (104) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'ABCDEE+SegoeUI-BoldItalic' WARN No Unicode mapping for 286 (101) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 87 (80) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 396 (114) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 400 (115) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 381 (111) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 374 (110) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 258 (97) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 367 (108) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 349 (105) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 410 (116) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 894 (40) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (65) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 272 (99) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 282 (100) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 373 (109) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 882 (45) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 895 (41) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 855 (58) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 116 (87) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 455 (121) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (67) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 271 (98) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 437 (117) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 62 (76) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 448 (118) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 296 (102) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 336 (103) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 845 (63) in font OQNMNQ+Calibri-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for 47 (73) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 374 (110) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 410 (116) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 396 (114) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 381 (111) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 282 (100) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 437 (117) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 272 (99) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 349 (105) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 855 (58) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 116 (87) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 258 (97) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 455 (121) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 400 (115) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 296 (102) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (67) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 286 (101) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 454 (120) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 367 (108) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 336 (103) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 100 (84) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 346 (104) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for 116 (87) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 346 (104) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 258 (97) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 410 (116) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 373 (109) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 349 (105) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 336 (103) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 271 (98) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 286 (101) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 367 (108) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 396 (114) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 374 (110) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 282 (100) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 853 (44) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 296 (102) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 381 (111) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 455 (121) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 272 (99) in font 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mapping for 4 (65) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 395 (113) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 100 (84) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 346 (104) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 286 (101) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 381 (111) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 367 (108) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 336 (103) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 455 (121) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 282 (100) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 258 (97) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (69) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 882 (45) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 856 (46) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 100 (84) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 364 (107) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 894 (40) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 895 (41) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 845 (63) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 47 (73) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 460 (122) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 87 (80) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 361 (106) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 393 (112) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 396 (114) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 349 (105) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 373 (109) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 296 (102) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 272 (99) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 854 (59) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 18 (67) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 437 (117) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 24 (68) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 410 (116) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 400 (115) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 918 (39) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1007 (51) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 374 (110) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 448 (118) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 853 (44) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 68 (77) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 39 (71) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 115 (86) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1011 (55) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1008 (52) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 876 (47) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1012 (56) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 44 (72) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 94 (83) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 58 (74) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 1013 (57) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1009 (53) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 75 (79) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 454 (120) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 62 (76) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 87 (80) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 24 (68) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 855 (58) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 39 (71) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 855 (58) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 4 (65) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (1) in font OGEKPD+WhcmxrAdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (66) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 122 (89) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 115 (86) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic FILE: cache/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.txt WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font YMUTDJ+Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for 90 (82) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 395 (113) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic FILE: cache/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (69) in font MXTVIL+Calibri-BoldItalic FILE: cache/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.txt FILE: cache/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 890 (95) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 1089 (61) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 920 (38) in font QNGQDD+Calibri FILE: cache/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.txt FILE: cache/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 449 (119) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 62 (76) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 60 (75) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 47 (73) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 271 (98) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 90 (82) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 58 (74) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 44 (72) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 104 (85) in font QNGQDD+Calibri FILE: cache/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 69 (78) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic FILE: cache/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.txt FILE: cache/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.txt FILE: cache/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.txt FILE: cache/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.txt FILE: cache/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 291 (235) in font QNGQDD+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 856 (46) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for 291 (235) in font PDIWCF+Calibri-Italic FILE: cache/work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa.pdf OUTPUT: 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gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.txt FILE: cache/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.txt FILE: cache/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.txt FILE: cache/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font ALMTUW+AdvPSSym FILE: cache/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.txt INFO rmeta/text 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WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font 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MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.txt FILE: cache/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.txt FILE: cache/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.txt FILE: cache/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.txt FILE: cache/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.txt FILE: 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No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.txt FILE: cache/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.pdf OUTPUT: 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(115) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a74 (74) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a66 (66) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a75 (75) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a88 (88) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a74 (74) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a66 (66) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a75 (75) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a71 (71) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a88 (88) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a72 (72) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a89 (89) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a75 (75) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a43 (43) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a124 (124) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F26 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: 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MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.txt FILE: 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Unicode mapping for H11032 (5) in font BBMCFI+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN No Unicode mapping for H11021 (6) in font BBMCFI+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN No Unicode mapping for H11022 (7) in font BBMCFI+Universal-GreekwithMathPi INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.txt FILE: cache/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (2) in font BCCKNB+AdvP4C4E74 WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text 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mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font CJDODH+AdvT001 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No 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txt/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.txt FILE: cache/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.txt FILE: cache/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 12 (37) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 11 (40) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 21 (41) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 16 (42) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (44) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (45) in font LHWQRO+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for 19 (46) in font LHWQRO+Calibri INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: 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txt/work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C23 (84) in font AdvMYR4 WARN No Unicode mapping for C229 (44) in font AdvMYR4I FILE: cache/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.txt FILE: cache/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.txt INFO rmeta/text 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MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping 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gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.txt FILE: 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gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.txt FILE: cache/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.txt FILE: cache/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.txt FILE: cache/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.txt FILE: cache/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font DKBMEF+CMSY10 FILE: cache/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.txt FILE: 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OUTPUT: txt/work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (1) in font GAHOFI+AdvSPSASORT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (2) in font GAHOFJ+AdvP4C4E59 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C18 (3) in font GAHOFJ+AdvP4C4E59 FILE: cache/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font 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No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for 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in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_7wla4amdyjddbelvd4g2aiqvq4' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (1) in font IGIMHJ+GxbnwqAdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C138 (3) in font IGIMHJ+GxbnwqAdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (1) in font IGJJPM+FqrttpAdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C3 (3) in font IGJJPM+FqrttpAdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (4) in font IGJJPM+FqrttpAdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (5) in font IGJJPM+FqrttpAdvP4C4E46 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_i34ipuzo3bflbn2iwskoobckaa.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_i34ipuzo3bflbn2iwskoobckaa' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_i34ipuzo3bflbn2iwskoobckaa' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (2) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (3) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (4) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (5) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (6) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (7) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (8) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (9) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (10) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (11) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (12) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (13) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (14) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (15) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (16) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (17) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (18) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (19) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (20) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (21) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (22) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (23) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (24) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (2) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (3) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (4) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (5) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (6) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (2) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (3) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (4) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (5) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (6) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (7) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (8) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (9) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (10) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (11) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (12) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (13) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (14) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (15) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (16) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (17) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (18) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (19) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (20) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (21) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (22) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (23) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (24) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (25) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C85 (26) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (2) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (3) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (4) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (5) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (6) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (7) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (7) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (8) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (9) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (10) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (11) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (13) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (14) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (15) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (16) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (17) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (18) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (19) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (27) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (28) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (29) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (30) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (31) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C40 (32) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (33) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (34) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (35) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (36) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (37) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (38) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (39) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (40) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (8) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (9) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (10) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (11) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C85 (12) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (41) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (42) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (43) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (44) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (45) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (46) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C91 (47) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C93 (48) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (49) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (50) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (51) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (52) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (53) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C45 (54) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (55) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C37 (56) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (57) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (58) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (59) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C96 (60) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (61) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (62) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C163 (63) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (64) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (65) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (66) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (67) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (68) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C59 (69) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C113 (70) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (71) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (72) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (73) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (74) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C35 (2) in font NMFHLK+AdvPi3 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (2) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (3) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (4) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (5) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (6) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (7) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (8) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (9) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (11) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (12) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (13) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (14) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (15) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (16) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (17) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (18) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (19) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (20) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (21) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (22) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (23) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (24) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (25) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (26) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (27) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (28) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (29) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (2) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (3) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (4) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (13) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C40 (30) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (31) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (32) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (33) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (5) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (6) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (7) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (8) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C43 (75) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C64 (76) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (2) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (4) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (5) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (6) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (7) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (8) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (9) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (11) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHLN+AdvTimes WARN No Unicode mapping for C33 (77) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C47 (78) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (2) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (4) in font NMFHNN+AdvM6961 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (34) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (35) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (36) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (37) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (2) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (3) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C81 (79) in font NMFHKI+AdvP800D WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (14) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (15) in font NMFHKJ+AdvM6941 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (20) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (21) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (22) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (2) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (3) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (4) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (5) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (23) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (24) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (25) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (26) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (27) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (28) in font NMFHKH+AdvP8010 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (6) in font NMFIAO+AdvP8013 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (4) in font NMFHOO+AdvOS2701 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (9) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (10) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (11) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (12) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (13) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (14) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (15) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (16) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (17) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (18) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (19) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (20) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (21) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (22) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (23) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (24) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (25) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (26) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (27) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (28) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (29) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (30) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (31) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (32) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (33) in font NMFHLM+AdvM6901 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (25) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (26) in font NMFHJH+AdvM6931 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (38) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (39) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (40) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (41) in font NMFHLL+AdvM6891 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 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b'work_ozwf3wzrmvgvpdjjcdjbgncuki.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ozwf3wzrmvgvpdjjcdjbgncuki' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_ozwf3wzrmvgvpdjjcdjbgncuki' work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima txt/../pos/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta txt/../wrd/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.wrd work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4 txt/../pos/work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4.pos work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta txt/../ent/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.ent work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima txt/../ent/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.ent work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta txt/../pos/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.pos work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy txt/../wrd/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.wrd work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy txt/../pos/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.pos work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4 txt/../ent/work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4.ent work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq txt/../wrd/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.wrd work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq txt/../ent/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.ent work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee txt/../wrd/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.wrd work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima txt/../wrd/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.wrd work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy txt/../ent/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.ent work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy txt/../wrd/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.wrd work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy txt/../pos/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.pos work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee txt/../pos/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.pos work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq txt/../pos/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.pos work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq txt/../wrd/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.wrd work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 txt/../pos/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.pos work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq txt/../pos/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.pos work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4 txt/../wrd/work_slpd7qlr3rcrlhqwqyume3yrw4.wrd work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 txt/../wrd/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.wrd work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4 txt/../wrd/work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4.wrd work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi txt/../pos/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.pos work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi txt/../wrd/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.wrd work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy txt/../ent/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.ent work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4 txt/../pos/work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4.pos work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 txt/../ent/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.ent work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu txt/../wrd/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.wrd work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee txt/../ent/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.ent work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu txt/../pos/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.pos work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4 txt/../ent/work_huo3xmapqvbgrbxhmpg344nvy4.ent work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq 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version=1.5 dc:subject adaptation,adaptation,Theater,Angélica Liddell,Angélica Liddell,art,art,féminisme,feminism,Nathaniel Hawthorne,Nathaniel Hawthorne,lettre,letter,monologue,monologue,performance,performance,provocation,provocation,puritanism,puritanisme,theatre,théâtre,transgression,transgression dc:title Miranda, 19 | 2019 dcterms:created 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z dcterms:modified 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z meta:author Aliette Ventéjoux meta:creation-date 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z meta:keyword adaptation,adaptation,Theater,Angélica Liddell,Angélica Liddell,art,art,féminisme,feminism,Nathaniel Hawthorne,Nathaniel Hawthorne,lettre,letter,monologue,monologue,performance,performance,provocation,provocation,puritanism,puritanisme,theatre,théâtre,transgression,transgression meta:save-date 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z modified 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['903', '1091', '2348', '2195', '2259', '1761', '155'] pdf:docinfo:created 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z pdf:docinfo:creator Aliette Ventéjoux pdf:docinfo:creator_tool OpenEdition pdf:docinfo:keywords adaptation,adaptation,Theater,Angélica Liddell,Angélica Liddell,art,art,féminisme,feminism,Nathaniel Hawthorne,Nathaniel Hawthorne,lettre,letter,monologue,monologue,performance,performance,provocation,provocation,puritanism,puritanisme,theatre,théâtre,transgression,transgression pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-02-16T10:21:37Z pdf:docinfo:producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 pdf:docinfo:subject Compte rendu de la pièce d’Angélica Liddell The Scarlet Letter librement inspirée du roman de Nathaniel Hawthorne.Performance review Angélica Liddell’s play The Scarlet Letter, adapted from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel. pdf:docinfo:title Miranda, 19 | 2019 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 resourceName b'work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.pdf' subject Compte rendu de la pièce d’Angélica Liddell The Scarlet Letter librement inspirée du roman de Nathaniel Hawthorne.Performance review Angélica Liddell’s play The Scarlet Letter, adapted from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel. title Miranda, 19 | 2019 xmp:CreatorTool OpenEdition xmpTPg:NPages 7 === === id: work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi author: Kat Hill title: Memories from the margins? 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rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma' === === id: work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm author: Fangwei Liu title: Mechanistic and Kinetic Study of Singlet O2 Oxidation of Methionine by On-Line Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry date: 2015 pages: 14 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.txt cache: ./cache/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-12-05T04:59:00Z Last-Modified 2015-12-16T06:38:40Z Last-Save-Date 2015-12-16T06:38:40Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 249 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true 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pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '5', '69', '19', '8', '5', '0', '0', '0'] pdfa:PDFVersion A-2b pdfaid:conformance B pdfaid:part 2 producer Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) resourceName b'work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.pdf' title 13361_2015_1237_Article 59..72 xmp:CreatorTool 3B2 Total Publishing System 8.07e/W Unicode xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:a6e4f678-4e15-42fa-aac3-4e7304eb1728 xmpMM:History:Action converted xmpMM:History:InstanceID uuid:64f228fb-4f7c-47bc-b270-ef73a6b1e665 xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent pdfToolbox xmpMM:History:When 2015-12-16T14:38:39Z xmpTPg:NPages 14 === === id: work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble author: Alberta Giorgi title: Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith date: 2020 pages: 18 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.txt cache: ./cache/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.pdf Author Alberta Giorgi and Stefania Palmisano Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-10-09T13:24:46Z Keywords women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology Last-Modified 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z Last-Save-Date 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1344 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Catholic women’s movements, networks and initiatives have a long history of advocating for an equal role in the Church—especially in the North American world. In recent years, their presence and visibility has been increasing in Europe too, also in relation to a series of initiatives and events, such as the Mary 2.0 campaign in Germany, which led to the launch of the Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) in 2019. This article focuses on the emerging discourse on women and gender promoted by the developing network of initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different European countries. After reconstructing the map and history of this network, the contribution explores its emerging discourse, drawing on a triangulation of data: key-witnesses’ interviews; the magazine Voices; social network pages and profiles. created 2020-10-09T13:24:46Z creator Alberta Giorgi and Stefania Palmisano date 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z dc:creator Alberta Giorgi and Stefania Palmisano dc:format application/pdf; version=1.7 dc:subject women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology dc:title Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith dcterms:created 2020-10-09T13:24:46Z dcterms:modified 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z meta:author Alberta Giorgi and Stefania Palmisano meta:creation-date 2020-10-09T13:24:46Z meta:keyword women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology meta:save-date 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z modified 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.7 pdf:charsPerPage ['3031', '3793', '3960', '3883', '3159', '5268', '3527', '3790', '3488', '3608', '3488', '3672', '3446', '3547', '4096', '3466', '3716', '1195'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-10-09T13:24:46Z pdf:docinfo:creator Alberta Giorgi and Stefania Palmisano pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:keywords women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-10-09T13:29:02Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Catholic women’s movements, networks and initiatives have a long history of advocating for an equal role in the Church—especially in the North American world. In recent years, their presence and visibility has been increasing in Europe too, also in relation to a series of initiatives and events, such as the Mary 2.0 campaign in Germany, which led to the launch of the Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) in 2019. This article focuses on the emerging discourse on women and gender promoted by the developing network of initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different European countries. After reconstructing the map and history of this network, the contribution explores its emerging discourse, drawing on a triangulation of data: key-witnesses’ interviews; the magazine Voices; social network pages and profiles. pdf:docinfo:title Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.pdf' subject Catholic women’s movements, networks and initiatives have a long history of advocating for an equal role in the Church—especially in the North American world. In recent years, their presence and visibility has been increasing in Europe too, also in relation to a series of initiatives and events, such as the Mary 2.0 campaign in Germany, which led to the launch of the Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) in 2019. This article focuses on the emerging discourse on women and gender promoted by the developing network of initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different European countries. After reconstructing the map and history of this network, the contribution explores its emerging discourse, drawing on a triangulation of data: key-witnesses’ interviews; the magazine Voices; social network pages and profiles. title Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 18 === === id: work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm author: Yunhwan Kim title: #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses date: 2020 pages: 20 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.txt cache: ./cache/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf Author Yunhwan Kim, Donghwi Song and Yeon Ju Lee Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z Keywords antivaccination; Instagram; hashtag activism; Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services; engagement; comment sentiment Last-Modified 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z Last-Save-Date 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 218 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject A dramatic increase has been registered in the number of social media posts in photo form as well as in hashtag activism. Hashtags, which manifest thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely, originated on Twitter, where the length of a post is limited; their use, however, has expanded into other social media services, including Instagram. Hashtags, which make it easy to find and express support for posts of interest, have been widely used for online activism, although they have been criticized for fostering confirmation bias. Moreover, hashtag activism in photo form has been relatively understudied. This research analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as an example of hashtag activism through photos. In addition, we examined how the photo features were related to public response, which was manifested via engagement and comment sentiment. The results suggest that the photos which were categorized into “text” took the largest share. It was also found that the major way of claiming was to imprint key messages that persuade people not to vaccinate with remarks from professionals on photos and provide a source of supporting information in the post text with hashtags of antivaccine intention. Various photo features showed associations with engagement and comment sentiment, but the directions of correlation were usually the opposite: these results suggest that engagement and comment sentiment are separate domains that reveal different public responses. created 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z creator Yunhwan Kim, Donghwi Song and Yeon Ju Lee date 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z dc:creator Yunhwan Kim, Donghwi Song and Yeon Ju Lee dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject antivaccination; Instagram; hashtag activism; Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services; engagement; comment sentiment dc:title #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses dcterms:created 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z dcterms:modified 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z meta:author Yunhwan Kim, Donghwi Song and Yeon Ju Lee meta:creation-date 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z meta:keyword antivaccination; Instagram; hashtag activism; Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services; engagement; comment sentiment meta:save-date 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z modified 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3094', '3859', '3735', '4111', '3453', '3740', '4391', '2617', '2366', '5864', '2862', '3114', '3800', '2411', '2913', '3986', '3791', '4119', '4038', '3822'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z pdf:docinfo:creator Yunhwan Kim, Donghwi Song and Yeon Ju Lee pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords antivaccination; Instagram; hashtag activism; Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services; engagement; comment sentiment pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-10-17T06:10:33Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject A dramatic increase has been registered in the number of social media posts in photo form as well as in hashtag activism. Hashtags, which manifest thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely, originated on Twitter, where the length of a post is limited; their use, however, has expanded into other social media services, including Instagram. Hashtags, which make it easy to find and express support for posts of interest, have been widely used for online activism, although they have been criticized for fostering confirmation bias. Moreover, hashtag activism in photo form has been relatively understudied. This research analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as an example of hashtag activism through photos. In addition, we examined how the photo features were related to public response, which was manifested via engagement and comment sentiment. The results suggest that the photos which were categorized into “text” took the largest share. It was also found that the major way of claiming was to imprint key messages that persuade people not to vaccinate with remarks from professionals on photos and provide a source of supporting information in the post text with hashtags of antivaccine intention. Various photo features showed associations with engagement and comment sentiment, but the directions of correlation were usually the opposite: these results suggest that engagement and comment sentiment are separate domains that reveal different public responses. pdf:docinfo:title #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf' subject A dramatic increase has been registered in the number of social media posts in photo form as well as in hashtag activism. Hashtags, which manifest thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely, originated on Twitter, where the length of a post is limited; their use, however, has expanded into other social media services, including Instagram. Hashtags, which make it easy to find and express support for posts of interest, have been widely used for online activism, although they have been criticized for fostering confirmation bias. Moreover, hashtag activism in photo form has been relatively understudied. This research analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as an example of hashtag activism through photos. In addition, we examined how the photo features were related to public response, which was manifested via engagement and comment sentiment. The results suggest that the photos which were categorized into “text” took the largest share. It was also found that the major way of claiming was to imprint key messages that persuade people not to vaccinate with remarks from professionals on photos and provide a source of supporting information in the post text with hashtags of antivaccine intention. Various photo features showed associations with engagement and comment sentiment, but the directions of correlation were usually the opposite: these results suggest that engagement and comment sentiment are separate domains that reveal different public responses. title #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 20 === === id: work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq author: Michelle Templeton title: Young people's sexual readiness: insights gained from comparing a researchers' and youth advisory group's interpretation date: 2019 pages: 21 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.txt cache: ./cache/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.pdf Author 2089033 Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-08-05T12:57:28Z Last-Modified 2019-08-05T12:57:28Z Last-Save-Date 2019-08-05T12:57:28Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 67 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2019-08-05T12:57:28Z creator 2089033 date 2019-08-05T12:57:28Z dc:creator 2089033 dc:format application/pdf; 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We compare rhetorical strategies in two purpose branding campaigns, Lynx’s Is it ok for guys (2017) and Gillette’s The Best a Man Can Be (2019), to demonstrate how respective uses of formal and narrative tropes create vastly different narratives about masculinity and therefore also very different audience agency. We argue that Gillette repeats older versions of hegemonic masculinity ideals and call for men to take responsibility and act as protector of the weak, whereas Lynx invites the audience to embrace and identify with less stereotypical identities. We suggest that Gillette’s polemical rhetorical approach may generate more public debate on the issue of toxic masculinity, while Lynx’s approach builds on a more embracing strategy that encourages the audience to empathise with non-stereotypical forms of masculinity. DC.Format ['xml', 'pdf'] DC.Identifier.DOI 10.16997/wpcc.382 DC.Identifier.URI DC.Language en DC.Rights ['', 'Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. See'] DC.Source Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture DC.Source.ISSN DC.Source.Issue 2 DC.Source.URI DC.Source.Volume 15 DC.Title Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 15 X-UA-Compatible IE=edge citation_abstract_html_url citation_author ['Gry Høngsmark Knudsen', 'Lars Pynt Andersen', 'Gry Høngsmark Knudsen', 'Lars Pynt Andersen'] citation_author_email ['', ''] citation_author_institution ['UCL Business Academy and University College', 'University of Aalborg, Copenhagen'] citation_doi 10.16997/wpcc.382 citation_issn citation_issue 2 citation_journal_title Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture citation_keywords brand narrative, purpose branding, rhetorical analysis, masculinity, advertising and gender citation_language en citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2020-07-31 07:20 citation_publisher University of Westminster Press citation_reference ['citation_title=You act like a girl: An examination of consumer perceptions of femvertising;citation_pages=117-138;citation_volume=3;citation_year=2016', 'citation_title=Defending the markers of masculinity: Consumer resistance to brand gender-bending;citation_pages=322-226;citation_volume=29;citation_year=2012;citation_doi=10.1016/j.ijresmar.2012.04.005', 'citation_title=Why men’s brands tackling toxic masculinity is nothing new;citation_year=2019', 'citation_pages=89-103;citation_year=2014', 'citation_title=Ironic discourse: Evasive masculinity in men’s lifestyle magazines;citation_pages=3-21;citation_volume=7;citation_year=2004;citation_doi=10.1177/1097184X03257438', 'citation_pages=1-16;citation_year=2007', 'citation_year=1999', 'citation_pages=1-40;citation_year=1976', 'citation_title=Advertising preferences when presented with various ad stimuli: The impact of stereotypical versus non-stereotypical advertising;citation_pages=9-12;citation_volume=2;citation_year=1994', 'citation_title=Roundtable on masculinities and advertising, Part I;citation_volume=20;citation_year=2019;citation_doi=10.1353/asr.2019.0021', 'citation_title=Agency: Promiscuous and protean;citation_pages=1-19;citation_volume=2;citation_year=2005;citation_doi=10.1080/1479142042000332134', 'citation_year=1998', 'citation_title=These stats prove that femvertising works;citation_year=2014', 'citation_year=2005', 'citation_title=Enticing the new lad: Masculinity as a product of consumption in tobacco industry-developed lifestyle magazines;citation_pages=4-30;citation_volume=14;citation_year=2011;citation_doi=10.1177/1097184X09352177', 'citation_title=The effects of subjective camera and fanship on viewers’ experience of presence and perception of play in sports telecasts;citation_pages=374-396;citation_volume=37;citation_year=2009;citation_doi=10.1080/00909880903233192', 'citation_title=The impact of subjective camera in sports on arousal and enjoyment;citation_pages=74-97;citation_volume=15;citation_year=2012;citation_doi=10.1080/15205436.2011.558805', 'citation_title=Spray more, get more: Masculinity, television advertising and the Lynx effect;citation_pages=357-368;citation_volume=18;citation_year=2009;citation_doi=10.1080/09589230903260027', 'citation_title=The image of woman as image: The optical politics of Dames;citation_pages=2-11;citation_volume=30;citation_year=1976;citation_doi=10.1525/fq.1976.30.1.04a00040', 'citation_title=Lynx refocuses on ‘humour with a heart’ to challenge stereotypes;citation_year=2018;citation_doi=10.7325/Galemys.2018.A3', 'citation_title=Leisure corporations, beer brand culture, and the crisis of masculinity: The Speight’s ‘Southern Man’ advertising campaign;citation_pages=83-102;citation_volume=31;citation_year=2012;citation_doi=10.1080/02614367.2011.566625', 'citation_title=‘The Best a Man Can Be’;citation_year=2019', 'citation_title=Purpose advertising: The best an ad can be?;citation_year=2019', 'citation_title=Visions of new men: The heroic soldier narrative in American advertisements during World War II;citation_volume=5;citation_year=2004;citation_doi=10.1353/asr.2004.0005', 'citation_title=Empowered or objectified? 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We compare rhetorical strategies in two purpose branding campaigns, Lynx’s Is it ok for guys (2017) and Gillette’s The Best a Man Can Be (2019), to demonstrate how respective uses of formal and narrative tropes create vastly different narratives about masculinity and therefore also very different audience agency. We argue that Gillette repeats older versions of hegemonic masculinity ideals and call for men to take responsibility and act as protector of the weak, whereas Lynx invites the audience to embrace and identify with less stereotypical identities. We suggest that Gillette’s polemical rhetorical approach may generate more public debate on the issue of toxic masculinity, while Lynx’s approach builds on a more embracing strategy that encourages the audience to empathise with non-stereotypical forms of masculinity. og:image og:site_name Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture og:title Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time og:type article og:url resourceName b'work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu.pdf' title Knudsen | Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time | Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture twitter:card summary twitter:description This paper takes a rhetorical perspective on how ads address the current debate of toxic masculinity and attempt to change its hegemonic ideals. We compare rhetorical strategies in two purpose branding campaigns, Lynx’s Is it ok for guys (2017) and Gillette’s The Best a Man Can Be (2019), to demonstrate how respective uses of formal and narrative tropes create vastly different narratives about masculinity and therefore also very different audience agency. We argue that Gillette repeats older versions of hegemonic masculinity ideals and call for men to take responsibility and act as protector of the weak, whereas Lynx invites the audience to embrace and identify with less stereotypical identities. We suggest that Gillette’s polemical rhetorical approach may generate more public debate on the issue of toxic masculinity, while Lynx’s approach builds on a more embracing strategy that encourages the audience to empathise with non-stereotypical forms of masculinity. twitter:image twitter:title Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm txt/../pos/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.pos work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa txt/../ent/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm txt/../wrd/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.wrd === === id: work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q author: Anna Halafoff title: Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People's Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada date: 2020 pages: 12 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.txt cache: ./cache/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.pdf Author Anna Halafoff, Heather Shipley, Pamela D. Young, Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary Bouma Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z Keywords religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity Last-Modified 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z Last-Save-Date 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 53 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Recent scholarly and media perspectives on religion and youth have often depicted young people as being apathetic when it comes to religion. The methods used in research on religion are also typically informed by outdated, fixed idea of religious identity that are no longer applicable, especially to young people. This paper confronts these issues by applying contemporary theories of religious diversity, including lived religion and religious complexity, to the findings of the Canadian Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, the Australian Interaction multifaith youth movement project, and the Worldviews of Australian Generation Z (AGZ) study. These three studies revealed that young people negotiate their worldview identities in complex, critical and caring ways that are far from ambivalent, and that are characterised by hybridity and questioning. We thereby recommend that policies and curricula pertaining to young people’s and societies’ wellbeing better reflect young people’s actual lived experiences of diversity. created 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z creator Anna Halafoff, Heather Shipley, Pamela D. Young, Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary Bouma date 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z dc:creator Anna Halafoff, Heather Shipley, Pamela D. Young, Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary Bouma dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity dc:title Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People’s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada dcterms:created 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z dcterms:modified 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z meta:author Anna Halafoff, Heather Shipley, Pamela D. Young, Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary Bouma meta:creation-date 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z meta:keyword religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity meta:save-date 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z modified 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2594', '3521', '4092', '3667', '4010', '4068', '3780', '3471', '4013', '3906', '3772', '1572'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z pdf:docinfo:creator Anna Halafoff, Heather Shipley, Pamela D. Young, Andrew Singleton, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary Bouma pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-04-03T08:15:53Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Recent scholarly and media perspectives on religion and youth have often depicted young people as being apathetic when it comes to religion. The methods used in research on religion are also typically informed by outdated, fixed idea of religious identity that are no longer applicable, especially to young people. This paper confronts these issues by applying contemporary theories of religious diversity, including lived religion and religious complexity, to the findings of the Canadian Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, the Australian Interaction multifaith youth movement project, and the Worldviews of Australian Generation Z (AGZ) study. These three studies revealed that young people negotiate their worldview identities in complex, critical and caring ways that are far from ambivalent, and that are characterised by hybridity and questioning. We thereby recommend that policies and curricula pertaining to young people’s and societies’ wellbeing better reflect young people’s actual lived experiences of diversity. pdf:docinfo:title Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People’s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.pdf' subject Recent scholarly and media perspectives on religion and youth have often depicted young people as being apathetic when it comes to religion. The methods used in research on religion are also typically informed by outdated, fixed idea of religious identity that are no longer applicable, especially to young people. This paper confronts these issues by applying contemporary theories of religious diversity, including lived religion and religious complexity, to the findings of the Canadian Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, the Australian Interaction multifaith youth movement project, and the Worldviews of Australian Generation Z (AGZ) study. These three studies revealed that young people negotiate their worldview identities in complex, critical and caring ways that are far from ambivalent, and that are characterised by hybridity and questioning. We thereby recommend that policies and curricula pertaining to young people’s and societies’ wellbeing better reflect young people’s actual lived experiences of diversity. title Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People’s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 12 === === id: work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru author: Thomas Kilduff title: "Identity" in Publishing: The New Currency date: 2020 pages: 10 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.txt cache: ./cache/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.pdf Content-Type application/pdf X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 90 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true dc:format application/pdf; 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self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_2cdjqigbsffipmukkn44cnew2u' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_2cdjqigbsffipmukkn44cnew2u' work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi txt/../ent/work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi.ent work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4 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The concept of sustainable development and, by extension, the ESD, places heavy emphasis on the economic and social aspects of sustainability. However, the ESD falls short of recognizing ecological justice, or recognition that nonhumans also have a right to exist and flourish. An intervention in the form of an undergraduate course titled Politics, Business, and Environment (PBE) will be discussed. As part of this course, students were asked to reflect on the three pillars of sustainable development: society, economy, and environment, linking these to the fourth concept, ecological justice or biospheric egalitarianism. Biospheric egalitarianism is characterized by the recognition of intrinsic value in the environment and is defined as concern about justice for the environment. Some of the resulting exam answers are analyzed, demonstrating students’ ability to recognize the moral and pragmatic limitations of the anthropocentric approach to justice. This analysis presents ways forward in thinking about the role of “ecological justice” as the ultimate bottom line upon which both society and economy are based. created 2020-09-27T07:48:12Z creator Helen Kopnina date 2020-09-27T07:54:22Z dc:creator Helen Kopnina dc:format application/pdf; version=1.7 dc:subject biospheric egalitarianism; ecological justice; education for sustainable development; environmental justice; sustainable development dc:title Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? dcterms:created 2020-09-27T07:48:12Z dcterms:modified 2020-09-27T07:54:22Z meta:author Helen Kopnina meta:creation-date 2020-09-27T07:48:12Z meta:keyword biospheric egalitarianism; ecological justice; education for sustainable development; environmental justice; sustainable development meta:save-date 2020-09-27T07:54:22Z modified 2020-09-27T07:54:22Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.7 pdf:charsPerPage ['2983', '3977', '3873', '3978', '4547', '3463', '1881', '3413', '3082', '4148', '4066', '3345', '3697', '414'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-09-27T07:48:12Z pdf:docinfo:creator Helen Kopnina pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:keywords biospheric egalitarianism; ecological justice; education for sustainable development; environmental justice; sustainable development pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-09-27T07:54:22Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject This article will discuss social, environmental, and ecological justice in education for sustainable development (ESD) and Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG). The concept of sustainable development and, by extension, the ESD, places heavy emphasis on the economic and social aspects of sustainability. However, the ESD falls short of recognizing ecological justice, or recognition that nonhumans also have a right to exist and flourish. An intervention in the form of an undergraduate course titled Politics, Business, and Environment (PBE) will be discussed. As part of this course, students were asked to reflect on the three pillars of sustainable development: society, economy, and environment, linking these to the fourth concept, ecological justice or biospheric egalitarianism. Biospheric egalitarianism is characterized by the recognition of intrinsic value in the environment and is defined as concern about justice for the environment. Some of the resulting exam answers are analyzed, demonstrating students’ ability to recognize the moral and pragmatic limitations of the anthropocentric approach to justice. This analysis presents ways forward in thinking about the role of “ecological justice” as the ultimate bottom line upon which both society and economy are based. pdf:docinfo:title Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4.pdf' subject This article will discuss social, environmental, and ecological justice in education for sustainable development (ESD) and Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG). The concept of sustainable development and, by extension, the ESD, places heavy emphasis on the economic and social aspects of sustainability. However, the ESD falls short of recognizing ecological justice, or recognition that nonhumans also have a right to exist and flourish. An intervention in the form of an undergraduate course titled Politics, Business, and Environment (PBE) will be discussed. As part of this course, students were asked to reflect on the three pillars of sustainable development: society, economy, and environment, linking these to the fourth concept, ecological justice or biospheric egalitarianism. Biospheric egalitarianism is characterized by the recognition of intrinsic value in the environment and is defined as concern about justice for the environment. Some of the resulting exam answers are analyzed, demonstrating students’ ability to recognize the moral and pragmatic limitations of the anthropocentric approach to justice. This analysis presents ways forward in thinking about the role of “ecological justice” as the ultimate bottom line upon which both society and economy are based. title Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 14 === === id: work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4 author: Agnė Aleksaitė title: Emotive-Expressive Lexis in the Database of Lithuanian Neologisms: Factors Influencing Emergence of Neologisms and Types of Word-Formation date: 2019 pages: 27 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.txt cache: ./cache/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.pdf Author Agne Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-01-24T06:26:20Z Last-Modified 2020-01-24T06:26:20Z Last-Save-Date 2020-01-24T06:26:20Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 132 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2020-01-24T06:26:20Z creator Agne date 2020-01-24T06:26:20Z dc:creator Agne dc:format application/pdf; 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This phenomenon sometimes becomes sexual harassment since it is a stereotypically considered male profession in which women are a minority. To measure that behavior, it is necessary to count on valid and reliable tools. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the factorial structure and the discriminant and convergent validity of the ‘sexual experiences questionnaire’, version of the Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD). Eighty-nine male football referees and ninety-four female football referees, with a mean age of 23.30 4.85 years, participated in this studio conducted questionnaire in Andalusia, Spain. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the robust maximum-likelihood estimation method. The goodness of fit was assessed, and the factorial invariance was calculated to determine the stability of the model. Subsequently, the validity was confirmed. The results corroborated the validity and reliability of the questionnaire adapted to the population studied. Therefore, it can be used as a research instrument. created 2021-02-04T00:44:17Z creator Josefa Sánchez, Sara Serrat, Estefanía Castillo and Alberto Nuviala date 2021-02-04T00:46:11Z dc:creator Josefa Sánchez, Sara Serrat, Estefanía Castillo and Alberto Nuviala dc:format application/pdf; version=1.7 dc:subject sexual harassment; mobbing; football referee; gender inequality; sport dc:title Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing dcterms:created 2021-02-04T00:44:17Z dcterms:modified 2021-02-04T00:46:11Z meta:author Josefa Sánchez, Sara Serrat, Estefanía Castillo and Alberto Nuviala meta:creation-date 2021-02-04T00:44:17Z meta:keyword sexual harassment; mobbing; football referee; gender inequality; sport meta:save-date 2021-02-04T00:46:11Z modified 2021-02-04T00:46:11Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.7 pdf:charsPerPage ['3940', '3774', '3022', '3074', '2747', '3235', '3233', '4826', '4944', '1210'] pdf:docinfo:created 2021-02-04T00:44:17Z pdf:docinfo:creator Josefa Sánchez, Sara Serrat, Estefanía Castillo and Alberto Nuviala pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref pdf:docinfo:keywords sexual harassment; mobbing; football referee; gender inequality; sport pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-02-04T00:46:11Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:docinfo:subject Inequalities between men and women in the workplace are reflected in professional sports, specifically football refereeing. This phenomenon sometimes becomes sexual harassment since it is a stereotypically considered male profession in which women are a minority. To measure that behavior, it is necessary to count on valid and reliable tools. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the factorial structure and the discriminant and convergent validity of the ‘sexual experiences questionnaire’, version of the Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD). Eighty-nine male football referees and ninety-four female football referees, with a mean age of 23.30 4.85 years, participated in this studio conducted questionnaire in Andalusia, Spain. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the robust maximum-likelihood estimation method. The goodness of fit was assessed, and the factorial invariance was calculated to determine the stability of the model. Subsequently, the validity was confirmed. The results corroborated the validity and reliability of the questionnaire adapted to the population studied. 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Eighty-nine male football referees and ninety-four female football referees, with a mean age of 23.30 4.85 years, participated in this studio conducted questionnaire in Andalusia, Spain. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the robust maximum-likelihood estimation method. The goodness of fit was assessed, and the factorial invariance was calculated to determine the stability of the model. Subsequently, the validity was confirmed. The results corroborated the validity and reliability of the questionnaire adapted to the population studied. 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charset=UTF-8 Description The #MeToo campaign mobilized millions of women around the world to draw attention to the pervasiveness of sexual harassment. We conducted an online survey in Hungary (N = 10,293) immediately at the campaign’s onset, and two subsequent studies in Israel and Germany (Ns = 356, 413) after it peaked, to reveal the motivations underlying people’s support for, or criticism of the campaign. Integrating the assumptions of the needs-based model of reconciliation and system justification theory, we predicted and found that, in all three samples, lower gender system justification was associated with (a) women’s perception of the campaign as empowering, and men’s (b) higher perception of the campaign as an opportunity for moral improvement, and (c) lower perception of the campaign as wrongfully staining men’s reputation. As expected, in all three samples, (a) perceptions of the campaign as empowering among women, and an opportunity for moral improvement among men, were associated with greater campaign support, whereas (b) men’s perceptions of the campaign as wrongfully staining their moral reputation were associated with lower campaign support. Thus, the link between system justification and campaign support was mediated by women’s empowerment needs, and men’s morality-related needs. In addition, perceptions of the campaign as disempowering their ingroup (i.e., presenting a status threat) predicted reduced campaign support among men in the Hungarian and Israeli samples, but not the G... Keywords #MeToo, collective action, Gender Equality, needs-based model, Sexual Harassment Title A Needs-Based Support for #MeToo: Power and Morality Needs Shape Women’s and Men’s Support of the Campaign X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 13 X-UA-Compatible IE=edge citation_abstract The #MeToo campaign mobilized millions of women around the world to draw attention to the pervasiveness of sexual harassment. We conducted an online survey in Hungary (N = 10,293) immediately at the campaign’s onset, and two subsequent studies in Israel and Germany (Ns = 356, 413) after it peaked, to reveal the motivations underlying people’s support for, or criticism of the campaign. Integrating the assumptions of the needs-based model of reconciliation and system justification theory, we predicted and found that, in all three samples, lower gender system justification was associated with (a) women’s perception of the campaign as empowering, and men’s (b) higher perception of the campaign as an opportunity for moral improvement, and (c) lower perception of the campaign as wrongfully staining men’s reputation. As expected, in all three samples, (a) perceptions of the campaign as empowering among women, and an opportunity for moral improvement among men, were associated with greater campaign support, whereas (b) men’s perceptions of the campaign as wrongfully staining their moral reputation were associated with lower campaign support. Thus, the link between system justification and campaign support was mediated by women’s empowerment needs, and men’s morality-related needs. In addition, perceptions of the campaign as disempowering their ingroup (i.e., presenting a status threat) predicted reduced campaign support among men in the Hungarian and Israeli samples, but not the German sample. We discuss the practical implications of these results for gender equality movements in general, and sexual harassment in particular, by identifying the psychological obstacles and catalysts of women’s and men’s support for social change. citation_author ['Kende, Anna', 'Nyúl, Boglárka', 'Lantos, Nóra Anna', 'Hadarics, Márton', 'Petlitski, Diana', 'Kehl, Judith', 'Shnabel, Nurit'] citation_author_email ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] citation_author_institution ['Department of Social Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary', 'Department of Social Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary', 'Doctoral School of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary', 'Department of Social Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary', 'Department of Social Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary', 'The School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel', 'Department of Psychology, University of Osnabrück, Germany', 'The School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel'] citation_date 2020 citation_doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00593 citation_issn 1664-1078 citation_journal_abbrev Front. Psychol. citation_journal_title Frontiers in Psychology citation_keywords #MeToo; collective action; Gender Equality; needs-based model; Sexual Harassment citation_language English citation_online_date 2020/03/12 citation_pages 593 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2020/03/31 citation_publisher Frontiers citation_title A Needs-Based Support for #MeToo: Power and Morality Needs Shape Women’s and Men’s Support of the Campaign citation_volume 11 dc.identifier doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00593 dc:title Frontiers | A Needs-Based Support for #MeToo: Power and Morality Needs Shape Women’s and Men’s Support of the Campaign | Psychology description The #MeToo campaign mobilized millions of women around the world to draw attention to the pervasiveness of sexual harassment. We conducted an online survey in Hungary (N = 10,293) immediately at the campaign’s onset, and two subsequent studies in Israel and Germany (Ns = 356, 413) after it peaked, to reveal the motivations underlying people’s support for, or criticism of the campaign. Integrating the assumptions of the needs-based model of reconciliation and system justification theory, we predicted and found that, in all three samples, lower gender system justification was associated with (a) women’s perception of the campaign as empowering, and men’s (b) higher perception of the campaign as an opportunity for moral improvement, and (c) lower perception of the campaign as wrongfully staining men’s reputation. As expected, in all three samples, (a) perceptions of the campaign as empowering among women, and an opportunity for moral improvement among men, were associated with greater campaign support, whereas (b) men’s perceptions of the campaign as wrongfully staining their moral reputation were associated with lower campaign support. Thus, the link between system justification and campaign support was mediated by women’s empowerment needs, and men’s morality-related needs. In addition, perceptions of the campaign as disempowering their ingroup (i.e., presenting a status threat) predicted reduced campaign support among men in the Hungarian and Israeli samples, but not the German sample. 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_nd3xgs7p6rdltjdiupxwh3ufem' work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a txt/../pos/work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' === === id: work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene author: Dany Nobus title: Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space date: 2020 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.txt cache: ./cache/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.pdf Author Dany Nobus Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-05-11T14:09:40Z CrossMarkDomains[1] 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_pca54ibnnnb6vgxxngxigyuk4m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_pca54ibnnnb6vgxxngxigyuk4m' 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Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z Last-Modified 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z Last-Save-Date 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 14 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z creator Sigurdsson Emil L. date 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z dc:creator Sigurdsson Emil L. dc:description Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2018. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1426153 dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:title #MeToo – a concern for general practice? dcterms:created 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z dcterms:modified 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z description Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2018. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1426153 meta:author Sigurdsson Emil L. meta:creation-date 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z meta:save-date 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z modified 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['789', '3752', '893'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-04-18T15:17:22Z pdf:docinfo:producer iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '2'] producer iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT resourceName b'work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.pdf' title #MeToo – a concern for general practice? xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:8addd02c-2a8d-4824-a074-0375b52bef83 xmpTPg:NPages 3 work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu txt/../wrd/work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu.wrd work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a txt/../pos/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.pos work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi txt/../ent/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.ent work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty txt/../ent/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.ent work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi txt/../wrd/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.wrd work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi txt/../pos/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.pos work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a txt/../wrd/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.wrd === === id: work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa author: Jordan Fairbairn title: Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change date: 2020 pages: 21 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.txt cache: ./cache/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pdf Author Jordan Fairbairn Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z Keywords violence against women; social media; news media; social–ecological framework; prevention; bystander intervention; feminism Last-Modified 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z Last-Save-Date 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 91 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject High-profile, social-media-fueled movements such as #MeToo have captured broader public attention in recent years and sparked widespread discussion of violence against women (VAW). However, online prevention work was underway in the years leading up to #MeToo, as the emergence and proliferation of social media enabled individuals to be increasingly active participants in shaping conversations about VAW. Situated within feminist VAW scholarship and the social–ecological framework of violence prevention, this paper draws from interviews with a cross-section of service providers, public educators, activists, advocates, writers, and researchers to analyze “conversation” as a central theme in VAW prevention work in social media. Results reveal that these conversations take place in three central ways: (1) engaging wider audiences in conversations to raise awareness about VAW; (2) narrative shifts challenging societal norms that support or enable VAW; and (3) mobilization around high-profile news stories. The paper finds that, through these conversations, this work moves beyond individual-level risk factors to target much needed community- and societal-level aspects, primarily harmful social norms that circulate and become reinforced in digital media spaces. Moreover, while bystander intervention has traditionally been approached as an offline pursuit to intervene in face-to-face situations of VAW, this paper argues that we can understand and value these VAW prevention efforts as an online form of bystander intervention. Finally, resource challenges and VAW prevention workers’ experiences of harassment and abuse related to their online work highlights a need to strengthen social and institutional supports for this work. created 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z creator Jordan Fairbairn date 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z dc:creator Jordan Fairbairn dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject violence against women; social media; news media; social–ecological framework; prevention; bystander intervention; feminism dc:title Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change dcterms:created 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z dcterms:modified 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z meta:author Jordan Fairbairn meta:creation-date 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z meta:keyword violence against women; social media; news media; social–ecological framework; prevention; bystander intervention; feminism meta:save-date 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z modified 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2943', '3868', '3690', '3939', '3958', '4050', '3429', '3952', '3436', '3565', '3488', '3815', '3677', '3729', '3825', '3984', '3244', '3606', '3779', '3794', '2005'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z pdf:docinfo:creator Jordan Fairbairn pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords violence against women; social media; news media; social–ecological framework; prevention; bystander intervention; feminism pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-07-15T07:41:46Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject High-profile, social-media-fueled movements such as #MeToo have captured broader public attention in recent years and sparked widespread discussion of violence against women (VAW). However, online prevention work was underway in the years leading up to #MeToo, as the emergence and proliferation of social media enabled individuals to be increasingly active participants in shaping conversations about VAW. Situated within feminist VAW scholarship and the social–ecological framework of violence prevention, this paper draws from interviews with a cross-section of service providers, public educators, activists, advocates, writers, and researchers to analyze “conversation” as a central theme in VAW prevention work in social media. Results reveal that these conversations take place in three central ways: (1) engaging wider audiences in conversations to raise awareness about VAW; (2) narrative shifts challenging societal norms that support or enable VAW; and (3) mobilization around high-profile news stories. The paper finds that, through these conversations, this work moves beyond individual-level risk factors to target much needed community- and societal-level aspects, primarily harmful social norms that circulate and become reinforced in digital media spaces. Moreover, while bystander intervention has traditionally been approached as an offline pursuit to intervene in face-to-face situations of VAW, this paper argues that we can understand and value these VAW prevention efforts as an online form of bystander intervention. Finally, resource challenges and VAW prevention workers’ experiences of harassment and abuse related to their online work highlights a need to strengthen social and institutional supports for this work. pdf:docinfo:title Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pdf' subject High-profile, social-media-fueled movements such as #MeToo have captured broader public attention in recent years and sparked widespread discussion of violence against women (VAW). However, online prevention work was underway in the years leading up to #MeToo, as the emergence and proliferation of social media enabled individuals to be increasingly active participants in shaping conversations about VAW. Situated within feminist VAW scholarship and the social–ecological framework of violence prevention, this paper draws from interviews with a cross-section of service providers, public educators, activists, advocates, writers, and researchers to analyze “conversation” as a central theme in VAW prevention work in social media. Results reveal that these conversations take place in three central ways: (1) engaging wider audiences in conversations to raise awareness about VAW; (2) narrative shifts challenging societal norms that support or enable VAW; and (3) mobilization around high-profile news stories. The paper finds that, through these conversations, this work moves beyond individual-level risk factors to target much needed community- and societal-level aspects, primarily harmful social norms that circulate and become reinforced in digital media spaces. Moreover, while bystander intervention has traditionally been approached as an offline pursuit to intervene in face-to-face situations of VAW, this paper argues that we can understand and value these VAW prevention efforts as an online form of bystander intervention. Finally, resource challenges and VAW prevention workers’ experiences of harassment and abuse related to their online work highlights a need to strengthen social and institutional supports for this work. title Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 21 work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu txt/../ent/work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu.ent work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe txt/../wrd/work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe.wrd === === id: work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq author: Paula González title: Private versus social incentives for pharmaceutical innovation date: 2016 pages: 34 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.txt cache: ./cache/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.pdf Author Paula.González, Inés.Macho-Stadler, David.Pérez-Castrillo Company Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-12-22T11:32:27Z Keywords CESifo Working Paper no. 5672 pharmaceuticals, R&D activities, me-too drugs, breakthrough drugs, incremental innovation, radical innovation Last-Modified 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z SourceModified D:20151222113213 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 151 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Private versus Social Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation created 2015-12-22T11:32:27Z creator Paula.González, Inés.Macho-Stadler, David.Pérez-Castrillo date 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z dc:creator Paula.González, Inés.Macho-Stadler, David.Pérez-Castrillo dc:description Private versus Social Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dc:subject CESifo Working Paper no. 5672 pharmaceuticals, R&D activities, me-too drugs, breakthrough drugs, incremental innovation, radical innovation dc:title CESifo Working Paper no. 5672 dcterms:created 2015-12-22T11:32:27Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z description Private versus Social Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation meta:author Paula.González, Inés.Macho-Stadler, David.Pérez-Castrillo meta:creation-date 2015-12-22T11:32:27Z meta:keyword CESifo Working Paper no. 5672 pharmaceuticals, R&D activities, me-too drugs, breakthrough drugs, incremental innovation, radical innovation meta:save-date 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z modified 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['1779', '449', '2274', '2713', '2720', '2980', '2366', '2633', '2329', '2388', '1266', '1873', '1263', '1504', '2135', '1831', '2532', '1561', '2473', '2626', '1264', '2126', '2301', '2367', '2124', '2647', '2612', '1768', '1704', '1315', '1523', '1780', '1268', '947'] pdf:docinfo:created 2015-12-22T11:32:27Z pdf:docinfo:creator Paula.González, Inés.Macho-Stadler, David.Pérez-Castrillo pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Acrobat PDFMaker 11 für Word pdf:docinfo:custom:Company pdf:docinfo:custom:SourceModified D:20151222113213 pdf:docinfo:keywords CESifo Working Paper no. 5672 pharmaceuticals, R&D activities, me-too drugs, breakthrough drugs, incremental innovation, radical innovation pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:09Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 11.0; 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Beresin', 'Anthony P. S. Guerrero', 'Alan K. Louie', 'Rashi Aggarwal', 'Mary K. Morreale', 'Adam M. Brenner'] Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-10-28T20:41:03Z Keywords Last-Modified 2020-01-29T15:04:36Z Last-Save-Date 2020-01-29T15:04:36Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 57 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Acad Psychiatry, doi:10.1007/s40596-019-01136-5 created 2019-10-28T20:41:03Z creator ['John Coverdale', 'Laura Weiss Roberts', 'Richard Balon', 'Eugene V. Beresin', 'Anthony P. S. Guerrero', 'Alan K. 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gendered; debilitating; isolating; silencing; social force; liberating Last-Modified 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z Last-Save-Date 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 41 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Joanna Bourke’s account of the ways that changing ideas of rape reflect the gendered norms of the times, and Eric Reitan’s proposal that rape ought to remain a contested concept amenable to evolving principles of ethical sexual relationships, speak to the ways that social, cultural, and political contexts influence our understanding of sexual violence. Though the criteria that are used to define rape change, one thing remains constant: the raped person is shamed. As she is shamed, she is degraded. This paper argues that until we understand the role that shame plays in enabling sexual violence by humiliating, silencing, and stigmatizing its victims, changes in our depictions of rape will neither disable the personal devastation of being raped nor dismantle the social practices and political institutions that rely on rape to maintain misogynous inequalities. Following the Introduction (Section 1) it is divided into three parts. Section 2, The Shame of Being Human, discusses the psychological and phenomenological accounts of shame. It alerts us to the ways that shame defines us insofar as it reveals the truth of human intersubjectivity and mutual interdependency. Section 3, Debilitating Shame, describes the ways that shame has been exploited to enable and enforce sexed and gendered inequalities. Section 4, Shame: Demanding Justice, examines the ways that shame, in its role as the protector of the self, undermines the effects of debilitating shame and fosters a politics of sexual integrity by affirming the dignity of the interdependencies that tie us to each other. created 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z creator Debra Bergoffen date 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z dc:creator Debra Bergoffen dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject human; gendered; debilitating; isolating; silencing; social force; liberating dc:title The Misogynous Politics of Shame dcterms:created 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z dcterms:modified 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z meta:author Debra Bergoffen meta:creation-date 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z meta:keyword human; gendered; debilitating; isolating; silencing; social force; liberating meta:save-date 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z modified 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3164', '3833', '3836', '3914', '3937', '3839', '3891', '3641', '1555'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z pdf:docinfo:creator Debra Bergoffen pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords human; gendered; debilitating; isolating; silencing; social force; liberating pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-08-10T10:22:22Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Joanna Bourke’s account of the ways that changing ideas of rape reflect the gendered norms of the times, and Eric Reitan’s proposal that rape ought to remain a contested concept amenable to evolving principles of ethical sexual relationships, speak to the ways that social, cultural, and political contexts influence our understanding of sexual violence. Though the criteria that are used to define rape change, one thing remains constant: the raped person is shamed. As she is shamed, she is degraded. This paper argues that until we understand the role that shame plays in enabling sexual violence by humiliating, silencing, and stigmatizing its victims, changes in our depictions of rape will neither disable the personal devastation of being raped nor dismantle the social practices and political institutions that rely on rape to maintain misogynous inequalities. Following the Introduction (Section 1) it is divided into three parts. Section 2, The Shame of Being Human, discusses the psychological and phenomenological accounts of shame. It alerts us to the ways that shame defines us insofar as it reveals the truth of human intersubjectivity and mutual interdependency. Section 3, Debilitating Shame, describes the ways that shame has been exploited to enable and enforce sexed and gendered inequalities. Section 4, Shame: Demanding Justice, examines the ways that shame, in its role as the protector of the self, undermines the effects of debilitating shame and fosters a politics of sexual integrity by affirming the dignity of the interdependencies that tie us to each other. pdf:docinfo:title The Misogynous Politics of Shame pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.pdf' subject Joanna Bourke’s account of the ways that changing ideas of rape reflect the gendered norms of the times, and Eric Reitan’s proposal that rape ought to remain a contested concept amenable to evolving principles of ethical sexual relationships, speak to the ways that social, cultural, and political contexts influence our understanding of sexual violence. Though the criteria that are used to define rape change, one thing remains constant: the raped person is shamed. As she is shamed, she is degraded. This paper argues that until we understand the role that shame plays in enabling sexual violence by humiliating, silencing, and stigmatizing its victims, changes in our depictions of rape will neither disable the personal devastation of being raped nor dismantle the social practices and political institutions that rely on rape to maintain misogynous inequalities. Following the Introduction (Section 1) it is divided into three parts. Section 2, The Shame of Being Human, discusses the psychological and phenomenological accounts of shame. It alerts us to the ways that shame defines us insofar as it reveals the truth of human intersubjectivity and mutual interdependency. Section 3, Debilitating Shame, describes the ways that shame has been exploited to enable and enforce sexed and gendered inequalities. Section 4, Shame: Demanding Justice, examines the ways that shame, in its role as the protector of the self, undermines the effects of debilitating shame and fosters a politics of sexual integrity by affirming the dignity of the interdependencies that tie us to each other. title The Misogynous Politics of Shame trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 9 work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq txt/../ent/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.ent === === id: work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve author: Carol K. Hall title: A ChemE Grows in Brooklyn date: 2020 pages: 26 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.txt cache: ./cache/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.pdf Author Carol K. 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Las Morras drew international attention in 2016 when they released a series of YouTube videos of group members with hidden GoPro cameras repeatedly confronting male cat-callers and casual harassers. Incorporating a qualitative content analysis of the responses to YouTube videos and comments taken from Las Morras’ Twitter and Facebook accounts (before deletion) with in-depth interviews with founding members, we argue that Las Morras offers a powerful illustration of the paradoxical role of networked digital media as activist tool. On the one hand, it rapidly circulated a powerful critique of misogyny. On the other hand, the negative attention it received (including doxing, trolling of the site, and personal threats directed at members) led to the eventual demise of the group. DC.Format ['xml', 'pdf'] DC.Identifier.DOI 10.16997/wpcc.308 DC.Identifier.URI DC.Language en DC.Rights ['', 'Copyright: © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. See'] DC.Source Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture DC.Source.ISSN DC.Source.Issue 1 DC.Source.URI DC.Source.Volume 14 DC.Title From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 X-UA-Compatible IE=edge citation_abstract_html_url citation_author ['Stuart Davis', 'Melisssa Santillana', 'Stuart Davis', 'Melissa Santillana'] citation_author_email ['', ''] citation_author_institution ['City University of New York, Baruch College', 'University of Texas, Austin'] citation_doi 10.16997/wpcc.308 citation_issn citation_issue 1 citation_journal_title Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture citation_keywords internet culture, trolling and online Incivility, feminist activism, social media activism, tactical media citation_language en citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2019-08-09 07:36 citation_publisher University of Westminster Press citation_reference ['citation_title=Communicating about cancer through Facebook: A qualitative analysis of a breast cancer awareness page;citation_pages=237-43;citation_volume=20;citation_year=2015;citation_doi=10.1080/10810730.2014.927034', 'citation_title=Cuatro Morras mexicanas que denunciaron el acoso callejero ahora reciben amenazas;citation_year=2016', 'citation_title=Challenging the techno-politics of anonymity: The case of crypto-market users;citation_pages=497-512;citation_volume=20;citation_year=2017;citation_doi=10.1080/1369118X.2016.1187643', 'citation_year=2015', 'citation_pages=191-215;citation_year=2016;citation_doi=10.1007/978-3-319-28439-2_9', 'citation_year=2012', 'citation_title=The fake news fallacy;citation_year=2017', 'citation_title=The Zapatistas and the electronic fabric of struggle;citation_year=1998', 'citation_year=2009;citation_doi=10.1215/9780822390923', 'citation_year=2014', 'citation_title=Ambiguities and dilemmas around #MeToo: #ForHow Long and #WhereTo?;citation_pages=3-9;citation_volume=25;citation_year=2018;citation_doi=10.1177/1350506817749436', 'citation_year=2012', 'citation_title=In search of the ‘we’ of social media activism;citation_pages=856-71;citation_volume=18;citation_year=2015;citation_doi=10.1080/1369118X.2015.1043319', 'citation_year=2016', 'citation_title=Small change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted;citation_year=2010', 'citation_pages=195-246;citation_year=2007', 'citation_title=Hashtagging politics: Transnational anti-fracking movement twitter practices;citation_pages=1-15;citation_volume=1;citation_year=2015;citation_doi=10.1177/2056305115605521', 'citation_title=(Re)imagining intersectional democracy from black feminism to hashtag activism;citation_pages=375-79;citation_volume=39;citation_year=2016;citation_doi=10.1080/07491409.2016.1226654', 'citation_year=2013', 'citation_year=2012;citation_doi=10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199898367.001.0001', 'citation_year=2017;citation_doi=10.4159/9780674969520', 'citation_year=2018', 'citation_year=2019;citation_doi=10.1093/oso/9780190697846.001.0001', 'citation_title=From Latin America to Africa: Defining the ‘world revolution’ in the Black Panther newspaper;citation_pages=211-30;citation_volume=25;citation_year=2014;citation_doi=10.1080/10646175.2014.894400', 'citation_year=2012', 'citation_title=Esto es lo que dicen los hombres a dos ‘morras’ que caminan por la Ciudad de México;citation_year=2016', 'citation_year=2017', 'citation_title=¿Qué pasa cuando una mujer confronta a un hombre que la acosa en la calle?;citation_year=2016', 'citation_title=El video que exhibe el acoso callejero a las mujeres en México;citation_year=2016', 'citation_title=Lanzan app para atender emergencias de mujeres en CDMX;citation_year=2016', 'citation_year=2010', 'citation_title=#Safetytipsforladies: Feminist Twitter takedowns of victim blaming;citation_pages=353-56;citation_volume=15;citation_year=2015;citation_doi=10.1080/14680777.2015.1008749', 'citation_title=The language of tactical media;citation_year=2012', 'citation_title=Me too, #MeToo: countering cruelty with empathy;citation_pages=96-100;citation_volume=15;citation_year=2018;citation_doi=10.1080/14791420.2018.1435083', 'citation_year=2017'] citation_title From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism citation_volume 14 dc:title Davis | From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism | Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture og:description

Drawing on a case study of Mexico City-based feminist media producers Las Morras, this article addresses both the potentialities of digital media activism for raising awareness about gender-based harassment and its limits for facilitating social/political transformations. Las Morras drew international attention in 2016 when they released a series of YouTube videos of group members with hidden GoPro cameras repeatedly confronting male cat-callers and casual harassers. Incorporating a qualitative content analysis of the responses to YouTube videos and comments taken from Las Morras’ Twitter and Facebook accounts (before deletion) with in-depth interviews with founding members, we argue that Las Morras offers a powerful illustration of the paradoxical role of networked digital media as activist tool. On the one hand, it rapidly circulated a powerful critique of misogyny. On the other hand, the negative attention it received (including doxing, trolling of the site, and personal threats directed at members) led to the eventual demise of the group.

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Drawing on a case study of Mexico City-based feminist media producers Las Morras, this article addresses both the potentialities of digital media activism for raising awareness about gender-based harassment and its limits for facilitating social/political transformations. Las Morras drew international attention in 2016 when they released a series of YouTube videos of group members with hidden GoPro cameras repeatedly confronting male cat-callers and casual harassers. Incorporating a qualitative content analysis of the responses to YouTube videos and comments taken from Las Morras’ Twitter and Facebook accounts (before deletion) with in-depth interviews with founding members, we argue that Las Morras offers a powerful illustration of the paradoxical role of networked digital media as activist tool. On the one hand, it rapidly circulated a powerful critique of misogyny. On the other hand, the negative attention it received (including doxing, trolling of the site, and personal threats directed at members) led to the eventual demise of the group.

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Theatre reviews of The Cane by Mark Ravenhil, directed by Vicky Featherstone (6 December 2018–26 January 2019, Royal Court Jerwood Theatre Downstairs–London) and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh directed by Matthew Dunster (12 October 2018-6 January 2019, The Bridge Theatre–London). created 2021-02-16T09:46:09Z creator William C. Boles date 2021-02-16T09:46:09Z dc:creator William C. Boles dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Theater,family,famille,genre,gender,histoire/Histoire,stories/History,politics,politique,théâtre britannique,British theatre dc:title Miranda, 18 | 2019 dcterms:created 2021-02-16T09:46:09Z dcterms:modified 2021-02-16T09:46:09Z meta:author William C. 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Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío date: 2019 pages: 14 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.txt cache: ./cache/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.pdf Author María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-07-10T21:15:26Z Keywords ética da publicidade,ethics of advertising,ética de la publicidad,feminismo,feminismo,feminism,femvertising,“femvertising”,femvertising,gender,género,gênero,sexism,sexismo,sexismo Last-Modified 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z Last-Save-Date 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 74 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Una reciente estrategia publicitaria, llamada femvertising, parece llamada a terminar con el sexismo que siempre ha acompañado a gran parte de la publicidad. Se trata de una propuesta que no sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos, por su carácter ambivalente y por los intereses de género que compromete. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los aspectos teóricos de la femvertising y realiza un estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Las conclusiones nos anuncian que se trata de un fenómeno complejo que exige seguir siendo profundizado en su análisis para diagnosticar su compromiso con la igualdad.A recent strategy known as “femvertising” appears to seek to end the sexism that has always accompanied much of advertising. It not only proposes overcoming sexist paradigms, but also incorporates elements of female empowerment. However, it is not exempt from risks, given its ambivalent nature and the gender interests it invokes. This paper reflects on the theoretical aspects of “femvertising” and employs a case study as a way to approach this type of advertising, on which there is hardly any literature. The conclusions suggest that this is a complex phenomenon that requires deeper analysis in order to diagnose its commitment to equality.Uma recente estratégia publicitária, denominada femvertising, parece determinada a acabar com o sexismo que sempre acompanhou grande parte da publicidade. Trata-se de uma proposta que não apenas supera os paradigmas sexistas, mas também incorpora elementos de empoderamento das mulheres. No entanto, não está isenta de riscos, por seu caráter ambivalente e pelos interesses de gênero que compromete. O presente artigo reflete sobre os aspectos teóricos da femvertising e realiza um estudo de caso para se aproximar de uma publicidade sobre a qual existe apenas bibliografia. As conclusões sugerem que se trata de um fenômeno complexo que exige aprofundamento em sua análise para diagnosticar seu compromisso com a igualdade. created 2019-07-10T21:15:26Z creator María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez date 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z dc:creator María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez dc:description Una reciente estrategia publicitaria, llamada femvertising, parece llamada a terminar con el sexismo que siempre ha acompañado a gran parte de la publicidad. Se trata de una propuesta que no sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos, por su carácter ambivalente y por los intereses de género que compromete. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los aspectos teóricos de la femvertising y realiza un estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Las conclusiones nos anuncian que se trata de un fenómeno complejo que exige seguir siendo profundizado en su análisis para diagnosticar su compromiso con la igualdad.A recent strategy known as �femvertising� appears to seek to end the sexism that has always accompanied much of advertising. It not only proposes overcoming sexist paradigms, but also incorporates elements of female empowerment. However, it is not exempt from risks, given its ambivalent nature and the gender interests it invokes. This paper reflects on the theoretical aspects of �femvertising� and employs a case study as a way to approach this type of advertising, on which there is hardly any literature. The conclusions suggest that this is a complex phenomenon that requires deeper analysis in order to diagnose its commitment to equality.Uma recente estratégia publicitária, denominada femvertising, parece determinada a acabar com o sexismo que sempre acompanhou grande parte da publicidade. Trata-se de uma proposta que não apenas supera os paradigmas sexistas, mas também incorpora elementos de empoderamento das mulheres. No entanto, não está isenta de riscos, por seu caráter ambivalente e pelos interesses de gênero que compromete. O presente artigo reflete sobre os aspectos teóricos da femvertising e realiza um estudo de caso para se aproximar de uma publicidade sobre a qual existe apenas bibliografia. As conclusões sugerem que se trata de um fenômeno complexo que exige aprofundamento em sua análise para diagnosticar seu compromisso com a igualdade. dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:subject ética da publicidade,ethics of advertising,ética de la publicidad,feminismo,feminismo,feminism,femvertising,“femvertising”,femvertising,gender,género,gênero,sexism,sexismo,sexismo dc:title ¿Puede la publicidad ser feminista? Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío dcterms:created 2019-07-10T21:15:26Z dcterms:modified 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z description Una reciente estrategia publicitaria, llamada femvertising, parece llamada a terminar con el sexismo que siempre ha acompañado a gran parte de la publicidad. Se trata de una propuesta que no sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos, por su carácter ambivalente y por los intereses de género que compromete. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los aspectos teóricos de la femvertising y realiza un estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Las conclusiones nos anuncian que se trata de un fenómeno complejo que exige seguir siendo profundizado en su análisis para diagnosticar su compromiso con la igualdad.A recent strategy known as �femvertising� appears to seek to end the sexism that has always accompanied much of advertising. It not only proposes overcoming sexist paradigms, but also incorporates elements of female empowerment. However, it is not exempt from risks, given its ambivalent nature and the gender interests it invokes. This paper reflects on the theoretical aspects of �femvertising� and employs a case study as a way to approach this type of advertising, on which there is hardly any literature. The conclusions suggest that this is a complex phenomenon that requires deeper analysis in order to diagnose its commitment to equality.Uma recente estratégia publicitária, denominada femvertising, parece determinada a acabar com o sexismo que sempre acompanhou grande parte da publicidade. Trata-se de uma proposta que não apenas supera os paradigmas sexistas, mas também incorpora elementos de empoderamento das mulheres. No entanto, não está isenta de riscos, por seu caráter ambivalente e pelos interesses de gênero que compromete. O presente artigo reflete sobre os aspectos teóricos da femvertising e realiza um estudo de caso para se aproximar de uma publicidade sobre a qual existe apenas bibliografia. As conclusões sugerem que se trata de um fenômeno complexo que exige aprofundamento em sua análise para diagnosticar seu compromisso com a igualdade. meta:author María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez meta:creation-date 2019-07-10T21:15:26Z meta:keyword ética da publicidade,ethics of advertising,ética de la publicidad,feminismo,feminismo,feminism,femvertising,“femvertising”,femvertising,gender,género,gênero,sexism,sexismo,sexismo meta:save-date 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z modified 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['1282', '3635', '5336', '6195', '5806', '6211', '5839', '3922', '5912', '5854', '5753', '5950', '5763', '3882'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-07-10T21:15:26Z pdf:docinfo:creator María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez pdf:docinfo:creator_tool OpenEdition pdf:docinfo:keywords ética da publicidade,ethics of advertising,ética de la publicidad,feminismo,feminismo,feminism,femvertising,“femvertising”,femvertising,gender,género,gênero,sexism,sexismo,sexismo pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-07-10T19:15:26Z pdf:docinfo:producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 pdf:docinfo:subject Una reciente estrategia publicitaria, llamada femvertising, parece llamada a terminar con el sexismo que siempre ha acompañado a gran parte de la publicidad. Se trata de una propuesta que no sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos, por su carácter ambivalente y por los intereses de género que compromete. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los aspectos teóricos de la femvertising y realiza un estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Las conclusiones nos anuncian que se trata de un fenómeno complejo que exige seguir siendo profundizado en su análisis para diagnosticar su compromiso con la igualdad.A recent strategy known as “femvertising” appears to seek to end the sexism that has always accompanied much of advertising. It not only proposes overcoming sexist paradigms, but also incorporates elements of female empowerment. However, it is not exempt from risks, given its ambivalent nature and the gender interests it invokes. This paper reflects on the theoretical aspects of “femvertising” and employs a case study as a way to approach this type of advertising, on which there is hardly any literature. The conclusions suggest that this is a complex phenomenon that requires deeper analysis in order to diagnose its commitment to equality.Uma recente estratégia publicitária, denominada femvertising, parece determinada a acabar com o sexismo que sempre acompanhou grande parte da publicidade. Trata-se de uma proposta que não apenas supera os paradigmas sexistas, mas também incorpora elementos de empoderamento das mulheres. No entanto, não está isenta de riscos, por seu caráter ambivalente e pelos interesses de gênero que compromete. O presente artigo reflete sobre os aspectos teóricos da femvertising e realiza um estudo de caso para se aproximar de uma publicidade sobre a qual existe apenas bibliografia. As conclusões sugerem que se trata de um fenômeno complexo que exige aprofundamento em sua análise para diagnosticar seu compromisso com a igualdade. pdf:docinfo:title ¿Puede la publicidad ser feminista? Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 resourceName b'work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.pdf' subject Una reciente estrategia publicitaria, llamada femvertising, parece llamada a terminar con el sexismo que siempre ha acompañado a gran parte de la publicidad. Se trata de una propuesta que no sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos, por su carácter ambivalente y por los intereses de género que compromete. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los aspectos teóricos de la femvertising y realiza un estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Las conclusiones nos anuncian que se trata de un fenómeno complejo que exige seguir siendo profundizado en su análisis para diagnosticar su compromiso con la igualdad.A recent strategy known as “femvertising” appears to seek to end the sexism that has always accompanied much of advertising. It not only proposes overcoming sexist paradigms, but also incorporates elements of female empowerment. However, it is not exempt from risks, given its ambivalent nature and the gender interests it invokes. This paper reflects on the theoretical aspects of “femvertising” and employs a case study as a way to approach this type of advertising, on which there is hardly any literature. The conclusions suggest that this is a complex phenomenon that requires deeper analysis in order to diagnose its commitment to equality.Uma recente estratégia publicitária, denominada femvertising, parece determinada a acabar com o sexismo que sempre acompanhou grande parte da publicidade. Trata-se de uma proposta que não apenas supera os paradigmas sexistas, mas também incorpora elementos de empoderamento das mulheres. No entanto, não está isenta de riscos, por seu caráter ambivalente e pelos interesses de gênero que compromete. O presente artigo reflete sobre os aspectos teóricos da femvertising e realiza um estudo de caso para se aproximar de uma publicidade sobre a qual existe apenas bibliografia. As conclusões sugerem que se trata de um fenômeno complexo que exige aprofundamento em sua análise para diagnosticar seu compromisso com a igualdade. title ¿Puede la publicidad ser feminista? Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío xmp:CreatorTool OpenEdition xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:9f445155-db63-11f4-0000-1a146d069f8c xmpTPg:NPages 14 work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu txt/../ent/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.ent work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y txt/../ent/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe author: Mano Soshi title: Sexual harassment: The most challenging issue of medical professionalism in Japan date: 2018 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.txt cache: ./cache/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.pdf Content-Type application/xml X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.pdf' === === id: work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu author: Sabine Frühstück title: The Future Is Also a Different Country and We Should Do Things Differently There date: 2020 pages: 28 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.txt cache: ./cache/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.pdf Author Sabine Frühstück Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-07-24T11:19:54Z Last-Modified 2020-07-24T11:19:56Z Last-Save-Date 2020-07-24T11:19:56Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 909 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject 2020. 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InDesign 7.5', 'Adobe InDesign 7.5', 'Adobe InDesign 7.5'] xmpMM:History:When ['2011-02-08T19:00:33Z', '2011-02-08T19:01:17Z', '2011-02-08T19:01:17Z', '2011-02-08T19:03:49Z', '2011-02-08T20:38:42Z', '2011-02-08T22:40:52Z', '2011-02-08T23:32:45Z', '2011-02-08T23:37:16Z', '2011-02-08T23:55:26Z', '2011-02-09T00:04:19Z', '2011-02-09T18:27:07Z', '2011-02-09T18:30:27Z', '2011-02-09T19:00:15Z', '2011-02-09T19:05:48Z', '2011-02-09T19:11:04Z', '2011-02-09T19:22:44Z', '2011-02-09T19:41:28Z', '2011-02-09T19:41:53Z', '2011-02-09T19:42:36Z', '2011-02-09T19:50:47Z', '2011-02-19T16:51:38Z', '2011-02-19T16:54:33Z', '2011-02-19T17:04:03Z', '2011-02-19T17:11:57Z', '2011-02-19T17:14:31Z', '2011-02-19T17:20:39Z', '2011-02-19T17:23:13Z', '2011-02-19T17:27:36Z', '2011-02-19T17:38:31Z', '2011-02-19T18:21:02Z', '2011-02-19T19:56:39Z', '2011-02-19T19:57:10Z', '2011-02-19T19:59:13Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:31Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:37Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:52Z', '2011-02-19T20:21:06Z', '2011-02-19T20:22:08Z', '2011-02-19T20:23:24Z', '2011-02-19T20:29:45Z', '2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:04:41Z', '2015-08-20T13:28:51Z', '2015-08-20T13:45:04Z', '2015-08-25T19:50:58Z', '2015-08-25T20:37:06Z', '2015-08-26T16:40:53Z', '2015-08-26T16:43:07Z', '2015-08-26T16:43:52Z', '2015-08-26T17:03:47Z', '2015-08-26T17:07:06Z', '2015-08-26T17:08:33Z', '2015-08-26T17:10:44Z', '2015-08-26T17:11:27Z', '2015-08-26T17:16:47Z', '2015-08-26T17:18:04Z', '2015-08-26T17:21:05Z', '2015-08-26T17:22:56Z', '2015-08-26T17:23:29Z', '2015-08-26T17:24:08Z', '2015-08-26T17:44:24Z', '2015-08-26T17:56:02Z', '2015-08-26T17:56:02Z', '2015-08-26T18:05:30Z', '2015-08-26T18:09:58Z', '2015-08-26T18:13:12Z', '2015-08-26T18:15:06Z', '2015-08-26T18:16:10Z', '2015-08-26T18:19:04Z', '2015-08-26T18:19:25Z', '2015-08-26T18:20:49Z', '2015-08-26T18:22:24Z', '2015-08-26T18:23:35Z', '2015-08-26T18:27:39Z', '2015-08-26T18:28:43Z', '2015-08-26T18:30:14Z', '2015-08-26T18:31:05Z', '2015-08-26T18:46:07Z', '2015-08-26T18:46:07Z', '2015-08-26T18:46:39Z', '2015-08-26T18:48:35Z', '2015-08-26T18:54:38Z', '2015-08-26T18:56:40Z', '2015-08-26T18:59:24Z', '2015-08-26T19:09:55Z', '2015-08-26T19:11:37Z', '2015-08-26T19:13:04Z', '2015-08-26T19:13:50Z', '2015-08-26T19:17:43Z', '2015-08-26T19:17:55Z', '2015-08-26T19:26:54Z', '2015-08-26T19:28:14Z', '2015-08-26T19:39:09Z', '2015-08-26T19:43:23Z', '2015-08-26T19:47:24Z', '2015-08-26T19:48:23Z', '2015-08-26T19:50:33Z', '2015-08-26T19:52:12Z', '2015-08-26T19:53:45Z', '2015-08-26T19:54:49Z', '2015-08-26T19:57:48Z', '2015-08-26T19:59:36Z', '2015-08-26T19:59:55Z', '2015-08-26T20:00:50Z', '2015-08-26T20:02:40Z', '2015-08-26T20:03:30Z', '2015-08-26T20:04:22Z', '2015-08-26T20:04:41Z', '2015-08-26T20:07:22Z', '2015-08-26T20:10:20Z', '2015-08-26T20:11:56Z', '2015-08-26T20:13:03Z', '2015-08-27T19:55:15Z', '2015-08-27T19:55:15Z', '2015-08-27T19:57:42Z', '2015-08-27T19:59:29Z', '2015-08-27T20:02:30Z', '2015-08-27T20:06:31Z', '2015-08-27T20:08:40Z', '2015-08-27T20:10:59Z', '2015-08-27T20:12:32Z', '2015-08-27T20:14:45Z', '2015-08-27T20:17:05Z', '2015-08-27T20:18:25Z', '2015-08-27T20:26:27Z', '2015-08-27T20:27:09Z', '2015-08-27T20:27:22Z', '2015-08-28T10:34:12Z', '2015-08-28T10:39:26Z', '2015-08-28T10:46:32Z', '2015-08-28T10:49:38Z', '2015-08-28T10:56:26Z', '2015-08-28T10:57:33Z', '2015-08-28T11:00:05Z', '2015-08-28T11:01:32Z', '2015-08-28T11:03:33Z', '2015-08-28T11:04:25Z', '2015-08-28T11:05:01Z', '2015-08-28T11:07:12Z', '2015-08-28T11:08:14Z', '2015-08-28T11:17:38Z', '2015-08-28T11:17:38Z', '2015-08-28T11:19:40Z', '2015-08-28T11:28:44Z', '2015-08-28T11:45:24Z', '2015-08-28T11:45:57Z', '2015-08-28T12:38:29Z', '2015-08-28T12:43:47Z', '2015-08-28T13:02:13Z', '2015-08-28T13:05:34Z', '2015-08-28T13:11:12Z', '2015-08-28T13:11:48Z', '2015-08-28T13:12:17Z', '2015-08-28T13:13:55Z', '2015-08-28T13:15:52Z', '2015-08-28T13:17:03Z', '2015-08-28T13:19:02Z', '2015-08-28T13:19:57Z', '2015-08-28T13:21:04Z', '2015-08-28T13:21:56Z', '2015-08-28T13:23:47Z', '2015-08-28T13:26:29Z', '2015-08-28T15:24:55Z', '2015-08-28T15:24:55Z', '2015-08-28T15:29:05Z', '2015-08-28T15:33:45Z', '2015-08-28T15:36:50Z', '2015-08-28T15:45:05Z', '2015-08-28T15:45:54Z', '2015-08-28T15:58:55Z', '2015-08-28T16:03:04Z', '2015-08-28T16:04:01Z', '2015-08-28T16:11:22Z', '2015-08-28T16:15:01Z', '2015-08-28T16:20:44Z', '2015-08-28T16:21:47Z', '2015-08-28T16:22:55Z', '2015-08-28T16:26:16Z', '2015-08-28T16:32:24Z', '2015-08-28T16:32:56Z', '2015-08-28T16:33:46Z', '2015-08-28T16:44:16Z', '2015-08-29T11:57:57Z', '2015-08-29T12:04:35Z', '2015-08-29T12:06:27Z', '2015-08-29T12:08:05Z', '2015-08-29T13:20:41Z', '2015-09-03T12:36:44Z', '2015-09-03T12:36:44Z', '2015-09-03T13:29:43Z', '2015-09-03T13:41:53Z', '2015-09-03T13:47:11Z', '2015-09-03T13:50:02Z', '2015-09-03T13:52:01Z', '2015-09-03T13:54:32Z', '2015-09-03T13:58:45Z', '2015-09-03T14:00:26Z', '2015-09-03T14:02:50Z', '2015-09-03T14:03:42Z', '2015-09-03T14:04:48Z', '2015-09-03T15:16:18Z', '2015-09-03T16:12:24Z', '2015-09-03T16:16:49Z', '2015-09-03T16:18:07Z', '2015-09-03T16:19:03Z', '2015-09-03T16:24:10Z', '2015-09-14T17:39:22Z', '2015-09-14T17:43:18Z', '2015-09-14T17:43:53Z', '2015-09-14T17:44:53Z', '2015-09-14T17:47:36Z', '2015-09-14T17:48:20Z', '2015-09-14T17:50:32Z', '2015-09-14T18:13:02Z', '2015-09-14T18:14:09Z', '2015-09-14T18:19:09Z', '2015-09-14T18:37:42Z', '2015-09-14T18:38:08Z', '2015-09-14T20:12:25Z', '2015-09-14T20:16:41Z', '2015-09-15T11:47:43Z', '2015-09-15T11:51:24Z', '2015-09-15T11:51:59Z', '2015-09-15T12:29:28Z', '2015-09-15T12:31:33Z', '2015-09-15T12:32:04Z', '2015-09-15T15:00:26Z', '2015-09-15T15:00:57Z', '2015-09-15T16:15:45Z', '2015-12-01T15:05:05Z', '2015-12-01T15:05:15Z', '2015-12-01T15:05:45Z', '2015-12-01T15:13:50Z', '2015-12-01T15:29:59Z', '2015-12-01T15:53:51Z', '2015-12-01T15:58:50Z', '2015-12-01T15:59:43Z', '2015-12-01T16:10:37Z', '2015-12-01T16:10:53Z', '2015-12-01T16:11:29Z', '2015-12-01T16:21:13Z', '2015-12-07T13:32:24Z', '2015-12-07T13:36:35Z', '2015-12-07T13:42:11Z', '2015-12-07T13:49:28Z', '2015-12-07T14:02:09Z', '2015-12-07T14:02:34Z', '2015-12-07T14:11:44Z', '2015-12-07T14:19:39Z', '2015-12-07T14:28:20Z', '2015-12-07T14:29:53Z', '2015-12-07T14:31:32Z', '2015-12-07T14:32:30Z', '2015-12-07T14:34:28Z', '2015-12-07T14:34:42Z', '2015-12-09T11:27:30Z', '2015-12-09T11:29:44Z', '2015-12-09T11:29:53Z', '2015-12-09T11:30:09Z', '2015-12-09T11:30:54Z', '2015-12-09T11:31:36Z', '2015-12-09T11:32:01Z', '2015-12-09T11:32:17Z', '2015-12-09T11:32:31Z', '2015-12-09T11:32:49Z', '2015-12-09T11:33:35Z', '2015-12-09T11:34:22Z', '2015-12-09T11:36:14Z', '2015-12-09T11:36:49Z', '2015-12-09T11:37:10Z', '2015-12-09T11:37:31Z', '2015-12-09T11:37:53Z', '2015-12-09T11:38:13Z', '2015-12-09T11:40:08Z', '2015-12-09T11:40:23Z', '2015-12-09T11:41:04Z', '2015-12-09T11:41:36Z', '2015-12-09T11:42:23Z', '2015-12-09T11:44:06Z', '2015-12-09T11:45:10Z', '2015-12-09T11:47:44Z', '2015-12-09T11:48:46Z', '2015-12-09T11:49:55Z', '2015-12-09T12:39:52Z', '2015-12-09T12:40:03Z', '2015-12-09T12:40:17Z', '2015-12-09T12:40:36Z', '2015-12-09T12:40:57Z', '2015-12-09T12:41:17Z', '2015-12-09T12:41:30Z', '2015-12-09T12:42:02Z', '2015-12-09T12:42:26Z', '2015-12-09T12:47:32Z', '2015-12-09T12:49:56Z', '2015-12-09T13:08:45Z', '2015-12-09T13:10:36Z', '2015-12-09T13:13:41Z', '2015-12-09T19:26:25Z', '2015-12-09T19:26:33Z', '2015-12-09T19:36:49Z', '2015-12-15T15:42:07Z', '2015-12-15T15:55:31Z', '2015-12-15T15:57:25Z', '2015-12-15T16:21:11Z', '2015-12-15T16:33:14Z', '2015-12-15T16:39:29Z', '2015-12-15T16:40:59Z', '2015-12-15T16:44:10Z', '2015-12-15T16:51:27Z', '2015-12-15T16:55:01Z', '2015-12-15T17:08:55Z', '2015-12-15T17:13:16Z', '2015-12-15T17:15:00Z', '2015-12-15T17:15:43Z', '2015-12-15T17:53:23Z', '2015-12-15T17:57:31Z', '2015-12-16T15:02:36Z', '2015-12-16T15:07:56Z', '2015-12-16T15:08:31Z', '2015-12-16T15:08:49Z', '2015-12-16T15:09:30Z', '2015-12-16T15:10:00Z', '2015-12-16T15:10:20Z', '2015-12-16T15:11:06Z', '2015-12-16T15:12:35Z', '2015-12-16T15:15:06Z', '2015-12-16T15:44:18Z', '2015-12-16T15:47:31Z', '2015-12-16T15:47:59Z', '2015-12-16T20:24:01Z', '2015-12-23T13:39:26Z', '2015-12-23T13:41:44Z', '2015-12-23T13:44:38Z', '2015-12-23T13:47:56Z', '2016-01-25T18:54:25Z', '2016-01-27T11:10:06Z', '2016-01-27T11:16:27Z', '2016-02-13T13:49:16Z', '2016-02-13T15:05:15Z', '2016-05-10T11:26:47Z', '2016-05-10T11:27:15Z', '2016-05-10T11:27:59Z', '2016-05-10T11:28:17Z', '2016-05-10T11:29:58Z', '2016-05-10T11:31:44Z', '2016-05-10T11:33:35Z', '2016-05-10T11:55:55Z', '2016-05-10T11:56:08Z', '2016-05-10T11:57:48Z', '2016-05-10T11:57:54Z', '2016-05-10T11:59:33Z', '2016-05-10T12:02:32Z', '2016-05-10T12:03:12Z', '2016-05-10T12:03:25Z', '2016-05-10T12:04:22Z', '2016-05-10T12:04:36Z', '2016-05-10T12:09:47Z', '2016-05-10T12:10:15Z', '2016-05-10T12:12:00Z', '2016-05-10T12:13:37Z', '2016-05-10T12:15:47Z', '2016-05-10T12:16:42Z', '2016-05-10T12:24:38Z', '2016-05-10T12:26:19Z', '2016-05-10T12:26:32Z', '2016-05-10T15:47:17Z', '2016-05-10T15:48:49Z', '2016-05-10T15:49:02Z', '2016-05-10T15:49:32Z', '2016-05-11T10:49:35Z', '2016-05-11T10:53:13Z', '2016-05-11T10:53:32Z', '2016-05-11T10:53:48Z', '2016-05-11T10:59:59Z', '2016-05-11T11:02:46Z', '2016-05-11T11:06:15Z', '2016-05-11T11:06:28Z', '2016-05-11T11:08:41Z', '2016-05-11T11:09:33Z', '2016-05-11T11:10:03Z', '2016-05-11T11:10:10Z', '2016-05-11T11:10:41Z', '2016-05-11T11:11:51Z', '2016-05-11T11:13:44Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 28 work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe txt/../wrd/work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe.wrd work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q txt/../ent/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.ent work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy txt/../pos/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4 author: Claire Junga Kim title: In order to be medically correct, we must be politically correct in class date: 2018 pages: 4 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.txt cache: ./cache/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.pdf Author PC Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-08-27T04:04:53Z Last-Modified 2018-08-29T07:08:53Z Last-Save-Date 2018-08-29T07:08:53Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler 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true cp:subject Jindal Global Law Review, created 2019-11-19T12:34:01Z creator ['Upasana Mahanta ', 'Sameena Dalwai ', 'Albeena Shakil '] date 2019-11-27T05:34:01Z dc:creator ['Upasana Mahanta ', 'Sameena Dalwai ', 'Albeena Shakil '] dc:description Jindal Global Law Review, dc:format ['application/pdf; version="A-2b"', 'application/pdf; version=1.6'] dc:language EN dc:title Women and Law in South Asia dcterms:created 2019-11-19T12:34:01Z dcterms:modified 2019-11-27T05:34:01Z description Jindal Global Law Review, doi 10.1007/s41020-019-00105-1 language EN meta:author ['Upasana Mahanta ', 'Sameena Dalwai ', 'Albeena Shakil '] meta:creation-date 2019-11-19T12:34:01Z meta:save-date 2019-11-27T05:34:01Z modified 2019-11-27T05:34:01Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['2060', '3516', '3399', '3303', '3558', '3742', '697'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-11-19T12:34:01Z pdf:docinfo:creator Upasana Mahanta pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Springer pdf:docinfo:custom:CrossMarkDomains[1] 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work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm author: Emily Bryan title: "Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven," Measure for Measure and Performing Triads date: 2020 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.txt cache: ./cache/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.pdf Author Emily Bryan Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z Keywords Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; rhetoric; repetition; triadic logic; semiotics Last-Modified 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z Last-Save-Date 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 81 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Reading Measure for Measure through the logic of substitution has been a long-standing critical tradition; the play seems to invite topical, political, and religious parallels at every turn. What if the logic of substitution in the play goes beyond exchange and seeks out a triadic logic instead? This insistent searching for the triad appears most notably in the performance of Measure for Measure by Cheek by Jowl (2013–2019). Cheek By Jowl’s strategies of touring, simplicity, movement, and liberation create a dynamic and ever-evolving performance. This article puts Cheek by Jowl’s performance of Measure for Measure in conversation with C.S. Peirce’s (and subsequent theorists) explorations of triadic logic with Puttenham’s rhetoric of traductio (repetition with variation, and "tranlacing"), in addition to critical work on substitutions in the play. Tracing the superfluity of substitutions in rhetoric and performance of the play allows us to see how the play refuses binaries, and energizes triadic logic as a means to liveness in performance. Both Shakespeare’s play and the Cheek By Jowl production use a triadic structure which suggests the Trinity, foregrounding the body as a site of mediation and liveness. created 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z creator Emily Bryan date 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z dc:creator Emily Bryan dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; rhetoric; repetition; triadic logic; semiotics dc:title “Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven,” Measure for Measure and Performing Triads dcterms:created 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z dcterms:modified 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z meta:author Emily Bryan meta:creation-date 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z meta:keyword Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; rhetoric; repetition; triadic logic; semiotics meta:save-date 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z modified 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2686', '3830', '4258', '3915', '4023', '3890', '3543', '3139', '3052', '3946', '3248', '3589', '3845', '4176', '3699', '3922', '3856'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z pdf:docinfo:creator Emily Bryan pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; rhetoric; repetition; triadic logic; semiotics pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-02-22T06:54:39Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Reading Measure for Measure through the logic of substitution has been a long-standing critical tradition; the play seems to invite topical, political, and religious parallels at every turn. What if the logic of substitution in the play goes beyond exchange and seeks out a triadic logic instead? This insistent searching for the triad appears most notably in the performance of Measure for Measure by Cheek by Jowl (2013–2019). Cheek By Jowl’s strategies of touring, simplicity, movement, and liberation create a dynamic and ever-evolving performance. This article puts Cheek by Jowl’s performance of Measure for Measure in conversation with C.S. Peirce’s (and subsequent theorists) explorations of triadic logic with Puttenham’s rhetoric of traductio (repetition with variation, and "tranlacing"), in addition to critical work on substitutions in the play. Tracing the superfluity of substitutions in rhetoric and performance of the play allows us to see how the play refuses binaries, and energizes triadic logic as a means to liveness in performance. Both Shakespeare’s play and the Cheek By Jowl production use a triadic structure which suggests the Trinity, foregrounding the body as a site of mediation and liveness. pdf:docinfo:title “Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven,” Measure for Measure and Performing Triads pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.pdf' subject Reading Measure for Measure through the logic of substitution has been a long-standing critical tradition; the play seems to invite topical, political, and religious parallels at every turn. What if the logic of substitution in the play goes beyond exchange and seeks out a triadic logic instead? This insistent searching for the triad appears most notably in the performance of Measure for Measure by Cheek by Jowl (2013–2019). Cheek By Jowl’s strategies of touring, simplicity, movement, and liberation create a dynamic and ever-evolving performance. This article puts Cheek by Jowl’s performance of Measure for Measure in conversation with C.S. Peirce’s (and subsequent theorists) explorations of triadic logic with Puttenham’s rhetoric of traductio (repetition with variation, and "tranlacing"), in addition to critical work on substitutions in the play. Tracing the superfluity of substitutions in rhetoric and performance of the play allows us to see how the play refuses binaries, and energizes triadic logic as a means to liveness in performance. Both Shakespeare’s play and the Cheek By Jowl production use a triadic structure which suggests the Trinity, foregrounding the body as a site of mediation and liveness. title “Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven,” Measure for Measure and Performing Triads trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 17 work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq txt/../pos/work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq.pos work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru txt/../pos/work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru.pos work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m txt/../wrd/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.wrd work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy txt/../ent/work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy.ent work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi txt/../ent/work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom txt/../ent/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.ent work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu txt/../ent/work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu.ent === === id: work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou author: Marwa Ahmad title: "You Do It without Their Knowledge." Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students date: 2020 pages: 11 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.txt cache: ./cache/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.pdf Author Marwa Ahmad, Benjamin Becerra, Dyanna Hernandez, Paulchris Okpala, Amber Olney and Monideepa Becerra Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z Keywords sexual consent; college students; condom; privacy; sexually transmitted diseases; infections Last-Modified 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z Last-Save-Date 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 54 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject In recent years, the act of nonconsensual condom removal, termed stealthing, has become commonly discussed on social and print media; yet, little to no evidence exists on the current knowledge and perception of stealthing among young adults. As such, we assessed what college students know and feel regarding stealthing. We employed an exploratory mixed-method analysis where focus groups were followed by a quantitative survey. A qualitative assessment was conducted using grounded theory analyses and questions for a quantitative survey were developed based on emergent themes from focus groups. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and bivariate analyses with alpha less than 0.05 to denote significance. Though limited knowledge exists, participants felt that stealthing was a violation of their privacy, trust, sexual consent, and their ability to make a health decision, and should be considered an assault. Participants noted stealthing may have become acceptable due to its popularity in social media and young adult culture, especially porn. We also found sex differences in the perception of stealthing being considered a sexual assault with lower rates among males as compared to females. Our results demonstrate that there is a need for health educators to assess the prevalence of such a behavior among college students and policy makers to assess the legal implications of nonconsensual condom removal. created 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z creator Marwa Ahmad, Benjamin Becerra, Dyanna Hernandez, Paulchris Okpala, Amber Olney and Monideepa Becerra date 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z dc:creator Marwa Ahmad, Benjamin Becerra, Dyanna Hernandez, Paulchris Okpala, Amber Olney and Monideepa Becerra dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sexual consent; college students; condom; privacy; sexually transmitted diseases; infections dc:title “You Do It without Their Knowledge.” Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students dcterms:created 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z dcterms:modified 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z meta:author Marwa Ahmad, Benjamin Becerra, Dyanna Hernandez, Paulchris Okpala, Amber Olney and Monideepa Becerra meta:creation-date 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z meta:keyword sexual consent; college students; condom; privacy; sexually transmitted diseases; infections meta:save-date 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z modified 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2937', '3959', '3474', '3335', '2886', '2962', '3351', '4159', '3474', '3490', '681'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z pdf:docinfo:creator Marwa Ahmad, Benjamin Becerra, Dyanna Hernandez, Paulchris Okpala, Amber Olney and Monideepa Becerra pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords sexual consent; college students; condom; privacy; sexually transmitted diseases; infections pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-05-18T11:25:07Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject In recent years, the act of nonconsensual condom removal, termed stealthing, has become commonly discussed on social and print media; yet, little to no evidence exists on the current knowledge and perception of stealthing among young adults. As such, we assessed what college students know and feel regarding stealthing. We employed an exploratory mixed-method analysis where focus groups were followed by a quantitative survey. A qualitative assessment was conducted using grounded theory analyses and questions for a quantitative survey were developed based on emergent themes from focus groups. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and bivariate analyses with alpha less than 0.05 to denote significance. Though limited knowledge exists, participants felt that stealthing was a violation of their privacy, trust, sexual consent, and their ability to make a health decision, and should be considered an assault. Participants noted stealthing may have become acceptable due to its popularity in social media and young adult culture, especially porn. We also found sex differences in the perception of stealthing being considered a sexual assault with lower rates among males as compared to females. Our results demonstrate that there is a need for health educators to assess the prevalence of such a behavior among college students and policy makers to assess the legal implications of nonconsensual condom removal. pdf:docinfo:title “You Do It without Their Knowledge.” Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.pdf' subject In recent years, the act of nonconsensual condom removal, termed stealthing, has become commonly discussed on social and print media; yet, little to no evidence exists on the current knowledge and perception of stealthing among young adults. As such, we assessed what college students know and feel regarding stealthing. We employed an exploratory mixed-method analysis where focus groups were followed by a quantitative survey. A qualitative assessment was conducted using grounded theory analyses and questions for a quantitative survey were developed based on emergent themes from focus groups. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and bivariate analyses with alpha less than 0.05 to denote significance. Though limited knowledge exists, participants felt that stealthing was a violation of their privacy, trust, sexual consent, and their ability to make a health decision, and should be considered an assault. Participants noted stealthing may have become acceptable due to its popularity in social media and young adult culture, especially porn. We also found sex differences in the perception of stealthing being considered a sexual assault with lower rates among males as compared to females. Our results demonstrate that there is a need for health educators to assess the prevalence of such a behavior among college students and policy makers to assess the legal implications of nonconsensual condom removal. title “You Do It without Their Knowledge.” Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 11 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.pdf' work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4 txt/../ent/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.ent INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju txt/../ent/work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju.ent work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja txt/../pos/work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.pos === === id: work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra author: Michael Bernhard title: Digital Politics date: 2018 pages: 4 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.txt cache: ./cache/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-10-20T05:26:04Z Last-Modified 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 23 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2018-10-20T05:26:04Z date 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z dc:description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 00:56:02, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at dc:format application/pdf; 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_6wqbmid5avg5djw7lmkx5xgt6e' 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'2017-09-01T13:50:57Z', '2017-09-01T13:55:56Z', '2017-09-01T16:00:32Z', '2017-09-04T08:55:44Z', '2017-09-04T10:29:55Z', '2017-09-04T15:49:01Z', '2017-09-04T16:30:23Z', '2017-09-04T17:13:39Z', '2017-09-04T17:15:14Z', '2017-09-13T17:37:43Z', '2017-09-18T08:52:54Z', '2017-09-18T13:10:02Z', '2017-09-18T15:44:04Z', '2017-09-18T15:44:55Z', '2017-09-19T08:38:46Z', '2017-09-19T09:18:20Z', '2017-09-19T09:20:01Z', '2017-09-19T16:51:13Z', '2017-09-19T18:31:14Z', '2017-09-25T13:50:13Z', '2017-09-28T10:26:39Z', '2017-09-28T20:31:06Z', '2017-10-11T12:16:02Z', '2017-10-11T13:00:01Z', '2017-10-12T20:26:02Z', '2017-11-03T09:19:22Z', '2017-11-03T09:20:26Z', '2017-11-03T17:24:36Z', '2017-11-06T13:53:07Z', '2017-11-06T15:30:52Z', '2017-11-06T16:02:24Z', '2017-11-07T09:01:47Z', '2017-11-07T11:18:30Z', '2017-11-10T14:01:30Z', '2017-11-10T15:24:57Z', '2017-11-10T18:01:03Z', '2017-11-13T10:57:51Z', '2017-11-13T13:38:36Z', '2017-11-13T13:38:42Z', '2017-11-14T15:40:48Z', '2017-11-14T19:24:26Z', '2017-11-15T09:06:24Z', '2017-11-15T16:11:25Z', '2017-11-16T09:29:57Z', '2017-11-16T10:06:47Z', '2017-11-16T10:11:18Z', '2017-11-16T10:14:20Z', '2017-11-16T13:19:26Z', '2017-11-16T15:24:18Z', '2017-11-20T15:08:07Z', '2017-11-20T15:12:42Z', '2017-11-20T16:01:50Z', '2017-11-21T11:11:03Z', '2017-11-21T11:28:25Z', '2017-11-22T13:52:58Z', '2017-11-23T10:00:36Z', '2017-11-23T15:11:22Z', '2017-11-23T17:00:31Z', '2017-11-24T09:05:40Z', '2017-11-24T10:25:02Z', '2017-11-27T09:40:27Z', '2017-11-27T09:58:01Z', '2017-11-28T11:21:39Z', '2017-11-28T13:47:39Z', '2017-12-28T11:19:34Z', '2017-12-28T11:19:34Z', '2017-12-28T11:24:54Z', '2017-12-28T11:25:24Z', '2017-12-28T11:26:25Z', '2017-12-28T11:33:50Z', '2017-12-28T11:37:53Z', '2017-12-28T11:38:30Z', '2017-12-28T11:39:29Z', '2017-12-28T11:39:36Z', '2017-12-28T13:03:31Z', '2017-12-29T14:01:42Z', '2017-12-29T14:02:33Z', '2017-12-29T14:04:24Z', '2017-12-29T14:25:34Z', '2018-01-16T08:54:30Z', '2018-01-16T14:15:01Z', '2018-01-18T11:16:50Z', 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'2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2015-02-17T16:29:07Z', '2015-02-17T16:29:07Z', '2015-02-17T16:48:29Z', '2015-02-17T16:48:29Z', '2015-02-18T08:49:11Z', '2015-02-18T08:50:35Z', '2015-02-18T08:50:35Z', '2015-06-18T11:56:10Z', '2015-06-18T11:56:10Z', '2015-06-18T11:56:29Z', '2015-07-02T16:28:47Z', '2015-07-02T16:28:47Z', '2015-07-02T16:34:45Z', '2015-08-03T17:55:24Z', '2015-08-03T17:55:24Z', '2015-08-03T18:18:37Z', '2015-08-03T18:57:56Z', '2015-08-03T18:57:56Z', '2015-08-03T19:00:54Z', '2015-08-05T18:42:27Z', '2015-08-05T18:42:27Z', '2015-08-05T18:56:03Z', '2020-03-03T15:13:37Z', '2020-03-03T15:13:37Z', '2020-03-03T15:13:46Z', '2020-03-03T15:19:14Z', '2020-05-23T11:23:58Z', '2020-05-23T11:23:58Z', '2020-05-25T16:10:35Z', '2020-05-25T16:12:35Z', '2020-05-25T16:15:22Z', '2020-05-25T16:21:32Z', '2020-05-25T16:22:29Z', '2020-05-25T16:23:08Z', '2020-05-25T16:25:22Z', '2020-05-25T16:36:52Z', '2020-08-11T14:34:19Z', '2020-08-11T14:34:55Z', '2020-08-12T13:40:29Z', '2020-08-12T13:44:08Z', '2020-08-12T13:44:46Z', '2020-08-12T13:56:52Z', '2020-08-12T14:07:19Z', '2020-08-12T14:16:40Z', '2020-08-12T14:18:22Z', '2020-08-12T14:18:59Z', '2020-08-12T14:20:03Z', '2020-08-12T17:22:38Z', '2020-08-12T17:38:05Z', '2020-08-13T18:08:44Z', '2020-08-13T18:08:44Z', '2020-08-23T15:13:28Z', '2020-08-23T15:19:53Z', '2020-08-23T15:24:26Z', '2020-08-24T11:10:12Z', '2020-08-24T11:10:15Z', '2020-09-07T18:41:23Z', '2020-09-07T18:42:30Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 16 work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4 txt/../ent/work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4.ent work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma txt/../wrd/work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma.wrd work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi txt/../ent/work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.pdf' work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga txt/../wrd/work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga.wrd INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ujpc2kuozndnba6wnzlmeiwhvm txt/../wrd/work_ujpc2kuozndnba6wnzlmeiwhvm.wrd work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma txt/../pos/work_xb5xaiyyrbfttgwwrfdmnml4ma.pos work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e txt/../ent/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm txt/../wrd/work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm.wrd work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe txt/../wrd/work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe.wrd 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access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. The list was controversial not only in that it became a viral phenomenon (and resulted in immediate questioning of the legitimacy of internet culture for politics) but also in that these accusations did not contain information on the circumstances of the alleged crimes, so as to protect the victims’ anonymity. The list was quickly dubbed “the list of naming and shaming” and was met with its strongest criticism from within the feminist movement itself, as established feminists argued publicly against such methods and against the queer Dalit leaker of the document, Raya Sarkar. This paper examines these conflicts of solidarity as conflicts between transnational and local positionalities and argues for the possibility of digital spaces as environments that invite a queering of identity politics, constructive disagreement, and transformative justice, rather than mere conflict and its resolution through a homogenous feminist identity. created 2020-03-18T13:54:13Z creator Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss date 2020-03-18T16:55:55Z dc:creator Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss dc:description At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. The list was controversial not only in that it became a viral phenomenon (and resulted in immediate questioning of the legitimacy of internet culture for politics) but also in that these accusations did not contain information on the circumstances of the alleged crimes, so as to protect the victims’ anonymity. The list was quickly dubbed “the list of naming and shaming” and was met with its strongest criticism from within the feminist movement itself, as established feminists argued publicly against such methods and against the queer Dalit leaker of the document, Raya Sarkar. This paper examines these conflicts of solidarity as conflicts between transnational and local positionalities and argues for the possibility of digital spaces as environments that invite a queering of identity politics, constructive disagreement, and transformative justice, rather than mere conflict and its resolution through a homogenous feminist identity. dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dc:language en-US dc:subject Postcolonialism; Feminism; Social Media; Intersectionality; Sexual Harassment dc:title Queering Feminist Solidarities. #MeToo, LoSHA and the Digital Dalit dcterms:created 2020-03-18T13:54:13Z dcterms:modified 2020-03-18T16:55:55Z description At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. The list was controversial not only in that it became a viral phenomenon (and resulted in immediate questioning of the legitimacy of internet culture for politics) but also in that these accusations did not contain information on the circumstances of the alleged crimes, so as to protect the victims’ anonymity. The list was quickly dubbed “the list of naming and shaming” and was met with its strongest criticism from within the feminist movement itself, as established feminists argued publicly against such methods and against the queer Dalit leaker of the document, Raya Sarkar. This paper examines these conflicts of solidarity as conflicts between transnational and local positionalities and argues for the possibility of digital spaces as environments that invite a queering of identity politics, constructive disagreement, and transformative justice, rather than mere conflict and its resolution through a homogenous feminist identity. language en-US meta:author Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss meta:creation-date 2020-03-18T13:54:13Z meta:keyword Postcolonialism; Feminism; Social Media; Intersectionality; Sexual Harassment meta:save-date 2020-03-18T16:55:55Z modified 2020-03-18T16:55:55Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['1777', '3229', '3117', '3387', '3066', '2940', '2999', '3065', '2896', '3578', '3033', '3283', '2803', '3104', '2856', '3060', '2516', '2555', '2440', '1624'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-03-18T13:54:13Z pdf:docinfo:creator Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign 15.0 (Macintosh) pdf:docinfo:keywords Postcolonialism; Feminism; Social Media; Intersectionality; Sexual Harassment pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-03-18T16:55:55Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 15.0 pdf:docinfo:subject At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. The list was controversial not only in that it became a viral phenomenon (and resulted in immediate questioning of the legitimacy of internet culture for politics) but also in that these accusations did not contain information on the circumstances of the alleged crimes, so as to protect the victims’ anonymity. The list was quickly dubbed “the list of naming and shaming” and was met with its strongest criticism from within the feminist movement itself, as established feminists argued publicly against such methods and against the queer Dalit leaker of the document, Raya Sarkar. This paper examines these conflicts of solidarity as conflicts between transnational and local positionalities and argues for the possibility of digital spaces as environments that invite a queering of identity politics, constructive disagreement, and transformative justice, rather than mere conflict and its resolution through a homogenous feminist identity. pdf:docinfo:title Queering Feminist Solidarities. #MeToo, LoSHA and the Digital Dalit pdf:docinfo:trapped Unknown pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Adobe PDF Library 15.0 resourceName b'work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.pdf' subject At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. The list was controversial not only in that it became a viral phenomenon (and resulted in immediate questioning of the legitimacy of internet culture for politics) but also in that these accusations did not contain information on the circumstances of the alleged crimes, so as to protect the victims’ anonymity. The list was quickly dubbed “the list of naming and shaming” and was met with its strongest criticism from within the feminist movement itself, as established feminists argued publicly against such methods and against the queer Dalit leaker of the document, Raya Sarkar. This paper examines these conflicts of solidarity as conflicts between transnational and local positionalities and argues for the possibility of digital spaces as environments that invite a queering of identity politics, constructive disagreement, and transformative justice, rather than mere conflict and its resolution through a homogenous feminist identity. title Queering Feminist Solidarities. #MeToo, LoSHA and the Digital Dalit trapped Unknown xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign 15.0 (Macintosh) xmpMM:DerivedFrom:DocumentID xmp.did:41d0625e-8f5f-6b46-865a-4f35d2940846 xmpMM:DerivedFrom:InstanceID xmp.iid:b67fa083-121c-447c-8d32-c21df6a75d39 xmpMM:DocumentID xmpTPg:NPages 20 === === id: work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma author: Thomas Grimmsmann title: Polypharmacy in primary care practices: an analysis using a large health insurance database date: 2009 pages: 8 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.txt cache: ./cache/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.pdf Author 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File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_cpy5whh5dzehviugzwsedj6s2m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_cpy5whh5dzehviugzwsedj6s2m' work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q txt/../pos/work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q.pos === === id: work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi author: Catherine So-kum Tang title: Sexual harassment of Chinese college students date: 1996 pages: 4 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.txt cache: 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FLT was nevertheless able to turn around the negative discourse of post-feminism to show that the “post” can mean not just the end but a new beginning. 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Now, a comprehensive survey of female undergraduates in physics has uncovered a similarly disturbing situation for this group of women at the start of their careers. 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_nevtsdrxwrctdc3mxdstxpid64' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_q2vcqglplbb53cdillzvxp2yxe' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return 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psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; psychological detachment; female employee; deluxe hotel Last-Modified 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z Last-Save-Date 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.3.2 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 75 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Today, organizations face risky legal and financial consequences stemming from a single sexual harassment event. The purpose of this study was to verify that the sexual harassment, as perceived by female employees, significantly affects their levels of psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior to investigate the moderating role of organizational silence and psychological detachment in the causal relationship. First, this study found that perceived sexual harassment has a negative impact on the female employees’ psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior. This study’s results also demonstrated that psychological distress has a positive impact on workplace deviant behavior. Additionally, the influence of perceived sexual harassment on psychological distress increased when the employees’ psychological detachment was weak. Finally, limitations and future research directions are also discussed. created 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z creator Hyo Sun Jung and Hye Hyun Yoon date 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z dc:creator Hyo Sun Jung and Hye Hyun Yoon dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sexual harassment; psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; psychological detachment; female employee; deluxe hotel dc:title How Does Sexual Harassment Influence the Female Employee’s Negative Response in a Deluxe Hotel? dcterms:created 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z dcterms:modified 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z meta:author Hyo Sun Jung and Hye Hyun Yoon meta:creation-date 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z meta:keyword sexual harassment; psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; psychological detachment; female employee; deluxe hotel meta:save-date 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z modified 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3034', '4734', '3785', '3799', '3690', '2901', '2554', '2400', '3493', '3777', '3766', '4218', '3807'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z pdf:docinfo:creator Hyo Sun Jung and Hye Hyun Yoon pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.3.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords sexual harassment; psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; psychological detachment; female employee; deluxe hotel pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-12-19T11:08:20Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:docinfo:subject Today, organizations face risky legal and financial consequences stemming from a single sexual harassment event. The purpose of this study was to verify that the sexual harassment, as perceived by female employees, significantly affects their levels of psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior to investigate the moderating role of organizational silence and psychological detachment in the causal relationship. First, this study found that perceived sexual harassment has a negative impact on the female employees’ psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior. This study’s results also demonstrated that psychological distress has a positive impact on workplace deviant behavior. Additionally, the influence of perceived sexual harassment on psychological distress increased when the employees’ psychological detachment was weak. Finally, limitations and future research directions are also discussed. pdf:docinfo:title How Does Sexual Harassment Influence the Female Employee’s Negative Response in a Deluxe Hotel? pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.21 resourceName b'work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe.pdf' subject Today, organizations face risky legal and financial consequences stemming from a single sexual harassment event. The purpose of this study was to verify that the sexual harassment, as perceived by female employees, significantly affects their levels of psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior to investigate the moderating role of organizational silence and psychological detachment in the causal relationship. First, this study found that perceived sexual harassment has a negative impact on the female employees’ psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior. This study’s results also demonstrated that psychological distress has a positive impact on workplace deviant behavior. Additionally, the influence of perceived sexual harassment on psychological distress increased when the employees’ psychological detachment was weak. Finally, limitations and future research directions are also discussed. title How Does Sexual Harassment Influence the Female Employee’s Negative Response in a Deluxe Hotel? trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref xmpTPg:NPages 13 === === id: work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe author: Libby V. Morris title: Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making date: 2019 pages: 3 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.txt cache: ./cache/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.pdf Author Libby V. 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Morris dc:description Innov High Educ, doi:10.1007/s10755-019-9456-4 dc:format ['application/pdf; version="A-2b"', 'application/pdf; version=1.4'] dc:language EN dc:subject dc:title Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making dcterms:created 2019-01-31T04:04:20Z dcterms:modified 2019-01-31T09:08:32Z description Innov High Educ, doi:10.1007/s10755-019-9456-4 language EN meta:author Libby V. Morris meta:creation-date 2019-01-31T04:04:20Z meta:keyword meta:save-date 2019-01-31T09:08:32Z modified 2019-01-31T09:08:32Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['2328', '3379', '415'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-01-31T04:04:20Z pdf:docinfo:creator Libby V. 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Using the works of such thinkers as Paul Ricoeur and Richard Kearney, I argue that human self-understanding and therefore sense of identity is narrative dependent. While this idea has its critics, in the framework of the central question of this essay narrative theory is a particularly productive tool. The story that I tell that gives me identity is not only a story about the surface. It is embedded in my being. I do not simply have a story, I am a story and create my world through that story. Narrative is a part of the ontological structure of being human and the ontic experience of being in the world. One narrates one’s life not in the sense of a movie voiceover, but rather as a reflective and reflexive understanding of oneself. Kearney’s work in Anatheism is particularly useful for this discussion. While Kearney’s interest is in the dialectical move from theism to atheism to a synthesis that is an atheist-informed theism, one can see the same trajectory at work in feminism and anti-feminism. If one begins with patriarchy and moves to feminism, the next step becomes anti-feminism informed by feminism. However, there is still room for an additional dialectical move, to regain a feminism that invites in its detractors and reshapes the collective narratives that impact how we interact with each other in community. created 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z creator Verna Marina Ehret date 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z dc:creator Verna Marina Ehret dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject transcontextual narrative; performative narrative; reconciliation dc:title Transcontextual Narratives of Inclusion: Mediating Feminist and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric dcterms:created 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z dcterms:modified 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z meta:author Verna Marina Ehret meta:creation-date 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z meta:keyword transcontextual narrative; performative narrative; reconciliation meta:save-date 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z modified 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3360', '3987', '3847', '4073', '4024', '4222', '4128', '4040', '4179', '4123', '3680', '4121', '3926', '3602', '3725'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z pdf:docinfo:creator Verna Marina Ehret pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords transcontextual narrative; performative narrative; reconciliation pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-05-16T08:49:03Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject In seeking a path to mediating feminist and anti-feminist narratives, one must begin with a framework of the method of narrative analysis being used. Using the works of such thinkers as Paul Ricoeur and Richard Kearney, I argue that human self-understanding and therefore sense of identity is narrative dependent. While this idea has its critics, in the framework of the central question of this essay narrative theory is a particularly productive tool. The story that I tell that gives me identity is not only a story about the surface. It is embedded in my being. I do not simply have a story, I am a story and create my world through that story. Narrative is a part of the ontological structure of being human and the ontic experience of being in the world. One narrates one’s life not in the sense of a movie voiceover, but rather as a reflective and reflexive understanding of oneself. Kearney’s work in Anatheism is particularly useful for this discussion. While Kearney’s interest is in the dialectical move from theism to atheism to a synthesis that is an atheist-informed theism, one can see the same trajectory at work in feminism and anti-feminism. If one begins with patriarchy and moves to feminism, the next step becomes anti-feminism informed by feminism. However, there is still room for an additional dialectical move, to regain a feminism that invites in its detractors and reshapes the collective narratives that impact how we interact with each other in community. pdf:docinfo:title Transcontextual Narratives of Inclusion: Mediating Feminist and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky.pdf' subject In seeking a path to mediating feminist and anti-feminist narratives, one must begin with a framework of the method of narrative analysis being used. Using the works of such thinkers as Paul Ricoeur and Richard Kearney, I argue that human self-understanding and therefore sense of identity is narrative dependent. While this idea has its critics, in the framework of the central question of this essay narrative theory is a particularly productive tool. The story that I tell that gives me identity is not only a story about the surface. It is embedded in my being. I do not simply have a story, I am a story and create my world through that story. Narrative is a part of the ontological structure of being human and the ontic experience of being in the world. One narrates one’s life not in the sense of a movie voiceover, but rather as a reflective and reflexive understanding of oneself. Kearney’s work in Anatheism is particularly useful for this discussion. While Kearney’s interest is in the dialectical move from theism to atheism to a synthesis that is an atheist-informed theism, one can see the same trajectory at work in feminism and anti-feminism. If one begins with patriarchy and moves to feminism, the next step becomes anti-feminism informed by feminism. However, there is still room for an additional dialectical move, to regain a feminism that invites in its detractors and reshapes the collective narratives that impact how we interact with each other in community. title Transcontextual Narratives of Inclusion: Mediating Feminist and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 15 work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74 txt/../wrd/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.wrd work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce txt/../pos/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 author: Vladislava Gordić-Petković title: Digital transgressions: Fiction and change in the era of technological expansion date: 2019 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.txt cache: ./cache/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.pdf Author Content-Type application/pdf 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Baumlin and Craig A. Meyer Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z Keywords ethos; selfhood; identity; authenticity; authority; persona; positionality; postmodernism; haunt; iatrology; trust; storytelling; Archer; Aristotle; Bourdieu; Corder; Foucault; Geertz; Giddens; Gusdorf; Heidegger Last-Modified 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z Last-Save-Date 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 125 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject The aim of this essay is to introduce, contextualize, and provide rationale for texts published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. It surveys theories of ethos and selfhood that have evolved since the mid-twentieth century, in order to identify trends in discourse of the new millennium. It outlines the dominant theories—existentialist, neo-Aristotelian, social-constructionist, and poststructuralist—while summarizing major theorists of language and culture (Archer, Bourdieu, Foucault, Geertz, Giddens, Gusdorf, Heidegger). It argues for a perspectivist/dialectical approach, given that no one theory comprehends the rich diversity of living discourse. While outlining the “current state of theory,” this essay also seeks to predict, and promote, discursive practices that will carry ethos into a hopeful future. (We seek, not simply to study ethos, but to do ethos.) With respect to twenty-first century praxis, this introduction aims at the following: to acknowledge the expressive core of discourse spoken or written, in ways that reaffirm and restore an epideictic function to ethos/rhetoric; to demonstrate the positionality of discourse, whereby speakers and writers “out themselves” ethotically (that is, responsively and responsibly); to explore ethos as a mode of cultural and embodied personal narrative; to encourage an ethotic “scholarship of the personal,” expressive of one’s identification/participation with/in the subject of research; to argue on behalf of an iatrological ethos/rhetoric based in empathy, care, healing (of the past) and liberation/empowerment (toward the future); to foster interdisciplinarity in the study/exploration/performance of ethos, establishing a conversation among scholars across the humanities; and to promote new versions and hybridizations of ethos/rhetoric. Each of the essays gathered in the abovementioned special issue achieves one or more of these aims. Most are “cultural histories” told within the culture being surveyed: while they invite criticism as scholarship, they ask readers to serve as witnesses to their stories. Most of the authors are themselves “positioned” in ways that turn their texts into “outings” or performances of gender, ethnicity, “race,” or ability. And most affirm the expressive, epideictic function of ethos/rhetoric: that is, they aim to display, affirm, and celebrate those “markers of identity/difference” that distinguish, even as they humanize, each individual and cultural storytelling. These assertions and assumptions lead us to declare that Histories of Ethos, as a collection, presents a whole greater than its essay-parts. We conceive it, finally, as a conversation among theories, histories, analyses, praxes, and performances. Some of this, we know, goes against the grain of modern (Western) scholarship, which privileges analysis over narrative and judges texts against its own logocentric commitments. By means of this introduction and collection, we invite our colleagues in, across, and beyond the academy “to see differently.” Should we fall short, we will at least have affirmed that some of us “see the world and self”—and talk about the world and self—through different lenses and within different cultural vocabularies and positions. created 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z creator James S. Baumlin and Craig A. Meyer date 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z dc:creator James S. Baumlin and Craig A. Meyer dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject ethos; selfhood; identity; authenticity; authority; persona; positionality; postmodernism; haunt; iatrology; trust; storytelling; Archer; Aristotle; Bourdieu; Corder; Foucault; Geertz; Giddens; Gusdorf; Heidegger dc:title Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos dcterms:created 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z dcterms:modified 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z meta:author James S. Baumlin and Craig A. Meyer meta:creation-date 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z meta:keyword ethos; selfhood; identity; authenticity; authority; persona; positionality; postmodernism; haunt; iatrology; trust; storytelling; Archer; Aristotle; Bourdieu; Corder; Foucault; Geertz; Giddens; Gusdorf; Heidegger meta:save-date 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z modified 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3523', '3562', '3736', '4399', '4823', '4747', '3808', '4045', '4149', '3990', '4148', '3434', '4793', '3698', '3428', '4155', '3850', '4637', '4185', '4152', '4535', '3672', '3159', '3574', '4143', '3775'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z pdf:docinfo:creator James S. Baumlin and Craig A. Meyer pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords ethos; selfhood; identity; authenticity; authority; persona; positionality; postmodernism; haunt; iatrology; trust; storytelling; Archer; Aristotle; Bourdieu; Corder; Foucault; Geertz; Giddens; Gusdorf; Heidegger pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-08-09T09:44:35Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject The aim of this essay is to introduce, contextualize, and provide rationale for texts published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. It surveys theories of ethos and selfhood that have evolved since the mid-twentieth century, in order to identify trends in discourse of the new millennium. It outlines the dominant theories—existentialist, neo-Aristotelian, social-constructionist, and poststructuralist—while summarizing major theorists of language and culture (Archer, Bourdieu, Foucault, Geertz, Giddens, Gusdorf, Heidegger). It argues for a perspectivist/dialectical approach, given that no one theory comprehends the rich diversity of living discourse. While outlining the “current state of theory,” this essay also seeks to predict, and promote, discursive practices that will carry ethos into a hopeful future. (We seek, not simply to study ethos, but to do ethos.) With respect to twenty-first century praxis, this introduction aims at the following: to acknowledge the expressive core of discourse spoken or written, in ways that reaffirm and restore an epideictic function to ethos/rhetoric; to demonstrate the positionality of discourse, whereby speakers and writers “out themselves” ethotically (that is, responsively and responsibly); to explore ethos as a mode of cultural and embodied personal narrative; to encourage an ethotic “scholarship of the personal,” expressive of one’s identification/participation with/in the subject of research; to argue on behalf of an iatrological ethos/rhetoric based in empathy, care, healing (of the past) and liberation/empowerment (toward the future); to foster interdisciplinarity in the study/exploration/performance of ethos, establishing a conversation among scholars across the humanities; and to promote new versions and hybridizations of ethos/rhetoric. Each of the essays gathered in the abovementioned special issue achieves one or more of these aims. Most are “cultural histories” told within the culture being surveyed: while they invite criticism as scholarship, they ask readers to serve as witnesses to their stories. Most of the authors are themselves “positioned” in ways that turn their texts into “outings” or performances of gender, ethnicity, “race,” or ability. And most affirm the expressive, epideictic function of ethos/rhetoric: that is, they aim to display, affirm, and celebrate those “markers of identity/difference” that distinguish, even as they humanize, each individual and cultural storytelling. These assertions and assumptions lead us to declare that Histories of Ethos, as a collection, presents a whole greater than its essay-parts. We conceive it, finally, as a conversation among theories, histories, analyses, praxes, and performances. Some of this, we know, goes against the grain of modern (Western) scholarship, which privileges analysis over narrative and judges texts against its own logocentric commitments. By means of this introduction and collection, we invite our colleagues in, across, and beyond the academy “to see differently.” Should we fall short, we will at least have affirmed that some of us “see the world and self”—and talk about the world and self—through different lenses and within different cultural vocabularies and positions. pdf:docinfo:title Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.pdf' subject The aim of this essay is to introduce, contextualize, and provide rationale for texts published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. It surveys theories of ethos and selfhood that have evolved since the mid-twentieth century, in order to identify trends in discourse of the new millennium. It outlines the dominant theories—existentialist, neo-Aristotelian, social-constructionist, and poststructuralist—while summarizing major theorists of language and culture (Archer, Bourdieu, Foucault, Geertz, Giddens, Gusdorf, Heidegger). It argues for a perspectivist/dialectical approach, given that no one theory comprehends the rich diversity of living discourse. While outlining the “current state of theory,” this essay also seeks to predict, and promote, discursive practices that will carry ethos into a hopeful future. (We seek, not simply to study ethos, but to do ethos.) With respect to twenty-first century praxis, this introduction aims at the following: to acknowledge the expressive core of discourse spoken or written, in ways that reaffirm and restore an epideictic function to ethos/rhetoric; to demonstrate the positionality of discourse, whereby speakers and writers “out themselves” ethotically (that is, responsively and responsibly); to explore ethos as a mode of cultural and embodied personal narrative; to encourage an ethotic “scholarship of the personal,” expressive of one’s identification/participation with/in the subject of research; to argue on behalf of an iatrological ethos/rhetoric based in empathy, care, healing (of the past) and liberation/empowerment (toward the future); to foster interdisciplinarity in the study/exploration/performance of ethos, establishing a conversation among scholars across the humanities; and to promote new versions and hybridizations of ethos/rhetoric. Each of the essays gathered in the abovementioned special issue achieves one or more of these aims. Most are “cultural histories” told within the culture being surveyed: while they invite criticism as scholarship, they ask readers to serve as witnesses to their stories. Most of the authors are themselves “positioned” in ways that turn their texts into “outings” or performances of gender, ethnicity, “race,” or ability. And most affirm the expressive, epideictic function of ethos/rhetoric: that is, they aim to display, affirm, and celebrate those “markers of identity/difference” that distinguish, even as they humanize, each individual and cultural storytelling. These assertions and assumptions lead us to declare that Histories of Ethos, as a collection, presents a whole greater than its essay-parts. We conceive it, finally, as a conversation among theories, histories, analyses, praxes, and performances. Some of this, we know, goes against the grain of modern (Western) scholarship, which privileges analysis over narrative and judges texts against its own logocentric commitments. By means of this introduction and collection, we invite our colleagues in, across, and beyond the academy “to see differently.” Should we fall short, we will at least have affirmed that some of us “see the world and self”—and talk about the world and self—through different lenses and within different cultural vocabularies and positions. title Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 26 work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4 txt/../pos/work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.pos === === id: work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba author: Anna Gibson title: Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces date: 2019 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.txt cache: ./cache/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.pdf Author Anna Gibson Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-03-19T11:22:27Z Keywords reddit,moderation,online moderation,communication accommodation theory,linguistic style matching,civil discussion,self-censorship Last-Modified 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 73 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Social Media + Society 2019.5:2056305119832588 created 2019-03-19T11:22:27Z creator Anna Gibson date 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z dc:creator Anna Gibson dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dc:subject reddit,moderation,online moderation,communication accommodation theory,linguistic style matching,civil discussion,self-censorship dc:title Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces dcterms:created 2019-03-19T11:22:27Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z meta:author Anna Gibson meta:creation-date 2019-03-19T11:22:27Z meta:keyword reddit,moderation,online moderation,communication accommodation theory,linguistic style matching,civil discussion,self-censorship meta:save-date 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z modified 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['4435', '5831', '6006', '5672', '5388', '5352', '4546', '2571', '3539', '2566', '2487', '5839', '6122', '6283', '2050'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-03-19T11:22:27Z pdf:docinfo:creator Anna Gibson pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) pdf:docinfo:keywords reddit,moderation,online moderation,communication accommodation theory,linguistic style matching,civil discussion,self-censorship pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:02Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 9.9; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT pdf:docinfo:subject Social Media + Society 2019.5:2056305119832588 pdf:docinfo:title Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Adobe PDF Library 9.9; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT resourceName b'work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.pdf' subject Social Media + Society 2019.5:2056305119832588 title Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces trapped False xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) xmpTPg:NPages 15 === === id: work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa author: Jon B. 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Charlotte von Kirschbaum; systematic theology; theology and context; theology and gender Last-Modified 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z Last-Save-Date 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 92 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z creator Muers, R date 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z dc:creator Muers, R dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:subject Karl Barth; Charlotte von Kirschbaum; systematic theology; theology and context; theology and gender dc:title The personal is the (〰ちcademic)〰〠political: Why care about the love lives of theologians? dcterms:created 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z dcterms:modified 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z meta:author Muers, R meta:creation-date 2020-09-17T10:18:00Z meta:keyword Karl Barth; 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systematic theology; theology and context; theology and gender title The personal is the (〰ちcademic)〰〠political: Why care about the love lives of theologians? xmpMM:DocumentID 9cde2d32-30eb-11f6-0000-1deda8848126 xmpTPg:NPages 12 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy txt/../ent/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.ent work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi txt/../ent/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.ent === === id: work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem author: Alison Gash title: #MeToo? 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They define legality as the “meanings, sources of authority, and cultural practices that are commonly recognized as legal, regardless of who employs them or for what ends.” We use the idea of legality to argue that, in matters of sexual assault and rape, the limits of the law extend beyond the courtroom. Rather than simply influencing or guiding only those who are willing to consult the law in their efforts to seek justice, laws and legal discourse have the potential to frame and constrain any attempt to discuss experiences of sexual violence. #MeToo and other forms of “consciousness-raising” for sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual violence. We find that, paradoxically, in the case of sexual violence law has the capacity to undermine the goals and benefits of consciousness-raising approaches, privatizing the experience of sexual assault and silencing its victims. created 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z creator Alison Gash and Ryan Harding date 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z dc:creator Alison Gash and Ryan Harding dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject legality; rape; sexual assault; sexual violence; #MeToo; law; legal consciousness; consciousness-raising dc:title #MeToo? Legal Discourse and Everyday Responses to Sexual Violence dcterms:created 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z dcterms:modified 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z meta:author Alison Gash and Ryan Harding meta:creation-date 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z meta:keyword legality; rape; sexual assault; sexual violence; #MeToo; law; legal consciousness; consciousness-raising meta:save-date 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z modified 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3096', '3794', '4075', '3640', '3931', '3856', '4068', '3823', '3916', '4102', '3564', '4016', '3706', '3278', '3631', '3821', '3629', '4014', '4117', '3972', '4199', '3709', '4183', '3834'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z pdf:docinfo:creator Alison Gash and Ryan Harding pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords legality; rape; sexual assault; sexual violence; #MeToo; law; legal consciousness; consciousness-raising pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-05-21T08:23:09Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 pdf:docinfo:subject Legal consciousness scholars identify the ways in which law is referenced to authorize, define and evaluate behaviors and choices that occur far outside any formal legal framework. They define legality as the “meanings, sources of authority, and cultural practices that are commonly recognized as legal, regardless of who employs them or for what ends.” We use the idea of legality to argue that, in matters of sexual assault and rape, the limits of the law extend beyond the courtroom. Rather than simply influencing or guiding only those who are willing to consult the law in their efforts to seek justice, laws and legal discourse have the potential to frame and constrain any attempt to discuss experiences of sexual violence. #MeToo and other forms of “consciousness-raising” for sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual violence. We find that, paradoxically, in the case of sexual violence law has the capacity to undermine the goals and benefits of consciousness-raising approaches, privatizing the experience of sexual assault and silencing its victims. pdf:docinfo:title #MeToo? 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Rather than simply influencing or guiding only those who are willing to consult the law in their efforts to seek justice, laws and legal discourse have the potential to frame and constrain any attempt to discuss experiences of sexual violence. #MeToo and other forms of “consciousness-raising” for sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual violence. We find that, paradoxically, in the case of sexual violence law has the capacity to undermine the goals and benefits of consciousness-raising approaches, privatizing the experience of sexual assault and silencing its victims. title #MeToo? 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'2017-03-29T14:28:27Z', '2017-03-29T14:28:27Z', '2017-03-29T14:35:50Z', '2017-05-05T12:09:14Z', '2017-05-05T12:09:14Z', '2017-05-05T13:20:43Z', '2017-05-06T19:23:03Z', '2017-05-06T19:25:33Z', '2017-05-06T19:25:33Z', '2017-05-06T19:29:54Z', '2017-05-06T19:29:54Z', '2017-05-08T12:06:44Z', '2017-05-08T12:06:44Z', '2017-05-08T13:24:16Z', '2017-05-08T13:54:21Z', '2017-05-08T14:26:02Z', '2017-05-08T14:26:02Z', '2017-05-08T14:41:11Z', '2017-05-08T14:41:11Z', '2017-05-08T15:03:19Z', '2017-05-08T15:03:19Z', '2017-05-08T17:57:50Z', '2017-05-08T18:01:40Z', '2017-05-19T13:37:47Z', '2017-05-19T14:03:12Z', '2017-05-19T15:24:52Z', '2017-05-19T17:23:03Z', '2017-06-16T11:12:00Z', '2017-06-16T11:12:56Z', '2017-06-16T11:14:16Z', '2017-06-16T11:31:32Z', '2017-06-16T11:33:19Z', '2017-06-16T11:40:37Z', '2017-06-16T11:40:50Z', '2017-06-16T11:41:32Z', '2017-06-16T11:42:52Z', '2017-06-16T11:43:49Z', '2017-06-16T11:44:13Z', '2017-06-16T11:44:36Z', '2017-06-16T11:44:47Z', '2017-06-16T11:59:22Z', '2017-06-16T11:59:43Z', '2017-06-16T12:02:15Z', '2017-06-16T12:02:49Z', '2017-06-16T12:04:37Z', '2017-06-16T12:05:29Z', '2017-06-16T12:06:52Z', '2017-06-16T12:08:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:09:31Z', '2017-06-16T12:09:48Z', '2017-06-16T12:09:51Z', '2017-06-16T12:11:41Z', '2017-06-16T12:13:16Z', '2017-06-16T12:13:59Z', '2017-06-16T12:16:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:21:42Z', '2017-06-16T12:21:53Z', '2017-06-16T12:22:22Z', '2017-06-16T12:22:53Z', '2017-06-16T12:24:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:24:25Z', '2017-06-16T12:24:46Z', '2017-06-16T12:25:14Z', '2017-06-16T12:25:50Z', '2017-06-16T12:26:34Z', '2017-06-16T12:28:13Z', '2017-06-16T12:28:17Z', '2017-06-16T12:29:08Z', '2017-06-16T12:29:25Z', '2017-06-16T12:30:13Z', '2017-06-16T12:31:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:31:19Z', '2017-06-16T12:31:43Z', '2017-06-16T12:31:57Z', '2017-06-16T12:32:13Z', '2017-06-16T12:32:29Z', '2017-06-16T12:32:43Z', '2017-06-16T12:33:35Z', '2017-06-16T12:34:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:34:25Z', '2017-06-16T12:35:21Z', '2017-06-16T12:35:37Z', '2017-06-16T12:35:53Z', '2017-06-16T12:36:20Z', '2017-06-16T12:36:39Z', '2017-06-16T12:36:57Z', '2017-06-16T12:37:43Z', '2017-06-16T12:38:39Z', '2017-06-16T12:38:45Z', '2017-06-16T12:38:59Z', '2017-06-16T12:39:10Z', '2017-06-16T12:39:15Z', '2017-06-16T12:39:41Z', '2017-06-16T12:40:36Z', '2017-06-16T12:40:40Z', '2017-06-16T12:42:30Z', '2017-06-16T12:42:50Z', '2017-06-16T12:46:56Z', '2017-06-16T12:47:08Z', '2017-06-16T12:47:19Z', '2017-06-16T12:47:26Z', '2017-06-16T12:47:40Z', '2017-06-16T12:47:56Z', '2017-06-16T12:49:39Z', '2017-06-16T12:50:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:50:18Z', '2017-06-16T12:50:35Z', '2017-06-16T12:50:52Z', '2017-06-16T12:51:04Z', '2017-06-16T12:51:31Z', '2017-06-16T12:51:43Z', '2017-06-16T12:51:52Z', '2017-06-16T12:52:09Z', '2017-06-16T12:52:25Z', '2017-06-16T12:53:02Z', '2017-06-16T12:53:18Z', '2017-06-16T12:53:42Z', '2017-06-16T12:53:57Z', '2017-06-16T12:54:13Z', '2017-06-16T12:55:19Z', '2017-06-16T12:55:31Z', '2017-06-16T12:55:49Z', '2017-06-16T12:56:03Z', '2017-06-16T12:56:11Z', '2017-06-16T12:57:58Z', '2017-06-16T12:58:18Z', '2017-06-16T12:58:30Z', '2017-06-16T12:58:46Z', '2017-06-16T12:59:14Z', '2017-06-16T12:59:57Z', '2017-06-16T13:00:12Z', '2017-06-16T13:00:27Z', '2017-06-16T13:00:39Z', '2017-06-16T13:00:43Z', '2017-06-16T13:01:04Z', '2017-06-16T13:02:00Z', '2017-06-16T13:02:09Z', '2017-06-16T13:02:24Z', '2017-06-16T13:02:42Z', '2017-06-16T13:03:21Z', '2017-06-16T13:03:42Z', '2017-06-16T13:05:27Z', '2017-06-16T13:05:39Z', '2017-06-16T13:05:49Z', '2017-06-16T13:06:17Z', '2017-06-16T13:06:48Z', '2017-06-16T13:07:02Z', '2017-06-16T13:07:19Z', '2017-06-16T13:07:29Z', '2017-06-16T13:07:32Z', '2017-06-16T13:12:45Z', '2017-06-16T13:13:26Z', '2017-06-16T13:16:48Z', '2017-06-16T13:17:00Z', '2017-06-16T13:18:35Z', '2017-06-16T13:19:10Z', '2017-06-16T13:19:30Z', '2017-06-16T13:19:34Z', '2017-06-16T14:56:33Z', '2017-06-16T14:57:40Z', '2017-06-16T15:08:36Z', '2017-06-16T15:09:05Z', '2017-06-16T15:10:25Z', '2017-06-16T15:12:01Z', '2017-06-16T15:12:07Z', '2017-06-16T15:16:49Z', '2017-06-16T15:16:55Z', '2017-06-16T15:17:38Z', '2017-06-16T15:19:58Z', '2017-06-16T15:23:03Z', '2017-06-16T15:24:38Z', '2017-06-16T15:30:05Z', '2017-06-16T15:34:18Z', '2017-06-16T15:35:38Z', '2017-06-16T15:36:06Z', '2017-06-16T15:37:16Z', '2017-06-16T15:38:25Z', '2017-06-16T15:39:11Z', '2017-06-16T15:39:46Z', '2017-06-16T15:39:58Z', '2017-06-16T15:40:02Z', '2017-06-16T15:40:23Z', '2017-06-16T15:40:38Z', '2017-06-16T15:40:46Z', '2017-06-16T15:41:27Z', '2017-06-16T15:41:33Z', '2017-06-16T15:48:26Z', '2017-06-16T15:48:57Z', '2017-06-16T15:49:49Z', '2017-06-16T15:50:02Z', '2017-06-16T15:50:20Z', '2017-06-16T15:50:29Z', '2017-06-16T15:52:11Z', '2017-06-16T15:52:42Z', '2017-06-16T15:53:03Z', '2017-06-16T15:54:10Z', '2017-06-16T16:08:39Z', '2017-06-16T16:09:28Z', '2017-06-16T16:09:42Z', '2017-06-16T16:10:31Z', '2017-06-16T16:10:38Z', '2017-06-16T16:11:58Z', '2017-06-16T16:12:27Z', '2017-06-16T16:13:12Z', '2017-06-16T16:13:46Z', '2017-06-16T16:14:34Z', '2017-06-16T16:15:06Z', '2017-06-16T16:15:24Z', '2017-06-16T16:15:49Z', '2017-06-16T16:15:55Z', '2017-06-16T16:16:31Z', '2017-06-16T16:17:31Z', '2017-06-16T16:17:39Z', '2017-06-16T16:19:51Z', '2017-06-16T16:20:32Z', '2017-06-16T16:21:40Z', '2017-06-16T16:21:51Z', '2017-06-16T16:22:34Z', '2017-06-16T16:23:10Z', '2017-06-16T16:23:30Z', '2017-06-16T16:24:02Z', '2017-06-16T16:24:41Z', '2017-06-16T16:24:48Z', '2017-06-16T16:25:02Z', '2017-06-16T16:25:16Z', '2017-06-16T16:25:42Z', '2017-06-16T16:26:39Z', '2017-06-16T16:26:57Z', '2017-06-16T16:27:08Z', '2017-06-16T16:27:13Z', '2017-06-16T16:27:59Z', '2017-06-16T16:28:14Z', '2017-06-16T16:29:11Z', '2017-06-16T16:29:32Z', '2017-06-16T16:30:02Z', '2017-06-16T16:30:13Z', '2017-06-16T16:30:22Z', '2017-06-16T16:30:40Z', '2017-06-16T16:31:08Z', '2017-06-16T16:31:29Z', '2017-06-16T16:32:11Z', '2017-06-16T16:32:34Z', '2017-06-16T16:33:58Z', '2017-06-16T16:34:27Z', '2017-06-16T16:36:05Z', '2017-06-16T16:36:22Z', '2017-06-16T16:38:57Z', '2017-06-16T16:39:23Z', '2017-06-16T16:39:36Z', '2017-06-16T16:40:17Z', '2017-06-16T16:52:10Z', '2017-06-16T16:52:19Z', '2017-06-16T16:55:46Z', '2017-06-16T16:56:43Z', '2017-06-16T17:27:45Z', '2017-06-16T17:28:12Z', '2017-06-16T17:28:25Z', '2017-06-16T17:28:39Z', '2017-06-16T17:28:52Z', '2017-06-16T17:29:06Z', '2017-06-16T17:29:13Z', '2017-06-16T18:01:24Z', '2017-06-16T18:02:03Z', '2017-06-16T18:02:28Z', '2017-06-16T18:03:49Z', '2017-06-16T18:04:08Z', '2017-06-16T18:04:20Z', '2017-06-16T18:04:30Z', '2017-06-16T18:05:10Z', '2017-06-16T18:05:17Z', '2017-06-16T18:05:20Z', '2017-06-16T18:05:28Z', '2017-06-16T18:07:36Z', '2017-06-16T18:07:55Z', '2017-06-16T18:08:01Z', '2017-06-16T18:08:33Z', '2017-06-16T18:11:26Z', '2017-06-16T18:11:43Z', '2017-06-16T18:11:49Z', '2017-06-16T18:11:56Z', '2017-06-16T18:12:18Z', '2017-06-16T18:12:38Z', '2017-06-16T18:13:05Z', '2017-06-16T18:13:31Z', '2017-06-16T18:13:59Z', '2017-06-16T18:14:39Z', '2017-06-16T18:15:13Z', '2017-06-16T18:15:24Z', '2017-06-16T18:15:35Z', '2017-06-16T18:15:42Z', '2017-06-16T18:16:26Z', '2017-06-16T18:16:34Z', '2017-06-16T18:18:25Z', '2017-06-16T18:18:45Z', '2017-06-16T18:19:14Z', '2017-06-16T18:21:38Z', '2017-06-16T18:31:25Z', '2017-06-16T18:33:30Z', '2017-06-16T18:33:34Z', '2017-06-16T18:34:16Z', '2017-06-16T18:36:42Z', '2017-06-16T18:37:20Z', '2017-06-16T18:45:19Z', '2017-06-16T18:45:41Z', '2017-06-16T18:46:57Z', '2017-06-16T18:50:16Z', '2017-06-16T18:50:48Z', '2017-06-16T18:51:16Z', '2017-06-19T14:38:48Z', '2017-06-19T14:39:00Z', '2017-06-19T14:40:17Z', '2017-06-19T14:40:31Z', '2017-06-19T14:41:16Z', '2017-06-19T14:42:14Z', '2017-06-19T14:42:47Z', '2017-06-19T14:43:34Z', '2017-06-19T14:43:48Z', '2017-06-19T14:44:03Z', '2017-06-19T14:44:18Z', '2017-06-19T14:48:19Z', '2017-06-19T14:49:26Z', '2017-06-19T14:49:47Z', '2017-06-19T14:50:21Z', '2017-06-19T14:50:49Z', '2017-06-19T14:51:26Z', '2017-06-19T14:51:57Z', '2017-06-19T14:52:29Z', '2017-06-19T14:52:59Z', '2017-06-19T14:53:18Z', '2017-06-19T14:53:45Z', '2017-06-19T14:54:11Z', '2017-06-19T14:54:15Z', '2017-06-19T14:54:27Z', '2017-06-19T14:55:16Z', '2017-06-19T14:56:37Z', '2017-06-19T14:56:53Z', '2017-06-19T14:57:11Z', '2017-06-19T14:58:04Z', '2017-06-19T14:58:41Z', '2017-06-19T14:59:39Z', '2017-06-19T15:00:09Z', '2017-06-19T15:06:56Z', '2017-06-19T15:34:20Z', '2017-06-19T15:34:32Z', '2017-06-19T15:34:52Z', '2017-06-19T15:37:35Z', '2017-06-19T15:41:43Z', '2017-06-19T15:41:54Z', '2017-06-19T15:48:06Z', '2017-06-19T15:50:48Z', '2017-06-19T15:50:56Z', '2017-06-19T15:58:30Z', '2017-06-19T16:00:47Z', '2017-06-19T16:02:45Z', '2017-06-19T16:07:20Z', '2017-06-19T16:07:40Z', '2017-06-19T16:14:20Z', '2017-06-19T16:24:01Z', '2017-06-19T16:43:00Z', '2017-06-19T16:49:36Z', '2017-06-19T16:54:20Z', '2017-06-19T17:46:59Z', '2017-06-19T17:48:45Z', '2017-06-19T17:50:10Z', '2017-06-19T17:51:26Z', '2017-06-19T17:54:09Z', '2017-06-19T17:55:45Z', '2017-06-19T18:03:07Z', '2017-06-20T10:03:10Z', '2017-06-20T10:03:33Z', '2017-06-20T10:04:52Z', '2017-06-20T10:04:56Z', '2017-06-20T10:05:03Z', '2017-06-20T10:05:32Z', '2017-06-20T10:06:44Z', '2017-06-20T10:07:30Z', '2017-06-20T10:07:56Z', '2017-06-20T10:08:06Z', '2017-06-20T10:11:28Z', '2017-06-20T10:14:27Z', '2017-06-20T10:15:53Z', '2017-06-20T10:16:29Z', '2017-06-20T10:16:51Z', '2017-06-20T10:17:25Z', '2017-06-20T10:18:03Z', '2017-06-20T10:18:25Z', '2017-06-20T10:20:22Z', '2017-06-20T10:20:39Z', '2017-06-20T10:21:18Z', '2017-06-20T10:21:39Z', '2017-06-20T10:21:52Z', '2017-06-20T10:22:33Z', '2017-06-20T10:25:22Z', '2017-06-20T10:30:09Z', '2017-06-20T10:31:18Z', '2017-06-20T10:31:28Z', '2017-06-20T10:31:41Z', '2017-06-20T10:31:58Z', '2017-06-20T10:32:16Z', '2017-06-20T10:33:22Z', '2017-06-20T10:33:34Z', '2017-06-20T10:33:51Z', '2017-06-20T10:33:56Z', '2017-06-20T10:34:22Z', '2017-06-20T10:35:36Z', '2017-06-20T10:36:25Z', '2017-06-20T10:36:51Z', '2017-06-20T10:42:49Z', '2017-06-20T10:42:56Z', '2017-06-20T10:46:52Z', '2017-06-20T10:48:25Z', '2017-06-20T10:50:02Z', '2017-06-20T10:50:22Z', '2017-06-20T10:51:16Z', '2017-06-20T10:52:08Z', '2017-06-20T10:52:40Z', '2017-06-20T10:52:54Z', '2017-06-20T10:53:00Z', '2017-06-20T10:53:23Z', '2017-06-20T10:53:32Z', '2017-06-20T10:54:29Z', '2017-06-20T10:55:23Z', '2017-06-20T10:55:36Z', '2017-06-20T10:56:11Z', '2017-06-20T10:56:50Z', '2017-06-20T10:56:57Z', '2017-06-20T10:57:18Z', '2017-06-20T10:57:42Z', '2017-06-20T10:58:29Z', '2017-06-20T10:58:33Z', '2017-06-20T10:58:49Z', '2017-06-20T10:59:13Z', '2017-06-20T11:00:31Z', '2017-06-20T11:00:43Z', '2017-06-20T11:02:45Z', '2017-06-20T11:02:51Z', '2017-06-20T11:03:20Z', '2017-06-20T11:03:27Z', '2017-06-20T11:04:01Z', '2017-06-20T11:04:18Z', '2017-06-20T11:04:33Z', '2017-06-20T11:05:18Z', '2017-06-20T11:05:24Z', '2017-06-20T11:12:17Z', '2017-06-20T11:20:11Z', '2017-06-20T11:20:58Z', '2017-06-20T11:23:57Z', '2017-06-20T11:32:37Z', '2017-06-20T11:39:16Z', '2017-06-20T11:40:24Z', '2017-06-20T11:42:23Z', '2017-06-20T11:42:27Z', '2017-06-20T11:43:26Z', '2017-06-20T11:43:38Z', '2017-06-20T11:45:46Z', '2017-06-20T11:49:04Z', '2017-06-20T11:50:08Z', '2017-06-20T11:51:19Z', '2017-06-20T11:52:49Z', '2017-06-20T11:54:24Z', '2017-06-20T11:56:02Z', '2017-06-20T11:58:33Z', '2017-06-21T16:11:31Z', '2017-06-21T16:11:36Z', '2017-06-21T16:13:00Z', '2017-06-21T16:13:49Z', '2017-06-21T16:14:14Z', '2017-06-21T16:15:54Z', '2017-06-21T16:17:53Z', '2017-06-21T16:18:16Z', '2017-06-21T16:19:28Z', '2017-06-21T16:23:26Z', '2017-06-21T16:23:55Z', '2017-06-21T16:24:55Z', '2017-06-21T16:46:34Z', '2017-06-21T17:48:19Z', '2017-06-21T17:50:02Z', '2017-06-21T17:50:33Z', '2017-06-21T17:50:42Z', '2017-06-21T17:51:16Z', '2017-06-21T17:52:03Z', '2017-06-28T18:05:41Z', '2017-06-28T18:09:05Z', '2017-06-28T18:10:03Z', '2017-06-28T18:10:11Z', '2017-06-28T18:10:26Z', '2017-06-28T18:15:08Z', '2017-06-28T18:15:18Z', '2017-06-28T18:15:31Z', '2017-06-28T18:17:04Z', '2017-07-25T18:47:59Z', '2017-07-25T18:48:36Z', '2017-07-25T18:49:41Z', '2017-07-25T18:50:18Z', '2017-07-25T18:50:51Z', '2017-07-25T18:51:09Z', '2017-07-25T18:51:50Z', '2017-07-25T18:57:44Z', '2017-07-26T10:20:01Z', '2017-07-26T10:22:42Z', '2017-07-26T10:26:35Z', '2017-07-26T10:40:05Z', '2017-07-26T10:41:13Z', '2017-07-26T10:43:36Z', '2017-07-26T10:45:12Z', '2017-07-26T10:53:07Z', '2017-07-26T11:06:54Z', '2017-07-26T11:07:13Z', '2017-07-26T11:07:43Z', '2017-07-26T11:07:56Z', '2017-07-26T11:08:10Z', '2017-07-26T11:08:47Z', '2017-07-26T11:21:06Z', '2017-07-26T11:22:28Z', '2017-07-26T11:22:38Z', '2017-07-26T11:24:03Z', '2017-07-26T11:25:04Z', '2017-07-26T11:25:12Z', '2017-07-26T11:25:40Z', '2017-07-26T11:26:16Z', '2017-07-26T11:26:50Z', '2017-07-26T11:30:36Z', '2017-07-26T11:48:15Z', '2017-07-26T11:49:46Z', '2017-07-26T12:29:45Z', '2017-07-26T12:29:50Z', '2017-07-26T12:30:50Z', '2017-07-26T12:33:23Z', '2017-07-26T12:36:04Z', '2017-07-26T12:44:43Z', '2017-07-26T12:49:55Z', '2017-07-26T12:51:19Z', '2017-07-26T12:51:57Z', '2017-07-26T12:52:38Z', '2017-07-26T12:54:19Z', '2017-07-26T13:03:52Z', '2017-07-26T13:06:35Z', '2017-07-26T13:06:57Z', '2017-07-26T13:17:03Z', '2017-07-26T13:21:17Z', '2017-07-26T13:22:11Z', '2017-07-26T13:22:42Z', '2017-07-26T13:25:08Z', '2017-07-26T13:26:26Z', '2017-07-26T13:26:29Z', '2017-07-26T13:27:48Z', '2017-07-26T13:29:22Z', '2017-07-26T13:29:58Z', '2017-07-26T13:32:08Z', '2017-07-26T13:33:19Z', '2017-07-26T13:38:03Z', '2017-07-26T13:38:40Z', '2017-07-26T13:42:02Z', '2017-07-26T13:42:19Z', '2017-07-26T13:43:28Z', '2017-07-26T14:30:48Z', '2017-07-26T14:33:26Z', '2017-07-26T14:33:48Z', '2017-07-26T14:35:52Z', '2017-07-26T14:37:05Z', '2017-07-26T14:41:56Z', '2017-07-26T14:46:28Z', '2017-07-26T14:47:47Z', '2017-07-26T14:52:30Z', '2017-07-26T14:56:23Z', '2017-07-26T15:12:03Z', '2017-07-26T15:12:53Z', '2017-07-26T15:13:26Z', '2017-07-27T11:59:20Z', '2017-07-27T12:00:12Z', '2017-07-27T12:01:27Z', '2017-07-27T12:02:07Z', '2017-07-27T12:02:39Z', '2017-07-27T12:03:04Z', 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ujpc2kuozndnba6wnzlmeiwhvm' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, 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Qwynne Lackey and Robert P. Warner Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z Keywords social justice; experiential learning; transformative learning; equity; pedagogy; whiteness; gender; critical theory Last-Modified 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z Last-Save-Date 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 53 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Outdoor adventure education has an extensive history of considering how its students should wrestle with privilege. Recent events have brought issues of privilege to the forefront, which raises the question of whether outdoor adventure education can play a role in learning to see and affect systems of privilege. This paper examines several elements of outdoor adventure education that make it an ideal environment for teaching about systems of privilege, and makes the argument that Jack Mezirow’s critical reflection, wherein people question the principles that underlie their ideas, should be a key element of outdoor adventure education curriculum in the 21st century. The authors’ perspectives are grounded in critical theory and the assumption that power dynamics need to be examined in order to be changed. By combining critical reflection with the unique characteristics of outdoor adventure education, outdoor adventure educators may be able to successfully teach participants to recognize and impact systems that operate around them. created 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z creator Lisa Meerts-Brandsma, N. Qwynne Lackey and Robert P. Warner date 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z dc:creator Lisa Meerts-Brandsma, N. Qwynne Lackey and Robert P. Warner dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject social justice; experiential learning; transformative learning; equity; pedagogy; whiteness; gender; critical theory dc:title Unpacking Systems of Privilege: The Opportunity of Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education dcterms:created 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z dcterms:modified 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z meta:author Lisa Meerts-Brandsma, N. Qwynne Lackey and Robert P. Warner meta:creation-date 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z meta:keyword social justice; experiential learning; transformative learning; equity; pedagogy; whiteness; gender; critical theory meta:save-date 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z modified 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3015', '4086', '3704', '3848', '3952', '3950', '4000', '3966', '3270', '3521', '3665', '723'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-11-04T07:56:53Z pdf:docinfo:creator Lisa Meerts-Brandsma, N. Qwynne Lackey and Robert P. 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This paper examines several elements of outdoor adventure education that make it an ideal environment for teaching about systems of privilege, and makes the argument that Jack Mezirow’s critical reflection, wherein people question the principles that underlie their ideas, should be a key element of outdoor adventure education curriculum in the 21st century. The authors’ perspectives are grounded in critical theory and the assumption that power dynamics need to be examined in order to be changed. 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This paper examines several elements of outdoor adventure education that make it an ideal environment for teaching about systems of privilege, and makes the argument that Jack Mezirow’s critical reflection, wherein people question the principles that underlie their ideas, should be a key element of outdoor adventure education curriculum in the 21st century. The authors’ perspectives are grounded in critical theory and the assumption that power dynamics need to be examined in order to be changed. 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Thurston title: Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Mental and Physical Health date: 2019 pages: 6 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.txt cache: ./cache/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.pdf Author American Medical Association Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-12-19T13:28:17Z Keywords The JAMA Network Last-Modified 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 38 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject created 2018-12-19T13:28:17Z creator American Medical Association date 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z dc:creator American Medical Association dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:subject The JAMA Network dc:title ['Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women’s Mental and Physical Health', 'Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women’s Mental and Physical Health'] dcterms:created 2018-12-19T13:28:17Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z meta:author American Medical Association meta:creation-date 2018-12-19T13:28:17Z meta:keyword The JAMA Network meta:save-date 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z modified 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['2538', '5671', '3994', '4584', '6821', '3591'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-12-19T13:28:17Z pdf:docinfo:creator American Medical Association pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Aspose Ltd. pdf:docinfo:custom:dc:title Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women’s Mental and Physical Health pdf:docinfo:keywords The JAMA Network pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-05T20:56:09Z pdf:docinfo:producer Aspose.Pdf for .NET 8.3.0 pdf:docinfo:subject pdf:docinfo:title Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women’s Mental and Physical Health pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Aspose.Pdf for .NET 8.3.0 resourceName b'work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.pdf' subject title Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women’s Mental and Physical Health xmp:CreatorTool Aspose Ltd. xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:23fbb6f5-c9c0-2fd6-50c0-8fa633e739bc xmpTPg:NPages 6 work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e txt/../pos/work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.pos === === id: work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi author: Jennifer M. Grossman title: A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex date: 2020 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.txt cache: ./cache/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.pdf Author Jennifer M. Grossman, Anmol Nagar, Linda Charmaraman and Amanda M. Richer Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z Keywords teenage reproductive health; extended family; family sexuality communication; adolescent health Last-Modified 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z Last-Save-Date 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 79 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Extended family can be a resource for conversations about sex, but extended family perspectives have been largely left out of existing research. The present study investigates how extended family, such as aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins, perceive communication with teens in their families about sex. A thematic analysis was conducted with data from interviews in the U.S. with 39 extended family members, primarily siblings, who reported talk with teens in their families about sex. The analyses identified one theme focused on perspectives surrounding what is most important for teens to know about sex and relationships and seven themes focused on the content of conversations with teens about sex. The most prevalent content areas were: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (87%), Sexual Orientation (82%), Sexual Behavior (82%), and Protection (74%). The findings highlight extended family members’ unique roles in supporting the sexual health of teens in their families, which include providing information and support about issues other family members may not address, such as sexual orientation and the positive aspects of sex. The findings suggest the need to include extended family in sex education interventions to reflect the broader ecology of teens’ family relationships and access an underutilized resource for teens’ sexual health. created 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z creator Jennifer M. Grossman, Anmol Nagar, Linda Charmaraman and Amanda M. Richer date 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z dc:creator Jennifer M. Grossman, Anmol Nagar, Linda Charmaraman and Amanda M. Richer dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject teenage reproductive health; extended family; family sexuality communication; adolescent health dc:title A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex dcterms:created 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z dcterms:modified 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z meta:author Jennifer M. Grossman, Anmol Nagar, Linda Charmaraman and Amanda M. Richer meta:creation-date 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z meta:keyword teenage reproductive health; extended family; family sexuality communication; adolescent health meta:save-date 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z modified 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3217', '3771', '3625', '2842', '2779', '3706', '3694', '3688', '3731', '3102', '4158', '4172', '3663', '4065', '2741'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z pdf:docinfo:creator Jennifer M. Grossman, Anmol Nagar, Linda Charmaraman and Amanda M. Richer pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords teenage reproductive health; extended family; family sexuality communication; adolescent health pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-02-07T12:21:04Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Extended family can be a resource for conversations about sex, but extended family perspectives have been largely left out of existing research. The present study investigates how extended family, such as aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins, perceive communication with teens in their families about sex. A thematic analysis was conducted with data from interviews in the U.S. with 39 extended family members, primarily siblings, who reported talk with teens in their families about sex. The analyses identified one theme focused on perspectives surrounding what is most important for teens to know about sex and relationships and seven themes focused on the content of conversations with teens about sex. The most prevalent content areas were: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (87%), Sexual Orientation (82%), Sexual Behavior (82%), and Protection (74%). The findings highlight extended family members’ unique roles in supporting the sexual health of teens in their families, which include providing information and support about issues other family members may not address, such as sexual orientation and the positive aspects of sex. The findings suggest the need to include extended family in sex education interventions to reflect the broader ecology of teens’ family relationships and access an underutilized resource for teens’ sexual health. pdf:docinfo:title A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.pdf' subject Extended family can be a resource for conversations about sex, but extended family perspectives have been largely left out of existing research. The present study investigates how extended family, such as aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins, perceive communication with teens in their families about sex. A thematic analysis was conducted with data from interviews in the U.S. with 39 extended family members, primarily siblings, who reported talk with teens in their families about sex. The analyses identified one theme focused on perspectives surrounding what is most important for teens to know about sex and relationships and seven themes focused on the content of conversations with teens about sex. The most prevalent content areas were: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (87%), Sexual Orientation (82%), Sexual Behavior (82%), and Protection (74%). The findings highlight extended family members’ unique roles in supporting the sexual health of teens in their families, which include providing information and support about issues other family members may not address, such as sexual orientation and the positive aspects of sex. The findings suggest the need to include extended family in sex education interventions to reflect the broader ecology of teens’ family relationships and access an underutilized resource for teens’ sexual health. title A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 15 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm txt/../ent/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq txt/../pos/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.pos work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4 txt/../pos/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.pos work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy txt/../pos/work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e txt/../wrd/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.wrd work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm txt/../ent/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.ent work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa txt/../pos/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pos === === id: work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y author: Misha Kavka title: Taking down the sacred: fuck-me vs. fuck-you celebrity date: 2020 pages: 18 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.txt cache: ./cache/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.pdf Author Misha Kavka Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-02-20T07:36:20Z Keywords Celebrity; 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'2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', 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Sexual harassment and gender inequity remain pervasive in our specialty. 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'2012-08-16T15:07:43Z', '2012-08-16T15:08:39Z', '2012-08-16T15:12:39Z', '2013-01-07T13:22:51Z', '2013-05-21T15:04:03Z', '2013-08-22T09:18:47Z', '2013-09-01T10:21:37Z', '2013-09-01T10:21:37Z', '2014-01-06T13:22:18Z', '2014-05-20T10:58:14Z', '2014-09-03T13:48:26Z', '2014-10-02T16:49:40Z', '2014-10-02T16:53:05Z', '2014-10-02T16:58:04Z', '2014-10-02T16:59:47Z', '2014-10-02T17:00:41Z', '2014-10-02T17:02:21Z', '2014-10-02T17:04:05Z', '2014-10-02T17:15:22Z', '2014-10-02T17:16:07Z', '2014-10-02T17:18:40Z', '2014-10-15T11:16:05Z', '2014-10-15T11:16:20Z', '2014-10-17T15:19:47Z', '2014-10-20T09:55:28Z', '2014-10-27T11:34:11Z', '2014-10-27T11:34:31Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:13Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:39Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:49Z', '2014-10-27T11:36:51Z', '2014-11-04T10:49:01Z', '2014-11-04T10:50:35Z', '2014-11-04T10:51:47Z', '2014-11-04T10:53:02Z', '2014-11-05T11:34:02Z', '2014-11-05T11:34:42Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:09Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:31Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:31Z', '2015-02-13T12:07:54Z', 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'2015-06-04T19:01:02Z', '2015-06-04T19:02:05Z', '2015-06-04T19:19:06Z', '2015-06-04T19:19:55Z', '2015-06-09T19:08:03Z', '2015-06-09T19:08:03Z', '2015-06-09T19:39:16Z', '2015-06-09T19:48:08Z', '2015-06-09T19:51:01Z', '2015-06-09T19:51:21Z', '2015-06-09T19:58:17Z', '2015-06-09T20:02:14Z', '2015-06-09T20:04:07Z', '2015-06-09T20:06:42Z', '2015-06-11T07:39:42Z', '2015-06-11T07:52:01Z', '2015-06-11T07:54:19Z', '2015-06-11T08:08:19Z', '2015-06-11T08:13:24Z', '2015-06-11T08:14:50Z', '2015-06-11T08:15:18Z', '2015-06-11T15:07:06Z', '2015-06-11T15:08:52Z', '2015-06-11T15:09:43Z', '2015-06-11T15:44:14Z', '2015-06-11T15:44:41Z', '2015-06-11T15:45:07Z', '2015-06-22T12:47:58Z', '2015-06-22T12:49:13Z', '2015-06-22T12:49:43Z', '2015-06-22T12:50:00Z', '2015-06-23T12:32:02Z', '2015-06-23T12:35:23Z', '2015-06-23T12:37:46Z', '2016-02-01T13:28:49Z', '2016-02-01T13:30:52Z', '2016-02-02T16:58:53Z', '2016-02-02T17:26:21Z', '2016-02-04T12:11:06Z', '2016-02-04T12:59:07Z', '2016-02-04T13:00:02Z', '2016-02-04T13:00:45Z', '2016-02-04T13:01:53Z', '2016-02-04T16:08:30Z', '2016-02-04T16:09:04Z', '2016-02-04T16:09:46Z', '2016-02-04T16:34:03Z', '2016-02-06T12:39:42Z', '2016-02-06T12:39:42Z', '2016-02-06T12:46:41Z', '2016-02-06T12:49:40Z', '2016-02-06T13:22:19Z', '2016-02-06T13:26:03Z', '2016-02-06T13:31:26Z', '2016-02-06T13:38:55Z', '2016-02-06T13:39:30Z', '2016-02-06T13:41:19Z', '2016-02-06T13:41:39Z', '2016-02-06T13:43:04Z', '2016-02-06T13:44:47Z', '2016-02-06T13:45:50Z', '2016-02-06T13:56:41Z', '2016-02-06T13:58:07Z', '2016-02-06T14:01:01Z', '2016-02-06T14:01:41Z', '2016-02-06T14:03:08Z', '2016-02-06T14:05:26Z', '2016-02-06T14:06:53Z', '2016-02-06T14:08:30Z', '2016-02-06T14:08:48Z', '2016-02-06T14:09:37Z', '2016-02-08T15:29:27Z', '2016-02-08T15:31:19Z', '2016-02-08T15:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:32Z', '2016-02-09T16:58:24Z', '2016-02-09T17:00:34Z', '2016-02-17T18:28:14Z', '2016-02-17T18:40:11Z', '2016-02-17T18:42:03Z', '2016-02-17T18:51:48Z', '2016-02-17T18:56:34Z', '2016-02-22T17:46:49Z', '2016-02-22T17:57:07Z', '2016-05-30T11:13:10Z', '2016-05-30T11:14:26Z', '2016-05-30T11:22:29Z', '2016-05-30T11:23:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:23:36Z', '2016-05-30T11:24:55Z', '2016-05-30T11:26:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:28:43Z', '2016-05-30T11:29:45Z', '2016-05-30T11:31:03Z', '2016-05-30T11:31:21Z', '2016-05-30T11:33:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:35:55Z', '2016-05-30T11:36:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:46:54Z', '2016-05-30T11:47:14Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:12Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:18Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:48Z', '2016-05-30T11:49:05Z', '2016-05-30T11:49:39Z', '2016-05-30T11:50:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:52:23Z', '2016-05-30T11:52:41Z', '2016-05-30T11:54:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:55:26Z', '2016-05-30T11:55:59Z', '2016-05-30T11:56:42Z', '2016-05-30T11:56:57Z', '2016-05-30T11:57:32Z', '2016-05-30T12:00:55Z', '2016-05-30T12:01:58Z', '2016-05-30T12:02:03Z', '2016-05-30T12:02:17Z', '2016-05-30T12:30:41Z', '2016-05-30T12:30:58Z', '2016-05-30T12:31:22Z', '2016-05-30T12:31:34Z', '2016-05-30T12:32:00Z', '2016-05-30T12:40:22Z', '2016-05-30T12:42:29Z', '2016-05-30T12:44:12Z', '2016-05-30T12:44:43Z', '2016-05-30T12:45:00Z', '2016-05-30T12:45:26Z', '2016-05-30T12:51:59Z', '2016-05-30T12:53:42Z', '2016-05-30T12:55:17Z', '2016-05-30T12:56:36Z', '2016-05-30T12:57:16Z', '2016-05-30T12:57:54Z', '2016-05-30T12:59:25Z', '2016-05-30T12:59:54Z', '2016-05-30T13:00:55Z', '2016-05-30T13:01:26Z', '2016-05-30T13:03:00Z', '2016-05-30T13:03:56Z', '2016-05-30T13:07:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:08:48Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:03Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:10Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:50Z', '2016-05-30T13:10:28Z', '2016-05-30T13:10:48Z', '2016-05-30T13:11:20Z', '2016-05-30T13:12:40Z', '2016-05-30T13:12:59Z', '2016-05-30T13:13:41Z', '2016-05-30T13:14:37Z', '2016-05-30T13:16:27Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:02Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:13Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:32Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:47Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:40Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:56Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:03Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:52Z', '2016-05-30T13:21:28Z', '2016-05-30T13:22:02Z', '2016-05-30T13:22:19Z', '2016-05-30T13:23:25Z', '2016-05-30T13:23:44Z', '2016-05-30T13:24:04Z', '2016-05-30T13:24:50Z', '2016-05-30T13:25:20Z', '2016-05-30T13:25:55Z', '2016-05-30T13:26:10Z', '2016-05-30T13:28:01Z', '2016-05-30T13:28:11Z', '2016-05-30T13:29:07Z', '2016-05-30T13:30:22Z', '2016-05-30T13:31:39Z', '2016-05-30T13:32:18Z', '2016-05-30T13:35:47Z', '2016-05-30T13:37:39Z', '2016-05-30T13:39:12Z', '2016-05-30T13:45:34Z', '2016-05-30T16:11:47Z', '2016-05-30T16:12:21Z', '2016-06-02T19:10:18Z', '2016-06-02T19:17:13Z', '2016-06-14T10:38:56Z', '2016-06-14T11:24:58Z', '2016-06-14T11:53:19Z', '2016-06-14T12:15:59Z', '2016-06-14T12:30:39Z', '2016-06-14T12:53:03Z', '2016-06-14T13:08:16Z', '2016-06-14T13:10:17Z', '2016-06-14T13:12:24Z', '2016-06-14T13:12:40Z', '2016-06-14T13:14:40Z', '2016-06-14T13:20:37Z', '2016-06-14T13:32:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:40:54Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:08Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:24Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:51Z', '2016-06-22T10:42:22Z', '2016-06-22T10:42:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:43:01Z', '2016-06-22T10:47:24Z', '2016-06-22T10:48:23Z', '2016-06-22T10:48:37Z', '2016-06-22T10:49:16Z', '2016-06-22T10:51:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:02Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:33Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:48Z', '2016-06-22T10:53:40Z', '2016-06-22T10:53:46Z', '2016-06-22T11:03:26Z', '2016-06-22T11:03:42Z', '2016-06-22T11:04:10Z', '2016-06-22T11:06:21Z', '2016-06-22T11:06:55Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:07Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:11Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:44Z', '2016-06-22T11:09:49Z', '2016-06-22T11:10:05Z', '2016-06-22T11:12:06Z', '2016-06-22T11:13:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:26:56Z', '2016-06-22T12:27:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:27:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:28:58Z', '2016-06-22T12:29:59Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:05Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:38Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:49Z', '2016-06-22T12:31:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:31:44Z', '2016-06-22T12:32:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:33:25Z', '2016-06-22T12:35:10Z', '2016-06-22T12:35:20Z', '2016-06-22T12:36:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:36:41Z', '2016-06-22T12:37:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:37:29Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:21Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:40Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:39:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:40:00Z', '2016-06-22T12:40:30Z', '2016-06-22T12:41:43Z', '2016-06-22T12:41:56Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:25Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:35Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:43:21Z', '2016-06-22T12:44:37Z', '2016-06-22T12:46:24Z', '2016-06-22T12:47:43Z', '2016-06-22T12:49:01Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:53:47Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:22Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:36Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:55:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:55:46Z', '2016-06-22T12:56:05Z', '2016-06-22T12:57:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:57:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:59:37Z', '2016-06-22T13:00:16Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:27Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:41Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:57Z', '2016-06-22T13:11:31Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:09Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:43Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:59Z', '2016-06-22T13:16:33Z', '2016-06-22T13:17:20Z', '2016-06-22T13:25:23Z', '2016-06-22T13:25:59Z', '2016-06-22T13:27:11Z', '2016-06-22T13:28:34Z', '2016-06-22T13:33:24Z', '2016-06-22T16:27:36Z', '2016-06-22T16:53:07Z', '2016-06-22T17:32:26Z', '2016-06-22T18:00:32Z', '2016-06-22T18:12:36Z', '2016-06-22T18:32:07Z', '2016-06-22T18:45:47Z', '2016-06-22T19:04:01Z', '2016-06-23T10:27:07Z', '2016-06-23T10:39:06Z', '2016-06-23T10:40:28Z', '2016-06-23T10:48:46Z', '2016-06-23T11:02:08Z', '2016-06-23T11:03:29Z', '2016-06-23T13:12:37Z', '2016-06-23T13:15:04Z', '2016-06-23T13:16:46Z', '2016-06-29T17:19:51Z', '2016-06-29T17:20:53Z', '2016-06-29T17:21:37Z', '2016-06-29T17:22:06Z', '2016-06-29T17:22:42Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:08Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:16Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:50Z', '2016-06-29T17:46:16Z', '2016-06-29T18:02:58Z', '2016-06-29T18:12:17Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:04Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:36Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:56Z', '2016-06-29T18:21:23Z', '2017-02-22T10:25:38Z', '2017-02-22T10:27:00Z', '2017-02-22T10:28:29Z', '2017-02-22T10:31:13Z', '2017-02-22T10:37:27Z', '2017-02-22T10:38:37Z', '2017-02-22T10:42:02Z', '2017-02-22T10:42:28Z', '2017-02-22T10:43:30Z', '2017-02-22T10:44:06Z', '2017-02-22T10:45:21Z', '2017-02-22T10:46:39Z', '2017-02-22T10:46:51Z', '2017-02-22T10:47:34Z', '2017-02-22T10:49:57Z', '2017-02-22T10:50:22Z', '2017-02-22T10:50:29Z', '2017-02-22T10:52:20Z', '2017-02-22T10:53:04Z', '2017-02-22T10:54:24Z', '2017-02-22T10:56:24Z', '2017-02-22T10:56:56Z', '2017-02-22T10:57:35Z', '2017-02-22T10:59:56Z', '2017-02-22T11:00:09Z', '2017-02-22T11:00:14Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:30Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:55Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:29Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:34Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:46Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:11Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:17Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:39Z', '2017-02-22T11:17:56Z', '2017-02-22T11:19:49Z', '2017-02-22T11:20:40Z', '2017-02-22T11:21:37Z', '2017-02-22T11:25:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:26:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:27:01Z', '2017-02-22T11:27:40Z', '2017-02-22T11:28:22Z', '2017-02-22T11:28:36Z', '2017-02-22T11:29:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:29:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:12Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:23Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:44Z', '2017-02-22T11:31:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:32:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:35:12Z', '2017-02-22T11:35:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:38:27Z', '2017-02-22T11:51:37Z', '2017-02-22T11:53:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:53:58Z', '2017-02-22T11:54:23Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:05Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:26Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:56:05Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:43Z', '2017-02-22T11:58:27Z', '2017-02-22T11:58:39Z', '2017-02-22T11:59:17Z', '2017-02-22T11:59:45Z', '2017-02-22T12:00:24Z', '2017-02-22T12:00:41Z', '2017-02-22T12:01:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:02:17Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:04:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:04:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:05:20Z', '2017-02-22T12:05:35Z', '2017-02-22T12:06:29Z', '2017-02-22T12:08:40Z', '2017-02-22T12:09:21Z', '2017-02-22T12:09:51Z', '2017-02-22T12:10:04Z', '2017-02-22T12:10:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:12:44Z', '2017-02-22T12:16:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:20:08Z', '2017-02-22T12:21:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:21:12Z', '2017-02-22T12:22:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:23:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:23:43Z', '2017-02-22T12:24:50Z', '2017-02-22T12:25:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:26:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:26:55Z', '2017-02-22T12:27:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:27:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:13Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:42Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:29:09Z', '2017-02-22T12:29:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:30:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:31:21Z', '2017-02-22T12:31:38Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:40Z', '2017-02-22T12:33:15Z', '2017-02-22T12:33:41Z', '2017-02-22T12:34:14Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:54Z', '2017-02-22T12:36:49Z', '2017-02-22T12:37:16Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:08Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:48Z', '2017-02-22T12:39:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:00Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:50Z', '2017-02-22T12:41:26Z', '2017-02-22T12:42:09Z', '2017-02-22T12:42:56Z', '2017-02-22T12:43:16Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:29Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:58Z', '2017-02-22T12:45:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:46:14Z', '2017-02-22T12:46:39Z', '2017-02-22T12:47:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:47:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:48:05Z', '2017-02-22T12:48:39Z', '2017-02-22T12:49:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:49:42Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:11Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:37Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:47Z', '2017-02-22T12:51:22Z', '2017-02-22T12:53:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:53:56Z', '2017-02-22T12:57:05Z', '2017-02-22T12:59:43Z', '2017-02-22T13:08:48Z', '2017-02-22T13:11:11Z', '2017-02-22T13:17:07Z', '2017-02-22T13:17:14Z', '2017-02-22T13:20:01Z', '2017-02-22T13:20:31Z', '2017-02-22T13:23:12Z', '2017-02-22T13:25:56Z', '2017-02-22T13:26:42Z', '2017-02-22T13:27:12Z', '2017-02-22T13:32:07Z', '2017-02-22T13:35:42Z', '2017-02-22T13:35:50Z', '2017-02-22T13:40:23Z', '2017-02-22T13:41:22Z', '2017-02-22T13:43:35Z', '2017-02-22T14:25:33Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:04Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:13Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:34Z', '2017-02-22T14:30:59Z', '2017-02-22T14:31:45Z', '2017-02-22T14:33:45Z', '2017-02-22T14:35:48Z', '2017-02-22T14:36:19Z', '2017-02-22T14:36:35Z', '2017-02-22T14:37:54Z', '2017-02-22T14:42:10Z', '2017-02-22T14:43:33Z', '2017-02-22T14:43:50Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:16Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:37Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:51Z', '2017-02-22T14:45:08Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:01Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:14Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:28Z', '2017-02-22T14:49:13Z', '2017-02-22T14:49:30Z', '2017-02-22T14:57:48Z', '2017-02-22T15:02:55Z', '2017-02-22T15:05:55Z', '2017-02-22T15:07:32Z', '2017-02-22T15:08:10Z', '2017-02-22T15:08:26Z', '2017-02-22T15:15:16Z', '2017-02-22T15:20:27Z', '2017-02-22T15:24:05Z', '2017-02-22T15:29:46Z', '2017-02-22T15:34:40Z', '2017-02-22T15:35:41Z', '2017-02-22T15:37:33Z', '2017-02-22T15:38:23Z', '2017-02-22T15:44:35Z', '2017-02-22T15:46:48Z', '2017-02-22T15:47:52Z', '2017-02-22T15:50:09Z', '2017-02-22T15:51:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:08:01Z', '2017-03-01T11:09:06Z', '2017-03-01T11:11:29Z', '2017-03-01T11:11:47Z', '2017-03-01T11:13:14Z', '2017-03-01T11:13:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:14:45Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:10Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:29Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:52Z', '2017-03-01T11:16:23Z', '2017-03-01T11:18:42Z', '2017-03-01T11:19:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:20:02Z', '2017-03-01T11:29:55Z', '2017-03-01T11:34:00Z', '2017-03-01T11:38:15Z', '2017-03-01T11:39:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:39:32Z', '2017-03-01T11:43:26Z', '2017-03-01T11:45:49Z', '2017-03-01T11:48:00Z', '2017-03-01T11:48:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:02Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:11Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:39Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:53Z', '2017-03-01T11:51:04Z', '2017-03-01T11:54:28Z', '2017-03-01T11:55:18Z', '2017-03-01T11:56:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:56:44Z', '2017-03-01T11:58:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:59:08Z', '2017-03-01T12:10:52Z', '2017-03-01T12:13:08Z', '2017-03-01T12:13:30Z', '2017-03-01T12:14:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:15:33Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:04Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:29Z', '2017-03-01T12:17:16Z', '2017-03-01T12:17:49Z', '2017-03-01T12:18:05Z', '2017-03-01T12:18:38Z', '2017-03-01T12:19:23Z', '2017-03-01T12:20:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:20:30Z', '2017-03-01T12:21:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:21:39Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:02Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:51Z', '2017-03-01T12:24:43Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:15Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:48Z', '2017-03-01T12:29:09Z', '2017-03-01T12:30:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:32:43Z', '2017-03-01T12:33:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:37:10Z', '2017-03-01T12:40:13Z', '2017-03-01T12:40:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:42Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:59Z', '2017-03-01T12:45:04Z', '2017-03-01T12:46:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:48:52Z', '2017-03-01T12:51:45Z', '2017-03-01T12:52:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:56:03Z', '2017-03-01T12:56:22Z', '2017-03-01T13:01:57Z', '2017-03-01T13:04:32Z', '2017-03-01T13:06:28Z', '2017-03-01T13:08:21Z', '2017-03-01T13:09:28Z', '2017-03-01T13:20:57Z', '2017-03-01T13:28:11Z', '2017-03-01T13:30:33Z', '2017-03-01T13:31:46Z', '2017-03-01T13:35:48Z', '2017-03-01T13:38:00Z', '2017-03-01T13:44:07Z', '2017-03-01T13:44:46Z', '2017-03-01T14:20:37Z', '2017-03-01T14:20:48Z', '2017-03-01T14:38:33Z', '2017-03-01T14:40:19Z', '2017-03-01T14:40:34Z', '2017-03-01T15:25:31Z', '2017-03-01T15:26:04Z', '2017-03-01T15:29:44Z', '2017-03-02T12:37:57Z', '2017-03-02T12:38:13Z', '2017-03-07T16:59:54Z', '2017-03-07T17:00:13Z', '2017-03-07T17:00:36Z', '2017-03-07T17:01:38Z', '2017-06-02T14:50:26Z', '2017-06-02T14:51:57Z', '2017-06-02T14:53:06Z', '2017-06-02T16:32:19Z', '2017-06-02T16:33:08Z', '2017-06-02T16:33:22Z', '2017-06-02T16:35:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:37:12Z', '2017-06-02T16:39:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:41:20Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:07Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:26Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:39Z', '2017-06-02T16:44:30Z', '2017-06-02T16:45:54Z', '2017-06-02T16:46:58Z', '2017-06-02T16:47:10Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:08Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:33Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:53Z', '2017-06-02T16:50:46Z', '2017-06-02T16:51:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:51:55Z', '2017-06-02T16:52:39Z', '2017-06-02T16:53:32Z', '2017-06-02T16:53:39Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:01Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:29Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:47Z', '2017-06-02T17:12:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:19:41Z', '2017-06-02T17:20:05Z', '2017-06-02T17:21:08Z', '2017-06-02T17:22:31Z', '2017-06-02T17:23:48Z', '2017-06-02T17:24:21Z', '2017-06-02T17:25:19Z', '2017-06-02T17:26:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:26:45Z', '2017-06-02T17:27:50Z', '2017-06-02T17:28:29Z', '2017-06-02T17:35:39Z', '2017-06-02T17:36:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:38:23Z', '2017-06-02T17:38:28Z', '2017-06-02T17:39:38Z', '2017-06-02T17:39:57Z', '2017-06-02T17:40:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:40:58Z', '2017-06-02T17:41:21Z', '2017-06-02T17:42:58Z', '2017-06-02T17:44:37Z', '2017-06-02T17:46:24Z', '2017-06-02T17:47:02Z', '2017-06-02T17:47:18Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:09Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:19Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:33Z', '2017-06-02T17:50:03Z', '2017-06-02T17:50:48Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:05Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:12Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:20Z', '2017-06-02T17:52:16Z', '2017-06-02T17:52:52Z', '2017-06-02T17:53:55Z', '2017-06-02T17:55:37Z', '2017-06-02T17:55:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:56:08Z', '2017-06-02T17:56:31Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:01Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:36Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:49Z', '2017-06-02T17:59:04Z', '2017-06-02T18:00:34Z', '2017-06-02T18:00:41Z', '2017-06-02T18:01:05Z', '2017-06-02T18:02:47Z', '2017-06-02T18:04:34Z', '2017-06-02T18:06:46Z', '2017-06-02T18:09:35Z', '2017-06-02T18:10:27Z', '2017-06-02T18:10:37Z', '2017-06-02T18:14:09Z', '2017-06-02T18:53:45Z', '2017-06-02T18:55:06Z', '2017-06-02T18:55:53Z', '2017-06-02T18:56:15Z', '2017-06-02T18:58:32Z', '2017-06-02T18:59:16Z', '2017-06-02T18:59:51Z', '2017-06-02T19:00:15Z', '2017-06-02T19:03:53Z', '2017-06-02T19:11:38Z', '2017-06-02T19:12:07Z', '2017-06-02T19:13:43Z', '2017-06-02T19:16:19Z', '2017-06-02T19:19:29Z', '2017-06-02T19:22:24Z', '2017-06-02T19:23:37Z', '2017-06-02T19:25:25Z', '2017-06-02T19:25:54Z', '2017-06-02T19:28:13Z', '2017-09-21T16:34:44Z', '2017-09-21T16:35:22Z', '2017-09-21T16:36:07Z', '2017-09-21T16:38:48Z', '2017-09-21T16:39:02Z', '2017-09-21T16:42:06Z', '2017-09-21T16:42:57Z', '2017-09-21T16:44:54Z', '2017-09-21T16:45:57Z', '2017-09-21T16:47:13Z', '2017-09-21T16:47:37Z', '2017-09-21T16:48:19Z', '2017-09-21T17:06:39Z', '2017-09-21T17:07:10Z', '2017-09-21T17:07:33Z', '2017-09-21T17:08:25Z', '2017-09-21T17:08:32Z', '2017-09-21T17:27:38Z', '2017-09-21T17:29:21Z', '2017-09-21T17:30:45Z', '2017-09-21T17:30:59Z', '2017-09-21T17:31:36Z', '2017-09-21T17:32:41Z', '2017-09-21T17:48:50Z', '2017-09-21T17:50:17Z', '2017-09-21T17:50:51Z', '2017-09-21T17:58:27Z', '2017-09-21T18:01:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:03:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:04:06Z', '2017-09-21T18:05:42Z', '2017-09-21T18:07:45Z', '2017-09-21T18:08:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:08:55Z', '2017-09-21T18:09:21Z', '2017-09-21T18:09:38Z', '2017-09-21T18:10:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:11:07Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:03Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:11Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:52Z', '2017-09-21T18:13:19Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:14Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:20Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:56Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:35Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:48Z', '2017-09-21T18:16:21Z', '2017-09-21T18:18:24Z', '2017-09-21T18:18:57Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:08Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:20:10Z', '2017-09-21T18:21:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:21:35Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:26Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:52Z', '2017-09-21T18:23:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:24:30Z', '2017-09-21T18:25:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:26:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:27:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:28:43Z', '2017-09-21T18:28:50Z', '2017-09-21T18:29:02Z', '2017-09-21T18:30:00Z', '2017-09-21T18:32:12Z', '2017-09-21T18:33:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:33:54Z', '2017-09-21T18:35:09Z', '2017-09-21T18:35:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:36:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:37:10Z', '2017-09-21T18:37:40Z', '2017-09-21T18:38:48Z', '2017-09-21T18:39:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:39:59Z', '2017-09-21T18:40:54Z', '2017-09-21T18:50:34Z', '2017-09-21T18:58:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:59:23Z', '2017-09-21T18:59:40Z', '2017-09-22T15:12:31Z', '2017-09-22T15:13:29Z', '2017-09-22T15:17:40Z', '2017-09-22T15:18:05Z', '2017-09-22T15:18:16Z', '2017-09-22T15:19:14Z', '2017-09-22T15:21:57Z', '2017-10-04T11:08:19Z', '2017-10-04T11:13:22Z', '2017-10-04T11:14:14Z', '2017-10-04T11:20:40Z', '2017-10-04T11:21:23Z', '2017-10-04T11:21:42Z', '2017-10-04T11:22:27Z', '2017-10-04T13:53:33Z', '2017-10-04T13:53:52Z', '2017-10-04T13:54:15Z', '2017-10-04T13:55:01Z', '2017-10-04T13:56:55Z', '2017-10-04T13:57:58Z', '2017-10-04T13:58:15Z', '2017-10-04T13:58:34Z', '2017-10-04T14:00:17Z', '2017-10-04T14:00:32Z', '2017-10-04T14:01:27Z', '2017-10-04T14:01:46Z', '2017-10-04T14:04:31Z', '2017-10-04T14:33:59Z', '2017-10-04T14:35:06Z', '2017-10-04T14:36:14Z', '2017-10-04T14:36:31Z', '2017-10-04T14:38:58Z', '2017-10-04T14:43:10Z', '2017-10-04T14:46:44Z', '2017-10-04T14:49:08Z', '2017-10-04T15:01:38Z', '2017-10-04T15:01:49Z', '2017-10-04T15:03:52Z', '2017-10-04T15:04:00Z', '2017-10-04T15:05:12Z', '2017-10-04T15:06:25Z', '2017-10-04T15:07:50Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:00Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:18Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:44Z', '2017-10-04T15:12:33Z', '2017-10-04T15:13:21Z', '2017-10-04T15:15:15Z', '2017-10-04T18:18:33Z', '2017-10-04T18:30:37Z', '2017-10-04T18:33:20Z', '2017-10-04T18:38:29Z', '2017-10-04T18:40:33Z', '2017-10-04T18:43:03Z', '2017-10-04T18:58:46Z', '2017-10-05T13:37:05Z', '2017-10-05T13:38:54Z', '2017-10-05T13:39:40Z', '2017-10-05T13:40:24Z', '2017-10-05T13:40:42Z', '2017-10-05T13:41:55Z', '2017-10-05T13:43:18Z', '2017-10-05T14:19:08Z', '2017-10-05T16:54:25Z', '2017-10-05T16:57:20Z', '2017-10-05T17:00:16Z', '2017-10-05T17:03:04Z', '2017-10-16T15:28:50Z', '2017-10-16T15:36:17Z', '2017-10-16T15:36:50Z', '2017-10-16T15:37:39Z', '2017-10-16T15:37:51Z', '2017-10-16T15:38:11Z', '2017-10-16T15:39:04Z', '2017-10-16T15:39:42Z', '2017-10-16T15:39:50Z', '2017-10-16T15:54:34Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 8 work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la txt/../pos/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu txt/../wrd/work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu.wrd work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe txt/../pos/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.pos === === id: work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu author: C Lee Ventola title: Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: Therapeutic or Toxic? date: 2011 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.txt cache: ./cache/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.pdf Content-Type application/xml X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.pdf' 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Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands date: 2020 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.txt cache: ./cache/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.pdf Author Marianne Cense, Steven de Grauw and Manouk Vermeulen Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z Keywords sexuality education; sexuality; sexual agency; youth; student voice; youth participatory action research; The Netherlands Last-Modified 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z Last-Save-Date 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 89 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Young people are not satisfied with the sexuality education they receive in Dutch high schools. They rate their sexuality education as mediocre (5.8 on a scale of one to ten). In cooperation with 17 young peer researchers, we explored what good sexuality education looks like from the point of view of young people. The peer researchers collected data in their own high school, using mixed methods, starting with individual interviews, followed by focus group discussions and Photovoice sessions to get more in-depth views on topics, class atmosphere, and teacher skills. In total, 300 pupils aged 12–18 participated in the research. Our findings demonstrate that young people want more sexuality education, during their whole school career. They want sexuality education to move beyond biological functions, sexually transmitted diseases, and reproduction into issues like dating, online behavior, sexual pleasure, relationships, and sexual coercion. Moreover, pupils want sexual diversity integrated and normalized in all content. One of the main issues is that sexuality education should be given in a safe class atmosphere, which demands sensitivity from the teacher. In addition to the findings of the study, this article reflects on the steps to be taken to realize the changes desired by young people. created 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z creator Marianne Cense, Steven de Grauw and Manouk Vermeulen date 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z dc:creator Marianne Cense, Steven de Grauw and Manouk Vermeulen dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sexuality education; sexuality; sexual agency; youth; student voice; youth participatory action research; The Netherlands dc:title ‘Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.’ Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands dcterms:created 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z dcterms:modified 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z meta:author Marianne Cense, Steven de Grauw and Manouk Vermeulen meta:creation-date 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z meta:keyword sexuality education; sexuality; sexual agency; youth; student voice; youth participatory action research; The Netherlands meta:save-date 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z modified 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3216', '4154', '3224', '2727', '3168', '5212', '5351', '5220', '4045', '4251', '3904', '4000', '3621', '4188', '3370'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z pdf:docinfo:creator Marianne Cense, Steven de Grauw and Manouk Vermeulen pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords sexuality education; sexuality; sexual agency; youth; student voice; youth participatory action research; The Netherlands pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-11-19T07:02:35Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Young people are not satisfied with the sexuality education they receive in Dutch high schools. They rate their sexuality education as mediocre (5.8 on a scale of one to ten). In cooperation with 17 young peer researchers, we explored what good sexuality education looks like from the point of view of young people. The peer researchers collected data in their own high school, using mixed methods, starting with individual interviews, followed by focus group discussions and Photovoice sessions to get more in-depth views on topics, class atmosphere, and teacher skills. In total, 300 pupils aged 12–18 participated in the research. Our findings demonstrate that young people want more sexuality education, during their whole school career. They want sexuality education to move beyond biological functions, sexually transmitted diseases, and reproduction into issues like dating, online behavior, sexual pleasure, relationships, and sexual coercion. Moreover, pupils want sexual diversity integrated and normalized in all content. One of the main issues is that sexuality education should be given in a safe class atmosphere, which demands sensitivity from the teacher. In addition to the findings of the study, this article reflects on the steps to be taken to realize the changes desired by young people. pdf:docinfo:title ‘Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.’ Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.pdf' subject Young people are not satisfied with the sexuality education they receive in Dutch high schools. They rate their sexuality education as mediocre (5.8 on a scale of one to ten). In cooperation with 17 young peer researchers, we explored what good sexuality education looks like from the point of view of young people. The peer researchers collected data in their own high school, using mixed methods, starting with individual interviews, followed by focus group discussions and Photovoice sessions to get more in-depth views on topics, class atmosphere, and teacher skills. In total, 300 pupils aged 12–18 participated in the research. Our findings demonstrate that young people want more sexuality education, during their whole school career. They want sexuality education to move beyond biological functions, sexually transmitted diseases, and reproduction into issues like dating, online behavior, sexual pleasure, relationships, and sexual coercion. Moreover, pupils want sexual diversity integrated and normalized in all content. One of the main issues is that sexuality education should be given in a safe class atmosphere, which demands sensitivity from the teacher. In addition to the findings of the study, this article reflects on the steps to be taken to realize the changes desired by young people. title ‘Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.’ Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 15 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C19 (1) in font OOIGEO+AdvP4C4E59 work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74 txt/../ent/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.ent work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine txt/../pos/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.pos work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu txt/../ent/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.ent work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy txt/../pos/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.pos === === id: work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa author: Lisa Wynne Smith title: Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth-Century England date: 2020 pages: 24 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.txt cache: ./cache/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.pdf Author Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-04-10T10:51:19Z Keywords Last-Modified 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z Last-Save-Date 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1111/1468-0424.12473 WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0424 WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 102 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Gender & History 2020.32:30-53 created 2020-04-10T10:51:19Z creator date 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z dc:creator dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dc:subject dc:title Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth‐Century England dcterms:created 2020-04-10T10:51:19Z dcterms:modified 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z meta:author meta:creation-date 2020-04-10T10:51:19Z meta:keyword meta:save-date 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z modified 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['2625', '3256', '3437', '3165', '3365', '3347', '3343', '3339', '3208', '3387', '3352', '3364', '3290', '3246', '2654', '1893', '3165', '3439', '4570', '3561', '3236', '3521', '3883', '2182'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-04-10T10:51:19Z pdf:docinfo:creator pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1111/1468-0424.12473 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0424 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 pdf:docinfo:keywords pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-04-20T12:34:16Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 10.1.10 (Windows); modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT pdf:docinfo:subject Gender & History 2020.32:30-53 pdf:docinfo:title Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth‐Century England pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Acrobat Distiller 10.1.10 (Windows); modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT resourceName b'work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.pdf' subject Gender & History 2020.32:30-53 title Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth‐Century England xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 24 work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy txt/../ent/work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy.ent work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe txt/../wrd/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.wrd work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m txt/../ent/work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m.ent work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la txt/../wrd/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4 author: Smiriti Kanangat title: Letter from the Editors date: 2020 pages: 1 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.txt cache: ./cache/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Last-Modified 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z Last-Save-Date 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 11 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true date 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:language en-US dcterms:modified 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z language en-US meta:save-date 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z modified 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage 3555 pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-07-01T18:39:32Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage 0 producer resourceName b'work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.pdf' xmpTPg:NPages 1 === === id: work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm author: Elisabetta Minico title: Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid's Tale date: 2019 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.txt cache: ./cache/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.pdf Author Elisabetta Di Minico Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z Keywords dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality Last-Modified 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z Last-Save-Date 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 68 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Analyzing Burdekin’s Swastika Night Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale the article aims to examine the relations between space, gender-based violence, and patriarchy in women’s writing. Hitlerdom in Swastika Night, the mental hospital and the future dystopian New York in Woman on the Edge of Time, and Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale are spatial and social nightmares. The authorities that rule these dystopias imprison women in restricted spaces first, limit their vocabulary and daily actions, deprive them of their beauty, freedom and consciousness, and impose maternity or sexuality upon them. My analysis will connect the limitation of space with the psychophysical domination the objectification and the disempowerment of the female gender. Hoping also to shed light on the dynamics and the reasons for contemporary real gender-based violence and depreciation, the study will be focused on: 1. the ways space contributes to the creation, the stability and the dominion of dystopian powers; 2. the representation and the construction of female figures, roles and identities; 3. the techniques of control, manipulation and oppression used by patriarchal powers against women; 4. the impact of sex, sexuality and motherhood on women’s bodies; and 5. the possible feminist alternatives or solutions proposed by the novels. created 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z creator Elisabetta Di Minico date 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z dc:creator Elisabetta Di Minico dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality dc:title Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid’s Tale dcterms:created 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z dcterms:modified 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z meta:author Elisabetta Di Minico meta:creation-date 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z meta:keyword dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality meta:save-date 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z modified 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3170', '3840', '4054', '3729', '4116', '4108', '3875', '3793', '4014', '4025', '4112', '3634', '3631', '3708', '2932'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z pdf:docinfo:creator Elisabetta Di Minico pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-02-26T10:42:22Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Analyzing Burdekin’s Swastika Night Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale the article aims to examine the relations between space, gender-based violence, and patriarchy in women’s writing. Hitlerdom in Swastika Night, the mental hospital and the future dystopian New York in Woman on the Edge of Time, and Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale are spatial and social nightmares. The authorities that rule these dystopias imprison women in restricted spaces first, limit their vocabulary and daily actions, deprive them of their beauty, freedom and consciousness, and impose maternity or sexuality upon them. My analysis will connect the limitation of space with the psychophysical domination the objectification and the disempowerment of the female gender. Hoping also to shed light on the dynamics and the reasons for contemporary real gender-based violence and depreciation, the study will be focused on: 1. the ways space contributes to the creation, the stability and the dominion of dystopian powers; 2. the representation and the construction of female figures, roles and identities; 3. the techniques of control, manipulation and oppression used by patriarchal powers against women; 4. the impact of sex, sexuality and motherhood on women’s bodies; and 5. the possible feminist alternatives or solutions proposed by the novels. pdf:docinfo:title Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid’s Tale pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.pdf' subject Analyzing Burdekin’s Swastika Night Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale the article aims to examine the relations between space, gender-based violence, and patriarchy in women’s writing. Hitlerdom in Swastika Night, the mental hospital and the future dystopian New York in Woman on the Edge of Time, and Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale are spatial and social nightmares. The authorities that rule these dystopias imprison women in restricted spaces first, limit their vocabulary and daily actions, deprive them of their beauty, freedom and consciousness, and impose maternity or sexuality upon them. My analysis will connect the limitation of space with the psychophysical domination the objectification and the disempowerment of the female gender. Hoping also to shed light on the dynamics and the reasons for contemporary real gender-based violence and depreciation, the study will be focused on: 1. the ways space contributes to the creation, the stability and the dominion of dystopian powers; 2. the representation and the construction of female figures, roles and identities; 3. the techniques of control, manipulation and oppression used by patriarchal powers against women; 4. the impact of sex, sexuality and motherhood on women’s bodies; and 5. the possible feminist alternatives or solutions proposed by the novels. title Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid’s Tale trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 15 work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq txt/../ent/work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4 txt/../pos/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.pos work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine txt/../wrd/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.wrd work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae txt/../ent/work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae.ent work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra txt/../pos/work_336hph6p6zb5phjrqg6rtpbtra.pos work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy txt/../wrd/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.wrd work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4 txt/../ent/work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.ent work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im txt/../ent/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm author: Jean Steiner title: Tell Your Own Story date: 2015 pages: 12 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.txt cache: ./cache/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.pdf Author Meus Documentos Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-07-17T15:59:26Z Last-Modified 2019-07-17T15:59:26Z Last-Save-Date 2019-07-17T15:59:26Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 91 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2019-07-17T15:59:26Z creator Meus Documentos date 2019-07-17T15:59:26Z dc:creator Meus Documentos dc:format application/pdf; 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'2012-12-07T10:54:12Z', '2012-12-07T13:01:46Z', '2012-12-07T13:24:27Z', '2012-12-13T10:13:43Z', '2012-12-13T10:14:08Z', '2012-12-13T10:14:56Z', '2012-12-13T10:15:55Z', '2012-12-13T10:17:20Z', '2012-12-13T10:17:28Z', '2012-12-13T10:18:56Z', '2012-12-13T10:20:29Z', '2012-12-13T10:21:02Z', '2012-12-13T10:21:42Z', '2012-12-13T10:23:36Z', '2012-12-13T15:32:26Z', '2012-12-14T11:52:26Z', '2012-12-14T11:52:26Z', '2012-12-14T14:35:08Z', '2012-12-17T11:59:42Z', '2012-12-17T11:59:42Z', '2012-12-17T11:59:58Z', '2012-12-17T11:59:58Z', '2012-12-17T12:20:56Z', '2012-12-17T12:20:56Z', '2013-03-18T10:24:14Z', '2013-03-18T10:24:14Z', '2013-03-18T10:24:24Z', '2013-03-18T10:24:24Z', '2013-06-17T10:46:42Z', '2013-06-17T10:46:42Z', '2013-06-17T11:16:46Z', '2013-09-16T11:30:26Z', '2013-09-16T11:30:26Z', '2013-09-17T10:06:08Z', '2013-09-17T10:06:08Z', '2013-09-17T10:06:40Z', '2013-09-17T10:07:23Z', '2013-09-17T10:07:57Z', '2013-09-17T10:08:29Z', '2013-09-17T10:08:59Z', '2013-09-17T10:09:15Z', '2013-09-17T10:10:53Z', '2013-09-17T10:56:16Z', '2013-09-17T11:55:37Z', '2013-09-19T11:01:39Z', '2013-09-19T12:02:30Z', '2013-09-19T16:18:42Z', '2013-09-30T10:36:37Z', '2013-09-30T11:15:51Z', '2013-09-30T16:04:27Z', '2013-09-30T16:04:27Z', '2013-09-30T16:14:19Z', '2013-09-30T16:15:04Z', '2013-09-30T16:16:43Z', '2013-09-30T17:22:03Z', '2013-10-21T11:52:59Z', '2013-10-25T16:59:28Z', '2013-10-28T17:33:08Z', '2013-11-07T10:50:49Z', '2013-11-12T10:10:32Z', '2013-11-12T10:10:32Z', '2013-11-12T10:19:58Z', '2013-11-12T11:48:27Z', '2013-11-12T11:48:27Z', '2013-11-12T11:58:27Z', '2013-11-12T11:58:43Z', '2014-01-08T10:49:36Z', '2014-01-15T11:39:22Z', '2014-01-15T11:40:05Z', '2014-01-15T11:46:26Z', '2014-02-10T11:17:38Z', '2014-02-10T11:17:38Z', '2014-02-10T11:26:01Z', '2014-02-19T14:32:56Z', '2014-02-27T13:56:39Z', '2014-02-28T10:11:22Z', '2014-02-28T10:24:42Z', '2014-02-28T10:45:32Z', '2014-02-28T10:47:01Z', '2014-02-28T10:51:49Z', '2014-02-28T16:46:09Z', '2014-03-03T17:32:30Z', '2014-03-05T10:25:27Z', '2014-03-05T10:29:14Z', '2014-03-05T10:33:35Z', '2014-03-05T10:36:49Z', '2014-03-05T10:37:25Z', '2014-03-05T10:37:36Z', '2014-03-05T10:39:33Z', '2014-03-05T10:47:11Z', '2014-03-05T10:49:17Z', '2014-03-05T10:51:12Z', '2014-03-05T10:54:34Z', '2014-03-05T10:57:50Z', '2014-03-05T16:03:33Z', '2014-03-05T16:22:02Z', '2014-03-05T16:24:15Z', '2014-03-05T16:24:57Z', '2014-03-05T16:34:52Z', '2014-03-06T12:19:55Z', '2014-03-06T12:20:40Z', '2014-03-12T10:08:57Z', '2014-03-12T10:10:21Z', '2014-03-12T10:10:46Z', '2014-03-12T10:11:11Z', '2014-03-12T10:13:01Z', '2014-03-12T10:15:51Z', '2014-03-12T10:16:24Z', '2014-03-12T10:18:55Z', '2014-03-12T10:19:55Z', '2014-03-12T13:55:04Z', '2014-03-12T13:58:37Z', '2014-03-14T13:20:54Z', '2014-03-14T13:20:54Z', '2014-03-18T13:51:45Z', '2014-03-18T13:51:45Z', '2014-03-18T14:14:08Z', '2014-03-18T14:14:08Z', '2014-03-18T15:12:13Z', '2014-03-25T09:59:29Z', '2014-03-25T09:59:29Z', '2014-03-25T17:28:03Z', '2014-03-26T10:19:10Z', '2014-03-26T10:22:33Z', '2014-04-07T17:07:21Z', '2014-04-08T09:57:52Z', '2014-04-08T17:12:22Z', '2014-04-15T16:05:49Z', '2014-04-16T11:40:13Z', '2014-04-22T18:04:42Z', '2014-04-28T10:36:52Z', '2014-04-28T10:36:52Z', '2014-04-28T10:37:31Z', '2014-05-27T13:29:23Z', '2014-05-27T17:17:29Z', '2014-05-29T14:49:41Z', '2014-05-30T14:55:38Z', '2014-05-30T14:56:28Z', '2014-05-30T15:00:19Z', '2014-06-03T10:47:11Z', '2014-06-03T11:26:17Z', '2014-06-06T10:01:38Z', '2014-06-06T10:04:42Z', '2014-06-06T11:12:27Z', '2014-06-06T12:05:19Z', '2014-06-06T12:05:40Z', '2014-06-06T12:08:11Z', '2014-06-06T12:08:40Z', '2014-06-06T12:08:58Z', '2014-06-06T14:44:15Z', '2014-06-12T14:25:02Z', '2014-06-12T14:25:46Z', '2014-06-12T14:28:48Z', '2014-06-12T14:30:04Z', '2014-06-12T14:31:19Z', '2014-06-12T14:38:58Z', '2014-06-12T14:41:19Z', '2014-06-12T14:42:51Z', '2014-06-12T14:43:51Z', '2014-06-12T14:44:20Z', '2014-06-12T14:46:22Z', '2014-06-12T14:50:32Z', '2014-06-13T12:36:05Z', '2014-06-13T12:36:05Z', '2014-06-16T13:14:13Z', '2014-06-16T13:18:56Z', '2014-06-16T13:56:04Z', '2014-06-16T13:56:04Z', '2014-07-08T11:49:09Z', '2014-07-16T09:02:05Z', '2014-07-29T15:45:53Z', '2014-07-31T15:55:11Z', '2014-08-05T12:01:29Z', '2014-09-16T17:33:31Z', '2014-10-14T14:20:14Z', '2014-10-17T14:29:09Z', '2014-10-17T14:30:31Z', '2014-10-17T14:33:12Z', '2014-10-17T14:33:26Z', '2014-10-17T14:35:55Z', '2014-10-17T14:36:04Z', '2014-10-17T14:38:59Z', '2014-10-17T14:39:40Z', '2014-10-17T14:40:27Z', '2014-10-17T14:41:05Z', '2014-10-17T14:41:42Z', '2014-10-17T14:42:30Z', '2014-10-17T14:43:12Z', '2014-10-17T14:44:21Z', '2014-10-17T14:47:01Z', '2014-10-17T14:47:11Z', '2014-10-17T14:49:35Z', '2014-10-17T14:50:10Z', '2014-10-27T17:13:29Z', '2014-11-06T17:10:18Z', '2014-11-06T17:19:21Z', '2014-11-14T14:42:45Z', '2014-11-14T14:45:35Z', '2014-11-14T14:45:35Z', '2014-11-25T17:15:59Z', '2014-11-26T09:23:53Z', '2014-11-26T09:26:03Z', '2014-11-26T12:23:50Z', '2014-12-01T17:15:33Z', '2014-12-04T16:22:23Z', '2014-12-04T16:23:05Z', '2014-12-04T16:23:27Z', '2014-12-04T16:25:04Z', '2014-12-04T16:25:42Z', '2014-12-04T16:26:05Z', '2014-12-06T10:32:29Z', '2014-12-06T10:33:41Z', '2014-12-06T10:33:52Z', '2014-12-06T10:35:16Z', '2014-12-06T10:56:57Z', '2014-12-06T12:40:05Z', '2014-12-08T16:53:39Z', '2014-12-08T16:54:14Z', '2014-12-10T11:49:48Z', '2014-12-10T12:27:07Z', '2014-12-10T15:21:20Z', '2014-12-10T15:24:48Z', '2014-12-10T15:25:51Z', '2014-12-10T15:26:17Z', '2014-12-10T15:26:36Z', '2014-12-10T15:27:58Z', '2014-12-10T15:31:36Z', '2014-12-10T15:34:05Z', '2014-12-15T17:22:32Z', '2014-12-15T17:22:32Z', '2014-12-15T17:31:29Z', '2015-01-02T11:32:30Z', '2015-01-02T11:32:56Z', '2015-01-02T11:32:56Z', '2015-01-02T13:52:43Z', '2015-01-29T09:55:31Z', '2015-01-29T14:35:01Z', '2015-02-24T12:39:43Z', '2015-02-24T12:39:43Z', '2015-02-24T12:40:30Z', '2015-02-24T12:45:15Z', '2015-03-02T11:45:01Z', '2015-03-02T17:38:01Z', '2015-03-03T11:26:54Z', '2015-03-04T13:43:48Z', '2015-03-12T10:11:05Z', '2015-03-12T10:12:06Z', '2015-03-12T10:13:26Z', '2015-03-12T10:15:44Z', '2015-03-12T10:23:29Z', '2015-03-12T10:26:50Z', '2015-03-12T10:28:06Z', '2015-03-12T10:30:46Z', '2015-03-12T10:37:16Z', '2015-03-12T10:46:07Z', '2015-03-12T10:58:06Z', '2015-03-12T11:06:27Z', '2015-03-12T11:08:14Z', '2015-03-13T15:44:04Z', '2015-03-13T16:12:37Z', '2015-03-18T16:35:10Z', '2015-03-18T16:35:10Z', '2015-03-19T10:12:12Z', '2015-03-19T10:14:34Z', '2015-03-19T10:17:11Z', '2015-03-19T10:17:29Z', '2015-03-19T10:23:13Z', '2015-03-19T10:23:56Z', '2015-03-19T10:25:32Z', '2015-03-19T10:26:31Z', '2015-03-20T10:01:17Z', '2015-03-23T10:25:29Z', '2015-03-23T10:25:29Z', '2015-03-23T11:14:04Z', '2015-03-23T14:09:41Z', '2015-03-23T14:09:41Z', '2015-03-23T14:11:28Z', '2015-03-30T10:41:01Z', '2015-03-30T12:17:53Z', '2015-04-15T11:59:27Z', '2015-05-07T17:44:04Z', '2015-05-12T11:19:54Z', '2015-05-18T17:14:08Z', '2015-05-26T17:05:22Z', '2015-05-27T13:14:14Z', '2015-05-28T14:33:13Z', '2015-05-28T14:33:13Z', '2015-05-28T14:44:31Z', '2015-05-29T11:23:37Z', '2015-05-29T11:50:44Z', '2015-06-02T15:24:52Z', '2015-06-02T15:25:07Z', '2015-06-04T10:33:27Z', '2015-06-04T10:34:26Z', '2015-06-04T10:35:56Z', '2015-06-04T10:37:04Z', '2015-06-05T11:53:01Z', '2015-06-05T11:54:11Z', '2015-06-05T11:54:29Z', '2015-06-05T11:57:02Z', '2015-06-05T11:57:29Z', '2015-06-05T11:58:16Z', '2015-06-05T11:58:42Z', '2015-06-05T12:01:08Z', '2015-06-05T12:03:01Z', '2015-06-05T12:03:35Z', '2015-06-05T12:04:15Z', '2015-06-05T12:06:51Z', '2015-06-05T12:08:44Z', '2015-06-05T12:08:56Z', '2015-06-11T11:41:06Z', '2015-06-11T11:43:33Z', '2015-06-11T11:49:58Z', '2015-06-11T11:50:54Z', '2015-06-11T11:52:46Z', '2015-06-11T11:56:04Z', '2015-06-11T11:59:51Z', '2015-06-11T12:00:39Z', '2015-06-11T12:01:39Z', '2015-06-11T12:02:35Z', '2015-06-15T10:19:39Z', '2015-06-15T10:19:39Z', '2015-06-15T10:20:37Z', '2015-06-15T10:20:49Z', '2015-07-06T10:25:49Z', '2015-07-06T10:25:49Z', '2015-07-06T11:06:34Z', '2015-07-06T11:06:34Z', '2015-07-06T11:43:40Z', '2015-07-20T14:58:35Z', '2015-07-20T16:17:26Z', '2015-09-22T12:38:36Z', '2015-09-22T12:38:36Z', '2015-09-30T13:35:02Z', '2015-09-30T13:36:14Z', '2015-09-30T13:44:48Z', '2015-09-30T13:45:57Z', '2015-09-30T13:59:30Z', '2015-09-30T14:09:15Z', '2015-09-30T14:10:48Z', '2015-10-01T11:47:05Z', '2015-10-01T11:47:05Z', '2015-10-01T11:52:46Z', '2015-10-01T11:53:09Z', '2015-10-01T11:54:17Z', '2015-10-01T11:59:30Z', '2015-10-01T12:04:58Z', '2015-10-01T15:51:47Z', '2015-10-01T15:53:29Z', '2015-10-01T15:55:22Z', '2015-10-01T15:59:19Z', '2015-10-01T15:59:33Z', '2015-10-01T16:08:49Z', '2015-10-01T16:14:48Z', '2015-10-01T16:15:22Z', '2015-10-01T16:18:19Z', '2015-10-19T13:26:28Z', '2015-11-10T14:49:45Z', '2015-11-10T16:18:51Z', '2015-12-01T16:56:40Z', '2015-12-02T12:32:11Z', '2015-12-08T15:49:19Z', '2015-12-09T16:34:31Z', '2015-12-10T14:30:47Z', '2015-12-10T16:57:24Z', '2015-12-11T13:19:59Z', '2015-12-11T13:51:36Z', '2015-12-11T14:03:32Z', '2015-12-11T14:03:41Z', '2015-12-11T14:03:41Z', '2015-12-11T14:14:33Z', '2015-12-11T14:15:26Z', '2015-12-11T14:27:16Z', '2015-12-11T15:41:01Z', '2015-12-14T12:51:23Z', '2015-12-15T10:07:40Z', '2015-12-15T10:09:36Z', '2015-12-15T10:14:05Z', '2015-12-15T10:14:48Z', '2015-12-15T10:16:53Z', '2015-12-15T10:17:21Z', '2015-12-15T10:17:59Z', '2015-12-15T10:19:24Z', '2015-12-15T10:20:20Z', '2015-12-15T10:21:48Z', '2015-12-15T10:21:56Z', '2015-12-15T10:22:15Z', '2015-12-15T10:24:20Z', '2015-12-15T10:25:16Z', '2015-12-15T10:25:44Z', '2015-12-15T10:31:05Z', '2015-12-15T10:31:40Z', '2015-12-15T10:32:58Z', '2015-12-15T10:33:35Z', '2015-12-15T10:33:52Z', '2015-12-15T10:34:14Z', '2015-12-15T10:34:33Z', '2015-12-15T10:36:04Z', '2015-12-15T10:36:21Z', '2015-12-15T10:40:57Z', '2015-12-15T10:45:10Z', '2015-12-15T10:46:14Z', '2015-12-15T10:47:39Z', '2015-12-15T10:48:16Z', '2015-12-15T10:49:23Z', '2015-12-15T10:55:30Z', '2015-12-15T10:56:49Z', '2015-12-15T10:59:46Z', '2015-12-15T11:01:09Z', '2015-12-15T11:01:42Z', '2015-12-15T11:02:02Z', '2015-12-15T11:03:11Z', '2015-12-16T10:30:54Z', '2015-12-16T10:54:22Z', '2015-12-16T11:28:33Z', '2015-12-16T11:32:58Z', '2015-12-16T12:26:27Z', '2015-12-17T09:37:34Z', '2015-12-17T09:40:23Z', '2015-12-17T09:41:38Z', '2015-12-17T09:42:26Z', '2015-12-17T10:15:44Z', '2015-12-17T12:23:05Z', '2015-12-18T11:43:38Z', '2015-12-18T11:52:38Z', '2015-12-18T11:53:19Z', '2015-12-18T12:12:08Z', '2015-12-18T12:12:08Z', '2015-12-18T13:31:35Z', '2015-12-22T10:45:37Z', '2015-12-22T10:45:38Z', '2015-12-22T10:49:40Z', '2015-12-22T10:50:08Z', '2015-12-22T10:50:08Z', '2016-03-15T11:35:56Z', '2016-03-15T11:35:56Z', '2016-03-15T11:36:27Z', '2016-03-15T11:36:27Z', '2016-06-14T09:33:47Z', '2016-06-14T09:33:47Z', '2016-06-14T09:34:23Z', '2016-06-14T09:34:23Z', '2016-06-14T09:52:06Z', '2016-06-14T09:52:06Z', '2016-08-25T14:42:27Z', '2016-08-25T14:42:27Z', '2017-01-03T10:01:23Z', '2017-01-03T10:01:23Z', '2017-01-11T08:18:13Z', '2017-01-11T08:18:13Z', '2017-02-02T08:07:05Z', '2017-02-02T08:07:05Z', '2017-03-02T17:27:21Z', '2017-03-02T17:27:21Z', '2017-06-19T10:00:10Z', '2017-06-19T10:00:10Z', '2017-06-19T10:03:15Z', '2017-09-18T10:39:36Z', '2017-09-18T10:39:36Z', '2017-09-26T10:34:56Z', '2017-09-26T10:34:56Z', '2017-09-26T10:35:12Z', '2017-10-10T09:39:05Z', '2017-10-23T16:35:42Z', '2017-10-26T16:54:32Z', '2017-12-18T13:55:29Z', '2017-12-18T13:55:29Z', '2017-12-18T13:55:51Z', '2017-12-18T13:55:51Z', '2017-12-18T14:00:13Z', '2017-12-18T14:06:02Z', '2018-02-02T16:32:15Z', '2018-02-02T16:32:15Z', '2018-02-02T16:32:52Z', '2018-02-02T16:51:16Z', '2018-02-05T12:06:19Z', '2018-02-05T12:06:19Z', '2018-02-05T12:56:18Z', '2018-02-27T16:34:15Z', '2018-03-01T16:25:32Z', '2018-03-01T16:30:04Z', '2018-09-18T14:37:59Z', '2018-09-18T14:37:59Z', '2018-09-18T15:09:55Z', '2018-09-18T15:09:55Z', '2018-09-21T16:03:35Z', '2018-09-21T16:03:35Z', '2018-09-21T17:09:42Z', '2018-09-21T17:11:56Z', '2018-09-24T16:40:03Z', '2018-09-24T16:40:03Z', '2018-09-24T17:14:35Z', '2018-10-02T11:39:13Z', '2018-10-02T11:42:18Z', '2018-10-02T11:42:38Z', '2018-10-02T11:42:38Z', '2018-10-03T13:54:24Z', '2018-10-03T13:54:24Z', '2018-10-17T11:16:46Z', '2018-10-17T11:16:46Z', '2018-12-28T11:38:18Z', '2018-12-28T11:38:18Z', '2018-12-28T11:48:02Z', '2019-02-19T10:17:40Z', '2019-02-19T10:17:40Z', '2019-02-19T10:18:35Z', '2019-02-26T11:57:39Z', '2019-02-26T13:03:11Z', '2019-02-26T13:03:11Z', '2019-03-06T10:52:13Z', '2019-03-06T10:52:25Z', '2019-03-06T10:52:51Z', '2019-03-06T10:53:05Z', '2019-03-06T10:53:32Z', '2019-03-06T10:53:51Z', '2019-03-06T10:54:17Z', '2019-03-06T10:54:38Z', '2019-03-06T10:54:50Z', '2019-03-06T10:55:31Z', '2019-03-06T10:55:50Z', '2019-03-06T10:56:22Z', '2019-03-06T10:57:47Z', '2019-03-06T10:58:16Z', '2019-03-06T10:58:34Z', '2019-03-06T10:59:41Z', '2019-03-06T11:00:38Z', '2019-03-06T11:02:58Z', '2019-03-06T11:03:22Z', '2019-03-06T11:03:40Z', '2019-03-06T11:05:11Z', '2019-03-06T11:05:22Z', '2019-03-06T11:06:05Z', '2019-03-06T11:06:54Z', 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How #MeToo is framed differently in English, Spanish and German Twitter discourse date: 2021 pages: 28 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.txt cache: ./cache/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z Last-Modified 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z Last-Save-Date 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 83 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z date 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dcterms:created 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z dcterms:modified 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z meta:creation-date 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z meta:save-date 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z modified 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['1613', '2083', '2353', '2147', '2394', '2278', '2309', '2467', '1836', '1834', '1479', '2300', '1931', '1814', '2324', '2081', '1489', '2199', '1915', '2114', '2425', '2091', '2382', '1855', '2134', '2350', '2273', '1917'] pdf:docinfo:created 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool pdftk 2.02 - pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-02-16T09:25:23Z pdf:docinfo:producer itext-paulo-155 ( pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer itext-paulo-155 ( resourceName b'work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool pdftk 2.02 - xmpTPg:NPages 28 work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e txt/../pos/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui txt/../ent/work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.ent work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i txt/../wrd/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.wrd work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y txt/../ent/work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.ent work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum txt/../ent/work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum.ent === === id: work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy author: Karin Hansson title: "We passed the trust on": Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden date: 2019 pages: 19 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.txt cache: ./cache/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.pdf Author Karin Hansson Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z Keywords Last-Modified 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z Last-Save-Date 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 107 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject created 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z creator Karin Hansson date 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z dc:creator Karin Hansson dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dc:subject dc:title We passed the trust on”- Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden dcterms:created 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z dcterms:modified 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z meta:author Karin Hansson meta:creation-date 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z meta:keyword meta:save-date 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z modified 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['2784', '2890', '2846', '2938', '3073', '1648', '2839', '3297', '2978', '3084', '3177', '3127', '2241', '2458', '2886', '3260', '2250', '3098', '1327'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z pdf:docinfo:creator Karin Hansson pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Word pdf:docinfo:keywords pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-04-04T07:44:50Z pdf:docinfo:producer macOS Version 10.14.3 (bygge 18D109) Quartz PDFContext pdf:docinfo:subject pdf:docinfo:title We passed the trust on”- Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer macOS Version 10.14.3 (bygge 18D109) Quartz PDFContext resourceName b'work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.pdf' subject title We passed the trust on”- Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden xmp:CreatorTool Word xmpTPg:NPages 19 === === id: work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i author: Amy Chapman title: Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship date: 2019 pages: 9 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.txt cache: ./cache/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.pdf Author Amy L. Chapman and Christine Greenhow Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z Keywords social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship Last-Modified 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z Last-Save-Date 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 43 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Research is rarely created for private use; researchers publish their work so that others can read and use it, to advance the collective understanding of a field and impact people’s lives. Yet traditional approaches to scholarship, which emphasize publication in subscription-based rather than open access journals, inhibit not only the dissemination of research but also its usefulness, particularly outside of academia. Across all fields, scholars, educators, and members of the public benefit from scholarship which is easily accessible. Open science and public, social scholarship can break down these barriers to accessibility and utility. In this age which calls for a more informed citizenry, the use of social media to share and promote discussion of research could change not only the nature of scholarly communication but also the nature of scholarship and scholars’ roles. In this conceptual article, we argue that practicing public, social scholarship and increasing the use of social media to promote scholarship are the civic responsibility of citizen-scholars, so that research becomes more widely accessible, shareable, and usable in the public sphere. created 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z creator Amy L. Chapman and Christine Greenhow date 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z dc:creator Amy L. Chapman and Christine Greenhow dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship dc:title Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship dcterms:created 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z dcterms:modified 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z meta:author Amy L. Chapman and Christine Greenhow meta:creation-date 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z meta:keyword social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship meta:save-date 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z modified 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3216', '3599', '4098', '3797', '4250', '3817', '3606', '3542', '770'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z pdf:docinfo:creator Amy L. Chapman and Christine Greenhow pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-02-01T09:27:01Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Research is rarely created for private use; researchers publish their work so that others can read and use it, to advance the collective understanding of a field and impact people’s lives. Yet traditional approaches to scholarship, which emphasize publication in subscription-based rather than open access journals, inhibit not only the dissemination of research but also its usefulness, particularly outside of academia. Across all fields, scholars, educators, and members of the public benefit from scholarship which is easily accessible. Open science and public, social scholarship can break down these barriers to accessibility and utility. In this age which calls for a more informed citizenry, the use of social media to share and promote discussion of research could change not only the nature of scholarly communication but also the nature of scholarship and scholars’ roles. In this conceptual article, we argue that practicing public, social scholarship and increasing the use of social media to promote scholarship are the civic responsibility of citizen-scholars, so that research becomes more widely accessible, shareable, and usable in the public sphere. pdf:docinfo:title Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.pdf' subject Research is rarely created for private use; researchers publish their work so that others can read and use it, to advance the collective understanding of a field and impact people’s lives. Yet traditional approaches to scholarship, which emphasize publication in subscription-based rather than open access journals, inhibit not only the dissemination of research but also its usefulness, particularly outside of academia. Across all fields, scholars, educators, and members of the public benefit from scholarship which is easily accessible. Open science and public, social scholarship can break down these barriers to accessibility and utility. In this age which calls for a more informed citizenry, the use of social media to share and promote discussion of research could change not only the nature of scholarly communication but also the nature of scholarship and scholars’ roles. In this conceptual article, we argue that practicing public, social scholarship and increasing the use of social media to promote scholarship are the civic responsibility of citizen-scholars, so that research becomes more widely accessible, shareable, and usable in the public sphere. title Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 9 work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa txt/../ent/work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa.ent work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4 txt/../ent/work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4.ent work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu txt/../pos/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e txt/../wrd/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.wrd WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+28 (28) in font OOGAEN+GcswgkTrebuchetMS INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa txt/../pos/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.pos work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu txt/../pos/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.pos work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye txt/../pos/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.pos work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq txt/../pos/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.pos work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu txt/../wrd/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa txt/../wrd/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.wrd work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y txt/../ent/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.ent === === id: work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba author: Afrooz Kaviani Johnson title: Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation date: 2020 pages: 19 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.txt cache: ./cache/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.pdf Author Afrooz Kaviani Johnson and Julia Sloth-Nielsen Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z Keywords safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development goals; convention on the rights of the child; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; non-government organisations Last-Modified 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z Last-Save-Date 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 101 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Safeguarding in the context of development and humanitarian assistance has received heightened international attention since 2018. Emerging literature has not yet investigated the extent to which responses are evolving in the best interests of the child, in line with the treaty-based rights of children. This article makes a unique contribution to scholarship by applying a child rights lens to safeguarding efforts in the aid sector with a focus on the least developed countries in Africa. The article first reviews the safeguarding landscape—providing a snapshot of self-regulatory and standard setting initiatives by non-government organisations (NGOs) and bilateral government donors. Next, the article examines the relevant standards in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and respective Committee observations to enrich the safeguarding discussion. Finally, the article discusses key dilemmas and remaining challenges for safeguarding children in the developing world. The article suggests that a rights-based approach provides for a more nuanced and contextualised response, avoiding the temptation of ‘tick-box’ exercises driven by reputational management and ‘programming siloes’ imposed by humanitarian and development actors. To support sustained and consistent progress, efforts should go beyond intra-organisational policy and sectoral self-regulation. Child rights law monitoring mechanisms can be leveraged to encourage effective government oversight of NGOs in contact with children, as part of national frameworks for child protection. Donor governments should also consider and increase investment in national and local child protection systems to address risk factors to child abuse and ensure appropriate responses for any child that experiences harm. created 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z creator Afrooz Kaviani Johnson and Julia Sloth-Nielsen date 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z dc:creator Afrooz Kaviani Johnson and Julia Sloth-Nielsen dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development goals; convention on the rights of the child; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; non-government organisations dc:title Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation dcterms:created 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z dcterms:modified 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z meta:author Afrooz Kaviani Johnson and Julia Sloth-Nielsen meta:creation-date 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z meta:keyword safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development goals; convention on the rights of the child; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; non-government organisations meta:save-date 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z modified 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2995', '3942', '3947', '4126', '3982', '4048', '4200', '4021', '3999', '3997', '3890', '4111', '4252', '4175', '3524', '4143', '3997', '4172', '3684'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z pdf:docinfo:creator Afrooz Kaviani Johnson and Julia Sloth-Nielsen pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development goals; convention on the rights of the child; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; non-government organisations pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-06-08T14:04:54Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Safeguarding in the context of development and humanitarian assistance has received heightened international attention since 2018. Emerging literature has not yet investigated the extent to which responses are evolving in the best interests of the child, in line with the treaty-based rights of children. This article makes a unique contribution to scholarship by applying a child rights lens to safeguarding efforts in the aid sector with a focus on the least developed countries in Africa. The article first reviews the safeguarding landscape—providing a snapshot of self-regulatory and standard setting initiatives by non-government organisations (NGOs) and bilateral government donors. Next, the article examines the relevant standards in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and respective Committee observations to enrich the safeguarding discussion. Finally, the article discusses key dilemmas and remaining challenges for safeguarding children in the developing world. The article suggests that a rights-based approach provides for a more nuanced and contextualised response, avoiding the temptation of ‘tick-box’ exercises driven by reputational management and ‘programming siloes’ imposed by humanitarian and development actors. To support sustained and consistent progress, efforts should go beyond intra-organisational policy and sectoral self-regulation. Child rights law monitoring mechanisms can be leveraged to encourage effective government oversight of NGOs in contact with children, as part of national frameworks for child protection. Donor governments should also consider and increase investment in national and local child protection systems to address risk factors to child abuse and ensure appropriate responses for any child that experiences harm. pdf:docinfo:title Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.pdf' subject Safeguarding in the context of development and humanitarian assistance has received heightened international attention since 2018. Emerging literature has not yet investigated the extent to which responses are evolving in the best interests of the child, in line with the treaty-based rights of children. This article makes a unique contribution to scholarship by applying a child rights lens to safeguarding efforts in the aid sector with a focus on the least developed countries in Africa. The article first reviews the safeguarding landscape—providing a snapshot of self-regulatory and standard setting initiatives by non-government organisations (NGOs) and bilateral government donors. Next, the article examines the relevant standards in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and respective Committee observations to enrich the safeguarding discussion. Finally, the article discusses key dilemmas and remaining challenges for safeguarding children in the developing world. The article suggests that a rights-based approach provides for a more nuanced and contextualised response, avoiding the temptation of ‘tick-box’ exercises driven by reputational management and ‘programming siloes’ imposed by humanitarian and development actors. To support sustained and consistent progress, efforts should go beyond intra-organisational policy and sectoral self-regulation. Child rights law monitoring mechanisms can be leveraged to encourage effective government oversight of NGOs in contact with children, as part of national frameworks for child protection. Donor governments should also consider and increase investment in national and local child protection systems to address risk factors to child abuse and ensure appropriate responses for any child that experiences harm. title Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 19 work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye txt/../wrd/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.wrd work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu txt/../pos/work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.pos work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq txt/../wrd/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.wrd work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha txt/../ent/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.ent === === id: work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy author: Daniel A. 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These images were shaped by contemporary attitudes: from sensationalism in 1888, through the developing myth and business of ‘Jack the Ripper,’ to the beginnings of attention being paid to his victims. Examined are tableaus created from 1888 to current times, both physical and fictional twenty- and twenty-first-century texts encompassing various media, all of which may be located within the Baudrillardian realm of simulation. What they demonstrate is that the mythical killer keeps overshadowing his victims, who in this part of the Ripper mythos remain to a certain extent as dehumanised and voiceless as when they were actually killed. created 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z creator Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko date 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z dc:creator Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Jack the Ripper; representation; simulacrum; victims; waxworks dc:title On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims dcterms:created 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z dcterms:modified 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z meta:author Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko meta:creation-date 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z meta:keyword Jack the Ripper; representation; simulacrum; victims; waxworks meta:save-date 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z modified 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3273', '4098', '4147', '4436', '3865', '4062', '4056', '3884', '4083', '3836', '3422'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z pdf:docinfo:creator Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Jack the Ripper; representation; simulacrum; victims; waxworks pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-05-30T12:13:40Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject The article discusses one of the tropes present in the representations of the Whitechapel killer: the waxworks of either the killer or his victims. 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Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z Last-Modified 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z Last-Save-Date 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1002/he.20319 WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1002/(ISSN)1536-0741 WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 32 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z creator Kinzie, Jillian L. date 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z dc:creator Kinzie, Jillian L. dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:language en-US dc:title Editors’ Notes dcterms:created 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z dcterms:modified 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z language en-US meta:author Kinzie, Jillian L. meta:creation-date 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z meta:save-date 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z modified 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['3436', '4117', '3232', '1223'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z pdf:docinfo:creator Kinzie, Jillian L. pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Microsoft® Word 2010 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1002/he.20319 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1002/(ISSN)1536-0741 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-05-14T07:01:02Z pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft® Word 2010 pdf:docinfo:title Editors’ Notes pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Microsoft® Word 2010 resourceName b'work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.pdf' title Editors’ Notes xmp:CreatorTool Microsoft® Word 2010 xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:28c247e6-1b49-3db7-8b19-d656c093bff1 xmpTPg:NPages 4 work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa txt/../wrd/work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa.wrd === === id: work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4 author: Priya Sepaha title: Impact of Social Media on the Functioning of the Indian Government: A Critical Analysis date: 2019 pages: 6 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.txt cache: ./cache/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.pdf Author merhaba Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z Keywords Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, social movement. 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Social media has loomed as the most effective tool in recent times to flag the causes, contents, opinions and direction of any social movement and has demonstrated that it will have a far-reaching effect on government as well. This study focuses on India which has emerged as the fastest growing community on social media. Social movement activists, in particular, have extensively utilized the power of digital social media to streamline the effectiveness of social protest on a particular issue through extensive successful mass mobilizations. This research analyses the role and impact of social media as a power to catalyze the social movements in India and further seeks to describe how certain social movements are resisted, subverted, co-opted and/or deployed by social media. The impact assessment study has been made with the help of cases, policies and some social movement which India has witnessed the assertion of numerous social issues perturbing the public which eventually paved the way for remarkable judicial decisions. The paper concludes with the observations that despite its pros and cons, the impacts of social media on the functioning of the Indian Government have demonstrated that it has already become an indispensable tool in the hands of social media-suave Indians who are committed to bring about a desired change.

created 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z creator merhaba date 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z dc:creator merhaba dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dc:subject Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, social movement. dc:title Microsoft Word - 19jp120013-4- dcterms:created 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z dcterms:modified 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z meta:author merhaba meta:creation-date 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z meta:keyword Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, social movement. meta:save-date 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z modified 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['4643', '4471', '6458', '6081', '6817', '3710'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z pdf:docinfo:creator Priya Sepaha pdf:docinfo:creator_tool WASET Zend Publishing System pdf:docinfo:keywords Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, social movement. pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-09-12T06:46:52Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject

Social media has loomed as the most effective tool in recent times to flag the causes, contents, opinions and direction of any social movement and has demonstrated that it will have a far-reaching effect on government as well. This study focuses on India which has emerged as the fastest growing community on social media. Social movement activists, in particular, have extensively utilized the power of digital social media to streamline the effectiveness of social protest on a particular issue through extensive successful mass mobilizations. This research analyses the role and impact of social media as a power to catalyze the social movements in India and further seeks to describe how certain social movements are resisted, subverted, co-opted and/or deployed by social media. The impact assessment study has been made with the help of cases, policies and some social movement which India has witnessed the assertion of numerous social issues perturbing the public which eventually paved the way for remarkable judicial decisions. The paper concludes with the observations that despite its pros and cons, the impacts of social media on the functioning of the Indian Government have demonstrated that it has already become an indispensable tool in the hands of social media-suave Indians who are committed to bring about a desired change.

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Social media has loomed as the most effective tool in recent times to flag the causes, contents, opinions and direction of any social movement and has demonstrated that it will have a far-reaching effect on government as well. This study focuses on India which has emerged as the fastest growing community on social media. Social movement activists, in particular, have extensively utilized the power of digital social media to streamline the effectiveness of social protest on a particular issue through extensive successful mass mobilizations. This research analyses the role and impact of social media as a power to catalyze the social movements in India and further seeks to describe how certain social movements are resisted, subverted, co-opted and/or deployed by social media. The impact assessment study has been made with the help of cases, policies and some social movement which India has witnessed the assertion of numerous social issues perturbing the public which eventually paved the way for remarkable judicial decisions. The paper concludes with the observations that despite its pros and cons, the impacts of social media on the functioning of the Indian Government have demonstrated that it has already become an indispensable tool in the hands of social media-suave Indians who are committed to bring about a desired change.

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Academic promotion can be simply explained as the stepwise process of advancing in rank from instructor to assistant professor, associate professor, and then professor. Yet, even without considering gender, the process of academic promotion is complex, with significant variability between academic institutions. Data have shown disparities in the experiences of men and women seeking academic promotion. This chapter aims to bring awareness of this gender gap in anesthesiology and includes a list of the top 10 things women anesthesiologists must do when navigating academic promotion. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm author: PAUL RAE title: Editorial: International Interest Test date: 2018 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.txt cache: ./cache/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-03-05T16:30:20Z Last-Modified 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 28 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2019-03-05T16:30:20Z date 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z dc:description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 00:56:07, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dc:title S0307883318000482jed 243..249 dcterms:created 2019-03-05T16:30:20Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 00:56:07, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at meta:creation-date 2019-03-05T16:30:20Z meta:save-date 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z modified 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['2933', '3400', '3310', '3299', '3268', '3393', '1347'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-03-05T16:30:20Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 10.0.1465/W Unicode pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:07Z pdf:docinfo:producer Carnegie Mellon University pdf:docinfo:title S0307883318000482jed 243..249 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Carnegie Mellon University resourceName b'work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.pdf' title S0307883318000482jed 243..249 xmp:CreatorTool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 10.0.1465/W Unicode xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:d652b0d0-4150-41cb-971f-2c93871c2487 xmpTPg:NPages 7 === === id: work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva author: Jurjen J. 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Considerable experience with a distinctive portfolio of such methods has been gained and reflective evaluation is now under way. While it is important to understand the local context within which each method has evolved, we seek to explain the potential for adaptation in diverse contexts so that such knowledge co-production methods can be more widely utilized. Furthermore, the current phase of MUFˇs work is undertaking innovative comparative transdisciplinary co-production research across its research platforms. Since the specific local projects differ, systematic thematic comparison requires great care and methodological rigour. Transdisciplinary co-production is inherently complex, time consuming and often unpredictable in terms of outcomes, and these challenges are intensified when it is undertaken comparatively. created 2018-10-05T04:38:11Z creator Simon, D., Palmer, H., Riise, J. et al date 2021-04-06T00:56:06Z dc:creator Simon, D., Palmer, H., Riise, J. et al dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dc:subject transdisciplinarity, Mistra Urban Futures, co-production, transdisciplinary urban co-production, comparative urban research, dc:title The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research dcterms:created 2018-10-05T04:38:11Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:06Z meta:author Simon, D., Palmer, H., Riise, J. et al meta:creation-date 2018-10-05T04:38:11Z meta:keyword transdisciplinarity, Mistra Urban Futures, co-production, transdisciplinary urban co-production, comparative urban research, meta:save-date 2021-04-06T00:56:06Z modified 2021-04-06T00:56:06Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['754', '3632', '5511', '5489', '5258', '3150', '1607', '4500', '5316', '5190', '3099', '1899', '3701', '4076', '4252', '3263', '3498', '3449', '4041', '5026', '713'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-10-05T04:38:11Z pdf:docinfo:creator Simon, D., Palmer, H., Riise, J. et al pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) pdf:docinfo:keywords transdisciplinarity, Mistra Urban Futures, co-production, transdisciplinary urban co-production, comparative urban research, pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:06Z pdf:docinfo:producer PDFsharp 1.32.3057-g ( (Original: Adobe PDF Library 9.9; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT; modified using iTextSharp 4.1.6 by 1T3XT) pdf:docinfo:subject This reflective paper surveys the lessons learnt and challenges faced by the Mistra Urban Futures (MUF) research centre and its research platforms in Sweden, the UK, South Africa and Kenya in developing and deploying different forms of transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge. Considerable experience with a distinctive portfolio of such methods has been gained and reflective evaluation is now under way. While it is important to understand the local context within which each method has evolved, we seek to explain the potential for adaptation in diverse contexts so that such knowledge co-production methods can be more widely utilized. Furthermore, the current phase of MUFˇs work is undertaking innovative comparative transdisciplinary co-production research across its research platforms. Since the specific local projects differ, systematic thematic comparison requires great care and methodological rigour. 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Considerable experience with a distinctive portfolio of such methods has been gained and reflective evaluation is now under way. While it is important to understand the local context within which each method has evolved, we seek to explain the potential for adaptation in diverse contexts so that such knowledge co-production methods can be more widely utilized. Furthermore, the current phase of MUFˇs work is undertaking innovative comparative transdisciplinary co-production research across its research platforms. Since the specific local projects differ, systematic thematic comparison requires great care and methodological rigour. 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harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting Last-Modified 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z Last-Save-Date 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 78 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Any form of workplace abuse, be it bullying, sexual or non-sexual harassment, or other forms of workplace violence, represents a significant problem for both workers and organisations. The reality that worker complaints of such abuse are often silenced, frequently for long periods of time, has recently been spotlighted by the #MeToo movement. In this article we focus particularly on workplace bullying (some definitions include harassment). We explore how potential, and actual, complaints of such abuse may silenced—both before complaints are ever made, and also at different points along the complaint or dispute resolution process. We investigate how definitional and naming issues, worker ignorance and incapacity, workplace investigations, (alternative) dispute resolution and the legal pathways available to targets of workplace bullying and harassment may act to silence complaints. We also provide some practical suggestions for the targets of workplace abuse. created 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z creator Allison J Ballard and Patricia Easteal date 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z dc:creator Allison J Ballard and Patricia Easteal dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject bullying; harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting dc:title The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment) dcterms:created 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z dcterms:modified 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z meta:author Allison J Ballard and Patricia Easteal meta:creation-date 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z meta:keyword bullying; harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting meta:save-date 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z modified 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2934', '5104', '3431', '3773', '3665', '3440', '3721', '3252', '3289', '3297', '3461', '3505', '3470', '3735', '3879', '3887', '1416'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z pdf:docinfo:creator Allison J Ballard and Patricia Easteal pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords bullying; harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-10-29T09:52:03Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Any form of workplace abuse, be it bullying, sexual or non-sexual harassment, or other forms of workplace violence, represents a significant problem for both workers and organisations. The reality that worker complaints of such abuse are often silenced, frequently for long periods of time, has recently been spotlighted by the #MeToo movement. In this article we focus particularly on workplace bullying (some definitions include harassment). We explore how potential, and actual, complaints of such abuse may silenced—both before complaints are ever made, and also at different points along the complaint or dispute resolution process. We investigate how definitional and naming issues, worker ignorance and incapacity, workplace investigations, (alternative) dispute resolution and the legal pathways available to targets of workplace bullying and harassment may act to silence complaints. We also provide some practical suggestions for the targets of workplace abuse. pdf:docinfo:title The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment) pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.pdf' subject Any form of workplace abuse, be it bullying, sexual or non-sexual harassment, or other forms of workplace violence, represents a significant problem for both workers and organisations. The reality that worker complaints of such abuse are often silenced, frequently for long periods of time, has recently been spotlighted by the #MeToo movement. In this article we focus particularly on workplace bullying (some definitions include harassment). We explore how potential, and actual, complaints of such abuse may silenced—both before complaints are ever made, and also at different points along the complaint or dispute resolution process. We investigate how definitional and naming issues, worker ignorance and incapacity, workplace investigations, (alternative) dispute resolution and the legal pathways available to targets of workplace bullying and harassment may act to silence complaints. We also provide some practical suggestions for the targets of workplace abuse. title The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment) trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 17 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_5va3k4tvxvcljjob2gw32u65jy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom txt/../ent/work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy txt/../wrd/work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy.wrd work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4 txt/../ent/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_5va3k4tvxvcljjob2gw32u65jy' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_5va3k4tvxvcljjob2gw32u65jy' === === id: work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube author: Clare Hemmings title: Resisting popular feminisms: gender, sexuality and the lure of the modern date: 2018 pages: 27 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.txt cache: ./cache/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.pdf Author Clare Hemmings Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2017-11-22T14:19:06Z Last-Modified 2017-11-22T14:19:06Z Last-Save-Date 2017-11-22T14:19:06Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 71 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2017-11-22T14:19:06Z creator Clare Hemmings date 2017-11-22T14:19:06Z dc:creator Clare Hemmings dc:format application/pdf; 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Education, especially higher education, has long been identified as an important arena for addressing the problem and promoting gender equality. Two measures recently put in place in the Swedish higher education have brought the role of the sector into focus. The first is the inclusion of gender equality as a measurable outcome in quality assurance in higher education. The second measure is the amendment of the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance to include mandatory knowledge of VAW in the degree programme of seven selected relevant professional groups. 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The second measure is the amendment of the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance to include mandatory knowledge of VAW in the degree programme of seven selected relevant professional groups. 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Education, especially higher education, has long been identified as an important arena for addressing the problem and promoting gender equality. Two measures recently put in place in the Swedish higher education have brought the role of the sector into focus. The first is the inclusion of gender equality as a measurable outcome in quality assurance in higher education. The second measure is the amendment of the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance to include mandatory knowledge of VAW in the degree programme of seven selected relevant professional groups. 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Ridge Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z Keywords behavioral aggression; course selection; gender; gender threat; hostile environment; male dominance; masculinity; sexual harassment; STEM Last-Modified 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z Last-Save-Date 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 44 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Sexual harassment has been widely studied in the workforce, but the factors that contribute to hostile educational environments for women have received less attention. The present study focuses on male dominance, gender harassment, gender threats, masculinity, and their influences on creating a hostile environment for women in academia. One hundred and forty-two male participants from a private university in the Southwestern United States self-reported their masculinity, completed a group task with a female confederate leader serving as a gender threat in half the conditions, and had their subsequent affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, and behavioral aggression measured. Men from male-dominated majors and men who had received a gender threat did not differ from men from gender-equivalent majors and men who had not received a gender threat on affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, or behavioral aggression (ps > 0.201, p2s 0.007). However, post-hoc analyses revealed that as masculinity increased among men from male-dominated majors under gender threat, they became significantly more behaviorally aggressive (b = 5.92, p = 0.003) and perceived their female leader as less effective (b = -0.83, p = 0.076). Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. created 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z creator Brooke E. Dresden, Alexander Y. Dresden and Robert D. Ridge date 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z dc:creator Brooke E. Dresden, Alexander Y. Dresden and Robert D. Ridge dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject behavioral aggression; course selection; gender; gender threat; hostile environment; male dominance; masculinity; sexual harassment; STEM dc:title The Boys Club: Engineering a More Positive Environment for Women in Male-Dominated Majors dcterms:created 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z dcterms:modified 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z meta:author Brooke E. Dresden, Alexander Y. Dresden and Robert D. Ridge meta:creation-date 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z meta:keyword behavioral aggression; course selection; gender; gender threat; hostile environment; male dominance; masculinity; sexual harassment; STEM meta:save-date 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z modified 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3163', '4038', '2076', '3390', '3618', '3367', '2834', '4083', '3667', '3886', '2638'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z pdf:docinfo:creator Brooke E. Dresden, Alexander Y. Dresden and Robert D. Ridge pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords behavioral aggression; course selection; gender; gender threat; hostile environment; male dominance; masculinity; sexual harassment; STEM pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-01-26T06:24:39Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 pdf:docinfo:subject Sexual harassment has been widely studied in the workforce, but the factors that contribute to hostile educational environments for women have received less attention. The present study focuses on male dominance, gender harassment, gender threats, masculinity, and their influences on creating a hostile environment for women in academia. One hundred and forty-two male participants from a private university in the Southwestern United States self-reported their masculinity, completed a group task with a female confederate leader serving as a gender threat in half the conditions, and had their subsequent affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, and behavioral aggression measured. Men from male-dominated majors and men who had received a gender threat did not differ from men from gender-equivalent majors and men who had not received a gender threat on affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, or behavioral aggression (ps > 0.201, p2s 0.007). However, post-hoc analyses revealed that as masculinity increased among men from male-dominated majors under gender threat, they became significantly more behaviorally aggressive (b = 5.92, p = 0.003) and perceived their female leader as less effective (b = -0.83, p = 0.076). 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One hundred and forty-two male participants from a private university in the Southwestern United States self-reported their masculinity, completed a group task with a female confederate leader serving as a gender threat in half the conditions, and had their subsequent affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, and behavioral aggression measured. Men from male-dominated majors and men who had received a gender threat did not differ from men from gender-equivalent majors and men who had not received a gender threat on affect, perceptions of leadership effectiveness, or behavioral aggression (ps > 0.201, p2s 0.007). However, post-hoc analyses revealed that as masculinity increased among men from male-dominated majors under gender threat, they became significantly more behaviorally aggressive (b = 5.92, p = 0.003) and perceived their female leader as less effective (b = -0.83, p = 0.076). 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Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-06-29T08:20:20Z Keywords women in STEM, gender, bias, equality, academia, Last-Modified 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z OneVisionCreationDate D:20200629102056+02'00' OneVisionCreator PDFExport Version 12.9 (SR 1) OneVisionDongleID _9+Nz8pKiobU4L OneVisionProducer OneVision PDFengine (Windows 64bit Build 33.045.S) OneVisionQueueName VCH-Online_fuer_Readcube OneVisionSourceFileName //3WP-VM-FILE01/3WP-01/Digitalcenter/home12.mac/PS-Druck/Drucker.%0/Ansichts-PDF/out/8319_8323_chemistry_S002522.PDF WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1002/chem.202002522 WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3765 WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 50 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Despite slow ongoing progress in increasing the representation of women in academia, women remain significantly under-represented at senior levels, in particular in the natural sciences and engineering. Not infrequently, this is downplayed by bringing forth arguments such as inherent biological differences between genders, that current policies are adequate to address the issue, or by deflecting this as being ˝not my problem˛ among other examples. In this piece we present scientific evidence that counters these claims, as well as a best-practice example, Genie, from Chalmers University of Technology, where one of the authors is currently employed. We also highlight particular challenges caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, we conclude by proposing some possible solutions to the situation and emphasize that we need to all do our part, to ensure that the next generation of academics experience a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable working environment. created 2020-06-29T08:20:20Z creator Kamerlin, S., Wittung Stafshede, P. date 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z dc:creator Kamerlin, S., Wittung Stafshede, P. dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dc:subject women in STEM, gender, bias, equality, academia, dc:title Female Faculty: Why So Few and Why Care? dcterms:created 2020-06-29T08:20:20Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z meta:author Kamerlin, S., Wittung Stafshede, P. meta:creation-date 2020-06-29T08:20:20Z meta:keyword women in STEM, gender, bias, equality, academia, meta:save-date 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z modified 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['651', '4198', '5153', '1721', '5186', '5011'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-06-29T08:20:20Z pdf:docinfo:creator Kamerlin, S., Wittung Stafshede, P. pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.1.580/W pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionCreationDate D:20200629102056+02'00' pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionCreator PDFExport Version 12.9 (SR 1) pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionDongleID _9+Nz8pKiobU4L pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionProducer OneVision PDFengine (Windows 64bit Build 33.045.S) pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionQueueName VCH-Online_fuer_Readcube pdf:docinfo:custom:OneVisionSourceFileName //3WP-VM-FILE01/3WP-01/Digitalcenter/home12.mac/PS-Druck/Drucker.%0/Ansichts-PDF/out/8319_8323_chemistry_S002522.PDF pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-ARTICLEDOI 10.1002/chem.202002522 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-JOURNALDOI 10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3765 pdf:docinfo:custom:WPS-PROCLEVEL 3 pdf:docinfo:keywords women in STEM, gender, bias, equality, academia, pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T00:56:08Z pdf:docinfo:producer PDFsharp 1.32.3057-g ( (Original: OneVision PDFengine (Windows 64bit Build 33.045.S); modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT; modified using iTextSharp 4.1.6 by 1T3XT) pdf:docinfo:subject Despite slow ongoing progress in increasing the representation of women in academia, women remain significantly under-represented at senior levels, in particular in the natural sciences and engineering. Not infrequently, this is downplayed by bringing forth arguments such as inherent biological differences between genders, that current policies are adequate to address the issue, or by deflecting this as being ˝not my problem˛ among other examples. In this piece we present scientific evidence that counters these claims, as well as a best-practice example, Genie, from Chalmers University of Technology, where one of the authors is currently employed. We also highlight particular challenges caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, we conclude by proposing some possible solutions to the situation and emphasize that we need to all do our part, to ensure that the next generation of academics experience a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable working environment. pdf:docinfo:title Female Faculty: Why So Few and Why Care? pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '1', '2', '1', '1', '17'] producer PDFsharp 1.32.3057-g ( (Original: OneVision PDFengine (Windows 64bit Build 33.045.S); modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT; modified using iTextSharp 4.1.6 by 1T3XT) resourceName b'work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y.pdf' subject Despite slow ongoing progress in increasing the representation of women in academia, women remain significantly under-represented at senior levels, in particular in the natural sciences and engineering. Not infrequently, this is downplayed by bringing forth arguments such as inherent biological differences between genders, that current policies are adequate to address the issue, or by deflecting this as being ˝not my problem˛ among other examples. In this piece we present scientific evidence that counters these claims, as well as a best-practice example, Genie, from Chalmers University of Technology, where one of the authors is currently employed. We also highlight particular challenges caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, we conclude by proposing some possible solutions to the situation and emphasize that we need to all do our part, to ensure that the next generation of academics experience a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable working environment. title Female Faculty: Why So Few and Why Care? xmp:CreatorTool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.1.580/W xmpTPg:NPages 6 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font MPYKOV+mplus-2p-light-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping 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In particular, there has been an emphasis on campaigns that prioritise notions of justice, equality, and human rights. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic fieldwork conducted amongst Twelver Shi’a students in Britain between 2013–2018, this paper examines the forms of Shi’a activism currently being articulated on university campuses, especially those that explicitly seek to engage non-Muslims and spread awareness about Shi’a Islam. On the one hand, such practices constitute a form of self-representation for Shi’a students who would otherwise feel marginalised within the university space; while on the other, they promote a particular version of Shi’a Islam that both frames it within the European context and that also contributes to the sectarianisation of the contemporary Shi’a subject. While the forms and resonance of Shi’a student activism arguably only have meaning within the context of contemporary Europe, we argue that the discursive contours underpinning such activism ultimately transcend such national and cultural boundaries and contribute to a reinterpretation and reimagining of Shi’a sectarian identity for the modern age. created 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z creator Emanuelle Degli Esposti and Alison Scott-Baumann date 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z dc:creator Emanuelle Degli Esposti and Alison Scott-Baumann dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Shi’ism; Islam; identity; sectarianism; activism; Britain; university dc:title Fighting for “Justice”, Engaging the Other: Shi’a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus dcterms:created 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z dcterms:modified 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z meta:author Emanuelle Degli Esposti and Alison Scott-Baumann meta:creation-date 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z meta:keyword Shi’ism; Islam; identity; sectarianism; activism; Britain; university meta:save-date 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z modified 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3228', '3964', '3884', '4095', '3973', '4110', '3649', '3206', '3715', '3329', '3344', '3404', '4055', '3993', '3780', '3598', '397'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z pdf:docinfo:creator Emanuelle Degli Esposti and Alison Scott-Baumann pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Shi’ism; Islam; identity; sectarianism; activism; Britain; university pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-03-13T07:28:38Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject While Shi’a Muslims remain in the minority in Europe, including within universities, the past decade has witnessed the growing profile of Shi’ism on university campuses, especially in Britain. In particular, there has been an emphasis on campaigns that prioritise notions of justice, equality, and human rights. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic fieldwork conducted amongst Twelver Shi’a students in Britain between 2013–2018, this paper examines the forms of Shi’a activism currently being articulated on university campuses, especially those that explicitly seek to engage non-Muslims and spread awareness about Shi’a Islam. On the one hand, such practices constitute a form of self-representation for Shi’a students who would otherwise feel marginalised within the university space; while on the other, they promote a particular version of Shi’a Islam that both frames it within the European context and that also contributes to the sectarianisation of the contemporary Shi’a subject. While the forms and resonance of Shi’a student activism arguably only have meaning within the context of contemporary Europe, we argue that the discursive contours underpinning such activism ultimately transcend such national and cultural boundaries and contribute to a reinterpretation and reimagining of Shi’a sectarian identity for the modern age. pdf:docinfo:title Fighting for “Justice”, Engaging the Other: Shi’a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq.pdf' subject While Shi’a Muslims remain in the minority in Europe, including within universities, the past decade has witnessed the growing profile of Shi’ism on university campuses, especially in Britain. In particular, there has been an emphasis on campaigns that prioritise notions of justice, equality, and human rights. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic fieldwork conducted amongst Twelver Shi’a students in Britain between 2013–2018, this paper examines the forms of Shi’a activism currently being articulated on university campuses, especially those that explicitly seek to engage non-Muslims and spread awareness about Shi’a Islam. On the one hand, such practices constitute a form of self-representation for Shi’a students who would otherwise feel marginalised within the university space; while on the other, they promote a particular version of Shi’a Islam that both frames it within the European context and that also contributes to the sectarianisation of the contemporary Shi’a subject. While the forms and resonance of Shi’a student activism arguably only have meaning within the context of contemporary Europe, we argue that the discursive contours underpinning such activism ultimately transcend such national and cultural boundaries and contribute to a reinterpretation and reimagining of Shi’a sectarian identity for the modern age. title Fighting for “Justice”, Engaging the Other: Shi’a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 17 work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq txt/../ent/work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.ent work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui txt/../ent/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.ent === === id: work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy author: Elizabeth E. 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'2011-02-09T00:04:19Z', '2011-02-09T18:27:07Z', '2011-02-09T18:30:27Z', '2011-02-09T19:00:15Z', '2011-02-09T19:05:48Z', '2011-02-09T19:11:04Z', '2011-02-09T19:22:44Z', '2011-02-09T19:41:28Z', '2011-02-09T19:41:53Z', '2011-02-09T19:42:36Z', '2011-02-09T19:50:47Z', '2011-02-19T16:51:38Z', '2011-02-19T16:54:33Z', '2011-02-19T17:04:03Z', '2011-02-19T17:11:57Z', '2011-02-19T17:14:31Z', '2011-02-19T17:20:39Z', '2011-02-19T17:23:13Z', '2011-02-19T17:27:36Z', '2011-02-19T17:38:31Z', '2011-02-19T18:21:02Z', '2011-02-19T19:56:39Z', '2011-02-19T19:57:10Z', '2011-02-19T19:59:13Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:31Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:37Z', '2011-02-19T20:18:52Z', '2011-02-19T20:21:06Z', '2011-02-19T20:22:08Z', '2011-02-19T20:23:24Z', '2011-02-19T20:29:45Z', '2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-14T16:12:35Z', '2014-02-14T16:12:35Z', '2014-02-14T16:13:18Z', '2014-02-14T16:13:18Z', '2014-02-14T17:02:23Z', '2014-02-14T17:23:53Z', '2014-02-14T17:24:43Z', '2014-02-14T17:24:43Z', '2014-02-14T17:34:37Z', '2014-02-14T17:34:37Z', '2014-02-17T13:47:02Z', '2014-02-17T13:47:02Z', '2014-03-07T16:20:52Z', '2014-03-07T16:20:52Z', '2014-03-07T16:24:04Z', '2014-03-07T16:24:04Z', '2014-03-07T12:09:38Z', '2014-03-07T12:09:38Z', '2014-03-13T13:45:03Z', '2014-03-13T13:45:03Z', '2014-03-13T16:58:40Z', '2014-03-14T13:38:15Z', '2014-03-14T13:38:15Z', '2014-03-14T13:47:34Z', '2014-03-14T13:49:24Z', '2014-03-14T13:59:19Z', '2014-03-25T15:57:09Z', '2014-03-25T15:57:09Z', '2014-03-28T13:18:47Z', '2014-03-28T13:18:47Z', '2014-07-29T15:48:17Z', '2014-07-29T15:48:17Z', '2015-05-07T12:56:15Z', '2015-05-07T12:56:15Z', '2015-05-07T13:01:20Z', '2015-05-07T13:01:20Z', '2015-05-07T13:04:43Z', '2015-05-07T13:04:43Z', '2015-05-09T09:34:05Z', '2015-05-09T09:34:05Z', '2015-05-09T09:58:11Z', '2015-05-09T10:21:18Z', '2015-05-09T10:26:33Z', '2015-05-09T11:09:24Z', '2015-05-09T11:19:53Z', '2015-05-09T11:22:07Z', '2015-05-09T11:30:01Z', '2015-05-09T11:30:43Z', '2015-05-09T11:33:20Z', '2015-05-09T11:39:52Z', '2015-05-09T11:41:32Z', '2015-05-09T11:41:58Z', '2015-05-09T11:43:38Z', '2015-05-09T11:46:08Z', '2015-05-09T11:54:02Z', '2015-05-09T11:55:01Z', '2015-05-09T11:58:14Z', '2015-05-09T15:23:19Z', '2015-05-09T15:24:02Z', '2015-05-09T15:27:29Z', '2015-05-09T15:30:57Z', '2015-05-09T15:31:23Z', '2015-05-09T15:32:49Z', '2015-05-09T15:36:05Z', '2015-05-09T15:37:26Z', '2015-05-09T15:41:47Z', '2015-05-09T15:44:05Z', '2015-05-09T16:13:19Z', '2015-05-09T16:13:51Z', '2015-05-09T16:15:28Z', '2015-05-12T19:06:16Z', '2015-05-12T19:10:14Z', '2015-06-01T18:59:33Z', '2015-06-01T19:01:17Z', '2015-06-01T20:12:19Z', '2015-06-01T20:12:27Z', '2015-06-01T20:14:08Z', '2015-06-05T14:14:40Z', '2015-06-05T14:14:40Z', '2015-06-05T14:34:21Z', '2015-06-05T14:36:54Z', '2015-06-05T14:39:23Z', '2015-06-05T14:44:02Z', '2015-06-05T14:48:55Z', '2015-06-05T15:31:37Z', '2015-06-05T15:32:12Z', '2015-06-05T15:39:45Z', '2015-06-05T15:41:04Z', '2015-06-05T15:42:11Z', '2015-06-05T15:44:48Z', '2015-06-05T15:47:08Z', '2015-06-05T15:53:10Z', '2015-06-05T15:53:28Z', '2015-06-05T18:23:14Z', '2015-06-05T18:24:13Z', '2015-06-05T18:25:13Z', '2015-06-17T12:29:32Z', '2015-06-17T12:32:21Z', '2015-06-17T12:33:47Z', '2015-06-17T12:35:27Z', '2015-06-17T12:38:28Z', '2015-06-17T12:40:59Z', '2015-06-26T19:24:35Z', '2015-06-26T19:24:35Z', '2015-06-26T19:30:42Z', '2015-06-26T19:41:09Z', '2015-06-26T19:42:15Z', '2015-06-26T19:43:37Z', '2015-06-26T19:53:35Z', '2015-06-26T20:03:12Z', '2015-06-26T20:13:50Z', '2015-06-26T20:15:21Z', '2015-06-26T20:19:20Z', '2015-06-26T20:20:02Z', '2015-06-26T20:22:06Z', '2015-06-26T20:25:14Z', '2015-06-26T20:26:44Z', '2015-06-26T20:28:39Z', '2015-06-26T20:29:50Z', '2015-06-26T20:30:34Z', '2015-06-26T20:31:12Z', '2015-06-26T20:31:42Z', '2015-06-28T15:35:01Z', '2015-06-28T15:37:47Z', '2015-06-28T16:39:30Z', '2015-06-28T16:41:40Z', '2015-06-28T16:42:50Z', '2015-06-28T18:42:29Z', '2015-07-15T18:10:23Z', '2015-07-15T18:11:50Z', '2015-07-15T18:13:24Z', '2015-07-15T18:18:58Z', '2015-07-15T18:56:44Z', '2015-07-15T18:57:35Z', '2016-01-30T12:27:12Z', '2016-01-30T12:27:24Z', '2016-01-30T12:27:58Z', '2016-01-30T12:28:10Z', '2016-01-30T12:41:38Z', '2016-01-30T12:41:49Z', '2016-01-30T12:41:58Z', '2016-01-30T12:42:46Z', '2016-01-30T12:42:52Z', '2016-01-30T12:43:10Z', '2016-01-30T12:53:22Z', '2016-01-30T12:55:33Z', '2016-01-30T12:56:06Z', '2016-01-30T12:56:25Z', '2016-01-30T13:33:22Z', '2016-01-30T13:35:03Z', '2016-02-01T10:36:25Z', '2016-02-01T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-01T11:02:13Z', '2016-02-01T11:02:48Z', '2016-02-01T11:04:12Z', '2016-02-01T11:06:08Z', '2016-02-01T11:07:36Z', '2016-02-01T11:08:35Z', '2016-02-01T11:08:50Z', '2016-02-01T17:34:23Z', '2016-02-02T08:39:57Z', '2016-02-02T13:10:34Z', '2016-02-02T13:11:21Z', '2016-02-02T15:33:43Z', '2016-02-24T11:53:25Z', '2016-02-24T11:54:15Z', '2016-02-24T11:59:58Z', '2016-02-24T12:01:45Z', '2016-02-24T12:38:08Z', '2016-02-24T12:56:53Z', '2016-02-24T12:57:08Z', '2016-03-05T14:30:47Z', '2016-03-05T14:31:01Z', '2016-03-05T14:31:40Z', '2016-03-05T14:32:24Z', '2016-03-05T14:32:38Z', '2016-03-05T14:44:18Z', '2016-03-05T15:09:35Z', '2016-03-05T15:09:47Z', '2016-03-05T15:10:47Z', '2016-03-05T15:11:05Z', '2016-03-05T15:12:16Z', '2016-03-05T15:12:56Z', '2016-03-05T15:13:14Z', '2016-03-05T15:14:30Z', '2016-03-05T15:15:28Z', '2016-03-05T15:17:18Z', '2016-03-05T15:18:33Z', '2016-03-05T15:26:03Z', '2016-03-05T16:31:16Z', '2016-03-05T16:35:28Z', '2016-03-05T17:19:27Z', '2016-03-05T17:19:43Z', '2016-03-05T17:47:02Z', '2016-03-05T17:47:56Z', '2016-03-05T17:48:15Z', '2016-03-07T15:55:51Z', '2016-03-11T11:02:22Z', '2016-03-11T16:31:52Z', '2016-03-11T16:31:52Z', '2016-03-11T16:54:21Z', '2016-03-11T17:08:00Z', '2016-03-11T17:36:23Z', '2016-03-11T17:37:04Z', '2016-03-11T19:04:27Z', '2016-03-12T07:34:20Z', '2016-03-12T07:43:02Z', '2016-03-12T07:45:24Z', '2016-03-12T07:48:24Z', '2016-03-12T07:55:22Z', '2016-03-12T07:56:09Z', '2016-03-12T07:56:38Z', '2016-03-12T07:57:07Z', '2016-03-12T07:58:29Z', '2016-03-12T08:01:42Z', '2016-03-12T08:02:45Z', '2016-03-12T08:06:25Z', '2016-03-12T08:08:21Z', '2016-03-12T08:10:22Z', '2016-03-12T08:11:48Z', '2016-03-12T08:12:39Z', '2016-03-12T08:13:53Z', '2016-03-12T15:56:35Z', '2016-03-12T15:58:13Z', '2016-03-12T16:04:48Z', '2016-03-12T16:04:57Z', '2016-03-12T16:16:49Z', '2016-03-12T16:16:57Z', '2016-03-12T18:06:47Z', '2016-03-12T18:25:43Z', '2016-05-17T11:44:56Z', '2016-05-17T11:44:56Z', '2016-05-17T11:49:01Z', '2016-05-17T11:50:54Z', '2016-05-17T11:54:05Z', '2016-05-17T11:55:55Z', '2016-05-17T11:56:21Z', '2016-05-17T11:57:36Z', '2016-05-17T11:58:03Z', '2016-05-17T11:58:27Z', '2016-05-17T11:58:34Z', '2016-05-17T11:59:16Z', '2016-05-17T12:00:46Z', '2016-05-17T12:02:37Z', '2016-05-17T12:03:48Z', '2016-05-17T12:05:04Z', '2016-05-17T12:06:34Z', '2016-05-17T12:08:17Z', '2016-05-17T12:09:13Z', '2016-05-17T12:09:31Z', '2016-05-17T12:10:00Z', '2016-05-17T12:11:45Z', '2016-05-17T12:13:40Z', '2016-05-17T12:14:59Z', '2016-05-17T12:15:58Z', '2016-05-17T12:16:36Z', '2016-05-17T12:16:59Z', '2016-05-17T12:17:28Z', '2016-05-17T12:18:15Z', '2016-05-17T12:18:41Z', '2016-05-17T12:19:21Z', '2016-05-17T12:19:29Z', '2016-05-17T12:19:48Z', '2016-05-17T12:20:58Z', '2016-05-17T12:21:18Z', '2016-05-17T12:21:26Z', '2016-05-17T12:22:16Z', '2016-05-17T12:22:38Z', '2016-05-17T12:22:56Z', '2016-05-17T12:23:59Z', '2016-05-17T12:24:40Z', '2016-05-17T12:25:14Z', '2016-05-17T12:27:17Z', '2016-05-17T12:28:21Z', '2016-05-17T12:29:09Z', '2016-05-17T12:30:19Z', '2016-05-17T12:30:57Z', '2016-05-17T12:31:17Z', '2016-05-17T12:32:36Z', '2016-05-17T12:33:28Z', '2016-05-17T12:33:47Z', '2016-05-17T12:34:41Z', '2016-05-17T12:35:16Z', '2016-05-17T12:36:40Z', '2016-05-17T12:37:49Z', '2016-05-17T12:38:31Z', '2016-05-17T12:38:58Z', '2016-05-17T12:39:28Z', '2016-05-17T12:39:54Z', '2016-05-17T12:40:00Z', '2016-05-17T12:40:38Z', '2016-05-17T12:41:20Z', '2016-05-17T12:43:08Z', '2016-05-17T12:43:35Z', '2016-05-17T12:44:52Z', '2016-05-17T12:45:36Z', '2016-05-17T12:48:37Z', '2016-05-17T12:50:21Z', '2016-05-17T12:51:28Z', '2016-05-17T12:52:59Z', '2016-05-17T12:53:16Z', '2016-05-17T12:53:54Z', '2016-05-17T12:54:12Z', '2016-05-17T12:55:15Z', '2016-05-17T12:56:02Z', '2016-05-17T12:57:33Z', '2016-05-17T12:58:25Z', '2016-05-17T12:59:22Z', '2016-05-17T12:59:50Z', '2016-05-17T13:00:43Z', '2016-05-17T13:01:32Z', '2016-05-17T13:02:02Z', '2016-05-17T13:02:35Z', '2016-05-17T13:03:12Z', '2016-05-17T13:11:49Z', '2016-05-17T13:12:20Z', '2016-05-17T13:12:44Z', '2016-05-17T13:12:55Z', '2016-05-17T13:13:15Z', '2016-05-17T13:14:36Z', '2016-05-17T13:16:37Z', '2016-05-17T13:17:15Z', '2016-05-17T13:17:42Z', '2016-05-17T13:18:16Z', '2016-05-17T13:19:38Z', '2016-05-17T13:20:40Z', '2016-05-17T13:21:28Z', '2016-05-17T13:22:29Z', '2016-05-17T13:23:58Z', '2016-05-17T13:24:06Z', '2016-05-17T13:24:46Z', '2016-05-17T13:25:23Z', '2016-05-17T13:29:28Z', '2016-05-17T13:33:00Z', '2016-05-17T14:17:45Z', '2016-05-17T14:18:37Z', '2016-05-17T14:21:03Z', '2016-05-17T14:23:14Z', '2016-05-17T14:26:56Z', '2016-05-17T14:27:27Z', '2016-05-17T14:31:09Z', '2016-05-17T14:32:37Z', '2016-05-17T14:33:02Z', '2016-05-17T14:33:25Z', '2016-05-17T14:34:01Z', '2016-05-17T14:34:59Z', '2016-05-17T14:35:27Z', '2016-05-17T14:40:30Z', '2016-05-17T14:41:10Z', '2016-05-17T14:41:44Z', '2016-05-17T14:42:23Z', '2016-05-17T14:43:54Z', '2016-05-17T14:44:38Z', '2016-05-17T14:45:06Z', '2016-05-17T14:45:33Z', '2016-05-17T14:47:36Z', '2016-05-17T14:48:13Z', '2016-05-17T14:49:12Z', '2016-05-17T14:49:50Z', '2016-05-17T14:50:36Z', '2016-05-17T14:52:11Z', '2016-05-17T14:52:20Z', '2016-05-17T14:53:44Z', '2016-05-17T14:54:27Z', '2016-05-17T14:56:22Z', '2016-05-17T14:57:01Z', '2016-05-17T14:58:55Z', '2016-05-17T14:59:58Z', '2016-05-17T15:00:59Z', '2016-05-17T15:01:15Z', '2016-05-17T15:01:44Z', '2016-05-17T15:02:59Z', '2016-05-17T15:05:58Z', '2016-05-17T15:07:11Z', '2016-05-17T15:07:53Z', '2016-05-17T15:08:38Z', '2016-05-17T15:08:57Z', '2016-05-17T15:09:24Z', '2016-05-17T15:09:54Z', '2016-05-17T15:10:28Z', '2016-05-17T15:10:55Z', '2016-05-17T15:11:12Z', '2016-05-17T15:11:30Z', '2016-05-17T15:11:56Z', '2016-05-17T15:12:07Z', '2016-05-17T15:12:33Z', '2016-05-17T15:12:50Z', '2016-05-17T15:13:03Z', '2016-05-17T15:13:33Z', '2016-05-17T15:14:16Z', '2016-05-17T15:15:30Z', '2016-05-17T15:16:18Z', '2016-05-17T15:16:32Z', '2016-05-17T15:17:28Z', '2016-05-17T15:20:11Z', '2016-05-17T15:21:28Z', '2016-05-17T15:21:53Z', '2016-05-17T15:22:33Z', '2016-05-17T15:23:24Z', '2016-05-17T15:25:27Z', '2016-05-17T15:26:14Z', '2016-05-17T15:26:32Z', '2016-05-17T15:27:08Z', '2016-05-17T15:28:06Z', '2016-05-17T15:29:45Z', '2016-05-17T15:30:40Z', '2016-05-17T15:30:47Z', '2016-05-17T15:31:16Z', '2016-05-17T15:32:04Z', '2016-05-17T15:32:31Z', '2016-05-17T15:33:20Z', '2016-05-17T15:33:48Z', '2016-05-17T15:34:22Z', '2016-05-17T15:35:01Z', '2016-05-17T15:35:09Z', '2016-05-17T15:36:36Z', '2016-05-17T15:37:15Z', '2016-05-17T15:37:42Z', '2016-05-17T15:38:16Z', '2016-05-17T15:39:14Z', '2016-05-17T15:39:27Z', '2016-05-17T15:40:14Z', '2016-05-17T15:40:50Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 10 work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq txt/../ent/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: 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cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy txt/../ent/work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy.ent === === id: work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74 author: Harriet Hartman title: The 2019 Sklare Address: How Gender and Family Still Matter for Contemporary Jewry date: 2020 pages: 25 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.txt cache: ./cache/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.pdf Author Harriet Hartman Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-07-15T18:17:46Z CrossMarkDomains[1] CrossMarkDomains[2] CrossmarkDomainExclusive true CrossmarkMajorVersionDate 2010-04-23 Keywords Family,Gender,Jewish identity,Open systems model,Ecological 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Matter for Contemporary Jewry xmp:CreatorTool Springer xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:88c001be-2e7e-4530-9e64-6f027ba12af5 xmpMM:History:Action converted xmpMM:History:InstanceID uuid:f20ac16c-c9c3-4024-8655-ddfa499e4b20 xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent pdfToolbox xmpMM:History:When 2020-09-30T14:01:29Z xmpTPg:NPages 25 work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa txt/../ent/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4 author: Nina Jakku title: Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study date: 2018 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.txt cache: ./cache/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.pdf Author Nina Jakku Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z Keywords Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality Last-Modified 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z Last-Save-Date 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 70 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Applying media analysis, this article addresses how the exclusion of Muslim women from fields of common public interest in Sweden, such as partaking as an active citizen, is materialized. Focusing on a specific event—the cancellation of a screening of Burka Songs 2.0—and the media coverage and representation of the cancellation, it discusses the role of discourses of gender equality, secularity and democracy in circumscribing space for Muslim political subjects. It casts light on Islamophobic stereotyping, questionable democracy and secularity, as well as the over-simplified approaches to gender equality connected to dealings with Muslim women in Sweden. Besides obstacles connected to Muslim political subjects, the study provides insights into media representation of Muslim women in general, specially connected to veils and the role of lawmaking connected to certain kind of veiling, in Sweden and Europe. created 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z creator Nina Jakku date 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z dc:creator Nina Jakku dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality dc:title Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study dcterms:created 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z dcterms:modified 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z meta:author Nina Jakku meta:creation-date 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z meta:keyword Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality meta:save-date 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z modified 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2938', '3769', '3724', '3854', '3381', '4013', '3854', '3863', '3829', '4083', '3680', '3566', '3937', '4091', '3861', '4002', '720'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z pdf:docinfo:creator Nina Jakku pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-12-10T10:33:26Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Applying media analysis, this article addresses how the exclusion of Muslim women from fields of common public interest in Sweden, such as partaking as an active citizen, is materialized. Focusing on a specific event—the cancellation of a screening of Burka Songs 2.0—and the media coverage and representation of the cancellation, it discusses the role of discourses of gender equality, secularity and democracy in circumscribing space for Muslim political subjects. It casts light on Islamophobic stereotyping, questionable democracy and secularity, as well as the over-simplified approaches to gender equality connected to dealings with Muslim women in Sweden. Besides obstacles connected to Muslim political subjects, the study provides insights into media representation of Muslim women in general, specially connected to veils and the role of lawmaking connected to certain kind of veiling, in Sweden and Europe. pdf:docinfo:title Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.pdf' subject Applying media analysis, this article addresses how the exclusion of Muslim women from fields of common public interest in Sweden, such as partaking as an active citizen, is materialized. Focusing on a specific event—the cancellation of a screening of Burka Songs 2.0—and the media coverage and representation of the cancellation, it discusses the role of discourses of gender equality, secularity and democracy in circumscribing space for Muslim political subjects. It casts light on Islamophobic stereotyping, questionable democracy and secularity, as well as the over-simplified approaches to gender equality connected to dealings with Muslim women in Sweden. Besides obstacles connected to Muslim political subjects, the study provides insights into media representation of Muslim women in general, specially connected to veils and the role of lawmaking connected to certain kind of veiling, in Sweden and Europe. title Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 17 === === id: work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju author: O. 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memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema Last-Modified 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z Last-Save-Date 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 46 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Trauma theorists foreground the unrepresentability of trauma; however, with modern innovations in visual representation, such as the photograph and cinema, depictions of trauma have begun to circulate across different mediums for a variety of audiences. These images tend to problematically present the traumatic event rather than the effects of trauma, such as traumatic memory. Specifically, some contemporary Hollywood popular films and television series that include rape as their subject matter often include a rape scene that can evoke affects such as disgust or empathy, and while these affects can last the duration of the film, they fail to shift popular discourses about rape because affect is more productive when it focuses on effects instead of events. As trauma studies has shifted to memory studies in the Humanities, and rape has become more prominent in popular culture through the circulation of personal testimony on social media and memoir, depictions of rape in cinema have slowly started to change from presentations of rape scenes to representations of rape trauma that highlight different affects, such as shame. Using Monster (2003), Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011), Room (2015), and the television series, 13 Reasons Why (2017) and Sharp Objects (2018) as case studies, this paper argues that, for an audiovisual depiction of rape to shift popular discourses about rape, it would have to function rhetorically to widen the cultural understanding of rape trauma beyond the event, and demonstrate that rape trauma should be understood as part of the personal, unconscious, cultural, and visual mediation of traumatic memory. created 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z creator Amanda Spallacci date 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z dc:creator Amanda Spallacci dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject trauma; memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema dc:title Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event dcterms:created 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z dcterms:modified 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z meta:author Amanda Spallacci meta:creation-date 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z meta:keyword trauma; memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema meta:save-date 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z modified 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3138', '3795', '4040', '4026', '4190', '4144', '3860', '3969', '3692', '3809', '964'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z pdf:docinfo:creator Amanda Spallacci pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords trauma; memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-01-09T04:27:26Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Trauma theorists foreground the unrepresentability of trauma; however, with modern innovations in visual representation, such as the photograph and cinema, depictions of trauma have begun to circulate across different mediums for a variety of audiences. These images tend to problematically present the traumatic event rather than the effects of trauma, such as traumatic memory. Specifically, some contemporary Hollywood popular films and television series that include rape as their subject matter often include a rape scene that can evoke affects such as disgust or empathy, and while these affects can last the duration of the film, they fail to shift popular discourses about rape because affect is more productive when it focuses on effects instead of events. As trauma studies has shifted to memory studies in the Humanities, and rape has become more prominent in popular culture through the circulation of personal testimony on social media and memoir, depictions of rape in cinema have slowly started to change from presentations of rape scenes to representations of rape trauma that highlight different affects, such as shame. Using Monster (2003), Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011), Room (2015), and the television series, 13 Reasons Why (2017) and Sharp Objects (2018) as case studies, this paper argues that, for an audiovisual depiction of rape to shift popular discourses about rape, it would have to function rhetorically to widen the cultural understanding of rape trauma beyond the event, and demonstrate that rape trauma should be understood as part of the personal, unconscious, cultural, and visual mediation of traumatic memory. pdf:docinfo:title Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u.pdf' subject Trauma theorists foreground the unrepresentability of trauma; however, with modern innovations in visual representation, such as the photograph and cinema, depictions of trauma have begun to circulate across different mediums for a variety of audiences. These images tend to problematically present the traumatic event rather than the effects of trauma, such as traumatic memory. Specifically, some contemporary Hollywood popular films and television series that include rape as their subject matter often include a rape scene that can evoke affects such as disgust or empathy, and while these affects can last the duration of the film, they fail to shift popular discourses about rape because affect is more productive when it focuses on effects instead of events. As trauma studies has shifted to memory studies in the Humanities, and rape has become more prominent in popular culture through the circulation of personal testimony on social media and memoir, depictions of rape in cinema have slowly started to change from presentations of rape scenes to representations of rape trauma that highlight different affects, such as shame. Using Monster (2003), Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011), Room (2015), and the television series, 13 Reasons Why (2017) and Sharp Objects (2018) as case studies, this paper argues that, for an audiovisual depiction of rape to shift popular discourses about rape, it would have to function rhetorically to widen the cultural understanding of rape trauma beyond the event, and demonstrate that rape trauma should be understood as part of the personal, unconscious, cultural, and visual mediation of traumatic memory. title Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 11 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4 author: Sicco van Gelder title: The new imperatives for global branding: Strategy, creativity and leadership date: 2005 pages: 10 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.txt cache: ./cache/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2005-07-11T10:54:49Z Last-Modified 2005-07-11T09:54:49Z Last-Save-Date 2005-07-11T09:54:49Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 44 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2005-07-11T10:54:49Z date 2005-07-11T09:54:49Z dc:format application/pdf; 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Kisiel title: Medical students' self-reported gender discrimination and sexual harassment over time date: 2020 pages: 9 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.txt cache: ./cache/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.pdf Author ['Marta A. 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topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining Last-Modified 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z Last-Save-Date 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 75 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most widely used data sources to analyze human communication. The literature is full of examples where Twitter is accessed, and data are downloaded as the previous step to a more in-depth analysis in a wide variety of knowledge areas. Unfortunately, the extraction of relevant information from the opinions that users freely express in Twitter is complicated, both because of the volume generated—more than 6000 tweets per second—and the difficulties related to filtering out only what is pertinent to our research. Inspired by the fact that a large part of users use Twitter to communicate or receive political information, we created a method that allows for the monitoring of a set of users (which we will call authorities) and the tracking of the information published by them about an event. Our approach consists of dynamically and automatically monitoring the hottest topics among all the conversations where the authorities are involved, and retrieving the tweets in connection with those topics, filtering other conversations out. Although our case study involves the method being applied to the political discussions held during the Spanish general, local, and European elections of April/May 2019, the method is equally applicable to many other contexts, such as sporting events, marketing campaigns, or health crises. created 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z creator Marçal Mora-Cantallops, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso, Elena García-Barriocanal and Miguel-Ángel Sicilia date 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z dc:creator Marçal Mora-Cantallops, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso, Elena García-Barriocanal and Miguel-Ángel Sicilia dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Twitter; topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining dc:title Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach dcterms:created 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z dcterms:modified 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z meta:author Marçal Mora-Cantallops, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso, Elena García-Barriocanal and Miguel-Ángel Sicilia meta:creation-date 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z meta:keyword Twitter; topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining meta:save-date 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z modified 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2977', '3853', '3597', '4172', '2955', '2634', '2132', '2426', '3020', '2809', '1094', '1460', '1913', '1275', '1951', '2573', '2360', '3453', '3341', '3796', '1050'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z pdf:docinfo:creator Marçal Mora-Cantallops, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso, Elena García-Barriocanal and Miguel-Ángel Sicilia pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Twitter; topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-05-08T09:47:21Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most widely used data sources to analyze human communication. The literature is full of examples where Twitter is accessed, and data are downloaded as the previous step to a more in-depth analysis in a wide variety of knowledge areas. Unfortunately, the extraction of relevant information from the opinions that users freely express in Twitter is complicated, both because of the volume generated—more than 6000 tweets per second—and the difficulties related to filtering out only what is pertinent to our research. Inspired by the fact that a large part of users use Twitter to communicate or receive political information, we created a method that allows for the monitoring of a set of users (which we will call authorities) and the tracking of the information published by them about an event. Our approach consists of dynamically and automatically monitoring the hottest topics among all the conversations where the authorities are involved, and retrieving the tweets in connection with those topics, filtering other conversations out. Although our case study involves the method being applied to the political discussions held during the Spanish general, local, and European elections of April/May 2019, the method is equally applicable to many other contexts, such as sporting events, marketing campaigns, or health crises. pdf:docinfo:title Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.pdf' subject Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most widely used data sources to analyze human communication. The literature is full of examples where Twitter is accessed, and data are downloaded as the previous step to a more in-depth analysis in a wide variety of knowledge areas. Unfortunately, the extraction of relevant information from the opinions that users freely express in Twitter is complicated, both because of the volume generated—more than 6000 tweets per second—and the difficulties related to filtering out only what is pertinent to our research. Inspired by the fact that a large part of users use Twitter to communicate or receive political information, we created a method that allows for the monitoring of a set of users (which we will call authorities) and the tracking of the information published by them about an event. Our approach consists of dynamically and automatically monitoring the hottest topics among all the conversations where the authorities are involved, and retrieving the tweets in connection with those topics, filtering other conversations out. Although our case study involves the method being applied to the political discussions held during the Spanish general, local, and European elections of April/May 2019, the method is equally applicable to many other contexts, such as sporting events, marketing campaigns, or health crises. title Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 21 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for g425 (18) in font PSFTOK+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (129) in font PSFTOK+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (31) in font OOQNAM+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for g427 (29) in font OOQNAM+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (31) in font Calibri3 WARN No Unicode mapping for g332 (30) in font Calibri3 WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (31) in font Calibri4 WARN No Unicode mapping for g332 (29) in font Calibri4 WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (31) in font Calibri5 WARN No Unicode mapping for g425 (30) in font Calibri5 WARN No Unicode mapping for g415 (144) in font Calibri6 === === id: work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na author: Stefanie Gillson title: The Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women date: 2020 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.txt cache: ./cache/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.pdf Author ['Stefanie Gillson', 'Sofia Noori'] Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2021-03-01T07:31:07Z Keywords Last-Modified 2021-03-02T03:05:21Z Last-Save-Date 2021-03-02T03:05:21Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 16 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Acad Psychiatry, doi:10.1007/s40596-020-01299-6 created 2021-03-01T07:31:07Z creator ['Stefanie Gillson', 'Sofia Noori'] date 2021-03-02T03:05:21Z dc:creator ['Stefanie Gillson', 'Sofia Noori'] dc:description Acad Psychiatry, doi:10.1007/s40596-020-01299-6 dc:format ['application/pdf; 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decisions(adopt,donotadopt)attheendoftheattentionprocessordefermakingdecisionsuntil afteranintensiveevaluationisconducted.Theimpactsofinnovationattributesonvariousinfluence targets(i.e.,relativeadvantagebeliefstrength,adoptionthresholdandrejectionthreshold)during thelessexaminedattentionprocessarealsodiscussed.Thisarticlemaycontributetotheinnovation adoptionliteratureandprovidepracticalimplicationsforinnovationproponents/detractorsregarding howtocraftsensegivingmessagesinfluencingpotentialadopters’decisionmaking. 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Shaytan title: Exploring Management Of The Fuzzy Front End Of Innovation In A Product Driven Startup Company date: 2015 pages: 6 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.txt cache: ./cache/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.pdf Author PC1 Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z Keywords Concept development, concept testing, customer discovery, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, idea generation, idea screening, startup management. 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In our research we aimed to test a managerial
approach for the fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation by creating
controlled experiment/ business case in a breakthrough innovation
development. The experiment was in the sport industry and covered
all aspects of the customer discovery stage from ideation to
prototyping followed by patent application. In the paper we describe
and analyze mile stones, tasks, management challenges, decisions
made to create the break through innovation, evaluate overall
managerial efficiency that was at the considered FFE stage.
We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product
concept in hand. In our paper we introduce hypothetical construct
“Q-factor” that helps us in the experiment to distinguish quality of
FFE outcomes.
The experiment simulated for entrepreneur the FFE of innovation
and put on his shoulders responsibility for the outcome of valid
product concept. While developing managerial approach to reach the
outcome there was a decision to look on product concept from the
cognitive psychology and cognitive science point of view. This view
helped us to develop the profile of a person whose projection (mental
representation) of a new product could optimize for a manager or
entrepreneur FFE activities. In the experiment this profile was tested
to develop breakthrough innovation for swimmers. Following the
managerial approach the product concept was created to help
swimmers to feel/sense water. The working prototype was developed
to estimate the product concept validity and value added effect for
Based on feedback from coachers and swimmers there were strong
positive effect that gave high value for customers, and for the
experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed
managerial approach for the FFE.
In conclusions there is a suggestion of managerial approach that
was derived from experiment.

created 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z creator PC1 date 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z dc:creator PC1 dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dc:subject Concept development, concept testing, customer discovery, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, idea generation, idea screening, startup management. dc:title Microsoft Word - exploring-management-of-the-fuzzy-front-end-of-innovation-in-a-product-driven-startup-company[2] dcterms:created 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z dcterms:modified 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z meta:author PC1 meta:creation-date 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z meta:keyword Concept development, concept testing, customer discovery, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, idea generation, idea screening, startup management. meta:save-date 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z modified 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['5967', '6588', '6617', '6261', '6384', '5462'] pdf:docinfo:created 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z pdf:docinfo:creator Dmitry K. Shaytan, Georgy D. Laptev pdf:docinfo:creator_tool WASET Zend Publishing System pdf:docinfo:keywords Concept development, concept testing, customer discovery, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, idea generation, idea screening, startup management. pdf:docinfo:modified 2015-05-05T14:18:05Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 9.5.2 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject

In our research we aimed to test a managerial
approach for the fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation by creating
controlled experiment/ business case in a breakthrough innovation
development. The experiment was in the sport industry and covered
all aspects of the customer discovery stage from ideation to
prototyping followed by patent application. In the paper we describe
and analyze mile stones, tasks, management challenges, decisions
made to create the break through innovation, evaluate overall
managerial efficiency that was at the considered FFE stage.
We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product
concept in hand. In our paper we introduce hypothetical construct
“Q-factor” that helps us in the experiment to distinguish quality of
FFE outcomes.
The experiment simulated for entrepreneur the FFE of innovation
and put on his shoulders responsibility for the outcome of valid
product concept. While developing managerial approach to reach the
outcome there was a decision to look on product concept from the
cognitive psychology and cognitive science point of view. This view
helped us to develop the profile of a person whose projection (mental
representation) of a new product could optimize for a manager or
entrepreneur FFE activities. In the experiment this profile was tested
to develop breakthrough innovation for swimmers. Following the
managerial approach the product concept was created to help
swimmers to feel/sense water. The working prototype was developed
to estimate the product concept validity and value added effect for
Based on feedback from coachers and swimmers there were strong
positive effect that gave high value for customers, and for the
experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed
managerial approach for the FFE.
In conclusions there is a suggestion of managerial approach that
was derived from experiment.

pdf:docinfo:title Exploring Management of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation in a Product Driven Startup Company pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Acrobat Distiller 9.5.2 (Windows) resourceName b'work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.pdf' subject

In our research we aimed to test a managerial
approach for the fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation by creating
controlled experiment/ business case in a breakthrough innovation
development. The experiment was in the sport industry and covered
all aspects of the customer discovery stage from ideation to
prototyping followed by patent application. In the paper we describe
and analyze mile stones, tasks, management challenges, decisions
made to create the break through innovation, evaluate overall
managerial efficiency that was at the considered FFE stage.
We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product
concept in hand. In our paper we introduce hypothetical construct
“Q-factor” that helps us in the experiment to distinguish quality of
FFE outcomes.
The experiment simulated for entrepreneur the FFE of innovation
and put on his shoulders responsibility for the outcome of valid
product concept. While developing managerial approach to reach the
outcome there was a decision to look on product concept from the
cognitive psychology and cognitive science point of view. This view
helped us to develop the profile of a person whose projection (mental
representation) of a new product could optimize for a manager or
entrepreneur FFE activities. In the experiment this profile was tested
to develop breakthrough innovation for swimmers. Following the
managerial approach the product concept was created to help
swimmers to feel/sense water. The working prototype was developed
to estimate the product concept validity and value added effect for
Based on feedback from coachers and swimmers there were strong
positive effect that gave high value for customers, and for the
experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed
managerial approach for the FFE.
In conclusions there is a suggestion of managerial approach that
was derived from experiment.

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Upon its publication, many critics issued negative reviews of the novel, failing to recognize how Baldwin’s view of female sexuality both embraced notions of the body and constructs from an African-centered world-sense. Using a range of theoretical resources from Africana Studies, this paper analyzes how moving beyond Western frameworks regarding knowledge, sexual discourse, and behavior offers a new interpretation of Baldwin’s aims that reclaims and re-imagines Black sexual politics. created 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z creator Amy Yeboah date 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z dc:creator Amy Yeboah dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sexuality; love; beauty; Africa; Black love; intimacy; spirituality; worldview; world sense; sex dc:title Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin’s World-Sense of Female Sexuality dcterms:created 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z dcterms:modified 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z meta:author Amy Yeboah meta:creation-date 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z meta:keyword sexuality; love; beauty; Africa; Black love; intimacy; spirituality; worldview; world sense; sex meta:save-date 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z modified 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3012', '3592', '3881', '3573', '3804', '3429', '3806', '3469', '3929', '3689', '3454', '3756', '1459'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z pdf:docinfo:creator Amy Yeboah pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords sexuality; love; beauty; Africa; Black love; intimacy; spirituality; worldview; world sense; sex pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-01-10T10:59:08Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject While scholars have noted James Baldwin’s revisionary and transformative literary approach to social constructions of race, class, gender, and crime, there has been very little conversation in that vein regarding If Beale Street Could Talk (1974). Upon its publication, many critics issued negative reviews of the novel, failing to recognize how Baldwin’s view of female sexuality both embraced notions of the body and constructs from an African-centered world-sense. Using a range of theoretical resources from Africana Studies, this paper analyzes how moving beyond Western frameworks regarding knowledge, sexual discourse, and behavior offers a new interpretation of Baldwin’s aims that reclaims and re-imagines Black sexual politics. pdf:docinfo:title Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin’s World-Sense of Female Sexuality pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa.pdf' subject While scholars have noted James Baldwin’s revisionary and transformative literary approach to social constructions of race, class, gender, and crime, there has been very little conversation in that vein regarding If Beale Street Could Talk (1974). Upon its publication, many critics issued negative reviews of the novel, failing to recognize how Baldwin’s view of female sexuality both embraced notions of the body and constructs from an African-centered world-sense. Using a range of theoretical resources from Africana Studies, this paper analyzes how moving beyond Western frameworks regarding knowledge, sexual discourse, and behavior offers a new interpretation of Baldwin’s aims that reclaims and re-imagines Black sexual politics. title Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin’s World-Sense of Female Sexuality trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 13 === === id: work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm author: Kritika Mishra title: A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis date: 2020 pages: 22 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.txt cache: ./cache/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.pdf Author Kritika Mishra, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., and Florentin Smarandache Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z Keywords sentiment analysis; Speech Analysis; Neutrosophic Sets; indeterminacy; Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS); clustering algorithm; K-means; hierarchical agglomerative clustering Last-Modified 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z Last-Save-Date 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 82 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject With increasing data on the Internet, it is becoming difficult to analyze every bit and make sure it can be used efficiently for all the businesses. One useful technique using Natural Language Processing (NLP) is sentiment analysis. Various algorithms can be used to classify textual data based on various scales ranging from just positive-negative, positive-neutral-negative to a wide spectrum of emotions. While a lot of work has been done on text, only a lesser amount of research has been done on audio datasets. An audio file contains more features that can be extracted from its amplitude and frequency than a plain text file. The neutrosophic set is symmetric in nature, and similarly refined neutrosophic set that has the refined indeterminacies I1 and I2 in the middle between the extremes Truth T and False F. Neutrosophy which deals with the concept of indeterminacy is another not so explored topic in NLP. Though neutrosophy has been used in sentiment analysis of textual data, it has not been used in speech sentiment analysis. We have proposed a novel framework that performs sentiment analysis on audio files by calculating their Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) and clustering them into positive-neutral-negative and combines these results with those obtained by performing sentiment analysis on the text files of those audio. created 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z creator Kritika Mishra, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., and Florentin Smarandache date 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z dc:creator Kritika Mishra, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., and Florentin Smarandache dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sentiment analysis; Speech Analysis; Neutrosophic Sets; indeterminacy; Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS); clustering algorithm; K-means; hierarchical agglomerative clustering dc:title A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis dcterms:created 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z dcterms:modified 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z meta:author Kritika Mishra, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., and Florentin Smarandache meta:creation-date 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z meta:keyword sentiment analysis; Speech Analysis; Neutrosophic Sets; indeterminacy; Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS); clustering algorithm; K-means; hierarchical agglomerative clustering meta:save-date 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z modified 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['2778', '3995', '2365', '3868', '2582', '3255', '613', '828', '324', '981', '2405', '1483', '1636', '1560', '317', '1292', '804', '128', '2055', '2698', '3307', '617'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z pdf:docinfo:creator Kritika Mishra, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., and Florentin Smarandache pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords sentiment analysis; Speech Analysis; Neutrosophic Sets; indeterminacy; Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS); clustering algorithm; K-means; hierarchical agglomerative clustering pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-10-18T05:47:26Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject With increasing data on the Internet, it is becoming difficult to analyze every bit and make sure it can be used efficiently for all the businesses. One useful technique using Natural Language Processing (NLP) is sentiment analysis. Various algorithms can be used to classify textual data based on various scales ranging from just positive-negative, positive-neutral-negative to a wide spectrum of emotions. While a lot of work has been done on text, only a lesser amount of research has been done on audio datasets. An audio file contains more features that can be extracted from its amplitude and frequency than a plain text file. The neutrosophic set is symmetric in nature, and similarly refined neutrosophic set that has the refined indeterminacies I1 and I2 in the middle between the extremes Truth T and False F. Neutrosophy which deals with the concept of indeterminacy is another not so explored topic in NLP. Though neutrosophy has been used in sentiment analysis of textual data, it has not been used in speech sentiment analysis. We have proposed a novel framework that performs sentiment analysis on audio files by calculating their Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) and clustering them into positive-neutral-negative and combines these results with those obtained by performing sentiment analysis on the text files of those audio. pdf:docinfo:title A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '2', '2', '2', '2', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '1', '0', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.pdf' subject With increasing data on the Internet, it is becoming difficult to analyze every bit and make sure it can be used efficiently for all the businesses. One useful technique using Natural Language Processing (NLP) is sentiment analysis. Various algorithms can be used to classify textual data based on various scales ranging from just positive-negative, positive-neutral-negative to a wide spectrum of emotions. While a lot of work has been done on text, only a lesser amount of research has been done on audio datasets. An audio file contains more features that can be extracted from its amplitude and frequency than a plain text file. The neutrosophic set is symmetric in nature, and similarly refined neutrosophic set that has the refined indeterminacies I1 and I2 in the middle between the extremes Truth T and False F. Neutrosophy which deals with the concept of indeterminacy is another not so explored topic in NLP. Though neutrosophy has been used in sentiment analysis of textual data, it has not been used in speech sentiment analysis. We have proposed a novel framework that performs sentiment analysis on audio files by calculating their Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) and clustering them into positive-neutral-negative and combines these results with those obtained by performing sentiment analysis on the text files of those audio. title A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 22 === === id: work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi author: Ye Liu title: Perching birds or scattered streams: a study of how trust affects civic engagement among university students in contemporary China date: 2020 pages: 16 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.txt cache: ./cache/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.pdf Author ['Ye Liu', 'Wenqin Shen'] Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-05-15T15:27:56Z Keywords China,Civic engagement,Trust,Volunteering,Activism,Political engagement,Higher education Last-Modified 2021-01-26T03:11:23Z Last-Save-Date 2021-01-26T03:11:23Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 94 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject High Educ, doi:10.1007/s10734-020-00548-9 created 2020-05-15T15:27:56Z creator ['Ye Liu', 'Wenqin Shen'] date 2021-01-26T03:11:23Z dc:creator ['Ye Liu', 'Wenqin Shen'] dc:description High Educ, doi:10.1007/s10734-020-00548-9 dc:format ['application/pdf; 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Carr meta:creation-date 2020-10-09T14:35:02Z meta:keyword Normative democracy,Coronavirus,Covid-19,Hegemony,Social media,Social inequalities,Citizen engagement,Neoliberalism,Québec meta:save-date 2020-10-12T05:23:38Z modified 2020-10-12T05:23:38Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['1847', '3160', '3044', '2994', '2873', '3154', '3343', '2961', '2591', '3034', '3357', '2911', '2448', '2747', '3383', '3048', '3562', '4554', '2914'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-10-09T14:35:02Z pdf:docinfo:creator Paul R. 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Reducing metoo-from-scholar === bib === id = work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu author = Gry Høngsmark Knudsen title = Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 8751 sentences = 684 flesch = 60 summary = We compare rhetorical strategies in two purpose branding campaigns, Lynx's Is it ok for guys (2017) and Gillette's The Best a Man Can Be (2019), to demonstrate how respective uses of formal and narrative tropes create vastly different narratives about masculinity and therefore also very different audience agency. Specifically, we analyse and compare the new brand narratives from Gillette and Lynx to understand the rhetorical strategies these two brands use in their communication on toxic masculinity. However, in 2019, Gillette turned its brand narrative upside down and began a conversation on toxic masculinity and men's responsibility to change it through their new slogan 'The Best a Man Can Be'. Where we, and previous advertising researchers, consider Western media culture to reach beyond national borders (Jenkins et al., 2013), the changes in space and time between the reception of Lynx's and Gillette's campaigns (with developments of #metoo beginning in October 2017 and Donald Trump's instatement as president in January 2017), were locally different. cache = ./cache/work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu.txt === bib === id = work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy author = Denise Brunsdon title = Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era date = 2018 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8456 sentences = 765 flesch = 56 summary = Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era Second, the paper outlines how street sexual harassment harms how street sexual harassment harms women. Street sexual harassment is the unwelcome commoditization of women's bodies by fellow citizen-strangers. ofthe feminist movement that is helpful but not sufficient to address street sexual harassment. climate for discussing gender-based violence, including street sexual harassment. Street sexual harassment is not reserved for women who are deemed socially desirable, and can also be used as a tool to Many women can still recall their first personal experience with street sexual harassment because it was Street sexual harassment tells women that our presence in the public sphere is open for comment and Collazo 2013; unknown; Laxer 2013; Alston 2012; Moore 2015; Boosil 2015; CompleteStreetsCat 2015) dominance feminism best explains the lived experiences of women subjected to street sexual harassment. enact new criminal laws against street sexual harassment. cache = ./cache/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi author = Nikolai George Lewis Holm title = Youth, gender, and perceptions of security in Norway date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8994 sentences = 679 flesch = 55 summary = Pettersen (2019): Youth, gender, and perceptions of security in Norway, International Journal of Two historically neglected issues in discussions of security are those of youth and gender. investigation on perspectives from youth on issues of gender and security. and the study presented here on Norwegian youths' perspectives, it does not impede the usefulness of the circles of (in)security as a way of organizing or categorizing participant responses. Other participants addressed inner issues indirectly, connecting positive feelings of security and Participants also indicated perspectives that reflect social circle security concerns. Specifically, participants' personal feelings of security were usually connected to an ontological sense of security that emerges from issues linked better to social and outer circles. what contributed to feeling secure, most youth focused primarily on outer circle issues, while participants to feel comfortable discussing certain inner circle security issues like personal fears, Regarding inner circle concerns, gender emerged in some participants' constructions of security cache = ./cache/work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi.txt === bib === id = work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi author = Josefa Sánchez title = Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing date = 2021 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6174 sentences = 909 flesch = 61 summary = Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing to determine the factorial structure and the discriminant and convergent validity of the 'sexual Keywords: sexual harassment; mobbing; football referee; gender inequality; sport Different forms of sexual harassment occur in all sports and at all levels [15], and In relation to previous studies on sexual harassment, research has been carried out To study sexual harassment in sports, qualitative instruments, such as interviews In the absence of a sexual harassment investigation in the football refereeing world, the One hundred and eighty-three183 football referees from different categories participated in the present study, of which 51.4% were women. Structural model of 'sexual experiences questionnaire', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD). Statistics adjustment for the 'sexual experiences questionnaire', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD) scale model; Statistics adjustment for the 'sexual experiences questionnaire', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD) scale model; Assessing the sociology of sport: On sexual harassment research and policy. cache = ./cache/work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi.txt === bib === id = work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u author = Gouri Rao Passi title = News in Brief date = 2018 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1391 sentences = 237 flesch = 55 summary = SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, musculoskeletal analysis of six studies seems to suggest that prolonged sitting of daily sitting can be injurious to health. relationship between type-2 diabetes and sitting time, suggesting that any reduction of sitting time will reduce the reduce prolonged sitting times. sitting to standing posture after every 30 minutes of continuous sitting. their time in sitting posture. We must break up our sitting times with intermittent standing, about 10% of infected pregnant women delivered babies with suggested that somewhere around 2013, the virus mutated study published in 2017 also identified another mutation A188V mutation is not present in the current Indian strain; In this study, 30% of women reported having balanced discussion in the Canadian Medical Association Already women in leadership positions in medicine are few women. They are less likely than men to have medicine at a higher rate than men. cache = ./cache/work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u.txt === bib === id = work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom author = Gabija Bankauskaitė title = Žanro konferencija subūrė skirtingų sričių mokslininkus date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1988 sentences = 277 flesch = 42 summary = Spalio 11 dieną Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo Pirmoji Žanro konferencija, kurią organizavo dar Kauno humanitarinio fakulteto Sociokultūrinių tyrimų centras, įvyko 2015 metų spalio 23 dieną. Sekcijoje ŽANRO TRANSFORMACIJOS INFORMACIJOS AMŽIUJE pirmoji kalbėjo Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto Žurnalistikos ir audiovizualinių medijų katedros docentė dr. Prelegentė svarstė žurnalistinių žanrų problemą intermedialumo aspektu ir akcentavo, kad šiuolaikinėje lietuvių žurnalistikoje ryškėja žanrų simbiozė, kuriai įtakos turi ir Eglė Gabrėnaitė aptarė rinkimų programą kaip politinės retorikos žanrą. Fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto asistentė dr. Akcentuota, kad pastaruoju metu daugėja populiariosios literatūros žanro Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto Fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto docentė dr. Sekcijos darbą pratęsė Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo Paskutinį pranešimą sekcijoje ŽANRO AKTUALUMAS LITERATŪROS NARATYVUOSE skaitė Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto alumnė, poetė Lina Buividavičiūtė. Prelegentė kalbėjo apie žanro variacijas šiuolaikinėje lietuvių poezijoje, akcentavo vis cache = ./cache/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.txt === bib === id = work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti author = Gretchen Kerr title = One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Struggle for Child Protection in Canadian Sport date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10321 sentences = 784 flesch = 49 summary = the Canadian sport system from physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect. financial assistance to high-performance athletes, and helps Canadian organizations to host sport Between 2016 and 2018, Canadian sport was also shaken by cases of sexual abuse of athletes in the Despite the preoccupation of the media and sport organizations with cases of sexual abuse of athletes: "I would never feel comfortable going to my National Sport Organization if I were harassed "We want the minister to know that athletes support an independent body to handle safe sport issues," The development of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport Centre of Canada, to provide independent investigators to assist sport organizations in addressing Available online: (accessed on 17 January 2020). Inc. Available online: (accessed on 20 February 2020). Available online: (accessed on cache = ./cache/work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti.txt === bib === id = work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q author = Sandra Starkweather title = Revisiting perceptions and evolving culture: a community dialogue on women in polar research date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3126 sentences = 241 flesch = 42 summary = women in polar research aCooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA; bScott Polar Research Institute, Women have made outstanding contributions to polar research in recent decades, though Remote field settings, such as those pervasive in polar research, timely at the Polar 2018 Open Science Conference in Davos, Switzerland, to convene a Entering the Field to Taking the Helm: Perspectives of Women in Polar Research"—took place the statistics related to workplace harassment and to encourage polar science organizations Women's participation in polar research has grown Twentiethcentury policies barring women from polar field sites (Bell & Koenig 2017; Waldman 2018). of Women in Polar Research"—took place on 20 June that the Antarctic culture for female researchers is impact of women in polar research be limited by their Sexual harassment of women: climate, culture, and consequences in academic sciences, cache = ./cache/work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q.txt === bib === id = work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q author = C R Joyce title = "Me-toos," "me-agains," and the risk of drugs date = 1980 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1795 sentences = 235 flesch = 66 summary = "Me-toos," "me-agains," and the risk of drugs continually increasing time needed to bring a new drug to support of the research base by working to preserve the market cause a major toxic effect-usually tumorigenesis-in a laboratory species or in an epidemiological study rightly requires an about 15 or 20 years or even more; so, not surprisingly, epidemiological methods have been brought to bear on drug problems Drug-effect epidemiology Nevertheless, some drug-effect epidemiology of recent vintage seems Surely investigating alleged drug-related illness requires the acquiring the disease is increased by taking the drug, but it can an estimate of any increase in the risk of acquiring the disease who are ill are more likely than those who are not to have taken drugs. The anaesthetist in the accident and emergency service The basic training of the anaesthetist in the operating room is accident and emergency services and departments (fig 1). skilled emergency care. cache = ./cache/work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q.txt === bib === id = work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu author = Melissa L. Bates title = Everyone must be able to breathe: A plan to support diversity and inclusion in respiratory physiology date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3432 sentences = 375 flesch = 59 summary = Everyone must be able to breathe: a plan to support diversity and inclusion in respiratory physiology Everyone must be able to breathe: a plan to support diversity and inclusion in Dr. Karla Haack, Chair of the APS Diversity and Inclusion Respiration Section, to address health disparities and support Underrepresented minorities, particularly black Americans, have historically had poorer health outcomes, compared Being involved as a sponsor of a Minority Travel Fellow awardee, and with our underrepresented awardees and Porter fellows at our section banquet, are examples of how we can widen our own networks, as than 10 years ago, we changed our section's Standard Operating Procedures so that the representative to the Trainee Advisory Committee could participate as a voting member of our therefore, encourage the nomination of underrepresented members at the section level and commit to promoting them to AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00269.2020 • cache = ./cache/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.txt === bib === id = work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay author = Mona Lena Krook title = Violence Against Women in Politics date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13442 sentences = 1257 flesch = 54 summary = against women in politics, offering six criteria to ascertain whether an attack was potentially motivated by gender bias. framework to analyze three cases: the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, and the murder of Jo Cox. We conclude with the negative implications of violence against women in politics and point to emerging solutions around the globe. state to respond with legal reforms, passing a law criminalizing political violence and harassment against women in politics; the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) undertook a global study of sexism, violence, and harassment Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) highlight violence against women in elections, rather than in political identify cases of violence against women in politics. violence against women in politics, but the Bhutto case Violence against women in politics thus entails violations of both electoral and personal integrity (Bjarnegård form of violence against women in politics, semiotic politicians, not violence against women in politics. cache = ./cache/work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay.txt === bib === id = work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa author = DANIEL J. SAFER title = DESIGN AND REPORTING MODIFICATIONS IN INDUSTRY-SPONSORED COMPARATIVE PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY TRIALS date = 2002 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8378 sentences = 772 flesch = 61 summary = The resulting publication of pharmaceutical company–sponsored comparative drug research now occupies a big share of the medical literature. industry-sponsored studies now dominate the comparative drug trial literature (Angell, 2001; Davidoff, 2002). At least eight studies sponsored by three different drug companies have compared their second-generation neuroleptic drug to a In comparative studies between second-generation neuroleptics, unusually high fixed or average doses of In studies of risperidone versus placebo and haloperidol, drug company–sponsored researchers utilized the industry-sponsored comparative drug trials, "perhaps industry studies "showing a superior effect of the sponsor's drug may be the result of scores of analyses As an example, in the placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing the effect of two antidepressants with each other to reduce anxiety symptoms, with haloperidol in short-term drug company–sponsored clinical trials of so-called treatment-resistant risperidone suggested that these drugs were as effective with treatment-resistant patients as clozapine, the cache = ./cache/work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa.txt === bib === id = work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei author = Katrina Marie Plamondon title = Blending integrated knowledge translation with global health governance: an approach for advancing action on a wicked problem date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8560 sentences = 901 flesch = 53 summary = Blending integrated knowledge translation with global health governance: an approach for advancing action on a wicked problem Global health governance (GHG) also ought to be well suited to advance action, but a lack of accountability, Discussion: Action on root causes of health inequities implicates disruption of structures and systems that shape IKT, is a promising opportunity to strengthen leadership for health equity action. Keywords: Integrated knowledge translation, global health governance, health equity, health inequities, complementarities of two promising approaches of applied research and practice that might support meaningful processes for advancing evidence-informed health (IKT) and Julia on global health governance (GHG). policy and practice for health [14, 17], there are few examples of using IKT approaches to respond to wicked problems. Table 2 Blending processes and mechanisms for a blended integrated knowledge translation (IKT) – global health governance GHG: global health governance; IKT: integrated knowledge translation; cache = ./cache/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.pdf txt = ./txt/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.txt === bib === id = work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu author = Phil Wintle title = Book Review: Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media by Jason Lee date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1623 sentences = 127 flesch = 65 summary = Book Review: Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media by Jason Lee in Film and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, in Film and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, Film and Media by Jason Lee This review explores Jason Lee's timely work Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Keywords: Nazism; Neo-Nazi; Politics; Philosophy; Trump Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media is a ranging text moving from the interesting arguments for expansion; Lee's work is strongest when looking at media The concluding chapter of Lee's work ostensibly focuses on modern politics. instance, Lee points to Trump's manipulation of the media, both social and newsbroadcast, as evidence of Nazism entering the mainstream. of Nazism and far-right extremism in modern society and media. on film and media is needed in Lee's work where the focus is often fragmented. and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, pp. cache = ./cache/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.txt === bib === id = work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e author = Jamiu O Busari title = #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3432 sentences = 496 flesch = 63 summary = black minority leaders in healthcare of racial harassment, implicit bias and the impact on they were looking for a directive and more taskoriented candidate, which meant that his compassionate and empathetic leadership style was not a good match for the position and for the sort of explanation expected to be used to rationalise leadership building at the top of a healthcare organisation.5 Furthermore, the evidence in the literature shows that individuals with communication skills are considered to be essential competencies that every effective healthcare leader should possess.6 7 Brown was from an ethnic minority group (black), one may then of how to tackle implicit bias and unfair practices in academic the impact of implicit bias on black academics and healthcare As healthcare leaders, we need to embrace #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare cache = ./cache/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.txt === bib === id = work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy author = Sophie Bergerbrant title = Editorial date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1991 sentences = 213 flesch = 54 summary = The Swedish Archaeological Society & Nordic Academic Press Current Swedish Archaeology is published in one annual volume. © The Swedish Archaeological Society & the Authors 2019 Sandby Borg: New Perspectives for Iron Age Archaeology in the Baltic Region. This year for the first time Current Swedish Archaeology presents a themed to vary the format between keynotes and themed sections – each time followed by individual research papers covering our usual breadth of subjects Then comes a report from the conference Sandby borg – New perspectives for Iron Age archaeology in the Baltic region, which was held at CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. The final notice in this volume is written by Magnus Djerfsten and introduces the ongoing and planned archaeological surveys and excavations For more information, please see the webpage of the Swedish Archaeological Society. editors of Current Swedish Archaeology cache = ./cache/work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy.txt === bib === id = work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq author = Emanuelle Degli Esposti title = Fighting for "Justice", Engaging the Other: Shi'a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10843 sentences = 782 flesch = 55 summary = Fighting for "Justice", Engaging the Other: Shi'a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus Keywords: Shi'ism; Islam; identity; sectarianism; activism; Britain; university Islamic world, Shi'a Muslims in Europe represent a numerical minority, making up approximately conducted between 2013–2018, our research focuses on Shi'a Islamic societies on British university social, religious, and political activism currently being orchestrated by Shi'a students in Britain.3 come to undergird contemporary forms of Shi'a student activism within British universities. forms of Shi'a activism taking place on British university campuses. minority in the West to represent a different image of Islam and to ensure that Shi'a Muslims and their University ABSocs thus function both as a place for Shi'a Muslims to come together with other Due to Shi'a Islam's minority status both within university campuses and within wider British Shi'a identity, it is our contention that in the context of Muslim minority communities in Britain this Muslim Identity Politics: Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain. cache = ./cache/work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq.txt === bib === id = work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy author = Rachel Hall-Clifford title = Where There Is No Hashtag: Considering Gender-Based Violence in Global Health Fieldwork in the Time of #MeToo date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217545447 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy.txt === bib === id = work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie author = Jeffrey C. Stewart title = The Knowledge Revolution Of 1968 date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5140 sentences = 248 flesch = 61 summary = students seized the computer center in North Hall on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara on the morning of October 14, 1968 and issued a series of demands knowledge all students at UC Santa Barbara, and arguably at other UC universities, occurred because of seizing the power of the computer on this campus. actually in sync with the knowledge revolution that Black students insisted on in 1968 UC Students from Black communities were supposed to come to universities like UCSB and assimilate the knowledge already held in the libraries and classrooms of the university. a history and culture ignored in American education also meant that those occupying students demanded that the knowledge they already possessed from sites of epistemology like Students today need to reclaim that sense that to become educated means to be selfconscious about the embodied knowledge they bring to college and university. cache = ./cache/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.pdf txt = ./txt/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.txt === bib === id = work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq author = JONATHAN HAVERCROFT title = Editorial: Donald Trump as global constitutional breaching experiment date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7821 sentences = 2012 flesch = 59 summary =>. in His Firing' New York Times (10 May 2017) Politics, . 2017) . (7 October 2016) . cache = ./cache/work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq.txt === bib === id = work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim author = Agu Tamm title = Mikrobioota – inimese vältimatu partner date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6582 sentences = 1382 flesch = 82 summary = meie kehas ja kehal elavate mikroobide kogukondi ning selgitada nende rolli inimeste Senini on esiplaanil olnud püüdlused selgitada, millised organisme võib leida sooles Samas tuleb arvestada inimese MB koostise tohutut individuaalset erinev ust (7). võib olla palju tugevam kui inimese praegu alusel osutus ta kõige arvukamaks üksikliigiks inimese sooles (0,5–5% kogu bakterite viitavad soolestiku MB-le kui kvašiorkorit ning soole limaskesta läbilaskv ust, samuti Siiski pole seni teada, kas virgatsid jõuavad patsientide MB, aga seda toimet ei ole, kui nende k a he t üvega suu rendas i nterleukiin-17 sisaldust sooles ja DNA kahjustust taotleda konkreetsust nii meetodites, eksperimendi seadetes, kliinilistes andmetes kui nii in vitro (22, 34, 35) kui ka in vivo (36, hulgas on nii aeroobe nagu stafülokokid kui ja sama prebiootikum (või mis tahes muu Kui praegu on teada, et MBs Gut microbiome in chronic kidney disease: challenges and opportunities. The human gut microbiome: are The human gut microbiome: are cache = ./cache/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.txt === bib === id = work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq author = Mikko Packalen title = Neophilia ranking of scientific journals date = 2016 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9291 sentences = 506 flesch = 59 summary = reward journals for publishing innovative work that builds on new ideas. an alternative ranking based on the proclivity of journals to publish papers that build in a new area is unlikely to generate many cites unless multiple journals publish papers articles published by a given journal build on new ideas. neophilia index for a journal based on articles published in it during 1980-2013. assigning a high neophilia ranking to a journal that merely prefers to publish articles Based on this index, we determine the neophilia ranking of each journal in a journal mention a relatively new idea 50% more often than the average article published To compare our neophilia index against citation based journal rankings, we make use of in the General and Internal Medicine journal set (Table 1), neophilia rankings for all to publish articles that try out new ideas (that is, for 8 journals in Table 1 the neophilia cache = ./cache/work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq.txt === bib === id = work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y author = Misha Kavka title = Taking down the sacred: fuck-me vs. fuck-you celebrity date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10245 sentences = 571 flesch = 61 summary = Celebrity has always been a machinery of desire organised around acts as well as fantasies of fucking, which processes of desublimation and desecration, I make a distinction between fuckme and fuck-you celebrity, drawing on examples such as Caitlyn producing 'new gods' worshipped on the sacred altar of celebrity culture (Laderman cited self-reflexively make a film about sexual, medial and celebrity sublimation that turns his From a gender perspective, Hollywood-built celebrity has long depended on the institutionalised production of women whose look, stance and performance to the camera 'calling out' the men who sustain the gender/power nexus that upholds fuck-me celebrity. McGowan's film/TV career) to fuck-you celebrity. The exposure of the gender/power/sex dynamics in the Weinstein celebrity-making apparatus, followed by the #metoo and Time's Up movements, appears to be radically shifting celebrity sustains the sacred character of the institution by means of sublimation, by not The fuck-you celebrity exposes sex and its gendered imbrication with power, cache = ./cache/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm author = Judith Butler title = ¿Philosophy Or Activism? Interview with Judith Butler date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3382 sentences = 211 flesch = 65 summary = way to think about subject formation within discourse and power. the same as the individual, there seemed to be no way to think about forms of acting in concert or forms of world-making that happen in among people – social My sense is that Foucault's notion of critique continues to be important engaged form of thinking that seeks to understand the historical conditions of our to think we need to understand how forms of thought become naturalized bind to their own selves, by resorting to discursive forms power produces.Do you think If discourse/power produces the way a subject comes to regard or treat itself, if However, in your reflection on power you always regard Foucault's tackled Foucault's notion of power from a perspective that critically approaches Hegelian by the conception of power and the possibility of critique of Foucault, as we have I think that we have to move beyond the subject of politics as an cache = ./cache/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.txt === bib === id = work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4 author = Philip H. Mirvis title = From inequity to inclusive prosperity: The corporate role date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534083 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:02 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.txt === bib === id = work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau author = Kim Solga title = Présentation: Écouter les histoires des femmes date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1994 sentences = 289 flesch = 77 summary = nous avons cherché pendant des siècles à faire entrer de force dans des structures narratives patriarcales ce qu'ont à dire les femmes sur la violence sexuelle et conjugale ; j'en ai fait long non seulement sur les limites très réelles qui subsistent quant à la capacité des femmes sur la mesure dans laquelle les histoires des femmes (tant les témoignages de faits vécus que été publiés sur une plateforme prestigieuse alors même que les histoires déchirantes et horrifiantes des femmes qui l'ont accusé restent largement incomprises, leur complexité ayant Nos deux dernières contributions, signées par Kimberley McLeod et Naila KeletaMae, nous proposent de nous demander en tant que chercheurs comment les histoires les émotions des femmes noires dans des auditoriums que la critique choisit de quitter. dans ce qui deviendra, nous l'espérons, une tradition de présenter deux fois par année les Inattendues, informatives, toutes différentes les unes des autres, elles vous sont cache = ./cache/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.txt === bib === id = work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i author = John S. Bak title = In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3743 sentences = 304 flesch = 75 summary = Bak, "In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko", Miranda [Online], 18 | 2019, Online Writer, painter, musician, SaFranko is also a playwright, whose oneact and full-length plays date from the early 1990s to 2018 and have been produced at respect to Mark SaFranko's career in the American and international theatre. SaFranko: The single instance of one of my plays being translated was Seedy, or observation that in the past New York actors liked to think that doing "pure" theatre J.B.: Fame is another common theme in your plays, from Wendy to Eddie to the Suspect in In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko cache = ./cache/work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i.txt === bib === id = work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy author = Leah Okenwa-Emgwa title = Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 785 sentences = 137 flesch = 60 summary = Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53745750Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example title={Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example}, author={Leah Okenwa-Emgwa and E. Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Gender and types of intimate partner violence: A response to an anti-feminist literature review View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. cache = ./cache/work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy.txt === bib === id = work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru author = Edwin Ng title = Vulnerability, Response-Ability, and the Promise of Making Refuge date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10596 sentences = 797 flesch = 50 summary = Keywords: engaged Buddhism; mindfulness; making refuge; vulnerability; response-ability; white The paper will then examine the effects of white supremacy in U.S. Buddhism through the framework of making refuge. making refuge as the work of building conditions of trust and safety necessary for living and dying exposure to vulnerability and their shared response-ability to provide the common conditions an example of making refuge in practice, one that does not just attend to animal lives, but which The promise of making refuge can host a dialogical space for Buddhist and secular approaches to Making refuge, which involves the task of building conditions of trust and safety for living and Engaged Buddhists can perform making refuge through We also considered making refuge in relation to the harms suffered by Asian heritage Buddhists and an ethos of response-ability we are arguing for in the promise of making refuge. Available online: Available online: Available online: cache = ./cache/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.txt === bib === id = work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm author = Bhushan Patwardhan title = Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? date = 2009 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6302 sentences = 725 flesch = 52 summary = Drug discovery strategies based on natural products and traditional medicines are re-emerging as formulations and botanical drug products with robust scientific evidence can also be alternatives. reverse pharmacology approach, inspired by traditional medicine and Ayurveda, can offer a smart strategy for new drug candidates to facilitate discovery process and also for the development of rational We suggest that traditional medicine may offer better routes to the discovery, development and delivery of new drugs with enhanced performance in national network project known as New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), has instigated drug development projects on psoriasis, osteoarthritis, hepatitis and diabetes project to develop herbal vaccine adjuvants using a reverse pharmacology approach based on Ayurveda and other studies [33,34] traditional medicine-based drug development [44]. (2004) Ayurveda and natural products drug discovery. Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? cache = ./cache/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.txt === bib === id = work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34 author = Laurel Sharples title = Identifying Opportunities to Improve Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Primary Care System date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2267 sentences = 266 flesch = 63 summary = IPV screening within our universitybased network of primary care clinics. We examined IPV screening practices in five primary care clinics BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a silent epidemic affecting one in three women. Force recommends routine IPV screening for women of childbearing age, and whether screening initiated by medical assistants or physicians resulted screening practices in five primary care clinics within a university-based network in Northern California. Each chart was reviewed to determine if an IPV screen Using medical assistants to deliver IPV screening may be more effective than (physician or medical assistant), patient age, and screener gender. The overall frequency of IPV screening across five primary care clinics Table 1: IPV Screening Frequency and Characteristics of Patients/Screeners age with IPV screening, the study Table 2: Association Between IPV Screening and Clinic Table 4: Association Between IPV Screening and Screener Gender Table 5: Association Between IPV Screening and Patient Age cache = ./cache/work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34.txt === bib === id = work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju author = O. Scheirer title = P115: Outcomes of out of hospital cardiac arrest in First Nations vs. non-First Nations patients in Saskatoon date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2331 sentences = 175 flesch = 55 summary = Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at consisted of patients aged 18 years or older with OHCA of presumed Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Keywords: emergency medical services, First Nations, out of hospital Introduction: Procedural sedation in the emergency department This is a secondary analysis of an observational cohort study of children 0-18 years undergoing procedural sedation in six pediatric EDs Procedural skills training in emergency medicine physicians The Edmonton Zone is a health region that comprises eleven tertiary, urban community and rural community emergency departments (EDs) that represents over three hundred patients ≥65 years presenting to the Edmonton Zone EDs between Impact of young age on outcomes of emergency department procedural sedation Procedural skills training in emergency medicine physicians within the Edmonton zone: a needs assessment cache = ./cache/work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju.txt === bib === id = work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i author = Xin Zeng title = New perspectives on citizen journalism date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5588 sentences = 326 flesch = 47 summary = Asia, citizen journalism, new perspective, special issue, user-generated as government infiltration of citizen-generated content – that is, paying for people to post in support of the local authorities' assertions as a strategy to subvert opposition and manage this new, and China (GMC) issue devoted to 'new perspectives on citizen journalism'. for the most part, as CGNet Swara and Video Volunteers have amply documented, citizen journalism efforts depend heavily on their own activism in following up cases with the authorities to create lasting impact. media (Allan, 2013), Southeast Asia is not a place where one would expect citizen journalism to between citizen journalism and the mainstream media and the broader political system of China. media platforms and indicates that citizen journalism in the form of short videos does not play a The impact on citizen journalism on Chinese media and society. cache = ./cache/work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i.txt === bib === id = work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki author = Maja Zarić title = The role of critical thinking in the digital media culture and strengthening of digital immunity date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4334 sentences = 952 flesch = 96 summary = кроз креирање квалитетне јавне политике у области медијске писмености. Пракса држава чланица Европске уније (European Union), као и међународних организација попут УНЕСКО-а или Савета Евро­ У претходне две године Министарство културе и нформисања је са различитим државним институцијама, мултилатералним и билатералним партнерима радило на унапређењу ове области како у оквиру формалног, тако и у оквиру израђена у оквиру поменутог ресора, а која је такође обухватила активности и инициативе из области медијске жно да се ови напори различитих ресора, који се баве областима попут медија, културе, образовања, омладине и информационог друштва, даље развијају као међусобно повезани, и да кроз креирање синергије примењујемо холистички приступ за стицање компетенција медијске писмености. 5; приступљено 12. Креирање јавних политика у области медијске писмености године, на позив УНЕСКО-а и Владе Шведске, у Гетеборгу, на Конференции о медијској и информационој писмености, Министарство културе и информисања Министарство културе и информисања, доступно на http://www. cache = ./cache/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.txt === bib === id = work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4 author = Jayna M. Holroyd-Leduc title = #MeToo and the medical profession date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1103 sentences = 124 flesch = 55 summary = All editorial matter in CMAJ represents the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Can adian Medical Association or its subsidiaries. I n the era of #MeToo, it is time for physicians to acknow­ledge that the medical profession is not immune to bully­ing, harassment and discrimination, and act to abolish Unprofessional behaviour in medicine affects not only iour in medicine include poor leadership, power imbalances Medicine is a stressful career, and physician wellness is often Some Canadian medical schools and health care organiza­ tions have begun to promote respect in the workplace. the workplace and should be addressed in medicine.7 This should Professionalism is a required competency for physicians and As such, medical workplaces need safe and It is time that all Canadian medical schools and health care achieving a culture of respect within medicine. Harassment and discrimination in medical Department of Medicine (Straus), University of Toronto; Li Ka cache = ./cache/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.txt === bib === id = work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4 author = Helen Kopnina title = Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? date = 2020 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8249 sentences = 647 flesch = 48 summary = Abstract: This article will discuss social, environmental, and ecological justice in education Keywords: biospheric egalitarianism; ecological justice; education for sustainable development; This article questions the Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG) through the More recently, this criticism has turned toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seventeen oxymoronic aims of SDGs and Education for Sustainable Development Goals, or ESDG. Sustainable development, according to critical educational scholars, reflects The sustainable development rhetoric hardly mentions the questions of human population growth "The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, and concerned focusing on ecocentric ethics and justice have given way to education for sustainable development. is "sustainable and inclusive economic growth" ( the subjects of business, politics, environmental ethics, sustainability, and economic development. Biospheric egalitarianism concerns the rights of other (non-human) species independently of Critical Evaluation of Education for Sustainable Development Goals. cache = ./cache/work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4.txt === bib === id = work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa author = Marit S. G. van der Pijl title = Left powerless: A qualitative social media content analysis of the Dutch #breakthesilence campaign on negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth date = 2020 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11674 sentences = 1152 flesch = 57 summary = 2016, a Dutch client organization initiated an online campaign, #genoeggezwegen (#breakthesilence) which encouraged women to share negative and traumatic maternity care experiences. Movement set up a campaign inviting women who had a negative experience with their care during labour and birth to publicly share their story. In the #GG stories, some women also mentioned postPLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth cache = ./cache/work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa.txt === bib === id = work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4 author = Susan M. Sterett title = Introduction: Reflecting on the Profession date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4073 sentences = 427 flesch = 56 summary = doi:10.1017/S1049096518001245 © American Political Science Association, 2018 PS • January 2019 31 This is how Patricia Williams, the legal scholar, closed her path-breaking essay, "On Being the Object of Property." In it, she reflected on her place in law and the legal academy as an African American woman, as a law professor, and as the In recent years, political science has been fostering discussion of strategies for advancing women in the academy. Therefore, this symposium comprises reflections on building careers in political science. Politics, to Judith Grant, to Laura Mateczun, and to the participants in the workshop funded by National Science Foundation Faculty: The Differential Effects of Where You Work (Institutional Characteristics) and What You Do (Negotiate and Publish)." PS: Political Science & women's and gender studies and political science at Department of Political Science at the University of Political Science at the University of North cache = ./cache/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.txt === bib === id = work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa author = Jia Xue title = Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence on Twitter (Preprint) date = 2020 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7923 sentences = 976 flesch = 47 summary = Objective: This study aims to provide a large-scale analysis of public discourse on family violence and the COVID-19 pandemic Methods: We analyzed over 1 million tweets related to family violence and COVID-19 from April 12 to July 16, 2020. Results: We extracted 9 themes from 1,015,874 tweets on family violence and the COVID-19 pandemic: (1) increased response (eg, 911 calls, police arrest, protective orders, abuse reports); (8) social movements and awareness (eg, support victims, Twitter; family violence; COVID-19; machine learning; big data; infodemiology; infoveillance Themes, topics, commonly co-occurring terms, and examples of tweets about domestic violence and COVID-19. "COVID-19 has serious consequences for cis and trans women everywhere including higher risks a result of …the rise in domestic violence." Social services for victims of family violence during COVID-19 Tweets about family violence and COVID-19 during the Increased Risk for Family Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic. cache = ./cache/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.txt === bib === id = work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou author = Lars Ohnemus title = B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? date = 2009 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1186 sentences = 69 flesch = 44 summary = B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? In the business-to-business (B2B) arena, does branding create sustainable economic value for companies and their shareholders? branding and the financial performance of companies in the B2B segment. Abstract Is branding an effective tool for generating shareholder wealth for phases, depending on the strategic branding position of the company. Used strategically, business-to-business (B2B) companies with a balanced corporate brand strategy very few of the companies analyzed possessed an optimal balance between branding prompted not only by global manufacturing, enhanced knowledge, and design sharing possibilities, but is also due to the fact that companies For European companies in particular, branding branding and financial performance in a B2B context, and to address the fundamental research Furthermore, is there truly any difference in branding strategies between industries, or are we dealing Conceptually, the difference in marketing orientations between companies producing consumer cache = ./cache/work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou.txt === bib === id = work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq author = Mao-Yu Zhang title = Seizing the strategic opportunities of emerging technologies by building up innovation system: monoclonal antibody development in China date = 2015 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9211 sentences = 852 flesch = 50 summary = Seizing the strategic opportunities of emerging technologies by building up innovation system: monoclonal antibody development in China research and development of mAbs in China based on an innovation system functions approach and probes into building up a complete innovation system in developing mAbs. Methods: Mixed research methods were applied by combining archival data and field interviews. Results: From the perspective of innovation system functions, technological development of mAb in China is being Keywords: China, Emerging technology, Innovation system, Monoclonal antibody advantage of emerging technologies to overcome challenges through building up an innovation system in developing mAbs. In so doing, it attempts to contribute to While there are still few original innovation drugs developed in China, the status quo of foreign players dominating the Chinese mAb market has now changed. Stages of mAb technology development in China Stages of mAb technology development in China cache = ./cache/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.txt === bib === id = work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy author = Sienna Ballou title = The #OthelloSyllabus: Twitter as Play date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3454 sentences = 338 flesch = 10 summary = on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, William Shakespeare's Othello, and Jordan Peele's Get Out. In weekly twessays, posting responses during community lectures, and in devising a Twitter play, the platform's paradoxical mix of anonymity and very public writing worked to develop in notes, students pulled out their phones to post at least three tweets with the course hashtag #OthelloSy17 during and in response to questions Students Kylie Wong and Dana McCarthy share their Twitter play with a showcase attendee. 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 cache = ./cache/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa author = Leigh Gilmore title = He Said/She Said: Truth-Telling and #MeToo date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2541 sentences = 147 flesch = 62 summary = "He Said/She Said: Truth-Telling and #MeToo" analyses how the conversation about sexual The #MeToo moment offers a clear representation of the scale of sexual violence and of women worldwide raised their voices to say "Me Too." In response to allegations of sexual abuse in sexual violence in women's lives, to move the conversation beyond Hollywood, to catalyse a widespread and men in the U.S. are learning to speak in new ways about sexual violence and abuses of power. #MeToo certainly exposed the scale of women's experiences of sexual abuse, but the generic quality of exposing and articulating everyday sexual violence in the lives of women. 4 In Tainted Witness (2017), I argue that Anita Hill's testimony in 1991 inaugurated a new era of doubting women Leigh Gilmore is the author of Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say About Their Lives cache = ./cache/work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa.txt === bib === id = work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu author = Roxanne C Keynejad title = Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6328 sentences = 1201 flesch = 53 summary = Gender equality in the global health ► Global health workplace gender inequalities are gender inequality and nurturing of grassroots initiatives, through institutional partnerships and international networks. gender equality in global health largely influencing experiences of gender equality affects Somaliland, but data regarding practising healthcare staff, Long-term global health partnerships between healthcare organisations and educational institutions in to global health not readily accessible to large institutional bodies.19 In particular, the benefits of 'boundary-spanning' practices that foster cross-cultural learning diverse staff in both countries, exploring gender-associated barriers and facilitators in the global health workplace, focusing on solutions and best practice. global health partnership between Somaliland and the to consider gender in global health practice and Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership Gender inequality in global health Gender inequality in global health cache = ./cache/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.txt === bib === id = work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu author = Robert Hoppe title = Policy, governing and politicality date = 2019 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9672 sentences = 712 flesch = 58 summary = This Forum contribution takes a critical look at "policy", "policymaking" and "governing" as key KEY WORDS: policy, governing, politicality, depoliticisation, European Union observers (e.g., professors of political science, public administration, or policy with "policy, process, and governing" (Colebatch & Hoppe, 2018) and not, for the "policy state" to Van Middelaar's reflections on the different degrees of politicality of governing in the European Union (2017). At the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century, Dutch etymologists declared the word "policy" in its old meaning as "general management" or "leadership by the state," obsolete. between "politics" as action and "policy" as making. book publications are the Handbook on Policy, Process and Governing (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018) (with Hal Colebatch), and Women, Civil Society and Handbook of Policy, Process and Governing. Hoppe: Policy, Governing and Politicality: Policy Studies Journal 167 Hoppe: Policy, Governing and Politicality: Policy Studies Journal 167 "Political Power Beyond the State: Problematics of Government." cache = ./cache/work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu.txt === bib === id = work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri author = Amy Bonomi title = Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2733 sentences = 189 flesch = 50 summary = In the present editorial, I argue that for Rothman's experiments (which are focused fundamentally on changing underlying power structures at the intersection of gender, race, sexuality, ability status and socioeconomic campuses, and hope we have the courage to be leaders in anti-bias, civil rights and human rights practices to more Yet, student-focused campus prevention programs and approaches are not enough to stop sexual violence. challenge the status quo for sexual violence prevention programming on college campuses and call for us to do better. To become dedicated fighters for civil and human rights requires us, in an initial step, to get serious about anti-bias curricula aimed at reducing sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism and classism. Preventing sexual violence on campus in the U.S.: Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights cache = ./cache/work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri.txt === bib === id = work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze author = Chantelle Gray Van Heerden title = Between Hashtagging and Hashtrending: Counterculture, Dissent and Aesthetic Politics date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5930 sentences = 411 flesch = 53 summary = be seen as part of the ongoing rise of right-wing populism that has marked world politics for at least the to protest the increased clampdowns and violence is hashtag politics and activism. challenge to existing structural arrangements and in terms of countercultural political aesthetics. events become adept in developing what Deleuze and Guattari refer to as collective assemblages of politics have the potential to produce new collective assemblages of enunciation according to the new social and the political; and to the idea of a city-state defined by its common good is opposed – the State and police – create specific collective assemblages enforced through machinic desire, it is Ethico-aesthetics is a form of prefigurative politics,5 creating "Society: The politics of hashtag activism." Dawn, 13 May 2017, "How Black Lives Matter moved from a hashtag to a real political force." The cache = ./cache/work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq author = William C. Boles title = The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3170 sentences = 264 flesch = 70 summary = Boles, "The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh ", The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh cache = ./cache/work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq.txt === bib === id = work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y author = Anna Kende title = A Needs-Based Support for #MeToo: Power and Morality Needs Shape Women's and Men's Support of the Campaign date = 2020 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 13524 sentences = 1061 flesch = 57 summary = Recent research within the framework of the needs-based model (Hässler et al., 2019) has shown that women's and men's powerand morality-related needs, resulting from the perception of their ingroup as a victim or a perpetrator group, are influenced by their system justification motivation (i.e., the motivation to accept and legitimize the societal status quo, Jost and van der Toorn, 2012). In addition, because the #MeToo campaign has questioned the structural inequalities of gender relations, and consistent with Hässler et al.'s (2019) findings, we expected women's and men's system justification motivation to determine their power and morality-related needs, their resulting perceptions of the campaign of addressing or threatening these needs, and consequent support for, or opposition to the campaign. Second, we tested the indirect effects of gender system justification on support for the #MeToo campaign mediated by the variables of the needs-based model for men and women separately in each national subsamples using Process macro (Hayes, 2013). cache = ./cache/work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y.htm txt = ./txt/work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y.txt === bib === id = work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna author = Francisco José Roma Paumgartten title = The tale of lenalidomide clinical superiority over thalidomide and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6930 sentences = 1880 flesch = 78 summary = (RCTs) controlled with a placebo, or with a therapy of proven effectiveness (active comparator), lenalidomideversus thalidomide-based therapies for MM, and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues behind lenalidomide authorization, to identify comparative effectiveness and safety studies of thalidomide versus cost-effectiveness studies of thalidomide-versus Lenalidomide (Revlimid®) was the first thalidomide-like drug obtaining a marketing authorization (Figure 1). the applicant provided no evidence that lenalidomide was more effective and or safer than thalidomide for both therapeutic indications. showed that both thalidomideand lenalidomide-based combination therapies were effective Comparative effectiveness of thalidomideversus lenalidomide-based therapies To the best of our knowledge, only two randomized (phase-III) trials have compared the effectiveness of thalidomide-based versus lenalidomide-based therapeutic regimens so far (Table For instance, lenalidomide, compared to thalidomide, A. A systematic review of phase II trials of thalidomide/dexamethasone combination therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. and lenalidomide in patients with multiple myeloma cache = ./cache/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.pdf txt = ./txt/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.txt === bib === id = work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te author = Swati Arora title = Be a Little Careful: Women, Violence, and Performance in India date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11027 sentences = 707 flesch = 61 summary = In this article Swati Arora analyzes a contemporary Indian feminist performance, Thoda Thoda Dhyaan Se are limited to urban, middle-class, and upper-caste women and overlook the oppressive realities of women from non-urban, lower-class, and lower-caste of theatre and performance, feminist theory, critical urban studies, post/de-colonial theory, Key terms: gender, caste, violence, feminist theatre, Delhi, urban space, Mallika Taneja. of performance in the urban public spaces of limited to urban, middle-class, and uppercaste women and exclude the oppressive space afforded by the naked body of Taneja, concerns of urban women like her – middleclass, educated, liberal, English-speak ing, Women protesting against gender violence at Jantar Mantar on 16 December 2013. ing to limit women's mobility, Taneja's been dominated by middle-class, uppercaste women living in urban spaces, the Contemporary Women's Protests (New Delhi: Zubaan, Gender, Space and Resistance: Women and Theatre in India Practice in the Women's Movement in India (New Delhi: cache = ./cache/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.pdf txt = ./txt/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.txt === bib === id = work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee author = Børge Sivertsen title = Sexual harassment and assault among university students in Norway: a cross-sectional prevalence study date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10507 sentences = 4249 flesch = 87 summary = university students in Norway: a crosssectional prevalence study Norway (the SHoT study (Students' Health and Wellbeing sexual contact was the most prevalent form of harassment, followed by rape or rape attempt. In the current study sexual harassment was assessed Women reported substantially more sexual harassment than men (lifetime: aged 18–20 years reported any form of sexual harassment during the last 12 months, the corresponding Figure 2 Proportion of students across age groups reporting sexual harassment in the past year. compared with women reported being sexually harassed students (24.2%) reported lifetime sexual harassment of Being one of the first studies of this magnitude on the prevalence of sexual harassment conducted after the #MeToo college and university students experience sexual harassment. study shows that there are still many students who experience some form of sexual harassment from a person in Sexual harassment and assault among university students in Norway: a cross-sectional prevalence study cache = ./cache/work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee.txt === bib === id = work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq author = Brian Owens title = Tightening sanctions for physician sexual misconduct date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 945 sentences = 75 flesch = 63 summary = Tightening sanctions for physician sexual misconduct guilty of sexual misconduct with patients. mandatory penalties, require more transparency from regulatory colleges and Under the proposed legislation, doctors or other health professionals found public websites that include their members' disciplinary history for sexual abuse and sexual misconduct, including conditions on practice permits. Alberta, says the college is on board with has recently been pushing for stiffer penalties for sexual misconduct. penalties for sexual misconduct. introduce laws aimed specifically at protecting patients from sexual abuse. bill signed into law in California in September requires doctors on disciplinary probation for sexual misconduct and Tightening sanctions for physician sexual Patients in physician waiting rooms often have no idea about the disciplinary histories of the up their doctor," says Hill. sexual misconduct that the issue has not "From a patient's perspective, is the fact that a doctor had previous disciplinary problems as important as cache = ./cache/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.txt === bib === id = work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e author = Fiona Jenkins title = Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5240 sentences = 344 flesch = 44 summary = Although in these disciplines, as across the social sciences, we see vibrant sub-fields, where feminist approaches and gendered analysis are of feminist and gender research has been mainstreamed or acknowledged in its importance by the academic disciplines that are tasked with 1 Gendered innovations in the social sciences, Australian National University November 6–9, 2016. In turning to consider how 'gendered innovations' in the social sciences might be elaborated, important differences from these STEM discipline examples and gender research: political science, economics, and philosophy. knowledge, and undertake a citation analysis of feminist papers in influential journals in economics, history, international relations, philosophy, political science and sociology, as well as influential feminist science disciplines feminist and gender research has been overlooked or Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences cache = ./cache/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.txt === bib === id = work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu author = Salvatore Madonia title = From the Mosque to the Town Square: Some Reflections on Islam, Youth, Social Movements and Citizenship date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8690 sentences = 573 flesch = 57 summary = Muslims who frequent Madrid's mosques and squares raises the possibility that these young Spanish and confrontation with Islamic people in the Spanish context, new association-building and new the setting for the Islam of the young people presented in this article, the initiative of Muslims in associated with one of the largest federations of Muslim communities, the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain, viewpoints, young Spanish Muslims are beginning to search for their own associative spaces where 'producers' of an Islam characterized by being young, Muslim, Spanish, and European (Madonia 2018). various Arab-Islamic majority countries; and encounters where young people could discuss their proposals new Islamic youth associations engaged in an animated debate on the social networks. Q: Have you participated in any associations for young Muslims? 17 Discussion in the Complutense University of Madrid Young Muslim Students Facebook group [last visited 12/03/12]. cache = ./cache/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.txt === bib === id = work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4 author = Kaitlynn Mendes title = Digitized narratives of sexual violence: Making sexual violence felt and known through digital disclosures date = 2018 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9784 sentences = 748 flesch = 58 summary = Digitized narratives, feminism, memes, platform vernacular, rape, rape culture, sexual These narratives draw on the ways in which feminists have discursively articulated sexual violence, extending them into digital spaces that are governed by distinctive "platform vernaculars" (Gibbs et al., 2015), or the conventions, affordances, and Others have identified how digitally curated disclosures hold the capacity to challenge victim-blaming narratives and female responsibilization of violence, making way for new narratives to emerge (Loney-Howes, 2018; We are particularly interested in how platform vernaculars shape the affective experiences of engaging with sexual violence disclosures on Tumblr and Twitter. through which contributors' experiences of sexual violence are narrated through the visceral means of the hand-crafted sign, which makes use of different colors, size of print, While scholars have long been interested in narrative accounts of rape and sexual violence, we argue that social media platforms such as Twitter and Tumblr offer new terrains cache = ./cache/work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4.txt === bib === id = work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q author = Peter Kalulé title = On the Undecidability of Legal and Technological Regulation date = 2019 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10791 sentences = 890 flesch = 48 summary = It only seeks to identify and critically unpack the extensive aporias inhabited within contemporary regulatory structures, processes and practices in order to suggest that regulation in the areas of law Rather than remaining closed and singular, it becomes a movable, transferable component of an iterable system of 'decentred' communication, performance and meaning through its interpretation, transmission and enforcement (Ramshaw 2013). regulation discussed above, online communication technologies are always embedded within an iterable and disseminatory ecological process of writing and communication. This is done using a number of online communication technological tools in processes of remixing (Lessig 2008) that involve the endless deferral, translation, invention and repetition of texts in and at differing times. The different aspects of online communications technology and law with which This article has suggested that the regulation of law and online communications And even after processes of translation and legal-juridical clarification, law/regulation and online communications Part 2: Deconstructing the Regulation of Online Communication Technologies cache = ./cache/work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q.txt === bib === id = work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq author = Karen Boyle title = Television and/as testimony in the Jimmy Savile case date = 2018 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9208 sentences = 640 flesch = 56 summary = Television and/as testimony in the Jimmy Savile case article focuses on television coverage of sexual abuse revelations involving another celebrity Savile case as a story about and on television; the televisual construction of victim/survivor Given Savile abused victims on BBC premises, using his shows documentaries about the Savile case shown on Britain's main television channels between Child sexual abuse is constructed as so traumatic that it renders victim/survivors speechless, As the Savile case accrues an archive of its own, in which victim/survivor testimonies feature used in What the BBC Knew, Abused and Louis Theroux: Savile and Ward has published her sometimes beyond): Sam – another victim/survivor of Savile, interviewed in both Abused respect as it includes testimony from women and men abused by Savile and his associates, this, as the later documentaries use archival footage of the Savile case and create other cache = ./cache/work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq.txt === bib === id = work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm author = Robert A.J. McDonald title = Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1623 sentences = 128 flesch = 60 summary = Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman]. In Tax, Order, and Good Government Elsbeth Heaman makes a compelling case that it is time to write taxes and poverty into Canadian history. the book studies Canada's tax history as history, such was not the case for the people themselves whose debates about taxation addressed the problems of wealth and what Canadians said about wealth, poverty, and taxes before the introduction of the of Canada's tax history in the half century its 470 pages a vast trove of historical insight about Canadian political history and Government represents a powerful addition to the developing field of "new political history." In particular, it helps to of Canadian political history. book that Ontario History readers will find cache = ./cache/work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm.txt === bib === id = work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y author = Hassan ATIFI title = New Feminist Claims and Digital Media: Circumvention of Social and Religious Prohibitions in Tunisia and Morocco date = 2020 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13479 sentences = 2031 flesch = 72 summary = question de la présence des femmes tunisiennes et marocaines sur les réseaux proche d'une égalité dans les droits entre hommes et femmes. privées et publiques ainsi que des titres de presse) et de ferveur pour Internet, les exprimées sur Facebook et Youtube par des internautes/acteurs dans les deux pays tourné dans les rues de Casablanca, des femmes marocaines prennent la parole et de nouvelles formes de revendications qui s'attaquent a ̀ quelques-uns des tabous les tunisien n'est pas sous-tendu par des revendications pour l'égalité sexuelle entre les la nudité du corps féminin n'a pas fait la une de la presse, ni été discutée dans les dans le monde pour dénoncer le harcèlement sexuel que subissent les femmes, n'est femmes, pour les inciter à prendre la parole sur Internet car le web marocain est des Marocains vivant dans une société qui interdit les relations sexuelles hors cache = ./cache/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.txt === bib === id = work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa author = ALFRED ARCHER title = When Artists Fall: Honoring and Admiring the Immoral date = 2019 pages = 33 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10820 sentences = 803 flesch = 62 summary = someone we ought to admire, we present three moral reasons against honouring immoral In this paper, we identify three moral reasons not to honour immoral artists. reasons, that honouring immoral artists can also serve to silence their victims. argue that given a plausible account of admiration, immoral artists may be fitting targets of Honouring immoral artists involves choosing to pick them out as people we ought to admire that we pick immoral artists out as people we ought to admire when we honour them, we In this section, we argue that a second moral reason against honouring immoral artists is that The first response to these moral reasons against honouring immoral artists is to simply there moral reasons in favour of honouring immoral artists? honour and admire immoral artists? have identified are the only moral reasons against honouring immoral artists. have identified are the only moral reasons against honouring immoral artists. cache = ./cache/work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa.txt === bib === id = work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e author = David Jansson title = Deadly exceptionalisms, or, would you rather be crushed by a moral superpower or a military superpower? date = 2018 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11593 sentences = 1065 flesch = 49 summary = development of the ideas of U.S. and Swedish exceptionalism, and consider the roles of ignorance, denial, identities, and the material forms of racism that haunt both the U.S. and Sweden and betray their claims to exceptionalism. The literature on exceptionalism is impossible to understand without reference to both ideological nationalism and methodological nationalism e both of which contribute to a state-centric But if it was initially international observers who articulated the notion of Swedish exceptionalism, this idea was adopted In terms of the defining characteristics of Swedish exceptionalism, we have already pointed to the social democratic welfare state Swedish exceptionalism that positions Sweden as a small state that An excess of 'national exceptionalism': Towards a new political Exceptionalism in American foreign policy: Is it exceptional? American Exceptionalism: An Idea that Made a Nation and The psychology and political economy of Swedish exceptionalism The psychology and political economy of Swedish exceptionalism cache = ./cache/work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e.txt === bib === id = work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom author = Barbara Braid title = Mad, Bad and Dangerous: Queering Lizzie Borden in Lizzie (2018) date = 2020 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10246 sentences = 714 flesch = 61 summary = known in queer cinema, this article discusses the famous suspect in this case, Lizzie Borden character (Chloë Sevigny) is queered in this film – not just by her lesbian relationship with Keywords: adaptation, Bryce Kass, lesbian, Lizzie Borden, Lizzie, Craig Macneill, neoVictorian, queer, textualisation. Lizzie Borden is a particularly elusive, queer spectre of late nineteenthcentury Massachusetts. The queering of Lizzie Borden's figure that this film replicates the Borden case frequently paired Lizzie's murderousness with queer hints at Lizzie's relationships with women and includes scenes of lesbian 2. Macneill's Lizzie: Lesbian Readings and Queer Re-Readings But Lizzie's and Bridget's queer fantasy of queer Lizzie in Macneill's film is especially attractive as it seems the story of Lizzie Borden make her narrative a queer spectre of the past – alibi, then the lesbian reading of Lizzie's and Bridget's relationship – as one cinematic motif in general and of Lizzie Borden as a queer figure in cache = ./cache/work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa author = N. NGR. ADISANJAYA title = ANALISIS EFEKTIFITAS PROSES PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH PT. INDONESIA POWER UNIT BISNIS PEMBANGKITAN (UBP) BALI BERBASIS MICROSOFT VISUAL FOXPRO date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5235 sentences = 975 flesch = 61 summary = Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas tingkat pencemar air limbah dan efektifitas proses Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari dan Maret tahun 2011 dengan parameter temperatur, separator I, TS II yaitu pada outlet separator II dan TS III yaitu pada outlet proses pengolahan limbah secara Hasil yang didapat adalah kurang optimalnya efektifitas poses pengolahan limbah pada cadmium (Cd) yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 61,32 % karena masih berada dibawah standar efektifitas yang berlaku yaitu proses pengolahan limbah untuk menurunkan kandungan logam berat khususnya cadmium (Cd) dan untuk analisis kualitas dan efektifitas proses pengolahan dua yaitu kualitas air limbah dan efektifitas proses mutu, data efektifitas proses pengolahan limbah secara limbah (�Q) dengan standar efektifitas baku mutu akan Data kualitas dan efektifitas proses pengolahan Hasil kualitas air limbah pada proses pengolahan proses pengolahan limbah pada separator I dan II. dan sekunder dari rata-rata kualitas air limbah pada inlet dan tingkat efektifitas proses pengolahan limbah cache = ./cache/work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa.txt === bib === id = work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4 author = Christina Reithmeier title = Spatialities, Social Media and Sentiment Analysis: Exploring the Potential of the Detection Tool SentiStrength date = 2018 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5480 sentences = 428 flesch = 55 summary = SentiStrength, a tool for sentiment analysis in geographic research. the SentiStrength online application to conduct our sentiment analysis. sentiment analysis, SentiStrength, Twitter, hashtags, construction of space social media platforms provide an unprecedented opportunity to collect and analyse finegrained data about socio-spatial actions. In our explorative study, we focus on sentiment analysis as a method for detecting opinions and sentiment in social media on certain topics (Thelwall et al., 2011). case study: a brief explorative analysis of tweets that tagged Frankfurt's Ostend (2017) used sentiment analysis of data from social media to identify latent sentiment analysis to detect spatial constructions on Twitter. programming skills, data collection via the Twitter API and the classification of the tweets Spatial construction of Frankfurt's Ostend in social media through sentiment analysis With 41 tweets classified as 'neutral', 9 as 'not negative' and 3 as 'not positive', SentiStrength Social media sentiment analysis: lexicon versus cache = ./cache/work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva author = Jurjen J. Luykx title = Safe and informed prescribing of psychotropic medication during the COVID-19 pandemic date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3567 sentences = 298 flesch = 41 summary = Many patients' treatments with psychotropic medication may currently be jeopardised in several ways because of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent policies of social distancing and lockdowns. other, several considerations may be of use to enable safe prescribing of psychotropic medication during the current pandemic. unrelated to COVID-19 we compiled a table listing preferred psychotropic medication per drug category. medication and drug misuse are rising during the current pandemic,1,2 resulting in an important discrepancy: safe prescribing We note that in most instances people requiring COVID-19 medication are hospital in-patients with electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring possibilities. Besides interactions we should also be wary of COVID-19 medication with high risks of psychiatric adverse drug reactions. Although currently unknown, possibly COVID-19-positive patients on clozapine taper such medication when a COVID-19-positive patient is in need. Safe and informed prescribing of psychotropic medication during the COVID-19 pandemic Psychotropic prescribing for COVID-19-positive patients Psychotropic prescribing for COVID-19-positive patients cache = ./cache/work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva.txt === bib === id = work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa author = June Choon Wai Yee title = The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global Progress and Creating Change date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3302 sentences = 223 flesch = 63 summary = The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global Progress and Creating Change. lessons that could be potentially useful for countries that are heading the direction of narrowing if not close the gender gaps. Results: Despite there are more initiatives to address this alarming issue over the years, progress towards gender equality is still and policies that have proven to be costand time effective in pursuit of gender equality are discussed in this paper. The Global Gender Gap Report has monitored progress in 20 June Choon Wai Yee and Kenneth Lee Kwing-Chin: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: 20 June Choon Wai Yee and Kenneth Lee Kwing-Chin: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: [1] World Economic Forum, "The Global Gender Gap Report advancing women's equality can add $12 trillion to global advancing women's equality can add $12 trillion to global cache = ./cache/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.txt === bib === id = work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju author = Debra Bergoffen title = The Misogynous Politics of Shame date = 2018 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6381 sentences = 429 flesch = 64 summary = affect that is deployed to protect the self, can undermine the effects of sexist debilitating shame and When collective values reinforce a person's self worth, social norms can observation that the self's shame is not caused by a specific situation but by the person's interpretation in the name of women's integrity as persons, critiques and rejects the social and political values that self, but rather of creating a social world where shame does not enforce debilitating norms. Instead of submitting to the norms that shame them, #MeToo women challenge debilitating shame sets women up to believe that they "deserve what they get" when the silent violence themselves against men's violence, debilitating shame will put them in the position of confirming using shame's self-protective powers to critique and reject the distorted values that demean them. Invoking the self-affirming power of shame, they are rejecting the values that demean them. cache = ./cache/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.txt === bib === id = work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m author = Liina Uudam title = Mesenteriaalveeni tromboos date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1315 sentences = 316 flesch = 70 summary = Probleemiks oli 6 päeva kestnud kõhuvalu, mis Kõht oli käinud läbi viimati eelmisel Patsient oli umbes ühe aasta jooksul A nam neesis oli tal alates Ravimiallergiat patsient eitas ja operatsioone tal Apenditsiidi kahtluse tõttu tehti ultraheli( UH ) uuring kõhukoopast, kus parenhümatoossed elundid olid iseärasusteta. Nabast allpool paremal oli alumise õõnesveeni ees (pildil tähistatud ristikestega) paksuseinaline tubulaarne struktuur, mille läbimõõt on 0,88 cm ning mis on kas Nabast allpool paremal oli alumise mis UH-anduriga ei olnud kokku surutav mille parempoolses harus oli tromb, mis Tromboseerunud veeni ümber oli rasvosas oli leid iseärasusteta. sisehaiguste osakonda esmase ägeda mesenteriaalveeni-tromboosi ( MV T ) tõttu ja tal S-valgu sisalduse vähenemine, mis võis olla mesenterica superior'i (VMS) tromboseerunud v. mesenterica superior (VMS), mille Ägeda mesenteriaalveeni-tromboosi trombofiilia ja pahaloomulised haigused Kirjeldatud patsiendil ei tekkinud valendik oli hargnemise kohal vaid osaliselt Mesenteriaalveeni tromboosi põhjused (1) Metüleentetrahüdrofolaadi reduktaasi (MTHFR) geeni mutatsioon cache = ./cache/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.txt === bib === id = work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au author = Martina Ferrari title = Questions of Silence: On the Emancipatory Limits of Voice and the Coloniality of Silence date = 2019 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12710 sentences = 663 flesch = 47 summary = movement, seeks to break the "culture of silence" surrounding sexual violence) and concerns about the coloniality of voice made visible by the recent decolonial turn within feminist theory (Ruiz 2006; Lugones 2007; Lugones 2010; Veronelli 2016). sense, was also felt as resistant behavior; his silence was also a practice of "radical meaning making" from which he could envision and bring about radically different gendered own experience of racialized, sexualized, and gendered violence).4 By bringing into dialogue Jacques Derrida with decolonial insights from the modern/colonial research project normativity of voice, ultimately upholding modern categories of thought and being (logocentrism, to be precise) that reify the oppressive colonial apparatus they seek to resist. operations of power that eviscerate deep silences of their depth and complexity, flattening them to a transparent, mono-dimensional phenomenon indexing ontological By reducing deep silences to the expression of natural inferiority or the exclusion from the subject position, the coloniality of silence makes invisible cache = ./cache/work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au.txt === bib === id = work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe author = Jessica Fanzo title = A research vision for food systems in the 2020s: Defying the status quo date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217537077 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:05 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe.txt === bib === id = work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe author = MARK FRANCIS title = SUPPLIER LED NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IMPROVEMENT IN THE UK FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS INDUSTRY date = 2008 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10025 sentences = 615 flesch = 56 summary = Supplier Led New Product Development Process Improvement in the UK Little has been written about new product and packaging development processes within the fast moving However, no rigorous study has addressed the commercial success/failure rates of private-label products in the UK FMCG industry and details the new NPD process mapping method and tool that was developed to Keywords: FMCG; private-label; suppliers; success rates; NPD; process mapping. was designated the Supplier Association New Product Development (SANPD) project and was new NPD process mapping technique that was developed to conduct this study. ASDA Supplier Association and New Product Development Project (Table 1) and was designated the Supplier Association New Product Development (SANPD) project. research has been conducted that has dealt specifically with the FMCG industry or retailer privatelabel NPD processes and their performance levels (Francis, 2006).Most process-oriented studies in developed 473 new private-label product lines for ASDA of all innovation project types. cache = ./cache/work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe.txt === bib === id = work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm author = C. W. Anderson title = From Value to Values, from Field to Discipline: Understanding Journalistic Culture in the 21st Century date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3853 sentences = 272 flesch = 51 summary = public conversations about journalism in the first two decades of the internet era were primarily oriented toward questions of "value," a series of political shocks have called into Keywords: Journalism studies; mass media; political protest; sociology; values. Elizabeth Hansen (Harvard University) also looks at the manner in which journalistic values have shifted in the digital age, this time through the lens of "digital disruption," which, in The changes in the study of news and journalism over the past two decades has been remarkable, and those of us entering the discipline in the early 2000s have been able to witness the Given all this, the second aim this symposium call is to critically reflect upon the relationship between sociology and journalism studies in the opening decades of the twenty-first century, a highly appropriate goal given the presence of these articles in an internationally oriented cache = ./cache/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.txt === bib === id = work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba author = Anna Gibson title = Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10638 sentences = 1021 flesch = 62 summary = Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces over a 14-month period from two online Reddit forums matched in topic and size, but with differing moderation policies leisure activities, whereas language in the free speech space is relatively negative and angry, and material personal concerns that differences in moderation policies may affect self-censorship and language use in online space, implicating moderation reddit, moderation, online moderation, communication accommodation theory, linguistic style matching, civil discussion, more comments in a safe space than the free speech subreddit. Do moderators delete more comments in r/lgbt, the safe space, than r/ainbow, the free comments in r/lgbt, the safe space, than r/ainbow, the free the free speech space, r/ainbow, differ in overall participation rates by subscribers? speech and safe space subreddits show differences in the commented in free speech space r/ainbow. speech space, users used more words in every comment, cache = ./cache/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.txt === bib === id = work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q author = Alison Abbott title = Germany's prestigious Max Planck Society conducts huge bullying survey date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2069 sentences = 164 flesch = 69 summary = reckoning with sexual harassment and assault, of sexual harassment and assault in the coun­ sexual harassment in Mexican science. Research by Ana Buquet, director of UNAM's institutions," says Buquet, who plans to update The latest version of the protocol says that the human rights of students," says Damián. Others want universities to work harder at researcher," she says. survey of the society's staff and its working cul­ standing of how the society works," says MPS bullying in the past 12 months, and 17.5% said huge bullying survey Opioid addiction kills tens of thousands of people in the United States every year, and the trend shows no signs Misuse of opioids such as heroin has led to a surge in diseases including HIV, risking years of progress . That doesn't excuse any case, says Stratmann, says that the MPS is creating a code of conduct another focus of the survey: 36% of research cache = ./cache/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq author = Romy Hecht title = Posibles roles de las arquitectas en la materialización de la arquitectura en Chile date = 2018 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4054 sentences = 449 flesch = 68 summary = had scarcely published buildings by Chilean women Universidad Católica de Chile, the third year Research only name seven practicing women professionals: Inés work of a group of women during the above-indicated the development of modern architecture in Chile, thus based on new architectural-institutional / housing / women graduated from the Universidad de Chile and the identify, objectively, possible roles of women architects Chilean modern architecture development and thus, in interior designs in two houses in Santiago, or the new and Sobrino in building modern architecture in Chile, Beach in the work developed with her husband Alberto 1 Up to issue 43 (Nov. 1999) there are 26 published works by female An architect of the Municipal Works Department in Arica is María stated, at least a considerable number of architects working in Chile 1960, 67 architects from the Universidad de Chile and 12 from u c Architect and Master in Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica cache = ./cache/work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq.txt === bib === id = work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy author = Norma M. Riccucci title = On Our Journey to Achieving Social Equity: The Hits and Misses date = 2018 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10802 sentences = 1003 flesch = 59 summary = Public Administration." It was only textOn Our Journey to Achieving Social Equity: Marini's (1971) Toward a New Public Administration: The Minnowbrook Perspective. first affirmative action symposium appearing in Public Administration Review argued Harvard University (Students for Fair Admissions v. book, The Retreat from Race: Asian American Admissions and Racial Politics, makes (2013) the Court did not make a substantive ruling on the use of race in admissions, public administration a diverse and inclusive academic field? • Public administration is (not) a diverse • Public administration is a white field this be the case for us in public administration and political science?19 in Policing." Public Administration Review 77(2): Bureaucracy, and Vocational Rehabilitation." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory and Social Equity." Public Administration Review and Social Equity." Public Administration Review Officer Race and Police-Involved Homicides of Black Citizens." Public Administration Court's Employment Discrimination." Public bureaucracy." Public Administration Review 68(4): cache = ./cache/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.txt === bib === id = work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u author = Márgara Millán title = La eclosión del sujeto del feminismo y la crítica de la modernidad capitalista date = 2018 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11134 sentences = 1619 flesch = 65 summary = mejor hablar de los feminismos, ya que éstos no pueden comprenderse fuera del contexto en liberación de las mujeres, constatamos por el contrario que el reforzamiento del del valor y la disociación sexual; los trabajos de Silvia Federici sobre las mujeres y lo femenino Por otro lado, las subjetividades que se han ido creando en los tiempos del siendo una responsabilidad de las mujeres, sea un trabajo no pagado, lo que importa trata del hecho de que la diferencia de género es una de las primeras significaciones marxista, el feminismo zapatista, la defensa del territorio hecha por las mujeres hablar de sí, es decir, del lugar de las mujeres y su potencial para "hacer mundo", tensiones y las diferencias dentro de un feminismo que se disemina en la lucha por del feminismo implica que las mujeres en muy distintas situaciones discuten con el Unidas a las mujeres que defienden los derechos humanos cache = ./cache/work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u.txt === bib === id = work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a author = Sara Cohen Shabot title = Why 'normal' feels so bad: violence and vaginal examinations during labour – a (feminist) phenomenology date = 2020 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9798 sentences = 710 flesch = 49 summary = Why 'normal' feels so bad: violence and vaginal examinations during labour – a (feminist) phenomenology prevents labouring women (and obstetrics staff) from recognising vaginal examinations Butler, childbirth, embodiment, epistemology, labour, obstetric violence, phenomenology, sexual violence, shame, vaginal examinations Obstetric violence has been defined as physical and psychological violence performed by medical staff against women giving birth (Sadler, 2016; Cohen Shabot One constitutive feature of my own experience of obstetric violence was my constant subjection to vaginal examinations during labour. As with many elements of obstetric violence, vaginal examinations during childbirth are mostly unquestioned, seen as a 'natural', 'normal' part of 'labour management'. Some labouring women experience vaginal examinations as intrusive women and obstetrics staff from recognising vaginal examinations during labour practice's violence but from the epistemic deficiency deriving from women's situation under patriarchy and their phenomenological experiences within the context experiences of labouring women in general – and concerning vaginal examinations cache = ./cache/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.txt === bib === id = work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy author = Philippe Volpé title = Passer à l'agora : de la pertinence d'une histoire des sujets en action en Acadie date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7124 sentences = 1053 flesch = 72 summary = Passer à l'agora : de la pertinence d'une histoire des sujets en action en Acadie Philippe Volpé « Passer à l'agora : de la pertinence d'une histoire des sujets en action en 5 Jean-François Sirinelli, « De la demeure à l'agora : pour une histoire culturelle du politique », Comme les autres sociétés de ce monde, l'Acadie n'est pas naturelle, mais nous soutenons que l'action collective est constitutive des sociétés et nations, dans Jean Daigle (dir.), L'Acadie des Maritimes, Moncton, Chaire d'études acadiennes, 1993, de l'Acadie proposent une réorientation des études acadiennes – jusqu'alors des « normalisateurs » d'Acadie17, retenons pour notre propos que dans leur et des historiens du Québec aussi influencés par la nouvelle histoire sociale, qui dans leurs comme toutes les sociétés, elle est aussi aux prises avec des réalités économique, de file et de projets prospectifs en Acadie, il nous semble qu'une histoire des cache = ./cache/work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy.txt === bib === id = work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m author = Upasana Mahanta title = Women and Law in South Asia date = 2019 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3134 sentences = 173 flesch = 48 summary = This special issue of the Jindal Global Law Review (JGLR) is themed 'Women and volume we could look towards was Violence, Law and Women's Rights in South 1 Savitri Goonesekere (ed), Violence, Law and Women's Rights in South Asia (Sage Publications 2004) contemporary legal issues that women in South Asia encounter. of the proposed categories of 'women', 'law' and 'South Asia' as well as offering Lived experiences of women in South Asia often navigate the volatility of individual and group rights, honor and shame, purity and pollution, customary practices and modern citizenship rights, extreme poverty, illiteracy, women in South Asia continue to primarily look towards law, and not politics, for Our "feminist curiosity"7 stems from seeking to understand the workings of law in South Asia from a offer critical insights into the socio-legal lives of women in South Asia. Women and Law in South Asia Women and Law in South Asia cache = ./cache/work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m.txt === bib === id = work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q author = Mara Mattoscio title = Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2058 sentences = 164 flesch = 43 summary = Gender, Migration, and the Media, Feminist Media Studies, 18:6, 1117-1120, DOI: Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media gendered complexities of migration, border surveillance, and media systems have been Kumarini Silva's 2009 "Women, Migration, and the Media" contribution to Feminist Media migrants and the media, Western media discourses have accumulated reports of "dramatic peaks" in mass migration across the Mediterranean, the result of the so-called practices, mediated environments, and the politics of migration" (Radha Sarma Hegde The final two commentaries work in tandem, excavating media coverage, gender, function as linear boundaries [but] hierarchize people's movement according to genderconstructed roles" (Rigo 2017, 11), transnational media discourses about migration Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures. "Commentary and Criticism: Women, Migration, 'New Slave Trade' or the New Nativism?" In Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media cache = ./cache/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.txt === bib === id = work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq author = Samuel D. Museus title = Editors' Notes date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1744 sentences = 99 flesch = 39 summary = Volume Title: CREATING CONDITIONS FOR ASIAN AMERICANS TO THRIVE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Throughout history, racial exclusion has been a hallmark of the Asian American experience (Takaki, Asian Americans, all indicators suggest that these communities are shaping these major debates and that it is imperative that higher education engage Asian American communities in effectively and exclude Asian Americans (for thorough review, see Museus, antonio, & Kiang, 2016). other communities to develop more accurate knowledge of the Asian American experience, and result from failing to engage Asian American communities in such major conversations. Despite the reality that affirmative action has benefited Asian American communities the urgency of better understanding Asian American experiences and ways that such knowledge can exclude Asian Americans while simultaneously reinforcing other racial communities (Chapter 7). In California, Asian Americans find growing political power. Retrieved from Asian American students in higher education. cache = ./cache/work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi author = Kristin Skare Orgeret title = Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2568 sentences = 219 flesch = 48 summary = To cite this article: Kristin Skare Orgeret (2020) Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism, Digital Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Until recently, the notion of emotion in media studies and communication research was mostly examined through the lens of cultural Hassan, Kilgo, Lough, Riedl, Sanchez Laws, Waddell, and Zou highlight how the affordances of digital journalism have an impact on Embracing emotions as a dimension in digital journalism studies contributes to emotions in journalism, there is also a need to focus on how affective dynamics can be spurred by phenomena such as conflict and Embracing emotions as a dimension in digital journalism studies contributes to opening up interesting approaches towards concepts such as With the arrival of digital journalism emotions have gained significant new attention. Therefore, it is both reasonable and commended to continue including emotions in the field of digital journalism cache = ./cache/work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi.txt === bib === id = work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu author = Xu Qingli title = Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3637 sentences = 238 flesch = 69 summary = Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan. Abstract: The Disney's 2020 live-action Mulan is remade from its 1998 animated one whose box office globally grossed 304 Both movies are based on Chinese "The Ballad of Mulan" that a young woman disguised as a man to join the army about Xiang into Chen Honghui and Master Tung, replace Mushu with phoenix, and create two female role:Mulan's sister Xiu and a gender identity to conclude that "loyal", "brave" and "true" motto will push women to be engaged in social fairs and take more social responsibilities, omission of Li Xiang is helpful for women to break their hidden Cinderella complex, Phoenix, a female symbol, rather than a dragon, a male, is better to be Mulan's guardian, and Xianniang, the villain in the movie, is pessimistic for 114 Xu Qingli and Shi Ying: Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan cache = ./cache/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.txt === bib === id = work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky author = Verna Ehret title = Transcontextual Narratives of Inclusion: Mediating Feminist and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11231 sentences = 695 flesch = 53 summary = a transcontextual performative narrative of reconciliation is a way of being in the world through One can also argue that the way feminist narratives are constructed is a part of what anti-feminism that takes into account masculinity and anti-feminist narratives. feminist narratives, and in reading these one finds certain recurring themes: gender justice, oppression, figures, "white men." In the process she uncovers important aspects of an anti-feminist narrative, and how a feminist narrative along these lines is performative, creating the reality of hostility toward the current discussion is not only some insight into masculine and even anti-feminist narratives, but article therefore both begins the discussion of masculinity and anti-feminist narratives and draws us more familiarity with the masculinity and anti-feminist narratives is needed. feminist narrative, that women belong in the work place and men should be partners in the home language of masculine and anti-feminist narratives. anti-feminist narratives, new meanings can be constructed. cache = ./cache/work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky.txt === bib === id = work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou author = Marwa Ahmad title = "You Do It without Their Knowledge." Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students date = 2020 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6478 sentences = 608 flesch = 60 summary = participants felt that stealthing was a violation of their privacy, trust, sexual consent, and their ability We also found sex differences in the perception of stealthing being considered a sexual assault with common practice of sexual acts without condoms when consent is lacking [9]. sexual consent was consistent and predominant in the focus groups as an emergent theme, thus survey questions were centralized on understanding the knowledge of stealthing and sexual consent, as well questions assessing knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy related to sexual consent, as these were a condom without the knowledge or consent of the partner was going against the sexual act that the Participants expressed that stealthing should be considered a violation or sexual assault, as once the condom is removed without a partner's consent, the act of stealthing is similar to rape. Available online: (accessed on 19 February 2020). Available online: cache = ./cache/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.txt === bib === id = work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre author = Eva Schoenefeld title = Medical education too: sexual harassment within the educational context of medicine – insights of undergraduates date = 2021 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4267 sentences = 435 flesch = 43 summary = Medical education too: sexual harassment within the educational context of medicine – insights of undergraduates A survey was undertaken, using the Medical Women's International Association sexual harassment questionnaire Baseline characteristics, e.g. answers by male or female medical students, were correlated with their individual sexual harassment experiences Keywords: Sexual harassment, Gender inequalities, Discrimination, Undergraduate education This study investigates the prevalence of sexual harassment among undergraduate medical students in a German conducted among medical undergraduates to better describe the problem with baseline data to assist and inform future educational practice and policy. A validated sexual harassment questionnaire in the medical working environment is not available in German Table 1 Various forms of sexual harassment reported from undergraduates stratified by sex of our Münster medical school Statement 1: Our undergraduates are aware of sexual harassment within the medical field. Statement 2: Our female students have personally experienced sexual harassment in general. cache = ./cache/work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre.pdf txt = ./txt/work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre.txt === bib === id = work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm author = Pierre-André Taguieff title = Beyond the Fears of the Pandemic: Reinventing the Nation-State? date = 2020 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9123 sentences = 546 flesch = 57 summary = Beyond the Fears of the Pandemic: Reinventing the Nation-State? This is how, on April 9 of this year, the French government's press secretary (for the presidency), Sibeth Ndiaye, stated on the radio station France On March 16, 2020, in a solemn address to the nation, President Macron repeated several times: "We are at war." A new, unforeseen, invisible It Failed," new york Times, March 29, 2020, 38% of French people trusted the government to effectively fight the pandemic—a six-point drop compared to the previous survey carried out on health of the citizens in each European nation, involving a general mobilization and a state of emergency—destined to remain temporary—must alone cannot do everything, and because we are a nation." Borderless people of all political stripes come to recognize the need for border controls, TELoSscope, April 9, 2020, Nation, sovereignty, borders, they are part of the same political cache = ./cache/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.txt === bib === id = work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a author = Eva Mathews title = Sexual Harassment in the House of Medicine and Correlations to Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7074 sentences = 678 flesch = 60 summary = Sexual Harassment in the House of Medicine and Correlations to Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey between sexual harassment at work and burnout in women physicians, but no studies on this topic have been done in the United Methods: For this study, women physicians with active Louisiana licenses were invited to complete a cross-sectional self-report Ninety-six percent of respondents reported having experienced gender harassment from their colleagues, while 69% had experienced unwanted sexual attention from the same. Conclusion: This study found that reports of burnout and gender harassment from colleagues were significantly correlated. results also align with previous findings of high rates of sexual harassment in medical school and residency. between sexual harassment and burnout in female physicians with active licenses who are practicing in Louisiana. Next, the Kearney SEQ21 contains 19 items that measure gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. physician burnout is correlated to sexual harassment experiences from either colleagues or from patients and their cache = ./cache/work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a.txt === bib === id = work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe author = Andrés Moya title = Harassment charges: Injustice done?: date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2096 sentences = 291 flesch = 64 summary = e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. ARTICLE TOOLS SUPPLEMENTARY cache = ./cache/work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha author = Tanya van Wyk title = Redressing the past, doing justice in the present: Necessary paradoxes date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9534 sentences = 683 flesch = 61 summary = In 2003, South African feminist theologian Denise Ackermann published a book that was about is explored by presenting the notion of 'paradox' as a response to 'binary thinking'. as a response to increasing polarisation because of a struggle in redressing past injustices: the done by bringing the work of the South African practical theologian, Denise Ackermann, in that is caused by dealing with injustice, difference and memory in a polarising fashion. of the ideas proposed by Ackermann and Volf, and as a way to live together, 'after the locusts'. Keywords: paradox; binary; justice; transformation; identity; diversity; otherness; memory; This article represents re-worked aspects of a paper entitled 'Reconciling diversity 'after the locusts': A political-theological landscape', 3.Volf's introspection with regard to his memories is based on his interpretation of identity, justice and the Christian paradox of being present is based on embracing difference (Ackermann between the past and the present, identity and difference, cache = ./cache/work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha.txt === bib === id = work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e author = Karin Hansson title = Materializing activism date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3281 sentences = 308 flesch = 50 summary = European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN 2510-2591), DOI: Net activism shows how easily available tools allow the organization of social collaborative efforts within social movements, looking into the socio-technical systems; the organization of activism; the relations between traditional and social media; and the support the infrastructuring of social movements, and have the potential to enable The environmental movement has, in the past, made use of social media to Other examples of activism where social media aspect of such social movements lies in the technologies and cultural practices social media thus creates new sorts of risks: the risk of relying on a technology Technological Infrastructure in Digital Activism. Digitally enabled social change: activism in the Creating the Collective: Social Media, the Occupy Movement Pickard (Eds.), Media activism in the digital age. Media Activism in the Digital Age. Shaping Social Media Visibility: Challenges to Activism. cache = ./cache/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.txt === bib === id = work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi author = Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta title = Languaging in digital global South–North spaces in the twenty-first century: media, language and identity in political discourse date = 2018 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15762 sentences = 1316 flesch = 58 summary = (Linell 2009) or the meaning-making and deployment of semiotic resources in contemporary political mediascapes in the nation-states of India and Sweden (henceforth Languaging, Identity‑positions, Political discourse, New social media, Ethnography on how new social media enable (or curtail) the participation of political parties, leaders and netizens. In addition to recognizing that alternative epistemologies are marginalized across time–space, the socioculturally oriented, decolonial perspective on media, identity and language presented multimodality and nation-state aligned identity-positions, including super/hyper-diversity, can potentially be studied from alternative perspectives (Bagga-Gupta and Dahlberg The dataset covers all posts and includes videos, live-videos, infographics and photographs posted on the official pages and comments and reactions by political party While Sw political leaders' posts on their individual Facebook pages were at times recycled on their party pages (Fig. 3), this was never the case in the In-dataset. and participation spaces" and "Identity-positionings in political social media" sections) and participation spaces" and "Identity-positionings in political social media" sections) cache = ./cache/work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi.txt === bib === id = work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4 author = Adam Oliver title = Health economic evaluation in Japan: a case study of one aspect of health technology assessment date = 2003 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4795 sentences = 299 flesch = 49 summary = Correspondence to: Adam Oliver, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and low health care costs and good health prevail in Japan, slower economic growth rates, Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, Japan, Fee-For-Service, Health economic evaluation, by weighing benefits against costs, can help health care sectors appear to be more active in the field of economic evaluation than establish economic evaluation in the field of health care, particularly for in Japan who undertake studies of health care interventions that contain some The Japanese government has been successful in containing health care costs (Oliver technology assessment, but in Japan relatively little health economic evaluation has (1992) The economics of health care in Japan. Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, Japan, Fe cache = ./cache/work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4.txt === bib === id = work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe author = Helena Esser title = The Perks and Pitfalls of Parody: Review of Claire Nally's Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4421 sentences = 256 flesch = 49 summary = Claire Nally's Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture, and the Neo-Victorian is Claire Nally's Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture, and the Neo-Victorian is towards a discussion of neo-Victorianism in the present cultural moment, concerned, and neo-Victorian criticism, like gender studies at large, tends to in creating steampunk parodies of Victorian gender roles, aware that such and irony", Nally claims that steampunk representations of gender may neo-Victorian steampunk aesthetic in potentially problematic ways analysis of material which complements neo-Victorian gender studies in What Nally's study also illustrates is that steampunk gender, Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Steampunk, Science, and (Neo)Victorian Technologies. 'Steampunk and the Performance of Gender and Sexuality', NeoVictorian Studies 9:1, Special Issue: Performing the Neo-Victorian, 123Steampunk in Everyday Practice', Neo-Victorian Studies 1:1 (Autumn), cache = ./cache/work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe.txt === bib === id = work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom author = Margaret Janse van Rensburg title = Navigating Uncertainty, Employment, and Women's Safety During COVID‐19: Reflections of Sexual Assault Resistance Educators date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217545990 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom.txt === bib === id = work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a author = Rachael Graham Lussos title = Assault and Accusation Without Agents: Verb Voice in Media Narratives of Campus Sexual Assault date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6700 sentences = 425 flesch = 57 summary = Verb Voice in Media Narratives of Campus Sexual Assault News reports of sexual assault cases are frequently accused of engaging in victim To better understand the news reporting of campus sexual assault, a 2016 study of 93 universities, such as the 2006 Duke lacrosse case, is not new; reporting of campus sexual assault there is no study of verb voice in media narratives specific to campus sexual assault. reports on non-campus sexual assault in the use of passive voice for verbs associated with 1 Much of the literature on sexual assault and verb voice uses the term victim to refer to the accuser verbs in news reports of campus sexual assault were primarily written in passive voice. assault use passive voice for verbs associated with accusation to a different extent than news To extend the research of verb voice and agency in stories of sexual assault, this study cache = ./cache/work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.txt === bib === id = work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy author = Theodore L. Hayes title = Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training date = 2020 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14201 sentences = 1433 flesch = 42 summary = Keywords: unlawful racial discrimination; sexual harassment; applied psychological interventions; training; professional skills to the job." However, while harassment and discrimination might be signs of poor interpersonal skills, and while training might effectively improve skills in general, damage to the organization's reputation (and the well-being of employees) arises from the behavior of individual Psychologically trained practitioners in organizations, including I-O psychologists, social psychologists, clinical psychologists, and consulting psychologists, are in positions to implement behavioral interventions designed to mitigate or eliminate unlawful racial discrimination and sexual Research Question #1: Will unlawful racial discrimination or sexual harassment training Models of sexual harassment and unlawful racial discrimination training generally unlawful racial discrimination or sexual harassment behavior is a continuum of harm, there Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training cache = ./cache/work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy.txt === bib === id = work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu author = Kimberly Walsh title = Beauty and the Patriarchal Beast: Gender Role Portrayals in Sitcoms Featuring Mismatched Couples date = 2008 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9370 sentences = 833 flesch = 60 summary = Prior research has placed rape and other sexual assaults within a patriarchal framework, presuming prevalence of rape myths, the persistence of gender power differentials, and for the perpetuation of ancient Jung, archetype theory, rape, sexual assault, patriarchy, misogyny, feminism, myths, Despite the recent focus on the issue of sexual abuse, few people realize that current rape myths For Jung (1968), the persistent power of archetypes could not be overstated: "[A]rchetypes create myths, religions, the Greek myths – parallels still exist between those mythical accounts of rapes and sexual assaults that occur rape in Greek mythology and the facts of three modern day sexual assault cases parallel each other? that contained rape portrayals in the Greek myths, when utilizing content analysis, 'how the story is told and how Available at: Brock Turner, ex-Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault, denied new Greek Myths of Rape and Today. cache = ./cache/work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu.txt === bib === id = work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku author = Gina Heathcote title = Introduction – Speaking Subjects: Celebrating Twenty Years of Lacey's Unspeakable Subjects date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2376 sentences = 119 flesch = 45 summary = Lacey's seminal feminist account of legal thinking, Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in publication of Unspeakable Subjects we hosted an event at SOAS University of London to wider intellectual contribution to the field of feminist legal studies. power, persistence and relevance of her contribution to feminist legal theories over time. Unspeakable Subjects in this moment when the politics of austerity, renewed legal challenges of liberal law offered by Lacey in Unspeakable Subjects. One of Lacey's central concerns in Unspeakable Subjects is to offer a critical examination of For Heathcote, Lacey's work in Unspeakable Subjects provides a stimulus to advance Yet another theme evident in the collection concerns the contribution Unspeakable Subjects up on Lacey's work in criminal law theory, and draws connections between this work and Lacey's feminist legal theory. theory, Lacey examines the ways in which gender and responsibility and crime have come Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in Legal and Social Theory (Hart, 1998). cache = ./cache/work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku.txt === bib === id = work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa author = Revelles-Benavente title = Feminist New Materialisms: Activating Ethico-Politics Through Genealogies in Social Sciences date = 2019 pages = 118 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 64993 sentences = 4690 flesch = 55 summary = Feminist New Materialisms: Activating Ethico-Politics through Genealogies in Social Sciences The idea to create a Special Issue journal around the topic of feminist new materialisms emerged As editors of this issue of "Social Sciences," we recognized the need to rethink feminist new materialisms, ethico-political dimensions of feminist new materialisms through research, and activist efforts to Keywords: sound and noise art; feminist new materialism; posthumanities; doing-cooking; social academic research in relation to the Special Issue on Feminist New Materialisms. The research generated by the artwork, a Public Kitchen, contributes to feminist new materialist transformation as a new materialist politic of connection in a post-human world and future social Abstract: Using a feminist, new materialist frame to activate ethico-political research exploring Karen Barad's feminist new materialist theories of 'diffraction', 'intra-action' and 'entanglement' feminist modes of social inclusion, Instagram artists build online communities from their art practice Using a feminist new materialist frame to activate ethico-political research in religion and gender cache = ./cache/work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa.txt === bib === id = work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene author = Dany Nobus title = Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9552 sentences = 619 flesch = 56 summary = This paper examines how the signifier of 'toxic masculinity' operates in the contemporary psycho-social landscape of embodied power relations. toxic masculinity is a symbolic response to the deep sense of anger people experience owing to the persistent disturbance of reason that characterizes the radically this disturbance to a gendered position of traditional embodied authority simultaneously serves the purpose of changing the hybridity of Thirdspace into more conventional figurations of social imbalance. As such, in the era of the radically incongruous Thirdspace, and the anger resulting from the disturbance of reason and the mimetic crisis, toxic masculinity is one In any case, as an attributed signifier of (abusive) power, toxic masculinity primarily functions as a linguistic tool for resolving the mimetic crisis in the radically Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space cache = ./cache/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.txt === bib === id = work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa author = Jari Avikainen title = A Method for Wavelet-Based Time Series Analysis of Historical Newspapers date = 2019 pages = 50 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12297 sentences = 968 flesch = 71 summary = A Method for Wavelet-Based Time Series Analysis of Historical Newspapers historical newspapers, wavelet transform, step detection for change detection in time series generated from historical newspaper data. of the transformed time series are used for step detection similar to the analysis by Sadler As an example of a (partial) wavelet transform using real data, Figure 3.2 shows a time Figure 3.2: A time series of newspaper coverage per month (a.) and the first three scales of the wavelet sharp edges produce maxima across multiple scales in the wavelet transformation at approximately same location, and therefore the multiscale products will have large values at Figure 3.5: The proportion of assumed data used for calculating the wavelet product of a time series of Figure 4.3.a. shows the time series used to test the effect of step width to the corresponding Figure 4.3: The signals used for testing the effects of step width (a.) and height (b.) to the wavelet cache = ./cache/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.txt === bib === id = work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu author = Janine O'Flynn title = Confronting the big challenges of our time: making a difference during and after COVID-19 date = 2020 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11331 sentences = 1199 flesch = 47 summary = making a difference during and after COVID-19, Public Management Review, DOI: This article explores key challenges emanating from COVID-19 and how public management and administration research can contribute to addressing them. As COVID-19 morphs into one of the great disasters of our times, public administration and management scholars, can, indeed must, make a difference and show that the big questions needed to focus on 'how public administration affects society . the COVID-19 experience to date and reflecting on public administration and management I identified a series of potential big thematic challenges that cut across levels of public administration systems are ill-equipped to confront these big complex challenges (Bourgon 2011). reminding us that politics matters profoundly to public administration and management – shaping it in old and new ways. cache = ./cache/work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu.txt === bib === id = work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i author = Torsten Lange title = Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8220 sentences = 859 flesch = 51 summary = This Special Collection explores the impact of current feminist discourse on architectural historiography. authors have begun to question whether this reinvigoration of feminism and its associated phenomena constitute a new, 'fourth wave' (Baumgardner 2011; Munro critical reflection about, fourth wave feminism in academic debate both within and beyond architecture has to include the contribution of women within or alongside the canonical histories of architecture (men writing Lori Brown and Karen Burns' article 'Telling Transnational Histories of Women in Architecture, 1960–2015' New work in women's history and gender studies, particularly that of Black and queer scholars such as Saidiya work of feminist architectural history in the fourth wave, Designing Women: Gender and the Architectural Profession. Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 cache = ./cache/work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i.txt === bib === id = work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4 author = Sarah-Jayne Camp title = Awareness and support: students' views about the prevention of sexual assault on UK campuses date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 28 sentences = 7 flesch = 66 summary = Welcome | EQUELLA guest EQUELLA Welcome No institutions exist on this server Administer server Thank you for using EQUELLA Home | Privacy | Credits RSSTwitter© 2015 Pearson cache = ./cache/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.txt === bib === id = work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm author = Richard Rose title = Money, Sex and Broken Promises: Politicians' Bad Behaviour Reduces Trust date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8592 sentences = 707 flesch = 61 summary = of forms of behaviour that violate social, political and legal norms about how politicians ought to behave. popular distrust of politicians appears greater than illegal political behaviour. stronger effect on distrust of political parties that do differences in partisanship. bad behaviour can refer to breaking legal, social or political standards (cf. Violating informal norms can be described as bad behaviour, while violating formal standards is an illegal act (Rose and Peiffer 2018, chapter 1). Legal and normative standards of behaviour can be in conflict, since opinions of citizens about how politicians ought to behave are subjective popular Altogether, empirical analysis provides strong support for our model of the effect of corruption on individual trust in the political parties that represent them. perceive politicians as breaking any of the three informal standards, they are significantly more likely to distrust political parties. Table 3 Effect of breaking standards on trust in parties cache = ./cache/work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm.txt === bib === id = work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble author = Alberta Giorgi title = Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11959 sentences = 812 flesch = 56 summary = Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith the developing network of initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different Keywords: women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology of groups and initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different European voices: apart from the demand for women's equality in the Catholic Church, all the groups share the world: women who can be role models for action in and for the Catholic Church. section reports instead the debates around the future of the Catholic Church and the role of women Occasionally, the revision of women's role in the Catholic Church is framed in relation to the The reasons for which the role of women in the Catholic Church should the issue of the role of women in the Catholic Church. cache = ./cache/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.txt === bib === id = work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni author = Deborah Davis title = Title IX and "Trauma-Focused" Investigations: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8467 sentences = 1499 flesch = 30 summary = trauma-informed" training program for investigation of allegaions of sexual misconduct. roblematic Assumption 1: Sexual Assault Necessarily Prouces Trauma Sufficient to Disable Cognition FETI training suggests that sexual assault will be experinced as severely traumatic (see Strand & Heitman, 2017; and he training goes on to discuss how memory works when expeiencing trauma and what this will mean for the nature of egative emotions cross the line to become sufficient to disble cognition to the extent FETI training suggests? esource-center/resource-results/the-forensic-experientialrauma-interview-feti.html), that interviewer may inapproriately interpret normal failures of memory as indicators of onsider evidence of trauma (in the form of memory characeristics and reports of emotions) as evidence of truth of the Keywords: Sexual assault, Memory, Title IX, Forensic Expeiential Trauma Interview, FETI, Rape Problematic Assumption 4: Characteristics of Memory Reports Can Be Taken as "Evidence" of Whether Trauma Did Occur cache = ./cache/work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni.txt === bib === id = work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine author = Henriette Bier title = Dialogs on Architecture date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2750 sentences = 164 flesch = 53 summary = intellectual model of high technology and are involved in its advancement and application in architecture. The first dialog focuses on the impact of an intellectual model of high technology on architecture, and takes Dialog #1: The impact of the intellectual model of high technology on architecture third and fourth industrial revolutions influenced architectural thinking and practice needs reconsideration. However, architectural practices and the building industry are slow in engaging HB: If the building industry would be willing to apply the intellectual model of high technology, the KG: Maybe the building industry will not be first in the application of high technology in the design-toproduction process. KG: I think we have architectural education all wrong today. and the building industry, architectural education is lost, in my judgement. vanity." Architecture schools do a lot today to excite youthful vanity at the neglect of challenging students production that are not the mainstay of today's architectural practice and the academy. cache = ./cache/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.txt === bib === id = work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34 author = (:Unkn) Unknown title = The Political Consequences of Gender-Based Marginalization date = 2020 pages = 129 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 25906 sentences = 2504 flesch = 56 summary = can depress women's political engagement and under other circumstances, gender-based sexism, sexual harassment, and the objectification of women have explicit political women on political engagement, but we also know that gender and race are not survey experiment to explore the effect of self-objectification on political engagement. Results from the survey experiment are presented that demonstrate how selfobjectification undermines women's political engagement, and more specifically, feelings of gender-based discrimination and marginalization correlate with political engagement that self-objectification has a negative effect on political engagement in women. 𝐻!: Women who are high trait self-objectifiers will have lower internal political efficacy Recent research on self-objectification and women's political consciousness lends This research indicates that there is a relationship between selfobjectification and political consciousness and activism as it relates to gender-based theorize about the potential effect of gender discrimination against women on political increased political engagement for women high in gender consciousness. gender-based marginalization and discrimination, as well as political engagement cache = ./cache/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.txt === bib === id = work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi author = Kim Solga title = Introduction: Hearing Women's Stories date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1651 sentences = 113 flesch = 63 summary = All Rights Reserved ©, 2019 Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales Document generated on 04/05/2021 8:56 p.m. Theatre Research in Canada Introduction: Hearing Women's Stories. Introduction: Hearing Women's Stories. Introduction: Hearing Women's Stories. Hearing Women's Stories know, because I've been glued to the Times website, like many women in North America The ways in which women's stories of sexual violence and domestic abuse have for In its second chapter, I told the story of the rape script women in Shakespeare's time might mean, to listen thoughtfully, carefully, and without prejudice to women's stories now. the following pages you will find six full-length articles by seven women researchers, telling to question how the commonplace narratives we tell ourselves as researchers about the art will become a bi-annual tradition of surveying recent trends in Quebec theatre and performance scholarship, Louise Forsyth offers our first ever review essay of new work from the cache = ./cache/work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi.txt === bib === id = work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu author = Ryan J. Gallagher title = A clarified typology of core-periphery structure in networks date = 2021 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11756 sentences = 1284 flesch = 70 summary = formulate both the hub-and-spoke and layered core-periphery structures as stochastic block models (22), which allow us to encode the Across network domains, we find that the core-periphery partitions identified by the two-block model and k-cores decomposition Distributions of distances between partitions extracted by the two-block model (15) and the k-cores decomposition (18) across network domains. The core-periphery typology formalized through block model representations of the hub-and-spoke and layered structures. Synthetic network experiments validating the core-periphery block models and the use of MDL as a measure of model fit. Different networks within and across domains are better modeled by hub-and-spoke or layered structure, indicating that there is no one universal best Networks that have similar MDLs are generally those where both core-periphery models extracted similar partitions. Core-periphery structure is a natural network model for such amplification processes. We fit hub-andspoke and layered core-periphery models to the #MeToo network cache = ./cache/work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu.txt === bib === id = work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua author = Amy Maxmen title = Biologist exits prestigious post years after violating sexual harassment policy date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1690 sentences = 120 flesch = 67 summary = or the past few years, graduate students he had violated its sexual harassment policy. MBL embryology course. super stoked to apply to an MBL course this course co­director violated UCSF policy on Schneider from students or visiting scientists However, he says the MBL The public discussion about Schneider and says, "Students are responding to the cul­ harassed other students in academia.'" sexual relationship between Schneider and the student says their first sexual encounter For the next two and a half years, Schneider and the student had a sexual relationship that The student says she experi­ She says that Schneider from UCSF, Schneider "maintains that their Patel says that Schneider's vio­ area, reported on Schneider's case. uate student who took the course last year, course, Schneider brought up his violation posted to an account of Schneider's violation Patel says the MBL has been developing a attended the MBL course in 2003. cache = ./cache/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.txt === bib === id = work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle author = Maria del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes title = Invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6983 sentences = 753 flesch = 64 summary = invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) across the Spanish and Colombian populations, Keywords: Sexual Double Standard; invariance; culture; sex The Sexual Double Standard (SDS) refers to an attitude that implies a different playing an active role in sex), we refer to traditional SDS and the fact that men are allowed more sexual study, among Spanish-speaking countries, of gender attitudes towards sexual behaviors should consider both countries supported greater sexual freedom for their endogroup than for the group of women; (b) men; (c) the differences in support for greater sexual freedom that men and women from each country the double sexual standard between two culturally different countries: one more individualistic (Spain) favorable attitude to the traditional double sexual standard was found in Colombia than in Spain. Both men and women from both countries supported greater sexual freedom for their endogroup, thus Sexual Double Standard: Cultural and Gender Differences Sexual Double Standard: Cultural and Gender Differences cache = ./cache/work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle.txt === bib === id = work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba author = Afrooz Kaviani Johnson title = Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12840 sentences = 944 flesch = 37 summary = Keywords: safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development Agenda for Children 2040 (African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 2018). key UN developments deserve mention as they have also guided the policies and standards of NGOs. These include the establishment of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on sexual exploitation and children.9 The CRC Committee (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child 2015, para. violence against children and to update references to general comments (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the a systems-strengthening approach to child protection (African Committee of Experts on the Rights and obligation" of States parties (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child 2011, para. required to protect the child from all forms of violence" ((United Nations Committee on the Rights of the non-government) with responsibility for children in preventing and responding to child sexual abuse. cache = ./cache/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.txt === bib === id = work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi author = Laura Baecher-Lind title = A Call to Action to Address Gender Equity Within Our Specialty date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 812 sentences = 154 flesch = 66 summary = Corpus ID: 13669472A Call to Action to Address Gender Equity Within Our Specialty: Time's Up on Waiting for Change. Although national attention has been focused on sexual harassment and gender inequity in the United States, leaders within the obstetrics and gynecology community have remained relatively silent. This article serves as a call to action for leadership as well as physicians within obstetrics and gynecology to implement ethical and evidence-based approaches to reduce gender inequity and improve workplace culture within our… Expand Sort by Most Influenced Papers Striving for Gender Equity in Academic Medicine Careers: A Call to Action Comparison of Women in Department Leadership in Obstetrics and Gynecology With Those in Other Specialties Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.txt === bib === id = work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4 author = Ann Werner title = Broadening research in gender and music practice date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9904 sentences = 789 flesch = 52 summary = suggest new routes for research on gender and music practice. The conclusions outline suggestions for broadening research in gender and music practice. Our aim is to critically discuss how 'gender' is understood and how it is studied in previous research that has been central for this field in order to suggest new The second theme addresses how the idea of music as transformation is troubled by difference and power through intersectional gender theory. Feminist fan studies on audiences of women/girls relating to artists and gender identity have also examined the In a similar way, discussions about the conditions of participants identifying as women in music practice mark them as other, even when the gender, race and class intersecting in their culture as power dynamics because the politics that they are concerned with lie in 'the music itself' and in the 'talent' of those who cache = ./cache/work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4.txt === bib === id = work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm author = Michael Macaluso title = Postfeminist Masculinity: The New Disney Norm? date = 2018 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6178 sentences = 518 flesch = 58 summary = sociological focus on postfeminist masculinity, this article reviews several Disney characters to argue for a new model of postfeminist masculinity advanced in recent Disney films, with a particular focus Keywords: Disney; postfeminism; masculinity; gender; cultural studies of masculinity that accompany postfeminist sensibilities in and through Disney media and its reception. examines Disney films to offer more productive critical discourse around masculinity (e.g., Davis 2013; process, I will argue that a postfeminist masculinity sensibility pervades these Disney cultural texts, postfeminist masculinity, the focus of this paper, as a discourse that "celebrates women's strength The traditional depiction of Disney masculinity comes in the form of a dashing prince or hero. More specifically, the postfeminist version of masculinity is a Disney man who experiences I do wonder if a positive postfeminist representation of men and masculinity can exist in the Disney Finally, this paper offered a new model of Disney masculinity, the idea or trope of the postfeminist cache = ./cache/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.txt === bib === id = work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua author = Sarah Crown Rundell title = 1. Promoting a Healthy Work Environment by Sarah Crown Rundell date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2382 sentences = 170 flesch = 67 summary = While the articles are focused on the prevention of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace, our society, many colleges and universities across the country offer training programs to prevent sexual harassment can hear your talk." Or, if you notice a colleague has posted In my department, if someone notices an article about a positive member of your department, people in your your department where others feel not only respected but people feel appreciated by pointing out where you do person from the situation or not, it's helpful to follow up person is a senior member of your department and you member of the department, you may feel uncomfortable department and work environment and try to be open to took time during a department meeting for each member be periods of time when department members are able to might find it helpful to talk about the situation with a cache = ./cache/work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua.txt === bib === id = work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y author = Hyo-Dong Lee title = Confucian Democracy and a Pluralistic Li-Ki Metaphysics date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8853 sentences = 570 flesch = 55 summary = filial affection, Kim claims that such a Confucian public culture is characterized by civility. Relating this notion of Confucian public culture of civility to the specific context of South Korea, accompanied in Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucian metaphysics by a propensity to devalue psychophysical thing-events, pattern unites, while psychophysical energy differentiates" (Zhu 1986, vol. them similar is their pattern; what makes them different is their psychophysical energy" (Zhu 1986, vol. and nurture the Confucian public culture of a pluralistic democracy. Neo-Confucianism, for envisioning a pluralistically comprehensive moral doctrine. Nongmun's Neo-Confucian metaphysics, that "pattern and psychophysical energy are equally actual 17 For the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucians, Heavenly Pattern—which Angle translates as "universal coherence" (Angle 2009, extolled by the Neo-Confucians, is a joint manifestation of pattern and psychophysical energy.22 the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucian devaluation of psychophysical energy but also locates in it the source 25 In affirming the notion of popular sovereignty, the pluralistically comprehensive Confucian metaphysics which I am cache = ./cache/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.txt === bib === id = work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na author = Stefanie Gillson title = The Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1047 sentences = 69 flesch = 47 summary = The Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead multidisciplinary Women's Mental Health Conference. The conference also touched upon pressing contemporary issues in women's mental health, including the effect of (from the departments of psychiatry, obstetrics, and gynecology) organized the conference to increase awareness and the contributions of women's mental health advocates, researchers, and clinicians. The scarcity of women's mental health education holds To improve education in women's mental health, the committee helped revamp Yale's women's mental health curriculum for the psychiatry residency training program in 2019. care for patients while offering Yale residents a training opportunity in women's mental health. To highlight the work of existing women's mental health The success of the inaugural Women's Mental Health The Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women The Women's Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women cache = ./cache/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.txt === bib === id = work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi author = E. Mercier title = MP46: Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1148 sentences = 92 flesch = 53 summary = aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. study took place at the Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP), within the Emergency Department of The Ottawa Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort Mitra, PhD, MBBS, the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. retrospective cohort study extracted data from electronic patient Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative What to do with #MeToo: pre and post presenting patterns of intimate partner violence Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative review cache = ./cache/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.txt === bib === id = work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq author = Lauren Cameron title = The Romance Publishing Industry and Its Reputation date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7378 sentences = 649 flesch = 67 summary = Romance is an intrinsically feminine genre, which creates a problem in misogynistic societies that are attempting to police women's bodies and minds.4 The struggle to implement feminism is not just a problem within the UK and USA, but it is frustration diminishes the genre and women.13 Finally, "trash" implies that the novels are bad, when the entire point of romance is to examine human relationships.14 genre; selling romance novels was about convenience for women, which was a books they read a secret if it is romance, because of one too many negative interactions or shared experiences that shame them into hiding. Romance is a genre about women taking control of their bodies; female readers are conditioned to search for love from a young age, while men are not, which creates a disconnect in society.74 By reading romance, girls and women can fulfill the Voices of resistance: young women readers of romance fiction. cache = ./cache/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.txt === bib === id = work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q author = Olle Folke title = Sexual Harassment of Women Leaders date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7990 sentences = 611 flesch = 59 summary = United States and Japan did not have comparable data, we collected original survey data in these two countries, which in turn allowed us to ask more detailed questions to understand the mechanisms of sexual harassment exposure and reporting. or innuendos on subject matter that is commonly associated with sex." Respondents are then asked if, in the last twelve months, they experienced these behaviors 1) from supervisors or colleagues, or 2) from other people (for example, customers, patients, clients, passengers, or students). It is well documented that such subjective questions generate lower reported rates of sexual harassment than list-based measures. In the United States, the harassment rate is lower for the top two positions than for the lower levels of leadership, but is still higher than for women employees. Our surveys in the United States and Japan asked women to report which actions they took after being sexually harassed. cache = ./cache/work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q.txt === bib === id = work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi author = Jeff Kingston title = Watchdog Journalism in Japan Rebounds but Still Compromised date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7050 sentences = 635 flesch = 44 summary = Keywords: Asahi, censorship, comfort women, Fukushima, Japan, #MeToo, press That is really bad for freedom of press in Japan because information is sometimes manipulated by the government, preventing us from playing a role in monitoring the power."3 For example, in 2005 the Asahi reported on Abe's interference with an NHK documentary program about an international tribunal regarding comfort women and violence University's Koichi Nakano explains that Asahi TV's handling of the Fukuda affair highlights the fact that "collusion between the press club reporters of the mainstream media sexual harassment in the media industry is the story, the press must cooperate in its 2018/05/17/national/japan-survey-suggests-96-sexually-harassed-media-workerstargeted/#.WwZMgy-B2b8 (accessed September 29, 2018). may/22/japan-sexual-harassment-survey-reveals-150-allegations-by-women-in-media cache = ./cache/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.txt === bib === id = work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am author = Julie Libarkin title = Yes, Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women Out of Physics date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 458 sentences = 78 flesch = 59 summary = Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 133611319Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women title={Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women}, Y ou may be someone who thinks that sexual harassment is a "thing of the past" or that it's experienced by "only a few" women. As recently as 2014, a study found that sexual harassment affects the majority of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) [1]. Figures from this paper Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate female physicists View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references results Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.txt === bib === id = work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky author = Erik Serrao title = Raltegravir, elvitegravir, and metoogravir: the birth of "me-too" HIV-1 integrase inhibitors date = 2009 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11046 sentences = 1423 flesch = 50 summary = development of raltegravir, HAART had been recommended to consist of at least three different drugs targeting separate stages of the HIV life cycle: two nucleoside Simultaneously, a different group discovered and developed potent DKA compounds, leading to both the first Although raltegravir has become a modern blockbuster anti-HIV drug, multiple viral amino acid mutations profiles (compound 18 = 12 nM IC50 against strand transfer, 86 nM CIC95 in cells in 50% NHS, and a 47% bioavailability and 48 mL/min/kg plasma clearance in rats). of a new HIV-1 integrase inhibitor in clinical development. activity of MK-0518, a potent HIV integrase inhibitor. Structure activity of 3-aryl-1,3-diketo-containing compounds as HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. M, Summa V: Discovery and synthesis of HIV integrase inhibitors: development of potent and orally bioavailable Nof raltegravir, a potent, selective orally bioavailable HIVintegrase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-AIDS infection. resistance profile of a novel HIV integrase inhibitor JTK-303/ cache = ./cache/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.txt === bib === id = work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy author = Jennifer Sills title = SciComm speaks date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2611 sentences = 348 flesch = 58 summary = In her Working Life piece "Instagram won't solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright's critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.txt === bib === id = work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4 author = Claire V. Crooks title = Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women date = 2007 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8736 sentences = 528 flesch = 60 summary = boys in the prevention of men's violence against women in the UK. Work with men and boys to prevent men's violence against women currently faces a engaging men and boys as part of efforts to prevent gender-based violence (Ricardo, researchers playing a key role in efforts to engage men and prevent violence against scrutinising work by men to prevent violence against women. As a man seeking to support efforts to prevent men's violence against women, I was to encourage organisations to take steps towards engaging men in violence prevention; with men's involvement in preventing violence against women elsewhere (Burrell, part of efforts to prevent men's violence against women in the UK. part of efforts to prevent men's violence against women in the UK. in global efforts to engage men in the prevention of violence against women: An of effective strategies to initiate men's involvement in gender-based violence prevention cache = ./cache/work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4.txt === bib === id = work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq author = Rebecca Joelle Gass title = Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment Through Visual Music Media date = 2020 pages = 68 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 17190 sentences = 1418 flesch = 62 summary = This research study explores popular culture through visual music media, specifically Visual Music Media: Its Origins, History of Sexual Explicitness, and Effects on Women and Girls .... Black feminist theory, while undertaking a social constructionist approach, my research inquiry The study explores the impact visual music media has on young girls across Canada, in Research in the field of power relationships, feminist media studies, and content analysis ways in which visual music media empower young women in a qualitative approach, besides "social relations" is important to note in this study as we explore the power of media influence express their values, opinions and feelings on media and popular culture, specifically, Beyoncé's social critique, especially when considering elements of popular culture, visual media, and power Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media cache = ./cache/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.txt === bib === id = work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku author = Ann Werner title = The Smirnoff Equaliser – en feministisk medieintervention för strömmad musik? date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9002 sentences = 1698 flesch = 58 summary = bara nämna några, har arbetat med utbildningar, nätverkande, stöd till artister och påverkan av nyckelpersoner för att öka representationen av kvinnoidentifierade artister i musikbranschen. Ted Striphas (2015) har argumenterat för att algoritmiska mjukvaruprocesser är en aktiv medskapare av en ojämlik kulturkonsumtion, där algoritmerna som rekommenderar innehåll på Netflix eller Google förstärker och omvandlar sociala grupper utifrån till exempel klass, genus och etnicitet/ras när med syftet att få lyssnare att upptäcka fler kvinnoidentifierade artister: The Smirnoff Equaliser.2 I videon som marknadsför verktyget från mars 2018 säger Spotifys talesperson Tim Syftet är att undersöka vilken sorts feministisk medieintervention (Gill, 2016) The Equaliser presenteras som och hur verktyget placeras in i musiklyssnandets algoritmiska kultur (Morris, 2015; Striphas, 2015). I den här artikeln undersöks ett exempel på när företag marknadsför «jämlika» algoritmer, och använder mjukvara för att arbeta har en position av aktivt handlande, det är Spotify som ska hjälpa kvinnoidentifierade artister att bli mer strömmade genom verktyget The Equaliser, som de skapat med Smirnoff av cache = ./cache/work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku.txt === bib === id = work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem author = Reiner Rugulies title = Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7128 sentences = 591 flesch = 51 summary = Background: We studied onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent risk of depressive symptoms and Results: Onset of sexual harassment was associated with elevated depressive symptoms in 2014, both for harassment by non-workplace personnel (e.g., patients, estimate (B): 1.61, 95% CI: 0.51–2.72, p = 0.004) and distress symptoms among women, but not among men, following exposure to sexual harassment in a two-year follow-up study (Nielsen and We had previously reported cross-sectional results on sexual harassment and depressive symptoms in a subsample of our study population (Friborg et al., 2017). analysing the short-term association between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and level of depressive symptoms at t2. Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce cache = ./cache/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.txt === bib === id = work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q author = Sara Morais Dos Santos Bruss title = Queering Feminist Solidarities date = 2019 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8700 sentences = 668 flesch = 48 summary = Abstract: At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. I will argue that the non-upper-caste, non-heterosexual status of the leaker of the list, Raya Sarkar, necessitated the digital's multiplicity to become a I will in closing argue that the list harnesses a multiplicity common in digital spaces that questions the capacity for identity politics The list must be read as an anti-caste and queer feminist Through LoSHA, I propose a queer reading of the digital as a space Precisely because of its collectivity, its connection to Me Too, and the centrality of Raya Sarkar as the queer Dalit leaker – their position in the US protecting and enabling them – LoSHA systemically identified faults in Indian feminism's caste discourse. (19.08.2019). cache = ./cache/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.txt === bib === id = work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu author = Simon Rosenberg title = The Women's Prize for Fiction and Book Studies date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3605 sentences = 248 flesch = 66 summary = Just a few years after the first Nobel cerBOOK STUDIES AND BOOK AWARDS Although provocative in itself, it was the book's winning the "Women's Prize for Fiction" (WPfF)1 which The Women's Prize for Fiction and Book Studies Creating a literary book award and restricting it to one gender, rather than one genre, language or country, was bound to be controversial. It was this shortlist that provided the impetus to create one of the most controversially discussed literary book prizes Telegraph that the WPfF is a 'sexist con-trick', stating that underrepresented groups among the winners of the two most important British book prizes, shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize from its inception in 1969 until 1991 were female, and 38 per between the author's work and the values and ideologies of the institution that awards the prize. Controversial Novel Wins Orange Prize. Prize for Fiction." Women's Studies, vol. age), and, more recently, book prize culture in the cache = ./cache/work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu.txt === bib === id = work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou author = Ico Maly title = Metapolitical New Right Influencers: The Case of Brittany Pettibone date = 2020 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11918 sentences = 1060 flesch = 62 summary = Metapolitical New Right Influencers: The Case of Brittany Pettibone. how far-right vloggers are using the practices of influencer culture for metapolitical goals. analyzing political YouTuber and #pizzagate propagator Brittany Pettibone1 as a case, this paper media like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube and adopts the practices of influencers to further a metapolitics is at the heart of the new right cultural construction of a future society. New right activists try to use the digital mainstream platforms as leverage Brittany Pettibone uses digital media to wage a metapolitical battle. Digital media scholar Tufekci, for instance, called the YouTube algorithm a great radicalizer and analytic project studying far-right political parties and movements and how they use digital media 6. Constructing Brittany Pettibone, the New Right Political YouTuber Digital media not only enables new actors to become part of the metapolitical battle. of far-right ideas, movements, and parties seems to indicate that this new digital metapolitical battle cache = ./cache/work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou.txt === bib === id = work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta author = Anne J. Jefferson title = Efforts large and small speed science reform date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2623 sentences = 346 flesch = 58 summary = In her Working Life piece "Instagram won't solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright's critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.txt === bib === id = work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe author = Yang Hu title = The impact of China's one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations date = 2018 pages = 44 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11313 sentences = 1680 flesch = 70 summary = state of gender equality among Chinese children under the one-child policy by examining the encouraged Chinese families to concentrate the investment of available financial and nonpecuniary resources, such as time and attention, on singleton children (Fong, 2002). that greater gender equality existed among Chinese children under the one-child policy was one-child policy was more rigorously implemented and patrilineal ideals are detraditionalised to a greater degree in urban than in rural China, the presence of younger (male) between sibship, gender and rural/urban residence, respectively, and children's subjective not support Hypothesis 2A, which predicts that singleton boys and girls enjoy greater intergender equality in intergenerational investment than their counterparts with siblings (see Liu, The one-child policy and gender equality in education in China: Evidence The impact of China's one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations The impact of China's one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations The impact of China's one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations cache = ./cache/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.txt === bib === id = work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy author = Sarah E. Parkinson title = The dignity of complexity: Being human in political science date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2308 sentences = 191 flesch = 59 summary = Field Research in Political Science: Practices and Principles. The last conversations I had with Lee Ann Fujii had nothing to do with violence, research methods, or political science. and ethical practices in research; her insistence that Lee Ann was a superb scholar of violence precisely humanity of those around her: research participants, the case of the laundry, Lee Ann's laughter resulted from relationships made Lee Ann uniquely equipped to Remembering Lee Ann Fujii on humanity, often in ways that political scientists hesitate her recent volume on relational interviewing, Lee Ann was an elite, old, racist, white man; Lee Ann believed he location of the lynching, a piece of information Lee Ann For Lee Ann, this relationship illustrated how researcher-participant relationships (Fujii 2010). In it, Lee Ann walks scholars through a hypothetical complex dynamics of political violence, racism, or any Fujii, Lee Ann. 2010. Interviewing in Social Science Research: A Relational Approach. cache = ./cache/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.txt === bib === id = work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm author = Mike Grimshaw title = Introduction (CTT&T V3, Issue 2) date = 2021 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 824 sentences = 50 flesch = 61 summary = So, on the one hand, the vast majority of the global population live within varying transcendental law) is a cultural and social experience that continues in varying Yet there is also the other way we think about 'sin' and that is as a type of defiance and identity and as a type of secular sin of omission – that is, the us take the time to think about an interesting sin which goes unchecked: sexism. Volume 3 | Issue 2: Thinking Sin Thinking Sin: Contemporary Acts and Sensibilities Thinking Sin: Contemporary Acts and Sensibilities Sin therefore can be regarded as much as socio-cultural act and sensibility a and belief and so this issue asks, what does it mean to think 'Sin' today? So just like being saved, sin demands an overconformity with social, This issue considers sin as The contributions in this issue all consider sin as a noun and as a verb – it is cache = ./cache/work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm.txt === bib === id = work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a author = (:Unkn) Unknown title = DEGREES OF AUTHENTICITY AT WORK: REFUTING THE EITHER/OR PARADIGM date = 2020 pages = 119 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 31311 sentences = 2558 flesch = 57 summary = limited range in which employees feel they can express authenticity (demarcated by self and to examine existing beliefs regarding authentic expression at work and provide insights to assist Keywords authenticity, support, expression, management, culture, threshold, privilege leaders who express that authenticity is both wanted and welcomed at work, using phrases like, range in which an employee can express themselves authentically at work; and (3) determine 5. Are there thresholds delineating valued authentic expression and behavior at work? behavior at work; (3) fear of perceived reprisal plays a large role in authentic expression and research question: Do leaders and employees perceive that being authentic at work is important? both help and hinder employees' authentic expression based on if their personal values were in Authentic self-expression at work has been associated with personal power, measure the impact of organization culture, manager and peer support on authentic expression. authentic expression impacts work outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational cache = ./cache/work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a.txt === bib === id = work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq author = Paula González title = Private versus social incentives for pharmaceutical innovation date = 2016 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15417 sentences = 1914 flesch = 79 summary = When the new drug is much more cost-e¤ective than the pioneer, the innovative �rm sets a price that leads the physician to prescribe the new drug to all patients. drugs are very horizontally di¤erentiated, then the price set by the innovative �rm leads They study the incentives of an incumbent pharmaceutical �rm to launch an upgraded drug through innovation before it faces generic competition. Second, the physician prescribes the new drug to all patients if the price p1 is low that of the pioneer and �rm 1 decides to set a price for which the new drug is prescribed Proposition 3 For an incremental innovation process pursuing a me-too drug, the optimal investment decision for �rm 1; I1in; and for the social planner, I , and pmax, pall, and pint are all increasing in b, the price of the new drug will cache = ./cache/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.txt === bib === id = work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga author = C. Wieser title = Pure red cell aplasia after treatment of renal anaemia with epoetin theta date = 2013 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3040 sentences = 450 flesch = 30 summary = Pure red cell aplasia after treatment of renal anaemia Keywords: anti-erythropoietin antibodies; biopharmaceuticals; pure red cell aplasia The introduction of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) appeared to be a milestone, enabling physicians to avoid red antibody-mediated, pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). resistance to therapy with ESAs and detection of neutralizing antibodies against erythropoietin. anti-erythropoietin antibodies using radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP), with negative results (Laborinstitut Prof. Subsequently, the patient changed to a different dialysis centre, where he was switched to epoetin beta. 2012, we repeated the test for anti-erythropoietin antibodies in two different laboratories: (i) Laborinstitut Prof. administration of any ESA and switched the patient to major causes have been identified: (i) changes to the threedimensional (3D) structure of the protein (protein aggregation) and (ii) route of administration. Antibodymediated pure red cell aplasia in chronic kidney disease agents and antibody-mediated pure red-cell aplasia: here are antibody-mediated pure red cell aplasia after treatment cache = ./cache/work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga.txt === bib === id = work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq author = Alexandre Gonçalves title = Colloquy with Emily Bell at Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9381 sentences = 788 flesch = 68 summary = Colloquy with Emily Bell at Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society, Church, Communication and center of this interview: news, society and trust; the role and influence of digital platforms; the church and digital technologies; the social turmoil brought about by the When levels of trust are low, people certainly become more sceptical of news, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. and people forget the difference between news and political or commercial messages, realize that, if you encourage people to engage on a digital platform with no commitments to democratic norms or social cohesion, the results can be absolutely disastrous. and media critic] Jeff Jarvis (2013, 2019), for instance, would argue that it is much better that Google owns all that data because, if they do bad things with it, people will just cache = ./cache/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.txt === bib === id = work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy author = Elizabeth E. Tavares title = Pericles Wet presented by Portland Shakespeare Project at Artists Repertory Theatre date = 2018 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1905 sentences = 111 flesch = 63 summary = Pericles Wet presented by Portland Shakespeare Project at With Ben Newman (Pericles), Alex Ramirez de Cruz (Hesperides), David Bodin (Antiochus/Simon/Andy), Shannon Mastel (Thaisa/ Marina), Murri Lazaroff-Babin (Chorus, Sailor, Diana), Samson Syharath This is the question behind Ellen Margolis's Pericles Wet, an adaptation of Pericles produced for its world premiere by the Portland Shakespeare Project. Both Thaisa and then her daughter Marina (both played by Shannon It is this oscillation between the timely and timeless that the late Barbara Mowat argued, in The Dramaturgy of Shakespeare's Romances, was the of Thaisa, Pericles could not stand the sight of his newborn, Marina. the actor Lazaroff-Babin, who had already played several different characters by this point. When asked about this, Ben Newman, who played Pericles, pointed out to Hes, played by Alex Ramirez de Cruz. was her when Pericles held baby Marina, for the last time, over his dead cache = ./cache/work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy.txt === bib === id = work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti author = Lynne Segal title = Democracy in the making date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6774 sentences = 344 flesch = 62 summary = for those in the 'first' world who don't have the time to do our own caring work, even sexism and racism mean care work remains, for the most part, extremely poorly paid In our socialist-feminist vision, we began by thinking that gender issues world of caring and commitment in domestic intimacies, at the same time as women started from wanting shorter working hours in paid employment, hence making caring domestic, social and working lives to enable men and women to be equally engaged find a significant minority of men wanting to support women and be involved in there hasn't been any change in men's violence against women, there has been an we were going to transform the world so that both men and women could together people, in this case men, simply to 'choose' to change genders and thereby enter become women, or men if indeed we do identify with these gender positions we're cache = ./cache/work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti.txt === bib === id = work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4 author = Dzhennet-Mari Akhmatova title = Promoting digital humanitarian action in protecting human rights: hope or hype date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5059 sentences = 461 flesch = 26 summary = Promoting digital humanitarian action in protecting human rights: hope or hype Keywords: Digital, Humanitarian action, Human rights, Digital Geneva Convention, Data protection (Droege 2008), then the digital trends entrenched in humanitarian practice affect the entire spectrum of humanitarian assistance, as well as human place and rights the issues and limitations on the latest technology implementation to support the human rights-orientated humanitarian practice. (ICRC), also suggests messaging apps could play a crucial role in humanitarian work in the future (Stoll 2017). In the current context, there is a need to actively address the issues of gender equality in humanitarian action and protection of women from sexual harassment the access of women humanitarians to the digital solutions developed to enhance the effectiveness of their humanitarian assistance through the human rights violation and threats posed by the era of digitalization. cache = ./cache/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.txt === bib === id = work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e author = Lisa Anderson title = Management Education in Turbulent Times date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6662 sentences = 539 flesch = 47 summary = Times: Journal of Management Education Special Issue. MANAGEMENT EDUCATION IN TURBULENT TIMES where knowledge generation, learning and management education unfolds. innovations are responses to the turbulent and rapidly changing management environments our community in striving to understand management learning and education however and Turbulent Times in the Higher Education Context for Business Schools engagement that business and management academics generate with extra-institutional Developing links between business and management schools through what is often referred special section on Management Education in Turbulent Times. We have argued that business schools and management educators are in a unique There may be a need for both students and educators to develop resilience in turbulent times, view of knowledge in learning about business and management. order to continue to develop management education to support responsiveness and resilience Academy of Management Learning & Education 15(2), 287-303. Academy of Management Learning & Education 15(2), 287-303. cache = ./cache/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.txt === bib === id = work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq author = Bertjan Verbeek title = Contested Issues Surrounding Populism in Public and Academic Debates date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8530 sentences = 798 flesch = 58 summary = Contested Issues Surrounding Populism in Public and Academic Debates European context, populist parties are now found across the left/right political spectrum. views populism, one could argue that populist leaders rule Bolivia, Ecuador, Hungary, If we look at aggregate numbers, populist radical right parties were First, all populist parties share a notion of the pure people versus the corrupt elite. the position taken by any political movement or party, hence also of populists. parties and governments to move closer to populist positions. and German left-wing populist parties are often critical of EU integration on economic Rather populist movements that combine populism with an attached ideology Of course, the rise of populist parties was not the case across all Western European International politics offers new ideologies to combine with populism's thin-centred definition of the pure people and the corrupt elite; and c) the specific ideology a populist party cache = ./cache/work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq.txt === bib === id = work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi author = Renée Spencer title = Freud's Oedipus Complex in the #MeToo Era: A Discussion of the Validity of Psychoanalysis in Light of Contemporary Research date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10199 sentences = 993 flesch = 59 summary = Abstract: The Oedipus complex is a child development construct developed by Sigmond Freud that Keywords: Freud; Oedipus complex; #MeToo; psychoanalysis; child development; symbol Allegedly, the Oedipus complex is a universal child development stage in which young children Psychological research influences how survivors of sexual violence are perceived and the types Oedipus complex is tied to theories of the id and, in turn with sexual desire [1]. The above quotes from Freud and Jung imply that children are capable of adult sexual desires Therefore, to suggest that Freud is a direct influence on #MeToo sexual violence given to Freud′s theories that excuse sexual abuse of children, whilst at the same time those acts are Prior to "discovering" childhood sexuality as expressed in the Oedipus complex, Freud The Oedipus complex forms the basis for psychoanalytic processes and symbol interpretations, to develop a complex understanding of sexual desire in association with marriage. cache = ./cache/work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi.txt === bib === id = work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe author = Mano Soshi title = Sexual harassment: The most challenging issue of medical professionalism in Japan date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539058 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.txt === bib === id = work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi author = Kat Hill title = Memories from the margins? Anniversaries, Anabaptists and rethinking Reformations date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5625 sentences = 413 flesch = 52 summary = This paper considers the question of anniversaries in relation to supposedly marginal religious groups in the era of the Reformation. The paper argues that considering memories and anniversaries amongst these communities allows us to question whether these anniversaries are an appropriate or relevant celebration of Mennonite identity (Goossen, 2017b). within the Mennonite community reveal about these memories histories produced in the 1970s and 80s on early modern Anabaptism, Anabaptist studies have not seen the same energy since. Anabaptist and Mennonite histories (Driedger, 2002; RäisänenSchröder, 2011; Monge, 2015; Hill, 2015; Goossen, 2017a). have sharpened questions of the interaction between the Reformation legacies of Anabaptism and Lutheranism (and other traditions) and brought to the fore the continued global power of histories of Mennonite communities in regional Polish archives memory cultures of early modernity and Reformation history. Memories of the Reformations and their global legacies must be cache = ./cache/work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi.txt === bib === id = work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi author = Catherine So-kum Tang title = Sexual harassment of Chinese college students date = 1996 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4017 sentences = 311 flesch = 70 summary = is on college students as victims of academic sexual harassment. Index Terms—Aca demia, sexual harassment, Chinese college, A study on academic se xual harassment is of great concern harassment on college students , especially in main land of Chinese college fro m the perspective of power discipline of When college students faced academic se xual In college, fa mily, and society, students are being body, facing of sexual harassment by their teachers or leaders of university, Chinese college students dare not challenge the First, the harasser have power in college, so that their Foucault of academic se xual harassment in Ch inese college, academic se xual harassment, it is hoped that this study will academic sexual harassment in Chinese college. academic sexual harassment in Chinese college. A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College cache = ./cache/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.txt === bib === id = work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy author = Laura Visser-Maessen title = Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2163 sentences = 106 flesch = 47 summary = Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women Laura Visser-Maessen, « Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the 1 Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States. women performing "men's work," workingwomen's dissent, and cross-racial class As the first book-length study of antebellum workingwomen's literary works, it then is not just the addition of class and workingwomen to 19th-century cultural studies Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States cache = ./cache/work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy.txt === bib === id = work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu author = Vanessa Quintal title = Examining Consumer Risk Perceptions of Prototypical Brands Versus Me-Too Brands date = 2014 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8644 sentences = 882 flesch = 66 summary = Branding is the marketer's response to the risks consumers perceive in the players on the market, their perceptions of risk associated with the pioneer brand will measured perceived social risk (e.g., I am afraid that an Apple iPod / another brand of perceived time risk (e.g., Purchasing an Apple iPod / another brand of MP3 player could First, the 44 items related to risk perceptions of the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) effect on any of the dimensions of perceived risk for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) perceived equivalent quality of the MP3 players for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) perceived equivalent quality of the MP3 players for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) dimensions of perceived risk for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) and the other financial/performance, time and psychological risks for the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) psychological risks for the Apple iPod. Consumers who perceive the equivalent quality of cache = ./cache/work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu.txt === bib === id = work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq author = G Chen title = Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models date = 2010 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12029 sentences = 3500 flesch = 74 summary = Bipolar disorder (BPD) is characterized by vulnerability to episodic depression and mania and association studies, the list of risk genes for BPD is growing rapidly, creating an and monitor phenotypes related to mania, depression and mood swing vulnerability in Keywords: mania; depression; bipolar disorder; animal model; lithium that induces specific behavior(s) thought to crossspecies phenocopy one or a few mood symptoms (for studied using batteries of behavioral tests for phenocopies related to different components of BPD. and strong associations between BPD risk and polymorphisms of ERK pathway-modulating genes, such animal models target these behaviors and are sensitive to chronic or repeated treatment with antidepressants, including the learned helplessness Many candidate genes are being studied in antidepressant-sensitive behavioral paradigms or animal recurrence of depression,68 response to antidepressants,68–70 increased risk for BPD71 and symptoms of Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models cache = ./cache/work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq.txt === bib === id = work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi author = Smriti Mallapaty title = COVID-vaccine results are on the way — and scientists' concerns are growing date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2286 sentences = 164 flesch = 66 summary = secretary when an NAS member is accused, and says Meg Urry, an astrophysicist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who became Election to the NAS — a lifetime appointment — is often considered one of the highest honours a US scientist can receive. at the university who filed sexual-harassment Why no one has used the new NAS system to file reporting harassers to its members and to the McNutt says that the NAS members who are 2017, says that these scientists' lack of participation in academy activities is not enough. vaccine candidate developed by the University of Oxford and pharmaceutical company trials early to get fast-tracked approval. the UK trial of the Oxford vaccine had been vaccine, that is notable, says Raina MacIntyre, allow the US trials to resume, says MacIntyre. even if the trial is stopped early, says Viele. a trial that tried to establish whether a vaccine cache = ./cache/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.txt === bib === id = work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my author = Louise Jessica Hardy title = Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2267 sentences = 355 flesch = 55 summary = Professionalism and leadership in medical education: Few would argue that professionalism and leadership share a value set which overlaps in many areas, be characterised either as leadership or professionalism.4 To be an effective leader in health, you need Leadership requires individuals to understand healthcare and political systems and to build on their strive to deliver leadership education and development in the National Health Service (NHS). for developing leadership in medical undergraduates (FMLM would certainly expect them to be continually learning, developing and refining their professionalism as they progress (and and empowering others to develop their own leadership qualities and abilities. framework to guide action on improvement skill-building, leadership development 'Developing Collective Leadership for health care', Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? cache = ./cache/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.txt === bib === id = work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki author = I. Muller title = Is Serological Testing a Reliable Tool in Laboratory Diagnosis of Syphilis? Meta-Analysis of Eight External Quality Control Surveys Performed by the German Infection Serology Proficiency Testing Program date = 2006 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6370 sentences = 950 flesch = 65 summary = Meta-Analysis of Eight External Quality Control Surveys Performed by the German Infection Serology Proficiency Testing Program Iris Müller, Volker Brade, Hans-Jochen Hagedorn, Erich Straube, Christoph Schörner, Central Laboratory of the Bacteriologic Infection Serology Study Group of Germany (BISSGG), Institute of Medical Microbiology, The accuracy of diagnostic tests is critical for successful control of epidemic outbreaks of syphilis. Research Laboratory (VDRL) testing (mean accuracy, 89.6% [qualitative], 71.1% [quantitative]), the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) (mean accuracy, 88% [qualitative], 65.8% [quantitative]), and immunoblot assays (mean qualitative accuracy, 87.3%). the mean percentage of false-positive results was 4.1% in the VDRL test, 5.4% in the IgM ELISA, 0.7% in the that their microbiological commentary and qualitative and quantitative test results for both samples determined with established assay systems met the abovelisted criteria (12, 13). Analysis of median antibody titers calculated from the VDRL and FTA-ABS IgM test results of reference laboratories in cache = ./cache/work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki.txt === bib === id = work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui author = Marçal Mora-Cantallops title = Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach date = 2020 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10433 sentences = 808 flesch = 62 summary = Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach a large part of users use Twitter to communicate or receive political information, we created a method Keywords: Twitter; topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining Thus, Twitter produces trending topic lists from all users' tweets. relevant topics of discussion among a set of opinion leaders that we call "authorities", and adapting Within the general analysis of trending topics on Twitter, some authors have tried to analyze what real time and tracking them to extract all the relevant tweets produced by the users. time period, an ordered list of hashtags (that are equivalent to conversation topics) is produced and Result: Twitter Stream tracking (at most) the top T Hashtags, composed by H hot topics and E though the relevancy of each topic in the top ten tracked hashtags obtained from the authorities is Tracking the relevancy of the general hashtags in the election period; notice how #28a cache = ./cache/work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.txt === bib === id = work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i author = Michael Rios title = Diversity and Inclusion by Design: A Challenge for Us All date = 2018 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5274 sentences = 432 flesch = 41 summary = Teaching, and Service" is the theme of the 2019 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) engaged forms of scholarship advance diversity and to promoting the value of a diverse academic community while ensuring representation of underrepresented In 2001, only 11% of graduating landscape architecture students were non-whites (ASLA, Fortunately, many landscape architecture programs already support engaged scholarship, especially impacts retention of URM faculty in landscape architecture and other disciplines (Laden & Hagedorn, of hurdles to retention and advancement of underrepresented faculty include evidence that student teaching merit, and promotion evaluation criteria in our Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design program engaged model of scholarship and supports the criteria identified for evaluating such a scholarly pursuit. engaged scholarship and the intersections with diversity and inclusion. equity, diversity, and inclusion with community, public, and civic engagement. much of the criteria for evaluating an engaged scholarship model for the UC Davis Landscape Architecture cache = ./cache/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.txt === bib === id = work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu author = Cosimo Marco Scarcelli title = Un'intervista a Karen Ross: dodici domande su genere e partecipazione (ma non solo) date = 2021 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3162 sentences = 524 flesch = 71 summary = quale stiamo esaminando in che modo i mezzi di informazione in tre paesi (Stati Uniti, Finlandia, Regno Unito) inquadrano l'esperienza della violenza da parte del Ciò non toglie, però, che continuiamo ad assistere ad una banalizzazione delle donne attraverso le più disparate modalità e che ci sia un'articolazione del discorso molto dissimile se si ha a che fare con D. Pensi che gli studi su genere e comunicazione rappresentino oggi un campo di ricerca riconosciuto nel mondo accademico? anche se nella maggior parte dei paesi è possibile trovare corsi di insegnamento dedicati a genere e media e D. In termini generali, qual è – a tuo parere – la connessione tra il ruolo dei media, il genere e la partecipazione nella società contemporanea? D. Pensi che, in termini di media, genere e partecipazione, potrebbe esserci un ruolo specifico delle giovani Un'intervista a Karen Ross: dodici domande su genere e partecipazione (ma non solo) cache = ./cache/work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu.txt === bib === id = work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm author = Emily Bryan title = "Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven," Measure for Measure and Performing Triads date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11938 sentences = 898 flesch = 59 summary = Cheek By Jowl production use a triadic structure which suggests the Trinity, foregrounding the body Keywords: Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; What happens in performance to the logic of substitution in the play? good way of controlling people" ( Isabella, like the clowns, plays with repetition and language in a way that makes puns available to In the context of the play, the first substitution is Angelo for the Duke, the resolves that Shakespeare's comic turn in Measure for Measure was to write an imperfect play. I am thinking about how the Cheek by Jowl performance interacts with the play text of Measure for inaugurates the triadic logic in the play: Angelo for the Duke. substitutions work in the play as creating an institutional desire corresponds to the way I see the logic If the play hinges on the logic that repetition (and therefore, performance) cannot be cache = ./cache/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.txt === bib === id = work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va author = Giuliana Viglione title = The US National Academy of Sciences can now kick out harassers. So why hasn't it? date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1620 sentences = 123 flesch = 68 summary = used the new system to report known harassers within the NAS's membership, Nature has not received any reports concerning harassers. "We know that there are several NAS members for which there is good documentation of McNutt feared that the NAS would be inundated with requests to investigate members. Under the NAS's new policy, anyone — whether Marcia McNutt, president of the US National Academy of Sciences, says that the academy hasn't received any requests to expel members. The academy told Nature that no one has used the complaint system put in place last year, even though several academy members are known sexual harassers. secretary when an NAS member is accused, and an NAS member in 2016. at the university who filed sexual-harassment Why no one has used the new NAS system to file reporting harassers to its members and to the As for other members of the NAS's governing McNutt says that the NAS members who are cache = ./cache/work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va.txt === bib === id = work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm author = Ranit Mishori title = #Diversity: Conversations on Twitter about Women and Black Men in Medicine date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5714 sentences = 1343 flesch = 57 summary = discussions are taking place online, including on Twitter, via specific hashtags, such as #BlackMenInMedicine, #ILookLikeASurgeon. out to assess selected hashtags and analyze their spread, as well as whether or how health professional inclusion in medicine on Twitter requires an intentional and strategic use of hashtags, photographs and Keywords: Medical Societies, Physicians, Racism, Sexism, Social Media, Twitter with colleagues, the public, and other stakeholders13–15 and create virtual communities.16,17 Twitter users can post messages ("tweets") of up to 280 a growing Twitter discourse on racism, discrimination, and diversity in medicine, including online Selected Healthcare Hashtags Related to Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine The 22,019 tweets sent containing one of the medical diversity hashtags in 2017 were sent by 5683 Volume of Tweets and Retweets Using Diversity Hashtags from January 1 to December 31, 2017 Available from: cache = ./cache/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.txt === bib === id = work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm author = SoRelle Wyckoff Gaynor title = ADVICE FOR WOMEN AND FOR THEIR COLLEAGUES AND MENTORS: AN INTERVIEW WITH FRANCES E. LEE date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3554 sentences = 277 flesch = 72 summary = These conferences provide good opportunities for networking and making people aware of one's work. earlier work on the same topic that was coauthored by a very senior scholar who also was at the conference. in professionalism during the course of my career: people present papers that are too rough for prime time, panel chairs who a new professor, were you aware of a gender disparity in the field scholars as I studied for comps and worked on my dissertation. female graduate students interested in American politics tend to For those in a mentorship role, it's great to talk to female graduate students about the challenges that they face. SG: What are some disadvantages you see women facing in legislative studies? Female scholars in the legislative University for my PhD, my major field was women in politics. of scholars who do women of color studies. the legislative studies field. cache = ./cache/work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y author = Matthew Hoyer title = #TimesUp in Native Communities date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 885 sentences = 83 flesch = 66 summary = American women are more likely to experience rape and one in three Native women have been raped during her lifetime (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), but on certain reservations, the Native American Women's Health Education Resource You're Raped: An ABC Handbook for Native Girls. clear example of what Natives describe as "modern imperialism." This loophole was only partially closed by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, which sexual assault or rape, which continue to fall outside the reach assaults against Natives are more likely to be interracial than Health Service (IHS) is charged with providing free healthcare for millions of Natives, yet often lacks the funding and of interracial sexual assault and rape. Native women are calling. Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and the criminal justice response: What is known (United from the national violence against women survey (United States, For Native American women, scourge cache = ./cache/work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y.txt === bib === id = work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54 author = Malin Wieslander title = Controversial diversity: diversity discourses and dilemmas among Swedish police recruits date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11566 sentences = 825 flesch = 52 summary = Controversial diversity: diversity discourses and dilemmas among Swedish police recruits how the Swedish Police's official policies for diversity and social equality are recognised, but also Policy documents, such as the Macpherson (1999) report calling attention to institutional racism in a British police force (see also Shiner 2010), have recognised cultural and gendered improve their equality and anti-discriminatory performance, and increase the social inclusion of minorities in the police force, independently of whether such minorities are based on gender, ethnic One area of debate concerns the relationship between ethnic minorities and discrimination in police work profiling practices. an understanding – how police recruits' discourses of diversity regulate their own and others' views of This discourse on diversity as a political goal was presented by the recruits as having been promoted by the government through its police policies. Diversity discourses among police recruits affirmed social categories particularly cache = ./cache/work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54.txt === bib === id = work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum author = Emma Bell title = Time's up! Feminist theory and activism meets organization studies date = 2018 pages = 35 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9586 sentences = 721 flesch = 50 summary = Feminist theory and activism meets organization studies Introduction to Human Relations special issue 'Organizing feminism: Bodies, practices, study of organizations and social relations at work. Keywords: Feminism; theory; activism; sexism; patriarchy; intersectionality; politics of feminism in the study of organization, social relations and work. Not to ask feminist questions about gendered social relations at work, in feminisms by positioning feminist theories and approaches as central to the production of organization studies show that feminisms remain marginalized and silenced as theory and The need for specifically feminist spaces in management and organization studies was Feminisms are also being debated at other management and organization studies conferences, into question the relevance of feminist theory and practice to organization studies. subject of feminism, and we trust that more feminist work can be submitted to this journal to knowledge such as feminist theory in organization studies. of/for feminist and gender studies in Organization. cache = ./cache/work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum.txt === bib === id = work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi author = Inge Sorensen title = What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural policy post-Weinstein date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1470 sentences = 164 flesch = 49 summary = (2018) What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural policy post-Weinstein award-winning film company Zentropa. Zentropa was established in 1992 by producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen Nordisk Film, Scandinavia's largest producer and distributor, with Trier and Aalbæk behaviour and sexually charged ritual, public humiliations at Zentropa. rejected that Zentropa's internships or work culture are problematic. Danish Film Institute (DFI), a major Zentropa funder, stated that the company's Finally, Zentropa's management side lined Aalbæk from the company, its It is no coincidence that Eurimages, FiV, and SFI threatened Zentropa with funding the scandals of Zentropa and The Weinstein Company remain to be seen. (Nine ex-employees describe sexual humiliations at the film company Zentropa.)" Politiken, November 10.å-filmselskabet-Zentropa. influence from Peter Aalbæk after sexual humilations.)" Politiken, November 14.å-filmselskabet-Zentropaå-filmselskabet-Zentropa cache = ./cache/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.txt === bib === id = work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy author = Banu Bargu title = The Political Encounter with Louis Althusser: date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1580 sentences = 227 flesch = 45 summary = To cite this article: Banu Bargu & Robyn Marasco (2019) The Political Encounter with Louis This special issue presents a collection of essays on the work of Louis Althusser. As Marx's writings once again move into the mainstream of political debate and discourse, the positions that Althusser stakes out in reading Marx to Althusser's thought and his celebrated concept of ideology, and while "democratic socialism" comes back into political vogue, the moment seems ripe for a reassessment of his works. For us, what remains so compelling about Althusser's philosophy is the specific relationship it establishes to politics. political insights in Althusser's work, especially in light of the contemporary these essays suggest the primacy of politics in the encounter with Althusser. Every encounter with Althusser is a political encounter. of his life or his times or even his Marxism but because we believe, with Althusser, Political Encounter with Althusser 241 cache = ./cache/work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy.txt === bib === id = work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4 author = Rebecca Vasquez title = Successful Mentoring of Women date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541779 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.txt === bib === id = work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy author = Nikki Usher title = Sharing Knowledge and "Microbubbles": Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10107 sentences = 1981 flesch = 64 summary = Sharing Knowledge and "Microbubbles": Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism This article examines the peer-to-peer dynamics of Washington political journalists as Communities of Practice (CoPs) employ inductive computational analysis that combines social network analysis of journalists' Twitter interactions with media elites, political journalism, Communities of Practice, epistemic communities, Twitter, social network analysis and how to cover it, particularly as peers across news organizations, stands to shed insight into the contours of the insularity long observed in political communication scholarship hybridized media environment, Washington political journalists still have outsized power, status, and influence in and Engesser (2014) observed this among contemporary climate journalists, noting the practice of knowledge sharing (producers); local political news; regulatory journalism; foreign affairs; longform/enterprise; and social issues. Proxies such as top hashtags and mentions suggest this cluster is focused on general interest political news. On Twitter, a platform absolutely integral to the political journalism news production process, CNN journalists have limited engagement cache = ./cache/work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy.txt === bib === id = work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi author = William P. Boyce title = "Abusers of Themselves with Mankind": On the Constitutive Necessity of Abuse in Evangelical Sex Manuals date = 2021 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10006 sentences = 762 flesch = 53 summary = American evangelical Christians interpret so-called divergent lifestyles and their origins by associating queer sexualities with abuse*, despite its lack of any consistent or coherent definition. will turn to two popular US evangelical Christian sex manuals from "The Every Man Series." Doing so will reveal how the category of abuse* operates as a positive and inescapably core reality on the underside of the narrative. The authors of both evangelical sex manuals present homosexuality as a path-dependent condition of abuse*. pathway counseled by an evangelical interpretation of Scripture.21 In both texts, the journey of transformation around abuse* involves "godly" diagnosis, therapeutic examination, and restoration or rebirth for persons with queer desires. On the other hand, the eradication of queer desire does not comport with the experiences of many readers of US evangelical sex manuals, whether from "The Every Man Series" or from other purity culture authors like those mentioned previously. Available online: (accessed on 1 December 2020). cache = ./cache/work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi.txt === bib === id = work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m author = Staker, Abigail (Abby) title = The Gender Funding Gap Within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the United States: Does a Correlation Exist Among Gender, Industry, and Funding? date = 2020 pages = 57 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12679 sentences = 1061 flesch = 51 summary = females delivered higher revenues, a gender gap persisted in new-business funding (Abouzahr, capital industry, (2) gender bias, and (3) femaleversus male-owned company characteristics and in the financial capital industry, (2) implicit bias in entrepreneurial financing, and (3) femaleversus male-owned company characteristics and owner attitudes. less than 5% of total venture capital funding went to female-owned firms (Gatewood, Brush, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, the researchers found the gender funding gap not likely to to receive funding from venture capital investors than companies with even one female on the Differing industry focuses by males and females further explains the gender funding in percent of total funding invested in all-female and mixed gender founded ventures. sample dataset time period for all-female teams, the discrepancy in average funding between allfemale and all-male founded ventures approximated $11 million. predicted funding amount for an all-male founded venture exceeds all-female and mixed gender cache = ./cache/work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m.txt === bib === id = work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy author = DANIELLE M. THOMSEN title = Women's Representation and the Gendered Pipeline to Power date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12824 sentences = 2367 flesch = 77 summary = The leading explanation for the underrepresentation of women in American politics is that womenare less likely to run for office than men, but scholars have given less attention in recent years to thegender makeup of the pipeline to elected office. For the gender disparity in candidates to close, women have to be far more likely to run for gendered pipeline to power alongside rates of entry in studies of women's underrepresentation. One of the central puzzles in the study of genderand politics is why women are underrepre-sented in elected office. across a variety of potential candidate pools has important implications for the number of men and women gender makeup of the potential candidate pool continues to matter for women's underrepresentation. rates of running can obscure gender and partisan disparities in the raw number of men and women in each Women Have to Be More Likely to Run Than Men to Equal the Number of Male Candidates, cache = ./cache/work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy.txt === bib === id = work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi author = María José Barros title = Aguas y ríos: Activismo, descolonización y naturaleza en Cecilia Vicuña y Ana Tijoux date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10382 sentences = 1399 flesch = 65 summary = articulando un discurso ecológico en que los ríos y mares son defendidos desde una "cultura del abajo" de Tijoux incluida en su disco Vengo (2014), estableciendo previamente algunas directrices críticoteóricas sobre las nociones de activismo, naturaleza y descolonización en las que se sostiene este trabajo. sentido, los artistas-activistas como Vicuña y Tijoux no pueden ser pensados al margen de las múltiples voces artístico como prácticas culturales que problematizan las fronteras entre el mundo del arte y el activismo Mujeres en Defensa del Agua (movilización de indígenas mazahuas que tuvo lugar en México entre los años ¿Y cómo se sitúan las producciones de Vicuña y Tijoux en el marco de estas disputas por los recursos hídricos Menstrual la muerte del niño es pensada como una ofrenda por el agua que debemos agradecer y recordar por el verbo "soy", que van delineando una simbología del agua afín a las creencias indígenas en torno al cache = ./cache/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.txt === bib === id = work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye author = Ashley Dawson title = Introduction date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3312 sentences = 188 flesch = 55 summary = hen Donald Trump unveiled his America First Energy Plan while on the campaign have helped legitimate Trump's rollback of Obama-era efforts to fight climate change, but But Trump's promises to the failing coal industry have proven to be hollow. promises to revive coal have failed, since they are incoherent: his American First Energy Plan promises support for natural gas as well as coal, despite the fact that the former is the Trump's hyper-nationalism actually serves the interests of a corrupt ruling oligarchy. Trump's hyper-nationalism is a very thin fig-leaf covering the monstrous appetites of a selfinterested, globe-trotting elite. Donald Trump's public persona was crafted during this era of capitalist crisis, racist and radical movements of various stripes in the US and in Italy and other European nations. the politically inspired transnational turn in American Studies but also the public support "Trump Promised to Bring Back Coal Jobs. "Trump's Pursuit of "American Energy Dominance" Threatens the cache = ./cache/work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye.txt === bib === id = work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa author = Ylenia Caputo title = We Are Who We Are: Futuristic Teen Agers date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1198 sentences = 182 flesch = 74 summary = di rappresentazione dei personaggi e dell'universo narrativo, entrambi i prodotti seriali sono accomunati dal racconto di una generazione, la Generazione Z, che nella fluidità di genere e nella valorizzazione Il modo in cui gli altri ci vedono non ci definisce (siamo ciò che siamo, dopotutto), eppure crea crepe associabile al concetto di Fashioning of the self — che come Fashion in quanto tale. di sé stessa più virile in modo che gli altri possano vederla come lei desidera essere vista. Così provoca Caitlin: « mi piace la poesia perché non è come i tuoi vestiti, moda usa e getta; compri una cosa che ti piace adesso e tra due mesi la butti. Gli abiti indossati, così come la mera esposizione del corpo sanguinante di Caitlin o l'intimità senza filtri dei personaggi della serie — tra genitali esposti e rapporti sessuali promiscui — sono cache = ./cache/work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa.txt === bib === id = work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74 author = Hans Asenbaum title = Making a Difference: Toward a Feminist Democratic Theory in the Digital Age date = 2019 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10719 sentences = 857 flesch = 47 summary = Difference democrats did not take notice of the parallel emerging discourse on cyberfeminism exploring novel identity configurations on the internet. and state agents to think more adequately about the variability of identity performances and democratic functions of different participatory spaces. modes of identity performance in different participatory spaces fulfil different democratic functions. In difference democratic debates, the corporeal identity of marginalized subjects functions as visible claim for inclusion. Thus, while early cyberfeminist writing of Haraway, Turkle, and Plant focuses on ephemerality and identity play, current cyberfeminists situate themselves much closer to difference democrats' politics of presence by focusing on analog/digital identity continuities, thus paying closer Both difference democrats and cyberfeminists contest gendered power asymmetries by focusing on particular modes of identity performances. Difference democrats developed their accounts of inclusion in relation to three types of political institutions in society: representative state institutions, citizens' participatory institutions, and Representatives' websites are rather used for one-way communication and identity construction contributing to difference democrats' ideal of embodied diversity. cache = ./cache/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.txt === bib === id = work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju author = Robin E. Bell title = Harassment in science is real date = 2017 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 970 sentences = 195 flesch = 68 summary = victims are coming forward with their stories, reflecting how this damaging culture In our own fields of geophysical and environmental sciences, in which teams cultural change in our fields labeling bullying and harassment as "antics" or disguising them as rigorous scientific review. Women and men affected by harassment struggle to get jobs, secure tenure, win research Since news of the sexual misconduct of film executive Harvey Weinstein broke, the #MeToo movement denouncing harassment is alight across the sciences. ethical culture of science. Cultural change must occur at the individual, team, professional society, and institutional bullying and harassment as As societies move forward, harassers will no longer to institutions where harassers cultural change rests with individual scientists, teams, harassment, teams developing a code of conduct, and Harassment in science is real Harassment in science is real Harassment in science is real Bell and Lora S. ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.txt === bib === id = work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi author = Asha S George title = Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls' sexual and reproductive health date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5691 sentences = 1068 flesch = 64 summary = Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls' sexual and reproductive health structural drivers that underpin the political economy of gender power relations, say Asha George and markets—that replicate gender inequality, which in turn influences health exposures, vulnerabilities, access to services, how structural determinants underpin gender power relations and shape adolescent girls sexual and reproductive health. women.34 Gender norms that support early structural forms of gender power relations using the example of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls. reproductive health of adolescent girls. reproductive health of adolescent girls. tackle gender inequalities in health experienced by individuals, families, and communities, but a broader understanding of Gender-based inequities in health commission on social determinants of health women norm change for adolescent sexual and reproductive of adolescent girls and young women : why does it of adolescent girls and young women : why does it cache = ./cache/work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi.txt === bib === id = work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola author = Susan Berridge title = Mum's the word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9393 sentences = 506 flesch = 50 summary = Berridge S, Mum's the Word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring responsibilities with work Title: Mum's The Word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring While at times women reinforce new labouring subjectivities that privilege selfregulation, they simultaneously critique the punishing nature of neoliberal working cultures, Film and Television Industries; Gender Inequalities; Care; Neoliberalism; Production reconciling caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries, paying reconciling caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries, paying micro analysis of the testimonials of parents who work in the film and television industries explores the specificities of women's experiences of working in the film industry, including women who work in the film and television industries feel. responsibilities on gendered inequalities in the film and television industries in more depth public testimonials of the challenges of reconciling caring responsibilities with creative work of the women to reconciling creative work with caring responsibilities. cache = ./cache/work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola.txt === bib === id = work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm author = Sher-Lu Pai title = Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 835 sentences = 168 flesch = 60 summary = [PDF] Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 47013148Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion As gender equality and equity continue to progress, shining a spotlight on academic promotion for women in anesthesiology may help to ensure equal academic advancement for future anesthesiologists, regardless of their gender. Sort by Most Influenced Papers Gender-Based Disparity in Academic Ranking and Research Productivity Among Canadian Anesthesiology Faculty Twelve tips to promote gender equity in international academic medicine Recruitment, Promotion, and Retention of Women in Academic Medicine: How Institutions Are Addressing Gender Disparities. Raj, Samantha E Kaplan, K. The Status of Women in Academic Anesthesiology: A Progress Report Status of Women in Academic Anesthesiology View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background cache = ./cache/work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm.txt === bib === id = work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm author = Mae Kuykendall title = Looking for a Life Raft: Citizen Voice and Votes of No Confidence date = 2021 pages = 97 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 42592 sentences = 2778 flesch = 55 summary = President of Harvard University both suffered votes of no confidence.1 votes of no confidence.12 Part III addresses specific university university or other institutional officials or outcry by faculties or group /news/20170102/resident-physicians-at-summa-health-vote-no-confidence-insystem-president [] (reporting on a vote of no [] (reporting on a 2015), vote also arise from student and faculty outcry over such matters as alleged 2015), [] (describing racial incidents on []. news/nation/2019/05/09/harvard-university-professor-jorge-dominguez-sexualharassment-misconduct-metoo-title-ix/1154497001 [] Votes of no confidence occur in certain public service organizations, such [] [ []. 1, 2015), 3:12 PM), []. [] (reporting Ku's pattern of a faculty vote of no confidence against a university generically charge that all votes of no confidence by tenured faculty A 2007 resignation of the law school dean at Michigan State University Michigan State University College of Law brought a vote of no confidence against cache = ./cache/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.txt === bib === id = work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe author = Libby V. Morris title = Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1096 sentences = 63 flesch = 43 summary = University of Georgia's 2018 Ethics Week. Professor Tenbrunsel began by stating that we, like other people, are generally not as ethical Our blind spots do not allow us to see our behaviors or decisions as having ethical Thus, the ethical dimensions of a decision may fade as other issues (e.g., unintentionally in unethical behaviors as a result of bounded awareness, ethical fading, and Ethical lapses and unethical behaviors are not only concerns for individuals, but also for However, ethical decision-making is required not only at the presidential and senior leadership levels; every day faculty members must make multiple decisions Taking time to individually and collectively consider the ethical dimensions of our instructional and research decisions should benefit both students and faculty. our own professional aspirations and activities to see decision-points and ethical considerations ethical issues in post-secondary higher education. Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making cache = ./cache/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.txt === bib === id = work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u author = Karin Hansson title = Datafication and cultural heritage: provocations, threats, and design opportunities date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2993 sentences = 360 flesch = 52 summary = cultural heritage: provocations, threats, and design opportunities. Increasing digitization and the emergence of new data sharing practices are Crowdsourcing, social media, linked open data, and other participatory and open science working to develop critical perspectives on archiving practices. The digitization of cultural heritage, increased datafication in all areas of society, and new infrastructures for sharing data within research and with the wider public increased datafication and development of data-driven practices in diverse societal influenced new research fields such as digital humanities, digital social science, eIncreasing datafication of research practices and their infrastructure create design, and research practices. research that looks into digitizing and digitalization processes in cultural heritage  How are critical archiving practices supported in cultural heritage and new practices in relation to understanding and sharing culture? designing for participation in the development of the cultural heritage culture" research group at Stockholm University. practices shape the development and design of digital technologies. cache = ./cache/work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u.txt === bib === id = work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju author = Pierluca Coiro title = Sex and gender bias in the experimental neurosciences: the case of the maternal immune activation model date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217540373 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju.txt === bib === id = work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64 author = Laura M.D. Maguire title = Managing the Hidden Costs of Coordination date = 2019 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5392 sentences = 452 flesch = 31 summary = dependent services' support teams, and coordinated among coordination costs and how software engineers experience directions for design to control costs of coordination in coordination from the costs that those activities incur. an incident response – just one function in joint activity. how poor coordination design impacts engineering teams not eliminate the need for coordination design. to: (1) centralize response coordination through an incident hidden cognitive work of coordination; or (3) depend on coordinative demands are manageable without design for of adaptation to high costs of coordination. adapt when high costs of coordination threaten the critical software platforms; the coordination of joint activity this way eases the coordination costs of transient, singleissue demands and of early exploratory efforts. Coordinating joint activity tools are explicitly designed to support coordination. distributed work systems, but the lack of coordination costs of coordination include adopting incident command cognitive costs of coordination in large-scale, cache = ./cache/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.txt === bib === id = work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y author = Victoria Brooks title = Greer's 'Bad Sex' and the Future of Consent date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10663 sentences = 670 flesch = 64 summary = of Greer's revival of second-wave arguments in relation to reforming our laws on This article examines this position and argues for urgent research on women's sexuality, and radical intervention in the law and academia, in the quest for consent law reform. which means the reality is that women do not perceive everyday 'bad' nonconsensual sex as rape: women, but the responses to Greer's work on consent are in a different register.6 In consent which forms the architecture of the law's attitude to women's sexuality and be considered now a hotbed for toxic sexual relations, far more so than, for example, than BDSM sex, which has a culture of 'active consent' (Tripodi 2017). to focus on sex, to find out what women's sexuality needs from the law, and what the Methodologically speaking, there is also a problem to bringing forward radical sex research and women's sexual experiences to the law. women's sexuality, with meaningful consent law reform. cache = ./cache/work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y.txt === bib === id = work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm author = Elizabeth Economy title = 30 Years After Tiananmen: Dissent Is Not Dead date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3064 sentences = 234 flesch = 48 summary = Thirty years ago, tens of thousands of Chinese university students descended on Beijing's Tiananmen Square—a landmark of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) power—to advocate democracy and transparency. As the world's market-based democracies debate the relative success—or failure—of thirty years of "engagement" with China, the continuing calls for political reform and expressions of citizen activism within the country should factor into any assessment of engagement's impact and value. August 2018, New York Times, 8 July 2018, News, 29 January 2019, Social Credit System," Epoch Times, 22 May 2018, Times, 23 September 2018,; Sharma, "Beijing Signals Tighter Control Han Zhang, "One Year of #MeToo: How the Movement Eludes Government Surveillance in China," New Yorker, 10 October 2018, Five,'" South China Morning Post, 20 July 2018, cache = ./cache/work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm.txt === bib === id = work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4 author = Smiriti Kanangat title = Letter from the Editors date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 565 sentences = 112 flesch = 70 summary = push remains for innovative expectancy have improved world, thanks to innovative mission The Journal of Global improvement in parts of the the history of global health is the forms of innovation have global healthcare delivery in lowincome countries. also been new solutions to end This issue marks The Journal of Global Health's seventh year of leading insightful global health by our authors and editors. single issue can possibly present from the world of global health our mission to promote global health dialogue and impactful research in the form of our physical journal, global health New York, NY, 10027, USA Manuscripts should be submitted at THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH Letter from the Editors EDITORS-IN-CHIEF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Smiriti Kanangat EXECUTIVE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR SENIOR EDITORS ASSOCIATE EDITORS Kelly Lew ONLINE EDITORS Kat Chen Patrick Kelly Smriti Kanangat Smriti Kanangat cache = ./cache/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.txt === bib === id = work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q author = Peter J. Hills title = Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14059 sentences = 1328 flesch = 61 summary = While the lack of consent is the only determining factor in considering whether a situation is rape or not, there is sufficient evidence studies in two UK universities in which participants read vignettes describing sexual encounters that were consensual or not, that a significant portion of our participants held attitudes reflecting rape myths and tended to blame the victim. of understanding of consent and rape and highlight avenues of potential educational materials for schools, universities or jurors. Allgeier (1998) found over a two-week period, 38% of participants in committed relationships consented to unwanted sex. pleasure all affected how participants appraised rape in sexual situations despite consent being the only thing that is simply use consent to appraise whether a depicted sexual scenario between partners is rape. Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape cache = ./cache/work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q.txt === bib === id = work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e author = Aalya Ahmad title = Living a feminist life date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1631 sentences = 112 flesch = 65 summary = Sarah Ahmed Duke University Press, January 2017, ix+299 pp., Sarah Ahmed's Living a Feminist Life is much more than a farewell to her Ahmed also refuses to separate poetry from politics, affirming, 'I think of feminism that their bodies are not being heard, Ahmed's écriture feministe (my twist) takes Ahmed then invites us to explore diversity work within the master's house of the transformation, Ahmed argues, feminists everywhere must be willful, must push. of the consequences of being a feminist killjoy, from the pain of leaving a life, comes a moment of 'feminist snap' that Ahmed describes as 'how we collectively her 'snap' from Goldsmiths, Ahmed writes, she has recreated 'feminist hope' and a 211) – Living a Feminist Life appears Ahmed's 'Killjoy Manifesto' (an instant classic for feminist survival kits Sarah Ahmed Duke University Press, January 2017, ix+299 pp., ISBN: 9780822363194 cache = ./cache/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.txt === bib === id = work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq author = Dmitry K. Shaytan title = Exploring Management Of The Fuzzy Front End Of Innovation In A Product Driven Startup Company date = 2015 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6047 sentences = 600 flesch = 60 summary = Microsoft Word exploring-management-of-the-fuzzy-front-end-of-innovation-in-a-product-driven-startup-company[2] We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product managerial approach the product concept was created to help experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed In a product driven business (not market driven and not-metoo) of a breakthrough innovation a huge challenge is innovation ends with the high Q-factor product concept. through product concept development; Product concept development for further prototyping was the created the required outcome – high quality product concept. product concept as outcomes of the FFE management. product concept was prototyped and tested to estimate quality (3) a position to test developed prototypes in his/her business (3) a position to test developed prototypes in his/her business Following the managerial approach the product concept was The Q-factor of the product concept is regarded as high In case of a product driven startup in FFE stage we would cache = ./cache/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.txt === bib === id = work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy author = Louise Devenish title = TEACHING TERTIARY MUSIC IN THE #METOO ERA date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4314 sentences = 240 flesch = 49 summary = Since 2012, a national approach to improving gender diversity in music has begun to emerge in Australia, as oncecontroversial strategies trialled by four tertiary institutions have become established practices that address these Griffith University (QCGU) to understand how undergraduate music students perceive issues surrounding gender music performed in student recitals was by female composers. concert program, the decision to have a gender-balanced creative contribution across music theatre, opera, orchestra, Hope introduced quotas for all final year (graduating) Bachelor of Music performance student recitals across all In 2018, a review of gender diversity across programming and teaching at the University of Western Australia Conservatorium of Music took place in response to new staff directions, industry changes and student initiatives that most ensembles within the Conservatorium exclusively programmed music by male composers. In 2018, Dr Cecilia Sun designed and taught the first class devoted to women in music at the University of Western cache = ./cache/work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy.txt === bib === id = work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube author = Clare Hemmings title = Resisting popular feminisms: gender, sexuality and the lure of the modern date = 2018 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7381 sentences = 398 flesch = 48 summary = This article tracks discursive and political use of gender and sexual equality in sexual equality in nationalist and popular accounts of feminism, focusing on the gender and sexual equality discourses can be put to work in securing a fantasy never has to change her political mind), I agree that in many different postfeminist moves, feminism can easily be relegated to the past and her subjects gender and sexual equality also pit members of cultures and nations not A refusal of the Modern can be claimed as a core part of postcolonial nationbuilding, such that women continue to be expected to inhabit gender and sexual just any kind of sexual and gendered difference or equality that signals the familiar with the citation of gender and sexual equality as Modern and desirable important discussions that highlight how gender and sexual equality work gender/sexual politics; and insisting on feminism as a minority pursuit. cache = ./cache/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.txt === bib === id = work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm author = Athena Athanasiou title = On the politics of queer resistance and survival: Athena Athanasiou in conversation with Vassiliki Kolocotroni and Dimitris Papanikolaou date = 2018 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6344 sentences = 360 flesch = 49 summary = On the politics of queer resistance and survival On the politics of queer resistance and survival: Athena academics from universities in and outside Greece.2 A queer activist and drag performer new forms of 'togetherness' as deeply queer engagements: intersectional, non-normative, For me, 'new queer Greece' registers a critical desire to displace queer feminist decolonial politics. queer subjects, a question that emerges – although not really addressed and productively recognition might involve also the question whether there can be a queer politics and need to work through right now is alternative political, ethical and affective structures of AA: Your wonderful question makes me think of how to bring work on queer theory, the question for critical queer theorizing is how to address and counteract the epistemological and how to mobilize the critical capacity of queer politics in multivalent ways that enable ——— (2005), In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, New cache = ./cache/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.txt === bib === id = work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4 author = Sicco van Gelder title = The new imperatives for global branding: Strategy, creativity and leadership date = 2005 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5050 sentences = 344 flesch = 62 summary = branding: Strategy, creativity This paper argues that the combination of strategy, creativity and leadership is going to be the key to the success of global brands in the coming decade. global brands in the coming decade. create value if the brand that is devised entire strategy process from the formulation of a vision for the brand right Strategy, creativity and leadership Strategy, creativity and leadership Strategy, creativity and leadership business strategy to branding is that it brands' products and services, and strategy comes in: to translate the brand places, brand development partnerships, marketing partnerships and between strategy, creativity and leadership, and to apply branding as the combine strategy, creativity and leadership differ significantly. due to a differing brand strategy, as due to a differing brand strategy, as force management to be highly creative when devising global or international strategies. the brand difficult to manage globally. strategy, creativity and leadership right, cache = ./cache/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.txt === bib === id = work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq author = June Gruber title = Best practices in research mentoring in clinical science date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12072 sentences = 1783 flesch = 57 summary = The growth of clinical science as a field depends on the work of engaged mentors nurturing future a path forward for further discussion and research around best mentoring practices in clinical science. Keywords: mentoring, teaching, clinical psychology, students science mentoring includes a developmental consideration of personal and professional development, emotional support, and skill mentors should help mentees understand how to evaluate published research critically, generate novel hypotheses, design focusing on clinical psychology or research mentoring (Callahan & Watkins, 2018; Lundgren & Orsillo, 2012). mentor believes it would benefit the student's professionaldevelopment goals more to spend time in clinical work but it Mentoring graduate students can encompass many stages of their careers (Kaslow, Bangasser, Grus, McCutcheon, & Fowler, 2018; Lundgren & Orsillo, 2012). Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science cache = ./cache/work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq.txt === bib === id = work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a author = Kristin Bergtora Sandvik title = 'Safeguarding' as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4455 sentences = 414 flesch = 29 summary = 'Safeguarding' as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping scope and content of 'safeguarding' as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about Keywords: Buzzwords, Humanitarian accountability, Safeguarding, Sexual exploitation, Sexual violence and children, safeguarding has acquired a broader meaning, which includes all actions by aid actors to protect staff and content of 'safeguarding' as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the spring 2018, 118 members of InterAction (a US NGO alliance) signed a pledge on preventing sexual abuse, and exploitation by and of NGO staff, the word 'safeguarding' was initiatives, like HAP International (the Humanitarian Accountability Project) and People in Aid also emerged 'safeguarding' as a normative bundle based on humanitarian sector-specific responses to 'internal' events in the cache = ./cache/work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a.txt === bib === id = work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4 author = Margot I. Witvliet title = It Will Take a Global Movement to Curb Corruption in Health Systems Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2551 sentences = 309 flesch = 47 summary = Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" Corruption in health systems is a problem around the world. In the editorial entitled "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" concern with the Keywords: Corruption, Global Governance, Health Systems, Healthcare It will take a global movement to curb corruption in health systems: Comment on "We need to talk about corruption in health systems." Int J Health Policy Manag. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines that all people have the right to security and a right to health.1 Yet around the world, corruption can keep discussing the problem of corruption in health systems. corruption in health systems, then research agendas should effectively combat corruption in health systems. on corruption and health systems, but is the world and in Governance and Corruption in Public Health Care Systems. about corruption in health systems. about corruption in health systems. cache = ./cache/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.txt === bib === id = work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm author = L. Salehi title = P113: Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians date = 2019 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1211 sentences = 73 flesch = 55 summary = hypothesis that a small number of physicians are responsible for a disproportionately high number of CTPA ordered in the ED. Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at Preliminary results show a great deal of variation in ordering rates, ranging from 0.9 to 22.2 CTPA per 1000 ED visit (median = order disproportionately higher numbers of CTPAs have lower diagnostic yields. hospital-based data to characterize sexual and domestic assault cases Tracts to identify potential geographic areas where SGBV cases are Variables of interest included, age, gender, First Nations status (as identified by treaty number), EMS response times, bystander Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence cache = ./cache/work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm.txt === bib === id = work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem author = Saralyn Mark title = Letter to the Editor date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541076 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem.txt === bib === id = work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm author = David Roche title = Notre Top 5 des films anglophones de 2019 date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3771 sentences = 523 flesch = 75 summary = David Roche et Vincent Souladié, « Notre Top 5 des films anglophones de 2019 », Miranda [En ligne], proposé des films solides : Woody Allen, avec l'agréable A Rainy Day in New York (USA), jouer dans un autre registre que dans les films de gangsters qui ont fait leur gloire. bout avec des plans tournés en caméra HD dans To the Wonder, par exemple) lui permet Philips cherche à retrouver une ambiance urbaine des années 70's-80's qui passe par fiévreux est à rapprocher dans une certaine mesure des récents films des frères Safdie 4 Il est des films qui marquent avant tout par la qualité de leur scénario et de leur 6 Sans doute son meilleur film depuis Inglourious Basterds (Allemagne/USA, 2009) et l'une américain est à la fois un film-somme qui, situé dans le Los Angeles de 1969, poursuit la est interprété par Al Pacino, l'une des stars du New Hollywood. cache = ./cache/work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm.txt === bib === id = work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi author = Meghan B. Spyres title = Moving Towards Gender Equality in Medical Toxicology date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1894 sentences = 178 flesch = 52 summary = The unique struggles of women in academic medicine are receiving heightened attention thanks in part to the rise of the The desire to be present for your children conflicting with the drive to advance your academic medical career Women also tend to be underrepresented as speakers in academic conferences, missing these key opportunities for broader "Conferences for Women," a leadership and networking conference, were found more likely to be promoted and to receive advance women in the field of medical toxicology, and thereby advance the specialty as a whole. Funding Information Dr. Meghan Spyres, Dr. Elizabeth Moore, Dr. Michelle Ruha, and Dr. Ayrn O'Connor have no financial disclosures to Women physicians in academic medicine: new Gender differences in faculty rank among academic emergency academic emergency medicine physicians. 4. The state of women in academic medicine: the pipeline and pathways to leadership 2015-2016. cache = ./cache/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.txt === bib === id = work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima author = Emil L. Sigurdsson title = #MeToo – a concern for general practice? date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 998 sentences = 97 flesch = 49 summary = ISSN: 0281-3432 (Print) 1502-7724 (Online) Journal homepage: Sigurdsson (2018) #MeToo – a concern for general practice?, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 36:1, 1-2, DOI: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1426153 accusing the film producer of sexual assault and harassment, has led to a worldwide movement. female doctors have come forward with stories about sexual harassment: first, someone with more authority SJPHC: Do patients consult their GP for sexual concerns? primary health care provider and as such have the opportunity to assist women who have been the victim of sexual assault. women are reluctant to step forward and tell their story, Do patients consult their GP for sexual concerns? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? cache = ./cache/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.txt === bib === id = work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq author = John Launer title = Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1580 sentences = 308 flesch = 68 summary = Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address prominent women in politics and entertainment have given the issue of sexual common perpetrators, and sexual harassment is the most frequent form of abuse. institutional procedures to deal with grievances and reduce harassment are often effective ways of dealing with sexual overlaps with sexual harassment in many the subject of a large amount of psychological research outside the medical intervention to reduce sexual harassment of sexual harassment is the responsibility of men to address, and it calls for Sexual Harassment in Medicine #MeToo. N discrimination in medical training: a systematic review establishing sexual harassment prevention and female medical students' experiences of gendered prevention and management of bullying and harassing Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address cache = ./cache/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq author = Silvia Boide title = Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht's Work? date = 2018 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2174 sentences = 183 flesch = 70 summary = Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht's Work? Swiss author Christian Kracht, who is known for his reticence to appear in public, was announced to Kracht starts his lecture by provoking laughter in the audience by referring to his missing talent as Die Aufregung um Christian Krachts Poetikvorlesung in der Mediennachlese." https://, 15.07.2018, accessed 28.11.2018). With his lecture, as the panorama of reviews shows, Kracht poses the same regnete nicht.' Christian Krachts Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten als literarische Kracht starts the third lecture with a reading of an early review of his debut novel Faserland. de/kultur/literatur/2018-05/christian-kracht-vorlesung-frankfurt-abschluss, 23. But Kracht also refers to the genre explicitly and suggests that "This is Christian Kracht Boide, Silvia: "Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht's Work?". Boide, Silvia: "Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht's Work?". cache = ./cache/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.txt === bib === id = work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4 author = Nina Jakku title = Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study date = 2018 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11044 sentences = 974 flesch = 51 summary = approaches to gender equality connected to dealings with Muslim women in Sweden. obstacles connected to Muslim political subjects, the study provides insights into media representation Keywords: Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality Available media research in Sweden concludes that a stereotyping representation of Muslims is The voices of Muslim women, often in the form of debate articles, have become more common in Sweden in Restrictions on Muslim Women's Dress in the 28 EU Member States; Open Society Mirza, H.S. Embodying the veil: Muslim Women and gendered Islamophobia in 'New Times'. reports/restrictions-muslim-women-s-dress-28-eu-member-states (accessed on 27 September 2018). reports/restrictions-muslim-women-s-dress-28-eu-member-states (accessed on 27 September 2018). online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). New York, NY, USA, 2011; Available online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). New York, NY, USA, 2013; Available online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). cache = ./cache/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.txt === bib === id = work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m author = Janez Strajnar title = Zdravstveni obzornik in slovenska medicinska beseda date = 1985 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4200 sentences = 729 flesch = 72 summary = IZVLEČEKPrvi del članka obravnava vsebinsko zasnovo in raz voj Zdravstvenega obzornika, strokovnega glasila medicinskih sester Slovenije. dalje pa glasilo izdaja samo Zveza društev medicinskih sester Slovenije. medicinskih sester Slovenije, kar je navedeno tudi na novi naslovni strani. strokovne sekcije pri Zvezi društev medicinskih sester Slovenije k neposrednemu stalne rubrike, ki v prvem ddu vsebujejo tudi strokovne članke o razvoju zdravstvene nege, v drugem pa aktualne novosti, probleme in dogodke iz življenja in Druga sprememba naslovne strani Zdravstvenega obzornika (od leta 1977 dalje), ki • služba nege bolnika zajema vse tiste dejavnosti v zdravstvu, ki so v organizirani obliki na razpolago bolniku; izraz nega zajema tudi zdravega človeka, obsega Zdravstveni obzornik je izdal tudi dve tematski številki: Delo in izobraževanje medicinskih sester (1981, 7000 izvodov) in Živeti s hemofilijo (z barvno Uredništavo Zdravstvenega obzornika aktivno sodeluje tu di pri opredeljevanju in usklajevanju delovnih program ov strokovnih sekcij Zveze društev medicinskih sester Slovenije, spodbuja usmerjeno in sistematično obravnavo področja cache = ./cache/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.txt === bib === id = work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve author = Carol K. Hall title = A ChemE Grows in Brooklyn date = 2020 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14016 sentences = 3846 flesch = 90 summary = Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, with expectations typical for the times, to a chemical engineering professor college and graduate school training in physics, my postdoc years in chemistry, and my subsequent transformation into a chemical engineering faculty Over time, my interests evolved to focus on applying molecule-level computer simulations to systems of interest to chemical engineers, e.g., hydrocarbons and polymers. Tom and I went to graduate school in physics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. in Systems with Competing Interactions," examined how the relative strengths and ranges of repulsions and attractions in lattice gas models of fluids determine the types of phases (solid, liquid, again gave a seminar at Princeton, but this time to the Chemical Engineering Department. What was it like being the first female professor in the ChemE Department at Princeton was invited to give a seminar in Princeton's Chemical Engineering Department by my good friend cache = ./cache/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.txt === bib === id = work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq author = Marie-Louise Crawley title = Dance as Radical Archaeology date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7699 sentences = 638 flesch = 55 summary = a key part of a wider practice-as-research project probing shifting experiences of temporality when choreography "performs" as museum exhibit.2 The project asked how we might consider the live female dancer in the archaeological museum as a counter-archive or, to use it, dancing in the museum of ancient history and archaeology seems a rare phenomenon, at least I asked of my spectators, also speaks to dance scholar Gabriele Brandstetter's work on the fragmentary nature of performance in the museum as offering an alternative to traditional historiography.11 museum is navigating past and present; she is "doing" history, remembering, storytelling; choreography, like archaeology, continually inscribes "the polyvalent qualities of the past" (Shanks and so, although the video acts as a "memory" of the dance practice as it was performed in the museum, issue of Dance Research Journal (2014); the "Theatre and the Museum: Cultures of Display," a special issue of the Theatre Journal (2107); and "Performance, Choreography and the Gallery," a special cache = ./cache/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.txt === bib === id = work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy author = Nadya Ali title = The unbearable anxiety of being: Ideological fantasies of British Muslims beyond the politics of security date = 2018 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10498 sentences = 826 flesch = 59 summary = The Unbearable Anxiety of Being: Ideological Fantasies of British Muslims Islamophobic ideological fantasies summon a 'conceptual Muslim' Today, in the academic fields of politics and international relations, we find ideology counterposed to Foucault's concept of 'governmentality' in the form of a vertical analogy wherein the social construction of British Muslims can be conceived of as 'ideological': fantasy, and anxiety. 'other', the conceptual Muslim, and its ideological functions in concrete political struggles beyond this investigation: the mediatised social construction of British Muslims beyond the politics of 2.4 Ideology-critique and the unbearable anxiety of the 'conceptual Muslim' categories, including fantasy and anxiety figure in political and social processes and events, and this is the ideological function of the 'Muslim rape gangs' fantasy. this is the ideological function of the 'Muslim rape gangs' fantasy. Through ideological fantasies about Muslims, confrontation with fundamental (accessed 8 December (accessed 8 June 2014). cache = ./cache/work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy.txt === bib === id = work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy author = Margus Viigimaa title = Kardioloogia. Kas 2017. aasta muudab hüpertensiooni ravi eesmärkväärtusi? date = 2017 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2548 sentences = 558 flesch = 74 summary = uuringu SPRINT (Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) tulemused (2). Tuleb tunnistada, et vererõhu eesmärkväärtuste leidmine on küll teadus, aga juhendis olid toodud järgmised vererõhu eesmärkväärtused: vererõhku süstoolse vererõhu eesmärkväärtused tüüpi diabeedi korral vererõhu klinitsiste aastateks uskuma, et vererõhku tuleb langetada madalaima talutava tasemeni, ja oli aluseks „mida madalam, seda parem" kontseptsioonile. intensiivse rav i rühmas vererõhu mis räägivad SPRINT-uuringu tulemuste alusel vererõhu eesmärkväärtuste < 120/80 mm Hg vähendamise Noortel (alla 50aastastel) patsientidel on vererõhu eesmärkväärtused aastal (12), on soovitatud üle 60aastastele patsientidele süstoolse vererõhu Äsja ilmus ajakirjas JAMA metaanalüüs, kus uuriti üle 65aastaste patsientide intensiivse vererõhu langetamise Leiti, et intensiivselt ravitud patsientidel oli kardiovaskulaarsete sündmuste ja surma risk oluliselt väiksem. • Üle 80aastastel on süstoolse vererõhu eesmärk 140–150 mm Hg. Outcomes of intensive blood pressure lowering in older hypertensive Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) blood pressure trial: Intensiivse vererõhu langetamise toimed vanemaealistel hüpertoonikutel (3). Intensiivse vererõhu langetamise toimed vanemaealistel (≥ 65 aasta vanustel) hüpertoonikutel cache = ./cache/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.txt === bib === id = work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m author = Kumanan Rasanathan title = Reimagining global health as the sharing of power date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1856 sentences = 293 flesch = 62 summary = Gender inequalities in global health institutions have been challenged by organisations the report examines the policies and composition of 200 organisations working in global while only 12% of global health organisations global health organisations compared with BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health The intersectional lens the report applies to its analysis of today's global health architecture is much needed. of global health organisations' headquarters in highincome countries? and middleincome countries in only 5% of global health whether global health leadership can be anything other culture of global health. to action for gender equality in global health leadership. Report card shows gender is missing in global health. 9 Global Health 50/50. 9 Global Health 50/50. The global health 50/50 report 2020: power, Reimagining global health as the sharing of power Reimagining global health as the sharing of power cache = ./cache/work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m.txt === bib === id = work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy author = Jordan Zimmerman title = #foodie: Implications of interacting with social media for memory date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12254 sentences = 991 flesch = 59 summary = In two experiments, we examined how the act of commenting on social media images in recognition memory were observed, and "unhealthy" food images such as chocolates were particularly well Keywords: Social media, Memory, Elaborative encoding, Food, Disordered eating observed, and "unhealthy" food images such as chocolates were particularly well remembered, but these memory findings did not relate to self-reported eating For example, across the whole experiment (study and test), participants saw five total images of pizza, some of which were new items and some In addition to effects of commenting, we tested the hypothesis that individual differences in memory for food testing hypotheses relating memory for food-related Instagram posts to disordered eating behaviors. Each participant commented on 50 of 100 viewed Instagram posts, followed by an old–new recognition memory In addition, the by-person random effects for memory and commenting were positively related (r = .487, p < .0001), indicating that participants cache = ./cache/work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy.txt === bib === id = work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u author = Partha Kar title = Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 950 sentences = 154 flesch = 62 summary = Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth covid with institutional racism amongst your friends knows the genetics of covid, but you see fit to suggest ethnic people] is down to racism. The BMJ,1 in which I discussed whether racism was among people from ethnic minority backgrounds. racism and discrimination may have contributed to there may be racism in the NHS. allies for women facing sexism and trying to bring Racism in the NHS is not much different. having a race bias, may simply reflect your ignorance Such views mean that, existence of discrimination and racism. the data" makes no difference without targets and NHS responds to targets and associated penalties: 1 Kar P.ParthaKar:Covid-19andethnicity-whyareallourangelswhite?BMJ COVID-19 on BAME groups. NHS workforce race equality standard. cache = ./cache/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.txt === bib === id = work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm author = Robert D. Johnston title = EDITORS' NOTE date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2150 sentences = 324 flesch = 78 summary = With this issue, we formally leave the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era in Cothran and Genetin-Pilawa will take a now middle-aged journal still powerfully The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 17 (2018), 595–598 © Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Nationalism" speech there, Obama hoped to birth a new Progressive Era by directly channeling the spirit of the old one.2 constitutes modern-day "populism" in our rancorous age of resurgent nationalism history of capitalism to indigenous histories of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. In and Get Students Excited About Doing History (New York: Teachers College Press, 2009), 211. Johnston, "Long Live Teddy/Death to Woodrow: The Polarized Politics of The Progressive Era in the 2012 Election," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 13(July manager, Podesta was one of the chief targets of WikiLeaks; in the process, the Journal of the Gilded Age cache = ./cache/work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm.txt === bib === id = work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq author = Edward Shorter title = The liberal state and the rogue agency: FDA's regulation of drugs for mood disorders, 1950s–1970s date = 2008 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539648 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.txt === bib === id = work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym author = Anna Blackwell title = '#DifferenceMakesUs': Selling Shakespeare Online (and the Commerce Platform Etsy) date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6944 sentences = 499 flesch = 66 summary = Abstract The mission statement of the online creative commerce platform Etsy declares its commitment to "using the power of business to strengthen communities and empower people". people who operate through platforms such as these as well as Shakespeare's own depiction of female craft and handcrafted items. broad malleability and adaptability of Shakespeare and allow me to reconnect the opening work of this article on feminist fashion with what Midsummer Night's Dream, "though she but little, she is fierce" (Shakespeare 1988, III, 2, 335-6). to later Etsy products, however, with its targeting of female Shakespeare 'Shakespeare' and 'feminist' produced 105 results and, of those, 80 featured the same line again or derivative variants thereof, including 'she is 3 Women and Craft in Shakespeare's Plays 3 Women and Craft in Shakespeare's Plays The potentially expressive value of female craft, be it literal act of making or more figurative uses, is indeed effaced throughout Shakespeare's URL (2019-03-06). cache = ./cache/work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym.txt === bib === id = work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve author = S.Yu. Pavlina title = USING CULTURE-SPECIFIC ELEMENTS IN AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2167 sentences = 286 flesch = 64 summary = USING CULTURE-SPECIFIC ELEMENTS IN AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES The article explores the linguistic component of American presidential debates. The former incorporates political and social realia as well as those connected with cultural norms Idioms used in the presidential debates reflect American culture codes. Keywords: presidential debates, culture-specific components, realia, idioms. represent some aspects of a particular political and social contexts which are closely associated with a specific culture. singled out in debate texts pertain to the political realm, social sphere as well as cultural norms and practices. Apart from realia culture-specific linguistic units embedded in presidential debates rhetoric include typically The analysis of presidential debates rhetoric shows that culture specific units employed by American politicians in preelectoral discourse encompass realia and idioms. 9. Donald Trump & Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript 2020 [Электронный ресурс]. (дата (дата обращения: 20.11.2020) 9. Donald Trump & Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript 2020 [Electronic resource]. (accessed:20.11.2020) cache = ./cache/work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve.pdf txt = ./txt/work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve.txt === bib === id = work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u author = Amanda Spallacci title = Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7541 sentences = 448 flesch = 60 summary = Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event Keywords: trauma; memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema the traumatic event—some recent cinematic depictions of rape represent the trauma resulting from Finally, Henry (2014) situates rape -revenge films as a "cultural key that can help to reveal Regardless of these differences, fiction films that depict a rape scene seem to present a "feminist and television series that include a rape scene may foreground the protagonist's emotional responses graphic rape scene in a culture that fetishizes traumatic events—specifically acts of violence against trauma and rape culture are responsible for the survivors' inability to form a legal testimony (Alcoff to function rhetorically to widen the cultural understanding of rape trauma beyond the event and trauma cannot be dissociated from cultural memory in Wind Gap. The narrative within Sharp Objects Rape Scenes as Representations of Survivors' Trauma Rape Scenes as Representations of Survivors' Trauma cache = ./cache/work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u.txt === bib === id = work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi author = Marie Bocher title = Drawing everyday sexism in academia: observations and analysis of a community-based initiative date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12659 sentences = 1062 flesch = 55 summary = Through the website, we collect testimonies about everyday sexism occurring in the professional academic environment (universities, research institutes, scientific conferences. stereotypical feminine roles, (2) behaviours that aim at maintaining men in stereotypical masculine roles, (3) the questioning of the scientific skills of female researchers, (4) situations where women have the position of an outsider, especially in informal networking contexts, (5) the objectification strips, we decided to extend the project by collecting sexist stories from the academic community, and turning these For example, males tend to doubt and question studies showing gender bias more than women do (Handley et al., 2015). received testimony using three main criteria: (1) the story depicts a situation of sexist bias, (2) the story is different from Again, in a work context, most of these situations put female scientists back to their gendered condition, but this time Gender Bias Against Women in Science, Worklife Law, available at: cache = ./cache/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.txt === bib === id = work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki author = David Desplaces title = Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6367 sentences = 627 flesch = 59 summary = Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention sexual harassment (SH), and 62% offered training intended to prevent and combat it (Blackman, attitudes toward sexual harassment might effect the outcome of training. To prove a hostile environment claim based on sexual harassment under current law, The Effectiveness of Sexual Harassment Training Difference in Status in Terms of Training and Witnessing Sexual Harassment significant impact on the perception that sexual attention at work is never appropriate (mean = manager's action was appropriate in the particular context of the scenario (specifically, the mean Gender Differences Relating to Training and Witnessing Sexual Harassment sexual harassment training further lend support to Hypothesis 3 that graduates or professionals Sexual harassment training: Workshops to combat sexual harassment: A case study of changing gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment. differences in perceptions of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace: Are human cache = ./cache/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.txt === bib === id = work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i author = Amy Chapman title = Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5431 sentences = 379 flesch = 49 summary = Open science and public, social scholarship can media to promote scholarship are the civic responsibility of citizen-scholars, so that research becomes Keywords: social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship scholarship using social media is the civic responsibility of today's citizen-scholars, so that research scholarly practices: open science, public scholarship, and social scholarship, which foreground our discussion of the responsibilities and practices of citizen-scholars in the age of social media. effort needed to learn how to use social media tools to create open access networked models or to of public scholarship, open science, and social media. knowledge-sharing, open research dissemination, and social review [19]. Whether working from the traditional model of scholarship or the open, public, and social citizen-scholars to contribute to the knowledge and public discourse being shared via social media. of accurate and timely research is critical, and citizen-scholars, through open, public, and social cache = ./cache/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.txt === bib === id = work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm author = Margaret S. Stockdale title = Beyond Representation of Women in I-O to Producing Gender-Inclusive Knowledge date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3451 sentences = 340 flesch = 59 summary = from leadership and sexual harassment; and (4) gender research in I/O is not a career killer, and representation of sex and gender topics in I/O science, we first document the prevalence of sexor gender-related research published in mainstream I/O journals since the 1960s. frequently studied in I/O psychology within this body of sex and gender research. Whereas men were more likely than women to be first authors of gender research in I/O and female first authors is likely a function of the number of men and women in I/O psychology women in I/O publishing about 67% of gender research. men to be the lead authors of gender-based research in mainstream I/O-related journals, both in The placement of research on sex and gender in top journals in I/O psychology and management The growth of gender research is impressive within psychology in general (Eagly, psychology: Analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender. cache = ./cache/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.txt === bib === id = work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq author = George Levine title = Why Beauty Matters date = 2018 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10428 sentences = 763 flesch = 59 summary = "to embrace Darwin's aesthetic view of life and fully incorporate the possibility of nonadaptive arbitrary aesthetic evolution by sexual selection."1 of sexual selection, that female aesthetic choice provides a better explanation than the traditional adaptationist one for many evolutionary While Prum rightly connects his own perspectives on sexual selection with Darwin's, his embrace of the female role in speciation and evolutionary change takes him a long way, even from the Darwin he is trying The idea of the aesthetic as a social contract is not the only important inference Prum draws from the evolutionary engagement (and contest) of female and male. beauty, "that the females admire the beauty of their male counterparts."16 "The taste for the beautiful," says Darwin, comfortably using language of intention, and desire, "is not of a special nature in the human cache = ./cache/work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq.txt === bib === id = work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki author = Lauren Vogel title = Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 966 sentences = 89 flesch = 58 summary = Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment A n online survey is shining a spot-light on pervasive sexual harass-ment in acad em ia , incl u d ing cases, respondents didn't report abuse for found that 45%–93% of residents experienced some form of harassment or intimidation during training, with 25%–60% Medical students report similar experiences. Medical trainees are urging schools to Smith says medical schools have complaints processes after realizing trainees were unwilling to flag abuse if they had Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment Power imbalances in medical training enable abuse and make it difficult to report, say trainee groups. Other schools still require complainants to identify themselves. reporting sexual harassment by a faculty Smith notes that even anonymous complaints may be traced back if the abuse was "We have to support victims of sexual harassment, or any cache = ./cache/work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4 author = Ferrán Catalá-López, title = Does the development of new medicinal products in the European Union address global and regional health concerns? date = 2010 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7151 sentences = 1017 flesch = 54 summary = Methods: We reviewed the information on new medicinal products approved by centralized procedure from 1995 between authorized medicinal products and burden of disease measures based on disability-adjusted life years Results: We considered 520 marketing authorizations for medicinal products and 338 active ingredients. DALYs and new medicinal product development (r = 0.619, p = 0.005) in the European Union, and a moderate Conclusions: We find that the development of new medicinal products is higher for some diseases than others. medicinal products changes with disease burden in different populations. We collected the following information: year of approval, name of the medicinal product, active ingredients (new chemical between human-use medicinal products authorized during the study period and burden of disease measures. development of medicinal products and disease burden From a public health perspective [18-20], the therapeutic value and degree of innovation of medicinal products could also be considered, referring to their cache = ./cache/work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4.txt === bib === id = work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu author = Kathleen Frederickson title = Evolution date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1928 sentences = 176 flesch = 55 summary = CHARLES Darwin famously does not use the word "evolution" in thefirst edition of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Reflecting on evolution's altered status as a legitimate scientific principle, Darwin writes that and non-naturalist friends be skeptical, dismissive, or wary of earlier evolutionary hypotheses; by 1872, among naturalists at least, natural selection might be contentious, but evolution itself was not. the view that species transmute as a result of adaptation and the inheritance of acquired characteristics;2 for Lyell, Lamarckian "evolution" the fittest"6—is representative of many nineteenth-century appropriations of evolution: though Spencer was happy to adopt natural selection Beer's now classic account of the uses of evolution as a narrative paradigm stresses that Darwin's later writing on sexual selection turned to 1. Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or Darwins (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016), 51. (Cannon Schmitt, Darwin and the Memory of the Human: Evolution, cache = ./cache/work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu.txt === bib === id = work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m author = Hans Renders title = Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the Netherlands date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3684 sentences = 277 flesch = 68 summary = Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the a good way to look at the state of the art in Dutch biography. subject for a biography, it is clear that there is an increased effort to use sound archival sources as the foundation for biographical research. Because we are living in a world of alternative facts, biography and journalism seem In the case of Belgian biography, another factor comes into play: the language in which the book was written. When a biography is written by a family member, the author sometimes gets access publication of the biography of the Dutch poet and resistance hero Jan Campert in The arts are also the focus of Manu van der Aa's Tatave!, a biography of the cache = ./cache/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.txt === bib === id = work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u author = George E. Pake title = The Material Foundations of Modern Scientific and Technological Advances date = 1985 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4070 sentences = 239 flesch = 57 summary = accumulating advances from materials research. possible by the advances in materials science and technology From a broad perspective, materials research has enabled a commercial sense, consumer electronics and communications depend critically on the high function, durability, say a few words, that is, particle physics or high-energy communities of research scientists, that the most important next requirement to advance elementary particle physics is SSC design study concluded that the total accelerator cost For the United States instead to deliberately choose a "metoo" or "also-ran" research science status is to opt for States is best assured if we lead the world in advancing budget for science and research. research or of materials science depended upon one major, advancing cancer research, or of the technological benefits SSC project is only possible because of advances in superconducting materials which enable the magnets, in the distinction that the materials science, solid-state physics, or cache = ./cache/work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u.txt === bib === id = work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy author = Alessandro Caliandro title = Studying Instagram Beyond Selfies date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5988 sentences = 386 flesch = 45 summary = media (Carah & Shaul, 2015) and the immediate and intuitive logic of visual communication, Instagram is notably impacts, studying Instagram poses different kinds of challenges and many gaps are still to be filled. this way Instagram has developed a vernacular visual culture consider the hashtags: on Twitter they serve mainly to aggregate conversations; on Instagram they specify the content of An equally important methodological challenge concerns the most crucial pieces of content on Instagram: approaches and networked content analysis are still underemployed in social research on Instagram. conducting social research on Instagram arises from the fact Visually-Oriented Approach to Study Instagram Hashtags," definition and scope of hashtag "engagement"—the metricsbased analysis of which provides what is currently the dominant approach to understanding user and consumer attitudes Instagram users, the authors offer a detailed textual analysis #Funeral and Instagram: Death, social media, and platform methods: Studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs cache = ./cache/work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy.txt === bib === id = work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka author = Zaida Orth title = "These Women are Making a Statement Against Rape and yet the only Thing Y'All can Focus on is 'Eww They're Naked'": Exploring Rape Culture on Facebook in South Africa date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8494 sentences = 718 flesch = 60 summary = The findings suggest that the #nakedprotest was successful in initiating public conversations concerning the issue of rape culture. reaction to the #nakedprotest demonstrated that rape culture is pervasive in society and continues to be re(produced) through discourse on social media platforms. However, social media also offers individuals the opportunity to draw from and participate in multiple counter-publics which challenge these mainstream rape culture Keywords Rape culture · Social media · Qualitative · Content analysis · Facebook and activism, which utilises social media technologies to develop counter-publics, and in turn, allows users to initiate and engage in conversations about sexual Commenters who were against the protest were shown to perpetuate a rape culture discourse through attitudes related to exploring perceptions of rape culture on social media also found victim-blaming It indicates that people can use social media to collectively respond and challenge dominant discourses surrounding sexual violence and rape culture. cache = ./cache/work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka.txt === bib === id = work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye author = Stephen Palmer title = Incorporating option values into the economic evaluation of health care technologies date = 2000 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8477 sentences = 622 flesch = 52 summary = DP166.Incorporating Option Values Into the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies Despite uncertainty being intrinsic to economic evaluation of health care, existing techniques appraisal, methodologies for incorporating uncertainty into health technology evaluation are many health care decisions involve considerable uncertainty, often involving an irreversible Table 2: Cost-per-QALY estimates (£) for 7 medical procedures after sensitivity analysis of outcome and cost-per-QALY estimates for procedures 5-7 exceed the critical threshold the decision maker the benefits of the technology to be valued as V, and there is an investment cost of I. In cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) the health benefits of alternative interventions are Applications of option pricing theory to the evaluation of health care technologies decision rules conventionally used to evaluate health care technologies. Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. cache = ./cache/work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye.txt === bib === id = work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74 author = Harriet Hartman title = The 2019 Sklare Address: How Gender and Family Still Matter for Contemporary Jewry date = 2020 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12154 sentences = 790 flesch = 54 summary = Keywords Family · Gender · Jewish identity · Open systems model · Ecological with Moshe, is what is distinctive about the patterns of gender, family, education and labor force that occur among American Jews and what is "Jewish" about labor force achievements, resulting in gender differences between American Jewish men and women in secular achievement. strategies that have helped shape Jewish families, including strictly Orthodox communities and same-sex parents, suggesting productive ways to think about possible In another example, this time from the Israeli context, intermarriage between different Jewish denominations is not common: 95% of haredi Jews marry other haredi But Jewish identity and engagement are affected by the collective denominational profile of all Jews living in their community (another macrosystem variable). fields of gender and family and Jewish identity, including Gender and American Jews: Patterns of Work, cache = ./cache/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.txt === bib === id = work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u author = Rebecca Bondü title = Political and Religious Extremism and Sexual Aggression – New Perspectives from the Workshop on Aggression 2018 date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2820 sentences = 210 flesch = 44 summary = This focus section on extremism, radicalization, and sexual aggression presents recent research from two cur and acceptance of group-related aggressive behavior, namely hate speech against Muslims and collective violent in Chile; the other considers risk factors for potential sexual aggression in a German sample of participants with Keywords: extremism, radicalization, hate speech, collective violence, sexual aggression aggressive behavior receive growing public and research attention over time, depending for example on The present focus section, therefore, will first draw attention to various aspects linked to the acceptance of several forms of aggressive behavior towards out-groups and radicalization tendencies. the University of Jena, Germany, outlined a comprehensive process model of radicalization including individual factors that may make subjects particularly shift the focus to other risk factors for potential sexually aggressive behavior in a group of participants aggressive behavior may be reflected on from different scientific angles and that individual and social risk cache = ./cache/work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u.txt === bib === id = work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4 author = Mitch Abrams title = #SportToo: Implications of and Best Practice for the #MeToo Movement in Sport date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8189 sentences = 765 flesch = 54 summary = dynamics of sexual violence within the athletic and sport culture. Keywords: assessment, sexual assault, sport, violence vital areas: clinical psychology/counseling and in sport and performance, particularly in understanding athletic and sport culture, bring pragmatic expertise to the Prior to the Larry Nassar scandal at Michigan State University and U.S. Gymnastics, there has been concern about sexual abuse and assault in sport. experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation (Cantor et al., 2015) with an additional 25% of transgender college students likely to perpetrate sexual violence (e.g. Eskenazi, 1990) than non-athletes. focus on culture change, interventions need to utilize both a top-down and bottomup approach and include addressing the myth of false reports and victim prototype, rates, it is important to help male athletes understand that sexual assault affects three-pronged approach: comprehensive prevention, risk assessment, and treatment, cannot be underestimated in moving toward reduction of sexual assault The male athletes and sexual assault. cache = ./cache/work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4.txt === bib === id = work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4 author = Jeremy Berg title = Editor's note date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2614 sentences = 348 flesch = 58 summary = In her Working Life piece "Instagram won't solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright's critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.txt === bib === id = work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm author = Mia Lindgren title = Researching Podcast Production – an Australian Podcast Study About Women and Work in Are We There Yet? date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3410 sentences = 355 flesch = 68 summary = The two novice podcast presenters – Melbourne-based leadership consultants Linda Betts and Barbara Dalton – had run face-to-face ('f2f') leadership topic of women at work could provide listeners with a shared experience similar The team produced and analysed the podcast using a practice-research approach, building on this author's conceptual work into radio documentary Stories of women's experiences in the workplace were shared with listeners as short voxpops, in the interview and by the presenters in their informal asked about the experience of listening to the episode and the use of podcasting to discuss gender in the workplace, participants noted four main themes: The solution-based approach of the podcast motivated one focus group participant to actively change her behaviour when applying for work: "it made me This introduction becomes a three-point 'manifesto' for a podcast about women and work: 1) listeners are part of a community of shared experiences; 2) Lindgren, Mia (2016): "Personal Narrative Journalism and Podcasting." In: The Radio cache = ./cache/work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm.txt === bib === id = work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54 author = (:Unkn) Unknown title = Everyday feminism in the digital era: Gender, the fourth wave, and social media affordances date = 2020 pages = 267 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 71395 sentences = 4460 flesch = 59 summary = of three case studies –Bumble the "feminist" dating app, private Facebook groups for the feminist potential of everyday social media use, while considering the limits of digital the fourth wave through case studies of everyday uses of digital technologies – Bumble, the second case study, I looked at private Facebook groups for women used for The focus of this research are private Facebook groups for women for professional women's uses of social media and locates these everyday practices in a broader context of understanding of the ways that everyday uses of social media connect to feminist politics creates additional, largely invisible, labor for women who use Bumble (and online dating In the face of these experiences of discrimination, women are creating womenonly private Facebook groups for professional support, networking opportunities, and Women's experiences of harassment in other online spaces, beyond Facebook groups, the stories shared using #MeToo on social media discussed sexual harassment and abuse cache = ./cache/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.txt === bib === id = work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi author = Cat Drew title = Design for data ethics: using service design approaches to operationalize ethical principles on four projects date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8678 sentences = 1261 flesch = 60 summary = Design for data ethics: using service design approaches to operationalize ethical principles on four projects is helping to shape ethical data science projects that are delivering benefits for the public. The initial Data Ethics Framework was published in beta form as it needs iteration: as technology 4. Reflections on the personal use of service design approaches in four data been applying service design approaches to data projects to ensure that they deliver impact. Four ways in which service design approaches can raise awareness and communicate of the opportunities of data to The value of a service design approach to 'wrap around' a data project The value of a service design approach to 'wrap around' a data project Reflections on personal use of service design approaches in four data projects Reflections on personal use of service design approaches in four data projects cache = ./cache/work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi.txt === bib === id = work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la author = Alison Jolly title = Love, actually date = 2004 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7699 sentences = 958 flesch = 69 summary = Love Actually y la esfera musical como cómplice de la perpetuación de los roles de género tradicionales = Love Actually and the Musical Sphere as an Accomplice to the Perpetuation of Traditional Gender Roles Por otro lado el cine, como producción artística y cultural, constituye indudablemente una herramienta que ofrece la posibilidad de que la sociedad pueda los que poder empatizar, como por ejemplo sucede en algunas de las últimas las, cada vez más, películas que narran y visibilizan historias de mujeres, de todas papel que ejerce la música en la confección de los roles de género tradicionales tres cuartos del cuerpo de las dos mujeres protagonistas, realzando por un lado lo que nos sitúa una vez más en el rol de mujer históricamente aceptado como Una de las historias más agridulces del largometraje que, sin duda, contribuye a género tradicionales, dado que a lo largo de las tramas actúa como bisagra y en cache = ./cache/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.txt === bib === id = work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm author = Jean Steiner title = Tell Your Own Story date = 2015 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4022 sentences = 238 flesch = 57 summary = Law and Literature (, whose core proposals are to encourage the studies on Law and Literature and to promote European founded the European Network of Law and Literature (EURNLL). the word out about new Law and Literature publications and events. Humanities (2019) and my From Law and Literature to Legality and particular Law and Literature histories, for instance, in the Netherlands your studies on English Literature until you approached Law and trajectory: how was this path from Art and Literature to Law? your assessment on the development of the studies of Law and Literature cultural studies to my analyses of law and legal processes to treat them as the leading periodicals in Law and Literature now include work focusing genres and art forms that can now be spoken about in Law and Literature Individual Law and Literatures depend on the specific legal, narratives that might also be garnered through Law and Literature work. cache = ./cache/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.txt === bib === id = work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam author = Antonio Raimondo Di Grigoli title = Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention di Michael Flood, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2018 date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1455 sentences = 178 flesch = 65 summary = Il problema dell'uguaglianza di genere costituisce attualmente uno degli obiettivi primari della nostra società, come sostiene tra gli altri l'Unesco che ha inserito la questione nei confronti dello sradicamento della violenza di genere, da quanto è emerso dalla campagna #metoo, che ci ha spinto a una riflessione sulle possibili strategie da adottare per Il volume si pone come un utile strumento teorico-pratico sulla natura e la dimensione della violenza di genere perpetrata dagli uomini nei confronti delle donne. Nella seconda parte del libro, lo studioso si concentra sulle strategie idonee al coinvolgimento degli uomini per il contrasto della violenza verso le donne, quindi su come "condurre gli uomini alla porta" (get men in the door) (p. Alla domanda su quanti uomini hanno commesso violenza contro le donne, non ci sono molti dati, visto che le indagini tendono più a soffermarsi cache = ./cache/work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam.txt === bib === id = work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee author = Jane Zelikova title = Harassment charges: Enough himpathy date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2095 sentences = 280 flesch = 66 summary = e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC currently address charges of sexual harassment. Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Enough himpathy ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED cache = ./cache/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.txt === bib === id = work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i author = Peter Simeon Swisher title = The managed web: A look at the impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management for the enterprise date = 2007 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6759 sentences = 578 flesch = 68 summary = management (MAM) and how end users interact media, metadata, end users and production tools is the product manager at VFinity, an innovative content management software company based in NYC. and implemented the only web-native asset management system on the market today. digital asset management, relationship management and other web-based technologies for companies such as Quark, Inc., Aris media, metadata, users, and tools — all via the web. increased, DAM end users began requesting web legacy DAM, MAM and rights management completely web-based tools, media and metadata. MAM and content management systems was Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management " managed web " or " MAM 2.0 " . " managed web " or " MAM 2.0 " . cache = ./cache/work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq author = Justin Jones title = Towards a Muslim Family Law Act? Debating Muslim women's rights and the codification of personal laws in India date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9743 sentences = 639 flesch = 52 summary = Debating Muslim women's rights and the codification of personal laws in India women's rights and the codification of personal laws in India, Contemporary South Asia, DOI: In 2014, the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA, or 'Indian Muslim Women's Movement') published the first draft of a document that has come to define its agenda: The Muslim Family Law Act. The Act opens with the statement that, across the world including Muslim-majority states, 'new legal Samaj in 1970, a Muslim socio-political organisation that pressed for the legal prohibition of contentious Muslim family laws and the move towards a common civil code (Haygunde 2017; Guha 2011, in the wider Islamic world; the prior codification of Hindu family law in India; and the weight of significant Muslim community support for reform, might all have incurred legislative intervention. wholesale legislative overhaul of Muslim personal laws advocated by women's activists in earlier generations, arguing that such initiatives might foster social division and lack support within the community. cache = ./cache/work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq.txt === bib === id = work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi author = Amie R Newins title = Title IX Mandated Reporting: The Views of University Employees and Students date = 2018 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9902 sentences = 869 flesch = 58 summary = Specifically, university employees are required to report incidents of sexual violence some states have implemented laws that require colleges and universities to report sexual assault cases may influence students' Title IX beliefs and their willingness to disclose a sexual assault to university students indicated they would tell a faculty member if they knew of a sexual assault perpetrated by were asked to indicate how likely they would be to report a student disclosure of sexual assault to the of reporting requirements differed by perpetrator category (student vs faculty), type of sexual Student was sexually harassed by a faculty member Knowledge of Reporting Requirement 6.36 1.64 7.00 6.27 1.32 7.00 being required to assist students with reporting sexual harassment perpetrated by faculty members agreement with mandated reporting of sexual harassment perpetrated by faculty members and rape of sampled university employees indicated they would report a student disclosure of sexual assault cache = ./cache/work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi.txt === bib === id = work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4 author = Joseph A. DiMasi title = The Economics of Follow-on Drug Research and Development date = 2004 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9106 sentences = 942 flesch = 69 summary = We determined average times to initial and subsequent entry in drug classes by drug in a new class enjoys has fallen dramatically over time (a median of 10.2 years development prior to the approval of the class breakthrough drug. Conclusions: The data suggest that entry barriers have fallen over time for new drug However, only ten first-in-class drugs are examined covering a nearly 30-year period with no indication that steps were taken to be comprehensive, new follow-on drugs at the time of marketing compare them to the approval and development histories of their corresponding first-in-class drugs. to 1998 period that have not had chemical or pharmacological follow-on new drug approvals. Regression results for trends in the time to market entry following a first in class approval Share of therapeutic classes with at least one follow-on drug with development phase initiated prior to first-in-class approval by cache = ./cache/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.txt === bib === id = work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm author = Lily Frank title = Swiping Left on the Quantified Relationship: Exploring the Potential Soft Impacts date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2091 sentences = 172 flesch = 49 summary = Swiping left on the quantified relationship: exploring the potential soft ISSN: 1526-5161 (Print) 1536-0075 (Online) Journal homepage: To cite this article: Lily Frank & Michał Klincewicz (2018) Swiping Left on the Quantified Relationship: Exploring the Potential Soft Impacts, The American Journal of Bioethics, 18:2, 27-28 potential soft impacts of quantified relationship technologies (QRT). Relationship, dating, and "hookup" technologies, Tinder is an example of the way in which relationship Consequently, even if users consent to the use of QRT, Online relationship, dating, and "hookup" apps are based dating app that intentionally uses of gamification to Tinder can be used as a dating app and as a means the different ways in which men and women use relationship apps like Tinder (Tyson et al. QRT are likely to be informed by stereotypical and gendered "scripts" of romantic and sexual behavior that are Available at: cache = ./cache/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.txt === bib === id = work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm author = E V Boisaubin title = Cardiology in ancient Egypt date = 1988 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217536207 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:04 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm.txt === bib === id = work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu author = Maryam Zaringhalam title = Journal editors should not divide scientists date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2633 sentences = 346 flesch = 58 summary = In her Working Life piece "Instagram won't solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright's critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu.txt === bib === id = work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy author = Cassandra Jones title = Overview and Analysis of Research Studies on Gender-based Violence Among UK University Students and Staff date = 2020 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5757 sentences = 608 flesch = 58 summary = Overview and Analysis of Research Studies on Gender-based Violence Among UK university responses to GBV but on the research processes used by studies to investigate unpublished) conducted in the UK on SV and DVA among university students and staff. • Studies that focused on SV and/or DVA among university students and/or staff 2) (sexual violence or sexual assault or sexual harassment) AND (university students • Category of study authors: academic, within universities student Two studies that focused on SV included queries about DVA, one conducted by students' Out of the 13 SV studies that used quantitative survey tools, eight measured sexual DVA studies looked at victimisation and perpetration. Some studies asked students about their alcohol/drug use and the perpetrators' use. No study could be located that investigated SV and DVA among university staff. validated tools to elicit information about sexual violence and none of the DVA studies cache = ./cache/work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy.txt === bib === id = work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi author = Therése Skoog title = Study protocol for PRISE: a longitudinal study of sexual harassment during the transition from childhood to adolescence date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8103 sentences = 687 flesch = 54 summary = harassment and potential correlates including biological (e.g., pubertal development), psychosocial (e.g., selfassertiveness, self-image, peer relations), and contextual (e.g., classroom climate, norms) factors. examine school readiness and policies in relation to sexual harassment and collect register data to assess the Keywords: Sexual harassment, Peer victimization, School, Longitudinal, Late childhood, Adolescence, Testimonies from the #metoo movement, and evidence from a small, tentative body of mainly crosssectional research, converge to reveal that sexual harassment becomes part of young people's lives early in and psychological (e.g., self-esteem, body esteem, resilience, satisfaction with class and school, reactions if sexually harassed) factors within the individual. objective of the PRISE study is to examine the prevalence of sexual harassment over the course of the transition from late childhood to early adolescence and its school personnel) on child and adolescent development in general, and sexual harassment among young cache = ./cache/work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi.txt === bib === id = work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee author = John Coverdale title = What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5109 sentences = 513 flesch = 54 summary = What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, abuse from families and patients, medical error, academic performance, and verbal abuse by members of the health care We recognize, though, that other potentially stressful adverse experiences during residency training Assault by a patient and suicide of a patient have been identified as the two most stressful adversities of training in psychiatry. of internal medicine residents: aggression by patients and mistreatment by colleagues. Physician leaders along with the institutions in which residents train have professional obligations to treat colleagues (and about the prevention and management of the various adversities that psychiatry residents may encounter in clinical training. Encountering patient suicide: a resident's experience. What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? cache = ./cache/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.txt === bib === id = work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea author = Rosalind Gill title = Not all creatives are created equal date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1443 sentences = 90 flesch = 53 summary = Permanent repository link: Scientific community and society / Social sciences / Culture / Arts For people interested in equality, diversity and social justice in the workplace, the cultural are sites of stark and persistent inequalities, in which women, people from black and Focussing on gender, and taking the film industry as an example, it is evident that almost potential, particularly considering that women and men graduate from film school in equal reason, inequality in our cultural industries is even more troubling than in other fields. benefits in that female creatives tend to be more likely to hire women than male creatives. It may be also that the myth of egalitarianism, to which people in cultural and creative fields affective dissonances for me as a researcher as I was told again and again how open, equal Rosalind Gill is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, Department of Sociology, City cache = ./cache/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.txt === bib === id = work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda author = Lisa Meerts-Brandsma title = Unpacking Systems of Privilege: The Opportunity of Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7819 sentences = 662 flesch = 60 summary = Unpacking Systems of Privilege: The Opportunity of Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Outdoor adventure education (OAE) is a setting wherein instructors could teach critical reflection they can incorporate critical reflection as a tool to disrupt systems that operate within the course. Outdoor adventure education has many elements that make it an ideal space to learn to see systems employed in OAE to encourage students to question the discourses that underlie systems of privilege expectations placed on students of different genders on OAE courses. evidence exists to suggest that transformative learning, and thus critical reflection, occurs for some Critical reflection likely already occurs on some OAE courses. White privilege in experiential education: A critical reflection. Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Employing Critical Reflection on Outdoor Adventure Education Courses Employing Critical Reflection on Outdoor Adventure Education Courses cache = ./cache/work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda.txt === bib === id = work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy author = Karin Hansson title = "We passed the trust on": Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8132 sentences = 610 flesch = 62 summary = We passed the trust on"Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden In this study, based on semistructured interviews and a survey that involved 62 organizers of the Swedish #metoo The organizers managed to mobilize large groups through social Some petitions were organized by groups of people, whereas was organized, how it was distributed, about the role of security and trust, and organizing groups maintained a close and continual contact through different example, one petition started as a discussion thread in a Facebook group that Most petition organizers emphasized the importance of a trustful environment the Facebook group, which created trust so that other people also dared to share. participants, and security is based on trust on shared values and community; Regulation, where collection of testimonies were made in closed groups on social media, to which petitions were made in horizontal networks in social media that organized women cache = ./cache/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.txt === bib === id = work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy author = Kevin Scott. Wong title = Rethinking the center from the margins date = 1997 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5660 sentences = 424 flesch = 52 summary = This paper considers the question of anniversaries in relation to supposedly marginal religious groups in the era of the Reformation. The paper argues that considering memories and anniversaries amongst these communities allows us to question whether these anniversaries are an appropriate or relevant celebration of Mennonite identity (Goossen, 2017b). within the Mennonite community reveal about these memories histories produced in the 1970s and 80s on early modern Anabaptism, Anabaptist studies have not seen the same energy since. Anabaptist and Mennonite histories (Driedger, 2002; RäisänenSchröder, 2011; Monge, 2015; Hill, 2015; Goossen, 2017a). have sharpened questions of the interaction between the Reformation legacies of Anabaptism and Lutheranism (and other traditions) and brought to the fore the continued global power of histories of Mennonite communities in regional Polish archives memory cultures of early modernity and Reformation history. Memories of the Reformations and their global legacies must be cache = ./cache/work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy.txt === bib === id = work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq author = Daphne Simone title = #MeAfterToo—the hashtag that toppled hegemons? A feminist narrative case study of #MeToo date = 2019 pages = 50 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14462 sentences = 954 flesch = 50 summary = #MeToo, #MeAfterToo, feminism, social media, sexual violence, rape culture, micro-aggression, united under the hashtag #MeToo; a social media moniker originally coined in 2006 by feminist social media sharing of female lived experiences with normalized abuse and violence, engendered digital feminist hashtag protest history, multiple powerful male hegemons began toppling like rape culture, Keller, Mendes & Ringrose (2016) also discuss the ways in which social media has Narrative research into the reasons why individuals might choose to share personal livedexperience stories in the public sphere, specifically stories which surround issues such as trauma or feminist theory, I planned to interview, document, and thematically analyze individual femaleidentified stories among four-to-six participants of the #MeToo hashtag protest movement. discourse on the paradigm of digital post-feminist hashtag protest culture as a progressively advancing critical feminist scholarship via narrative case study work on movements like #MeToo share their personal stories and experiences via public social media platforms like Twitter. cache = ./cache/work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq.txt === bib === id = work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza author = Deen Freelon title = False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6749 sentences = 818 flesch = 58 summary = Digital media are critical for contemporary activism—even low-effort "clicktivism" is politically consequential West, leftand right-wing activists use digital and legacy media differently to achieve political goals. left-wing actors operate primarily through "hashtag activism" and offline protest, right-wing activists implications for democratic practice, social media governance, and the interdisciplinary study of digital politics. ideological left and right use the additional channels and low-cost participation afforded by digital media to right differ sharply in how they use digital media. one's profile image, and generally posting activist content on social media, projects an Today, digital media afford activists across the political spectrum two general news media and tech platforms in more radically oppositional ways than the left despite By contrast, right-wing activists' interactions with ideologically friendly outlets in which right-wing media ecosystems around of 2020 prominently includes right-wing media False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right cache = ./cache/work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza.txt === bib === id = work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u author = Ella Mcpherson title = CGHR, Peaceful Assembly Online Research Pack 11-2019 date = 2019 pages = 43 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 21871 sentences = 1274 flesch = 49 summary = recognised 'that human rights protections, including for freedom of assembly, may apply to considerations for protecting the right to peaceful assembly enacted in online places, focusing in States are obliged to protect online assemblies that fall within the definition of 'peaceful', but the diffuse nature of online assemblies raises challenges for how to protect the right, including exercising their right to participate in online assemblies, from access to the internet to data trolling will be protected under a proposed right to peaceful online assemblies. issue of protection under a proposed right to peaceful online assembly. extent can political trolls be protected under the right to peaceful online assembly? extended protection of hacktivism under the right to peaceful online assembly. State is obliged to protect the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, as has been noted by the States are not only obliged to respect and protect the right to peaceful assembly online. cache = ./cache/work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u.txt === bib === id = work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji author = Lisa Pasolli title = Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women's Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1472 sentences = 127 flesch = 60 summary = Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women's Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand Women's Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand Origins of the Women's Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand]. that Canada has long been in a state of religious decline and argues instead that this Margo Goodhand's Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists, a history of the women's shelter movement in Canada, is the women she profiles, Goodhand's history recognizes the importance of the political and the personal. The Origins of the Women's Shelter Movement in Canada Women's Shelter Movement (Vancouver: example, women in the shelter movement came to shelter work not through the women's movement but through church-based feminist history, and Goodhand captures their biggest barrier to confronting violence against women was the failure to recognize the "scope and nature of the problem" (141). the book studies Canada's tax history as cache = ./cache/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.txt === bib === id = work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a author = Pihkala title = Moving with Touch: Entanglements of a Child, Valentine's Day Cards, and Research–Activism against Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Peer Cultures date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9074 sentences = 557 flesch = 59 summary = that reconfigures painful experiences of gendered and sexual harassment for recognition, response, Keywords: Barad; children; creative methods; feminist new materialisms; research–activism; movement, silence, voice, space, history, feeling, and touch and how these human and more-thanhuman elements intra-act, producing particular and contingent outcomes (Barad 2007). 1 Informed by our long-term work with children around sensitive topics of gender and sexual harassment, the with touch and response-ability enables us to imagine the intra-activity at stake as materially workshop sessions focusing on gendered and sexual harassment in pre-teen peer relations with a workshops, the children engaged in discussions and exploration of gendered and sexualized peer bodies, matter, in its curious and imaginative 'self-touching' form (Barad 2014), reconfigures the girls' and the note and the materiality and affects of our research–activist workshop, touch was a sensedfelt resonance that intra-acted with the cards, the pens, the tables, the public space of the café, the cache = ./cache/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.txt === bib === id = work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa author = Edward Kevin Faller title = Pedals and Pedagogy: Cycles of Hope and Health date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539879 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa.txt === bib === id = work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm author = Rebecca Schoen title = Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Improve Provider Wellness and Patient Care date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3402 sentences = 482 flesch = 53 summary = Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Improve Provider Wellness and Patient Care Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Research indicates widespread sexual harassment has not significantly decreased in health care over Given the significant implications for individuals, organizations, and patient care, addressing harassment should be a priority. Pharmacy schools and supporting pharmacy organizations should proactively address sexual and gender harassment and provide education about this issue. Keywords: education, female, sexism, sexual harassment The National Academies report indicates gender harassment that is severe or disciplines within the last 25 years indicates sexual harassment is widespread throughout the health care disciplines, including among nurses, physicians, chiropractors, Given the risks of sexual harassment facing health care Addressing sexual harassment in health care could them vulnerable to experiencing sexual harassment, including during patient care. reported by providers indicate that sexual harassment is a Sexual harassment of female physicians by patients. cache = ./cache/work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm.txt === bib === id = work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm author = Jane M. Grant-Kels title = Can men mentor women in the #MeToo era? date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539923 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm.txt === bib === id = work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy author = Yvette Russell title = Book Review: Rape and Resistance date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1675 sentences = 112 flesch = 53 summary = Alcoff's book Rape and Resistance makes a timely entry into the small but lively to maximise the current moment of political visibility of sexual violence to engender social accounts of feminist discourse on sexual violence, that rape is about power but not sex (p. In framing the current political moment, Alcoff relies on José Medina's notion of 'metalucidity', which refers to how we come to know, and how we may be impeded in knowing subjects who can mobilise in resistance to sexual violence, two other aspects of Medina's political moment is such a time in which the epistemic friction around sexual violence has Alcoff returns to familiar theoretical territory in her appraisal of anti-rape politics, by analysis is starkest in Alcoff's attempt to think sexual subjectivity. ground this understanding of sexual subjectivity as central to the process of self-making. theory and resistance, but her attempt to do this without any reference to sexual cache = ./cache/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.txt === bib === id = work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a author = Celia T. Bardwell-Jones title = Introduction to Indigenizing and Decolonizing Feminist Philosophy date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9092 sentences = 492 flesch = 38 summary = A Hypatia issue dedicated to Indigenizing and decolonizing feminist philosophy is challenges of creating a space within feminist philosophy for Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies informs the trajectory of this special issue, keeping in view the in making space for Indigenous feminism in feminist philosophy. that the authors who have contributed to this special issue center Indigenous scholarship as their starting point in developing philosophical frameworks that address concerns within settler contexts. Ultimately, settler colonialism seeks to perpetuate a deep erasure, an eradication of Indigenous presence and its cultural claims to the land. Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the Long View, "decolonization studies emphasize the ways that colonization and decolonization are timespecific and land-specific" (Smith, Tuck, and Yang 2019, xi). Decolonizing methods and practices in feminist philosophy would necessarily involve ensuring that Indigenous culture and presence become oceanic literacies, Indigenous and decolonizing futurities for feminist philosophy need cache = ./cache/work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a.txt === bib === id = work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha author = Laura Hawks title = Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6830 sentences = 726 flesch = 50 summary = characteristics of women who experience it, or the association between forced sexual initiation and reproductive, gynecologic, and general health outcomes among American women. We then examined the association between having experienced forced vs voluntary sexual initiation and reproductive, gynecologic, and general health outcomes in unadjusted and adjusted analyses. 3 continuous outcomes, we estimated the mean adjusted difference between women who experienced forced vs voluntary sexual initiation using multivariable linear regression models that controlled for age, race/ethnicity, poverty level, and Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women cache = ./cache/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.pdf txt = ./txt/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.txt === bib === id = work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia author = Michael J. Poletti title = An Empirical Study of Declining Lead Times: Potential Ramifications on the Performance of Early Market Entrants date = 2011 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7973 sentences = 439 flesch = 57 summary = product innovations introduced from 1887 to 1986, the average first-mover lead time second-mover lead time, and consequently, it is difficult to determine whether the "fastsecond" strategic approach is gaining in viability. research indicates that increased lead times can enhance first-mover market share entry barriers that increase the innovation lead time between early movers and the examining second-mover lead times over a 20-year period. models, underscore the need to study the lead times of second movers. Hypothesis 3: Mean second-mover lead times since 1985 will be less Hypothesis 4: Mean second-mover lead times will decline from 1985 As prior studies have not addressed the rate of change for second-mover lead times, Hypothesis 5: Second-mover lead times will decline at the same rate as The second hypothesis dealt with the rate of change in first-mover lead time from 1985 This study was also successful in measuring second-mover lead times for a broad cache = ./cache/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.txt === bib === id = work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm author = Sheena J Vachhani title = Ethics, politics and feminist organizing: Writing feminist infrapolitics and affective solidarity into everyday sexism date = 2018 pages = 48 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13876 sentences = 950 flesch = 56 summary = are: what new forms of feminist organizing are developing to resist sexism and what are the Key words: affect, ethics, embodiment, everyday sexism, feminism, infrapolitics, solidarity. In this paper we analyse women's resistance to sexism in a social movement: the resistance and feminist solidarity (Bates, 2018) and importantly addresses different axes of solidarity which is a central organizing feature in feminist resistance against sexism. feminist organising the politics of experience (Phipps, 2016) and economies of empathy affective solidarity is supported by two further modes of feminist organizing: the politics of website for the project enables individuals to anonymously post their experiences of sexism The ESP makes evident how women take their experience of sexism to a public yet problem of sexism and starts with women's experiences, collecting them and acting upon conceptual analysis including: posts on the Everyday Sexism website, Bates' published book cache = ./cache/work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm.txt === bib === id = work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i author = Georgina M. Hosang title = Gender discrimination, victimisation and women's mental health date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3018 sentences = 205 flesch = 49 summary = We provide a timely discussion surrounding the impact of these issues on women's mental health impact of gender discrimination on physical and mental health can provide preliminary but convincing evidence that gender discrimination plays a prominent role in women's mental health. Females are at greater risk of being exposed to childhood maltreatment12 and domestic violence and abuse.4 Gender victimisation also and combined impact of childhood maltreatment and domestic violence and abuse on women's mental health. mental health services based on such findings include the implementation of gender and trauma sensitive protocols regarding clinical assessment and access to trauma-informed interventions as well Gender inequality and women's mental health, what Gender discrimination, victimisation and women's mental health Gender discrimination, victimisation and women's mental health Gender discrimination, victimisation and women's mental health Does gender discrimination affect women's mental health? Gender inequality and women's mental health, what is psychiatry doing about it? cache = ./cache/work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i.txt === bib === id = work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um author = Patricia R Recupero title = The Notion of Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5965 sentences = 456 flesch = 53 summary = The Notion of Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment How does society decide what information is relevant to determining truth in legal proceedings?3 When a party in a case is a member of a women's truth in sexual harassment litigation. pervades public discourse, with victims of sexual harassment often derided as lacking credibility: Sexual harassment law in the United States developed in the context of sex-discrimination claims U.S. Supreme Court case to recognize hostile environment-based sexual harassment a violation of Title Many sexual harassment allegations are characterized by courts as "he-said, she-said" disputes: Disputes about the truth of the matter have dominated public discourse surrounding recent allegaTruth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment in a case of alleged sexual harassment. com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/27/all-of-the-women-whohave-accused-trump-of-sexual-harassment-are-lying-the-whitehouse-says/. Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment cache = ./cache/work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um.txt === bib === id = work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu author = Lindzi Wessel title = #MeToo moves south date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3513 sentences = 399 flesch = 67 summary = students in the sciences—according to dozens of researchers from across Latin America Many universities in the region lack formal policies for reporting, investigating, or against gender-based violence and harassment," says Mario Pecheny, a political science The National University of Colombia, Bogotá, surveyed 1602 of its female students and found that more than half reported (A university spokesperson says it did ultimately suspend the alleged attacker from abuse wrath," says one man, a former Uniandes student who worked with Amézquita do that … I am not aggressive to the students," he told Science prior to the university's announcement that it was firing him. 2019, after an initial investigation, the university fired Amézquita Torres for failing to In March 2019, fearing that the university was burying the case, the complainants and their allies used public universities in Latin America have yet to of universities adopting policies on sexual cache = ./cache/work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu.txt === bib === id = work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e author = Michael A. Fahey title = Continuity in the Church amid Structural Changes date = 1974 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6375 sentences = 424 flesch = 46 summary = art collective cobratheater.cobra to show how precarity has provoked organisational and I conclude that infrastructural performance criticises structural precarity through collective actions of infection, exposure, and disobedience. form of collective artistic organisation, which proposes the possibility of change in social At the end of the article, I speculate how infrastructural performance might change the conception of the art work itself. labelled cobratheater.cobra, I show how they, through infrastructural performances, criticize the demand for artistic signature, individualisation, austerity conditions of artistic freelance work to its extremes is the immateriality, embodiment, and ephemerality of the genre of performance art. if performance art serves the demands of capitalism perfectly in its productivity, and at the same time exhausts the artists through structural precarity, the explosive production of identities and dissonant aesthetics within the label cobratheater.cobra as an infrastructural performance criticising artistic the artists' infrastructural performance as an aesthetic and political form of cache = ./cache/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.txt === bib === id = work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4 author = Helgi Jaagus title = Kolmkümmend aastat ehhokardiograafiat Eestis date = 2014 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1385 sentences = 251 flesch = 51 summary = aastal möödus 30 aastat südame ultrahelidiagnostika juurutamisest Eestis. mis olid toodetud Jaapanis, said Tallinna Vabariiklik Haigla ja Vabariiklik Tartu Kliiniline Haigla. oli võimalik uurida nn M-skänni (M-mode) meetodiga, mis annab ülevaate aordija mitraalklapist, Esimese ehhokardiograafilise uuringu Eestis teostas Artikkel annab ülevaate ehhokardiograafia kasutamise algusaastatest Eestis ning põhineb autori ja kolleegide dr Eevi Maiste ning dr Silvi Saretoki mälestustel. (samuti ainult M-mode, ühetasapinnaline metoodika) eeliseks oli kujutise jäädvustamise võimalus Tallinna Vabariiklikus Haiglas uuringu võimalustega Analüüs nii filmi negatiivilt kui ka fotodelt oli väga ka Tallinna Vabariikliku Haigla kardioloogid. Esimese kahetasapinnalise mustvalge Dopplermetoodikaga kardioloogiline südame-ultraheliaparaadi Mark 600 (firma ATL) sai Vabariiklik Tartu Tallinna Pelgulinna Haigla kardioloog Ene Pullisaar. Tallinna Meremeeste Haigla sai Vabariiklikus Tartu Kliinilises Haiglas alus tasid tööd 1986. aastal esimesed TEE-uuringud teostas samal aastal esimese TEE Tallinna Kiirabihaiglas ühetasapinnalise anduriga. Ta oli Soomes omandanud TTE ja TEE metoodika. Keskhaiglas kardioloog Svea Sildmäe, kes on omandanud nii TTE, TEE kui ka stress-ehhokardiograafia cache = ./cache/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.txt === bib === id = work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq author = Ann F. Beach title = #MeToo in Pediatrics date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2433 sentences = 257 flesch = 60 summary = I was 1 of 22 women in my medical school class of 96 students, the always told me that anyone could accomplish anything with hard work, and my wanting to be a doctor had never "I want to be a doctor," someone (usually a teacher) said, "Oh, you mean a nurse, don't you?" woman and a doctor?" I figured there was no way I was going to get accepted there. During my interview with an old, stern, intimidating female doctor, she said, "Out of all the women I have women in medical education is gone? TABLE 1 Women in Medicine Through the Years 1974 Women comprised 22% to total US medical school enrollment. 1974 Women comprised 22% to total US medical school enrollment. 2003 Women made up the majority of medical school classes. medical school is for women, how much cache = ./cache/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.txt === bib === id = work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi author = Elizabeth Tavares title = Romeo and Juliet by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2021 sentences = 115 flesch = 61 summary = Romeo and Juliet by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (review) Presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival at the Allen Elizabethan With William Thomas Hodgson (Romeo), Emily Ota ( Juliet), Sara Bruner (Mercutio), Derek Garza (Tybalt), Robin Goodrin Nordli of Dámaso Rodríguez's Romeo and Juliet, which played in the outdoor private spaces: marking the private dovetailed sonnet Romeo and Juliet body in different kinds of role allowed the play to speak to a wide range choices were the lighting elements incorporated into the set design by For example, the bed in which Romeo and Juliet exchange lines of carpe see the sensitively lit production under a moonless night, allowing Juliet The thoughtful coherence of the production's design was matched by with that concern, little of the rest of the production was similarly invested in developing audiences' empathy with those society casts as outsiders. unintentionally) the central concern of the production: two communities, cache = ./cache/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.txt === bib === id = work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy author = John Coverdale title = Pedagogical Implications of Partnerships Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics-Gynecology in Caring for Patients with Major Mental Disorders date = 2015 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3910 sentences = 385 flesch = 52 summary = Consequently, the experiences of sexual violence and needs of patients with major mental disorders is on sexual violence against adult women with major mental disorders and briefly discuss some of the potential Our interest for this editorial concerns the risk of sexual violence against patients with established major mental disorders. studies together found high rates of sexually violent acts perpetrated against women with major mental disorders [12–22]. with sexual victimization of persons with major mental disorders include homelessness, alcohol or substance abuse/misuse, and illness severity [23, 24]. sexual violence perpetrated against patients with major mental There is a dearth of evidence-based sexual assault resistance programs for women with major mental disorders. #MeToo and Female Patients with Major Mental Disorders: What Should Academic Psychiatry Do? #MeToo and Female Patients with Major Mental Disorders: What Should Academic Psychiatry Do? Sexual Violence Perpetrated Against Women with Major Mental Disorders cache = ./cache/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.txt === bib === id = work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm author = Marta A. Kisiel title = Medical students' self-reported gender discrimination and sexual harassment over time date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6361 sentences = 772 flesch = 61 summary = Medical students' self-reported gender discrimination and sexual harassment over time Medical students' self-reported gender Medical students report high prevalence of GD and SH, which may negatively affect their education and health. Keywords: Gender discrimination, Sexual harassment, Medical students, Swedish university all registered medical students (n = 689) at Uppsala University were invited to participate, and the questionnaire In 2002, 343 (55% of all distributed surveys) medical students completed the questionnaire, 62% were women, SH: Female pre-clinical students reported an increase We found that mistreatment of female pre-clinical students increased at all learning contexts between 2002 and 2013; specifically, occurrences in the pattern of self-reported experience of gender discrimination (GD), including gender harassment, and sexual harassment (SH) of medical students between 2002 comments due to her/his gender?" Prevalence (percent) of the medical students who answered 'yes' to this question (weighted to The prevalence of medical student mistreatment and its cache = ./cache/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.txt === bib === id = work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem author = Logan Alexander title = The way we look matters : witnessing. trauma. perspectivism date = 2020 pages = 112 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 31061 sentences = 3182 flesch = 77 summary = downtown Vancouver to demonstrate that people who look queer receive harsh micro-expressions When the material is non-binary in nature, the way of feelings, and stories, and gender, expect people to feel hope for certain things that are simply unviable in under certain systems of queer person, incorporating their lived experiences as context and content, makes the fact that I wouldn't be able to talk much about my own experiences around "queer looking" with very much So, a non-binary perspective, for queer people, is often both the cause of trauma, and the healing If I imagine a non-queer audience then I feel like If queer party space could be cued in such a way that peoples' pallets would have been more open But I wanted to be able to show people what it's like to hold eye contact with someone who with queer people in a loving way. cache = ./cache/work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem.txt === bib === id = work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i author = Revista Miscelánea title = Eventos y actividades de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3193 sentences = 494 flesch = 62 summary = En esta charla, Ronan Malt describió su experiencia profesional diaria como traductor e intérprete en el mundo del deporte, una actividad caracterizada por su gran Su pasión por el fútbol es quizás su principal habilidad profesional, aunque obviamente tiene que aportar a su trabajo los otros conocimientos y técnicas que se universitaria una muestra de las revistas científicas editadas por el Servicio de Publicaciones de nuestra universidad, que cuenta con un importante fondo y una larga Ambos ponentes coincidieron en la complejidad del sistema electoral estadounidense, basado en elecciones primarias para elegir a los candidatos, un sistema que se visión multidisciplinar», junto con la Facultad de Ciencias humanas y Sociales, organizó este congreso en torno al papel e impacto del feminismo en nuestra sociedad salud, tanto desde el marco deontológico de los profesionales del Trabajo Social en La reflexión sobre si es adecuado, en nuestro ámbito profesional, una separación del conocimiento y los valores fue el contenido central de este cache = ./cache/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.txt === bib === id = work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum author = Zoe McKee title = Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7089 sentences = 1075 flesch = 76 summary = Data Police officers from four separate policing roles completed questionnaires designed to measure their attitudes towards victims of rape. female rape victims when responses are combined across all four police groups (but not training delivery was effective in changing attitudes towards rape victims on issues estimated 15% of rape victims report the crime to the police (Ministry of Justice 2013), training and the resulting effects on attitudes and behaviour towards rape victims in changes in officer attitudes towards male and female rape victims in terms of reducing effects of the training on rape myth attitudes is not uniform, the subscales that showed by the police response and their attitude towards victims of rape, not only from a Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial cache = ./cache/work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum.txt === bib === id = work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu author = C Lee Ventola title = Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: Therapeutic or Toxic? date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542452 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa author = Amélie Mons title = La représentation panique dans le théâtre de Jan Fabre date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7069 sentences = 982 flesch = 78 summary = pour discuter le théâtre de Jan Fabre, mais aussi plus largement, une certaine esthétique du théâtre contemporain. l'artiste pour pouvoir pleinement apprécier son travail… L'approche critique journalistique du théâtre contemporain n'est pas en reste, ayant trop souvent comme Ainsi, les spectacles de Jan Fabre, mais aussi d'autres,4 souffrent d'une considérer les formes sans un fond qui leur serait attaché est au centre de la critique de Prometheus Landscape II, publiée par Raphaël de Gubernatis pour Le dont ils sont insérés et présentés sur une scène de théâtre, pour ne pas uniquement Par conséquent, le théâtre de Jan Fabre est souvent dénoncé comme « vulgaire » (Cena, 8 Juin 2018), et l'artiste se voit régulièrement qualifié d'imposteur (De Elle est aussi l'exemple que le philosophe Clément Rosset choisit pour développer son concept de « représentation panique » dans moment que l'action elle-même, et n'étant pas, comme c'est presque toujours le cas cache = ./cache/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.txt === bib === id = work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe author = Tessa Mae MacIntyre title = White feminist fragility : from part of the problem to radical allyship date = 2020 pages = 72 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 17577 sentences = 983 flesch = 58 summary = racism, decentre whiteness in feminist practice, and commit to radical anti-racism work ways white feminists can cause harm to women of colour. This can only be accomplished if white women who practice feminism commit philosophy by women of colour available, why do white feminists still struggle to talk feminists, in the intentional ignorance towards issues of racism and white supremacy strategy was to create a racism consciousness raising group, for white women only When white feminists insist racism will be solved once women achieve If mainstream feminist practice is white feminism, is the movement capable of deconstruction of white feminism; this will include utilizing the work of women of colour of McClung, and then to the white women holding the Feminist conference Lorde white feminism, but I would like to propose a radical challenge to all feminists who are white women, many feminists of colour have still taken the time to create resources, cache = ./cache/work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe.txt === bib === id = work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa author = JEMMA HOUGHTON title = 'Research sharing' using social media: online conferencing and the experience of #BSHSGlobalHist date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8583 sentences = 547 flesch = 49 summary = digital conference via Twitter, with the dual goals of improving outreach and engagement with international historians of science, and exploring methods of reducing the Over the past year, the British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) has made multiple forays into the facilitation of academic research sharing through digital media. BSHS Twitter conference was our first attempt at re-creating – or, in reality, experimenting with – an academic conference on a digital platform. While Twitter has often been used as a communications 'backchannel' at standard inperson conferences, the BSHS decided instead to use the social media platform as the . In response to the climate emergency, could more of our work – especially conferences, which carry a particularly heavy carbon footprint – be done digitally? Therefore we tweeted the papers for the BSHS Twitter conference own metrics, the reach (or 'impressions' as referred to by Twitter) on the day of the conference from the BSHS accounts tweeting the event was over 309,000. cache = ./cache/work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa.txt === bib === id = work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu author = Carol Iannone title = Excuse Us for Living date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2228 sentences = 117 flesch = 56 summary = Come to think of it, what about the Trojan Horses the academic world has Carol Iannone is editor-at-large of Academic Questions, 12 East 46th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017; a liberal America and a conservative America—there is the United States of A Duke professor got in trouble for suggesting that Chinese students take Kimball explains in the March 2019 New Criterion, "i.e., the expulsion of whites some extent, "Reforming Higher Education: Victories, Advances, and NAS president Peter Wood has written a diversity pledge now operative throughout the California State University 2018, the San Diego State President and the Academic Senate approved new feature, "Queer Criminology: New Directions in Academic Irrelevance," Moving to our Articles section in this issue, readers interested in Russian Jason Stanley's new book, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and "Race, Crime, and Culture," his contribution to our winter 2018 special feature cache = ./cache/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.txt === bib === id = work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy author = Sarah Banet-Weiser title = Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation date = 2019 pages = 40 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11003 sentences = 618 flesch = 51 summary = term neoliberal feminism; and Sarah Banet-Weiser has just finished a book on popular feminism. neoliberal, and popular feminism all depend on and validate media platforms and organisations potentially generative in post, neoliberal and popular feminisms, and think through what might neoliberal feminism helps to both maintain a discourse of reproduction and care-work while Sarah's work on popular feminism has compelled me to think about the relationship between The focus on inclusion by popular and neoliberal feminism is authorised by a specific political feminism is popular in part because of the media forms on which it circulates; feminist messages This feminist economy of visibility also facilitated postfeminism and neoliberal feminism; in the relationship between the media visibility of feminism and feminist energy and activism. on intergenerational feminism in Feminist Media Studies a couple of years ago (Gill, 2016). of popular feminism, or use media visibility as a way to expose structural violence, or are nonheteronormative and intersectional. cache = ./cache/work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy.txt === bib === id = work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq author = CLAUDIA ANDRADE ECCHIO title = NARRATIVA VISUAL PRODUCIDA POR MUJERES EN LATINOAMÉRICA: EL AUTOCÓMIC COMO ESPACIO DE CUESTIONAMIENTO Y DENUNCIA date = 2019 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6279 sentences = 838 flesch = 66 summary = partir del análisis de los discursos que el yo-enunciador Segundo, que estas narrativas del yo surgen frente al fracaso de los Tercero, que en la medida que las formas del espacio biográfico la comprensión por parte del lector que está frente a una enunciación factual tener, que expresan una actitud del sujeto ante la acción verbal (Álvarez, 2001; Filinich, 1998). autobiográfico, el yo-enunciador se permea a través de los discursos que a partir de la elección del yo-gráfico así como de los discursos que articula el yoenunciador. que evidencian y discuten por medio del yo-enunciador y el yo-gráfico, en tapujos por medio de un diario íntimo, en el que la apuesta del yo-enunciador critican abiertamente la forma en que las mujeres han sido representadas por ejercicio— de los hombres; por otro, a partir de estrategias que buscan poner de corte autobiográfico una instancia única para que las ilustradoras posicionen cache = ./cache/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.txt === bib === id = work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi author = Vivian Hui title = The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate Partner violence (IPV) – 2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system date = 2021 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6089 sentences = 708 flesch = 60 summary = The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate Partner violence (IPV) – 2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pressing phenomenon whose consequences are associated with Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the association between IPV with emotional support, life Results: The analyses show that there is a strong association between IPV experience and emotional support (AOR: Conclusions: People reported with any IPV experience are more likely to receive less emotional support, perceive Keywords: Life satisfaction, Emotional, Perceived health, Intimate partner violence Intimate partner violence (IPV), includes physical violence, sexual violence, unwanted sex, and psychological Table 2 Logistic regression between IPV and emotional support, life satisfaction and perceived health from states of Hawaii, Virginia, dependent variables (i.e., emotional support, life satisfaction, and perceived health status). Results indicate a strong association between participants' IPV experience and emotional support, suggesting cache = ./cache/work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi.txt === bib === id = work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i author = Aliette Ventéjoux title = The Scarlet Letter : A comme adaptation date = 2019 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1732 sentences = 334 flesch = 76 summary = 3 En 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne publie The Scarlet Letter, qui retrace l'histoire d'Hester Angélica Liddell, dont la pièce du même nom est très librement adaptée du roman de Hawthorne, la lettre A est davantage le A de l'art, de l'artiste, et, bien évidemment, le A oublier les cris, ceux des hommes qui se trouvent sur scène, ou d'Angélica, qui relatent 6 Les deux acteurs sont ensuite remplacés par Angelica/Hester, qui porte une large robe Je n'aime pas être une femme parmi les 9 Et c'est aussi celle-ci qui tisse un lien entre la pièce et le texte, à la manière dont Hester broderie, Angélica Liddell, quant à elle, telle une prêtresse, tire sur les fils qui Performance review Angélica Liddell's play The Scarlet Letter, adapted from Nathaniel Mots-clés : adaptation, Angélica Liddell, art, féminisme, Nathaniel Hawthorne, lettre, Keywords : adaptation, Angélica Liddell, art, feminism, Nathaniel Hawthorne, letter, monologue, cache = ./cache/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.txt === bib === id = work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm author = Helen Kopnina title = Ecocentric Education: Introduction to a Special Collection of Essays date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3259 sentences = 329 flesch = 44 summary = This Special Issue "Ecocentric education" contains articles focused on ecological values in "The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, this Special Issue, ecocentric education does not "restrict human well-being to economic aspects"; Contributors to this collection of essays reflect on this new type of environmental education, What are the most effective forms of education taking environmental sustainability as an ultimate for sustainable development (ESD), ecocentric education reveals the lessons of environmentalism and environmental education and, particularly ESD are largely focused on social and economic issues [15,16], Environmental education and the issue of nature. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): The turn away from 'environment' in Sustainable development, environmental education, and the significance of being in place. (accessed on 20 August 2020). The Origins of Ecocentric Education: From Critical Theory to Ecopedagogy The Origins of Ecocentric Education: From Critical Theory to Ecopedagogy cache = ./cache/work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm.txt === bib === id = work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4 author = Alison Bailey title = On Anger, Silence, and Epistemic Injustice date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9396 sentences = 615 flesch = 59 summary = injustices repeatedly manufacture and explain the obvious: silencing practices produce angry experiences. epistemic dimensions of knowing resistant anger in a way that also calls attention to the histories Anger is powerful resource for resisting epistemic injustice. overlooked and undertheorized resistant anger saturating the silences that epistemic injustice silencing is to manage resistant anger's epistemic content. angry experiences that offer resources for resisting epistemic injustice. oppressed/silenced resisting/angry groups a resource for resisting epistemic injustice. 4. Knowing Resistant Anger as a Resource against Epistemic Injustice where is the knowing resistant anger in epistemic injustice? understand knowing resistant anger as a transformative creative epistemic resource. angry knowledge requires resisting the socialized urges to make our anger heard in Knowing resistant anger then, not only restores the collective epistemic confidence of angry selves, making knowing resistant anger visible as an epistemic resource. and erasing angry knowledge as a resource for resisting epistemic injustice. cache = ./cache/work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4.txt === bib === id = work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y author = Eliza Notaro title = Sexual Harassment from Patient to Provider date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539552 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy author = Holly Gayley title = Revisiting the "Secret Consort" (gsang yum) in Tibetan Buddhism date = 2018 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15900 sentences = 1205 flesch = 62 summary = Tibetan teachers at the head of Buddhist communities in Europe and North America. Keywords: Buddhism; gender; sexuality; tantra; consort relationship; women in religion bias of Buddhist tantra and surfaced allegations of abuse by Tibetan lamas in North America while, to recognize significant shifts in how secrecy and sexuality have been practiced among Buddhist tantric including specific ritual practices involving sexuality and teacher-student relationships. In this way, sexuality was gradually contained in Buddhist tantric contexts in Tibet by Recent studies have shed light on sexuality in Buddhist tantra from the vantage point of Tibetan lives of Buddhist lamas, monastic and non-monastic alike, through the tantric rite of sexual union. Namtrul Rinpoche and Khandro Tāre Lhamo is in press with Shambhala Publications. July 2011 ( 104 The response from the Rigpa organization was posted on The Lion's Roar on 21 July 2017 ( cache = ./cache/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.txt === bib === id = work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm author = Alexandra Wendler title = Translatability scoring in drug development: eight case studies date = 2012 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10265 sentences = 1246 flesch = 45 summary = of low rates of market approvals for new medical entities, better strategies to predict the risk of drug development biomarkers and animal models is reflected by a low translatability score, well correlating with the excessive Keywords: Dabigatran, Ipilimumab, Gefitinib, Vilazodone, Latrepirdine, Semagacestat, Translatability Score, Translational medicine, Drug development Drugs from different therapeutic areas (anticoagulation, cancer, CNS-related diseases, and cardiovascular The leading biomarkers evaluated were: aPTT for dabigatran, immune related response criteria for ipilimumab, effects on tumor growth for gefitinib, tumor growth and mutation status of EGFR for gefitinib, Hamilton Rating scale for depression-17 for vilazodone, none for latrepirdine, and effects on amyloid plaques translatability scores for the items model compounds, clinical trials, biomarker grading and surrogates in Table 2. This case study represents the development of a new therapeutic indication of an already approved drug, which is of The biomarker score alone would predict a high translatability also for the use of tumor growth as this is a cache = ./cache/work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm.txt === bib === id = work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu author = Scott R. Freeman title = The Increasing Importance of Systematic Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research and Publication date = 2006 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3369 sentences = 218 flesch = 42 summary = The Increasing Importance of Systematic Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research and Publication Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research reference to existing systematic reviews as a prerequisite for protocol approval and publication Authors of systematic reviews conducted within the Cochrane Collaboration make perform systematic, up-to-date reviews of randomized controlled trials of health care in areas of medicine outside Trials of new pharmaceutical agents often fail to compare crucial active comparators with the study drug. new class of medication for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, a systematic review combined data from randomized study reported that the median length of a Cochrane systematic review was 15 printed pages, and a substantial number Insisting on the need to mention whether or not a systematic review has been done, and how the existing body of evidence dictated the need for a new study, does seem entirely The Journal of Investigative Dermatology requires registration of all clinical trials that started enrollment after July cache = ./cache/work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu.txt === bib === id = work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq author = Shamshad Akhtar title = To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 935 sentences = 66 flesch = 48 summary = To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women In 2018, we have an opportunity to accelerate progress towards gender equality. In Asia and the Pacific, there has been some progress towards greater equality. current trajectory, South Asia would achieve gender equality in 60 years, Central Asia in At the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia First, we need to improve women's access to diverse sources of financing. Second, we must improve women's access to ICT and innovative technologies. Gender equality in Asia would increase per capita income by 70 percent governments across Asia and the Pacific will be entrepreneurial about achieving equality Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. "To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs", IndraStra Global Vol. 04, Issue No: 03 (2018), 0013, | ISSN 2381-3652 To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs cache = ./cache/work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq.txt === bib === id = work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa author = Jon B. Gould title = Making Academic Life "Workable" for Fathers date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4156 sentences = 367 flesch = 55 summary = as difficult as academic working mothers; it would take willful ignorance to disregard the privileged position that men, conversation about academic working fathers and advance unique—both against their female colleagues and in comparison to working mothers and fathers in society at large. In our conclusion, we suggest several measures that institutions can pursue to assist fathers in balancing academic life in their own terms, especially those in academe who are presumed to be able to balance work with family life. In many ways, academe "works" for the involved father. academic work and family life. In this article, we address the experience of fathers in academe, focusing predominantly historically has been "women's work," equal fathers fear the and sharing with others their parenting stories and their challenges (and failures) in balancing family and work life. that allows academic fathers to excel at work and family life. Available at cache = ./cache/work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa.txt === bib === id = work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy author = Kelsey Medeiros title = Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance) date = 2021 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3419 sentences = 297 flesch = 57 summary = Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power Long title Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance) Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance). experimental study, Hart (2019) found that women who self reported sexual harassment were less The role of power in perpetuating sexual harassment can be viewed through two perspectives. The dominant theory of power in sexual harassment is that of the vulnerable-victim, which leadership positions experience more sexual harassment compared to women in With this in mind, women face a double-bind with regard to power and sexual harassment. How leaders in the academic community respond to power abuses / sexual harassment sends a When considering the role of power in sexual harassment, it would be remiss of suggest that when these academic stars sexually harass others, the academy is likely to dismiss Sexual harassment as an exercise of power. cache = ./cache/work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy.txt === bib === id = work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci author = Tiffany Page title = Making Power Visible: "Slow Activism" to Address Staff Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education date = 2019 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10238 sentences = 631 flesch = 49 summary = Making power visible: 'Slow activism' to address staff sexual misconduct in Higher Education This article examines activism to address staff-to-student sexual misconduct in higher education in the We argue that in order to tackle staff sexual misconduct in higher education, the problem has This article takes this starting point to examine the activism that we have undertaken to address staffto-student sexual misconduct in UK higher education, focusing on the problem of initiating and process of making complaints of staff sexual misconduct to institutions in which we were enrolled as The study found that institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct tended The silencing of experiences of staff sexual misconduct within institutions students and staff.9 The need for institutional action to be visible, while the details of sexual staff sexual misconduct visible within the higher education sector, and more widely discussed in Sexual harassment of students by university staff hidden by cache = ./cache/work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci.txt === bib === id = work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni author = Elizabeth A. Sharrow title = Sex segregation as policy problem: a gendered policy paradox date = 2019 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12848 sentences = 1122 flesch = 52 summary = Separate but ostensibly equal segregated athletic teams for men and boys versus women Policy design defines sex as a binary category for the purposes of competitive athletics, mobilizing this categorical definition to implement the practice of of discrimination "on the basis of sex." Activists drew on long traditions of feminist critique (Cott 1987), framing educational institutions as a breeding ground for sexist exclusions of women from public life (Evans 2010). domains established by policy design largely serve to retain "men's" sports for "male" participants and, because Title IX does not require sex equality in spending practices, they and intercollegiate athletics governed by Title IX borrow from signals transmitted by international sports governing bodies (e.g., the International Olympic Committee) in maintaining policy design, even without "testing" participant sex.31 Instead, NCAA and state high cache = ./cache/work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni.txt === bib === id = work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu author = Alessandra Gribaldo title = Hashtags, testimonies, and measurements: Gender violence and its interpretation date = 2019 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9712 sentences = 601 flesch = 50 summary = ABSTRACT: In this article, I address gender violence through the act of witnessing and A focus on domestic abuse as a specific form of gender violence allows on violence and women's voices as an opportunity for anthropological knowledge to gender violence, the fact in question is both the violent act and the subject of context can prove particularly thorny when gender violence and intimacy violence is truthful, and that women are political subjects. bring into the debate any reference to subjectivity, violence, social suffering. common view regarding testimony of gender violence victims, following The relation between gender and violence in anthropological terms has gender violence: its demonstration, as a social fact in sociology and as a in reflections on violence in anthropology: what is an abusive act? experience, makes the witnessing of gender violence something that tells Das, Veena, 2008, Violence, Gender, and Subjectivity, Annual Review of Violence and Subjectivity, Berkeley, University of California Press. cache = ./cache/work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu.txt === bib === id = work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a author = Stuart Davis title = From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 9019 sentences = 588 flesch = 57 summary = More specifically, it will draw on a case study of the Mexico City-based feminist media collective Las Morras in order to address both the role of networked digital activism for raising awareness about gender-based harassment and its limits for facilitating longer-term social/political transformations. Incorporating a qualitative content analysis of the responses to YouTube videos and comments taken from Las Morras' Twitter and Facebook accounts (before deletion) with in-depth interviews with three of the group's four founding members, we argue that Las Morras offers a powerful illustration of the paradoxical role of networked digital media as activist tool. Our analysis draws on the case of Las Morras to first present a conceptual interrogation of the difficulties of sustaining activist projects borne or incubated digitally as well as an opening in the move described by Dubravka and Davis (2018), Mason-Deese (2018), Rodino-Colocino (2019) and others to utilise digital media as part of a larger repertoire of solidarity-building tactics within social movement campaigns fighting rape culture, everyday misogyny, gender-based violence, and other systemic issues related to structural power differentials. cache = ./cache/work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a.txt === bib === id = work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe author = Kohlbey Ozipko title = "No eclipse lasts forever" : confronting gendered violence in Stephen King's Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne date = 2021 pages = 55 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 19323 sentences = 950 flesch = 58 summary = "No eclipse lasts forever": Confronting Gendered Violence in Stephen King's Gerald's Game and violence against women as a real issue, specifically his set of novels Gerald's Game and Dolores gendered violence thus far through protagonists Jessie Burlingame and Dolores Claiborne, respectively. In the novels, Jessie and Dolores experience sexual, physical, and domestic violence enforced by their gendered violence in two novels by Stephen King: Gerald's Game (1992) and Dolores Claiborne (1993). social issue revealed and critiqued in Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne is violence against women I will be arguing that, although Jessie and Dolores use violence to physically escape their abusive eclipse in Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne is key in revealing the violent nature of gender and the literal sense in Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne as the eclipse is the point in time for both Jessie gendered violence represented in Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne? cache = ./cache/work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe.txt === bib === id = work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4 author = Lindsey E. Blumell title = Reassessing balance: News coverage of Donald Trump's Access Hollywood scandal before and during #metoo date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8555 sentences = 678 flesch = 60 summary = Reassessing balance: News coverage of Donald Trump's Access Hollywood scandal before media had the highest levels of rape myth acceptance in their coverage for both time #metoo, Access Hollywood tape, Donald Trump, issue dualism, news coverage, The news industry largely espouses rape culture when reporting on sexual abuse interrelated; however, focusing on rape culture within news coverage of sexual abuse can and the rape myths perpetrated in news coverage of sexual abuse (Jordan, 2012). We analyzed rape myth acceptance within news coverage of the Access Hollywood scandal #metoo movement changed news coverage, thus decreasing the prevalence of rape culture in between the two sampled time periods and the rape culture acceptance index, with significant issue dualism ought to include those coming forward to accuse Trump of sexual abuse. three women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual abuse, and one rape survivor who wanted to One way rape culture acceptance was demonstrated in news coverage was through the cache = ./cache/work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4.txt === bib === id = work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe author = Elizabeth A. Bukusi title = Mentorship and Ethics in Global Health: Fostering Scientific Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5615 sentences = 397 flesch = 41 summary = 1Center for Microbiology Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya; 2Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Addressing ethical issues through mentorship is key to encouraging scientific integrity and increasing support spans across the research framework from obtaining ethical approval and ensuring scientific integrity, to determining authorship and disseminating study results—providing multiple opportunities to model ethical behavior for This study explores four specific mentoring case scenarios commonly encountered in the global health research field in million to nearly 2.2 million.1 Over this same timeframe, scientists from lowand middle-income country (LMIC) institutions increased their percentage of scientific and technical in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) to reduce misconduct in trainees, especially in countries that have limited scientific integrity in the conduct of research," the U.S. National of us has encountered while mentoring trainees in our programs: 1) plagiarism, 2) determining authorship, 3) the appropriate useof anIRB, and4) imbalances of power, especially cache = ./cache/work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe.txt === bib === id = work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y author = Catherine Reyes-Housholder title = Chile 2018: desafíos al poder de género desde la calle hasta La Moneda date = 2019 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10532 sentences = 1608 flesch = 60 summary = desigual que viven las mujeres y la diversidad sexual, emplazando a los poderes Asimismo, se plantea que es fundamental analizar los orígenes y consecuencias del "año del feminismo" en Chile, pues las demandas feministas enriquecen los hombres para ejercer poder y ha sido utilizado por las activistas feministas. Chile que no había tenido lugar desde la lucha de las mujeres en contra de la de género, entre los que se destacan proyectos alusivos a la violencia contra las Los partidos Liberal y Radical en Chile, como anticipaban que las mujeres votantes apoyarían Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de Ser política en Chile: las feministas y los partidos. "Mayo feminista en Chile: análisis de las demandas, los repertorios y la orgánica del movimiento". Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de 2019 de cache = ./cache/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.txt === bib === id = work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u author = Berit Ås title = The feminist university date = 1985 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10054 sentences = 1045 flesch = 62 summary = To cite this article: Araby Smyth, Jess Linz & Lauren Hudson (2019): A feminist coven in the the catastrophe of the neoliberal university, in the form of a feminist coven. world we inhabit, this article introduces and welcomes you into our experiments with autonomous feminist spaces inside academia. contributors echo through the three empirical sections that follow, illustrating how the feminist coven communicates, works, and imagines. We conjured the feminist coven in spaces of our universities. and all people who identify as women and men), though the call for contributions stated that we wanted to hear from feminist graduate students, not My feminist coven involves a world where women run the Nobel Committee (see A call for contributions to the project "A Feminist Coven in the University": https://docs. Araby Smyth (PhD candidate in Geography at University of Kentucky) is a feminist economic geographer broadly interested in the gendered dimensions of economic and political practices. cache = ./cache/work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u.txt === bib === id = work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji author = Deirdre Kelly title = Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1768 sentences = 153 flesch = 38 summary = Operational and scientific inefficiencies in clinical trials represent roadblocks that need to be identified and circumvented to clinical research and ultimately benefit patient care through the optimal allocation of time and resources. pivotal clinical trials of novel oncology therapeutic drugs that operational efficiency of clinical trials, scientific strategies must clinical trials is attributable to the lack of data sharing of precompetitive and post-competitive information, such as early the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Phase 1 Clinical Trials Programme for their Grant/Research support from (Clinical Trials for Institution): Novartis, Research support (Clinical Trials for Institution): Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, the Timeline for Cancer Clinical Trial Activation. Transforming the early drug development paradigm at the national cancer institute: the formation of NCI's experimental therapeutics clinical trials network Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials cache = ./cache/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.txt === bib === id = work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm author = Johanna P. D'Agostino title = Intimidation and Sexual Harassment during Plastic Surgery Training in the United States date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541829 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm.txt === bib === id = work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa author = Lisa Wynne Smith title = Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth-Century England date = 2020 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14058 sentences = 1275 flesch = 66 summary = Lisa Wynne Smith, 'Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth-Century England' In Newdigate's version, an unwell, ageing patriarch protected his family, despite being undermined by adult sons' demands for independence. They kept excellent household records, which historians have used for topics ranging from food to politics.10 Steve Hindle and Peter Edwards have examined Newdigate's account books to understand estate management, while Elaine Gooder and Lady Only Gooder discusses the family disputes, depicting Newdigate as a loving father Newdigate counterbalanced this with extensive evidence that he remained an independent man and good father, despite his children's Estate be preserv'd to the Family'.60 Newdigate legally regained power, but Richard Newdigate defended the family's honour by preserving the children's reputations The Newdigate case is about a family's trauma. 6. Sir Richard Newdigate, The Case of An Old Gentleman, persecuted by his Own Son (London, 1707), cache = ./cache/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.txt === bib === id = work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q author = Georgina Born title = Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9916 sentences = 825 flesch = 50 summary = MIR community: social, cultural, epistemological and ethical matters to do with the diversity of the profession, of the music with which MIR engages, and of the kinds of knowledge produced. is interdisciplinarity: how MIR would gain from closer dialogues with contemporary musicology, music Keywords: MIR; diversity; ontology; interdisciplinarity; music sociology; music anthropology forms of music, and consequently MIR tasks are biased and ontologies of music responsive to a greater diversity of 2.3 Musical Diversity and MIR's Epistemological and diversity of musical cultures, can such assumptions be Currently, MIR takes a range of digital data as an approximation of the contours of a musical culture. ontologies of music into MIR's analytical frame? or discipline – whether MIR or music anthropology. Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures. Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures. 2.3 Musical Diversity and MIR's Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions cache = ./cache/work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q.txt === bib === id = work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm author = Niccole Leilanionapae'Aina Coggins title = Towards inclusive scholarly publishing: developments in the university press community date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3800 sentences = 234 flesch = 42 summary = Towards inclusive scholarly publishing: developments in the university press community Presses are working towards more inclusive practices in scholarly publishing. the Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program (now in its fourth year), the work of the Association's Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, the Gender, Equity and Cultures of Respect Task Force Diversity; inclusion; equity; bias; university press; scholarly publishing currently under-represented in publishing is the Mellon University Press Diversity The Task Force also documented how several university presses have established crossdepartmental working groups to support equity and inclusion initiatives, which may presenting these groups' ideas, the AUPresses Diversity and Inclusion Task Force seeks Diversity and inclusion work continue to be an organizational priority for the Association. (accessed 11 March 2020). Association of University Presses Gender, Equity and Cultures of Respect Task Force, US Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program cache = ./cache/work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm.txt === bib === id = work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu author = Katherine Cook title = EmboDIYing Disruption: Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8931 sentences = 920 flesch = 40 summary = Inclusive approaches to archaeology (including queer, feminist, black, indigenous, etc. transhumanism and the era of digital scholarship, this article outlines compelling applications in inclusive digital practice but also the pervasive structures of privilege, inequity, inaccessibility, and abuse Keywords: digital archaeology, queer, feminist, inclusive scholarship, public archaeology, diversity feminist1, and more broadly inclusive disruptions of traditional forms of communication, values of objectivity, and gatekeeping of knowledge increasingly draw from more traditional archaeologies challenging identity in the past, digital media Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 cache = ./cache/work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu.txt === bib === id = work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu author = Chiara Cooper title = Article – Speaking the Unspeakable? Nicola Lacey's Unspeakable Subjects and Consent in the Age of #MeToo date = 2018 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10643 sentences = 889 flesch = 55 summary = look to the ways in which wider society comprehends sexual consent and responds to women's The sexual assault verses bad sex debate that became evident in response to Grace's story particularly if we consider the ideas of choice and freedom as they relate to sexual consent. The legal understanding of consent, rape and sexual abuse, fails to reflect coercive, like Grace's experience, and those which involve consented to unwanted sex. When thinking about new conceptualisations of sexual consent, Lacey's (last accessed 12 December 2018). Available at: (last accessed 12 December 2018). Consent in the Criminal Law of Rape' in Munro, V and Stychin, C (eds) Sexuality and the Available at: (last accessed 15 December 2018). Impett, EA and Peplau, LA (2002) 'Why Some Women Consent to Unwanted Sex with a (last accessed 12 December 2018). Available at: (last accessed 12 December 2018). cache = ./cache/work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu.txt === bib === id = work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4 author = Giuseppe Toscani title = Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 1089 sentences = 211 flesch = 57 summary = [PDF] Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 19230722Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects We introduce and discuss kinetic models of opinion formation on social networks in which the distribution function depends on both the opinion and the connectivity of the agents. The opinion formation model is subsequently coupled with a kinetic model describing the spreading of popularity of a product on the Web through a social network. Numerical experiments on the underlying kinetic models show a good qualitative agreement with some measured trends of hashtags on social media websites and… Expand Improving Opinion Formation Models on Social Media Through Emotions Opinion dynamics over complex networks: kinetic modeling and numerical methods Dynamic behavior of a social model for opinion formation. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.txt === bib === id = work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe author = Michael Adorjan title = Social Constructionism Now More Than Ever: Following the Hermeneutic Money Trail in a Post-Truth World date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8113 sentences = 553 flesch = 47 summary = never has been a sociology of social problems^ (Spector and Kitsuse 1977: 1). Bthe sociologist cannot use their own personal morality or ideology to identify conditions as problems.^ Social constructionists are certainly not amoral and agnostic to claims, also has the potential to examine social processes of failure (or contestation), an argument which also resonates with Tony Christensen's article in this and Kitsuse's vision of a sociology of social problems, not conditions. 1 A recent special issue of Qualitative Sociological Review (2015, XI(2)) also includes new empirical studies siloing of sociological approaches to the study of social problems. national context of social problems claimsmaking in Japan. The sociology of social problems in Japan. Kitsuse (Eds.), Studies in the sociology of social problems. Beyond case studies: Expanding the constructionist framework for social problems research. Challenges and choices: Constructionist perspectives on social problems. (Eds.), Challenges and choices: Constructionist perspectives on social problems. cache = ./cache/work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe.txt === bib === id = work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye author = Magali Peyrefitte title = Space, power and sexuality: transgressive and transformative possibilities at the interstices of spatial boundaries date = 2018 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4137 sentences = 241 flesch = 50 summary = (2018) Space, power and sexuality: transgressing spatial between power and space in relation to gender and sexuality by looking at processes The transgression of spatialized norms of sexuality and gender present a Keywords: Power; Sexuality; Norms; Transgression; Space makes clear the need to bring together papers that explore questions of space, power engagement with space, spatial relations and power that, he considers, should be of pursued a critical reading of space that incorporate a focus on gender and sexuality. Critically Reading Space through Gender and Sexuality: transgressive and approach to a critical reading of sexuality and gender conceptualizing space as fluid As another example of alternative spaces where norms are contested, Neville's paper scholarship that explore the interstices of power relations in space. collection presents examples of different ways in which space and place can be As such, a critical geography of space and place cache = ./cache/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.txt === bib === id = work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa author = Mario Bisiada title = Movement or debate? How #MeToo is framed differently in English, Spanish and German Twitter discourse date = 2021 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10702 sentences = 1033 flesch = 58 summary = study adds to existing knowledge of the power of hashtags for feminist social media activism by highlighting the importance of (cross-)linguistic corpus-assisted How #MeToo is framed differently in English, Spanish and German Twitter discourse. To understand how transnational, cross-linguistic misogynist and anti-feminist discourse works to globally attract particular groups of men, more linguistic research into its surface form on social media and hashtag discourse can be This study is based on 1,353 tweets containing the #MeToo hashtag (505 in English, 405 in Spanish and 443 in German), gathered between July and August The data analysed here should thus be understood as a snapshot comparison of activity around the #MeToo hashtag in the English, Spanish and German To analyse the semantic prosody of the #MeToo hashtag, I have conducted a frequency analysis of its collocations where it does not occur as a single word. cache = ./cache/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.txt === bib === id = work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y author = Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin title = Female Faculty: Why So Few and Why Care? date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4217 sentences = 358 flesch = 68 summary = This is true, also in Sweden where we both work now, a country frequently and rightly praised for gender equality. of Grade A staff (equivalent to full professor, EU-28 18 %, Figure 1 A) in natural sciences.[1] The challenges to reach a women are less represented in Grade A positions than in academia generally, that is, that there is a glass ceiling effect We will then present an example of a promising gender equality initiative in academia (currently taking place at one of the men, for the same performance, as well as gender bias in general.[17] Several studies show it is harder for women to publish, higher impact.[22] Since the goal of universities is to be successful, promoting gender equality becomes everybody's problem (A) Proportion (%) of women among Grade A staff in natural sciences (full professor equivalent). Genie is to stimulate and help each department to take ownership of and responsibility for gender-equality work. cache = ./cache/work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y.txt === bib === id = work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne author = Susan Rees title = Believe #metoo: sexual violence and interpersonal disclosure experiences among women attending a sexual assault service in Australia: a mixed-methods study date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10412 sentences = 1806 flesch = 63 summary = disclosure of sexual abuse to parents and family family members and the extent to which negative reactions to sexual abuse disclosure play a role in exacerbating adverse mental health outcomes. Several studies have attempted to identify a measurable relationship between disclosure experiences, mental 2. Enable disclosure of the sequence of events and responses, and underlying mechanisms, especially related to the disclosure experience, that may have increased risk of mental harm following sexual abuse. The study was designed and led by mental health professionals with skills in working with sexual assault victims. where major events occurred (sexual assault, disclosure, the victim's emotional response and her attribution regarding the impact on the onset and course of mental health problems and risk of exposure to sexual abuse in sexual abuse, disclosure and mental illness. of sexual abuse, disclosure experiences in relation to Study reveals negative disclosure experiences of sexual abuse to family members, cache = ./cache/work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne.txt === bib === id = work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm author = Kritika Mishra title = A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis date = 2020 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7806 sentences = 719 flesch = 63 summary = analysis on audio files by calculating their Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) and clustering them into positive-neutral-negative and combines these results with those obtained by performing sentiment is used to generate Single Value Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) for the audio. For the sentiment analysis of text part, the translation of the audio is provided as text files along with It will result in the analysis of the overall positive, neutral and negative sentiments which will audio and text SVNS which are again clustered and visualized for comparison. The K-means algorithms used for clustering SVNS values for sentiment analysis was proposed in [13]. algorithms, the SVNS of audio, text and combined modules were visualized into 3 clusters. Now the text file is processed with the VADER tool for analysis, which generates SVNS values in novel framework that combines audio features, sentiment analysis, and neutrosophy to generate SVNS cache = ./cache/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.txt === bib === id = work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4 author = Meredith Wadman title = A hidden history date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5699 sentences = 679 flesch = 79 summary = harasser," says Monica Zoppè, now a molecular and cell biologist at the Institute of Clinical Physiology in Pisa, Italy. Inder Verma, pictured in a Salk laboratory in 2016, conducted research that helped power the institute's reputation for outstanding science. complained about Verma's behavior, Salk administrators told her not to speak to anyone Olivarius, who specializes in sexual harassment cases, reviewed the eight women's allegations at Science's request. Inder Verma, Salk Institute for Biological Studies In 1988, the year Verma turned 41, the National Cancer Institute asked him and Jean Wang did, however, begin counseling female UCSD students who proposed to do research at Salk, 2 kilometers away, not to work Verma told her that Mellon had left Salk. recalled what he described as Zoppè's "distress" about her relationship with Verma after she complained about him to Salk. Verma continued to make sexual comments about her to others at Salk, that cache = ./cache/work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4.txt === bib === id = work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli author = A. Sweeney title = Out of the silence: towards grassroots and trauma-informed support for people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5461 sentences = 520 flesch = 51 summary = prevent compassionate responses and result in staff having to develop their own coping strategies; and poorly addressed and reported experiences of sexual violence within psychiatric settings. have a long-held fundamental understanding of trauma and sexual violence, how it impacts on people and survivors' subsequent It is not uncommon, even in the #MeToo era, for sexual violence survivors to be disbelieved by psychiatric services, to be means that many survivors are seen in community-based specialist sexual violence services (Bond et al., 2018). Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Their Experience of Support Christie C (2018) A Trauma-informed Health and Care Approach for responding to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Current knowledge report May Out of the silence: towards grassroots and trauma-informed support for people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse Mainstreaming silence: psychiatric services and sexual violence Mainstreaming silence: psychiatric services and sexual violence cache = ./cache/work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli.txt === bib === id = work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4 author = Bun-Hee Lee title = #Me Too Movement; It Is Time That We All Act and Participate in Transformation date = 2018 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 719 sentences = 68 flesch = 57 summary = sexual harassment and assault.1 #MeToo spread on social magnitude of problems with sexual harassment and assault, among U.S. academic medical faculty members reported experiencing sexual harassment.2 Other reported that 60% of with sexual abuse or harassment at work. confrontation between genders does not help solve the problem with sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. Other is a wrong prejudice; when the problem with sexual harassment is accused, it is sometimes regarded as an accuser's the norms surrounding sexual harassment in workplaces. One of them is the agreement that sexual harassment (not It requires policies, education, and training to accomplish behaviors are sexual harassment or gender bias, and when she or he experiences or observes sexual harassment or gender Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for Available at: #Me Too Movement; It Is Time That We All Act and Maum & Maum Psychiatric Clinic, Seoul, Republic of Korea cache = ./cache/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.txt === bib === id = work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui author = Dubravka Zarkov title = Ambiguities and dilemmas around #MeToo: #ForHow Long and #WhereTo? date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3412 sentences = 196 flesch = 63 summary = Hardly a day has passed since the accusations of sexual harassment against US film producer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017 without a new allegation being made. sports doctors – have been publicly accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape by a #MeToo started in the USA a decade ago as activism by Black women who had experienced sexual violence. and have watched the unfolding of the accusations of sexual assault around #MeToo with sexual violence against both women and men in war and violent conflict Today the most visible #MeToo women are powerful: rich and famous celebrities, wellknown TV personalities, journalists, and members of political elites. Making powerful men as perpetrators and young, beautiful women many different women and men, and that when feminists say it is a matter of 'power relations' we do not actually reduce this power to a number Kathy: It used to be easy to think of sexual harassment in terms of oppressors cache = ./cache/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.txt === bib === id = work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu author = Mathew Rickard title = Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature (Durham: University of New Hampshire Press, 2018) date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2186 sentences = 96 flesch = 39 summary = Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in NineteenthCentury French Literature (Durham: University of New Hampshire Press, 2018) Citation: Mathew Rickard, 'Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature (Durham: University of New Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature arrives at a perfect time in the post-#MeToo Foerster's study spans the length of the long nineteenth century in French literature, Politics of Love tackles the often-thorny issue of masculinity in the French nineteenth century, a time Foerster adroitly demonstrates that this heterosexual trouble was felt on both sides of the gender heterosexual trouble in French decadent texts. suggesting that nineteenth-century heterosexual trouble paved the way for new and more Romanticism and decadence to our modern conceptions of gender and sexuality. sexuality in nineteenth-century French literature, his focus on the 'norm' of heterosexuality and cache = ./cache/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.txt === bib === id = work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4 author = Maria Brock title = Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism in Russia and the US date = 2018 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10314 sentences = 672 flesch = 51 summary = Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism in Russia and the US To cite this article: Maria Brock (2018) Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism Satire or political humour are here treated as one expression of an ironic or cynical The article analyses specific examples of satire, as well as the responses of cultural commentators and academics to these manifestations of political humour. States and beyond that utilitise political humour in their performances or public appearances, as well as critical responses to them. Russia is often portrayed as steeped in multiple layers of cynicism: post-transition, postmodern and late-Soviet, each of which has impacted majority political participation in For those treating the Russian public sphere as a world of masks and poses, a simulacrum with nothing at its core, there is little to no hope that this cynical relation to politics Available online at (accessed 03 June 2018). cache = ./cache/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.txt === bib === id = work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani author = Frank Dobbin title = The promise and peril of sexual harassment programs date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6736 sentences = 941 flesch = 63 summary = First, sexual harassment grievance procedures, shown in surveys to incite retaliation without satisfying training, in firms with more women managers, programs work Much of the subsequent research also suggests that sexual harassment grievance procedures and training may be managerial harassment grievance procedures, training programs for managers, and training programs for managers are followed by significant increases in white, black, and Asian-American women in management. For white women, effects of sexual harassment grievance procedures are negative and marginally significant (P < 0.10) among creation of sexual harassment training programs for managers, women, manager training shows positive effects in workplaces management following the adoption of sexual harassment grievance procedures, for workplaces in the first, second, third, and fourth quartiles of women managers improve the effects of grievance procedures managers up to about 12% improved harassment program effects for white women, but growth beyond that did not (see corporate sexual harassment grievance procedures and training are cache = ./cache/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.pdf txt = ./txt/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.txt === bib === id = work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu author = Rachel J Caswell title = How, why, for whom and in what context, do sexual health clinics provide an environment for safe and supported disclosure of sexual violence: protocol for a realist review date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8598 sentences = 1979 flesch = 67 summary = contextual factors and underpinning casual mechanisms for safe and supported disclosure of sexual sexual health services a realist review will be undertaken This review will employ a realist approach31 to understand how, why, for whom and in what context, sexual If healthcare professionals are trained in traumainformed care ('context') they will recognise the importance of, and offer, patient choice ('resource of mechanism'), so that patients feel empowered ('response of 1. Understand how and why any potentially relevant attributes of sexual health services optimise safe and and supported disclosure of sexual violence works within and supported disclosure of sexual violence works within this service works for disclosure of sexual violence will be of sexual assault in health settings: a systematic review. How, why, for whom and in what context, do sexual health clinics provide an environment for safe and supported disclosure of sexual violence: protocol for a realist review cache = ./cache/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.txt === bib === id = work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm author = Carl Gershman title = The United Nations and the New World Order date = 1993 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6086 sentences = 425 flesch = 63 summary = The ef􀅮icacy of the United Nations in a new world order The United Nations is an international body that was established in 1945, after the Second World War. The idea United Nations, as an international peacekeeping organisation (Editors, 2018). role of Non-State Actors in the domestic and internal policies and actions of a nation. 'War on Terror' is a dire consequence of a group or an individual challenging nation-state (Shukla, 2006). This article is a research initiative and an attempt to understand the functioning of the United Nations and the implementation of its policies, and its role in the global order as a Though the United Nations and its peacekeeping mission was successful in bringing the war to an In the case of Sierra Leone, the United Nations was successful in bringing an end to the con􀅭lict in the United nations peacekeeping and civilian protection in civil war. cache = ./cache/work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm.txt === bib === id = work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm author = Sanne van Oosten title = AN INTERDISCIPLINARY AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: AN INTERVIEW WITH LIZA MÜGGE date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2424 sentences = 233 flesch = 69 summary = out fresh out of my PhD, I also worked full time but received a SvO: To what extent did your transfer from anthropology to political science entail a shift in working culture and/or environment? I overall do see more women in political science, but we are far Yet, in research on politics and gender, women are overrepresented. we face is that work on gender is not always considered political politics and gender scholars gain increasing visibility in generalist political science journals. year, the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) to the way gender bias against women creates conflicts among European political science should take on (Mügge et al. Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1/2): 17–36. Patterns Working Women Need to Know. on the faculty in the political science department at that time, but (all male), I received support and encouragement for my work. cache = ./cache/work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 author = Vladislava Gordić-Petković title = Digital transgressions: Fiction and change in the era of technological expansion date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5935 sentences = 412 flesch = 61 summary = than computers, it was digital technology that offered a miraculously effective existential and fictional frame for the mediation of literary testimonies. The paper intends to examine the ways new digital technologies contribute to representations of reality in the novels by Amber Tamblyn, Tamara whose novels deal with ways of life amid social networks and digital technologies. the new technologies, so that the ways love is perceived and experienced change as well. Amber Tamblyn's debut novel Any Man, a dark piece of experimental fragmented fiction about a female serial rapist, gives voice to six as digital formats of communication and embracing new social Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion cache = ./cache/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.txt === bib === id = work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri author = Marianne Cense title = 'Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.' Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10852 sentences = 1035 flesch = 63 summary = 'Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.' Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands with 17 young peer researchers, we explored what good sexuality education looks like from the point Dutch high school pupils think the sexuality education they receive can be improved. for different content in sexuality education: Young people want less information about biological This study addresses four main research questions: (1) What does good sexuality education look Most research participants voiced they want sexuality education at high school to be given more Most research participants voiced they want sexuality education at high school to be given more Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career cache = ./cache/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.txt === bib === id = work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy author = Paul M Ryan title = Mining Google Trends Data for Health Information: The Case of the Irish "CervicalCheck" Screening Programme Revelations date = 2019 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2936 sentences = 274 flesch = 53 summary = volume data for several terms relating to cervical testing/cancer and human papillomavirus This study monitored the volume of Google searches relating to the cervical smear test and addition, trend data for "HPV vaccine" and "human papillomavirus infection" searches were Until recently, trends in Google searches relating to the CervicalCheck screening programme Despite the substantial peak in cervical testing/cancer-related searches, "HPV vaccine" and public did not seek information on HPV and cervical testing/cancer concurrently, and indicates information-seeking behaviour with regards to cervical testing and cancer, the Irish public did knowledge, this is the first study to use Google Trends data to examine public informationseeking behaviour in relation to cervical cancer testing and HPV, or the temporal association Mining Google Trends Data for Health Information: The Case of the Irish "CervicalCheck" Screening Programme Revelations FIGURE 2: Anomaly analysis of cervical smear test-related Google searches and complimentary general practitioner visit uptake response cache = ./cache/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.txt === bib === id = work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu author = Helle Rydstrom title = Machinery of Male Violence date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10361 sentences = 844 flesch = 59 summary = This article takes the notion of crisis as a helpful analytical entry point to unfold the temporalities and modalities of the machinery of violence as manifested in men's abuse of years, the article argues that some types of crises might be episodic, and thus a bracketing of daily life, while others, such as intimate partner violence, might settle as a crisis of Keywords: Body; Gender; Intimate Partner Violence; Masculinity; Vietnam backdrop for debates on men's violence against women in Vietnam. The study Gender-Based Violence: The Case of Vietnam (World Bank, 1999) provided sexual abuse of women, called for recognition of the harm such violence inflicts upon against women (Domestic Violence in Vietnam, 2016; see also, Rydstrom, 2017, 2019). initiated in Vietnam to mark opposition to men's violence against women. violence against women in Vietnam. domestic violence against women in Vietnam. Men's perpetration of intimate partner violence in Vietnam: Gendered social learning and the cache = ./cache/work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu.txt === bib === id = work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm author = Grace Ese-osa Idahosa title = Challenging the way we know the world: overcoming paralysis and utilising discomfort through critical reflexive thought date = 2020 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9755 sentences = 728 flesch = 50 summary = Keywords: Critical reflexivity; contradiction; paralysis; knowledge production; the knowledge production and change process and the tensions and paralysis engaging in critical reflexivity is a hard and messy process but to attain change My process of self-reflection began during my doctoral research in South Africa, questions of power and privilege in the knowledge production process are raised. level – challenging knowledge production and practice in the process. they are personal, embodied, political and critical to the reflexive process. To engage in critical reflexivity is to challenge the way we know the world, Decolonial reflexive practice thus refers to the process of challenging the ways we paralysis in arguing for critical self-reflexivity, and an awareness of discomfort and of discomfort, contradiction and paralysis that arise in the process of reflexivity. our positionality and legitimacy in the knowledge production and change process. reflexivity) enabled us to challenge the ways we know the world. cache = ./cache/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.txt === bib === id = work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u author = Lee Shepherd title = From Gaze to Outrage: The Role of Group-Based Anger in Mediating the Relationship between Sexual Objectification and Collective Action date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12559 sentences = 1247 flesch = 50 summary = From Gaze to Outrage: The Role of Group-Based Anger in Mediating the Relationship between Sexual Objectification and Collective Action their feelings of group-based anger, and their willingness to engage in collective action against sexual objectification. is likely to result in women feeling group-based anger and that this anger, in turn, promotes collective action against sexual Therefore, it was also important to test whether sexual objectification predicted the willingness to engage in collective action after controlling for these variables. The dependent variable was the women's willingness to engage in collective action against sexual objectification. In our study, we extended this research by demonstrating that experiencing sexual objectification was positively associated with the willingness to engage in collective action against the objectification of women. These results suggest that group-based (but not interpersonal) anger mediated the relationship between sexual objectification and the willingness to engage in collective action. cache = ./cache/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.txt === bib === id = work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64 author = Samira Abdulai-Saiku title = Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust reversals due to environmental disturbance date = 2017 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6710 sentences = 735 flesch = 55 summary = Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust How to cite this article: Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust reversals The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Toxoplasma gondii infection increased aversion to cat odor Toxoplasma gondii-infected female rats showed increased aversion to bobcat odor in two sequential experiments (A and B). Ordinate depicts time spent by female rats chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii near bobcat odor. and Toxoplasma-infected rats in both experiment 1 and 2. Early life maternal separation stress resulted in increased anxiolytic behavior in male rats. 9. Webster JP: The effect of Toxoplasma gondii on animal behavior: playing cat Toxoplasma gondii infection did not cause significant change in body weight of animals (179.1 ± and adding some stress factor, e.g., infecting animals with , will shift the behavioral responseToxoplasma cache = ./cache/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.txt === bib === id = work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i author = Tessa Kerkman title = Traumatic Experiences and the Midwifery Profession: A Cross‐Sectional Study Among Dutch Midwives date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5860 sentences = 780 flesch = 66 summary = Contraceptive consultations: A cross-sectional study of Norwegian women's experiences and opinions INTRODUCTION Access to contraceptive consultations and the content of these Norwegian women's experiences of and opinions on contraceptive consultations. RESULTS Few women found it hard to access consultations (5%). majority of women deemed issues of sexual wellbeing important to address during contraceptive/sexual health consultations. CONCLUSIONS Women want contraceptive consultations to include more information on side effects and available hormonal contraceptives. be asked about their sexual health and wellbeing during contraceptive consultations. Women should be made aware that midwives can provide contraceptive services women's experiences and opinions on contraceptive use sexual health and wellbeing as part of the contraceptive hormonal contraceptives to women aged 16–20 years since Women were asked if questions on sexual wellbeing had regarding questions on contraceptives, sexual health Women's opinions on questions regarding sexual health and wellbeing during contraceptive women's access to contraceptive consultations. women's access to contraceptive consultations. cache = ./cache/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.txt === bib === id = work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi author = Peter Stiernstedt title = Some Things Are Rarely Discussed in Public – on the Discourse of Corruption in Healthcare Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2326 sentences = 203 flesch = 55 summary = Some Things Are Rarely Discussed in Public – on the Discourse of Corruption in Healthcare Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" In an editorial titled "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" the authors Hutchinson, Balabanova, and McKee hope to encourage a wider conversation about corruption in the health sector. some fragile health systems to subsist, shifting blame – are those involved in anti-corruption research colluding Some things are rarely discussed in public – on the discourse of corruption in healthcare: Comment on "We need to talk about corruption in health systems." Int J Health Policy Manag. health sector are difficult to hold, the authors strive to nurture interventions to reduce corruption in the health sector that about corruption in health systems. reduce corruption in the health sector. cache = ./cache/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.txt === bib === id = work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na author = Jacqui Wise title = Emma Vaux: setting new standards date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 911 sentences = 222 flesch = 79 summary = The consultant nephrologist and general physician talks to Jacqui Wise about quality improvement By the age of 12 I was sold on the idea of medicine and I worked I studied medicine at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical The BMJ, saw a job on the Oxford renal rotation, and thought censor at the Royal College of Physicians, I thought, if I don't I led the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges quality improvement: training for better outcomes work which involved work in action, with patients across specialties and across 2003 to present: Consultant in renal and general medicine, Royal training), Royal College of Physicians 2010-2017: Clinical lead, Learning to make a difference, Royal College 2013-2016: Programme director of quality improvement, Royal Berkshire 2011-2013: Clinical director, acute medicine, Royal Berkshire NHS 2010-2016: Associate medical director, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians cache = ./cache/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.txt === bib === id = work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi author = Abdulhamit Arvas title = Critical confessions now date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544853 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi.txt === bib === id = work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4 author = Eleanor Hutchinson title = We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3324 sentences = 335 flesch = 62 summary = The health sector consistently appears prominently in surveys of perceived corruption, with considerable are actually ways of making dysfunctional systems work, the serious challenges to researching corruption, concerns that a focus on corruption is a form of victim blaming that ignores larger issues, and a lack of evidence We need to talk about corruption in health systems. We need to talk about corruption in health systems. We need to talk about corruption in health systems. Int J Health Policy Manag 2019, 8(4), 191–194 doi 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.123 of corruption in the health sector.4,5 We also know that this of areas, could be leveraged to tackle corruption in the health Research on corruption in the health sector conversation about corruption in the health sector. authors on corruption, available at five-reasons-corruption-health/. reduce corruption in the health sector. Corruption and the health sector. Corruption and the health sector. cache = ./cache/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.txt === bib === id = work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia author = Georgii Pocheptsov title = Эмоции создают новые физическое, информационное, и виртуальное пространства date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2172 sentences = 374 flesch = 101 summary = Даймонд говорит, что все не так просто. это при том, что сельхозкультуры занимают 40-50% обитаемых земель, инновациях, как это происходит сегодня. мы обнаружили, что все они читали научную фантастику, поэтому мы и подумали, что, наверное, это хорошо" [4]. населения погружаются в другой мир, что в результате может помочь [9 – 10], вероятно, потому, что люди хотят осмысления того мира, в Если эволюция может двигаться без эмоций, то все революции это смотреться крайне дискомфортно, и мы подумали, что это неуместно […] Это что стало то, что они видят на экране. работают так, поскольку они не включают мозги эмоционально. И все это идет под общей темой – чтение и ментальное здоровье. Это результат реформирования в сторону того, чтобы Вспомним при этом, что Разница только в том, что христианская Мир виртуальных врагов никуда не уходит, так как власти не выгодно его того, что происходит внутри и вообще-то не может быть показано. cache = ./cache/work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia.txt === bib === id = work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du author = Anna Geagea title = Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3322 sentences = 430 flesch = 53 summary = Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use Sexual and gender harassment of women We suggest ten ways that both men and women can Women are less likely to be sponsored than men, and less Women grand-rounds speakers are less likely than men women and men in their work environments, particularly than peer men, leading to a gender gap in evaluations. women anesthesia trainees during their critical care For both women and men trainees, anticipating and Stereotypical gender expectations impact women through speaker gender gap at critical care conferences. Longitudinal analysis of gender differences in academic feathers'': gender discrimination in academic medical careers and Advancing women in academic medicine 11 leadership bias in academic medicine with an educational career success for women in academic surgery. Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day cache = ./cache/work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du.txt === bib === id = work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee author = Ruth Lewis title = Guest Editors' Introduction date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2806 sentences = 149 flesch = 42 summary = Despite decades of attention to the problem of gender based violence (GBV) on campus, UK, although students and academic staff have been active against sexual violence for decades, it is only since the recent upsurge in global feminist activism that efforts to challenge universitybased sexual violence have gained ground. transformation includes activism by students, staff, and faculty aimed at long-term progressive piece in this special issue provides an example of change that appears to 'work,' we must likely to experience sexual and intimate partner violence (Cantor, et al., 2015), transformative In addition, while the attention to transforming rape culture provides rich insights into the harms resistance to GBV in universities will include identification of transformative strategies that can 'Lad culture' and sexual violence against students. # MeToo and Student Activism against Sexual Violence. including intimate partner violence, online abuse and GBV in universities and has been cache = ./cache/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa author = Ana Reyes-Menendez title = Marketing challenges in the #MeToo era: gaining business insights using an exploratory sentiment analysis date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534071 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:02 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.txt === bib === id = work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu author = David Birnbaum title = Women's Lives Matter… Unfortunately More in Some Places than Others An International Perspective on Investing for Health date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1512 sentences = 124 flesch = 26 summary = of maternal deaths among countries of the developed world (Martin and Montagne, 2017). move", PRI, February 9, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). The Guardian, January 23, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). STAT, December 17, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). New York Times, December 16, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). January 30, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). at: (accessed January 11, 2018). NPR, May 12, available at:; (accessed January 11, 2018). Texas Observer, June 5, available at: (accessed January 11, 2018). Washington Post, December 15, available at: 'vulnerable' ", The Washington Post, December 16, available at: health-science/words-banned-at-multiple-hhs-agencies-include-diversity-and-vulnerable/2017/12/16/ available at: (accessed January 11, 2018). April 10, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). cache = ./cache/work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu.txt === bib === id = work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm author = Robert K. Toutkoushian title = Addressing Gender Equity in Nonfaculty Salaries date = 2003 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8759 sentences = 771 flesch = 43 summary = rising, gender-related disparities in numerous metrics persist, notably in compensation, promotion, funding, recognition, leadership, publishing, and speaking. At this unique time in history, there is an opportunity for leaders in neurology to strategically accelerate efforts to address workforce gender and behavior when it comes to addressing workforce gender disparities for women in medicine. reflecting that most gender equity research occurs in academic medicine, demonstrates disparities for women in Women neurologists also have been underrepresented in leadership positions and academic promotion, particularly to professor level, in neurology.5,19,36,37 Disparities in representation on To examine the rank of academic physicians' salary by specialty and gender, the adjusted salaries* of men and women Figure 3 Rank of women academic physicians' specialty-related salary gap as a percentage of income Understanding and addressing gender equity for women in neurology Understanding and addressing gender equity for women in neurology cache = ./cache/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.txt === bib === id = work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi author = Jeff Hearn title = You, them, us, we, too? … online–offline, individual–collective, forgotten–remembered, harassment–violence date = 2018 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3405 sentences = 245 flesch = 49 summary = against lack of services for Black women victims/survivors of abuse, especially sexual assault, in Alyssa Milano, initiated a new viral #MeToo campaign. First, #MeToo is an example of contemporary virtual politics or cyberpolitics of sexuality and how tweeting and online campaigns more generally bring social change. profile individual cases of what has been often characterized as sexual harassment, confirmed or meanings) sexual abuse cases of children, young people and women by leading British men More generally, sexual harassment is far from new; it is just that it was not always called that. public media, in terms of sexual harassment, and much less in terms of the wider questions of (, in keeping with the continuum of sexual violence (Kelly, 1988). solidarity and fundamental change in gender/sexual power relations is a question only be and social research on sexual harassment', New Mexico Law Review, 17(Winter): 91-114. MacKinnon, Catharine (1979) The Sexual Harassment of Working Women. cache = ./cache/work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi.txt === bib === id = work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4 author = Ruth Tsuria title = Get Out of Church! The Case of #EmptyThePews: Twitter Hashtag between Resistance and Community date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8554 sentences = 680 flesch = 61 summary = online signifier for sharing stories of religious abuse, and thus a format for identity and community An analysis of 250 tweets with #EmptyThePews revels five different uses of the hashtag, Keywords: hashtag; activism; online communities; online social movements; digital religion; Trump; such as Twitter hashtag, social movements, resistance, community online, and the relationship between #EmptyThePews starts as a clear call of action, a resistance to churches that support Trump or Similarly, other users used the tweet to share their stories of why they left the church in the past. than explicitly calling people to leave now, these users re-appropriate the hashtag for sharing personal These experiences then led these users to leave the church and use the hashtag to use the hashtag, for example: "#EmptyThePews if your church supports hate don't go" or "Annnnd yet Available online: (accessed on cache = ./cache/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.txt === bib === id = work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4 author = Nan (Tina) Wang title = To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate? date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 616 sentences = 141 flesch = 47 summary = To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53243393To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making title={To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making}, author={Nan Wang}, View via Publisher Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Adoption and Impacts of Interorganizational Business Process Standards: Role of Partnering Synergy late adoption of radical information technology innovations across software development organizations: an extension of the disruptive information technology innovation model Business, Computer Science Business, Computer Science Business, Computer Science Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4.txt === bib === id = work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e author = Rosalind Gill title = The shifting terrain of sex and power: From the 'sexualization of culture' to #MeToo date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5536 sentences = 485 flesch = 55 summary = The shifting terrain of sex and power: From the 'sexualization of culture' to #MeToo sexuality studies, queer theory, examinations of sex in the media and popular culture, and As media scholars who work around questions of gender, sexuality, and intimacy this has intimate publics (Berlant, 2000), media sex (Attwood, 2017) and mediated intimacy major focus of interest with work on feminist and queer digital activisms opening up new popularity of feminism and the important work of preceding feminist and social movements women's experience, it triggered critical discussion of silenced sexist and sexual violence pouring of stories of (mainly celebrity) women in the media and cultural industries, MeToo The critique of MeToo's narrow focus on gendered sexual violence connects to a third sexual violence stories, especially on social media, may make the distribution of online Sexed up: Theorising the sexualization of culture. Media, empowerment and the 'sexualization of culture'debates. cache = ./cache/work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e.txt === bib === id = work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq author = Margaret Thornton title = Postscript: Feminist Legal Theory in the 21st Century date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2373 sentences = 243 flesch = 54 summary = It shows how feminist legal theory (FLT), a corollary of second wave feminism, was initially Keywords: feminist legal theory; backlash; post-feminism; 21st century Feminist legal theory (FLT) emerged as a corollary of second wave feminism and the critiques of mogul, Harvey Weinstein, had sexually harassed multiple women, including prominent movie stars More generally, interest in feminist legal theory on the part of young women has revived, with 3. Karen O'Connell, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, "Can Law Address Intersectional Interventions in Law Reform: Criminalising Image-Based Sexual Abuse in New South Wales" legal scholars, image-based sexual abuse is very much a 21st century issue. 6. Ana Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal, "Subject (in) Trouble: Humans, Robots, and Legal Australian Feminist Law Journal 1: 27–44. Available online: Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination. Can Law Address Intersectional Sexual Harassment? cache = ./cache/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.txt === bib === id = work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq author = Helen Costigane title = Vos estis lux mundi: Too Far or Not Far Enough? date = 2020 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7319 sentences = 526 flesch = 49 summary = Child Sexual Abuse (RCIRCSA), Final Report (2017), provided very specific recommendations to The Murphy Report, dealing with the Archdiocese of Dublin, notes that the preoccupation in dealing with cases of abuse up until the mid 1990s was maintaining secrecy, avoiding scandal and protecting institutional reputation and assets.13 Church to deal adequately with the question of child sexual abuse by clergy Crimen sollicitationis, first issued in 1922 and reissued in 1962, established a procedure for canonical cases where priests were accused of abusing the confessional to proposition penitents sexually. the document imposed secrecy only on canonical procedures, and did not prohibit anyone from reporting criminal abuse cases to the statutory authorities. Recommendation 16(9) addressed the issue of child sexual abuse itself and One issue that was not mentioned in the Royal Commission's recommendations was that of the abuse of vulnerable adults. cache = ./cache/work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq.txt === bib === id = work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe author = Rhea Mahajan title = Correlating Crime and Social Media: Using Semantic Sentiment Analysis date = 2021 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4853 sentences = 501 flesch = 62 summary = Correlating Crime and Social Media: Using Semantic Sentiment Analysis feed forward neural network to the tweets to determine the crime forward neural network to the tweets to determine the crime area of crime Prediction using data from social networking of integrating Twitter data for crime prediction is to take into geographic analysis methods to model crime risk using tweets important works done in area of crime Prediction using tweets. LISTS SOME OF THE IMPORTANT WORKS DONE IN AREA OF CRIME PREDICTION USING TWEETS Crime related and Geo-tagged real-time tweets were collected Input: Sentiment140( Ttrain), Real-time Crime Related Geo-tagged tweets between predicted crime pattern (Fig. 7) from tweets and actual Crime Pattern Predicted from Tweets from 2 Dec 2019 to 22 Dec between Crime pattern predicted from Tweets and the actual correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and cache = ./cache/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.txt === bib === id = work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm author = Fangwei Liu title = Mechanistic and Kinetic Study of Singlet O2 Oxidation of Methionine by On-Line Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry date = 2015 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11845 sentences = 1533 flesch = 70 summary = reactions in solution using on-line ESI mass spectrometry and spectroscopy measurements. methionine oxidation intermediates and products at different pH, and measured reaction rate constants. Keywords: On-line ESI mass spectrometry, In-spray solution mixing, Reaction kinetics, Methionine, Singlet investigating the resemblance and evolution of reaction pathways and products from the gas phase to aqueous continuum. continuously pumped in order to replace quenched O2 in solution with fresh 1O2; consequently, ESI MS has to sample solution from a low-pressure reaction system. reaction kinetics between Met and 1O2 in different pH solutions. (a) Product mass spectra for Met oxidation in pH 10.4 solution at different reaction times; and (b) plot of deprotonated counterpart, we may propose two steps for oxidation of neutral Met. Their reaction enthalpies were calculated oxidation of [Met + H]+ follows the same reaction mechanism Similar to gas-phase reactions, the first step of Met oxidation in solution is formation of persulfoxide. cache = ./cache/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.txt === bib === id = work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi author = Anna U. Morgan title = Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than Naming the "Elephant in the Room" date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1992 sentences = 192 flesch = 42 summary = Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than Naming the "Elephant in the Room" Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than 1Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA; 2Leonard Davis Institute of Gender-based discrimination and bias are widespread in professional settings, including academic Beyond being victims of harassment and overt discrimination, women in academic medicine can also experience subtler M anifestations of gender-based bias against women, in-cluding sexual harassment, discrimination, and inequitable treatment, are common in professional settings. Efforts to directly counteract gender-based bias, in both its implicit forms as well as its overt manifestations, are critical for framework for addressing gender inequity within academic medicine10 and drawing from our experiences as junior members of about hiring and professional advancement, and rigorous research investigation—can help the academic medical community not only name, but also actively address, gender-based bias. 968 Morgan et al.: Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine JGIM cache = ./cache/work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi.txt === bib === id = work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte author = Coen Heijes title = Review of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Toneelschuur Producties) at Stadsschouwburg Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 April 2019 date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2165 sentences = 147 flesch = 60 summary = Review of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Toneelschuur Producties) at Stadsschouwburg Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 April 2019 Review of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Review of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Review of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (directed by enough, after the unassailable leader Hamlet, one of the most often performed plays in the past seventy years turns out to be The Taming of the Shrew (Heijes 668) and the year 2019 was no exception and two male actors entered the stage in their underwear and started dressing, the men as females, Jack Nieborg, produced a Taming in which the gender of the actors playing Petruchio and Katherina interesting, the productions rather perpetuate existing, stereotypical perception of gender roles and The play started off as an almost humorous gender-swapping, in which three of the four women, cache = ./cache/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.txt === bib === id = work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq author = Niki Lacey title = Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects: A Retrospective on (and in…) Good Company… date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2142 sentences = 87 flesch = 51 summary = Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects: A Retrospective on (and in…) by taking up Gina's insightful thoughts on split, plural and speaking subjects. it in relation to Unspeakable Subjects in another amusing yet troubling form: on reading my deftly pointed out in a review of my last book on criminal responsibility, which covered terrain subjectivity in a previous book, yet which did insufficient work to fully draw together the direction, which probably explains why I didn't explicitly work again on feminist legal theory nature of legal constructions of concepts such as responsibility, autonomy and, as Emily points Powerful and complex social dynamics are of course at work here. Hence, for example, if the subject uses her 'responsible choice' in the wrong way, the discourse Cagney and Lacey: a reference for the mature reader…!); teaching feminist legal theory with Lacey Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects Lacey Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects cache = ./cache/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.txt === bib === id = work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi author = Fabian Bergès title = ARE CONSUMERS MORE LOYAL TO NATIONAL BRANDS THAN TO PRIVATE LABELS? date = 2012 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6807 sentences = 803 flesch = 74 summary = We show that consumer demand for "metoo" private labels is as elastic as for national brands. Keywords: National Brands, Private Labels, Demand Elasticity, Competition. the manufacturers of NBs. The introduction of high quality private label products constitutes a 3.A Demand price elasticity: a measure of consumers' attachment to brands of demand price elasticities to measure consumer loyalty to products. duopoly the demand price elasticity of the high quality shorter, in absolute value, than that of The high-quality private labels (HPL): these are the retailers' own products sold under Distinguishing the different retailers and products, we calculate the price elasticities the product considered, its distribution between the different brands, and retail prices. where ijpε is the direct price elasticity of product p sold under brand i at retailer j. of Private Label Brands across Product Categories, Journal of Retailing, 76 (2), 175 – 191. cache = ./cache/work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi.txt === bib === id = work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa author = Jordan Fairbairn title = Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change date = 2020 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13835 sentences = 1202 flesch = 54 summary = Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change a central theme in VAW prevention work in social media. interview data from 19 participants to explore the role of social media in their VAW prevention and value social media-based efforts as a form of online bystander intervention that moves beyond important space for many pre-social media violence prevention strategies (e.g., raising awareness To be interviewed, potential participants had to be doing VAW work involving social media and 381).6 Participants use social media for a variety of VAW prevention-related objectives Prevention work in social media highlights the gendered nature of intimate partner violence and viewed changing narratives as a key part of the role of social media in VAW prevention, they explain a priority for VAW prevention work in social media. A third reason to link VAW prevention in social media and bystander intervention, also related cache = ./cache/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.txt === bib === id = work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u author = Paul R. Carr title = Shooting Yourself First in the Foot, then in the Head: Normative Democracy Is Suffocating, and then the Coronavirus Came to Light date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10282 sentences = 685 flesch = 53 summary = Shooting Yourself First in the Foot, then in the Head: Normative Democracy Is Suffocating, and then the Coronavirus Came to Light democracy; (2) Capitalism, or neoliberalism, needs to be more fully exposed, interrogated, and confronted if 'normative, representative, hegemonic, electoral democracy' is to be re-considered, re-imagined, and re-invented; the perpetuation of social inequalities lays bare the frailty of normative democratic institutions; (3) Covid-19 has exposed mainstream sectors of society) of developing a different, alternative democracy, especially during election season, which seems to be increasingly all of the time (Masket 3) Covid-19 has exposed the fault lines and fissures of normative democracy, illustrating here the 'common sense' ways that power imbalances are sustained, which requires critical engagement, and constructing media/political literacy, however defined, needs to be considered in order to better underpin meaningful forms of democracy (Carr, Cuervo, and Daros 2019). media and the quest for democracy: faking the Social media, democracy, and democratization. cache = ./cache/work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u.txt === bib === id = work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm author = Mary Frances Dondelinger title = M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2958 sentences = 252 flesch = 70 summary = way to band like-minded people together, creating a whole new evolved society. When I was invited to exhibit new works create images of a healthy society doing | Run Like a Girl, Terracotta Bowl-black figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, Diam: child being told I didn't run like a girl. M. Flandia would embrace running like a Bowl-Black figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, | Wrestle Like a Girl, Terracotta Bowl-red figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, Diam: In M.Flandia, women are these are images of men in art the viewer | MF Dondelinger at M.Flandia archeological site 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men men in M.Flandia. into new sculptures I was creating for future unearth pieces of M.Flandia. cache = ./cache/work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm.txt === bib === id = work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy author = Daniel A. Colón-Ramos title = Statements of Mentorship date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2489 sentences = 161 flesch = 48 summary = Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to recognize that "mentorship and training are critical to the development of exceptional future scientists" and to honor the legacy of former mentoring approaches seldom benefit from the comments and wisdom of our colleagues and mentees. scientific ideas, not so much on the individual mentee. Could our mentoring, similar to our scientific ideas, benefit from the collective wisdom and experience from our colleagues and mentees? underrepresented scientist of color working at Yale University; it means traveling with my lab to Puerto Rico after The way I approach mentoring and training is through structured meetings each mentee is given a binder which includes information on the lab's mission and our mentoring philosophy. good experimental design) while also creating a mentorship framework in which the mentees progressively grow as independent thinkers and in their mentors and mentees. also serve as mentors to new lab members, regardless of hierarchy in training. cache = ./cache/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.txt === bib === id = work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy author = Sepideh Modrek title = The Spark of the #MeTooMovement: Text Analysis of the Early Twitter Conversation (Preprint) date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 534 sentences = 33 flesch = 59 summary = The Twitter Premium API has a maximum retrieval limit of 500 tweets per data request and each This process led to the loss of some request with non-overlap times to fill in missing tweets. to both some duplicate Tweets and brief periods with missing data. After data cleaning we had 11,935 non-duplicates tweets but based on the Twitter API counts the number of non-deleted tweets at the time of query. available via data endpoint due to user compliance actions." We queried the counts before Supplemental Methods 2: Description of the Demographics Pro Algorithm Demographics Pro then provided us with a distribution of gender, age and race/ethnicity for the handles we shared and similar data for a random sample of 20,000 Twitter users in the US as a comparison. Demographics Pro uses a series of proprietary machine learning algorithms to estimate or infer likely cache = ./cache/work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy.txt === bib === id = work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e author = Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko title = On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims date = 2018 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8533 sentences = 520 flesch = 64 summary = On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims Keywords: Jack the Ripper; representation; simulacrum; victims; waxworks image of Jack the Ripper, including his wax likeness, complete with his (stereo)typical signifiers—long could admire his latest 'work' in the form of wax figures of his victims at 106 Whitechapel Road, with An interesting commentary on the consumers of wax exhibits of the victims of Jack the Ripper comes Fictional representations of Jack the Ripper as a wax figure reflect the change in the perception Jack the Ripper (Werner Krauss) that is depicted in a dream sequence about an animated wax figure. text probably the only positive representation of Jack the Ripper not only as a wax figure, but as a to some extent, repeated in the latest addition to the waxwork motif: The Wax House: Jack the Ripper The Wax House: Jack the Ripper. cache = ./cache/work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e.txt === bib === id = work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru author = Daniel Trottier title = Denunciation and doxing: towards a conceptual model of digital vigilantism date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8615 sentences = 722 flesch = 46 summary = digital vigilantism includes shaming and other forms of cultural considers recent cases in a global context in order to direct subsequent analysis of how digital vigilantism is rendered meaningful. social context.3 The notion of digital vigilantism includes responses to criminal events as a prominent means to sanitise one's online presence, albeit one that remains unaffordable to many.26 Among more commonly proposed remedies to coordinated harassment – especially of women – is for the target to close their social media accounts. also necessary to consider barriers preventing social actors to access devices and platforms, as well as the necessary forms of literacy and legitimacy.29 Addressing these socalled digital divides may be regarded as a democratising force, or a levelling of the by factors including legislation, social media platform terms of use, journalistic practices Finally, digital vigilantism occurs through social media platforms such as Twitter, cache = ./cache/work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru.txt === bib === id = work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi author = Ozcan Ozeke title = Second victims in health care: current perspectives date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9676 sentences = 2075 flesch = 69 summary = Abstract: Medical errors are a serious public health problem and the third-leading cause HCP [SV], the hospital reputation (third victim), and patients who are harmed subsequently harmed patients and their families and HCPs. Keywords: second victim, defensive medicine, medical malpractice, medical errors, however, medical errors and adverse events will likely always be a part of the human error which resulted in patient harm, and must Indeed, medical error causes the patient harm because the error to patients, families, and hospital colleagues is a errors to patients and families.60 HCPs fear that acceptance victim" after adverse patient events. medical errors on practicing physicians in the United States and second victims of medical errors. second victims of medical errors. Disclosing harmful medical errors to patients. professionals (second victims) following an adverse health event: the negative impact of adverse events on patients, health professionals and healthcare organizations. Disclosure of medical errors: what factors influence how patients cache = ./cache/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.txt === bib === id = work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm author = Elisabetta Minico title = Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid's Tale date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10328 sentences = 708 flesch = 55 summary = Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid's Tale Abstract: Analyzing Burdekin's Swastika Night Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time and Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale the article aims to examine the relations between space, gender-based violence, dystopian New York in Woman on the Edge of Time, and Gilead in The Handmaid's Tale are spatial and The authorities that rule these dystopias imprison women in restricted spaces first, Keywords: dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality Overall, the female gender is the most affected by this domination: women's natural space is once Edge of Time and The Handmaid's Tale, violence is predominantly directed towards women, related to In Connie's world, women often experience sexuality as a power relation and a source of Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid's Tale remind us that women's worth cache = ./cache/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.txt === bib === id = work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa author = Rishi K. Wadhera title = Temporal Trends in Unstable Angina Diagnosis Codes for Outpatient Percutaneous Coronary Interventions date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4950 sentences = 600 flesch = 44 summary = Temporal Trends in Unstable Angina Diagnosis Codes for Outpatient Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Some have declared this a policy success—that the fewer inappropriate PCIs performed nationally reflect better selection of patients likely to experience improved outcomes. To explore this possibility, we examined trends in PCIs coded for acute indications in the outpatient setting in 3 large and geographically dispersed states. The proportion of outpatient PCIs coded for acute indications increased inpatient setting, PCIs coded for acute indications increased New York, the proportion of PCIs labeled as acute, but performed as outpatient procedures, increased 14-fold, driven data raise the possibility that physicians increasingly classified patients with stable chest pain as UA in the outpatient setting, or that hospitals shifted coding patterns, potentially owing to external factors including reporting of appropriateness Number of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) Performed for Unstable Angina or Acute Myocardial Infarction cache = ./cache/work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa.txt === bib === id = work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq author = Michelle Templeton title = Young people's sexual readiness: insights gained from comparing a researchers' and youth advisory group's interpretation date = 2019 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7274 sentences = 702 flesch = 67 summary = Young People's Sexual Readiness: Insights gained from comparing a Young People's Sexual Readiness: Insights gained from comparing a researchers' and heterosexual young people aged 16‐18 years attending sexual health clinics in Northern young people with relevant information that reflects the reality of first sex and its links report that social influences also affect young people's sexual competence and early sexual debut, limited attention has been paid to exploring young people's own experience conducting and analysing qualitative research in relation to sexual health relationships are framed in sexual health promotion, policy and sex education, which ready for the impact of gender inequalities on young people's sexual wellbeing. To improve young people's sexual health outcomes, policy Normative Change for Young people Sexual and Reproductive Health and Well‐ from Young Men in Ireland." Sexual Health 5 (1): 25‐30. "Social Sex: Young Women and Early Sexual for Young people Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Framework and Promising cache = ./cache/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a author = Dave Lu title = #MeToo in EM: A Multicenter Survey of Academic Emergency Medicine Faculty on Their Experiences with Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6376 sentences = 675 flesch = 52 summary = Introduction: Gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment of female physicians are well documented. emergency physicians' experiences with workplace gender discrimination and sexual harassment. faculty were also more likely to report having experienced gender-based discriminatory treatment than male report having observed gender-based discriminatory treatment of another physician (64.7% vs 56.3%; 95% Conclusion: Female EM faculty perceived more gender-based discrimination in their workplaces than their gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment compared EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. cache = ./cache/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.txt === bib === id = work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby author = Robert Alfred Winkler title = The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter It date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1779 sentences = 143 flesch = 62 summary = Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America. In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America, George Yancy, scholar In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America, George Yancy, scholar Yancy models what he is asking of white America by acknowledging that he openly racist responses to Yancy's letter (p. her racism, the "opaque white racist self" (p. In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America verarbeitet George Winkler, Robert A.: "The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter Winkler, Robert A.: "The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter It [Review on: Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in It [Review on: Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in cache = ./cache/work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby.txt === bib === id = work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54 author = Bonnie Mann title = The Promise of Feminist Philosophy date = 2019 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3352 sentences = 177 flesch = 48 summary = 3 (Summer 2019) © by Hypatia, Inc. The Promise of Feminist Philosophy Sara Ahmed begins Living a Feminist Life with a reflection on the word "feminism," Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, it was the power of that promise that compelled us. If Hypatia is to realize its better nature, however, we must be willing to acknowledge that the word "feminism" has a complex and self-contradictory history. and intensifies tensions around the word "feminism." Racism, colonial control, reinforcement of modes of material inequality, political exclusion, and social sanction Although this history reflects admirable efforts to create space for scholarship produced at the margins of feminist philosophy and the discipline more broadly, it is not The new editorial team of Hypatia is the most diverse in its history, philosophically, demographically, and in terms of our professional age/status in the discipline From women's strikes to a new class movement: The third feminist cache = ./cache/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.txt === bib === id = work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm author = Anna Yates title = Individual and spatial dimensions of women's fear of crime: a Scandinavian study case date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10248 sentences = 915 flesch = 61 summary = Individual and spatial dimensions of women's fear of crime: A Scandinavian study case Individual and spatial dimensions of women's fear of crime: A Scandinavian study case women's fear of crime: a Scandinavian study case, International Journal of Comparative and Individual and spatial dimensions of women's fear of crime: a investigate individual and spatial dimensions of women's fear of crime, in Among the most fearful women, poor social contacts in their neighbourhood, rather than fear of crime itself, lead to place avoidance. aspects linked to where women live shape their varied levels of declared fear of crime. reported to feel most unsafe, women's and men's fear of crime were first compared on the basis of levels of fear of crime in their neighbourhood than the rest of women in the sample, it is still unclear neighbourhood variables in future intersectional research investigating women's fear of crime. cache = ./cache/work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm.txt === bib === id = work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq author = Rachel Muers title = The personal is the (academic) political: Why care about the love lives of theologians? date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8567 sentences = 992 flesch = 80 summary = uncovering and examining the Barth-von Kirschbaum story, should be welcomed by theologians and series of blog entries by Bobby Grow indexed under ; and affects the presentation of the lives of Nelly Barth and Charlotte von Kirschbaum at several key he tells that von Kirschbaum was a significant contributor to the Church Dogmatics に effectively a coauthor.13 However, this powerful SWヮキIデキラミ ラa ┗ラミ KキヴゲIエH;┌マげゲ ヴW;ノ S;キノ┞ ┘ラヴニ に and later of the article, a housekeeper describes the Barth-von Kirschbaum household as けラヴSWヴWS ;ヴラ┌ミS デエW theologians in relation to the telling of the Barth-von Kirschbaum story are, I suggest, not about Iミ けWエWミ K;ヴノ MWデ Lラノノラげ says of the question of whether Karl Barth and Charlotte von Kirschbaum politics of sex and gender at play, both in the story of the Barth-von Kirschbaum household and in Telling the Karl Barth-Nelly Barth-Charlotte von Kirschbaum story as a domestic cache = ./cache/work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq.txt === bib === id = work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm author = Hubert Kahn title = Kuvariga töötamiskohtade riskihindamine date = 2014 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2854 sentences = 481 flesch = 62 summary = Kuvariga töötamis kohtade riskianalüüsi alusdokumentidest ja vastavatest metoo di listest materjalidest on artikli autorid andnud ülevaate ajakirjas Kuvariga töötajate töötingimuste selgitamiseks tehti töökeskkonna riskianalüüs. Üle poolte uuritutest töötas kuvariga enam kui 75% oma tööajast, tegid 15 ettevõtte 810 kuvariga seotud töötamiskoha riskianalüüsi. enne, kui riski on vähendatud; V (talumatu risk) – tööd kuvariga töötamise aja, töö vahel dumise, tööoskuste Andmetest selgub, et naiste töö nõuab sagedamini (üle 75% tööpäevast) kuvariga töötamist kui Uuritute enesehinnangud kuvariga töötamise aja suhtes üles, mis takistab pisarate välju mist), andmete sisestamise meetodist (pimesüsteemi mittevaldamise korral jälgib töötaja nii klaviatuuri kui ka ekraani ning ülekoormus kuvariga töötamise ajast (r = 0,221; moodustama 10% kuvariga töötamise ajast) ning Vajalik on kuvariga töötamise Kuvariga töötajate jaotumine lihaskonna ülekoormuse astme järgi töötamiskoht kujundada vastavalt kuvariga töötamise tööohutusnõuetele ning võtta kasutusele füüsilist ülekoormust peamiselt siis, kui töö kuvariga 1. Üle poolte uuritutest töötab kuvariga enam kui Risk assessment of video display terminal workplaces cache = ./cache/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.txt === bib === id = work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy author = Karen Dempsey title = Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6435 sentences = 851 flesch = 54 summary = Despite more than three decades of feminist critique, archaeological scholarship remains predominantly focused on the exploration of patriarchal narratives and is, therefore, complicit in reinforcing structural inequalities. relative absence of gendered approaches within archaeology through the lens of later medieval Keywords: later medieval archaeology, castle studies, gender, feminism For balance, potential gender disparity in authorship is also assessed within three journals of medieval archaeology published in Gender balance in a selection of Oxford handbooks of archaeology (figure by the author). the body, gendered identities, queerness and, of course, women and feminist activism (e.g. Green 2008; L'Estrange 2008; French 2013; Maude 2014; Moss 2018). gendered interpretations is a fundamental issue not just for castle studies, but also for medieval archaeology and archaeology more generally, where many scholars still take a singular Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland cache = ./cache/work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy.txt === bib === id = work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q author = Brooke Garceau title = Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2864 sentences = 184 flesch = 61 summary = Keywords: mental health, feminism, narrative, scribes, history of english, middle ages, justice, sexual violence, english language, chancery The main texts for the current analysis are Chancerystyle court petitions of three women all named Isabelle. several Chancery-style petitions written on behalf of women who were raped, Since Chancery English resulted in more direct, effective prose, women of which documents the benefits of narrative in healing from sexual trauma: the murder of Isabell by her husband John Carpenter of Sussex," "Petition all three women in these petitions share the first name Isabell, they will be Analysis: Detailed Stories of Trauma Written in Chancery Prose The stories of each of these women written in Chancery-style petitions record thing to future women that Isabell's murderer did to her, the petition seeks Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence cache = ./cache/work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q.txt === bib === id = work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34 author = Debby Herbenick title = Sexual Harassment in the Field of Sexuality Research date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9079 sentences = 528 flesch = 50 summary = of the problem of sexual harassment within our fields, especially sexuality research, including its consequences; (2) the these experiences for people of color and those in lower positions of power, including students and/or other minoritized While sexual harassment can occur between professionals and their clients, patients, and research participants, we will focus here on sexual harassment within research, academic, and professional spaces. against heterosexual women typically receives the most attention, sexual harassment is also perpetrated by and against people Sexual harassment is a ubiquitous issue permeating our society, including academic cultures, as our experiences clearly and sexual behavior occurring openly at sex research, education, and therapy conferences just a few decades ago, and (only experienced sexual harassment within our field; our students, The reputations that senior researchers or other professionals acquire from being known sexual harassers can also professionals to work toward ending sexual harassment in our cache = ./cache/work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34.txt === bib === id = work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa author = Amy Yeboah title = Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin's World-Sense of Female Sexuality date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8971 sentences = 652 flesch = 70 summary = Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin's World-Sense of Female Sexuality Baldwin radically reconceptualizes what the love between Tish and Fonny might be in terms of invisible the reader is left with a radically African-centered world-sense of a Black woman's sexual experience. love story is, Baldwin invites the reader to enter into Tish's perspective and re-live what it was like to Baldwin eloquently describes Tish's desire and love for Fonny without placing it in sexual terms, Within the text, Baldwin centers an African world-sense of the body by introducing the concept infatuation with Fonny's body, what Tish repeatedly states is how much she loves his beauty, which clear that Baldwin does not mean that Tish primarily sees Fonny's physical beauty. Baldwin does not hold back in having Tish express the intensity of the love she has Fonny, but does so Baldwin mines a distinctly female African-centered perspective regarding the love Tish has for Fonny. cache = ./cache/work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa.txt === bib === id = work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu author = Haiden A. Huskamp title = Prices, Profits, And Innovation: Examining Criticisms Of New Psychotropic Drugs' Value date = 2006 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217546260 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:17 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu.txt === bib === id = work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy author = Penelope Andrews title = Research Handbook on Feminist Engagement in International Law. Edited by Susan Harris Rimmer and Kate Ogg. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2019. Pp. xxvii, 558. Index date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3176 sentences = 177 flesch = 31 summary = College of Law, have compiled an important volume on feminist engagement with international extend their inquiries to areas not previously covered by feminist scholars of international law in A valuable inclusion in the introductory discussion is an empirical review of feminist international legal scholarship's contribution to conflicting perspectives regarding feminist scholarship in international law's disproportionate feminist approaches to international law, weighing the success of the contributions (their impact Regarding the successes of feminist international law scholars since the start of the new millennium, Harris Rimmer and Ogg point to the Harris Rimmer and Ogg also point to a contradiction: a growing despondency about the limited influence of feminists at the international law race theory, third world feminism, and queer theory) into feminist critiques of international law; For example, in her chapter examining the complete absence of feminist analysis of private international law, Mary Keyes, professor at Griffith "Feminist Engagement with International Law: cache = ./cache/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.txt === bib === id = work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju author = Sarah Anderson title = ECR collective response: The future of criminology and the unsustainability of the status quo for ECRs date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2014 sentences = 132 flesch = 42 summary = ECR collective response: the future of criminology and the unsustainability of the status quo for ECRs ECR collective response: the future of ECR collective response: the future of The Future of Criminology and the Unsustainability of the Status Quo for ECRs the areas of future research identified in the piece. collective group of early career researchers (ECRs) are currently engaged, often in academic posts, creating a situation whereby many ECRs will become 'serial' postdocs; employed on a succession of fixed-term, temporary, and precarious contracts a lack of recognition of the additional time inter-disciplinary research requires (e.g. to posts with unfinished outputs from previous projects and have limited time to engage in Funders may also see limited returns when ECRs move from their PhD to teachingheavy posts. higher and there are greater difficulties securing research funding in criminology, and Available at: cache = ./cache/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.txt === bib === id = work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm author = Victor K. Ng title = Competing With Crohn's Disease date = 2005 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1679 sentences = 280 flesch = 85 summary = my ultimate goal to qualify for the Canadian Olympic team in the high jump. dream aged 24 years. When you're told at 9 years old that several times that I had to quit athletics due the rest of the medical team and help to need to eat 'hard to digest foods that support athletics' (such as complex optimising my eating, sleep, medication, periods to train my body as best as I can, I think the key is supporting athletes to others with Crohn's disease. others with Crohn's disease. working with an athlete with Crohn's at Athletics Canada who offer a holistic athletes to reach their peak condition. the medical team (and more importantly by the patient) is essential. Competing at the top level with Crohn's disease Competing at the top level with Crohn's disease 'My Crohn's, my symptoms' 'My Crohn's, my symptoms' cache = ./cache/work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm.txt === bib === id = work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra author = Michael Bernhard title = Digital Politics date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2647 sentences = 181 flesch = 42 summary = Regulating Disruption: The Politics of Uber in the United transportation markets, but on how Uber has also effectively escaped regulation by local government, state raised in Kathleen Thelen's "Regulating Uber: The Politics impact of dystopian fiction in a digital politics section. © American Political Science Association 2018 December 2018 | Vol. 16/No. 4 915 The importance of digital politics is also reflected in a special "Digital Politics" section. APSA commissioned a task force to study sexual harassment at its annual meeting, and it issued an influential politics, to reflect on the question of harassment. and synthetic discussion within the political science profession and between the profession and the broader scholarly and reading publics. Perspectives seeks to nurture a political science public Research articles: As a top-tier journal of political science, Perspectives accepts scholarly research article submissions and publishes the very best submissions that make cache = ./cache/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.txt === bib === id = work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja author = Caroline Fredrickson title = The Lingering Wage Gap from Rosie the Riveter to #MeToo date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1716 sentences = 133 flesch = 69 summary = equal pay, child care, and community centers for wage-earning women – lost immediacy as men's and women's wages would have a signifi cant and positive impact. We have all heard the statistic: women earn only 77% of men's wages in the And sadly, women's wages have gained relative to men's earnings in large K e s s l e r H a r r i s : Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States, New York and Oxford 1982, Oxford University Press, p. • Women are 63% of minimum-wage workers. According to Equal Rights Advocates, an advocacy group working for low-wage women, over the women make up the majority of the workforce earning such small wages. women who earn the subminimum wage paid to tipped employees have their pay stuck at $2.13 women and their families disproportionately, as would paying comparable wages for jobs of cache = ./cache/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.txt === bib === id = work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq author = Giang Nguyen-Thu title = Vietnamese Media Going Social: Connectivism, Collectivism, and Conservatism date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7951 sentences = 568 flesch = 44 summary = JUNE 2018 WAS AN intense time in Vietnam when one saw the role of social media inrevealing and facilitating the (dis)congruity between connectivism, collectivism, and coming and going of Facebook-based public debates remind us that counterpolitical discussion on social media, whether subtly invested in a sarcastic tone or frankly manifested Law in June 2018 indicates how the Internet and social media have become urgent concerns for the Vietnamese party-state, allowing it to justify the escalation of political Against this background, I provide a short history of social media (predominantly Facebook) in Vietnam and how it is driven by an escalating sense of political and The Cybersecurity Law demonstrates that ideologically, the party-state wants to control social media by digital sovereignty that this new bill allows us to identify a major problem of Internet governance in Vietnam: the party-state does not seem to understand the difference between "The Influence of Social Media in Vietnam's Elite Politics." cache = ./cache/work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq.txt === bib === id = work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei author = Delphine Martinot title = Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence date = 2020 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12250 sentences = 1465 flesch = 56 summary = Previous research provided mixed findings on the links between both psychological disengagement mechanisms (i.e., discounting and devaluing) and self-esteem. According to the Psychological Disengagement Model, it was predicted that experience of personal deprivation due to perceived relative academic underachievement would be associated with discounting of mid-adolescents as well as the non-protective function of devaluing on global selfesteem, school attainment and social domains of self-esteem. designed to test the links between each mechanism of psychological disengagement from school and crucial dimensions of self-esteem on two separate samples of participants corresponding to two different periods of adolescence in secondary school years: early-adolescence (11–12 years old) and mid-adolescence Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence cache = ./cache/work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei.pdf txt = ./txt/work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei.txt === bib === id = work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce author = Kristen Renwick Monroe title = Harassment charges: Metoo but due process date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2086 sentences = 279 flesch = 66 summary = e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Metoo but due process ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED cache = ./cache/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.txt === bib === id = work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy author = Allison Ballard title = The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment) date = 2018 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10570 sentences = 928 flesch = 51 summary = issues, worker ignorance and incapacity, workplace investigations, (alternative) dispute resolution and the legal pathways available to targets of workplace bullying and harassment may act to silence Keywords: bullying; harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting to remain silent, particularly in respect bullying and harassment and other forms of workplace of workplace bullying in Australia,4 the low reporting of such behaviour (Easteal and Hampton 2011), of workplace bullying in Australia,4 the low reporting of such behaviour (Easteal and Hampton 2011), phenomenon, such as 'workplace bullying', 'harassment', 'abuse' or 'violence' is named, it is more For example, targets of workplace bullying, like complainants of other types of adverse assistance to targets of workplace bullying and harassment (Safe Work Australia 2018). workplace bullying, and also to influence legal and policy-related issues (Nielsen et al. Available online: (accessed on 27 October 2018). The Jerk at Work: Workplace Bullying and the Law's Inability to Combat It. Employee Relations cache = ./cache/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.txt === bib === id = work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq author = Jiang Chang title = Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism: An Interview with Todd Gitlin and Michael Schudson date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10100 sentences = 744 flesch = 68 summary = Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism: An Interview with Todd Gitlin and Michael Schudson culture in the news media, particularly because of the political moment — the anti-war movement, the various rights movements evolving at the time, all very much present among younger Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. cache = ./cache/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.txt === bib === id = work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4 author = Caroline Ash title = Books for budding scientists date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6514 sentences = 822 flesch = 75 summary = coral nurseries, this year's fi nalists for the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prizes for Excellence in Science Books dare to go where few children's titles have gone before. celebrates high-quality children's science books. AAAS/SUBARU SB&F PRIZES FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE BOOKS conveyed in My First Book of Quantum Physics, an illustrated guide for children 8 and What Makes You Scratch, Anita Sanchez, Illustrated by Gilbert Ford, HMH Books for Young Guyton, Quarry Books, 2018, 144 pp.A human-pooch foot race teaches young readers how to create a repeatable experiment. YOUNG ADULT SCIENCE BOOK Email: 3The reviewer is a senior editor at Science. Email: 7The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. Email: 8The reviewer is the letters editor at Science. 12The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. 12The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. Email: 15The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. cache = ./cache/work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe author = Anne Graefer title = Unruly Women and Carnivalesque Countercontrol: Offensive Humor in Mediated Social Protest date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8526 sentences = 543 flesch = 55 summary = offensive humor, social protest, women's march, digital culture, carnivalesque context of social media, offensive political humor advances the so-called echo chambers we argue that the online circulation of humorous (yet offensive) protest posters creates forms of We argue that the Women's March provides unique insight into how offensive humor can function Women's March through the online circulation of offensive protest humor. affective political communication, and about how protesters and social media users can grab our the carnivalesque to consider the ambiguous workings of this offensive humor in political protest. The DACA DACA protest poster then uses offensive, bodily humor to produce Trump as a figure of could, for instance, argue that offensive humor works here to undermine the powerful White man compliance, and agreeability (Fox, 1977; Tolman, Impett, Tracy, & Michael, 2006). Returning to the subject of the Women's March, we argue that offensive humor is a worthy political cache = ./cache/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.txt === bib === id = work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu author = Sue Hamilton title = Director's Report, 2019–20 date = 2020 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6878 sentences = 618 flesch = 36 summary = We are pleased to announce a new UCL Institute of Archaeology PhD are available here: the first event in the 2019–20 UCL Institute of Archaeology/British This year's UCL Institute of Archaeology Gordon Childe Lecture was team of archaeologists led by UCL's Institute of Archaeology.' 'UCL Institute of Archaeology researchers are involved in collaborative cache = ./cache/work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu.txt === bib === id = work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4 author = Hugh Bochel title = A Place at the Table? Parliamentary Committees, Witnesses and the Scrutiny of Government Actions and Legislation date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9460 sentences = 640 flesch = 53 summary = Keywords: Diversity, representation, gender, Scottish Parliament, participation. the work done by parliamentary committees, and in particular the voices that they hear outreach policies and participation in public events held in parliaments, the IPU's selfassessment toolkit does not extend to the voices that a parliament's committees might The committees of the Scottish Parliament are responsible for both legislative diversity of voices heard by committees, including oral witnesses. Parliament, 2015), the Public Engagement Strategy (Scottish Parliamentary Corporate gender (for example, The Good Parliament report: Childs, 2016) and select committee for Wales and Scottish Parliament, found that in each legislature male witnesses typically committees make considerable use of witnesses from 'representative bodies' or umbrella (2018) 'Committee hearings of the UK Parliament: who gives evidence and does this matter?', (2012) 'Committee hearings of the Scottish Parliament: evidence Liaison Committee (2018) Witness Gender Diversity, London: The Stationery Office. Witnesses and diversity in the Scottish Parliament cache = ./cache/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.txt === bib === id = work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e author = Meredith Nash title = "Antarctica just has this hero factor…": Gendered barriers to Australian Antarctic research and remote fieldwork date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217536811 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:05 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e.txt === bib === id = work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa author = Dabney P. Evans title = You have to be twice as good and work twice as hard: a mixed-methods study of perceptions of sexual harassment, assault and women's leadership among female faculty at a research university in the USA date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7174 sentences = 632 flesch = 45 summary = The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of institutional policies and practices for the prevention of and response to gender inequities as experienced by female faculty working in the health sciences at a US research university. effect the prevention of and response to gender inequities, including sexual violence, among female faculty working in these fields. response to sexual harassment, assault, and other gender inequities as experienced by female faculty in the health sciences. structures, a KI interview guide was developed to explore two primary domains: campus climate related to sexual assault and harassment, and institutional policies and practices aimed at Emory, 70.8% of women faculty reported having received training/education about sex discrimination, including sexual harassment/sexual violence. Few colleges and universities surveyed faculty and staff experiences of sexual harassment and campus climate; Emory's commitment to include the entire campus community is a strength. cache = ./cache/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.txt === bib === id = work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq author = K. Muldoon title = P114: Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence date = 2019 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1190 sentences = 70 flesch = 55 summary = hypothesis that a small number of physicians are responsible for a disproportionately high number of CTPA ordered in the ED. Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at Preliminary results show a great deal of variation in ordering rates, ranging from 0.9 to 22.2 CTPA per 1000 ED visit (median = order disproportionately higher numbers of CTPAs have lower diagnostic yields. hospital-based data to characterize sexual and domestic assault cases Tracts to identify potential geographic areas where SGBV cases are Variables of interest included, age, gender, First Nations status (as identified by treaty number), EMS response times, bystander Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence cache = ./cache/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.txt === bib === id = work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu author = Alexandra Xanthaki title = When Universalism Becomes a Bully: Revisiting the Interplay Between Cultural Rights and Women's Rights date = 2019 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10780 sentences = 735 flesch = 49 summary = The article uses the example of indigenous women to highlight the importance of culture for some Both universality and cultural diversity are at the core of human rights and making justice to both the diversity of women'.72 The Human Rights Committee also noted in General Comment 28 on However, at the same time, the Declaration and international human rights law in general do not perceived system of human rights above the needs of indigenous women around the world. should be the loudest, when discussing the balancing of indigenous women's rights and cultural universalism and the cultural relativism of human rights' (2017) 21 5 The International Journal Women's International Human Rights Violations.' (2003) 53 Emory Law Journal 71. Women's International Human Rights Violations.' (2003) 53 Emory Law Journal 71. 76 R Kuokkanen, 'Indigenous Women's Rights and International Law: Challenges of the UN 121 N Girard, 'Minority and indigenous women's right to culture: identity, gender and cache = ./cache/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.txt === bib === id = work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy author = Murat Erdör title = Developments in E-Entrepreneurship in Turkey and a Case Study of a Startup Company Founded by a Woman Entrepreneur date = 2012 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1230 sentences = 85 flesch = 54 summary = 5 Reasons to Include a Woman on Your Startup Team KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Women, Diverse study notes that less than 40% of business owners and study( in 2019 revealed that only ( most to business and particularly to startups: innovating, ( , we know that women give here are five business reasons to include women on 1. Companies with women in leadership study found that US and UK companies in the top quartile of leadership team gender diversity had higher women and other diverse people on the management 2010 study of nearly 700 people who worked in teams higher percentage of women directors were more likely 4. Women take more prudent risks diversity improved how a company identified acquisition One is that diverse teams acquisition after a team of junior women uncovered Startups have the chance to build an effective team Advantages of Gender-Diverse Leadership Teams Entrepreneurs( cache = ./cache/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.txt === bib === id = work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem author = Elaine Russo Martin title = Social justice and the medical librarian date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10075 sentences = 830 flesch = 54 summary = Medical librarians must develop a new professional orientation: one that focuses on cultural awareness or Using examples from medical education, this lecture makes the case for social justice This lecture also presents a pathway for social justice medical librarianship, identifies Library Association, and library schools for developing social justice education and outcomes. advocates for an understanding of and connection to social justice responsibilities for the medical library to discuss "Social Justice and the Medical Librarian." This lecture discusses social justice and the role that medical librarians can play in a democratic society. This lecture discusses social justice and the role that medical librarians can play in a democratic society. Social justice needs to be central to the mission of medical librarianship and a core value of the profession. Social justice needs to be central to the mission of medical librarianship and a core value of the profession. cache = ./cache/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.txt === bib === id = work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu author = Carmel Borg title = Gramsci, Religion and Education as Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Discourse date = 2002 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5148 sentences = 287 flesch = 47 summary = Research has shown that the institutions and ideologies behind hegemonic society's laws, educational system, and religions, how they directly affect LGBTQ+ youth, this paper critically examines these institutions using both the traditional the role of teachers, peers, and parents are all considered when discussions of 'coming out' or sexual education is brought to Furthermore, in an attempt to understand the coexistence of LGBTQ+ youth and religious education, comparisons further study this topic in order to create a more inclusive, safe, and accepting society for all sexualities and gender identities. LGBTQ+ community is not 'the norm' in hegemonic society. order to provide LGBTQ+ youth with the necessary spaces The LGBTQ+ youth of today are not accepted and supported of support for LGBTQ+ youth in school, the damages that LGBTQ+ sexual education topics, this at-risk group faces a LGBTQ+ Youth and Religious Education When LGBTQ+ youth supports are put into place in society, cache = ./cache/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.txt === bib === id = work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma author = Thomas Grimmsmann title = Polypharmacy in primary care practices: an analysis using a large health insurance database date = 2009 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5711 sentences = 519 flesch = 67 summary = Polypharmacy in primary care practices: an analysis using a large health insurance database prescribing profiles in practices with a high rate of polypharmacy patients (HPP) and a low rate of polypharmacy patients (LPP), respectively. Methods This observational study used a database composed of prescription data from a large German statutory health insurance. defined polypharmacy as the continuous prescription of five or more drugs and calculated the percentage of polypharmacy patients for each Results A total of 136 521 patients in 730 general practices received continuous medication. Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words — polypharmacy; prescriptions; drug utilisation review; databases; family practice have studied prevalence rates of polypharmacy in 173 practices in a defined region of of practices or doctors with a high rate of polypharmacy prescriptions could also be proxies for other patients ('high' polypharmacy practices, HPP) and to cache = ./cache/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.txt === bib === id = work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24 author = SarahS. Grace title = The sex offender and the criminal justice system date = 1984 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6581 sentences = 571 flesch = 62 summary = Whilst the focus is predominantly on 'victims' (usually female) and people suspected or charged with sexual ofending (usually male) within the criminal justice system in England and Wales the concerns considerations in attrition.3 We agree that these are sensitive and important considerations.4 The concern here however, is the potential wrongful conviction and miscarriages of justice regarding those suspected of or charged with a sexual ofence. is currently being potentially undermined regarding sexual ofending and the outcome is miscarriages of justice and wrongful convictions. The threats to defendants' rights have already been articulated.15 Many individuals in the criminal justice system "frequently slip into talking of victims (in trials), investigation, and an incomplete investigation is a threat to the whole process of justice".21 The above criticisms go against the wider sense of the presumption of innocence embodied in European human rights law in that "pre-trial procedures should The presumption of guilt and a climate of unquestioning belief in accusers' narratives are not conined to England, Wales, and the criminal justice system. cache = ./cache/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.txt === bib === id = work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi author = Susan P. Phillips title = When will it ever end? And how? Sexual harassment of female medical faculty date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1107 sentences = 123 flesch = 51 summary = journal homepage: Sexual harassment of female medical sexual harassment of American medical faculty shows the breadth Sexual harassment and victims' fears of reprisals from naming it Women in medicine have reported sexual Raj et al report a decrease in sexual those who stay despite severe sexual harassment have a drive and But what does the persistence of sexual harassment in DOI of original article: sexual harassment their complaint is seen as a 'one off ', for which P. Phillips is the sole author of this commentary. Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: a multi-institutional longitudinal study. Sexual harassment and discrimination experiences of academic medical faculty. [4] Harassment and sexual violence in the workplace � public consultation. harassment of Canadian medical students: a national survey. Sexual harassment of Sexual harassment of female medical faculty Sexual harassment of female medical faculty cache = ./cache/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.txt === bib === id = work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu author = M P Colgan title = Oxpentifylline treatment of venous ulcers of the leg date = 1990 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5004 sentences = 762 flesch = 72 summary = Oxpentifylline treatment of venous ulcers of the leg Mary-Paula Colgan, John A Dormandy, Peter W Jones, Ivor G Schraibman, D Gregor Shanik, Objective-To determine the effect of oxpentifylline on the healing of venous ulcers of the leg. Results-Complete healing of the reference ulcer this drug in patients with venous ulceration of the eligible patients attending the leg ulcer clinic at each study of patients with leg ulcers." The patients were of the study 64% of reference ulcers had healed in the patient who received a placebo the persistent additional ulcer developed anew during the course of the median area of the ulcer for each treatment group at might be effective in healing venous ulcers of the leg Although pharmacological treatment has been advocated for the healing of venous ulcers, the few studies no effect on the healing of ulcers.2 Two studies using Study design-Patients whose blood pressure was cache = ./cache/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.txt === bib === id = work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym author = Misnal Munir title = Filsafat Voluntarisme date = 2007 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4442 sentences = 809 flesch = 60 summary = memiliki kebebasan, dan dengan kehendak itu pula .manusia menembus kebuntuan pemikiran (Descartes, 1984 : 40 Filosof yang dengan jelas meletakkan kedudukan kehendak di atas rasio menekankan bahwa hidup aJalah kehendak untuk berkuasa dan itu adalah, kehendak untuk berkuasa adalah dorongan hidup yang paling kuat (Copleston, kepada suatu aliran filsafat yang tokohtokohnya berkeyakinan bahwa 'kehendak' nlallusia mengatasi akalnya. dalam hidupnya tidak dikuasasi oleh rasio atau akal --sebagaimana yang diyakinioleh kaum rasionalis-melainkan hakekat manusia itu sendiri, hal ini berbeda dengan kaum rasionalis yang berpendapat bahwa akal yang tampakdalam Plato mengatakan bahwa di dalam kehendak ini bersemayam perasaan-perasaan yang lebih Filosof yang agak terang membiearakan kehendak dalam filsafat abad manusia sebagai sesuatu yang hampir tidak terbatas, sedangkan rasio dihadapkan pada berbagai keterbatasan. membahas peranan dan kedudukan kehendak dalam diri manusia secara lebih Tindakan manusia ini dilangsungkan oleh kehendak yang mengalami Kehendak dalam filsafat Yunani kruno sebagai bagian dan iiwa yang cache = ./cache/work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym.txt === bib === id = work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny author = Alex Zamalin title = Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1538 sentences = 79 flesch = 49 summary = Writing human rights: The political Crystal Parikh's Writing Human Rights: The Political Imaginaries of Writers of On the one hand, she writes that 'human rights provide deeply meaningful Political theorists who read Writing Human Rights will see the work as enacting One of the things that makes Writing Human Rights an important work and will of novels by Hagedorn and Lee, the second chapter examines how human rights literature evokes an idea of vulnerability in ways that expand the right to security theorists, Writing Human Rights is not primarily a work of traditional political literature of human rights, look like? NGO work that tries to advance human rights) and the radical normative project of Thinking human rights is perhaps more As Writing Human Rights Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color cache = ./cache/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.txt === bib === id = work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi author = Michael Snyder title = REVIEW ESSAY: Sacred Smokes (Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr.) date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3150 sentences = 187 flesch = 63 summary = Van Alst, Jr. Sacred Smokes. the case of Sacred Smokes, the University of New Mexico Press stresses the selling point of a "story of a Native American gang member in Chicago." With such a cue, a potential reader might be tempted to begin making comparisons between Sacred Smokes and Tommy Orange's smash hit novel, There There, published in 2018 within two months of Sacred Smokes, which Van Alst, he was something of an ally to American Indians since, in the 1780s, Franklin praised Sacred Smokes, although undoubtedly a great work of contemporary Native American literature, It is a bit Nietzsche and quite Franklin in the sense that Teddy learns the lessons of thrift, Germane to Sacred Smokes, Vizenor also writes in Manifest Manners: "The Postindian Like Ben Franklin and Sherman Alexie, Teddy always has his nose in a book, an avid reader 1.4831702/i-grew-up-knowing-what-i-was-was-a-conflict-tommy-orange-writes-aboutchallenges-facing-urban-indians-1.4832186. cache = ./cache/work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi.txt === bib === id = work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq author = Robert O'Mochain title = Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3511 sentences = 328 flesch = 57 summary = school students had experienced sexual harassment reported being sexually harassed at work (Japan In a review of measures against workplace sexual harassment in Japan, Huen (2007, p. Engagement with the difficult issues raised by sexual harassment should be seen as a vital concern for own efforts to challenge the culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment and to raise awareness face of sexual harassment issues in Japan. educators will incorporate sexual harassment issues As well as raising awareness in the classroom, language instructors can also lend support to those initiatives which aim at eliminating sexual harassment sexual harassment is an issue of concern in many that sexual harassment issues can be of interest to Sexual harassment by students Workplace sexual harassment in Japan: O'Mochain: Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan O'Mochain: Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan sexual harassment among junior high school students cache = ./cache/work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq.txt === bib === id = work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm author = Yunhwan Kim title = #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses date = 2020 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12843 sentences = 1517 flesch = 62 summary = #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses This research analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as an example study measured the public engagement with the photos as well as the sentiment of the comments and public health, hashtag activism, and the antivaccination movement on social media. Next, previous studies have analyzed social media photos related to the human body. Previous studies also analyzed social media photos about alcohol [28], junk food [29], pregnancy [30], Another group of studies analyzed the content of hashtagged social media posts. antivaccination photos on Instagram, employing features both at the content and pixel levels for analysis snack, dessert, toy, monitor, billboard, music, cake, bird, letter, tableware, television, vegetable, funny, road, holding, tie, wearing, wheel, selfie, dress, fedora, young, beach, flower, active shirt, eyes, This study analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as cache = ./cache/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.txt === bib === id = work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y author = Mike Fitzpatrick title = Big pharma--paper tiger date = 2006 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544052 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:14 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y.txt === bib === id = work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e author = Karen Emmerich title = Konstantinos Theotokis, The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas (tr. J. M. Q. Davies) London: Colenso Books 2016 and Konstantinos Theotokis, Corfiot Tales (tr. J. M. Q. Davies) London: Colenso Books, 2017 date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2460 sentences = 115 flesch = 57 summary = Konstantinos Theotokis, The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas (tr. Colenso Books 2016 and Konstantinos Theotokis, Corfiot Tales (tr. Literary works in translation are, for better or worse, often taken by readers as representative not Davies' new translations of Konstantinos Theotokis's Corfiot Tales and The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas, I found myself wondering how, particularly novella The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas, first published in 1920, are all set in Corfiot In his introduction to the most recent Greek edition of Corfiot Tales, Giannis Dallas suggests that the stories present 'a world that is immovably traditional, in an era when in Greece social life has, even in literature, become urbanized' (230); even in the moment of their Yet in my view, the stories in Corfiot Tales if not Hangman Thomas present a the troubling themes and scenes that Davies had to tackle in his translations of these texts as cache = ./cache/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.txt === bib === id = work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i author = James Baumlin title = Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos date = 2018 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 19488 sentences = 1432 flesch = 61 summary = published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. the humanities; and to promote new versions and hybridizations of ethos/rhetoric. We write by way of introduction to the essay collection, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives etymological 'family resemblances' as ἦθoς (that is, 'rational ethos' or a speaker's rhetorically-constructed character), ἔθoς 15 Pertaining to personal and cultural narratives alike, identities arising from a "narratization of the self" are, Hall declares, meaning" constitute culture, which, in turn, conditions individual human experience, expression, and self-image. radically textualized model, the ethics of ethos must "lie outside," since Aristotle's Rhetoric undergirds agreement with his model of self and its implications, both for ethos and for rhetoric generally. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. cache = ./cache/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.txt === bib === id = work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada author = Nikki Peck title = Drawing The Lines Of Female Sexuality date = 2020 pages = 41 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11376 sentences = 1123 flesch = 76 summary = society, this thesis inves=gates the plurality of ways in which the gaze, feminist art prac=ces, sexuality, followers of my drawings and pain=ngs which examined women and female sexuality in 1 illustra=ng the power and importance of female sexuality as forms of iden=ty, libera=on and to depict a sexually confident and liberated female-iden=fied nude in art or will the image The male gaze is the viewpoint in which women are sexualized as objects of desire by representa=on is objec=fying and con=nues to support male gaze depic=ons of women. some of her representa=ons of the female nude adhere to the male gaze, it is her process and The fact that the female gaze has been coined by someone who iden=fies as nonbinary and gender non-conforming also adds to the various intersec=ons and intertwined portray a hyper-sexual image of a female-iden=fied body in contemporary society and art? cache = ./cache/work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada.txt === bib === id = work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa author = Gordon D. Schiff title = The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2203 sentences = 181 flesch = 52 summary = 1Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care, Boston, MA, USA; 2Brigham and Womens Hospital Center for Patient Safety Research and With the publication of 2015 National Academy of Medicine Report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care and recent reports suggesting diagnostic errors are The goal of developing and reporting standardized measures related to diagnostic safety has been an elusive one. crafting measures for diagnosis quality has not proven to be wait for a patient to die to uncover diagnostic improvement Culture of diagnostic safety and improvement 984 Schiff and Ruan: The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics JGIM Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledges support for research in diagnostic error and improvement from CRICO (Harvard Improving diagnosis in health care. Improving Diagnostic Quality and Safety Draft The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics cache = ./cache/work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa.txt === bib === id = work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci author = Sheena J. Vachhani title = Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11494 sentences = 862 flesch = 45 summary = Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social the development of a practical democratic ethics and politics of organizations; (ii) to explore two key cases of contemporary in which a practical democratic politics proceeding from an embodied ethics of difference forms an important advancement Keywords Alterity · Democracy · Difference · Feminism · Feminist ethics · Irigaray · Radical politics · Gender · Ziarek To translate this further into organizational terms, feminist ethics and politics offer ways of disturbing organizations, pushing beyond constructed categories assigned to us, In this sense, Irigaray and Ziarek both enable the development of a practical democratic ethics whereby "women Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent… Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements cache = ./cache/work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci.txt === bib === id = work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju author = Angeliki Alvanoudi title = Gender, Language and a Lipstick: Creating Cultural Change in a World of Paradoxes date = 2018 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6929 sentences = 785 flesch = 60 summary = Gender, Language and a Lipstick: Creating Cultural Change in a World of Paradoxes feminist language reform in the service of challenging the dominant gender order. Keywords: social gender; grammatical gender; language reform; culture; cognition specifically, the paper targets the role of naming/labeling practices drawing on language and gender language, gender and cognition in talk-in-interaction and addresses issues related to paradoxes 2 and or three class systems, gender assignment in nouns with human reference is sex-based.1 In general, In many Indo-European languages, the masculine gender is used for generic or indefinite reference, between the generic use of the masculine gender and speakers' strong tendency to interpret referents The use of a default grammatical gender for generic reference is in line with generic use of the feminine gender (at least when most referents are female). In Gender across Languages: The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Edited by cache = ./cache/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.txt === bib === id = work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui author = Barbara Burgess Wilkerson title = Preparing Millennials as Digital Citizens and Socially and Environmentally Responsible Business Professionals in a Socially Irresponsible Climate date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9696 sentences = 825 flesch = 45 summary = Preparing Millennials as Digital Citizens and Socially and Environmentally Responsible Business Professionals in a Socially Irresponsible Climate of millennials as digital, environmental and socially responsible global citizens. Business Communications students can critically explore how socially responsible corporations can current events in education relevant to preparing millennials for professional business communications. problem-solving to promote responsible digital citizenship, environmental sustainability and social Lessons in digital citizenship in business communications can also include analyzing the impact of spark thinking about social responsibility, environmental sustainability and digital citizenship. politically oriented current events may lead students to think critically about policy issues (Yob, 2013). become ethical business professionals and excellent, socially responsible global citizens (Weybrecht, millennials for professional business communications include focusing on the students' individual voice Literature Review of Socially Responsible Digital Citizenship Business Communications Pedagogy literature review, we find a need for additional socially responsible citizenship education in business cache = ./cache/work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui.txt === bib === id = work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi author = Cristelle Maury title = Interview with Maria Giese, April 16, 2019 date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8408 sentences = 567 flesch = 76 summary = directed the feature films When Saturday Comes (1996), starring Sean Bean and Pete Federal investigation for women directors in Hollywood history. those early years, but when I first saw a film, I felt like that was very close to And I had done a very female thing of deferring my directing pay on the film paripasu with all my multi-millionaire producers when I had no financial support system MG: Yes. I don't think there is an example of 50% women directors working anywhere studio films will have been directed by women. and produced, and I found that he had only hired 2.7% women to direct the films he only 1% women to direct the films that he executive produced. MG: I don't think a lot about film theory when I'm writing or directing, but ideas 50% of our stories be told by women because we don't know what is going to come cache = ./cache/work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi.txt === bib === id = work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi author = Yongrui Duan title = Introduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost and Shelf Space Opportunity Cost date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10239 sentences = 1612 flesch = 83 summary = This paper studies the introduction of store brands (SBs) when the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, and baseline sales are the product cost of the SB (NB) and the shelf space opportunity cost are the dominating factors that determine the optimal pricing products at retail prices 𝑃𝑛 to the consumers through displays offline (shelf) or online (web store). the shelf space allocation and pricing decisions in the marketing channel by applying static and dynamic games. different product cost, shelf space opportunity, and baseline The retailer maximizes profit by allocating shelf space to each brand. In Figures 3 and 4, we aim to study (1) the relationship between the product cost 𝑐 and the profit of the retailer and profits of the retailer decrease as product cost 𝑐 increases. between the opportunity cost of the shelf space 𝑘 and the profit of retailer and manufacturer when the SB is introduced, as cache = ./cache/work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi.txt === bib === id = work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4 author = Daniel Morchain title = Building transformative capacity in southern Africa: Surfacing knowledge and challenging structures through participatory Vulnerability and Risk Assessments date = 2019 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11138 sentences = 2402 flesch = 66 summary = Building transformative capacity in southern Africa: Surfacing knowledge and challenging structures through participatory Vulnerability and Risk Assessments Oxfam's Vulnerability and Risk Assessment methodology to enabling transformation at Three Vulnerability and Risk Assessment exercises were conducted in Malawi, Botswana and Namibia by one or more of the authors a process like the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment may bring to transformation. Vulnerability assessment, adaptation, Southern Africa, participatory process, transformative capacity, climate change Processes like Oxfam's Vulnerability and Risk Assessment methodology aim to The Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process, developed by Oxfam in 2013, was The Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process aims to give stakeholders the Participatory processes such as Vulnerability and Risk Assessment can shift dominant power dynamics (see Jernsand, 2017). Through the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process in Malawi, stakeholders became more aware of the importance of understanding the 'big picture' of the In Namibia, the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process helped the group to cache = ./cache/work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.txt === bib === id = work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na author = Emille Davie Lawrence title = Mathematics for Social Justice date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1434 sentences = 124 flesch = 67 summary = 532 Notices of the AmericAN mAthemAticAl society Volume 67, Number 4 Emille Davie Lawrence is a term associate professor of mathematics a variety of courses with the essays and modules written by for social justice": all mathematics instruction that aims to that connecting mathematics and social justice is a new is why Mathematics for Social Justice: Resources for the College the book by the authors, five essays that make the case for introducing topics of social justice into the math curriculum, and fourteen course modules that can be adopted into Mathematics for Social Justice Mathematics for Social Justice The utility of Mathematics for Social Justice: Resources for community a toolkit for challenging students to use mathematics to improve our world from many different angles. Karaali and Khadjavi are working on, Mathematics for Social in the postscript the modules are sorted by mathematical cache = ./cache/work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na.txt === bib === id = work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei author = Lisa Hermanns title = "Even if patriarchal sociopathy is more pervasive than we like to imagine, it can be defeated" - #MeToo as contentious politics date = 2019 pages = 91 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 37026 sentences = 2508 flesch = 54 summary = Tilly and Sidney Tarrow's theory of contentious politics provides insights into #MeToo and Tarrow to analyze #MeToo. Contentious politics is a rather open concept inviting the analysis contentious politics are especially relevant in online contention and for #MeToo and why? political causes of feminist women's movements to challenge women's structural oppression whether #MeToo is feminist or not as contention politics is not concerned with categorizing investigate #MeToo, out of the tradition of social movement theories and research. analysis of social movements, which considers gender issues "will provide a dynamic, longterm and less state-centered approach to power, protest, and change" (Ferree and Mueller harassment and abuse, participants of #MeToo do not have to identify as feminist. #MeToo developed have changed since women began to fight sexual harassment and abuse in harassment and abuse gained through #MeToo was The New York Times and its journalists a socially protected position to harass or abuse women, #MeToo emphasizes an existing cache = ./cache/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.txt === bib === id = work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4 author = Laura Saldarriaga title = Sexual Violence Victimization among Undergraduates at a Chilean University date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8758 sentences = 812 flesch = 54 summary = Schuster and colleagues found much higher prevalence rates of sexual violence victimization over a colleagues (2007) used five comprehensive items assessing attempted rape, rape using three different coercive strategies (physical force, verbal pressure, taking advantage of the victim being unable to resist), questions concerned (1) assessing sexual violence victimization experiences among PUC undergraduates in Established risk factors for sexual violence victimization addressed in the survey include the age of onset Previous research has shown effects of ambivalent sexism and sexual aggression myths on the perception of a victimization experience (LeMaire, Oswald, and Russell 2016). wording as Schuster and colleagues (2016).3 Respondents who reported at least one victimization experience in the three main items were asked to give additional details.4 number of sex partners, short-term mating orientation, age of onset of sexual activity, and the fact of being sexually active were identified as significant correlates of sexual violence victimization, supporting our cache = ./cache/work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4.txt === bib === id = work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta author = Katharina Kellenbach title = Guilt and Its Purification date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5839 sentences = 502 flesch = 59 summary = sequence of ritual steps to transform personal and collective guilt in the In fact, it is one of the cruel ironies that victims feel guilty, while perpetrators remain indifferent to and Atrocities, which on Claudia Card's definition include sexual and domestic violence against women and children, suck entire communities into divine ordinances require expiation that take the form of rituals of purification, often involving the entire community, which is mandated to purify in response to violation of the sacred law. punished, the entire community is implicated in guilt by association, playing out in the current church crisis, which stems from the community's failure to mark wrong and punish wrongdoing. When a Pope (or head of state, or CEO) issues a formal apology on behalf of an institution, they signal a community's disavowal of practices, policies, and persons that were previously tolerated. Pope Benedict XVI "The Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse," https://www.catho cache = ./cache/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.txt === bib === id = work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru author = Thomas Kilduff title = "Identity" in Publishing: The New Currency date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4059 sentences = 385 flesch = 60 summary = "Identity" in Publishing: The New Currency [Modern forms of publishing include writing blogs and posting diverse content on social media. In this context, how do library and/or information services relate to questions of identity in the infosphere, the new currency is not money nor content, reputation or character, but the idea of Identity is the new face of a creator in a world known as a transitional identity, one that separates "work" publishing sites (like LinkedIn, If identity is the new currency, then there are some groups and individuals who try to Available at: (Accessed 17 April (Accessed 17 March 2020). Available at:,9171,1570810,00.html (Accessed (2016) 'Elena Ferrante: literary storm as Italian reporter 'identifies' author',,9171,1570810,00.html Available at: (Accessed 12 cache = ./cache/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.txt === bib === id = work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq author = Lori L. Isom title = Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization Gordon Research Conference Power Hour Summary date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217535475 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:04 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq.txt === bib === id = work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa author = Daniela Lup title = The Many Faces of Gender Inequality at Work date = 2018 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2879 sentences = 123 flesch = 45 summary = The collection of articles included in this first thematic issue addresses gender inequalities, a questions about the way in which economic conditions shape gender inequalities in labour that the impact of parental leave and childcare policies on mothers' work-care arrangements how government policies and social class interact in shaping gender-related work Women's Work', the authors show that, within the same organisation and controlling for status and working arrangements of employees' partners contribute to patterns of gender Both men and women benefit in terms of increased wages from adopting flexible work the organisation of work in the gold production industry contributes to creating a gendered labour than women whose partners are in work. allocation of household work thus precipitate even higher levels of gender inequality for impact of policies meant to address gender inequalities is moderated by organisational interact to produce or reproduce gender equality or inequality; employees do not work or live cache = ./cache/work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa.txt === bib === id = work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu author = Hannah Mason-Bish title = Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1363 sentences = 109 flesch = 29 summary = whereby concerns about hate crime and prejudice are a pressing social and political 1 7 scroungers11 within the few countries that includes disability as a hate crime category. 10 Rise in disability hate crimes UK scrounger rhetoric xenophobia towards migrants, William Arrocha discusses the timely concern of violence and hate directed towards refugees in the global north. international organisations in addressing hate crime, including the relevance of internal increasing international efforts to combat hate crime and Junuzovic provides a much critically examines the need for criminal justice agencies and civil society to work society can offer is central in responding to hate crime. Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses cache = ./cache/work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim author = Meredith Wadman title = The twitter warrior date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3301 sentences = 405 flesch = 73 summary = at Vanderbilt University Medical Center McLaughlin is founding to support survivors of sexual harassment. Indeed, McLaughlin has made bitter enemies: Last fall, she says, she was anonymously year her department and VUMC's Appointments and Promotions Committee recommended her for tenure, according to a later But the university halted her tenure process in December 2015, in the wake of allegations that arose during the investigation of a and a visiting McLaughlin friend and collaborator, Dana Miller of the University of Miller, a lesbian, also told investigators that Galli made inappropriate comments about her sexuality. Meanwhile, Galli alleged to EAD investigators that McLaughlin was sending derogatory tweets about unnamed colleagues, her today." McLaughlin told Science that McLaughlin and contacted by Science declined to comment or did not return interview requests.) McLaughlin, saying her activism had "accelerated" AAAS's decision to develop a process for last week, McLaughlin says, he apologized BethAnn McLaughlin, Vanderbilt cache = ./cache/work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim.txt === bib === id = work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4 author = Robert E. Shapiro title = NIH Funding for Research on Headache Disorders: Does It Matter? date = 2007 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1274 sentences = 111 flesch = 57 summary = NIH Funding for Research on Headache Disorders: epilepsy, whereas only 1 new medication (plus 6 "metoo" drugs) has been approved for migraine (Table)? and simple explanation for the discrepancy in drug approvals: there were fewer promising compounds available to test in migraine clinical trials. often performed in publicly funded research laboratories, not those of the pharmaceutical industry.3 Federal funding of research on epilepsy has always hugely outpaced that for migraine. Figure—NIH funding for migraine versus epilepsy. every federally funded (mostly NIH) biomedical research grant, and an analysis of the relative number of CRISP documents provides commitment to headache medicine from federal agencies similar to that which has been appropriately extended to epilepsy. increase headache research funding to >$100M annually. and press them to take Congressional action to increase NIH funding. The lack of NIH funding for headache research dearth of public funding for headache research. cache = ./cache/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.txt === bib === id = work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi author = Ye Liu title = Perching birds or scattered streams: a study of how trust affects civic engagement among university students in contemporary China date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8781 sentences = 607 flesch = 50 summary = Perching birds or scattered streams: a study of how trust affects civic engagement among university students in contemporary China differentiate the exclusiveness and inclusiveness of civic activities and their different implications for the level and radii of social trust (Delhey et al. These studies make significant contributions to our knowledge of interdependent relationships between civic engagement and trust. finds that Chinese Communist Party members tend to show a higher level of generalised trust as well as how the level of trust from these relationships affects civic engagement. generalised trust come from higher education in mediumand long-term programmes, particularly in social fields of study. (2009) empirical work highlights politically active and involved university students but how university experiences shape their civic engagement, particularly in relation to social and individuals' trust manifested through these interpersonal relationships is the key to understanding the different degrees of civic engagement. students' family backgrounds and gender on their levels of trust and civic engagement. cache = ./cache/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.txt === bib === id = work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae author = Srijeeta Mukherjee title = Millennium women: Sexual challenges in the digital era date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5536 sentences = 625 flesch = 60 summary = Millennium women: Sexual challenges in the digital era Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Online sexual harassment social media, and online dating sites, or Several victims of online sexual harassment pornography, Online Sexual Grooming Online communities and social media have risky sexual online behavior across the lifespan. Digitizing rape culture: Online sexual violence and the power of the digital Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) cache = ./cache/work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae.txt === bib === id = work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha author = Sarah M. Perman title = Public Perceptions on Why Women Receive Less Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Than Men in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541560 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha.txt === bib === id = work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u author = Anna Lee title = Mentorship in Radiation Oncology: Role of Gender Diversity in Abstract Presenting and Senior Author Dyads on Subsequent High-Impact Publications date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 24 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542618 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.txt === bib === id = work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy author = Chung Hee Woo title = The Influence of Voice Behavior, Self-esteem and Sexual Knowledge on Sexual Assertiveness of Nursing College Students date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4575 sentences = 1253 flesch = 101 summary = 요인(Kim & Park, 2015; Lee, 2001)이기도 하여 자아존 감이 본 연구의 목 은 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식과 성 자기주장 간 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 성 자기주장 간 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식이 성 자기주장에 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식이 성 자기주장에 Level of Voice Behavior, Self-esteem, Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Assertiveness (N=133) Correlation between Voice Behavior, Self-esteem, Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Assertiveness (N=133) Voice behavior Self-esteem Sexual knowledge 본 연구 상인 간호 학생의 성 자기주장에 자아존 감만 본 연구 상인 간호 학생의 성 자기주장에 자아존 감만 본 연구는 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 본 연구는 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 cache = ./cache/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.txt === bib === id = work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq author = Kamran Abbasi title = Understanding career barriers for women in surgery date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534694 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:03 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq.txt === bib === id = work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e author = Charlotte Knowles title = Beauvoir on Women's Complicity in Their Own Unfreedom date = 2019 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12327 sentences = 718 flesch = 55 summary = complicity in terms of seventeenth-century accounts of slavery and republican freedom, which emphasizes the dependent situation of women as the primary cause of women's complicity, although she develops this analysis through the lens of seventeenth-century accounts of slavery and republican freedom.6 James argues that for Beauvoir, as for the republican theorist, "freedom can only exist between equals who are not In examining Beauvoir's understanding of complicity, I shall argue that her appreciation of the way situation can limit our freedom is far closer to Heidegger's understanding than to Sartre's.16 One sees this, for example, in Beauvoir's use of Focusing on the Heideggerian strands of Beauvoir's analysis will enable us to systematize her account of situation with the idea of woman's active complicity, giving a contra Sartre, who concludes from this "the absolute freedom of human consciousness" (Gothlin 2003, 51), Beauvoir develops a more nuanced account, closer to Heidegger's understanding. cache = ./cache/work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e.txt === bib === id = work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q author = Charlotte Beyer title = "Seeing the Actual Physical Betty Kane": Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo date = 2019 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7546 sentences = 498 flesch = 58 summary = "Seeing the Actual Physical Betty Kane": Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair in the Age representing female sexuality and social class in the late Golden Age crime Josephine Tey's late Golden Age novel, The Franchise Affair (1948),1 is often read as and representation of the schoolgirl villain/victim Betty Kane: character (the fille fatale Betty Kane, and to reclaim the novel by studying it through a contemporary In The Franchise Affair, Tey uses the crime genre's conventions to scrutinise the Here, Betty's Kane's fille fatale performance of sexual innocence is presented as the courtroom that the female victim/villain at the heart of The Franchise Affair is The Franchise Affair's intense scrutiny of Betty Kane's physical appearance in the the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo. cache = ./cache/work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q.txt === bib === id = work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa author = Patricia A. Hurley title = ONE WOMAN'S CAREER PATH—WITH ADVICE FOR YOUNG WOMEN SCHOLARS date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2532 sentences = 232 flesch = 70 summary = for Women at Work (Williams and Dempsey 2014). They interviewed 127 successful working women and signaled four main patterns that affect women at work. way women often have to prove themselves, time and again. to the way gender bias against women creates conflicts among and Creating New Horizons." European Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1): 3–16. Patterns Working Women Need to Know. on the faculty in the political science department at that time, but These conferences provide good opportunities for networking and making people aware of one's work. earlier work on the same topic that was coauthored by a very senior scholar who also was at the conference. professional associations were making an effort to afford women in professionalism during the course of my career: people present papers that are too rough for prime time, panel chairs who there were particular women scholars who were very visible in the cache = ./cache/work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa.txt === bib === id = work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq author = Siobhan McAndrew title = The values of culture? Social closure in the political identities, policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers date = 2019 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9142 sentences = 739 flesch = 47 summary = Social closure in the political identities, policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers', The Sociological Review. political identities of workers in the creative industries and cultural sector. cultural and creative industries, cultural workers, left-right politics, liberalism, social attitudes, cultural sector workers exhibit unusually liberal, pro-welfare and left-wing attitudes. These two analytic stages build on existing findings regarding the social closure of occupations associated with cultural production (O'Brien, Laurison, Miles, & Friedman, 2016; Oakley et al., 2017). We examine how scores on each scale vary by occupational class (comparing cultural workers with managerial, intermediate and routine The difference between the two categories of arts workers is also not significant, suggesting they share a sectoral rather than class-based values profile. occupational status, cultural workers are the most liberal on average, and the most prowelfare (except for the 'never worked' sector). cache = ./cache/work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq.txt === bib === id = work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa author = Valery Ridde title = It's time to address sexual violence in academic global health date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3875 sentences = 711 flesch = 68 summary = violence in global health academic research.5 common in academic global health.6 7 While researchers engaged in global health partnerships to ensure that collaborations are fair and US medical students' global health internships found no mention of sexual harassment where universities are increasingly developing global health training programmes As with sexual violence in universities in the Global health research field placements, engage in inappropriate and sometimes predatory sexual behaviour. a sexual harassment policy that meets the four best practices according to Global Health 50/50: commitment other inequalities in global health research partnerships, Our actions must be informed by up-to-date prevention guidelines on sexual violence on college/university issues in academic global health, with programmes for young women in global health. and collaborative partnerships for global health research learning It's time to address sexual violence in academic global health It's time to address sexual violence in academic global health cache = ./cache/work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa.txt === bib === id = work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru author = Trichy V. Krishnan title = To push for stardom or not: A rookie's dilemma in the Tamil movie industry date = 2010 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12640 sentences = 917 flesch = 80 summary = when the probability of success is neither too high nor too low and when the producer invests actors, and although the success rate of a movie with a new Leenders (2005) studied the effect of employing established actors and stars on the financing of movies and found taken the Low strategy in stage 1.) If the movie had been Cost to make the movie that hires a new face Z Cb Table 4 SR choosing high or low: Impact of combinations of Pr (probability that the SR's movie would be a hit) and H (Cost of The parameter e tells how the market updates the probability of success of the SR's movie in stage 2 using the To push for stardom or not: A rookie's dilemma in the Tamil movie industry To push for stardom or not: A rookie's dilemma in the Tamil movie industry cache = ./cache/work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru.txt === bib === id = work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm author = Marcus Arvan title = Nonideal Justice as Nonideal Fairness date = 2011 pages = 38 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10542 sentences = 790 flesch = 59 summary = nonideal conditions, including theorists who reject fairness in ideal theory. Key words: justice, fairness, ideal theory, nonideal theory, original position the issue of how to extend ideal theories to nonideal conditions, both generally (Arvan 2008, Nozick rejects fairness in ideal theory, he invokes it in nonideal theory—because only (Arvan 2014: 97-101) argue, Rawls' ideal theory cannot be extended to nonideal conditions theory, Rawlsian ideal theory generates no account of what fairness requires under nonideal Rawlsians need a theory of nonideal fairness for international affairs as well (Simmons 2010: abstracting away from nonideal costs: Rawls derives his principles of ideal justice from an model a fair procedure for, (ii) weighing such conditional duties against 'nonideal costs', and case of Rawls' theory of domestic justice, the relevant parties to the nonideal original (B) Provide a fair procedure for weighing nonideal costs against those conditional duties cache = ./cache/work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm.txt === bib === id = work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii author = Sophie Chadelle title = Conference Report: 25th SERCIA Conference: "Trouble on Screen" date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4470 sentences = 269 flesch = 55 summary = Sophie Chadelle and Mikaël Toulza, "Conference Report: 25th SERCIA Conference: "Trouble on Occidentale) analyzed the detectives' diagnosed mental troubles in three series: (Université Paris Nanterre) studied the factual, spectatorial and genre troubles in The 5 Timothy Corrigan's keynote explored the troubling relation between film and the real emphasized that films are a way to represent reality as a certain variation of the real, porn and how this difference played an important role in the reception of films such as the film to a trip, hence the importance of aesthetics in the reception, not so much in Satanism which troubles the film's aesthetics. argued that both films explore the troubles associated with working-class WASP notion of trouble on screen was brilliantly tackled throughout this conference, which conveyed through the aesthetics of films or series, the narrative and characterization Keywords: trouble, cinema, seriality, serial, series, TV, media, internet, film, television, cache = ./cache/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.txt === bib === id = work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4 author = Richard Sparks title = Crime and justice research: The current landscape and future possibilities date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5772 sentences = 345 flesch = 43 summary = Sparks, R 2020, 'Crime and justice research: The current landscape and future possibilities', Criminology Crime and Justice Research: the current landscape and future possibilities users of research, organize our thinking on actual and emergent problems of crime and The scope of research in the fields of crime and justice is in principle extremely large. central to the contributions that crime and justice researchers can make to interdisciplinary here to re-think the problem-spaces of crime and justice research beyond the primacy discourses in terms of which questions of crime and justice are circulated and socially Crime and justice research has much to offer Whist international collaborative enterprises in the fields of crime and justice research are Three propositions for investment in crime and justice research questions of crime and justice (and conceptions of harm) and other current arenas of Centre (e.g.; a modest amount of new work on policing, cache = ./cache/work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4.txt === bib === id = work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa author = Chun-Wei Chiang title = The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users' Need date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3467 sentences = 493 flesch = 63 summary = article, we provide an overview of the development that Blockchain technology Keywords: blockchain, decentralized, human centered design, humancomputer interaction, real world applications. the necessity to integrate the blockchain technology into user-centered the different types of participants in the blockchain network: "public The use of Blockchain technology in the public sector represents one development of applications based on Blockchain technology, with the aim government to start designing a national Blockchain strategy (currently to design Blockchain based systems that use smart contracts to oversee the application based on the blockchain technology. The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users' Need cache = ./cache/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.txt === bib === id = work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi author = Fredrik Bondestam title = Sexual harassment in higher education – a systematic review date = 2020 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12696 sentences = 1115 flesch = 50 summary = the international research field on sexual harassment and higher education, the development of concepts and delimitations has been quite similar. in order to contextualize and guide a discussion about challenges and limitations recurrent in the research field as a whole, this section summarizes main findings from topranked peer-reviewed articles in the research field on sexual harassment in higher education (Adams, Kottke, and Padgitt 1983; Benson and Thomson 1982; Bruce et al. Evidence-based research confirms more specifically that sexual harassment in higher education can lead to depression (Martin-Storey and August 2016; Selkie et al. Reading and conducting searches in the complete research field a number of themes concerning prevention of sexual harassment in higher education emerges. resources, we complemented the review by taking part of adjacent research on organizational perspectives on preventing sexual harassment in large organizations with similarities to the higher education sector. cache = ./cache/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.txt === bib === id = work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq author = Mark Brown title = Waiting for Godot in the Marketplace: Setting the 2018 Edinburgh Festival in Context date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3944 sentences = 256 flesch = 63 summary = by Alice Birch and directed by Katie Mitchell, presented at the EIF by French company Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord; Unsung, a new monodrama about the public and private lives of a career politician, by the Flemish theatre collective SKaGeN and performed by Valentijn Dhaenens as part of the Fringe programme of the Summerhall venue; and, finally, Ulster American, a political satire written for the Traverse Theatre's Fringe programme by Scotland-based, Northern Keywords: Curated; open-access; Edinburgh International Festival; Fringe; Song of the Goat; This said, there are Fringe venues (most notably Scotland's new writing theatre the Traverse and the Summerhall arts centre) which run curated programmes The 2018 programme was no different, with work by the exceptional Irish theatre company Druid and leading French company Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord (including Katie Mitchell's staging of a new adaptation of Marguerite Duras's novella La Maladie de la mort). cache = ./cache/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.txt === bib === id = work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy author = Marta Dynel title = Arcana imperii* date = 2019 pages = 31 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10573 sentences = 909 flesch = 55 summary = Focusing on witty retorts to insults on Twitter, this paper contributes to the studies of creative humour in online interactions (Demjén 2016, 2018; Vásquez and micro-analysis of the data, focusing primarily on the formal and conceptual creativity of Daniels's humorous retorts to the insults she receives. Jocular insults performed as a humorous ritual (e.g. on social media) can be immensely creative and may communicate truthful meanings about targets even though they are not intended to cause we anonymise all tweets except for Stormy Daniels's, deleting from the screenHumorous retorts to insults on Twitter 63 In her response to the insult, Stormy Daniels humorously makes use of the polysemy of the word "sleep" and focuses on the irrelevant sense (clearly not intended The Twitter data analysed in this paper indicate that through her humorous retorts, Stormy Daniels never shows taking offence at the misogynist insults, cache = ./cache/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.txt === bib === id = work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim author = Rebecca C. Thurston title = Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Mental and Physical Health date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4618 sentences = 647 flesch = 50 summary = Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Mental and Physical Health sexual harassment, sexual assault, depression, anxiety, sleep). we investigated the association of a history of sexual harassment and sexual assault with blood pressure (BP), depressed Women with a history of sexual assault had higher depressive symptoms, anxiety, and poorer sleep quality than women poorer sleep, and sexual assault with depressed mood, anxiety, Workplace Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Associated With BP, Mental Health, and Sleep Indicesa Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women's Health Original Investigation Research cache = ./cache/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.txt === bib === id = work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu author = Patricia L. MACLACHLAN title = Storming the Castle: The Battle for Postal Reform in Japan date = 2006 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6519 sentences = 869 flesch = 54 summary = Title Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Despite more than three decades of feminist critique, archaeological scholarship remains predominantly focused on the exploration of patriarchal narratives and is, therefore, complicit in reinforcing structural inequalities. relative absence of gendered approaches within archaeology through the lens of later medieval Keywords: later medieval archaeology, castle studies, gender, feminism Our versions of the past reflect the context in which archaeological knowledge is produced: a patriarchal society in which (white) men are privileged above others tends to For balance, potential gender disparity in authorship is also assessed within three journals of medieval archaeology published in Gender balance in a selection of Oxford handbooks of archaeology (figure by the author). the body, gendered identities, queerness and, of course, women and feminist activism (e.g. Green 2008; L'Estrange 2008; French 2013; Maude 2014; Moss 2018). Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland cache = ./cache/work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu.txt === bib === id = work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4 author = Ario Seto title = Durable Violence in Southeast Asia date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7531 sentences = 461 flesch = 52 summary = urgency as, despite their progress in the development of institutional democratic practices as a means to provide security, Southeast Asian nations are and cannot be isolated to a certain ideology; actors socialized in non-violent environments can still fall into violence. The normalcy and chronicity of violence are sustained by the emerging ideology of development, through which the state regularly imposes indisputable security to maintain order to create political stability. National Culture Act. In these policies, economic development has become a prominent orientation, if not an ideology, for state actors to incite expeditious stability (2003) are helpful in identifying how the state responds to violence, the contributions exemplify that there are practices, or enduring mechanisms, such as the public The articles in these issues advise that durable violence operates through machinery, may that be through the state apparatus (Kreuzer, The nation-state and violence. Retrieved from state-conflict-violence-asia/ state-conflict-violence-asia/ cache = ./cache/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.txt === bib === id = work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe author = Hyo Sun Jung title = How Does Sexual Harassment Influence the Female Employee's Negative Response in a Deluxe Hotel? date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7994 sentences = 1066 flesch = 48 summary = negative impact on the female employees' psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior. Keywords: sexual harassment; psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; the perception of sexual harassment among female employees causes psychological distress and A proposed model of sexual harassment, psychological distress, workplace deviant A proposed model of sexual harassment, psychological distress, workplace deviant behavior, Many studies exist that investigate perceived sexual harassment in organizations and psychological psychological distress, Nielsen and Einarsen (2012) stated that sexual harassment perceived in an this study proposes that sexual harassment increases employees' psychological distress as follows: Perception of sexual harassment positively influences employees' psychological distress. Employees' psychological distress positively influences their workplace deviant behavior. Organizational silence moderates the effect of sexual harassment on psychological distress this study assumed that the effect of employees' perceived sexual harassment on psychological distress of sexual harassment-related studies that investigate psychological distress or deviant behavior cache = ./cache/work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe.txt === bib === id = work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q author = Kate Fortmueller title = Time's Up (Again?): Transforming Hollywood's Industrial Culture date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7772 sentences = 499 flesch = 53 summary = Hollywood unions organized "women's committees" to counter institutional (AFTRA) women's committee as a case study, this article shows how employment The actors' unions, both AFTRA and SAG, respectively, were unique among the guilds because they represented a wide array of different In 1972, both SAG and AFTRA performers formed National Women's Committees to address The guild material that scholars use to understand labor practices and history are often living documents moving between contemporary union workers to shape decisions. In 1972 (when both SAG and AFTRA formed their women's committees), 90 percent of SAG actors made less than US$10,000 for acting work during the year.10 The two actors' unions, SAG and AFTRA, followed suit with women's committees in 1972. The language employed by the Women's Committee to explain its organizational goals demonstrates a sensitivity to AFTRA's broader unemployment problem and a reluctance to alienating male union members. cache = ./cache/work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q.txt === bib === id = work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu author = John Douglas Moore title = On equivariant isometric embeddings date = 1980 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8078 sentences = 1460 flesch = 99 summary = isometric embedding in any finite-dimensional Euclidean space. equivariant isometric embedding, and Step 1 is finished. equivariant isometric embedding theorem may be chosen to be real-analytic. space ~ and an isometric embedding from M into H which is equivariant with n o t have an equivariant isometric embedding into Euclidean space. does have an equivariant isometric embedding into the pseudo-Euclidean space compact then M has an equivariant isometric embedding into some pseudoEuclidean space, N o w suppose we h a d an isometric embedding f : M-ME N which is equivariant with respect to p: G ~ O ( N ) . group) require arbitrarily m a n y dimensions for an equivariant isometric embedding into Euclidean space. These manifolds do not even have equivariant embeddings into Euclidean space. Then M has no equivariant embedding into any Euclidean space. Then M has no equivariant embedding into any Euclidean space. cache = ./cache/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.txt === bib === id = work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi author = Emily M. Colpitts title = Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in the Context of Rising Anti-Feminist Backlash date = 2020 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7763 sentences = 806 flesch = 57 summary = Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in the Context of Rising Anti-Feminist Backlash Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in versities, men's rights, sexual violence sexual violence perpetration at Canadian universities. influences Canadian universities' responses to sexual recent efforts to address sexual violence. sexual violence on university campuses, and in partic­ specific sexual violence policies, anti­feminist backlash against framing student allegations of sexual violence can be said about sexual violence at Canadian uni­ issue of campus sexual violence, Schmidt might thus Some institutions' sexual violence policies place re­ How Responses to Campus Sexual Violence are Shaped by universities are responding to sexual violence. Canadian institutions respond to sexual violence. Yet as institutions' sexual violence policies and re­ lysis of universities' sexual violence policies revealed a if university responses to sexual violence anti­feminist backlash at Canadian universities, this cache = ./cache/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.txt === bib === id = work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y author = Alix E. Masters title = Feminist Theory Reveals a Need for Justice over Autonomy in Research Ethics date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3258 sentences = 187 flesch = 48 summary = Feminist Theory Reveals a Need for Justice over Autonomy in Research Ethics Using radical feminist theorist Catherine MacKinnon's work on consent and sexual Using radical feminist theorist Catherine MacKinnon's work on consent and sexual The law of rape presents consent as free exercise of sexual choice under conditions of equality of MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. cache = ./cache/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.txt === bib === id = work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u author = Jessica Duffy title = Harassment charges: Journalists' role date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2083 sentences = 280 flesch = 66 summary = e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Journalists' role ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED cache = ./cache/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.txt === bib === id = work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu author = Nicola Döring title = How Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Affecting Our Sexualities? An Overview of the Current Media Narratives and Research Hypotheses date = 2020 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12442 sentences = 1302 flesch = 53 summary = suggested in a prescriptive less casual sex narrative that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be best to shut down New York City Health Department made headlines worldwide when it published tips on safe sex during the COVIDIn the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, a destigmatization and normalization of technology-mediated sexual Pandemic-relevant research questions are also related to immersive virtual environments in which people experience sexual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexualized violence in sex work organizations of COVID-19 effects (https ://www. This commentary provides a first overview of media narratives and research hypotheses on the sexuality-related effects have sex during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Sex and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Sexuality-Related Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 Effects on Partnered Sex COVID-19 Effects on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues in Vulnerable Groups cache = ./cache/work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu.txt === bib === id = work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm author = John M. Griffin title = Personal infidelity and professional conduct in 4 settings date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7262 sentences = 893 flesch = 59 summary = police | financial advisors | CEOs | fraud | personal conduct financial advisors, and SEC defendants allows us to observe the connection between personal and professional conduct beyond the managerial settings previously analyzed. the relation between professional misconduct and personal usage of AM by samples, financial advisors working in the same county with the same gender and similar ages and a second matched sample of CEOs and CFOs AM usage of police officers with misconduct to the matched of police misconduct on AM usage controlling for age and years Regressions of misconduct on AM usage for police officers and financial advisors Each column reports odds ratios and z-statistics (in parentheses) from separate logistic regressions of misconduct on an indicator variable for the specified type of AM usage. to the matched financial advisor and CEO/CFO samples. Appendix, Table S7, we control for CEO and CFO legal infractions to distinguish AM usage from personal legal infractions cache = ./cache/work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm.txt === bib === id = work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4 author = Péter Mezei title = From trust in the system to trust in the content date = 2020 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12005 sentences = 1165 flesch = 54 summary = content, including content moderation, copyright law, fake news, game-making, hateful materials, three micro-fields of the internet: fake news, leaking and copyright law. effects and influences of digital media on our day-to-day existence, negative emotions, (political) thoughts and social behaviour, onand offline, we must acknowledge the fact that fake news is already part of our reality, one with which we will Whistleblowing platforms (the roots of which are to be found in WikiLeaks) are increasingly becoming a common tool in journalism, and are one of the strategies that journalists can adopt in communicating with whistle-blowers in a safer way and to obtain data and information without exposing sources to the risk of being identified, developments (especially those related to audioand audiovisual works, the mechanical dissemination of contents, e.g., radio, television, and later on digital technologies, especially the internet) as well as society's instant adherence to the new cache = ./cache/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.txt === bib === id = work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa author = Michael Lewrick title = Market Orientation and Innovators' Success: an Exploration of the Influence of Customer and Competitor Orientation date = 2011 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7115 sentences = 935 flesch = 47 summary = Market Orientation and Innovators' Success: an Exploration of the Influence of Customer and Competitor Orientation Market Orientation and Innovators' Success: an Exploration of the Influence The concepts of market orientation and innovation and their interrelationship with business success have been explored company and reveals new insights with regard to market orientation and its constituent elements and its relationship with market orientation, has positive relationship to incremental innovation for start-up companies but it is contra productive In mature organizations a strong customer orientation is associated with radical innovation. Keywords: Innovation; market orientation; customer orientation; competitor orientation. Market Orientation, Innovation and Success customer orientation leads to more innovations (Von (Audretsch 2001; Cohen and Klepper 1992; Verbees mature companies and is a major element of market orientation. competitor orientation, market dynamism and customer With mature companies, customer centric and market to market orientation and innovation. Orientation on Product Innovation." Journal of the cache = ./cache/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.txt === bib === id = work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa author = Astrid Treffry-Goatley title = What Does It Mean to Be a Young African Woman on a University Campus in Times of Sexual Violence? A New Moment, a New Conversation date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541514 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.txt === bib === id = work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy author = Lieke L. Schrijvers title = Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex date = 2018 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10555 sentences = 803 flesch = 59 summary = Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. practices of good sex, Culture and Religion, 19:2, 139-159, DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2018.1444655 This article focuses on the triangulation of sexuality, religion and secularity in KEYWORDS Sexuality; secularity; religion; gender; the netherlands; discourse study of religion, secularism, gender and sexuality. practices that constitute religious/secular sex. this implicit secular/religion binary in gender studies and the study of sexuality, the stubborn conviction of religion and sexuality as being juxtaposing is increasingly considered a Taylorian subtraction story of the secular, as more and more In order to understand the intersections of sex, religion and the secular in the Dutch public discourse in which religion and non-normative sexuality are counter posed, and dealt with this in different ways. Sex in the study of religion and the secular Sex in the study of religion and the secular cache = ./cache/work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy.txt === bib === id = work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva author = Pedro Cuatrecasas title = Drug discovery in jeopardy date = 2006 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6150 sentences = 447 flesch = 50 summary = the obsession for blockbuster drugs, the shift of control of research from scientists to marketers, the need for fast sales Reduced productivity in the drug industry is caused mainly by corporate policies that discourage innovation. shift of control of research from scientists to marketers, the need for fast sales growth, and the discontinuation of development compounds for nontechnical reasons. that these problems can be overcome, and herein, new and improved directions for drug discovery are suggested. that these problems can be overcome, and herein, new and improved directions for drug discovery are suggested. and are selected by nontechnical management (and human resources programs) as "good company players." While outstanding scientists are often recruited for high leadership roles in research, the success in discovery research and rapid development (12), demonstrating, cynically, the current technical capacity of major companies to apply modern science to many diseases. cache = ./cache/work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva.txt === bib === id = work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e author = Jan Blommaert title = Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6661 sentences = 450 flesch = 54 summary = To cite this article: Jan Blommaert (2019) Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter, Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter a radically action-centered approach, rather than from an approach privileging participants and their identity features, or privileging the linguistic/semiotic resources deployed I shall do so by looking at a common feature of online interaction: the use of hashtags, media likewise use hashtags as analytical tools for modelling topics and tracking participant engagement and involvement (e.g. Blaszka, Burch, Frederick, Clavio, & Walsh, 2012; forms of communicative action within what Goffman (1975) called a 'realm' – a 'meaningful universe sustained by the activity' (p. various allowable modes of conduct and various forms of ratified participation and congregational work in social activities that appear, from a distance, simple and unified. actions performed by participants in social interaction. cache = ./cache/work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.txt === bib === id = work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli author = Mindi Schneider title = We, too: contending with the sexual politics of fieldwork in China date = 2020 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10131 sentences = 821 flesch = 55 summary = contending with the sexual politics of fieldwork in China, Gender, Place & Culture, DOI: who work in China, we have found remarkably similar stories about navigating gendered and sexualized power relations in the field. drink alcohol to intoxication at banquets, visiting spaces of sex work like karaoke bars and massage parlors with gatekeepers, and fending off unwanted up by women in China, prompting both public denunciations of sexual misconduct by men in power, and subsequently, further suppression of feminist activism (Parkin and Feng 2019). how sexual harassments and assaults in fieldwork negatively impact especially female scholars' career trajectories, highlighting the failure of universities to consider the field as a workplace and to extend institutional rights Material in the paper is drawn from the authors' personal experiences and narratives from other researchers who do fieldwork in China. male-presenting researchers, the failure to comply with gendered and sexualized expectations for heavy drinking and participation in the sex economy cache = ./cache/work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli.txt === bib === id = work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja author = Theodore L. Caputi title = Internet Searches for Sexual Harassment and Assault, Reporting, and Training Since the #MeToo Movement date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1638 sentences = 281 flesch = 53 summary = Internet Searches for Sexual Harassment and Assault, Reporting, and Training Since the #MeToo Movement Methods | We monitored the volume of Google searches originating from the United States that were indicative of sexual harassment and/or assault awareness (all searches including monitored the subset of these searches that focused on seeking resources for reporting of sexual harassment and/or Results | Sexual harassment and/or assault searches were 86% terms, the post-#MeToo period corresponded with the greatest number of sexual harassment and/or assault searches ever sexual harassment and/or assault has major public health US Google Searches for Sexual Harassment terms "sexual" and "assault" or "harassment." B, The subset of searches that Public health investments in preventing sexual harassment and/or assault is disproportionately small compared with Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Caputi, Nobles, Ayers. To explore this possibility, we examined trends in PCIs coded for acute indications in the outpatient setting in 3 large and geographically dispersed states. cache = ./cache/work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja.txt === bib === id = work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa author = Guillermo Caballero title = COMMUNITY AS SELF: AN INTERVIEW WITH NADIA E. BROWN date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2117 sentences = 176 flesch = 72 summary = 1. What were your initial motivations to study Black women study Black women changed since then? University for my PhD, my major field was women in politics. Although concentrating on gender politics was really illuminating, it was all about white women. From my own lived experiences of seeing Black women champion inclusive politics and of scholars who do women of color studies. three scholars of Asian descent (two women and one male), seven for an intellectual community that studied women of color and these disadvantages are the same, different, or parallel as compared to women scholars who have other intersecting identities? One of the challenges facing a scholar doing work on intersectional identities in this field is that I am often asked how research on Black women? kind of identity politics work does not get you published in thinking about your experience as a scholar? out to feminist scholars and women academics in particular. cache = ./cache/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.txt === bib === id = work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4 author = Dylan Yamada-Rice title = Licking planets and stomping on buildings: children's interactions with curated spaces in virtual reality date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2729 sentences = 194 flesch = 62 summary = ways both to offer virtual experiences within the physical museum (e.g. The Franklin museum spaces and that of some VR content explored in the study presented here. to the ways in which children engaged with virtual spaces and content. movement to children's meaning-making in VR I produced a series of line drawings Figure 1: Line drawing used to understand children's movement in Google Earth VR combined children's specific interactions with virtual elements in the VR content with sense to children's meaning-making practices in curated VR spaces. the ways in which children experience new materials in order to explore why this was the way in which adults and children interact with spaces and materials are of social interaction to children's meaning-making practices in VR. two children's social interaction while one played on the VR game Job Simulator. This visual essay has shown how, as with studies into children's meaning-making in cache = ./cache/work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4.txt === bib === id = work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu author = Tali Bogler title = Female family physicians and the first 5 years: In pursuit of gender equity, work-life integration, and wellness date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217546703 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:17 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.txt === bib === id = work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4 author = Claire Junga Kim title = In order to be medically correct, we must be politically correct in class date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1926 sentences = 168 flesch = 51 summary = In order to be medically correct, we must be politically Department of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Department of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Ⓒ The Korean Society of Medical Education. "political correctness" in medical education. students, patients, their families, and medical care These objectives can be achieved by addressing the new educational need for political correctness. medical professionals and patients; stereotyping based necessary in medical education; it is because political correctness in medical education is the precondition for to whether medical care is provided to those in need and Politically incorrect medical education betrays this ideal start open discussion on political correctness in medical into medical education is needed. need in today's medical education. Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness cache = ./cache/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.txt === bib === id = work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe author = Jacob S Sherkow title = CRISPR, Patents, and the Public Health date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 24 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542344 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe.txt === bib === id = work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam author = Henry Way title = Beyond the Big City: The Question of Size in Planning for Urban Sustainability date = 2016 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6090 sentences = 486 flesch = 54 summary = Beyond the Big City: The Question of Size in Planning for Urban Sustainability The paper then explores the opportunities and challenges for a sizebased analysis of urban livability and sustainability and the questions posed by the experience of smaller cities. This paper introduces the question of city size to the consideration of urban sustainability, livability, and associated geographical research will then be discussed, with a particular focus on how medium and small sized cities have been however, that "[r]elatively little research in planning or urban studies has used small to mid-sized cities as a focused livability research; the particular consideration of sustainability and livability in small/mid-sized cities; and the 5. Directions and questions for small to mid-sized city sustainability and livability Small and mid-sized cities are important to consider in terms of sustainability planning. own research on urban planning and policy-making in a small city (Harrisonburg, in Virginia in the U.S., population cache = ./cache/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.txt === bib === id = work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu author = Sabina Krajíčková title = Affirmative consent ve světle Listiny základních práv EU date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 759 sentences = 207 flesch = 75 summary = Česky / English Informace a služby Pro autory Informace pro autory English Historik Jaroslav Čechura se v předkládané monografii zaměřuje na období třicetileté války. Obě témata se prolínají v závěrečné části věnované kronice Chronicon Aulae Regiae. Katalog jaro 2021 Novinky Nakladatelství Karolinum na období jaro/léto 2021 naleznete v našem novém katalogu. Světla a stíny husitství (Události – osobnosti – texty – tradice) Čornej, Petr Gecko, Tomáš Fašismus Křížková, Věra Kloudová, Věra Koptík, Tomáš Prášek, Petr Témata Témata Témata AUC INTERPRETATIONES AUC INTERPRETATIONES AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC GEOGRAPHICA AUC GEOGRAPHICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA Informace o akcích a nových titulech nakladatelství. Fašismus podle Rogera Griffina V edici Politeia vychází již druhá kniha jednoho z největších odborníků na fašismus, britského profesora moderních dějin a politického teoretika na Oxford Brookes University Rog... Nakladatelství Karolinum Nakladatelství Karolinum Nakladatelství Kontakt a služby © Karolinum 2021 cache = ./cache/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.txt === bib === id = work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta author = Josefien J. F. Breedvelt title = Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2800 sentences = 300 flesch = 52 summary = Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top highest rate of women clinical academics (about 46%); at about 30%, psychiatry is not the women in senior academic positions, but also concern about reviewer bias. However, fewer women are applying for, and receiving, clinical excellence awards (CEAs). local CEAs in academia, with approximately equal percentages of men and women holding many medical Royal Colleges, including our own, led by women, and our current National for too long many men saw inequity as a "women's issue" – it is a societal issue, including Women, science, medicine and psychiatry [Internet]. Available from: Available from: 4 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2017 [Internet]. Women on Boards 50:50 by 2020 [Internet]. The gender pay gap in the English NHS [blog on the internet]. cache = ./cache/work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta.pdf txt = ./txt/work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta.txt === bib === id = work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im author = Long W. Lam title = Toward an objective-based typology of e-business models date = 2003 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1324 sentences = 78 flesch = 55 summary = Toward an objective-based typology of e-business models so, then business models should clarify those objectives In delineating strategic objectives for expansion into e-business, a firm must identify the model To make matters worse, there is currently no single, cogent, and comprehensive typology of Internet business models to point to. E-business models: -business models are methods, concepts, frameworks, or architectures by which companies can use were needed, and what roles they filled.…In contrast, the Internet enables us to create new business Recent years have seen sporadic attempts to classify existing e-business models. marketing's four Ps—product, price, place, and promotion—to arrange e-business models and strategies. and Tucci (2001) explain how business models can be Applegate analyzes business models based on their technical platforms. number of dimensions to characterize e-business models why companies need to create e-businesses in the first strategic objectives of these e-business models, in addition that speak to the strategic objectives of running an e-business. cache = ./cache/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.txt === bib === id = work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa author = Derek J. Hook title = Team building and leadership in the successful implementation of automation for high throughput screening date = 1996 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217535315 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:03 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa.txt === bib === id = work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq author = G. Genois title = MP47: Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative review date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2356 sentences = 176 flesch = 55 summary = aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. study took place at the Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP), within the Emergency Department of The Ottawa Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. retrospective cohort study extracted data from electronic patient mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients in Ontario and Alberta Does reduced cough capacity in minor thoracic trauma leads to cough capacity assessment, in patients without atelectasis were (0.53 Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study Does reduced cough capacity in minor thoracic trauma leads to more atelectasis development? cache = ./cache/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.txt === bib === id = work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4 author = Jen Parker-Starbuck title = Editorial Comment date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1269 sentences = 68 flesch = 57 summary = justice through performance to the emergence of ideas about "ham" acting in the them all together, there is also a sense of framing that runs across these distinct essays. watching.'" By looking at two distinct framings of infants, Trezise argues that the of the essays in this general issue; authors explicitly and implicitly analyze questions In his essay "'Better to burn': The Prima Mimarum and Political Friction in FourthCentury Antioch," Scott Venters begins with the story of Saint Pelagia the "harlot," framed by the film, which follows the production as it tours through other conflict The final essay of the issue, Eleanor Massie's "Ham Acting: A Circum-Atlantic Genealogy," expands Sianne Ngai's aesthetic categories to include "ham": "awkward, but also links its emergence to the precarity of black performers and to a reframing The essay then frames three specific Theatre's potential to frame immediate political crises (as in the affective cache = ./cache/work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.txt === bib === id = work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu author = Megan Ryland title = Learning digital citizenship in publics of practice : how adults learn to use activist hashtags on Twitter date = 2018 pages = 205 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 57257 sentences = 3677 flesch = 57 summary = Learning digital citizenship in publics of practice: How adults learn to use activist hashtags on using content analysis to explore how participants learned to use activist hashtags on Twitter. Study participants learned to use hashtags to advocate for social change on Twitter by users learned to use the Twitter platform to advocate with hashtags. and understand participant experiences learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter. how adults learn the media and digital literacy competencies to use activist hashtags on Twitter. • What mechanisms allow or enable learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter? • What mechanisms allow or enable learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter? required to use activist hashtags, participants did have to have some Twitter archive history. meanings that shape Twitter use for my participants, particularly when using activist hashtags. The study "Learning to Use Activist Hashtags on Twitter" is recruiting participants. About the Study: Learning to Use Activist Hashtags on Twitter cache = ./cache/work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu.txt === bib === id = work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq author = Lee-Fay Low title = Negative stereotypes, fear and social distance: a systematic review of depictions of dementia in popular culture in the context of stigma date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11361 sentences = 1369 flesch = 62 summary = Negative stereotypes, fear and social distance: a systematic review of depictions of dementia in popular culture in the context of stigma Background: Literature, film and news media reflect and shape social perceptions of dementia which in turn for dementia in literature, film, mass media and social media in order to better understand cultural stigma related English language papers which included original analysis on the representation or depiction of dementia in popular culture (i.e. in film and television, literature, news, social media and language). more positive depictions of dementia including expressing love and individual agency and experiencing personal Conclusions: Depictions of dementia in popular culture are associated with negative images and feelings, and Keywords: Stigma, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Systematic review, Culture, Media suggest that the portrayal of dementia in the media influences and reflects cultural stigma. often equated with Alzheimer's disease, people with dementia were depicted as having memory difficulties, being disoriented, and experiencing decline and death, cache = ./cache/work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq.txt === bib === id = work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi author = Niraj Shenoy title = Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 697 sentences = 64 flesch = 45 summary = the categories of behavior spectrum in matters categories of human behavior spectrum in academia in matters of unethical conduct Category B: Engages in unethical behavior (intellectual theft, abuse, scientific misconduct). Category C: Is not directly involved in the offense but knows of it well. Category D: Is not directly involved in the offense. Category E: Has a moral dilemma whether to help the wronged or not (or challenge the Category G: Is willing and courageous, but lacks the know-how to help the wronged against Category H: Is willing, courageous and possesses the know-how to help the wronged against by regulatory bodies (Nik-Zainal and Barroso 2019). Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct cache = ./cache/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.txt === bib === id = work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i author = Alfred Archer title = Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13772 sentences = 1109 flesch = 52 summary = resources to investigate the issue of celebrity involvement in politics, specifically as this involvement relates to democratic theory call epistemic power, can explain one important way in which celebrity involvement in politics is problematic. unchecked uses and unwarranted allocations of epistemic power, which celebrities tend to enjoy, threaten the legitimacy of existing celebrity epistemic power, seems contrary to central deliberative ideals of fairness and equal opportunity to Thus, on plebiscitary democracy, celebrity epistemic power to control the public's knowledge of them as Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power cache = ./cache/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.txt === bib === id = work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta author = Margot Shields title = Exposure to family violence from childhood to adulthood date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10819 sentences = 2571 flesch = 77 summary = Background: Both childhood maltreatment (CM) and intimate partner violence (IPV) are public health problems Survey, we examined associations between three types of CM—childhood physical abuse (CPA), childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and childhood exposure to IPV —and subsequent intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood Results: When potential confounders were controlled, CPA, CSA and childhood exposure to IPV were associated A Canadian study using data from the populationbased 1999 General Social Survey (GSS) found an association between CSA and IPV in adulthood for both sexes, An analysis of 2014 GSS data observed an association between CSA/CPA and severe IPV in adulthood (being beaten, choked, threatened with a gun or a Table 2 Percentage experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood and childhood maltreatment (CM), by sex, household Table 2 Percentage experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood and childhood maltreatment (CM), by sex, household cache = ./cache/work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta.pdf txt = ./txt/work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta.txt === bib === id = work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq author = John Buschman title = Between Neoliberalism and Identity Politics: Academic Librarianship, Democracy and November 8, 2016 date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7381 sentences = 577 flesch = 50 summary = Keywords: capitalism, labour, libraries, Marxism, neoliberalism, value Marx above, I will argue that the crisis of librarianship is fundamentally due to library real subsumption of labour to capital, with examples from within librarianship. transformation as a process of subsumption of labour under capital, but for now it is For Marx, use-value is the product of particular kinds of labour (knitting, cooking, welding, etc.), while exchange-value is the product of a universalized, abstract labour. increase the productivity of labour, so that the value required to repay the worker is made up Marx's analysis of the formal and real subsumption of labour under capital. A merely formal subsumption of labour under capital sufces for the production of extract relative surplus-value by increasing the productivity of labour. within library work; the automation of process is seen as a core means of increasing labour alongside the subsumption of library labour under capitalist conditions of production. cache = ./cache/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.txt === bib === id = work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu author = María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez title = ¿Puede la publicidad ser feminista? Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11351 sentences = 1628 flesch = 66 summary = Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Estados Unidos concluía que el tratamiento de las mujeres en publicidad era una de las claves para llamar la necesidad de que los mensajes publicitarios representen con mayor precisión a sus públicos para relacionarse mejor con ellos y optimizar las actitudes de marca explicar que en 2015, la igualdad de género se convirtiera en una de las principales causas sociales elegidas por reflexionar sobre la femvertising para estudiar si se trata de una fórmula únicamente comercial y que no tiene Orbach era una autora reputada de los estudios feministas por su denuncia de la opresión estética que empleada por empresas que desean construir mensajes apoyados en el empoderamiento de las mujeres y cache = ./cache/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.txt === bib === id = work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku author = Satheesh Mathew title = The Invisible Culture of Discrimination date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1049 sentences = 77 flesch = 46 summary = Call it 'institutional racism or unconscious bias, it has devastating impact on the victims Institutional racism, discrimination, race relations, BAME A recent ITV news item featured Radhakrishna Shanbag, a senior surgeon with over 20 years and prophesying that NHS has a zero tolerance policy to any form of abuse towards staff. The NHS Workforce Relations Equality Standard Report in 2018 2 highlighted the continued available organisational support structures were lacking in empathy and cultural competency. Professional trade union structures failed to provide appropriate support. BAPIO decided to establish a not-for profit professional support organisation in 2010 as the professional excellence for all doctors including IMGs and doctors from black and the other We have welcomed the NHS Long-Term Plan and its commitment to supporting NHS Workforce Race Equality Standards. 1. racist-abuse-against-nhs-staff-almost-triples-itv-news-finds/ 2. 3. David Oliver: Should NHS doctors work in unsafe conditions? 4. cache = ./cache/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.txt === bib === id = work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja author = R. Bax title = How to evaluate and predict the ecologic impact of antibiotics: the pharmaceutical industry view from research and development date = 2001 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8324 sentences = 6481 flesch = 120 summary = ���� ������� ����� � �� ������������ �� ��� �������� �!�� �� �.!����� ��� �� �$ ������ ���� ��� ����� ������� ����� � �� ������������ �� �2��& ��� ��)��� �!������!� �!.��� ���� �".�� ���� �������� ����� ) ������� ����� .��"��5��� � � ��� ���� �������� � ��� � ��!����� !���!� .���!�� ���� ��-�� �� ��)� �G� ����� I����)�� ���5 ������"� �22�$� ,�� .���� ����� ��� �����)�� ���5 ������"� ,�� �����)�� ���5 ������"� ���� ������� ���.��" ������'����� �� ���� ��� +��� � ������ ��) ����� ��� �� ��� �� ���� ����� �� � ! �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ ���� ��� �����-������ �� ����� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � cache = ./cache/work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.txt === bib === id = work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm author = Sharon Thompson title = The Sexual Contract 30 Years on: A Conversation with Carole Pateman date = 2018 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6474 sentences = 441 flesch = 65 summary = As socio-legal scholars, The Sexual Contract has been formative in, and transformative of, our understandings of law and gender. I thought of…the term, 'the sexual contract'", says Pateman. feminism "offered a different way of looking at all of this" and hence The Sexual Contract emerged as being "partly about the classic texts…and partly my rereading of them once I'd got this feminist perspective which made it all look so For readers of The Sexual Contract, these "eureka moments" are patent in Pateman's writing over and over again. It has been enormously gratifying for Pateman to observe that the term 'the sexual contract' has taken on a life of its own beyond the book, "people refer to it as a It is interesting to consider Pateman's own response to reading The Sexual Contract once again in preparation for her opening address to the upcoming conference at Cardiff University and this interview. "The Sexual Contract", Women in Politics, Globalization and cache = ./cache/work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm.txt === bib === id = work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy author = Negar Shiva title = The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7159 sentences = 952 flesch = 71 summary = women to use social media to speak out against various forms of sexual violence Rebel Women in 2013 to outline the fourth wave of feminism and its acknowledged the fourth wave, that the movement is online (Andersen, feature of fourth-wave feminism, and names social media platform The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace cache = ./cache/work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy.txt === bib === id = work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi author = Jennifer M. Grossman title = A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10084 sentences = 906 flesch = 63 summary = A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex Extended family members often serve as resources for teens' communication about sex [4,5] and talking to an extended family member about sex, with the most sexuality communication reported with Some studies explore the content of teens' conversations with parents and extended family about extended family communication with teens about sex, particularly regarding sexual orientation. Extended family may provide a less judgmental alternative for teens to talk about sex and relationships whether sibling participants talk with teens about topics related to sex and relationships compared to of the study was to understand how teens and their families talk about sex and relationships to better themes related to participants' perceptions of talk with teens in their families about sex that came up The theme Sexual Behavior includes any substantive talk between extended family and teens cache = ./cache/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.txt === bib === id = work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy author = Anne Laura Penning title = #wegmit219a date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3404 sentences = 256 flesch = 57 summary = A similar feminist protest movement started in Germany in 2017, introducing the hashtag #wegmit219a to voice discontent regarding Germany's Abortion Act. Almost 30 East and West Germany around 1990 focusing particularly on §219a that prohibits the "promotion" of abortions, therefore e.g. banning any information on of an abortion, current protests and social media movements also centre on that German women getting abortions in the two respective states: in West Germany, abortion remained a criminal offence but was allowed in special cases, West Germany, the abortion law remained more restrictive and closer to the for Protection of Mothers and Sexual Reforms" demanded free access to contraceptives, more information and education services as well the abolishment of the German Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung ("Alliance for Sexual SelfDetermination") to start an online campaign in support of Hänel and other doctors in similar positions. [Penal] Code and free access to information about abortion" ("Weg mit cache = ./cache/work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy.txt === bib === id = work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy author = Daniel Trottier title = Confronting the digital mob: Press coverage of online justice seeking date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7511 sentences = 438 flesch = 47 summary = social actors are presented in relation to digital vigilantism, this study focusses on press Denunciation, digital media, Internet, vigilantism, press coverage Beyond this article, the press in the United Kingdom and elsewhere regularly reports on digitally mediated denunciation and shaming. This article offers an exploratory account of press coverage of digitally mediated vigilantism. This article offers an exploratory account of press coverage of digitally mediated vigilantism. Relatedly, this article explores how specific practices related to digital vigilantism such as denunciation are expressed in press coverage, as well as coverage While understood as a digitally mediated process, press coverage of digital vigilantism arguably serves an agenda-setting role in making such practices meaningful. Prominent cases of shaming and denunciation through the press include categories of targets like war criminals and celebrities, as well as particular offences, Digital media users – notably those engaging in mediated shaming and denunciations – matter in contemporary journalistic practices. cache = ./cache/work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy.txt === bib === id = work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a author = Brooke Dresden title = The Boys Club: Engineering a More Positive Environment for Women in Male-Dominated Majors date = 2018 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6712 sentences = 544 flesch = 56 summary = a group task with a female confederate leader serving as a gender threat in half the conditions, and had a gender threat condition will be more aggressive toward their female leader, report more negative affect, and perceive their female leader as less effective than men in a low gender threat condition male-dominated majors will be more aggressive toward their female leader, have more negative affect, three groups, suggesting that as a gender threat is introduced to men from male-dominated majors, among men in male-dominated majors who had received a gender threat (B = −0.83, t(31) = −1.83, participants from male-dominated majors who had received a gender threat perceived their leader For men from male-dominated majors who experienced a high gender threat, higher self-reported behavioral aggression scores, the gender threat impacted men from male-dominated majors on a scale the gender threat created by female leaders in male-dominated environments. cache = ./cache/work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a.txt === bib === id = work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4 author = Zenzele Isoke title = bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center - Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. By bell hooks. New York: Routledge, [1984] 2015. 180 pp. $136.00 (hardcover), $23.96 (paperback) date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2177 sentences = 168 flesch = 62 summary = Theory: From Margin to Center is among my least favorite books written I find that From Margin to Center is most useful for white people who undergraduate class on feminist politics at Rutgers University. as the other black woman student in the class called out our instructor that white-woman-centered understandings of feminist history and Ironically, white women's cooptation of black feminist theory has students in feminist theory classrooms. Most black women of my generation did not encounter bell hooks and say about white women and academic feminism was always less Margin to Center: "Women of color must confront our absorption of Today, young people come to bell hooks by way of quotes on Black Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center cache = ./cache/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.txt === bib === id = work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi author = Laila A. Gharzai title = Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1777 sentences = 173 flesch = 33 summary = Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs: The Broken Pipeline Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs comprehensive overview of gender distribution in the leadership of academic oncology programs in that the gender distribution of leadership of academic oncology programs remains overwhelmingly Women faculty represented 35.9% of the total faculty body in medical oncology, radiation the early ranks and then later in more senior positions over time as women who entered medical unconscious forms of gender bias and systemwide policies that disadvantage women,5 a complex set to leadership positions at the rate expected based on their representation among medical students. Women's representation in leadership positions in academic JAMA Network Open | Oncology Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs JAMA Network Open | Oncology Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs cache = ./cache/work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi.txt === bib === id = work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y author = Michael Pirson title = Reclaiming our Humanity- a Cornerstone for Better Management date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2601 sentences = 198 flesch = 50 summary = Reclaiming our Humanitya Cornerstone for Better Management Therefore, the Humanistic Management Journal focuses on how we can protect dignity and Furthermore, the humanistic perspective on management focuses on how we can organize so that we protect the intrinsic value of life and promote probably has never been more need for better management theory, research, teaching, We need to reclaim our humanity and dignity through a novel civility that is not 2018)." Because not all ideas of freedom equally allow the conceptualization of responsibilities, he argues that we need to pay more attention to our underlying understanding of basic approach to organizing practice, one that is normatively guided yet pragmatically human better understanding of the potential for compassion organizing in theory and practice. As such the authors bridge ideas of humanistic management, integral practice, and positive are organizing a special issue of the Humanistic Management Journal focused on the Reclaiming our Humanitya Cornerstone �for Better Management cache = ./cache/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.txt === bib === id = work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu author = Dwi Siswanto title = Refleksi Aktualitas Fenomenologi Edmund Husserl dalam Filsafat Kontemporer date = 2007 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3524 sentences = 636 flesch = 52 summary = karakteristik filsafat kontemporer; dan fenomenologi Edmund yang penting dari .filsafat itu tidak dapat. Dalam arti sempit, ilmu tentang fenomenfenomen yang menampakkan diri kepada kesadaran kita Bagi Husserl, fenomenologi meru paka metode dan Dalam reduksi ini, Husserl meninggalkan sikap alamiah yang biasa pada orang 'biasa' yang tanpa ragu-ragu melihat bendabenda dan tidak sebagai gejala kesadaran saja. Dalam hal ini hakikat oleh yang dan basis filosofis Husserl ialah bahwa dunia yang tampak ·ini dengan konsep kesadaran (subjek) murni, manusia pada Pada filsafat kontemporer, para filsuf eksistensialisme yang dan sponta, sebagai 'yang lain' dari kesadaran (Bakker, 1984: Husserl yang terutama mengambil tema ini kesadaran atau pada kegiatan subjek, sebagai suatu kecenderungan yang manusia dalam suatu metafisika., Dengan demikian ia dalam 'fenomenologi hermeneutik' yang masih akan kebebasan ini pada pengertian tentang manusia yang telah Fenomenologi pada Ricoeur itu dikembangkan dengan kehendak yang pada manusia dengan peristilahan religius manusia sebagai eksistensi dan kita hadapi pada cache = ./cache/work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.txt === bib === id = work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu author = Kathleen C. Basile title = National Prevalence of Sexual Violence by a Workplace-Related Perpetrator date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217531093 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:55:58 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu.txt === bib === id = work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu author = Anita Raj title = Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8908 sentences = 882 flesch = 46 summary = Background: Sexual harassment of women in academic medicine may impede advancement and productivity. Measures included survey data from 1995 on sexual harassment (predictor), and 2012�2013 data on retention in academic medicine, rank, leadership positions, and refereed effects of sexual harassment on study outcomes, adjusting for socio-demographics, employment-related variables, and gender discrimination. Women seeking advancement may be more vulnerable to sexual harassment in academic medicine vis a vis greater exposure to those who abuse their position of authority. This study builds on previous research by offering the first longitudinal study of sexual harassment among women in academic medicine. discrimination and sexual harassment with academic advancement of women in academic medicine, National Faculty Survey1. Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study cache = ./cache/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.txt === bib === id = work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq author = Katherine M. Iverson title = Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6653 sentences = 557 flesch = 48 summary = OBJECTIVES: Screening women for intimate partner violence (IPV) is increasingly expected in primary care, consistent with clinical prevention guidelines (e.g., United States real-world implementation of clinical practices or contextual factors impacting IPV screening program success. to and facilitators of IPV screening program implementation in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In this study, we (a) characterized successful clinical practices of IPV screening programs in Late-adopting sites were defined as those that reported not currently engaging in IPV screening as routine care (i.e., no screening or screening at provider's This research is innovative because it is guided by an established implementation framework (i-PARIHS),21 enabling identification of clinical practices and contextual factors that inform evidence-based strategies for scale-up of IPV screening programs in and beyond successful intimate partner violence screening programs in health care Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices cache = ./cache/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.txt === bib === id = work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa author = Jennifer Huemmer title = Leaving the Past (Self) Behind: Non-Reporting Rape Survivors' Narratives of Self and Action date = 2018 pages = 31 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8570 sentences = 597 flesch = 64 summary = Leaving the Past (Self) Behind: Nonreporting rape survivors' narratives of self and action. Non-Reporting Rape Survivors' Narratives of Self and Action Non-Reporting Rape Survivors' Narratives of Self and Action Non-Reporting Rape Survivors' Narratives of Self and Action Using a symbolic interactionist framework, this study considers the narratives of nonreporting rape survivors. Thought processes, such as constructing a narrative about self-identity, are forms of By paying attention to the stories non-reporting rape survivors tell, we can gain survivor's interpretation of the event impacts the meaning that they assign to the self. For some sexual assault survivors, the dominant social narratives about rape may onto the world that rape survivors experience, helping us to understand the complicated control, which disrupts how the survivor interprets and understands the self, leading her women constructed narratives about a new self that sheds 'rape' as a central identity by circulated narratives about rape present reporting as the necessary action that a survivor cache = ./cache/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.txt === bib === id = work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je author = Mindy S Crandall title = An Adaptive and Evidence-Based Approach to Building and Retaining Gender Diversity within a University Forestry Education Program: A Case Study of SWIFT date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7109 sentences = 598 flesch = 58 summary = An adaptive and evidence-based approach to building and retaining gender diversity within a university forestry education program: acase study of SWIFT of faculty and students formed Supporting Women in Forestry Today (SWIFT) in 2016. This case study surveyed participants in Supporting Women in Forestry Today (SWIFT) in 2016 Using these surveys and gender literature to adapt SWIFT's development showed that the combination of educational readings and discussions, panel sessions, social events, and hands-on-training were promising as an effective way to engage women in the forestry profession and increase the likelihood of program Furthermore, participants report benefits from the networking opportunities and shared experiences provided by groups like SWIFT. the approaches identified to achieve SWIFT's goal: education for women about concepts of gender bias; development of strategies for success; improved networking; almost all survey respondents stated that they developed connections with other women in the SFR community due to their participation in SWIFT (Figure 6). cache = ./cache/work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je.txt === bib === id = work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm author = Samantha Z. Yammine title = Social media for social change in science date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2645 sentences = 349 flesch = 58 summary = In her Working Life piece "Instagram won't solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright's critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. Social media for social change in science ARTICLE TOOLS cache = ./cache/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.txt === bib === id = work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4 author = Corey McAuliffe title = The Lived Experience of Global Public Health Practice: A Phenomenological Account of Women Graduate Students date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544707 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.txt === bib === id = work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry author = Kari H. Hansen title = Kjønn på dagsordenen: Et ikketema i yrkesfaglærerutdanningene? date = 2020 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8993 sentences = 1776 flesch = 52 summary = Det er i liten grad lagt til rette for at verken jenter eller gutter kan være minoriteter i yrkesopplæringen og i arbeidslivet. androsentriske arbeidslivet inn i den skandinaviske eller norske arbeidslivsmodellen og partssamarbeidet, er det mulig å sette i gang prosesser som kan utvikle kompetanse blant yrkesfaglærere I vår studie har vi valgt å fokusere på det Gunn Imsen (2016) omtaler som likhetsskapende funksjon i yrkesutdanningen: likeverd, likestilling, medvirkning og medansvar, samt hvordan dette for likestilling (NOU 2012:15) vises det til et stort behov for arbeid med kjønnsbalanse innen yrkesfagene, blant annet i prosjektet Jenter i bil og elektro og (Vagle & Møller, 2013). Kunnskapsdepartementet legger føringer for arbeid med å fremme likestilling og likeverd i forskrifter og nasjonale retningslinjer for yrkesfaglærerutdanningene og praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning for yrkesfag (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2015, 2018a, 2018b). Dialogkonferansen avslører at det er behov for kompetanse knyttet til kjønn som minoritet blant cache = ./cache/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.txt === bib === id = work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm author = PAUL RAE title = Editorial: International Interest Test date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3830 sentences = 187 flesch = 50 summary = recognized its conceptual and political value for a journal with the word 'international' in theatre research international · vol. © International Federation for Theatre Research  · doi:10.1017/S0307883318000482 continues to be produced in those places with the greatest investment in researchintensive universities, and where there tends to be a cultural, historical or institutional The articles in this issue represent a thoroughly international range of perspectives francophone theatre-makers of the time, argues Hamadah, suggests that Wannous's history and place intertwine, and in his article Schmidt focuses on the ways the Theatre Research (IFTR), with which this journal is affiliated, in Belgrade in July . achievements, in  Hazem co-edited a special issue of TRI with Marvin Carlson on friends and collaborators in the IFTR Arabic Theatre Working Group and beyond, ways in which the journal performs its mission. cultivation of ideas about theatre that might pass the international interest test. cache = ./cache/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.txt === bib === id = work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m author = Ilire Rrustemi title = Gender awareness among medical students in a Swiss University date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5724 sentences = 553 flesch = 61 summary = Methods: A validated scale (N-GAMS – Nijmegen Gender Awareness in Medicine Scale), with 3 subscores assessing translated into French and was distributed to all medical students registered at the University of Lausanne, Results: In total, 396 students answered the N-GAMS questionnaire, their mean age was 22 years old, 62.6% of which suggests a more gender stereotyped opinion toward patients among male students. teaching in the medical curriculum could improve students' knowledge, limit gender bias and improve patients' The GRID score has 7 statements, which explore student's stereotypes towards doctors and their practice, for example: "Male physicians Table 1 Number of participants stratified by gender and years of education, with total number of students registered in Autumn We used a validated tool (N-GAMS) to specifically assess gender awareness among medical students. gender awareness among Swiss medical students and N-GAMS: Nijmegen Gender Awareness Medical Scale; UniL: University of cache = ./cache/work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m.txt === bib === id = work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju author = A. Sobiesiak title = MP45: What to do with #MeToo: pre and post presenting patterns of intimate partner violence date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2245 sentences = 159 flesch = 46 summary = Conclusion: This retrospective review suggests that requests to perform certain critical and potentially time sensitive interventions are more likely Methods: Prehospital paramedic calls that included a mandatory patch point (excluding requests and facilitators impacting the integration of rural advanced care community paramedics (RACCPs) in 6 BC communities and to evaluate aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. Evaluating factors related to quality of audio transmission during mandatory paramedic patches and technical barriers to efficient communication in the prehospital setting Implementing rural advanced care community paramedics in rural and remote British Columbia: a qualitative research approach cache = ./cache/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.txt === bib === id = work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24 author = Camila Arbuet Osuna title = Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism date = 2020 pages = 35 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14777 sentences = 1900 flesch = 55 summary = de ellas es la del feminismo negro, que ha pensado específicamente las políticas las políticas sexuales o del activismo prosexo que, a través de sus historias de que enuncia como propios (aunque muy eficaz para los verdaderos: las que le ocurre a otras personas, sino una cara constitutiva de los temores del es una tentación permanente para las formas hegemónicas del feminismo, tal como lo pregona Davis (2016), hacia una triple abolición que incluye los de los feminismos que la de las olas delimitadas por el reclamo de ciertos a su vez, por devorar una parte del movimiento, dado que un sector —una una vuelta constante a los "estados del agravio" (Brown, 1995/2019) y a las del habla; así como de una vuelta a lo que la criminología feminista viene por los trabajos que esta corriente se ha tomado para revisar cómo la punición sexuales; pero si, como hace Rita Segato, entendemos que esta forma de violencia cache = ./cache/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.txt === bib === id = work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i author = Alyx Treasure title = Competing at the top level with Crohn's disease date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1661 sentences = 280 flesch = 84 summary = my ultimate goal to qualify for the Canadian Olympic team in the high jump. When you're told at 9 years old that several times that I had to quit athletics due the rest of the medical team and help to need to eat 'hard to digest foods that support athletics' (such as complex periods to train my body as best as I can, I think the key is supporting athletes to others with Crohn's disease. others with Crohn's disease. working with an athlete with Crohn's at Athletics Canada who offer a holistic athletes to reach their peak condition. or chronic pain, all need to be reviewed for how these symptoms interact with GI concerns. the medical team (and more importantly by the patient) is essential. Competing at the top level with Crohn's disease Competing at the top level with Crohn's disease 'My Crohn's, my symptoms' 'My Crohn's, my symptoms' cache = ./cache/work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i.txt === bib === id = work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4 author = Lisa Downing title = The body politic: Gender, the right wing and 'identity category violations' date = 2018 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7022 sentences = 361 flesch = 57 summary = Downing, L 2018, 'The body politic: gender, the right wing and 'identity category violations'', French Cultural The Body Politic: Gender, The Right Wing, and "Identity Category Violations" political challengers from the right who are female: Marine Le Pen (born 1968), the feminist Andrea Dworkin's Right-Wing Women (1983), the more recent edited Keywords: The right wing, feminism, identity politics, Marine Le Pen, Front Mainstream coverage of right-wing women often seeks to understand their politics by Margaret Power, also called Right-Wing Women (2013), and, in the French context, Dworkin argues that women are attracted towards right-wing politics on the basis of female leaders fit – or fail to fit – in a political tradition in which women have long The Body Politic and Right-Wing French Female Activists and woman-as-the-land is picked up in Dworkin's analysis in Right-Wing Women. Lesselier, Claudie (2002) "Far-Right Women in France: The Case of the National cache = ./cache/work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4.txt === bib === id = work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi author = Robyn Bourgeois title = Hostility, Harassment, and Violence: On the Limits of 'Free Speech' for Minority Feminist Scholars date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7981 sentences = 525 flesch = 60 summary = Hostility, Harassment, and Violence: On the Limits of 'Free Speech' for Minority Feminist Scholars and racism against white people and dismissed my freedom of speech I've experienced as an Indigenous ences with power, privilege, and violence. white students on why I, an Indigenous person, was my expertise on violence against Indigenous women violence, I know that challenging white supremacy When challenging the right of white settler scholars to grounds that some other Indigenous person this white is response not only privileges Western, white, colo­ membering violence against white women only is part white privilege to dismiss our knowledge, foreclose sexual violence against Indigenous women and girls. threats of violence have come exclusively from white freedom of speech against minority scholars. these attacks come most frequently from white people while I've experienced support as an Indigenous scholar 1. Support Indigenous and other minority scholars weaponization of freedom of speech against scholars cache = ./cache/work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi.txt === bib === id = work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q author = Anna Halafoff title = Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People's Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7788 sentences = 545 flesch = 58 summary = Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People's Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, the Australian Interaction These three studies revealed that young people negotiate their worldview identities in complex, Keywords: religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity Young's and Shipley's Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, and identities of Australian and Canadian Youth—the Interaction study, the Religion, Gender and Sexuality deeply engaged in religious thought and practices, and/or in critiquing religion from a young age. religions and to obfuscate young people's other worldviews, both religious and non-religious. religion, or spirituality and non-religious worldviews (Halafoff and Gobey 2018). methods, and questions, as well as policy and curricula related to religion, spirituality and young people. Questioning of religion among young people, pertaining to their identity but also, more broadly, Young Australian's and Canadians are often questioning their own religious, spiritual and/or cache = ./cache/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.txt === bib === id = work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4 author = Jonathan Burnay title = Effects of sexualized video games on online sexual harassment date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6759 sentences = 761 flesch = 43 summary = Effects of sexualized video games on online sexual harassment video game content on online sexual harassment against male and female targets. partner were higher for participants who played the game with sexualized female characters than for participants who played the same game with non-sexualized a video game can be a sufficient condition to provoke online sexual harassment hypothesis that exposure to sexualized female video game characters playing a sexualized video game has on online sexual harassment video games can increase tolerance of sexual harassment (Dill, in one study played either a neutral video game or a sexualized predictor of sexual harassment in an online video game environment. research literature is that online sexual harassment behavior was number of video games that contain female sexualized content online sexual harassment against female targets after the game is examine how video game content influences sexual harassment online video game sexual harassment. online video game sexual harassment. cache = ./cache/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.txt === bib === id = work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu author = Yasmine Kandil title = What Zombie Feminist Bouffons Can Offer Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9273 sentences = 767 flesch = 65 summary = What Zombie Feminist Bouffons Can Offer Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter. The performers' use of bouffon seduces and provokes their audience in order to elicit empathy for the characters, expose the presence of neoliberal and postfeminist ideologies in women's While Desdemona's conclusion at the end of Death Married My Daughter might sound familiar to audience members versed in second wave radical feminism, Valerie Solanas's famed audience's empathy before rousing their discontent, the play exposes the harmful intertwining of postfeminist and neoliberal ideologies in women's lives and positions feminist in the context of applied theatre responds to an audience's investment in that lived experience; this breeds connection and ultimately investment in the narrative that is taking place Death Married My Daughter, a performance created by a generation of women theatre cache = ./cache/work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu.txt === bib === id = work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a author = Grit Höppner title = un/doing age: Multiperspektivität als Potential einer intersektionalen Betrachtung von Differenz- und Ungleichheitsverhältnissen date = 2021 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10583 sentences = 1981 flesch = 49 summary = Diskussionen über die Herstellung von sozialen Differenzkategorien, deren Wechselwirkungen und damit einhergehenden Produktionen sozialer Ungleichheitsverhältnisse insbesondere über intersektionale Ansätze geführt. eine begrenzte Anzahl bereits gut erforschter Differenzkategorien und zweitens ihr Fokus auf Konstruktionsprozesse (doings), wobei tendenziell Dekonstruktionsprozesse (undoings) ausgeblendet werden (Hirschauer 2014). die Eigenständigkeit von Alter als Differenzkategorie sichtbar zu machen und Alter nicht nur als eine Verstärkung In der Alter(n)sforschung wurde die Idee des undoing age erst in den letzten Dazu werden die Konturen der Differenzkategorie Alter skizziert, und sowohl deren Spezifika im doing gender im Jahr 1987 hat in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Geschlechterforschung die Idee der sozialen KonGrit Höppner und Anna Wanka, un/doing age 45 60) Ähnlich wie von Lee wird auch in aktuellen Weiterentwicklungen des doing age-Konzeptes im Bereich der Solch eine interobjektive Sichtweise vermeidet durch die Anerkennung der materiellen Vielfalt von Alter(n) determinierende und Interpretationen, die jedoch insbesondere auf das Verleugnen, Negieren und Reversieren von Alter (vgl. cache = ./cache/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.txt === bib === id = work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4 author = Kunj Gohil title = Diabetes market grows ever more crowded date = 2014 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217537605 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:06 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.txt === bib === id = work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem author = Alison Gash title = #MeToo? Legal Discourse and Everyday Responses to Sexual Violence date = 2018 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 16833 sentences = 1156 flesch = 53 summary = argue that, in matters of sexual assault and rape, the limits of the law extend beyond the courtroom. sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual Keywords: legality; rape; sexual assault; sexual violence; #MeToo; law; legal consciousness; However, we argue, in matters of sexual assault and rape, law's influence extends far beyond forms of "consciousness-raising" for sexual violence highlight how law and legal discourse can limit violence, rape law can constrain options for adjudication and healing within, and beyond, formal legal the use of concepts such as "rape" and "sexual assault" to formal legal, evidence-based standards. answer to sexual violence, feminist legal reformers were rendering rape and sexual assault a public 4 The Women's Law Project/ÆQUITAS report "Rape and Sexual Assault in the Legal System," published in 2013 and cited Rape and Sexual Assault in the Legal cache = ./cache/work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem.txt === bib === id = work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme author = Väino Sinisalu title = Reformid Eesti tervishoius – edulugu ja õppetunnid date = 2014 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2207 sentences = 377 flesch = 57 summary = Eesmärgiks oli kujundada Eestis majanduslikult Avalik-õiguslik Eesti Haigekassa loodi 2001. Siiski on Eesti riigi kulutused tervishoiule Eesti Haigekassa tulemusele Kutzini järgi on Eesti selles osas „väike riik" Eesti eraldab rahvuslikust kogutoodangust tervishoiule (SKT) ligi 5%, samal ajal arenenud Euroopa Eesti inimeste omaosalus tervishoiukulude katmisel suhteliselt suur ning see on aastate jooksul kasvanud. inimeste omaosalus, siis arvestades Eesti suhtelist kuid omaosalus on 30%, Eestis 20%). J. Kutzini arvates peaks Eesti tulevikus oma Ravikindlustussüsteemi arendamise kõrval oli Eesti ka Eesti Perearstide Selts. Regulaarselt on tehtud haigete esmatasandi arstiabiga rahulolu uuringuid. a oli 96% Lõuna-Eesti elanikest rahul esmatasandi arstiabiga, siis Tallinnas oli sellega järgi raviasutustele tasuti tehtud töö eest, ja esmatasandi arstiabi areng tingisid ümberkorraldusi ka Selle tulemusena vähenes hospitaliseeritute arv ja haiglad pidid oma töös lähtuma Selle kohaselt on Eestis 3 regionaalhaiglat: Lõuna-Eesti, Valga ja Põlva haigla funktsionaalsed seisukoht), et kui haiglate arengukava kehtib, tuleb Seniseid ümberkorraldusi Eesti tervishoius ei cache = ./cache/work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme.pdf txt = ./txt/work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme.txt === bib === id = work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci author = George Veletsianos title = Women scholars' experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame date = 2018 pages = 36 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9497 sentences = 685 flesch = 52 summary = scholarship, the research examining their experiences of harassment and abuse online is scant. this study, we interviewed 14 women scholars who experienced online harassment in order to harassment, as well as scholarly recommendations for future research into scholars' experiences Women Scholars' Experiences with Online Harassment and Abuse: Self-Protection, Women Scholars' Experiences with Online Harassment and Abuse: Self-Protection, mobilization, the harassment that women scholars face online becomes an important issue to Lee (2015: 436) note "women report greater emotional distress as a result of online harassment, evidence describing women scholars' experiences with online harassment is lacking. gendered harassment, both online and offline, in order to consider how women scholars cope The women who were interviewed for this study coped with online harassment by first systematic investigation of how a group of women scholars' cope with online harassment Themes describing the ways women scholars cope with online harassment cache = ./cache/work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci.txt === bib === id = work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y author = Albertine Fox title = Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' date = 2020 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2883 sentences = 235 flesch = 64 summary = 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' – Screen Queens cache = ./cache/work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y.txt === bib === id = work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4 author = Agnė Aleksaitė title = Emotive-Expressive Lexis in the Database of Lithuanian Neologisms: Factors Influencing Emergence of Neologisms and Types of Word-Formation date = 2019 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8876 sentences = 1755 flesch = 62 summary = Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – cache = ./cache/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.txt === bib === id = work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we author = Sarah Pickard title = France's #Nuit Debout Social Movement: Young People Rising up and Moral Emotions date = 2018 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14562 sentences = 1395 flesch = 60 summary = adversely, the Nuit Debout protest movement in France began in March 2016 when people gathered in Keywords: young people; social movements; protest; political participation; austerity; moral-political account of the political situation in France that provoked the Nuit Debout movement. shifts to the novelty of the Nuit Debout movement in a nation renowned for political protest. labour law legislation was the initial catalyst for the Nuit Debout, as the movement progressed, young Contrary to the idea young people were politically disengaged, young participants in Nuit Debout young people to participate in Nuit Debout. As many young people participating in Nuit Debout understood, they were moved to action Many of the young people participating in Nuit Debout were students (who were also working Young people involved in Nuit Debout describe their experiences of politics and identities variously Available online: (accessed on 24 September 2018). cache = ./cache/work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we.txt === bib === id = work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq author = Devi Vijay title = Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3222 sentences = 274 flesch = 49 summary = Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work nature of work and organizations in India. India's liberalization have been the new middle class one means of poverty reduction, neoliberal India is labor markets, local economies, work arrangements, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India pertaining to domestic workers' employment conditions, national security labor, academic labor, climatechange-induced agrarian distress and digital labor of collective action, organizational dissent, precarity organizing workers who work in middle-class changing nature of work and organization in India. Butler J (2004) Precarious life: The powers of violence and India, New Delhi middle class politics and India's democracy in comparative Gooptu N (ed) (2013) Enterprise culture in neoliberal India: Oxfam India, New Delhi India Ink, New Delhi domesticity, and class in India. Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India cache = ./cache/work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq.txt === bib === id = work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4 author = Lucas G Hill title = Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female Mentees date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3004 sentences = 482 flesch = 54 summary = Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female Mentees Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female respect the unique experiences and concerns of female mentees, particularly regarding sexual violence and connection are offered by the authors, a male faculty mentor and female student mentee pair. backlash to the #MeToo movement as 60% of male managers reported being uncomfortable mentoring, working Male mentors bear a responsibility to consider these concerns proactively when advising female male mentor with one female and one male student mentee The female mentee accepts, but the male can also be detrimental to a female mentee and the development of trust in a mentoring relationship.15 Male female mentee's trust in the male mentor. Physical contact between a male mentor and female mentors for female mentees. safety and success of female mentees in academic pharmacy. cache = ./cache/work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4.txt === bib === id = work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34 author = Elizabeth Evens title = Plainclothes Policewomen on the Trail: NYPD Undercover Investigations of Abortionists and Queer Women, 1913–1926 date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12284 sentences = 774 flesch = 54 summary = In early twentieth-century New York City, policewomen went undercover to investigate abortion the New York Police Department (NYPD), the first female investigators were working class role in controlling other women's sexuality and reproduction.12 New York policewomen surveilled immigrant midwives, coerced working class women to testify in abortion trials, and, opportunistic matrons sought new duties, at first within the precinct by assisting on investigations involving women and children in police custody, drawing upon perceived feminine expertise. 1981); Mary Aldrich-Moodie, "Staking Out Their Domain: Women in the New York City Police Department, 47The New York District Attorney Indictments record that the NYPD arrested 34 individuals following policewomen's undercover investigations between 1916 and 1925. Following a complaint to the district attorney, Sullivan and Leonard investigated the proprietress of the tearoom, Eve Adams, a Polish Jewish émigré, born Chawa Zloczewer, with a background similar to the midwives.86 Historians have detailed how state and private actors policed cache = ./cache/work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34.txt === bib === id = work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy author = CASS R. SUNSTEIN title = Growing outrage date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7849 sentences = 551 flesch = 63 summary = norms, which leads people to express outrage that they had previously Outrage about the Harvard Law School seal was connected with pre-existing judgments about race and racism. People with certain political or religious convictions, or simply painful experiences, might just shut up, even if they are outraged. people will reveal pre-existing preferences and values, which norms had successfully suppressed. Jon Elster emphasizes that social norms are "sustained by the feelings of embarrassment, anxiety, guilt, and shame that a person suffers at the prospect of many people within a population object to discrimination, but because of existing norms, they do not say or do anything. their outrage and personal opposition to the norm, but also the existence of compare it to a personal injury case, which (in most people's view) involves norm is revised, they speak or act differently, perhaps expressing outrage, Most people are not outraged by the nonexistence of a social norm cache = ./cache/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.txt === bib === id = work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu author = Luciana Silvestre Fernandes title = (Re)claiming the canon : a new lens for the staging of Thomas Middleton and William Rowley's The Changeling date = 2020 pages = 183 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 33431 sentences = 3654 flesch = 82 summary = perspective of the central character in the play, Beatrice-Joanna, and on staging her trauma. Figure 20 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna in her final dress (Set by Luis Belassai; Costumes by Figure 27 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna having a moment with her feelings on top of 4.1 (Set by Figure 3 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna above and Kyle Preston Oliver as De Flores below (Set by Luis For example, that the play begins with Beatrice-Joanna and Alsemero falling in Flores' actions and their impact on Beatrice-Joanna, to list a few: "Though thou writ'st maid, Figure 9 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna at the end of the play. Figure 9 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna at the end of the play. However, coming full circle, the Joannas and Beatrice closed the play just as they opened In scene 2.2 (see appendix), when Alsemero and Beatrice-Joanna confess their love for each other, he cache = ./cache/work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu.txt === bib === id = work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy author = Maria Shevtsova title = Reasons for Joy and Reflection: Engaging with Shakespeare at the Craiova Festival date = 2012 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7659 sentences = 303 flesch = 57 summary = Play reviews Craiova International Shakespeare Festival, 23 April–6 May 2018 Romanian stage, to George Topârceanu's 1921 translation of A Midsummer Night's Dream, a play As if challenging from within the production's play on distancing effects, characters broke through of the play to invite a female spectator to join him on stage, a woman stood up. Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare's only too familiar play to international and Romanian audiences to address the audience' no longer as Shylock but as Tubal, he explained or, rather, the actor playing scene on stage and off seemed to reflect a rapidly changing cultural world that those in the audience characters, now the actors bowing down at the front of the stage, revealed the tableau of Shylock's The most translated of Shakespeare's plays into Romanian, Hamlet has a long history of political performance was either for an audience familiar with Hamlet or that the plot itself was less cache = ./cache/work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy.txt === bib === id = work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi author = Romana Andò title = Desecrating celebrity date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3819 sentences = 211 flesch = 49 summary = To cite this article: Romana Andò & Sean Redmond (2020) Desecrating celebrity, Celebrity sea of falls from grace and the perversion of star and celebrity images: it was if desecration circulation processes the celebrities 'digital life' is, in fact, produced from the contamination between top-down and bottom-up forces, and official and unofficial media streams. engaged with and in the way stars and celebrities 'speak' to culture (Jerslev 2016). produce this constant flow of celebrity consecration and desecration. In Lucy's article, Beautiful Penitent Whore: the Desecrated Celebrity of Mary Magdalene, she explores the way that Mary Magdalene as both celebrity and film star embodied the feminist film and media studies, celebrity and popular culture, Lucy examines a number of has in desecrating the female star or celebrity through such acts as chastisement, ridicule the Desecration of Political Authority, Anita suggests that Donald Trump's perverse power It our job to defaecate on and to desecrate celebrity culture. cache = ./cache/work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi.txt === bib === id = work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e author = Virginia A Brown title = The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1045 sentences = 113 flesch = 26 summary = The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies discrimination and harassment are common in academia as well; Asian health care professionals have Black health care professionals and academic professionals experience at #BlackInTheIvory.3 American Medical Colleges address patient-perpetrated sexual harassment in patient bills of rights empirically affirmed that the right of patients "to receive care free of harassment" was foundational academic institutions can take to end the harassment that women, people of color, and LGBTQI discrimination and harassment toward health care workers based on their race/ethnicity or gender Clear policies and procedures including zero tolerance of harassment toward health care workers is JAMA Network Open | Medical Education The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers cache = ./cache/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.txt === bib === id = work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4 author = David Simon title = The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research date = 2018 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14405 sentences = 3427 flesch = 66 summary = The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research Keywords comparative urban research / co-production / Mistra Urban Futures / international comparative and transdisciplinary co-productive research.(6) research is to analyse how key themes relating to urban sustainability promoting urban sustainability by means of the transdisciplinary coproduction of knowledge, undertaken in a series of Local Interaction comparative projects, as Director of one LIP, and as lead researcher on undertake transdisciplinary research co-production in different contexts towards sustainable cities, by suggesting comparative transdisciplinary 3) Trans-locally clustered comparative research projects: developing new research by each LIP team regarding how its diverse activities and projects transdisciplinary co-production, the Mistra Urban Futures projects may comparative urban research", Paper presented Agendas_in_Comparative_Urban_Research/ for urban development", in M Polk (editor), Coproducing Knowledge for Sustainable Cities: Joining Urban and Regional Research Vol 35, No 1, pages cache = ./cache/work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4.txt === bib === id = work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u author = Ana Salzberg title = Book Review: Never Done: A History of Women's Work in Media Production date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1239 sentences = 90 flesch = 62 summary = In an essay on the work of film history, Vivian Sobchack In her illuminating book Never Done: A History of Women's Work in Media Production, Erin women hand-colored films for Edison's studios) to Hollywood in the 2000s (characterized in commentary in a wealth of sources including studio archives, popular press coverage, memoirs, and her own experiences working in Hollywood, Hill crafts a compelling account that Hill highlights how "women in general had been rooted to a specific, peripheral place at studios, literally and figuratively."8 In chapter 1, for instance, she points to the "fluid, heterosocial work environment" that enabled early filmmakers such as Lois Weber and Margaret association with clerical work."11 Indeed, Hill does much throughout her study to highlight also the successes of studio-era Hollywood women. 4 Erin Hill, Never Done: A History of Women's Work in Media Production (New Never Done: A History of Women's Work in Media Production. cache = ./cache/work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u.txt === bib === id = work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y author = Rashi Aggarwal title = #MeToo: the Role and Power of Bystanders (aka Us) date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4979 sentences = 572 flesch = 48 summary = students in medicine have reported being sexually harassed [1, the high prevalence of inappropriate sexual behavior of patients toward trainees and the lack of training on how to handle [19] discuss that sexual violence against women with psychiatric disorders has been missing from the conversations related to #MeToo. Finally, sexual harassment, the women present are the survivors, and There are a small number of perpetrators of sexual harassment, a relatively large number of survivors, and a larger (bystanders) during sexual harassment situations. to address inappropriate sexual behavior by patients as reported by Michael et al. women choose not to report sexual harassment because of the the willingness of survivors and bystanders to report sexual show, however, that the downstream impact of reporting sexual harassment is typically extremely negative for survivors Sexual harassment in medicine-#MeToo. N Engl J Med. 2018;378:209–11. Acessed Available from Accessed 11.27.19. cache = ./cache/work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y.txt === bib === id = work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a author = Angela Sweeney title = A systematic review of qualitative studies of adults' experiences of being assessed for psychological therapies date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11217 sentences = 1207 flesch = 52 summary = A systematic review of qualitative studies of adults' experiences of being assessed for psychological therapies The review was led by people with experience of undergoing assessments, with high levels of client involvement throughout. of people aged 16+ who had been assessed for psychological therapy services. be used to inform an understanding of people's experiences of psychological assessments. The purpose of this review was to synthesize qualitative research exploring adults' experiences of undergoing psychological therapy assessments to develop a rich and comprehensive understanding that increases A Service User Advisory Group (SUAG) established the review priorities including focus, literature types and key terms. • Population: adults aged 16+ who have been assessed for a psychological therapy service for their mental health. Around half the studies involved service users/clients in the research process (7/13) and/or Many people had tried different approaches to easing their distress, including traditional psychological and talking therapies, mental health services, alternative therapies and selfhelp. cache = ./cache/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.txt === bib === id = work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy author = Suprakash Chaudhury title = Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 623 sentences = 129 flesch = 64 summary = Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51935103Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment title={Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment}, Chaudhury, +1 author Samiksha Sahu Feminism is a gamut of socio political movements and ideologies that share a common goal to delineate, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.[8] Feminist movements over decades have campaigned for rights of women, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 2 excerpts, cites background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background cache = ./cache/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.txt === bib === id = work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e author = Karen Johnston title = Women in public policy and public administration? date = 2018 pages = 37 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8679 sentences = 575 flesch = 44 summary = upon representative bureaucracy research, has policy outcomes for beneficiaries of public services. There is persistent under-representation of women in public administration as secondary data the continued under-representation of women (and other minorities) in public bureaucracies representation of women in public administration and a systematic literature review (see Denyer The secondary data collection on the descriptive representation of women in public administration the search terms: 'female'; 'women'; 'representation'; 'government'; 'public administration'; Meier, Stewart and England (1990) empirically demonstrated that as the number of AfricanAmerican teachers increased across public school districts (passive representation), the inequitable that a bureaucracy cannot be representative of society if its public administration is for active representation, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18, p. active representation, The American Review of Public Administration, 41, 2, p. Keywords: gender, equality, representation, representative bureaucracy, public administration Keywords: gender, equality, representation, representative bureaucracy, public administration cache = ./cache/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.txt === bib === id = work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4 author = Jacey Magnussen title = Where is it? Examining Post-Secondary Students' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence date = 2019 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9514 sentences = 853 flesch = 46 summary = Examining Post-Secondary Students' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence Students' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence. Faced with a growing demand for adequate policies and programs that meaningfully address sexual violence on campus, the provinces of British Columbia, public attention to the issue of sexual violence on campus upon finding out that her assailant had also assaulted two other students (Browne, 2014). of sexual violence policies and support programs at Alberta's post-secondary institutions. Canada does not have similar legislation and as such, Canadian post-secondary institutions are not required to disclose campus crime statistics or to provide policies pertaining to sexual violence (Quinlan et al., 2016). concerning that Indigenous students at First Nations institutions do not have clearly accessible sexual violence policies and services. Canada's post-secondary institutions are dealing with sexual violence on campus and (Derworiz, 2016), there is limited availability and accessibility to post-secondary institutions' sexual violence policies. cache = ./cache/work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4.txt === bib === id = work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka author = Michalis Nikiforos title = Demand, Distribution, Productivity, Structural Change, and (Secular?) Stagnation date = 2020 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8579 sentences = 651 flesch = 61 summary = Demand, Distribution, Productivity, Structural Change, and (Secular?) Stagnation The present paper emphasizes the role of demand, income distribution, endogenous productivity change approach, the decrease in demand and the stagnation of wages can lead to an endogenous KEYWORDS: Stagnation; Demand; Distribution; Technical Change; Institutions Secular stagnation refers to the tendency of the real GDP growth rate in the United States and other Figure 1c shows that labor productivity's growth in the current recovery is also the slowest among to the period's low growth rates and the increase in defense expenditures to fund the wars in increase in inequality) lead to a decrease in the growth rate of the economy. A second factor that is responsible for the slowdown in productivity growth is the stagnation in the stagnation of output and productivity growth of the last decades. "Growth or Stagnation in the American Economy." The Review of Economics and cache = ./cache/work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka.txt === bib === id = work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4 author = Rita Gardiner title = Guest editorial date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4076 sentences = 292 flesch = 51 summary = on leadership, gender and #MeToo, which took place at an international conference. #MeToo movement challenges organizational practices and policies in diverse cultural and leadership research that examines how organizations are responding to #MeToo. Before discussing each article in this SI, we provide some background on some of the scholarly conversations around #MeToo movement, as it relates to organizations, gender movement, the importance of collective action and leadership and organizational culture. hashtag for sharing stories about sexual and gender-based violence (Fileborn and LoneyHowes, 2019). nature of the #MeToo movement, in organizational cultures, there is often a resistance to #MeToo movement as a catalyst for changing workplace culture must therefore be harassment, but this requires organizational leaders to alter their approach to gender-based sociocultural, organizational and leadership issues that prevent gender and sexual leadership programs, higher education organizations and intersections of gender and sexual identity. Leadership, #MeToo and organizational cultures Leadership, #MeToo and organizational cultures cache = ./cache/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi author = Claudia Sandoval title = Choosing the Velvet Glove date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 989 sentences = 71 flesch = 57 summary = In "Choosing the Velvet Glove: Women Voters, Ambivalent Sexism, and American women's vote choice in the 2016 presidential election. Ambivalent sexism has a positive and significant effect on white women, fact that AL had not voted for a Democratic Senator since 1992, and therefore, the Republican candidate had a much higher chance of taking over of sexual misconduct against teenage girls came out against Roy Moore. In the end, only 41% of women voted for Moore, meaning that a majority of female voters chose the Democratic candidate, in a Republican state. showed that 63% of white female voters chose the Republican candidate. women still supported the Republican candidate. Lorrie Frasure-Yokley debunks this often cited "truth" by establishing a historical record of conservative voting, among white female voters, that did "Choosing the Velvet Glove: Women Voters, Ambivalent Sexism, and Vote Choice in 2016." Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 3(1): cache = ./cache/work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi.txt === bib === id = work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu author = Sabine Frühstück title = The Future Is Also a Different Country and We Should Do Things Differently There date = 2020 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9245 sentences = 899 flesch = 58 summary = Keywords: Area studies; Japanese studies; Asia knowledge; discipline; social-science approaches and borrow from feminist studies, visual culture thought about area studies in terms of "the national security problem," noting that K. Powers, for instance, envisioned area studies as the basis for preventing war and of practical value about important world areas; giving students and scholars an for example, suggests that without area studies, "the disciplines risk becoming Without area studies effectively serving as mediating grounds for other disciplines, becomes ever more shaped by the world within, without area studies. The pasts of the disciplines and disciplinarity and of Asian studies may well seem to "The Global University, Area Studies, and the World Citizen: Discipline." Journal of Asian Studies 46(1): 15–25. The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines. The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines, edited by David L. "Japan Is Interesting: Modern Japanese Literary Studies Today." cache = ./cache/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.txt === bib === id = work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e author = Helen Gardner title = Emily J. Manktelow. Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific: Rev. Simpson's "Improper Liberties." London: Bloomsbury, 2018. Pp. 256. $114.00 (cloth) date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1287 sentences = 76 flesch = 61 summary = Unavoidably, the book conveys something of Boole's attitude to mathematics. Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific: Rev. Simpson's "Improper Simpson of the London Missionary Society in the Tahitian field sexually abused many of Yet the charges were a deep shock to the London-based mission society for whom Tahiti was Manktelow's new study, we follow the minutiae of this process, learning Manktelow's analysis of this event is both innovative and wide-ranging, as much a meditation on history writing as on the events of Tahiti in the mid-nineteenth century. Her historiography of sexual violence begins with Susan Brownmiller's landmark study on rape, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (1975), and the subsequent debate on the prevalence of this abuse through history. Manktelow's deep subjectivity ensures the book is not only a polemic. Manktelow explores the suspicion of missionary children seemingly tainted by In the final chapter, Manktelow focuses on the legacies of British colonialism and efforts to Manktelow's exemplary analysis of sexual violence in the cache = ./cache/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.txt === bib === id = work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty author = Denise Burkhard title = Linda Newbery on Writing Historical Fiction and on her Neo-Victorian Novel Set in Stone date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6427 sentences = 474 flesch = 71 summary = and on her Neo-Victorian Novel Set in Stone Linda Newbery, an acclaimed writer of historical fiction for children and (young) adults, won the 2006 Costa Children's Book Award for her neo-Victorian novel Set in Stone In this interview, Linda Newbery answers questions regarding Set in Stone, as well Keywords: historical fiction, Linda Newbery, neo-Victorian fiction, Set in Stone, YoungAdult fiction. Linda Newbery's YA (Young Adult) neo-Victorian novel Set in Stone In this respect, Newbery's award-winning Set in Stone, published Set in Stone's thematic focus on child sexual abuse is particularly The main story of Set in Stone takes place in 1898, a time when the age of Like other neo-Victorian novels, Set in Newbery's only novel-length neo-Victorian publication to date. concerning Set in Stone as well as questions regarding writing historical Burkhard: Your novel Set in Stone bears an interesting title, which to the Set in Stone of the title: Ernest Farrow's sinfulness has been carved cache = ./cache/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.txt === bib === id = work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4 author = Priya Sepaha title = Impact of Social Media on the Functioning of the Indian Government: A Critical Analysis date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5043 sentences = 583 flesch = 63 summary = any social movement and has demonstrated that it will have a farreaching effect on government as well. policies and some social movement which India has witnessed the the impacts of social media on the functioning of the Indian Keywords—Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, the social movements which India has witnessed in recent The impact of social media in terms of active users can impact of social media in terms of users residing in a Impact of Social Media on the Functioning of the of social media on the public at large, it will be useful to study the power of social media for activism. Political parties encourage social media users in India to the US and UK to ensure that Facebook and other social media Educate Girl Child, Clean India are some noteworthy social Indian Judicial System has, under the impact of social media, [8], (Accessed on cache = ./cache/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54 work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi number of items: 558 sum of words: 3,704,089 average size in words: 6,638 average readability score: 58 nouns: women; %; gender; research; harassment; people; media; violence; work; time; men; study; data; power; analysis; p.; way; sex; students; participants; health; example; self; o; studies; world; experiences; group; use; years; part; culture; article; terms; groups; process; ways; case; abuse; information; life; movement; �; rape; role; education; others; issues; p; knowledge verbs: is; are; be; was; have; were; has; �; been; do; had; being; see; based; used; does; using; did; make; including; ’s; made; accessed; found; published; take; given; become; think; use; making; provide; need; reported; related; know; include; following; having; seen; understand; feel; find; included; want; get; come; working; associated; create adjectives: sexual; social; other; such; -; political; new; more; many; feminist; public; different; female; available; important; first; own; same; online; cultural; digital; human; male; critical; personal; white; high; �; non; specific; academic; young; global; particular; higher; individual; medical; significant; second; current; most; likely; legal; recent; similar; open; possible; negative; physical; able adverbs: not; also; more; only; so; as; however; well; even; out; up; often; then; most; n’t; rather; just; thus; very; here; too; now; still; e.g.; first; therefore; especially; particularly; less; together; on; always; much; further; instead; online; never; back; indeed; yet; again; far; already; perhaps; simply; all; finally; down; sometimes; really pronouns: it; i; we; their; they; her; our; its; you; my; she; his; he; them; me; us; your; themselves; itself; him; one; herself; ourselves; myself; himself; yourself; oneself; ’s; em; thee; thy; �; ours; hg; mine; ya; ''em; на; theirs; yours; pe; je; medicinskih; eds; ¥; s;; de-; ce; health- proper nouns: _; de; la; university; al; et; e; y; j.; �; journal; metoo; new; m; m.; press; s; que; el; d; s.; n; york; j; .; twitter; research; social; health; a; women; c.; pp; l.; un; r.; o; london; d.; t; gender; las; c; b; studies; a.; le; uk; se; e. keywords: university; woman; sexual; press; health; pmc; gender; harassment; violence; twitter; research; journal; social; feminist; science; new; law; american; york; work; medium; studies; political; instagram; cambridge; facebook; education; study; rape; india; global; women; sex; self; que; medical; man; ipv; international; hashtag; doi; china; april; student; public; psychiatry; management; las; black; united one topic; one dimension: https file(s): ./cache/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.pdf titles(s): Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Toneelschuur Producties) at Stadsschouwburg Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 April 2019 three topics; one dimension: https; women; la file(s): ./cache/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.pdf, ./cache/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.pdf, ./cache/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.pdf titles(s): Looking for a Life Raft: Citizen Voice and Votes of No Confidence | un/doing age: Multiperspektivität als Potential einer intersektionalen Betrachtung von Differenz- und Ungleichheitsverhältnissen | Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism five topics; three dimensions: sexual women 10; https org www; https feminist social; la en que; violence objectification rape file(s): ./cache/work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy.pdf, ./cache/work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm.pdf, ./cache/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.pdf, ./cache/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.pdf, ./cache/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.pdf titles(s): Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training | Translatability scoring in drug development: eight case studies | Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos | Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism | un/doing age: Multiperspektivität als Potential einer intersektionalen Betrachtung von Differenz- und Ungleichheitsverhältnissen Type: zip2carrel title: metoo-from-scholar date: 2021-04-05 time: 20:57 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a author: (:Unkn) Unknown title: DEGREES OF AUTHENTICITY AT WORK: REFUTING THE EITHER/OR PARADIGM date: 2020 words: 31311 sentences: 2558 pages: 119 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gmhvhc3fzngbdhunkak73xwy2a.txt summary: limited range in which employees feel they can express authenticity (demarcated by self and to examine existing beliefs regarding authentic expression at work and provide insights to assist Keywords authenticity, support, expression, management, culture, threshold, privilege leaders who express that authenticity is both wanted and welcomed at work, using phrases like, range in which an employee can express themselves authentically at work; and (3) determine 5. Are there thresholds delineating valued authentic expression and behavior at work? behavior at work; (3) fear of perceived reprisal plays a large role in authentic expression and research question: Do leaders and employees perceive that being authentic at work is important? both help and hinder employees'' authentic expression based on if their personal values were in Authentic self-expression at work has been associated with personal power, measure the impact of organization culture, manager and peer support on authentic expression. authentic expression impacts work outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational id: work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54 author: (:Unkn) Unknown title: Everyday feminism in the digital era: Gender, the fourth wave, and social media affordances date: 2020 words: 71395 sentences: 4460 pages: 267 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vycs3afj3jh5vhtjv2hsx7ic54.txt summary: of three case studies –Bumble the "feminist" dating app, private Facebook groups for the feminist potential of everyday social media use, while considering the limits of digital the fourth wave through case studies of everyday uses of digital technologies – Bumble, the second case study, I looked at private Facebook groups for women used for The focus of this research are private Facebook groups for women for professional women''s uses of social media and locates these everyday practices in a broader context of understanding of the ways that everyday uses of social media connect to feminist politics creates additional, largely invisible, labor for women who use Bumble (and online dating In the face of these experiences of discrimination, women are creating womenonly private Facebook groups for professional support, networking opportunities, and Women''s experiences of harassment in other online spaces, beyond Facebook groups, the stories shared using #MeToo on social media discussed sexual harassment and abuse id: work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34 author: (:Unkn) Unknown title: The Political Consequences of Gender-Based Marginalization date: 2020 words: 25906 sentences: 2504 pages: 129 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_deqmfi36hjg7fptjcrb2dhsy34.txt summary: can depress women''s political engagement and under other circumstances, gender-based sexism, sexual harassment, and the objectification of women have explicit political women on political engagement, but we also know that gender and race are not survey experiment to explore the effect of self-objectification on political engagement. Results from the survey experiment are presented that demonstrate how selfobjectification undermines women''s political engagement, and more specifically, feelings of gender-based discrimination and marginalization correlate with political engagement that self-objectification has a negative effect on political engagement in women. 𝐻!: Women who are high trait self-objectifiers will have lower internal political efficacy Recent research on self-objectification and women''s political consciousness lends This research indicates that there is a relationship between selfobjectification and political consciousness and activism as it relates to gender-based theorize about the potential effect of gender discrimination against women on political increased political engagement for women high in gender consciousness. gender-based marginalization and discrimination, as well as political engagement id: work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju author: A. Sobiesiak title: MP45: What to do with #MeToo: pre and post presenting patterns of intimate partner violence date: 2020 words: 2245 sentences: 159 pages: 2 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qtodd4moqze6bfnb7gimmooiju.txt summary: Conclusion: This retrospective review suggests that requests to perform certain critical and potentially time sensitive interventions are more likely Methods: Prehospital paramedic calls that included a mandatory patch point (excluding requests and facilitators impacting the integration of rural advanced care community paramedics (RACCPs) in 6 BC communities and to evaluate aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. Evaluating factors related to quality of audio transmission during mandatory paramedic patches and technical barriers to efficient communication in the prehospital setting Implementing rural advanced care community paramedics in rural and remote British Columbia: a qualitative research approach id: work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli author: A. Sweeney title: Out of the silence: towards grassroots and trauma-informed support for people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse date: 2019 words: 5461 sentences: 520 pages: 5 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z7fcsmhglrddlaxjs7ssamlfli.txt summary: prevent compassionate responses and result in staff having to develop their own coping strategies; and poorly addressed and reported experiences of sexual violence within psychiatric settings. have a long-held fundamental understanding of trauma and sexual violence, how it impacts on people and survivors'' subsequent It is not uncommon, even in the #MeToo era, for sexual violence survivors to be disbelieved by psychiatric services, to be means that many survivors are seen in community-based specialist sexual violence services (Bond et al., 2018). Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Their Experience of Support Christie C (2018) A Trauma-informed Health and Care Approach for responding to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Current knowledge report May Out of the silence: towards grassroots and trauma-informed support for people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse Mainstreaming silence: psychiatric services and sexual violence Mainstreaming silence: psychiatric services and sexual violence id: work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa author: ALFRED ARCHER title: When Artists Fall: Honoring and Admiring the Immoral date: 2019 words: 10820 sentences: 803 pages: 33 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mc64pb3q7rdppjn4ebvmh2izpa.txt summary: someone we ought to admire, we present three moral reasons against honouring immoral In this paper, we identify three moral reasons not to honour immoral artists. reasons, that honouring immoral artists can also serve to silence their victims. argue that given a plausible account of admiration, immoral artists may be fitting targets of Honouring immoral artists involves choosing to pick them out as people we ought to admire that we pick immoral artists out as people we ought to admire when we honour them, we In this section, we argue that a second moral reason against honouring immoral artists is that The first response to these moral reasons against honouring immoral artists is to simply there moral reasons in favour of honouring immoral artists? honour and admire immoral artists? have identified are the only moral reasons against honouring immoral artists. have identified are the only moral reasons against honouring immoral artists. id: work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e author: Aalya Ahmad title: Living a feminist life date: 2018 words: 1631 sentences: 112 pages: 4 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uvwpb5nrc5gnnlqrscsxu74u4e.txt summary: Sarah Ahmed Duke University Press, January 2017, ix+299 pp., Sarah Ahmed''s Living a Feminist Life is much more than a farewell to her Ahmed also refuses to separate poetry from politics, affirming, ''I think of feminism that their bodies are not being heard, Ahmed''s écriture feministe (my twist) takes Ahmed then invites us to explore diversity work within the master''s house of the transformation, Ahmed argues, feminists everywhere must be willful, must push. of the consequences of being a feminist killjoy, from the pain of leaving a life, comes a moment of ''feminist snap'' that Ahmed describes as ''how we collectively her ''snap'' from Goldsmiths, Ahmed writes, she has recreated ''feminist hope'' and a 211) – Living a Feminist Life appears Ahmed''s ''Killjoy Manifesto'' (an instant classic for feminist survival kits Sarah Ahmed Duke University Press, January 2017, ix+299 pp., ISBN: 9780822363194 id: work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi author: Abdulhamit Arvas title: Critical confessions now date: 2020 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yudjqdpcorgmbjixch33nl7coi.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544853 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4 author: Adam Oliver title: Health economic evaluation in Japan: a case study of one aspect of health technology assessment date: 2003 words: 4795 sentences: 299 pages: 14 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oj2w4dcgbne7xnqzhkgmzkoqn4.txt summary: Correspondence to: Adam Oliver, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and low health care costs and good health prevail in Japan, slower economic growth rates, Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, Japan, Fee-For-Service, Health economic evaluation, by weighing benefits against costs, can help health care sectors appear to be more active in the field of economic evaluation than establish economic evaluation in the field of health care, particularly for in Japan who undertake studies of health care interventions that contain some The Japanese government has been successful in containing health care costs (Oliver technology assessment, but in Japan relatively little health economic evaluation has (1992) The economics of health care in Japan. Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Health Economic Evaluation in Japan: A Case Study of Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, Japan, Fe id: work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba author: Afrooz Kaviani Johnson title: Safeguarding Children in the Developing World—Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation date: 2020 words: 12840 sentences: 944 pages: 19 flesch: 37 cache: ./cache/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a3nqriwoyvhuvopgyp6kmkrfba.txt summary: Keywords: safeguarding; child protection; child abuse; risk to children; sustainable development Agenda for Children 2040 (African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 2018). key UN developments deserve mention as they have also guided the policies and standards of NGOs. These include the establishment of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on sexual exploitation and children.9 The CRC Committee (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child 2015, para. violence against children and to update references to general comments (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the a systems-strengthening approach to child protection (African Committee of Experts on the Rights and obligation" of States parties (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child 2011, para. required to protect the child from all forms of violence" ((United Nations Committee on the Rights of the non-government) with responsibility for children in preventing and responding to child sexual abuse. id: work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4 author: Agnė Aleksaitė title: Emotive-Expressive Lexis in the Database of Lithuanian Neologisms: Factors Influencing Emergence of Neologisms and Types of Word-Formation date: 2019 words: 8876 sentences: 1755 pages: 27 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6xllwsp5kndnlfw67wjjpiz6r4.txt summary: Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – Emocinė-ekspresinė leksika Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyne – id: work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim author: Agu Tamm title: Mikrobioota – inimese vältimatu partner date: 2018 words: 6582 sentences: 1382 pages: 8 flesch: 82 cache: ./cache/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rbjihnqcxra4bmxe7yyg7akwim.txt summary: meie kehas ja kehal elavate mikroobide kogukondi ning selgitada nende rolli inimeste Senini on esiplaanil olnud püüdlused selgitada, millised organisme võib leida sooles Samas tuleb arvestada inimese MB koostise tohutut individuaalset erinev ust (7). võib olla palju tugevam kui inimese praegu alusel osutus ta kõige arvukamaks üksikliigiks inimese sooles (0,5–5% kogu bakterite viitavad soolestiku MB-le kui kvašiorkorit ning soole limaskesta läbilaskv ust, samuti Siiski pole seni teada, kas virgatsid jõuavad patsientide MB, aga seda toimet ei ole, kui nende k a he t üvega suu rendas i nterleukiin-17 sisaldust sooles ja DNA kahjustust taotleda konkreetsust nii meetodites, eksperimendi seadetes, kliinilistes andmetes kui nii in vitro (22, 34, 35) kui ka in vivo (36, hulgas on nii aeroobe nagu stafülokokid kui ja sama prebiootikum (või mis tahes muu Kui praegu on teada, et MBs Gut microbiome in chronic kidney disease: challenges and opportunities. The human gut microbiome: are The human gut microbiome: are id: work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble author: Alberta Giorgi title: Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith date: 2020 words: 11959 sentences: 812 pages: 18 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6phhddnsjbesncpxfy2mol5ble.txt summary: Women and Gender in Contemporary European Catholic Discourse: Voices of Faith the developing network of initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different Keywords: women; Catholicism; religious feminism; gender; Catholic Church; feminist theology of groups and initiatives related to the role of women in the Catholic Church in different European voices: apart from the demand for women''s equality in the Catholic Church, all the groups share the world: women who can be role models for action in and for the Catholic Church. section reports instead the debates around the future of the Catholic Church and the role of women Occasionally, the revision of women''s role in the Catholic Church is framed in relation to the The reasons for which the role of women in the Catholic Church should the issue of the role of women in the Catholic Church. id: work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y author: Albertine Fox title: Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' date: 2020 words: 2883 sentences: 235 pages: 11 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xddrr7a6kbbbxdbzytlxehbo3y.txt summary: 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens 15/04/2020 Hearing the Crackles in the Background: Listening and Female Intimacy in ''Portrait of a Lady on Fire'' – Screen Queens id: work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu author: Alessandra Gribaldo title: Hashtags, testimonies, and measurements: Gender violence and its interpretation date: 2019 words: 9712 sentences: 601 pages: 24 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tukzeptdzzhwrkbjbfuhqu2gtu.txt summary: ABSTRACT: In this article, I address gender violence through the act of witnessing and A focus on domestic abuse as a specific form of gender violence allows on violence and women''s voices as an opportunity for anthropological knowledge to gender violence, the fact in question is both the violent act and the subject of context can prove particularly thorny when gender violence and intimacy violence is truthful, and that women are political subjects. bring into the debate any reference to subjectivity, violence, social suffering. common view regarding testimony of gender violence victims, following The relation between gender and violence in anthropological terms has gender violence: its demonstration, as a social fact in sociology and as a in reflections on violence in anthropology: what is an abusive act? experience, makes the witnessing of gender violence something that tells Das, Veena, 2008, Violence, Gender, and Subjectivity, Annual Review of Violence and Subjectivity, Berkeley, University of California Press. id: work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy author: Alessandro Caliandro title: Studying Instagram Beyond Selfies date: 2020 words: 5988 sentences: 386 pages: 7 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bd5ueqx3pbg6xbplrmerq7n6iy.txt summary: media (Carah & Shaul, 2015) and the immediate and intuitive logic of visual communication, Instagram is notably impacts, studying Instagram poses different kinds of challenges and many gaps are still to be filled. this way Instagram has developed a vernacular visual culture consider the hashtags: on Twitter they serve mainly to aggregate conversations; on Instagram they specify the content of An equally important methodological challenge concerns the most crucial pieces of content on Instagram: approaches and networked content analysis are still underemployed in social research on Instagram. conducting social research on Instagram arises from the fact Visually-Oriented Approach to Study Instagram Hashtags," definition and scope of hashtag "engagement"—the metricsbased analysis of which provides what is currently the dominant approach to understanding user and consumer attitudes Instagram users, the authors offer a detailed textual analysis #Funeral and Instagram: Death, social media, and platform methods: Studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs id: work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny author: Alex Zamalin title: Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color date: 2018 words: 1538 sentences: 79 pages: 4 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dadtpmmz3jcgbf4b5me4orkhny.txt summary: Writing human rights: The political Crystal Parikh''s Writing Human Rights: The Political Imaginaries of Writers of On the one hand, she writes that ''human rights provide deeply meaningful Political theorists who read Writing Human Rights will see the work as enacting One of the things that makes Writing Human Rights an important work and will of novels by Hagedorn and Lee, the second chapter examines how human rights literature evokes an idea of vulnerability in ways that expand the right to security theorists, Writing Human Rights is not primarily a work of traditional political literature of human rights, look like? NGO work that tries to advance human rights) and the radical normative project of Thinking human rights is perhaps more As Writing Human Rights Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color id: work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm author: Alexandra Wendler title: Translatability scoring in drug development: eight case studies date: 2012 words: 10265 sentences: 1246 pages: 11 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ofmspvrd7jeavlz5277jr4vrpm.txt summary: of low rates of market approvals for new medical entities, better strategies to predict the risk of drug development biomarkers and animal models is reflected by a low translatability score, well correlating with the excessive Keywords: Dabigatran, Ipilimumab, Gefitinib, Vilazodone, Latrepirdine, Semagacestat, Translatability Score, Translational medicine, Drug development Drugs from different therapeutic areas (anticoagulation, cancer, CNS-related diseases, and cardiovascular The leading biomarkers evaluated were: aPTT for dabigatran, immune related response criteria for ipilimumab, effects on tumor growth for gefitinib, tumor growth and mutation status of EGFR for gefitinib, Hamilton Rating scale for depression-17 for vilazodone, none for latrepirdine, and effects on amyloid plaques translatability scores for the items model compounds, clinical trials, biomarker grading and surrogates in Table 2. This case study represents the development of a new therapeutic indication of an already approved drug, which is of The biomarker score alone would predict a high translatability also for the use of tumor growth as this is a id: work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu author: Alexandra Xanthaki title: When Universalism Becomes a Bully: Revisiting the Interplay Between Cultural Rights and Women''s Rights date: 2019 words: 10780 sentences: 735 pages: 29 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tcttr7vmgvalpoz2hya6e5t3zu.txt summary: The article uses the example of indigenous women to highlight the importance of culture for some Both universality and cultural diversity are at the core of human rights and making justice to both the diversity of women''.72 The Human Rights Committee also noted in General Comment 28 on However, at the same time, the Declaration and international human rights law in general do not perceived system of human rights above the needs of indigenous women around the world. should be the loudest, when discussing the balancing of indigenous women''s rights and cultural universalism and the cultural relativism of human rights'' (2017) 21 5 The International Journal Women''s International Human Rights Violations.'' (2003) 53 Emory Law Journal 71. Women''s International Human Rights Violations.'' (2003) 53 Emory Law Journal 71. 76 R Kuokkanen, ''Indigenous Women''s Rights and International Law: Challenges of the UN 121 N Girard, ''Minority and indigenous women''s right to culture: identity, gender and id: work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq author: Alexandre Gonçalves title: Colloquy with Emily Bell at Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society date: 2020 words: 9381 sentences: 788 pages: 18 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kwlofqte2vhavkcshm42t2vtkq.txt summary: Colloquy with Emily Bell at Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society Columbia University on digital platforms, journalism, and society, Church, Communication and center of this interview: news, society and trust; the role and influence of digital platforms; the church and digital technologies; the social turmoil brought about by the When levels of trust are low, people certainly become more sceptical of news, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. and people forget the difference between news and political or commercial messages, realize that, if you encourage people to engage on a digital platform with no commitments to democratic norms or social cohesion, the results can be absolutely disastrous. and media critic] Jeff Jarvis (2013, 2019), for instance, would argue that it is much better that Google owns all that data because, if they do bad things with it, people will just id: work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i author: Alfred Archer title: Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power date: 2019 words: 13772 sentences: 1109 pages: 16 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wlyacdc3hjeqjcow6umpybqj6i.txt summary: resources to investigate the issue of celebrity involvement in politics, specifically as this involvement relates to democratic theory call epistemic power, can explain one important way in which celebrity involvement in politics is problematic. unchecked uses and unwarranted allocations of epistemic power, which celebrities tend to enjoy, threaten the legitimacy of existing celebrity epistemic power, seems contrary to central deliberative ideals of fairness and equal opportunity to Thus, on plebiscitary democracy, celebrity epistemic power to control the public''s knowledge of them as Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Special Issue Article | Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power id: work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i author: Aliette Ventéjoux title: The Scarlet Letter : A comme adaptation date: 2019 words: 1732 sentences: 334 pages: 7 flesch: 76 cache: ./cache/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ccc3zokmsvghtbyku2a3tqym7i.txt summary: 3 En 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne publie The Scarlet Letter, qui retrace l''histoire d''Hester Angélica Liddell, dont la pièce du même nom est très librement adaptée du roman de Hawthorne, la lettre A est davantage le A de l''art, de l''artiste, et, bien évidemment, le A oublier les cris, ceux des hommes qui se trouvent sur scène, ou d''Angélica, qui relatent 6 Les deux acteurs sont ensuite remplacés par Angelica/Hester, qui porte une large robe Je n''aime pas être une femme parmi les 9 Et c''est aussi celle-ci qui tisse un lien entre la pièce et le texte, à la manière dont Hester broderie, Angélica Liddell, quant à elle, telle une prêtresse, tire sur les fils qui Performance review Angélica Liddell''s play The Scarlet Letter, adapted from Nathaniel Mots-clés : adaptation, Angélica Liddell, art, féminisme, Nathaniel Hawthorne, lettre, Keywords : adaptation, Angélica Liddell, art, feminism, Nathaniel Hawthorne, letter, monologue, id: work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q author: Alison Abbott title: Germany''s prestigious Max Planck Society conducts huge bullying survey date: 2019 words: 2069 sentences: 164 pages: 2 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qm5e3i3dljbwrbpun4mxm5sf4q.txt summary: reckoning with sexual harassment and assault, of sexual harassment and assault in the coun­ sexual harassment in Mexican science. Research by Ana Buquet, director of UNAM''s institutions," says Buquet, who plans to update The latest version of the protocol says that the human rights of students," says Damián. Others want universities to work harder at researcher," she says. survey of the society''s staff and its working cul­ standing of how the society works," says MPS bullying in the past 12 months, and 17.5% said huge bullying survey Opioid addiction kills tens of thousands of people in the United States every year, and the trend shows no signs Misuse of opioids such as heroin has led to a surge in diseases including HIV, risking years of progress . That doesn''t excuse any case, says Stratmann, says that the MPS is creating a code of conduct another focus of the survey: 36% of research id: work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4 author: Alison Bailey title: On Anger, Silence, and Epistemic Injustice date: 2018 words: 9396 sentences: 615 pages: 15 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jdjfebpxsrdwjmhahwothdzcy4.txt summary: injustices repeatedly manufacture and explain the obvious: silencing practices produce angry experiences. epistemic dimensions of knowing resistant anger in a way that also calls attention to the histories Anger is powerful resource for resisting epistemic injustice. overlooked and undertheorized resistant anger saturating the silences that epistemic injustice silencing is to manage resistant anger''s epistemic content. angry experiences that offer resources for resisting epistemic injustice. oppressed/silenced resisting/angry groups a resource for resisting epistemic injustice. 4. Knowing Resistant Anger as a Resource against Epistemic Injustice where is the knowing resistant anger in epistemic injustice? understand knowing resistant anger as a transformative creative epistemic resource. angry knowledge requires resisting the socialized urges to make our anger heard in Knowing resistant anger then, not only restores the collective epistemic confidence of angry selves, making knowing resistant anger visible as an epistemic resource. and erasing angry knowledge as a resource for resisting epistemic injustice. id: work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem author: Alison Gash title: #MeToo? Legal Discourse and Everyday Responses to Sexual Violence date: 2018 words: 16833 sentences: 1156 pages: 24 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a7lhtwanovac5brryvlf5kptem.txt summary: argue that, in matters of sexual assault and rape, the limits of the law extend beyond the courtroom. sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual Keywords: legality; rape; sexual assault; sexual violence; #MeToo; law; legal consciousness; However, we argue, in matters of sexual assault and rape, law''s influence extends far beyond forms of "consciousness-raising" for sexual violence highlight how law and legal discourse can limit violence, rape law can constrain options for adjudication and healing within, and beyond, formal legal the use of concepts such as "rape" and "sexual assault" to formal legal, evidence-based standards. answer to sexual violence, feminist legal reformers were rendering rape and sexual assault a public 4 The Women''s Law Project/ÆQUITAS report "Rape and Sexual Assault in the Legal System," published in 2013 and cited Rape and Sexual Assault in the Legal id: work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la author: Alison Jolly title: Love, actually date: 2004 words: 7699 sentences: 958 pages: 15 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m34hg3ns3bc4vceqsz4f4la6la.txt summary: Love Actually y la esfera musical como cómplice de la perpetuación de los roles de género tradicionales = Love Actually and the Musical Sphere as an Accomplice to the Perpetuation of Traditional Gender Roles Por otro lado el cine, como producción artística y cultural, constituye indudablemente una herramienta que ofrece la posibilidad de que la sociedad pueda los que poder empatizar, como por ejemplo sucede en algunas de las últimas las, cada vez más, películas que narran y visibilizan historias de mujeres, de todas papel que ejerce la música en la confección de los roles de género tradicionales tres cuartos del cuerpo de las dos mujeres protagonistas, realzando por un lado lo que nos sitúa una vez más en el rol de mujer históricamente aceptado como Una de las historias más agridulces del largometraje que, sin duda, contribuye a género tradicionales, dado que a lo largo de las tramas actúa como bisagra y en id: work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y author: Alix E. Masters title: Feminist Theory Reveals a Need for Justice over Autonomy in Research Ethics date: 2020 words: 3258 sentences: 187 pages: 6 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xgkeax56lbfrhasz3iepalsp6y.txt summary: Feminist Theory Reveals a Need for Justice over Autonomy in Research Ethics Using radical feminist theorist Catherine MacKinnon''s work on consent and sexual Using radical feminist theorist Catherine MacKinnon''s work on consent and sexual The law of rape presents consent as free exercise of sexual choice under conditions of equality of MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. MASTERS, FEMINIST THEORY REVEALS A NEED FOR JUSTICE OVER AUTONOMY IN RESEARCH ETHICS, VOICES IN BIOETHICS, VOL. id: work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy author: Allison Ballard title: The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment) date: 2018 words: 10570 sentences: 928 pages: 17 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_35umjexoive35n3lhnlrete4jy.txt summary: issues, worker ignorance and incapacity, workplace investigations, (alternative) dispute resolution and the legal pathways available to targets of workplace bullying and harassment may act to silence Keywords: bullying; harassment; workplace abuse; violence; silencing; naming; reporting to remain silent, particularly in respect bullying and harassment and other forms of workplace of workplace bullying in Australia,4 the low reporting of such behaviour (Easteal and Hampton 2011), of workplace bullying in Australia,4 the low reporting of such behaviour (Easteal and Hampton 2011), phenomenon, such as ''workplace bullying'', ''harassment'', ''abuse'' or ''violence'' is named, it is more For example, targets of workplace bullying, like complainants of other types of adverse assistance to targets of workplace bullying and harassment (Safe Work Australia 2018). workplace bullying, and also to influence legal and policy-related issues (Nielsen et al. Available online: (accessed on 27 October 2018). The Jerk at Work: Workplace Bullying and the Law''s Inability to Combat It. Employee Relations id: work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i author: Alyx Treasure title: Competing at the top level with Crohn''s disease date: 2019 words: 1661 sentences: 280 pages: 2 flesch: 84 cache: ./cache/work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3m66ibwo4fa3lpw6z7pjngec7i.txt summary: my ultimate goal to qualify for the Canadian Olympic team in the high jump. When you''re told at 9 years old that several times that I had to quit athletics due the rest of the medical team and help to need to eat ''hard to digest foods that support athletics'' (such as complex periods to train my body as best as I can, I think the key is supporting athletes to others with Crohn''s disease. others with Crohn''s disease. working with an athlete with Crohn''s at Athletics Canada who offer a holistic athletes to reach their peak condition. or chronic pain, all need to be reviewed for how these symptoms interact with GI concerns. the medical team (and more importantly by the patient) is essential. Competing at the top level with Crohn''s disease Competing at the top level with Crohn''s disease ''My Crohn''s, my symptoms'' ''My Crohn''s, my symptoms'' id: work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u author: Amanda Spallacci title: Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event date: 2019 words: 7541 sentences: 448 pages: 11 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qcbvsnlq5ng7tneygtimnjll2u.txt summary: Representing Rape Trauma in Film: Moving beyond the Event Keywords: trauma; memory; affect; rape; Hollywood cinema the traumatic event—some recent cinematic depictions of rape represent the trauma resulting from Finally, Henry (2014) situates rape -revenge films as a "cultural key that can help to reveal Regardless of these differences, fiction films that depict a rape scene seem to present a "feminist and television series that include a rape scene may foreground the protagonist''s emotional responses graphic rape scene in a culture that fetishizes traumatic events—specifically acts of violence against trauma and rape culture are responsible for the survivors'' inability to form a legal testimony (Alcoff to function rhetorically to widen the cultural understanding of rape trauma beyond the event and trauma cannot be dissociated from cultural memory in Wind Gap. The narrative within Sharp Objects Rape Scenes as Representations of Survivors'' Trauma Rape Scenes as Representations of Survivors'' Trauma id: work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi author: Amie R Newins title: Title IX Mandated Reporting: The Views of University Employees and Students date: 2018 words: 9902 sentences: 869 pages: 19 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o7cpxoukfjfk3c3assf7zaqczi.txt summary: Specifically, university employees are required to report incidents of sexual violence some states have implemented laws that require colleges and universities to report sexual assault cases may influence students'' Title IX beliefs and their willingness to disclose a sexual assault to university students indicated they would tell a faculty member if they knew of a sexual assault perpetrated by were asked to indicate how likely they would be to report a student disclosure of sexual assault to the of reporting requirements differed by perpetrator category (student vs faculty), type of sexual Student was sexually harassed by a faculty member Knowledge of Reporting Requirement 6.36 1.64 7.00 6.27 1.32 7.00 being required to assist students with reporting sexual harassment perpetrated by faculty members agreement with mandated reporting of sexual harassment perpetrated by faculty members and rape of sampled university employees indicated they would report a student disclosure of sexual assault id: work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri author: Amy Bonomi title: Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights date: 2018 words: 2733 sentences: 189 pages: 4 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iczy4a2vmrbwdiph2z4uyjvkri.txt summary: In the present editorial, I argue that for Rothman''s experiments (which are focused fundamentally on changing underlying power structures at the intersection of gender, race, sexuality, ability status and socioeconomic campuses, and hope we have the courage to be leaders in anti-bias, civil rights and human rights practices to more Yet, student-focused campus prevention programs and approaches are not enough to stop sexual violence. challenge the status quo for sexual violence prevention programming on college campuses and call for us to do better. To become dedicated fighters for civil and human rights requires us, in an initial step, to get serious about anti-bias curricula aimed at reducing sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism and classism. Preventing sexual violence on campus in the U.S.: Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights id: work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i author: Amy Chapman title: Citizen-Scholars: Social Media and the Changing Nature of Scholarship date: 2019 words: 5431 sentences: 379 pages: 9 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3r5humm74rbajapgz7uaaxhy7i.txt summary: Open science and public, social scholarship can media to promote scholarship are the civic responsibility of citizen-scholars, so that research becomes Keywords: social media; scholarship; citizen; civic engagement; research; open science; public scholarship scholarship using social media is the civic responsibility of today''s citizen-scholars, so that research scholarly practices: open science, public scholarship, and social scholarship, which foreground our discussion of the responsibilities and practices of citizen-scholars in the age of social media. effort needed to learn how to use social media tools to create open access networked models or to of public scholarship, open science, and social media. knowledge-sharing, open research dissemination, and social review [19]. Whether working from the traditional model of scholarship or the open, public, and social citizen-scholars to contribute to the knowledge and public discourse being shared via social media. of accurate and timely research is critical, and citizen-scholars, through open, public, and social id: work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua author: Amy Maxmen title: Biologist exits prestigious post years after violating sexual harassment policy date: 2020 words: 1690 sentences: 120 pages: 2 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aw6uasm7m5dbzh4iuktygmgiua.txt summary: or the past few years, graduate students he had violated its sexual harassment policy. MBL embryology course. super stoked to apply to an MBL course this course co­director violated UCSF policy on Schneider from students or visiting scientists However, he says the MBL The public discussion about Schneider and says, "Students are responding to the cul­ harassed other students in academia.''" sexual relationship between Schneider and the student says their first sexual encounter For the next two and a half years, Schneider and the student had a sexual relationship that The student says she experi­ She says that Schneider from UCSF, Schneider "maintains that their Patel says that Schneider''s vio­ area, reported on Schneider''s case. uate student who took the course last year, course, Schneider brought up his violation posted to an account of Schneider''s violation Patel says the MBL has been developing a attended the MBL course in 2003. id: work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa author: Amy Yeboah title: Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin''s World-Sense of Female Sexuality date: 2020 words: 8971 sentences: 652 pages: 13 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qhrwkg2nbnhjlkqfgj5kly3zaa.txt summary: Why the West Could Not Hear Beale Street: Baldwin''s World-Sense of Female Sexuality Baldwin radically reconceptualizes what the love between Tish and Fonny might be in terms of invisible the reader is left with a radically African-centered world-sense of a Black woman''s sexual experience. love story is, Baldwin invites the reader to enter into Tish''s perspective and re-live what it was like to Baldwin eloquently describes Tish''s desire and love for Fonny without placing it in sexual terms, Within the text, Baldwin centers an African world-sense of the body by introducing the concept infatuation with Fonny''s body, what Tish repeatedly states is how much she loves his beauty, which clear that Baldwin does not mean that Tish primarily sees Fonny''s physical beauty. Baldwin does not hold back in having Tish express the intensity of the love she has Fonny, but does so Baldwin mines a distinctly female African-centered perspective regarding the love Tish has for Fonny. id: work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa author: Amélie Mons title: La représentation panique dans le théâtre de Jan Fabre date: 2019 words: 7069 sentences: 982 pages: 13 flesch: 78 cache: ./cache/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_efb3kaj5cvgilegrv7kdkm2cpa.txt summary: pour discuter le théâtre de Jan Fabre, mais aussi plus largement, une certaine esthétique du théâtre contemporain. l''artiste pour pouvoir pleinement apprécier son travail… L''approche critique journalistique du théâtre contemporain n''est pas en reste, ayant trop souvent comme Ainsi, les spectacles de Jan Fabre, mais aussi d''autres,4 souffrent d''une considérer les formes sans un fond qui leur serait attaché est au centre de la critique de Prometheus Landscape II, publiée par Raphaël de Gubernatis pour Le dont ils sont insérés et présentés sur une scène de théâtre, pour ne pas uniquement Par conséquent, le théâtre de Jan Fabre est souvent dénoncé comme « vulgaire » (Cena, 8 Juin 2018), et l''artiste se voit régulièrement qualifié d''imposteur (De Elle est aussi l''exemple que le philosophe Clément Rosset choisit pour développer son concept de « représentation panique » dans moment que l''action elle-même, et n''étant pas, comme c''est presque toujours le cas id: work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa author: Ana Reyes-Menendez title: Marketing challenges in the #MeToo era: gaining business insights using an exploratory sentiment analysis date: 2020 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6j3sxphpijhtldjuxk7ilnosxa.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534071 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:02 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u author: Ana Salzberg title: Book Review: Never Done: A History of Women''s Work in Media Production date: 2018 words: 1239 sentences: 90 pages: 3 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mlkgk3ll2nbfvmz5meghnvkz6u.txt summary: In an essay on the work of film history, Vivian Sobchack In her illuminating book Never Done: A History of Women''s Work in Media Production, Erin women hand-colored films for Edison''s studios) to Hollywood in the 2000s (characterized in commentary in a wealth of sources including studio archives, popular press coverage, memoirs, and her own experiences working in Hollywood, Hill crafts a compelling account that Hill highlights how "women in general had been rooted to a specific, peripheral place at studios, literally and figuratively."8 In chapter 1, for instance, she points to the "fluid, heterosocial work environment" that enabled early filmmakers such as Lois Weber and Margaret association with clerical work."11 Indeed, Hill does much throughout her study to highlight also the successes of studio-era Hollywood women. 4 Erin Hill, Never Done: A History of Women''s Work in Media Production (New Never Done: A History of Women''s Work in Media Production. id: work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe author: Andrés Moya title: Harassment charges: Injustice done?: date: 2018 words: 2096 sentences: 291 pages: 4 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qwmfma3hnjazbl7glz3ja4tnhe.txt summary: e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. ARTICLE TOOLS SUPPLEMENTARY id: work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a author: Angela Sweeney title: A systematic review of qualitative studies of adults'' experiences of being assessed for psychological therapies date: 2019 words: 11217 sentences: 1207 pages: 16 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4v64risoxbfndbwr6qx2ritj7a.txt summary: A systematic review of qualitative studies of adults'' experiences of being assessed for psychological therapies The review was led by people with experience of undergoing assessments, with high levels of client involvement throughout. of people aged 16+ who had been assessed for psychological therapy services. be used to inform an understanding of people''s experiences of psychological assessments. The purpose of this review was to synthesize qualitative research exploring adults'' experiences of undergoing psychological therapy assessments to develop a rich and comprehensive understanding that increases A Service User Advisory Group (SUAG) established the review priorities including focus, literature types and key terms. • Population: adults aged 16+ who have been assessed for a psychological therapy service for their mental health. Around half the studies involved service users/clients in the research process (7/13) and/or Many people had tried different approaches to easing their distress, including traditional psychological and talking therapies, mental health services, alternative therapies and selfhelp. id: work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju author: Angeliki Alvanoudi title: Gender, Language and a Lipstick: Creating Cultural Change in a World of Paradoxes date: 2018 words: 6929 sentences: 785 pages: 12 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nbhpqxeje5c6thfr4und7u6wju.txt summary: Gender, Language and a Lipstick: Creating Cultural Change in a World of Paradoxes feminist language reform in the service of challenging the dominant gender order. Keywords: social gender; grammatical gender; language reform; culture; cognition specifically, the paper targets the role of naming/labeling practices drawing on language and gender language, gender and cognition in talk-in-interaction and addresses issues related to paradoxes 2 and or three class systems, gender assignment in nouns with human reference is sex-based.1 In general, In many Indo-European languages, the masculine gender is used for generic or indefinite reference, between the generic use of the masculine gender and speakers'' strong tendency to interpret referents The use of a default grammatical gender for generic reference is in line with generic use of the feminine gender (at least when most referents are female). In Gender across Languages: The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Edited by id: work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu author: Anita Raj title: Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study date: 2020 words: 8908 sentences: 882 pages: 8 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dw4fes3upjd67hsmsvclktuhxu.txt summary: Background: Sexual harassment of women in academic medicine may impede advancement and productivity. Measures included survey data from 1995 on sexual harassment (predictor), and 2012�2013 data on retention in academic medicine, rank, leadership positions, and refereed effects of sexual harassment on study outcomes, adjusting for socio-demographics, employment-related variables, and gender discrimination. Women seeking advancement may be more vulnerable to sexual harassment in academic medicine vis a vis greater exposure to those who abuse their position of authority. This study builds on previous research by offering the first longitudinal study of sexual harassment among women in academic medicine. discrimination and sexual harassment with academic advancement of women in academic medicine, National Faculty Survey1. Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: A multi-institutional longitudinal study id: work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq author: Ann F. Beach title: #MeToo in Pediatrics date: 2019 words: 2433 sentences: 257 pages: 5 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f3gifiznqnhtldnm2ihjmtdebq.txt summary: I was 1 of 22 women in my medical school class of 96 students, the always told me that anyone could accomplish anything with hard work, and my wanting to be a doctor had never "I want to be a doctor," someone (usually a teacher) said, "Oh, you mean a nurse, don''t you?" woman and a doctor?" I figured there was no way I was going to get accepted there. During my interview with an old, stern, intimidating female doctor, she said, "Out of all the women I have women in medical education is gone? TABLE 1 Women in Medicine Through the Years 1974 Women comprised 22% to total US medical school enrollment. 1974 Women comprised 22% to total US medical school enrollment. 2003 Women made up the majority of medical school classes. medical school is for women, how much id: work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4 author: Ann Werner title: Broadening research in gender and music practice date: 2020 words: 9904 sentences: 789 pages: 16 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_p7htgppejzfyjbs7pcrzep5ay4.txt summary: suggest new routes for research on gender and music practice. The conclusions outline suggestions for broadening research in gender and music practice. Our aim is to critically discuss how ''gender'' is understood and how it is studied in previous research that has been central for this field in order to suggest new The second theme addresses how the idea of music as transformation is troubled by difference and power through intersectional gender theory. Feminist fan studies on audiences of women/girls relating to artists and gender identity have also examined the In a similar way, discussions about the conditions of participants identifying as women in music practice mark them as other, even when the gender, race and class intersecting in their culture as power dynamics because the politics that they are concerned with lie in ''the music itself'' and in the ''talent'' of those who id: work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku author: Ann Werner title: The Smirnoff Equaliser – en feministisk medieintervention för strömmad musik? date: 2020 words: 9002 sentences: 1698 pages: 15 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vnqtcm55kbflrgxugu3ipyusku.txt summary: bara nämna några, har arbetat med utbildningar, nätverkande, stöd till artister och påverkan av nyckelpersoner för att öka representationen av kvinnoidentifierade artister i musikbranschen. Ted Striphas (2015) har argumenterat för att algoritmiska mjukvaruprocesser är en aktiv medskapare av en ojämlik kulturkonsumtion, där algoritmerna som rekommenderar innehåll på Netflix eller Google förstärker och omvandlar sociala grupper utifrån till exempel klass, genus och etnicitet/ras när med syftet att få lyssnare att upptäcka fler kvinnoidentifierade artister: The Smirnoff Equaliser.2 I videon som marknadsför verktyget från mars 2018 säger Spotifys talesperson Tim Syftet är att undersöka vilken sorts feministisk medieintervention (Gill, 2016) The Equaliser presenteras som och hur verktyget placeras in i musiklyssnandets algoritmiska kultur (Morris, 2015; Striphas, 2015). I den här artikeln undersöks ett exempel på när företag marknadsför «jämlika» algoritmer, och använder mjukvara för att arbeta har en position av aktivt handlande, det är Spotify som ska hjälpa kvinnoidentifierade artister att bli mer strömmade genom verktyget The Equaliser, som de skapat med Smirnoff av id: work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym author: Anna Blackwell title: ''#DifferenceMakesUs'': Selling Shakespeare Online (and the Commerce Platform Etsy) date: 2018 words: 6944 sentences: 499 pages: 16 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rqgxxp3q2ngg3aqffjhyox7cym.txt summary: Abstract The mission statement of the online creative commerce platform Etsy declares its commitment to "using the power of business to strengthen communities and empower people". people who operate through platforms such as these as well as Shakespeare''s own depiction of female craft and handcrafted items. broad malleability and adaptability of Shakespeare and allow me to reconnect the opening work of this article on feminist fashion with what Midsummer Night''s Dream, "though she but little, she is fierce" (Shakespeare 1988, III, 2, 335-6). to later Etsy products, however, with its targeting of female Shakespeare ''Shakespeare'' and ''feminist'' produced 105 results and, of those, 80 featured the same line again or derivative variants thereof, including ''she is 3 Women and Craft in Shakespeare''s Plays 3 Women and Craft in Shakespeare''s Plays The potentially expressive value of female craft, be it literal act of making or more figurative uses, is indeed effaced throughout Shakespeare''s URL (2019-03-06). id: work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du author: Anna Geagea title: Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day date: 2019 words: 3322 sentences: 430 pages: 4 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kmm62g3zpvhdhennhsu2j7k7du.txt summary: Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use Sexual and gender harassment of women We suggest ten ways that both men and women can Women are less likely to be sponsored than men, and less Women grand-rounds speakers are less likely than men women and men in their work environments, particularly than peer men, leading to a gender gap in evaluations. women anesthesia trainees during their critical care For both women and men trainees, anticipating and Stereotypical gender expectations impact women through speaker gender gap at critical care conferences. Longitudinal analysis of gender differences in academic feathers'''': gender discrimination in academic medical careers and Advancing women in academic medicine 11 leadership bias in academic medicine with an educational career success for women in academic surgery. Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use every day id: work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba author: Anna Gibson title: Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces date: 2019 words: 10638 sentences: 1021 pages: 15 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wstf2u4pyfaudnpq66hncbucba.txt summary: Free Speech and Safe Spaces: How Moderation Policies Shape Online Discussion Spaces over a 14-month period from two online Reddit forums matched in topic and size, but with differing moderation policies leisure activities, whereas language in the free speech space is relatively negative and angry, and material personal concerns that differences in moderation policies may affect self-censorship and language use in online space, implicating moderation reddit, moderation, online moderation, communication accommodation theory, linguistic style matching, civil discussion, more comments in a safe space than the free speech subreddit. Do moderators delete more comments in r/lgbt, the safe space, than r/ainbow, the free comments in r/lgbt, the safe space, than r/ainbow, the free the free speech space, r/ainbow, differ in overall participation rates by subscribers? speech and safe space subreddits show differences in the commented in free speech space r/ainbow. speech space, users used more words in every comment, id: work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q author: Anna Halafoff title: Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People''s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada date: 2020 words: 7788 sentences: 545 pages: 12 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jpvwhjbgjrc75k2a2ci6ravn2q.txt summary: Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People''s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, the Australian Interaction These three studies revealed that young people negotiate their worldview identities in complex, Keywords: religion; diversity; young people; spirituality; non-religion; complexity; hybridity Young''s and Shipley''s Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada (RGSY) study, and identities of Australian and Canadian Youth—the Interaction study, the Religion, Gender and Sexuality deeply engaged in religious thought and practices, and/or in critiquing religion from a young age. religions and to obfuscate young people''s other worldviews, both religious and non-religious. religion, or spirituality and non-religious worldviews (Halafoff and Gobey 2018). methods, and questions, as well as policy and curricula related to religion, spirituality and young people. Questioning of religion among young people, pertaining to their identity but also, more broadly, Young Australian''s and Canadians are often questioning their own religious, spiritual and/or id: work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y author: Anna Kende title: A Needs-Based Support for #MeToo: Power and Morality Needs Shape Women''s and Men''s Support of the Campaign date: 2020 words: 13524 sentences: 1061 pages: flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y.htm txt: ./txt/work_da2twhsk2nckrausqxvf72iw2y.txt summary: Recent research within the framework of the needs-based model (Hässler et al., 2019) has shown that women''s and men''s powerand morality-related needs, resulting from the perception of their ingroup as a victim or a perpetrator group, are influenced by their system justification motivation (i.e., the motivation to accept and legitimize the societal status quo, Jost and van der Toorn, 2012). In addition, because the #MeToo campaign has questioned the structural inequalities of gender relations, and consistent with Hässler et al.''s (2019) findings, we expected women''s and men''s system justification motivation to determine their power and morality-related needs, their resulting perceptions of the campaign of addressing or threatening these needs, and consequent support for, or opposition to the campaign. Second, we tested the indirect effects of gender system justification on support for the #MeToo campaign mediated by the variables of the needs-based model for men and women separately in each national subsamples using Process macro (Hayes, 2013). id: work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u author: Anna Lee title: Mentorship in Radiation Oncology: Role of Gender Diversity in Abstract Presenting and Senior Author Dyads on Subsequent High-Impact Publications date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 24 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5etrwwoyn5dlfgv34fctbv2f2u.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542618 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi author: Anna U. Morgan title: Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than Naming the "Elephant in the Room" date: 2018 words: 1992 sentences: 192 pages: 3 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mrwuovg6rzh6voedj4how2fubi.txt summary: Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than Naming the "Elephant in the Room" Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than 1Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA; 2Leonard Davis Institute of Gender-based discrimination and bias are widespread in professional settings, including academic Beyond being victims of harassment and overt discrimination, women in academic medicine can also experience subtler M anifestations of gender-based bias against women, in-cluding sexual harassment, discrimination, and inequitable treatment, are common in professional settings. Efforts to directly counteract gender-based bias, in both its implicit forms as well as its overt manifestations, are critical for framework for addressing gender inequity within academic medicine10 and drawing from our experiences as junior members of about hiring and professional advancement, and rigorous research investigation—can help the academic medical community not only name, but also actively address, gender-based bias. 968 Morgan et al.: Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine JGIM id: work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm author: Anna Yates title: Individual and spatial dimensions of women''s fear of crime: a Scandinavian study case date: 2020 words: 10248 sentences: 915 pages: 18 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u4evpyjqkvbenittwzz2qdbgwm.txt summary: Individual and spatial dimensions of women''s fear of crime: A Scandinavian study case Individual and spatial dimensions of women''s fear of crime: A Scandinavian study case women''s fear of crime: a Scandinavian study case, International Journal of Comparative and Individual and spatial dimensions of women''s fear of crime: a investigate individual and spatial dimensions of women''s fear of crime, in Among the most fearful women, poor social contacts in their neighbourhood, rather than fear of crime itself, lead to place avoidance. aspects linked to where women live shape their varied levels of declared fear of crime. reported to feel most unsafe, women''s and men''s fear of crime were first compared on the basis of levels of fear of crime in their neighbourhood than the rest of women in the sample, it is still unclear neighbourhood variables in future intersectional research investigating women''s fear of crime. id: work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe author: Anne Graefer title: Unruly Women and Carnivalesque Countercontrol: Offensive Humor in Mediated Social Protest date: 2018 words: 8526 sentences: 543 pages: 20 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rcgzht4ddfhchg2ss25m5pthxe.txt summary: offensive humor, social protest, women''s march, digital culture, carnivalesque context of social media, offensive political humor advances the so-called echo chambers we argue that the online circulation of humorous (yet offensive) protest posters creates forms of We argue that the Women''s March provides unique insight into how offensive humor can function Women''s March through the online circulation of offensive protest humor. affective political communication, and about how protesters and social media users can grab our the carnivalesque to consider the ambiguous workings of this offensive humor in political protest. The DACA DACA protest poster then uses offensive, bodily humor to produce Trump as a figure of could, for instance, argue that offensive humor works here to undermine the powerful White man compliance, and agreeability (Fox, 1977; Tolman, Impett, Tracy, & Michael, 2006). Returning to the subject of the Women''s March, we argue that offensive humor is a worthy political id: work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta author: Anne J. Jefferson title: Efforts large and small speed science reform date: 2018 words: 2623 sentences: 346 pages: 4 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lnjjqhnofnbppdsikcpk4iw4ta.txt summary: In her Working Life piece "Instagram won''t solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright''s critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy author: Anne Laura Penning title: #wegmit219a date: 2020 words: 3404 sentences: 256 pages: 9 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y57lb5p6ffdlzoyhbtfienacqy.txt summary: A similar feminist protest movement started in Germany in 2017, introducing the hashtag #wegmit219a to voice discontent regarding Germany''s Abortion Act. Almost 30 East and West Germany around 1990 focusing particularly on §219a that prohibits the "promotion" of abortions, therefore e.g. banning any information on of an abortion, current protests and social media movements also centre on that German women getting abortions in the two respective states: in West Germany, abortion remained a criminal offence but was allowed in special cases, West Germany, the abortion law remained more restrictive and closer to the for Protection of Mothers and Sexual Reforms" demanded free access to contraceptives, more information and education services as well the abolishment of the German Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung ("Alliance for Sexual SelfDetermination") to start an online campaign in support of Hänel and other doctors in similar positions. [Penal] Code and free access to information about abortion" ("Weg mit id: work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam author: Antonio Raimondo Di Grigoli title: Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention di Michael Flood, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2018 date: 2019 words: 1455 sentences: 178 pages: 3 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3gnq7pw5l5dk3gqzu7sffuysam.txt summary: Il problema dell''uguaglianza di genere costituisce attualmente uno degli obiettivi primari della nostra società, come sostiene tra gli altri l''Unesco che ha inserito la questione nei confronti dello sradicamento della violenza di genere, da quanto è emerso dalla campagna #metoo, che ci ha spinto a una riflessione sulle possibili strategie da adottare per Il volume si pone come un utile strumento teorico-pratico sulla natura e la dimensione della violenza di genere perpetrata dagli uomini nei confronti delle donne. Nella seconda parte del libro, lo studioso si concentra sulle strategie idonee al coinvolgimento degli uomini per il contrasto della violenza verso le donne, quindi su come "condurre gli uomini alla porta" (get men in the door) (p. Alla domanda su quanti uomini hanno commesso violenza contro le donne, non ci sono molti dati, visto che le indagini tendono più a soffermarsi id: work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4 author: Ario Seto title: Durable Violence in Southeast Asia date: 2019 words: 7531 sentences: 461 pages: 14 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5iujwnqwxfdyvkzlb2hcpvbah4.txt summary: urgency as, despite their progress in the development of institutional democratic practices as a means to provide security, Southeast Asian nations are and cannot be isolated to a certain ideology; actors socialized in non-violent environments can still fall into violence. The normalcy and chronicity of violence are sustained by the emerging ideology of development, through which the state regularly imposes indisputable security to maintain order to create political stability. National Culture Act. In these policies, economic development has become a prominent orientation, if not an ideology, for state actors to incite expeditious stability (2003) are helpful in identifying how the state responds to violence, the contributions exemplify that there are practices, or enduring mechanisms, such as the public The articles in these issues advise that durable violence operates through machinery, may that be through the state apparatus (Kreuzer, The nation-state and violence. Retrieved from state-conflict-violence-asia/ state-conflict-violence-asia/ id: work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi author: Asha S George title: Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls'' sexual and reproductive health date: 2020 words: 5691 sentences: 1068 pages: 5 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yvi37ny47jgxdlqybdw4a7hgfi.txt summary: Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls'' sexual and reproductive health structural drivers that underpin the political economy of gender power relations, say Asha George and markets—that replicate gender inequality, which in turn influences health exposures, vulnerabilities, access to services, how structural determinants underpin gender power relations and shape adolescent girls sexual and reproductive health. women.34 Gender norms that support early structural forms of gender power relations using the example of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls. reproductive health of adolescent girls. reproductive health of adolescent girls. tackle gender inequalities in health experienced by individuals, families, and communities, but a broader understanding of Gender-based inequities in health commission on social determinants of health women norm change for adolescent sexual and reproductive of adolescent girls and young women : why does it of adolescent girls and young women : why does it id: work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye author: Ashley Dawson title: Introduction date: 2019 words: 3312 sentences: 188 pages: 9 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gcfp2equkrgx7kdqacbgbey6ye.txt summary: hen Donald Trump unveiled his America First Energy Plan while on the campaign have helped legitimate Trump''s rollback of Obama-era efforts to fight climate change, but But Trump''s promises to the failing coal industry have proven to be hollow. promises to revive coal have failed, since they are incoherent: his American First Energy Plan promises support for natural gas as well as coal, despite the fact that the former is the Trump''s hyper-nationalism actually serves the interests of a corrupt ruling oligarchy. Trump''s hyper-nationalism is a very thin fig-leaf covering the monstrous appetites of a selfinterested, globe-trotting elite. Donald Trump''s public persona was crafted during this era of capitalist crisis, racist and radical movements of various stripes in the US and in Italy and other European nations. the politically inspired transnational turn in American Studies but also the public support "Trump Promised to Bring Back Coal Jobs. "Trump''s Pursuit of "American Energy Dominance" Threatens the id: work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa author: Astrid Treffry-Goatley title: What Does It Mean to Be a Young African Woman on a University Campus in Times of Sexual Violence? A New Moment, a New Conversation date: 2018 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_trt3kgqpxzgohejb7nibkbiuqa.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541514 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm author: Athena Athanasiou title: On the politics of queer resistance and survival: Athena Athanasiou in conversation with Vassiliki Kolocotroni and Dimitris Papanikolaou date: 2018 words: 6344 sentences: 360 pages: 25 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vacrhh6tavdzvab3hvalmhokrm.txt summary: On the politics of queer resistance and survival On the politics of queer resistance and survival: Athena academics from universities in and outside Greece.2 A queer activist and drag performer new forms of ''togetherness'' as deeply queer engagements: intersectional, non-normative, For me, ''new queer Greece'' registers a critical desire to displace queer feminist decolonial politics. queer subjects, a question that emerges – although not really addressed and productively recognition might involve also the question whether there can be a queer politics and need to work through right now is alternative political, ethical and affective structures of AA: Your wonderful question makes me think of how to bring work on queer theory, the question for critical queer theorizing is how to address and counteract the epistemological and how to mobilize the critical capacity of queer politics in multivalent ways that enable ——— (2005), In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, New id: work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy author: Banu Bargu title: The Political Encounter with Louis Althusser: date: 2019 words: 1580 sentences: 227 pages: 4 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xr7p3p5mnzgiff6uf4i4c373cy.txt summary: To cite this article: Banu Bargu & Robyn Marasco (2019) The Political Encounter with Louis This special issue presents a collection of essays on the work of Louis Althusser. As Marx''s writings once again move into the mainstream of political debate and discourse, the positions that Althusser stakes out in reading Marx to Althusser''s thought and his celebrated concept of ideology, and while "democratic socialism" comes back into political vogue, the moment seems ripe for a reassessment of his works. For us, what remains so compelling about Althusser''s philosophy is the specific relationship it establishes to politics. political insights in Althusser''s work, especially in light of the contemporary these essays suggest the primacy of politics in the encounter with Althusser. Every encounter with Althusser is a political encounter. of his life or his times or even his Marxism but because we believe, with Althusser, Political Encounter with Althusser 241 id: work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom author: Barbara Braid title: Mad, Bad and Dangerous: Queering Lizzie Borden in Lizzie (2018) date: 2020 words: 10246 sentences: 714 pages: 25 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mciguh3vjnfa3i3j6tc6gtdkom.txt summary: known in queer cinema, this article discusses the famous suspect in this case, Lizzie Borden character (Chloë Sevigny) is queered in this film – not just by her lesbian relationship with Keywords: adaptation, Bryce Kass, lesbian, Lizzie Borden, Lizzie, Craig Macneill, neoVictorian, queer, textualisation. Lizzie Borden is a particularly elusive, queer spectre of late nineteenthcentury Massachusetts. The queering of Lizzie Borden''s figure that this film replicates the Borden case frequently paired Lizzie''s murderousness with queer hints at Lizzie''s relationships with women and includes scenes of lesbian 2. Macneill''s Lizzie: Lesbian Readings and Queer Re-Readings But Lizzie''s and Bridget''s queer fantasy of queer Lizzie in Macneill''s film is especially attractive as it seems the story of Lizzie Borden make her narrative a queer spectre of the past – alibi, then the lesbian reading of Lizzie''s and Bridget''s relationship – as one cinematic motif in general and of Lizzie Borden as a queer figure in id: work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui author: Barbara Burgess Wilkerson title: Preparing Millennials as Digital Citizens and Socially and Environmentally Responsible Business Professionals in a Socially Irresponsible Climate date: 2018 words: 9696 sentences: 825 pages: 20 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vyvw2atejvg7zatztdauotraui.txt summary: Preparing Millennials as Digital Citizens and Socially and Environmentally Responsible Business Professionals in a Socially Irresponsible Climate of millennials as digital, environmental and socially responsible global citizens. Business Communications students can critically explore how socially responsible corporations can current events in education relevant to preparing millennials for professional business communications. problem-solving to promote responsible digital citizenship, environmental sustainability and social Lessons in digital citizenship in business communications can also include analyzing the impact of spark thinking about social responsibility, environmental sustainability and digital citizenship. politically oriented current events may lead students to think critically about policy issues (Yob, 2013). become ethical business professionals and excellent, socially responsible global citizens (Weybrecht, millennials for professional business communications include focusing on the students'' individual voice Literature Review of Socially Responsible Digital Citizenship Business Communications Pedagogy literature review, we find a need for additional socially responsible citizenship education in business id: work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u author: Berit Ås title: The feminist university date: 1985 words: 10054 sentences: 1045 pages: 28 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cd6tqfin3va7ploxwb54gafk7u.txt summary: To cite this article: Araby Smyth, Jess Linz & Lauren Hudson (2019): A feminist coven in the the catastrophe of the neoliberal university, in the form of a feminist coven. world we inhabit, this article introduces and welcomes you into our experiments with autonomous feminist spaces inside academia. contributors echo through the three empirical sections that follow, illustrating how the feminist coven communicates, works, and imagines. We conjured the feminist coven in spaces of our universities. and all people who identify as women and men), though the call for contributions stated that we wanted to hear from feminist graduate students, not My feminist coven involves a world where women run the Nobel Committee (see A call for contributions to the project "A Feminist Coven in the University": https://docs. Araby Smyth (PhD candidate in Geography at University of Kentucky) is a feminist economic geographer broadly interested in the gendered dimensions of economic and political practices. id: work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq author: Bertjan Verbeek title: Contested Issues Surrounding Populism in Public and Academic Debates date: 2019 words: 8530 sentences: 798 pages: 17 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a6cbjq7h5vgqrckwbxrclnfpdq.txt summary: Contested Issues Surrounding Populism in Public and Academic Debates European context, populist parties are now found across the left/right political spectrum. views populism, one could argue that populist leaders rule Bolivia, Ecuador, Hungary, If we look at aggregate numbers, populist radical right parties were First, all populist parties share a notion of the pure people versus the corrupt elite. the position taken by any political movement or party, hence also of populists. parties and governments to move closer to populist positions. and German left-wing populist parties are often critical of EU integration on economic Rather populist movements that combine populism with an attached ideology Of course, the rise of populist parties was not the case across all Western European International politics offers new ideologies to combine with populism''s thin-centred definition of the pure people and the corrupt elite; and c) the specific ideology a populist party id: work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm author: Bhushan Patwardhan title: Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? date: 2009 words: 6302 sentences: 725 pages: 8 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_chqov3upb5b4rim24gngi5d4qm.txt summary: Drug discovery strategies based on natural products and traditional medicines are re-emerging as formulations and botanical drug products with robust scientific evidence can also be alternatives. reverse pharmacology approach, inspired by traditional medicine and Ayurveda, can offer a smart strategy for new drug candidates to facilitate discovery process and also for the development of rational We suggest that traditional medicine may offer better routes to the discovery, development and delivery of new drugs with enhanced performance in national network project known as New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), has instigated drug development projects on psoriasis, osteoarthritis, hepatitis and diabetes project to develop herbal vaccine adjuvants using a reverse pharmacology approach based on Ayurveda and other studies [33,34] traditional medicine-based drug development [44]. (2004) Ayurveda and natural products drug discovery. Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? id: work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54 author: Bonnie Mann title: The Promise of Feminist Philosophy date: 2019 words: 3352 sentences: 177 pages: 7 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jlydj25lzzcplbkc4lzz23oz54.txt summary: 3 (Summer 2019) © by Hypatia, Inc. The Promise of Feminist Philosophy Sara Ahmed begins Living a Feminist Life with a reflection on the word "feminism," Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, it was the power of that promise that compelled us. If Hypatia is to realize its better nature, however, we must be willing to acknowledge that the word "feminism" has a complex and self-contradictory history. and intensifies tensions around the word "feminism." Racism, colonial control, reinforcement of modes of material inequality, political exclusion, and social sanction Although this history reflects admirable efforts to create space for scholarship produced at the margins of feminist philosophy and the discipline more broadly, it is not The new editorial team of Hypatia is the most diverse in its history, philosophically, demographically, and in terms of our professional age/status in the discipline From women''s strikes to a new class movement: The third feminist id: work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq author: Brian Owens title: Tightening sanctions for physician sexual misconduct date: 2018 words: 945 sentences: 75 pages: 2 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zxsg5wwzs5c6fcul3j6ecrcrcq.txt summary: Tightening sanctions for physician sexual misconduct guilty of sexual misconduct with patients. mandatory penalties, require more transparency from regulatory colleges and Under the proposed legislation, doctors or other health professionals found public websites that include their members'' disciplinary history for sexual abuse and sexual misconduct, including conditions on practice permits. Alberta, says the college is on board with has recently been pushing for stiffer penalties for sexual misconduct. penalties for sexual misconduct. introduce laws aimed specifically at protecting patients from sexual abuse. bill signed into law in California in September requires doctors on disciplinary probation for sexual misconduct and Tightening sanctions for physician sexual Patients in physician waiting rooms often have no idea about the disciplinary histories of the up their doctor," says Hill. sexual misconduct that the issue has not "From a patient''s perspective, is the fact that a doctor had previous disciplinary problems as important as id: work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a author: Brooke Dresden title: The Boys Club: Engineering a More Positive Environment for Women in Male-Dominated Majors date: 2018 words: 6712 sentences: 544 pages: 11 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4mqysm6yveytmjcexjo3njr3a.txt summary: a group task with a female confederate leader serving as a gender threat in half the conditions, and had a gender threat condition will be more aggressive toward their female leader, report more negative affect, and perceive their female leader as less effective than men in a low gender threat condition male-dominated majors will be more aggressive toward their female leader, have more negative affect, three groups, suggesting that as a gender threat is introduced to men from male-dominated majors, among men in male-dominated majors who had received a gender threat (B = −0.83, t(31) = −1.83, participants from male-dominated majors who had received a gender threat perceived their leader For men from male-dominated majors who experienced a high gender threat, higher self-reported behavioral aggression scores, the gender threat impacted men from male-dominated majors on a scale the gender threat created by female leaders in male-dominated environments. id: work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q author: Brooke Garceau title: Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence date: 2020 words: 2864 sentences: 184 pages: 7 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hltjjjomozbxlgqkb7rrhsmr5q.txt summary: Keywords: mental health, feminism, narrative, scribes, history of english, middle ages, justice, sexual violence, english language, chancery The main texts for the current analysis are Chancerystyle court petitions of three women all named Isabelle. several Chancery-style petitions written on behalf of women who were raped, Since Chancery English resulted in more direct, effective prose, women of which documents the benefits of narrative in healing from sexual trauma: the murder of Isabell by her husband John Carpenter of Sussex," "Petition all three women in these petitions share the first name Isabell, they will be Analysis: Detailed Stories of Trauma Written in Chancery Prose The stories of each of these women written in Chancery-style petitions record thing to future women that Isabell''s murderer did to her, the petition seeks Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence Chancery English Empowering Women Against Violence id: work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4 author: Bun-Hee Lee title: #Me Too Movement; It Is Time That We All Act and Participate in Transformation date: 2018 words: 719 sentences: 68 pages: 1 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aa65gsgalzc2ddjeqqqn6ln7b4.txt summary: sexual harassment and assault.1 #MeToo spread on social magnitude of problems with sexual harassment and assault, among U.S. academic medical faculty members reported experiencing sexual harassment.2 Other reported that 60% of with sexual abuse or harassment at work. confrontation between genders does not help solve the problem with sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. Other is a wrong prejudice; when the problem with sexual harassment is accused, it is sometimes regarded as an accuser''s the norms surrounding sexual harassment in workplaces. One of them is the agreement that sexual harassment (not It requires policies, education, and training to accomplish behaviors are sexual harassment or gender bias, and when she or he experiences or observes sexual harassment or gender Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for Available at: #Me Too Movement; It Is Time That We All Act and Maum & Maum Psychiatric Clinic, Seoul, Republic of Korea id: work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee author: Børge Sivertsen title: Sexual harassment and assault among university students in Norway: a cross-sectional prevalence study date: 2019 words: 10507 sentences: 4249 pages: 10 flesch: 87 cache: ./cache/work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e32n2fwnmzadddybk4aho2vgee.txt summary: university students in Norway: a crosssectional prevalence study Norway (the SHoT study (Students'' Health and Wellbeing sexual contact was the most prevalent form of harassment, followed by rape or rape attempt. In the current study sexual harassment was assessed Women reported substantially more sexual harassment than men (lifetime: aged 18–20 years reported any form of sexual harassment during the last 12 months, the corresponding Figure 2 Proportion of students across age groups reporting sexual harassment in the past year. compared with women reported being sexually harassed students (24.2%) reported lifetime sexual harassment of Being one of the first studies of this magnitude on the prevalence of sexual harassment conducted after the #MeToo college and university students experience sexual harassment. study shows that there are still many students who experience some form of sexual harassment from a person in Sexual harassment and assault among university students in Norway: a cross-sectional prevalence study id: work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu author: C Lee Ventola title: Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: Therapeutic or Toxic? date: 2011 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2xcu3roivdh3g2ut6bcwnnteu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542452 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q author: C R Joyce title: "Me-toos," "me-agains," and the risk of drugs date: 1980 words: 1795 sentences: 235 pages: 2 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ztjhcyci2vcg7e2jmq4z4qda7q.txt summary: "Me-toos," "me-agains," and the risk of drugs continually increasing time needed to bring a new drug to support of the research base by working to preserve the market cause a major toxic effect-usually tumorigenesis-in a laboratory species or in an epidemiological study rightly requires an about 15 or 20 years or even more; so, not surprisingly, epidemiological methods have been brought to bear on drug problems Drug-effect epidemiology Nevertheless, some drug-effect epidemiology of recent vintage seems Surely investigating alleged drug-related illness requires the acquiring the disease is increased by taking the drug, but it can an estimate of any increase in the risk of acquiring the disease who are ill are more likely than those who are not to have taken drugs. The anaesthetist in the accident and emergency service The basic training of the anaesthetist in the operating room is accident and emergency services and departments (fig 1). skilled emergency care. id: work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm author: C. W. Anderson title: From Value to Values, from Field to Discipline: Understanding Journalistic Culture in the 21st Century date: 2020 words: 3853 sentences: 272 pages: 8 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ojwc5xgqkva53hhnkl7itmsvmm.txt summary: public conversations about journalism in the first two decades of the internet era were primarily oriented toward questions of "value," a series of political shocks have called into Keywords: Journalism studies; mass media; political protest; sociology; values. Elizabeth Hansen (Harvard University) also looks at the manner in which journalistic values have shifted in the digital age, this time through the lens of "digital disruption," which, in The changes in the study of news and journalism over the past two decades has been remarkable, and those of us entering the discipline in the early 2000s have been able to witness the Given all this, the second aim this symposium call is to critically reflect upon the relationship between sociology and journalism studies in the opening decades of the twenty-first century, a highly appropriate goal given the presence of these articles in an internationally oriented id: work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga author: C. Wieser title: Pure red cell aplasia after treatment of renal anaemia with epoetin theta date: 2013 words: 3040 sentences: 450 pages: 4 flesch: 30 cache: ./cache/work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i4syyk3brjbf5djoodjrzptkga.txt summary: Pure red cell aplasia after treatment of renal anaemia Keywords: anti-erythropoietin antibodies; biopharmaceuticals; pure red cell aplasia The introduction of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) appeared to be a milestone, enabling physicians to avoid red antibody-mediated, pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). resistance to therapy with ESAs and detection of neutralizing antibodies against erythropoietin. anti-erythropoietin antibodies using radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP), with negative results (Laborinstitut Prof. Subsequently, the patient changed to a different dialysis centre, where he was switched to epoetin beta. 2012, we repeated the test for anti-erythropoietin antibodies in two different laboratories: (i) Laborinstitut Prof. administration of any ESA and switched the patient to major causes have been identified: (i) changes to the threedimensional (3D) structure of the protein (protein aggregation) and (ii) route of administration. Antibodymediated pure red cell aplasia in chronic kidney disease agents and antibody-mediated pure red-cell aplasia: here are antibody-mediated pure red cell aplasia after treatment id: work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy author: CASS R. SUNSTEIN title: Growing outrage date: 2018 words: 7849 sentences: 551 pages: 16 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fn2uml77urffroedxitevmsnfy.txt summary: norms, which leads people to express outrage that they had previously Outrage about the Harvard Law School seal was connected with pre-existing judgments about race and racism. People with certain political or religious convictions, or simply painful experiences, might just shut up, even if they are outraged. people will reveal pre-existing preferences and values, which norms had successfully suppressed. Jon Elster emphasizes that social norms are "sustained by the feelings of embarrassment, anxiety, guilt, and shame that a person suffers at the prospect of many people within a population object to discrimination, but because of existing norms, they do not say or do anything. their outrage and personal opposition to the norm, but also the existence of compare it to a personal injury case, which (in most people''s view) involves norm is revised, they speak or act differently, perhaps expressing outrage, Most people are not outraged by the nonexistence of a social norm id: work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq author: CLAUDIA ANDRADE ECCHIO title: NARRATIVA VISUAL PRODUCIDA POR MUJERES EN LATINOAMÉRICA: EL AUTOCÓMIC COMO ESPACIO DE CUESTIONAMIENTO Y DENUNCIA date: 2019 words: 6279 sentences: 838 pages: 24 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_crfw4qv7tvhrleh6ueynevg7mq.txt summary: partir del análisis de los discursos que el yo-enunciador Segundo, que estas narrativas del yo surgen frente al fracaso de los Tercero, que en la medida que las formas del espacio biográfico la comprensión por parte del lector que está frente a una enunciación factual tener, que expresan una actitud del sujeto ante la acción verbal (Álvarez, 2001; Filinich, 1998). autobiográfico, el yo-enunciador se permea a través de los discursos que a partir de la elección del yo-gráfico así como de los discursos que articula el yoenunciador. que evidencian y discuten por medio del yo-enunciador y el yo-gráfico, en tapujos por medio de un diario íntimo, en el que la apuesta del yo-enunciador critican abiertamente la forma en que las mujeres han sido representadas por ejercicio— de los hombres; por otro, a partir de estrategias que buscan poner de corte autobiográfico una instancia única para que las ilustradoras posicionen id: work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24 author: Camila Arbuet Osuna title: Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism date: 2020 words: 14777 sentences: 1900 pages: 35 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y43dcmbarnh45henwdoap3mo24.txt summary: de ellas es la del feminismo negro, que ha pensado específicamente las políticas las políticas sexuales o del activismo prosexo que, a través de sus historias de que enuncia como propios (aunque muy eficaz para los verdaderos: las que le ocurre a otras personas, sino una cara constitutiva de los temores del es una tentación permanente para las formas hegemónicas del feminismo, tal como lo pregona Davis (2016), hacia una triple abolición que incluye los de los feminismos que la de las olas delimitadas por el reclamo de ciertos a su vez, por devorar una parte del movimiento, dado que un sector —una una vuelta constante a los "estados del agravio" (Brown, 1995/2019) y a las del habla; así como de una vuelta a lo que la criminología feminista viene por los trabajos que esta corriente se ha tomado para revisar cómo la punición sexuales; pero si, como hace Rita Segato, entendemos que esta forma de violencia id: work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm author: Carl Gershman title: The United Nations and the New World Order date: 1993 words: 6086 sentences: 425 pages: 8 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7yebzilwt5bh3drqsaz4x2trgm.txt summary: The ef􀅮icacy of the United Nations in a new world order The United Nations is an international body that was established in 1945, after the Second World War. The idea United Nations, as an international peacekeeping organisation (Editors, 2018). role of Non-State Actors in the domestic and internal policies and actions of a nation. ''War on Terror'' is a dire consequence of a group or an individual challenging nation-state (Shukla, 2006). This article is a research initiative and an attempt to understand the functioning of the United Nations and the implementation of its policies, and its role in the global order as a Though the United Nations and its peacekeeping mission was successful in bringing the war to an In the case of Sierra Leone, the United Nations was successful in bringing an end to the con􀅭lict in the United nations peacekeeping and civilian protection in civil war. id: work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu author: Carmel Borg title: Gramsci, Religion and Education as Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Discourse date: 2002 words: 5148 sentences: 287 pages: 7 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_27uah4x2arevxn4qmp4eqcjkqu.txt summary: Research has shown that the institutions and ideologies behind hegemonic society''s laws, educational system, and religions, how they directly affect LGBTQ+ youth, this paper critically examines these institutions using both the traditional the role of teachers, peers, and parents are all considered when discussions of ''coming out'' or sexual education is brought to Furthermore, in an attempt to understand the coexistence of LGBTQ+ youth and religious education, comparisons further study this topic in order to create a more inclusive, safe, and accepting society for all sexualities and gender identities. LGBTQ+ community is not ''the norm'' in hegemonic society. order to provide LGBTQ+ youth with the necessary spaces The LGBTQ+ youth of today are not accepted and supported of support for LGBTQ+ youth in school, the damages that LGBTQ+ sexual education topics, this at-risk group faces a LGBTQ+ Youth and Religious Education When LGBTQ+ youth supports are put into place in society, id: work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu author: Carol Iannone title: Excuse Us for Living date: 2019 words: 2228 sentences: 117 pages: 6 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ie7s75xmobc2tax2dx4d4g2dwu.txt summary: Come to think of it, what about the Trojan Horses the academic world has Carol Iannone is editor-at-large of Academic Questions, 12 East 46th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017; a liberal America and a conservative America—there is the United States of A Duke professor got in trouble for suggesting that Chinese students take Kimball explains in the March 2019 New Criterion, "i.e., the expulsion of whites some extent, "Reforming Higher Education: Victories, Advances, and NAS president Peter Wood has written a diversity pledge now operative throughout the California State University 2018, the San Diego State President and the Academic Senate approved new feature, "Queer Criminology: New Directions in Academic Irrelevance," Moving to our Articles section in this issue, readers interested in Russian Jason Stanley''s new book, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and "Race, Crime, and Culture," his contribution to our winter 2018 special feature id: work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve author: Carol K. Hall title: A ChemE Grows in Brooklyn date: 2020 words: 14016 sentences: 3846 pages: 26 flesch: 90 cache: ./cache/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dtff2dbmbfbyjfmqbifwf32lve.txt summary: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, with expectations typical for the times, to a chemical engineering professor college and graduate school training in physics, my postdoc years in chemistry, and my subsequent transformation into a chemical engineering faculty Over time, my interests evolved to focus on applying molecule-level computer simulations to systems of interest to chemical engineers, e.g., hydrocarbons and polymers. Tom and I went to graduate school in physics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. in Systems with Competing Interactions," examined how the relative strengths and ranges of repulsions and attractions in lattice gas models of fluids determine the types of phases (solid, liquid, again gave a seminar at Princeton, but this time to the Chemical Engineering Department. What was it like being the first female professor in the ChemE Department at Princeton was invited to give a seminar in Princeton''s Chemical Engineering Department by my good friend id: work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4 author: Caroline Ash title: Books for budding scientists date: 2018 words: 6514 sentences: 822 pages: 8 flesch: 75 cache: ./cache/work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w3l2uvcxf5grzjux57kz4w63p4.txt summary: coral nurseries, this year''s fi nalists for the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prizes for Excellence in Science Books dare to go where few children''s titles have gone before. celebrates high-quality children''s science books. AAAS/SUBARU SB&F PRIZES FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE BOOKS conveyed in My First Book of Quantum Physics, an illustrated guide for children 8 and What Makes You Scratch, Anita Sanchez, Illustrated by Gilbert Ford, HMH Books for Young Guyton, Quarry Books, 2018, 144 pp.A human-pooch foot race teaches young readers how to create a repeatable experiment. YOUNG ADULT SCIENCE BOOK Email: 3The reviewer is a senior editor at Science. Email: 7The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. Email: 8The reviewer is the letters editor at Science. 12The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. 12The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. Email: 15The reviewer is an associate editor at Science. id: work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja author: Caroline Fredrickson title: The Lingering Wage Gap from Rosie the Riveter to #MeToo date: 2018 words: 1716 sentences: 133 pages: 3 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wjlskq2pqzgrrjta7u25bbqvja.txt summary: equal pay, child care, and community centers for wage-earning women – lost immediacy as men''s and women''s wages would have a signifi cant and positive impact. We have all heard the statistic: women earn only 77% of men''s wages in the And sadly, women''s wages have gained relative to men''s earnings in large K e s s l e r H a r r i s : Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States, New York and Oxford 1982, Oxford University Press, p. • Women are 63% of minimum-wage workers. According to Equal Rights Advocates, an advocacy group working for low-wage women, over the women make up the majority of the workforce earning such small wages. women who earn the subminimum wage paid to tipped employees have their pay stuck at $2.13 women and their families disproportionately, as would paying comparable wages for jobs of id: work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy author: Cassandra Jones title: Overview and Analysis of Research Studies on Gender-based Violence Among UK University Students and Staff date: 2020 words: 5757 sentences: 608 pages: 27 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ex4k7qbvubcvnemz5mga75pjuy.txt summary: Overview and Analysis of Research Studies on Gender-based Violence Among UK university responses to GBV but on the research processes used by studies to investigate unpublished) conducted in the UK on SV and DVA among university students and staff. • Studies that focused on SV and/or DVA among university students and/or staff 2) (sexual violence or sexual assault or sexual harassment) AND (university students • Category of study authors: academic, within universities student Two studies that focused on SV included queries about DVA, one conducted by students'' Out of the 13 SV studies that used quantitative survey tools, eight measured sexual DVA studies looked at victimisation and perpetration. Some studies asked students about their alcohol/drug use and the perpetrators'' use. No study could be located that investigated SV and DVA among university staff. validated tools to elicit information about sexual violence and none of the DVA studies id: work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi author: Cat Drew title: Design for data ethics: using service design approaches to operationalize ethical principles on four projects date: 2018 words: 8678 sentences: 1261 pages: 16 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zzjysdwn3bcopg3nt3offuxewi.txt summary: Design for data ethics: using service design approaches to operationalize ethical principles on four projects is helping to shape ethical data science projects that are delivering benefits for the public. The initial Data Ethics Framework was published in beta form as it needs iteration: as technology 4. Reflections on the personal use of service design approaches in four data been applying service design approaches to data projects to ensure that they deliver impact. Four ways in which service design approaches can raise awareness and communicate of the opportunities of data to The value of a service design approach to ''wrap around'' a data project The value of a service design approach to ''wrap around'' a data project Reflections on personal use of service design approaches in four data projects Reflections on personal use of service design approaches in four data projects id: work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y author: Catherine Reyes-Housholder title: Chile 2018: desafíos al poder de género desde la calle hasta La Moneda date: 2019 words: 10532 sentences: 1608 pages: 26 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jogzmlhynnbvpgcq3uy5czve6y.txt summary: desigual que viven las mujeres y la diversidad sexual, emplazando a los poderes Asimismo, se plantea que es fundamental analizar los orígenes y consecuencias del "año del feminismo" en Chile, pues las demandas feministas enriquecen los hombres para ejercer poder y ha sido utilizado por las activistas feministas. Chile que no había tenido lugar desde la lucha de las mujeres en contra de la de género, entre los que se destacan proyectos alusivos a la violencia contra las Los partidos Liberal y Radical en Chile, como anticipaban que las mujeres votantes apoyarían Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de Ser política en Chile: las feministas y los partidos. "Mayo feminista en Chile: análisis de las demandas, los repertorios y la orgánica del movimiento". Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de Recuperado el 10 de agosto de 2019 de 2019 de id: work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi author: Catherine So-kum Tang title: Sexual harassment of Chinese college students date: 1996 words: 4017 sentences: 311 pages: 4 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cxszail6dzbl7f2xfoficzylzi.txt summary: is on college students as victims of academic sexual harassment. Index Terms—Aca demia, sexual harassment, Chinese college, A study on academic se xual harassment is of great concern harassment on college students , especially in main land of Chinese college fro m the perspective of power discipline of When college students faced academic se xual In college, fa mily, and society, students are being body, facing of sexual harassment by their teachers or leaders of university, Chinese college students dare not challenge the First, the harasser have power in college, so that their Foucault of academic se xual harassment in Ch inese college, academic se xual harassment, it is hoped that this study will academic sexual harassment in Chinese college. academic sexual harassment in Chinese college. A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College A. Au, " Sexual harassment of Chinese College id: work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a author: Celia T. Bardwell-Jones title: Introduction to Indigenizing and Decolonizing Feminist Philosophy date: 2020 words: 9092 sentences: 492 pages: 16 flesch: 38 cache: ./cache/work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_75qpmqfq3vh5vin5cctunlrm3a.txt summary: A Hypatia issue dedicated to Indigenizing and decolonizing feminist philosophy is challenges of creating a space within feminist philosophy for Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies informs the trajectory of this special issue, keeping in view the in making space for Indigenous feminism in feminist philosophy. that the authors who have contributed to this special issue center Indigenous scholarship as their starting point in developing philosophical frameworks that address concerns within settler contexts. Ultimately, settler colonialism seeks to perpetuate a deep erasure, an eradication of Indigenous presence and its cultural claims to the land. Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the Long View, "decolonization studies emphasize the ways that colonization and decolonization are timespecific and land-specific" (Smith, Tuck, and Yang 2019, xi). Decolonizing methods and practices in feminist philosophy would necessarily involve ensuring that Indigenous culture and presence become oceanic literacies, Indigenous and decolonizing futurities for feminist philosophy need id: work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze author: Chantelle Gray Van Heerden title: Between Hashtagging and Hashtrending: Counterculture, Dissent and Aesthetic Politics date: 2018 words: 5930 sentences: 411 pages: 13 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zoil45eqqbf6njqdizhq2wpoze.txt summary: be seen as part of the ongoing rise of right-wing populism that has marked world politics for at least the to protest the increased clampdowns and violence is hashtag politics and activism. challenge to existing structural arrangements and in terms of countercultural political aesthetics. events become adept in developing what Deleuze and Guattari refer to as collective assemblages of politics have the potential to produce new collective assemblages of enunciation according to the new social and the political; and to the idea of a city-state defined by its common good is opposed – the State and police – create specific collective assemblages enforced through machinic desire, it is Ethico-aesthetics is a form of prefigurative politics,5 creating "Society: The politics of hashtag activism." Dawn, 13 May 2017, "How Black Lives Matter moved from a hashtag to a real political force." The id: work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q author: Charlotte Beyer title: "Seeing the Actual Physical Betty Kane": Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey''s The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo date: 2019 words: 7546 sentences: 498 pages: 21 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kql36joptzee3finuhxmaq526q.txt summary: "Seeing the Actual Physical Betty Kane": Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey''s The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo Reading the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey''s The Franchise Affair in the Age representing female sexuality and social class in the late Golden Age crime Josephine Tey''s late Golden Age novel, The Franchise Affair (1948),1 is often read as and representation of the schoolgirl villain/victim Betty Kane: character (the fille fatale Betty Kane, and to reclaim the novel by studying it through a contemporary In The Franchise Affair, Tey uses the crime genre''s conventions to scrutinise the Here, Betty''s Kane''s fille fatale performance of sexual innocence is presented as the courtroom that the female victim/villain at the heart of The Franchise Affair is The Franchise Affair''s intense scrutiny of Betty Kane''s physical appearance in the the Fille Fatale in Josephine Tey''s The Franchise Affair in the Age of #metoo. id: work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e author: Charlotte Knowles title: Beauvoir on Women''s Complicity in Their Own Unfreedom date: 2019 words: 12327 sentences: 718 pages: 25 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_chbt3ffttzecvoep4h2nyh7e3e.txt summary: complicity in terms of seventeenth-century accounts of slavery and republican freedom, which emphasizes the dependent situation of women as the primary cause of women''s complicity, although she develops this analysis through the lens of seventeenth-century accounts of slavery and republican freedom.6 James argues that for Beauvoir, as for the republican theorist, "freedom can only exist between equals who are not In examining Beauvoir''s understanding of complicity, I shall argue that her appreciation of the way situation can limit our freedom is far closer to Heidegger''s understanding than to Sartre''s.16 One sees this, for example, in Beauvoir''s use of Focusing on the Heideggerian strands of Beauvoir''s analysis will enable us to systematize her account of situation with the idea of woman''s active complicity, giving a contra Sartre, who concludes from this "the absolute freedom of human consciousness" (Gothlin 2003, 51), Beauvoir develops a more nuanced account, closer to Heidegger''s understanding. id: work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu author: Chiara Cooper title: Article – Speaking the Unspeakable? Nicola Lacey''s Unspeakable Subjects and Consent in the Age of #MeToo date: 2018 words: 10643 sentences: 889 pages: 19 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rolr2obd3neexa6t2qdfvmijmu.txt summary: look to the ways in which wider society comprehends sexual consent and responds to women''s The sexual assault verses bad sex debate that became evident in response to Grace''s story particularly if we consider the ideas of choice and freedom as they relate to sexual consent. The legal understanding of consent, rape and sexual abuse, fails to reflect coercive, like Grace''s experience, and those which involve consented to unwanted sex. When thinking about new conceptualisations of sexual consent, Lacey''s (last accessed 12 December 2018). Available at: (last accessed 12 December 2018). Consent in the Criminal Law of Rape'' in Munro, V and Stychin, C (eds) Sexuality and the Available at: (last accessed 15 December 2018). Impett, EA and Peplau, LA (2002) ''Why Some Women Consent to Unwanted Sex with a (last accessed 12 December 2018). Available at: (last accessed 12 December 2018). id: work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4 author: Christina Reithmeier title: Spatialities, Social Media and Sentiment Analysis: Exploring the Potential of the Detection Tool SentiStrength date: 2018 words: 5480 sentences: 428 pages: 12 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ooc22yw4undevd5gkw5wapert4.txt summary: SentiStrength, a tool for sentiment analysis in geographic research. the SentiStrength online application to conduct our sentiment analysis. sentiment analysis, SentiStrength, Twitter, hashtags, construction of space social media platforms provide an unprecedented opportunity to collect and analyse finegrained data about socio-spatial actions. In our explorative study, we focus on sentiment analysis as a method for detecting opinions and sentiment in social media on certain topics (Thelwall et al., 2011). case study: a brief explorative analysis of tweets that tagged Frankfurt''s Ostend (2017) used sentiment analysis of data from social media to identify latent sentiment analysis to detect spatial constructions on Twitter. programming skills, data collection via the Twitter API and the classification of the tweets Spatial construction of Frankfurt''s Ostend in social media through sentiment analysis With 41 tweets classified as ''neutral'', 9 as ''not negative'' and 3 as ''not positive'', SentiStrength Social media sentiment analysis: lexicon versus id: work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa author: Chun-Wei Chiang title: The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users'' Need date: 2019 words: 3467 sentences: 493 pages: 10 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kia3wzw5d5bnjnvctctebxogoa.txt summary: article, we provide an overview of the development that Blockchain technology Keywords: blockchain, decentralized, human centered design, humancomputer interaction, real world applications. the necessity to integrate the blockchain technology into user-centered the different types of participants in the blockchain network: "public The use of Blockchain technology in the public sector represents one development of applications based on Blockchain technology, with the aim government to start designing a national Blockchain strategy (currently to design Blockchain based systems that use smart contracts to oversee the application based on the blockchain technology. The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users'' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users'' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users'' Need The Challenges and Trends of Deploying Blockchain in the Real World for the Users'' Need id: work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy author: Chung Hee Woo title: The Influence of Voice Behavior, Self-esteem and Sexual Knowledge on Sexual Assertiveness of Nursing College Students date: 2019 words: 4575 sentences: 1253 pages: 9 flesch: 101 cache: ./cache/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_otrdmiuglbf3xkklviditlqafy.txt summary: 요인(Kim & Park, 2015; Lee, 2001)이기도 하여 자아존 감이 본 연구의 목 은 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식과 성 자기주장 간 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 성 자기주장 간 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식이 성 자기주장에 ∙ 상자의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식이 성 자기주장에 Level of Voice Behavior, Self-esteem, Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Assertiveness (N=133) Correlation between Voice Behavior, Self-esteem, Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Assertiveness (N=133) Voice behavior Self-esteem Sexual knowledge 본 연구 상인 간호 학생의 성 자기주장에 자아존 감만 본 연구 상인 간호 학생의 성 자기주장에 자아존 감만 본 연구는 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 본 연구는 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감, 성지식 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 간호 학생의 발언행동, 자아존 감과 성지식이 성 자기주장에 미치는 향 id: work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4 author: Claire Junga Kim title: In order to be medically correct, we must be politically correct in class date: 2018 words: 1926 sentences: 168 pages: 4 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7oflivgpbnde5av4yojn7x2je4.txt summary: In order to be medically correct, we must be politically Department of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Department of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Ⓒ The Korean Society of Medical Education. "political correctness" in medical education. students, patients, their families, and medical care These objectives can be achieved by addressing the new educational need for political correctness. medical professionals and patients; stereotyping based necessary in medical education; it is because political correctness in medical education is the precondition for to whether medical care is provided to those in need and Politically incorrect medical education betrays this ideal start open discussion on political correctness in medical into medical education is needed. need in today''s medical education. Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness Claire Junga Kim : Political correctness for medical correctness id: work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4 author: Claire V. Crooks title: Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women date: 2007 words: 8736 sentences: 528 pages: 20 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iez6g3cq3nfo3e55syeqj2ecf4.txt summary: boys in the prevention of men''s violence against women in the UK. Work with men and boys to prevent men''s violence against women currently faces a engaging men and boys as part of efforts to prevent gender-based violence (Ricardo, researchers playing a key role in efforts to engage men and prevent violence against scrutinising work by men to prevent violence against women. As a man seeking to support efforts to prevent men''s violence against women, I was to encourage organisations to take steps towards engaging men in violence prevention; with men''s involvement in preventing violence against women elsewhere (Burrell, part of efforts to prevent men''s violence against women in the UK. part of efforts to prevent men''s violence against women in the UK. in global efforts to engage men in the prevention of violence against women: An of effective strategies to initiate men''s involvement in gender-based violence prevention id: work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube author: Clare Hemmings title: Resisting popular feminisms: gender, sexuality and the lure of the modern date: 2018 words: 7381 sentences: 398 pages: 27 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4varfg7cxjgdna4u2szpmtjube.txt summary: This article tracks discursive and political use of gender and sexual equality in sexual equality in nationalist and popular accounts of feminism, focusing on the gender and sexual equality discourses can be put to work in securing a fantasy never has to change her political mind), I agree that in many different postfeminist moves, feminism can easily be relegated to the past and her subjects gender and sexual equality also pit members of cultures and nations not A refusal of the Modern can be claimed as a core part of postcolonial nationbuilding, such that women continue to be expected to inhabit gender and sexual just any kind of sexual and gendered difference or equality that signals the familiar with the citation of gender and sexual equality as Modern and desirable important discussions that highlight how gender and sexual equality work gender/sexual politics; and insisting on feminism as a minority pursuit. id: work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi author: Claudia Sandoval title: Choosing the Velvet Glove date: 2018 words: 989 sentences: 71 pages: 3 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i4gmdnxqtff25imy7qhcpajzfi.txt summary: In "Choosing the Velvet Glove: Women Voters, Ambivalent Sexism, and American women''s vote choice in the 2016 presidential election. Ambivalent sexism has a positive and significant effect on white women, fact that AL had not voted for a Democratic Senator since 1992, and therefore, the Republican candidate had a much higher chance of taking over of sexual misconduct against teenage girls came out against Roy Moore. In the end, only 41% of women voted for Moore, meaning that a majority of female voters chose the Democratic candidate, in a Republican state. showed that 63% of white female voters chose the Republican candidate. women still supported the Republican candidate. Lorrie Frasure-Yokley debunks this often cited "truth" by establishing a historical record of conservative voting, among white female voters, that did "Choosing the Velvet Glove: Women Voters, Ambivalent Sexism, and Vote Choice in 2016." Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 3(1): id: work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte author: Coen Heijes title: Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Toneelschuur Producties) at Stadsschouwburg Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 April 2019 date: 2019 words: 2165 sentences: 147 pages: 5 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rpflb36ixvfzddcx4io5pwlfte.txt summary: Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Toneelschuur Producties) at Stadsschouwburg Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 April 2019 Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by Nina Spijkers for Review of Shakespeare''s The Taming of the Shrew (directed by enough, after the unassailable leader Hamlet, one of the most often performed plays in the past seventy years turns out to be The Taming of the Shrew (Heijes 668) and the year 2019 was no exception and two male actors entered the stage in their underwear and started dressing, the men as females, Jack Nieborg, produced a Taming in which the gender of the actors playing Petruchio and Katherina interesting, the productions rather perpetuate existing, stereotypical perception of gender roles and The play started off as an almost humorous gender-swapping, in which three of the four women, id: work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4 author: Corey McAuliffe title: The Lived Experience of Global Public Health Practice: A Phenomenological Account of Women Graduate Students date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uagx2d6ywremrklq4yjip7wyj4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544707 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu author: Cosimo Marco Scarcelli title: Un''intervista a Karen Ross: dodici domande su genere e partecipazione (ma non solo) date: 2021 words: 3162 sentences: 524 pages: 4 flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3k4scrhrbnaa3aqbtb4kghxxcu.txt summary: quale stiamo esaminando in che modo i mezzi di informazione in tre paesi (Stati Uniti, Finlandia, Regno Unito) inquadrano l''esperienza della violenza da parte del Ciò non toglie, però, che continuiamo ad assistere ad una banalizzazione delle donne attraverso le più disparate modalità e che ci sia un''articolazione del discorso molto dissimile se si ha a che fare con D. Pensi che gli studi su genere e comunicazione rappresentino oggi un campo di ricerca riconosciuto nel mondo accademico? anche se nella maggior parte dei paesi è possibile trovare corsi di insegnamento dedicati a genere e media e D. In termini generali, qual è – a tuo parere – la connessione tra il ruolo dei media, il genere e la partecipazione nella società contemporanea? D. Pensi che, in termini di media, genere e partecipazione, potrebbe esserci un ruolo specifico delle giovani Un''intervista a Karen Ross: dodici domande su genere e partecipazione (ma non solo) id: work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi author: Cristelle Maury title: Interview with Maria Giese, April 16, 2019 date: 2019 words: 8408 sentences: 567 pages: 15 flesch: 76 cache: ./cache/work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m357mq4msjbxlha7qki5dozyzi.txt summary: directed the feature films When Saturday Comes (1996), starring Sean Bean and Pete Federal investigation for women directors in Hollywood history. those early years, but when I first saw a film, I felt like that was very close to And I had done a very female thing of deferring my directing pay on the film paripasu with all my multi-millionaire producers when I had no financial support system MG: Yes. I don''t think there is an example of 50% women directors working anywhere studio films will have been directed by women. and produced, and I found that he had only hired 2.7% women to direct the films he only 1% women to direct the films that he executive produced. MG: I don''t think a lot about film theory when I''m writing or directing, but ideas 50% of our stories be told by women because we don''t know what is going to come id: work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa author: DANIEL J. SAFER title: DESIGN AND REPORTING MODIFICATIONS IN INDUSTRY-SPONSORED COMPARATIVE PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY TRIALS date: 2002 words: 8378 sentences: 772 pages: 10 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_722xdgw27rb7lbvdn64b4csupa.txt summary: The resulting publication of pharmaceutical company–sponsored comparative drug research now occupies a big share of the medical literature. industry-sponsored studies now dominate the comparative drug trial literature (Angell, 2001; Davidoff, 2002). At least eight studies sponsored by three different drug companies have compared their second-generation neuroleptic drug to a In comparative studies between second-generation neuroleptics, unusually high fixed or average doses of In studies of risperidone versus placebo and haloperidol, drug company–sponsored researchers utilized the industry-sponsored comparative drug trials, "perhaps industry studies "showing a superior effect of the sponsor''s drug may be the result of scores of analyses As an example, in the placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing the effect of two antidepressants with each other to reduce anxiety symptoms, with haloperidol in short-term drug company–sponsored clinical trials of so-called treatment-resistant risperidone suggested that these drugs were as effective with treatment-resistant patients as clozapine, the id: work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy author: DANIELLE M. THOMSEN title: Women''s Representation and the Gendered Pipeline to Power date: 2020 words: 12824 sentences: 2367 pages: 12 flesch: 77 cache: ./cache/work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hoyza5kehnfkdi77rlhrybcisy.txt summary: The leading explanation for the underrepresentation of women in American politics is that womenare less likely to run for office than men, but scholars have given less attention in recent years to thegender makeup of the pipeline to elected office. For the gender disparity in candidates to close, women have to be far more likely to run for gendered pipeline to power alongside rates of entry in studies of women''s underrepresentation. One of the central puzzles in the study of genderand politics is why women are underrepre-sented in elected office. across a variety of potential candidate pools has important implications for the number of men and women gender makeup of the potential candidate pool continues to matter for women''s underrepresentation. rates of running can obscure gender and partisan disparities in the raw number of men and women in each Women Have to Be More Likely to Run Than Men to Equal the Number of Male Candidates, id: work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa author: Dabney P. Evans title: You have to be twice as good and work twice as hard: a mixed-methods study of perceptions of sexual harassment, assault and women''s leadership among female faculty at a research university in the USA date: 2019 words: 7174 sentences: 632 pages: 8 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ldarrbenezaubnbmj34e4j5xxa.txt summary: The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of institutional policies and practices for the prevention of and response to gender inequities as experienced by female faculty working in the health sciences at a US research university. effect the prevention of and response to gender inequities, including sexual violence, among female faculty working in these fields. response to sexual harassment, assault, and other gender inequities as experienced by female faculty in the health sciences. structures, a KI interview guide was developed to explore two primary domains: campus climate related to sexual assault and harassment, and institutional policies and practices aimed at Emory, 70.8% of women faculty reported having received training/education about sex discrimination, including sexual harassment/sexual violence. Few colleges and universities surveyed faculty and staff experiences of sexual harassment and campus climate; Emory''s commitment to include the entire campus community is a strength. id: work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy author: Daniel A. Colón-Ramos title: Statements of Mentorship date: 2018 words: 2489 sentences: 161 pages: 4 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2of7zyk3xrcwdopmzhztllvlmy.txt summary: Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to recognize that "mentorship and training are critical to the development of exceptional future scientists" and to honor the legacy of former mentoring approaches seldom benefit from the comments and wisdom of our colleagues and mentees. scientific ideas, not so much on the individual mentee. Could our mentoring, similar to our scientific ideas, benefit from the collective wisdom and experience from our colleagues and mentees? underrepresented scientist of color working at Yale University; it means traveling with my lab to Puerto Rico after The way I approach mentoring and training is through structured meetings each mentee is given a binder which includes information on the lab''s mission and our mentoring philosophy. good experimental design) while also creating a mentorship framework in which the mentees progressively grow as independent thinkers and in their mentors and mentees. also serve as mentors to new lab members, regardless of hierarchy in training. id: work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4 author: Daniel Morchain title: Building transformative capacity in southern Africa: Surfacing knowledge and challenging structures through participatory Vulnerability and Risk Assessments date: 2019 words: 11138 sentences: 2402 pages: 23 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3uv5mej2ajfirjxvogsgcbwgc4.txt summary: Building transformative capacity in southern Africa: Surfacing knowledge and challenging structures through participatory Vulnerability and Risk Assessments Oxfam''s Vulnerability and Risk Assessment methodology to enabling transformation at Three Vulnerability and Risk Assessment exercises were conducted in Malawi, Botswana and Namibia by one or more of the authors a process like the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment may bring to transformation. Vulnerability assessment, adaptation, Southern Africa, participatory process, transformative capacity, climate change Processes like Oxfam''s Vulnerability and Risk Assessment methodology aim to The Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process, developed by Oxfam in 2013, was The Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process aims to give stakeholders the Participatory processes such as Vulnerability and Risk Assessment can shift dominant power dynamics (see Jernsand, 2017). Through the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process in Malawi, stakeholders became more aware of the importance of understanding the ''big picture'' of the In Namibia, the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment process helped the group to id: work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy author: Daniel Trottier title: Confronting the digital mob: Press coverage of online justice seeking date: 2020 words: 7511 sentences: 438 pages: 16 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fh3gzdixkngxjlqqgb4robu4yy.txt summary: social actors are presented in relation to digital vigilantism, this study focusses on press Denunciation, digital media, Internet, vigilantism, press coverage Beyond this article, the press in the United Kingdom and elsewhere regularly reports on digitally mediated denunciation and shaming. This article offers an exploratory account of press coverage of digitally mediated vigilantism. This article offers an exploratory account of press coverage of digitally mediated vigilantism. Relatedly, this article explores how specific practices related to digital vigilantism such as denunciation are expressed in press coverage, as well as coverage While understood as a digitally mediated process, press coverage of digital vigilantism arguably serves an agenda-setting role in making such practices meaningful. Prominent cases of shaming and denunciation through the press include categories of targets like war criminals and celebrities, as well as particular offences, Digital media users – notably those engaging in mediated shaming and denunciations – matter in contemporary journalistic practices. id: work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru author: Daniel Trottier title: Denunciation and doxing: towards a conceptual model of digital vigilantism date: 2019 words: 8615 sentences: 722 pages: 18 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tlna6voqnnggziyttcb76sxuru.txt summary: digital vigilantism includes shaming and other forms of cultural considers recent cases in a global context in order to direct subsequent analysis of how digital vigilantism is rendered meaningful. social context.3 The notion of digital vigilantism includes responses to criminal events as a prominent means to sanitise one''s online presence, albeit one that remains unaffordable to many.26 Among more commonly proposed remedies to coordinated harassment – especially of women – is for the target to close their social media accounts. also necessary to consider barriers preventing social actors to access devices and platforms, as well as the necessary forms of literacy and legitimacy.29 Addressing these socalled digital divides may be regarded as a democratising force, or a levelling of the by factors including legislation, social media platform terms of use, journalistic practices Finally, digital vigilantism occurs through social media platforms such as Twitter, id: work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa author: Daniela Lup title: The Many Faces of Gender Inequality at Work date: 2018 words: 2879 sentences: 123 pages: 11 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l2zvoyvw75gdhf2palevu7rgsa.txt summary: The collection of articles included in this first thematic issue addresses gender inequalities, a questions about the way in which economic conditions shape gender inequalities in labour that the impact of parental leave and childcare policies on mothers'' work-care arrangements how government policies and social class interact in shaping gender-related work Women''s Work'', the authors show that, within the same organisation and controlling for status and working arrangements of employees'' partners contribute to patterns of gender Both men and women benefit in terms of increased wages from adopting flexible work the organisation of work in the gold production industry contributes to creating a gendered labour than women whose partners are in work. allocation of household work thus precipitate even higher levels of gender inequality for impact of policies meant to address gender inequalities is moderated by organisational interact to produce or reproduce gender equality or inequality; employees do not work or live id: work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene author: Dany Nobus title: Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space date: 2020 words: 9552 sentences: 619 pages: 17 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4yvilboqdjfsnb7kavul2lgene.txt summary: This paper examines how the signifier of ''toxic masculinity'' operates in the contemporary psycho-social landscape of embodied power relations. toxic masculinity is a symbolic response to the deep sense of anger people experience owing to the persistent disturbance of reason that characterizes the radically this disturbance to a gendered position of traditional embodied authority simultaneously serves the purpose of changing the hybridity of Thirdspace into more conventional figurations of social imbalance. As such, in the era of the radically incongruous Thirdspace, and the anger resulting from the disturbance of reason and the mimetic crisis, toxic masculinity is one In any case, as an attributed signifier of (abusive) power, toxic masculinity primarily functions as a linguistic tool for resolving the mimetic crisis in the radically Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Reproduction of Phallic Space id: work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq author: Daphne Simone title: #MeAfterToo—the hashtag that toppled hegemons? A feminist narrative case study of #MeToo date: 2019 words: 14462 sentences: 954 pages: 50 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dm3u4aefrfhnrl4nbtz7y7pakq.txt summary: #MeToo, #MeAfterToo, feminism, social media, sexual violence, rape culture, micro-aggression, united under the hashtag #MeToo; a social media moniker originally coined in 2006 by feminist social media sharing of female lived experiences with normalized abuse and violence, engendered digital feminist hashtag protest history, multiple powerful male hegemons began toppling like rape culture, Keller, Mendes & Ringrose (2016) also discuss the ways in which social media has Narrative research into the reasons why individuals might choose to share personal livedexperience stories in the public sphere, specifically stories which surround issues such as trauma or feminist theory, I planned to interview, document, and thematically analyze individual femaleidentified stories among four-to-six participants of the #MeToo hashtag protest movement. discourse on the paradigm of digital post-feminist hashtag protest culture as a progressively advancing critical feminist scholarship via narrative case study work on movements like #MeToo share their personal stories and experiences via public social media platforms like Twitter. id: work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a author: Dave Lu title: #MeToo in EM: A Multicenter Survey of Academic Emergency Medicine Faculty on Their Experiences with Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment date: 2020 words: 6376 sentences: 675 pages: 10 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hcbrnk42i5h2vnxxoxezzzmz7a.txt summary: Introduction: Gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment of female physicians are well documented. emergency physicians'' experiences with workplace gender discrimination and sexual harassment. faculty were also more likely to report having experienced gender-based discriminatory treatment than male report having observed gender-based discriminatory treatment of another physician (64.7% vs 56.3%; 95% Conclusion: Female EM faculty perceived more gender-based discrimination in their workplaces than their gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment compared EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. EM Faculty Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Lu et al. id: work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu author: David Birnbaum title: Women''s Lives Matter… Unfortunately More in Some Places than Others An International Perspective on Investing for Health date: 2018 words: 1512 sentences: 124 pages: 3 flesch: 26 cache: ./cache/work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u6mqcd3u6faqphfatbv2yqpshu.txt summary: of maternal deaths among countries of the developed world (Martin and Montagne, 2017). move", PRI, February 9, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). The Guardian, January 23, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). STAT, December 17, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). New York Times, December 16, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). January 30, available at: (accessed February 8, 2018). at: (accessed January 11, 2018). NPR, May 12, available at:; (accessed January 11, 2018). Texas Observer, June 5, available at: (accessed January 11, 2018). Washington Post, December 15, available at: ''vulnerable'' ", The Washington Post, December 16, available at: health-science/words-banned-at-multiple-hhs-agencies-include-diversity-and-vulnerable/2017/12/16/ available at: (accessed January 11, 2018). April 10, available at: (accessed January 15, 2018). id: work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki author: David Desplaces title: Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention date: 2020 words: 6367 sentences: 627 pages: 16 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f3f625mg2vcrndegqopje3g2ki.txt summary: Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention Scenario-Based Training for Sexual Harassment Prevention sexual harassment (SH), and 62% offered training intended to prevent and combat it (Blackman, attitudes toward sexual harassment might effect the outcome of training. To prove a hostile environment claim based on sexual harassment under current law, The Effectiveness of Sexual Harassment Training Difference in Status in Terms of Training and Witnessing Sexual Harassment significant impact on the perception that sexual attention at work is never appropriate (mean = manager''s action was appropriate in the particular context of the scenario (specifically, the mean Gender Differences Relating to Training and Witnessing Sexual Harassment sexual harassment training further lend support to Hypothesis 3 that graduates or professionals Sexual harassment training: Workshops to combat sexual harassment: A case study of changing gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment. differences in perceptions of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace: Are human id: work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e author: David Jansson title: Deadly exceptionalisms, or, would you rather be crushed by a moral superpower or a military superpower? date: 2018 words: 11593 sentences: 1065 pages: 9 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5fzqoygot5fehetdcfkzlapu7e.txt summary: development of the ideas of U.S. and Swedish exceptionalism, and consider the roles of ignorance, denial, identities, and the material forms of racism that haunt both the U.S. and Sweden and betray their claims to exceptionalism. The literature on exceptionalism is impossible to understand without reference to both ideological nationalism and methodological nationalism e both of which contribute to a state-centric But if it was initially international observers who articulated the notion of Swedish exceptionalism, this idea was adopted In terms of the defining characteristics of Swedish exceptionalism, we have already pointed to the social democratic welfare state Swedish exceptionalism that positions Sweden as a small state that An excess of ''national exceptionalism'': Towards a new political Exceptionalism in American foreign policy: Is it exceptional? American Exceptionalism: An Idea that Made a Nation and The psychology and political economy of Swedish exceptionalism The psychology and political economy of Swedish exceptionalism id: work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm author: David Roche title: Notre Top 5 des films anglophones de 2019 date: 2020 words: 3771 sentences: 523 pages: 8 flesch: 75 cache: ./cache/work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zrodbcrj75grdndakvdrbagyfm.txt summary: David Roche et Vincent Souladié, « Notre Top 5 des films anglophones de 2019 », Miranda [En ligne], proposé des films solides : Woody Allen, avec l''agréable A Rainy Day in New York (USA), jouer dans un autre registre que dans les films de gangsters qui ont fait leur gloire. bout avec des plans tournés en caméra HD dans To the Wonder, par exemple) lui permet Philips cherche à retrouver une ambiance urbaine des années 70''s-80''s qui passe par fiévreux est à rapprocher dans une certaine mesure des récents films des frères Safdie 4 Il est des films qui marquent avant tout par la qualité de leur scénario et de leur 6 Sans doute son meilleur film depuis Inglourious Basterds (Allemagne/USA, 2009) et l''une américain est à la fois un film-somme qui, situé dans le Los Angeles de 1969, poursuit la est interprété par Al Pacino, l''une des stars du New Hollywood. id: work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4 author: David Simon title: The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research date: 2018 words: 14405 sentences: 3427 pages: 21 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eno6ube7mjgovdaocpn4p4bcz4.txt summary: The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research Keywords comparative urban research / co-production / Mistra Urban Futures / international comparative and transdisciplinary co-productive research.(6) research is to analyse how key themes relating to urban sustainability promoting urban sustainability by means of the transdisciplinary coproduction of knowledge, undertaken in a series of Local Interaction comparative projects, as Director of one LIP, and as lead researcher on undertake transdisciplinary research co-production in different contexts towards sustainable cities, by suggesting comparative transdisciplinary 3) Trans-locally clustered comparative research projects: developing new research by each LIP team regarding how its diverse activities and projects transdisciplinary co-production, the Mistra Urban Futures projects may comparative urban research", Paper presented Agendas_in_Comparative_Urban_Research/ for urban development", in M Polk (editor), Coproducing Knowledge for Sustainable Cities: Joining Urban and Regional Research Vol 35, No 1, pages id: work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34 author: Debby Herbenick title: Sexual Harassment in the Field of Sexuality Research date: 2019 words: 9079 sentences: 528 pages: 10 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xdvwlulcw5dhfn6fbvckxkju34.txt summary: of the problem of sexual harassment within our fields, especially sexuality research, including its consequences; (2) the these experiences for people of color and those in lower positions of power, including students and/or other minoritized While sexual harassment can occur between professionals and their clients, patients, and research participants, we will focus here on sexual harassment within research, academic, and professional spaces. against heterosexual women typically receives the most attention, sexual harassment is also perpetrated by and against people Sexual harassment is a ubiquitous issue permeating our society, including academic cultures, as our experiences clearly and sexual behavior occurring openly at sex research, education, and therapy conferences just a few decades ago, and (only experienced sexual harassment within our field; our students, The reputations that senior researchers or other professionals acquire from being known sexual harassers can also professionals to work toward ending sexual harassment in our id: work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni author: Deborah Davis title: Title IX and "Trauma-Focused" Investigations: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly date: 2019 words: 8467 sentences: 1499 pages: 9 flesch: 30 cache: ./cache/work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sdgmytliqjahdpphsbw2zfvwni.txt summary: trauma-informed" training program for investigation of allegaions of sexual misconduct. roblematic Assumption 1: Sexual Assault Necessarily Prouces Trauma Sufficient to Disable Cognition FETI training suggests that sexual assault will be experinced as severely traumatic (see Strand & Heitman, 2017; and he training goes on to discuss how memory works when expeiencing trauma and what this will mean for the nature of egative emotions cross the line to become sufficient to disble cognition to the extent FETI training suggests? esource-center/resource-results/the-forensic-experientialrauma-interview-feti.html), that interviewer may inapproriately interpret normal failures of memory as indicators of onsider evidence of trauma (in the form of memory characeristics and reports of emotions) as evidence of truth of the Keywords: Sexual assault, Memory, Title IX, Forensic Expeiential Trauma Interview, FETI, Rape Problematic Assumption 4: Characteristics of Memory Reports Can Be Taken as "Evidence" of Whether Trauma Did Occur id: work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju author: Debra Bergoffen title: The Misogynous Politics of Shame date: 2018 words: 6381 sentences: 429 pages: 9 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sni7fclnojcq7oco4buqbtaiju.txt summary: affect that is deployed to protect the self, can undermine the effects of sexist debilitating shame and When collective values reinforce a person''s self worth, social norms can observation that the self''s shame is not caused by a specific situation but by the person''s interpretation in the name of women''s integrity as persons, critiques and rejects the social and political values that self, but rather of creating a social world where shame does not enforce debilitating norms. Instead of submitting to the norms that shame them, #MeToo women challenge debilitating shame sets women up to believe that they "deserve what they get" when the silent violence themselves against men''s violence, debilitating shame will put them in the position of confirming using shame''s self-protective powers to critique and reject the distorted values that demean them. Invoking the self-affirming power of shame, they are rejecting the values that demean them. id: work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza author: Deen Freelon title: False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right date: 2020 words: 6749 sentences: 818 pages: 6 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7q3eeynh4je53pclvfyua6vpza.txt summary: Digital media are critical for contemporary activism—even low-effort "clicktivism" is politically consequential West, leftand right-wing activists use digital and legacy media differently to achieve political goals. left-wing actors operate primarily through "hashtag activism" and offline protest, right-wing activists implications for democratic practice, social media governance, and the interdisciplinary study of digital politics. ideological left and right use the additional channels and low-cost participation afforded by digital media to right differ sharply in how they use digital media. one''s profile image, and generally posting activist content on social media, projects an Today, digital media afford activists across the political spectrum two general news media and tech platforms in more radically oppositional ways than the left despite By contrast, right-wing activists'' interactions with ideologically friendly outlets in which right-wing media ecosystems around of 2020 prominently includes right-wing media False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right id: work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji author: Deirdre Kelly title: Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials date: 2020 words: 1768 sentences: 153 pages: 2 flesch: 38 cache: ./cache/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r3ojdrzhmrenxbbhs44cf3qtji.txt summary: Operational and scientific inefficiencies in clinical trials represent roadblocks that need to be identified and circumvented to clinical research and ultimately benefit patient care through the optimal allocation of time and resources. pivotal clinical trials of novel oncology therapeutic drugs that operational efficiency of clinical trials, scientific strategies must clinical trials is attributable to the lack of data sharing of precompetitive and post-competitive information, such as early the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Phase 1 Clinical Trials Programme for their Grant/Research support from (Clinical Trials for Institution): Novartis, Research support (Clinical Trials for Institution): Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, the Timeline for Cancer Clinical Trial Activation. Transforming the early drug development paradigm at the national cancer institute: the formation of NCI''s experimental therapeutics clinical trials network Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials Increasing operational and scientific efficiency in clinical trials id: work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei author: Delphine Martinot title: Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence date: 2020 words: 12250 sentences: 1465 pages: 26 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei.pdf txt: ./txt/work_axc6f2vngvhl3hdpbmttv3ruei.txt summary: Previous research provided mixed findings on the links between both psychological disengagement mechanisms (i.e., discounting and devaluing) and self-esteem. According to the Psychological Disengagement Model, it was predicted that experience of personal deprivation due to perceived relative academic underachievement would be associated with discounting of mid-adolescents as well as the non-protective function of devaluing on global selfesteem, school attainment and social domains of self-esteem. designed to test the links between each mechanism of psychological disengagement from school and crucial dimensions of self-esteem on two separate samples of participants corresponding to two different periods of adolescence in secondary school years: early-adolescence (11–12 years old) and mid-adolescence Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence id: work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy author: Denise Brunsdon title: Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era date: 2018 words: 8456 sentences: 765 pages: 18 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4565xczgobccrgaw56onxtzvfy.txt summary: Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era Second, the paper outlines how street sexual harassment harms how street sexual harassment harms women. Street sexual harassment is the unwelcome commoditization of women''s bodies by fellow citizen-strangers. ofthe feminist movement that is helpful but not sufficient to address street sexual harassment. climate for discussing gender-based violence, including street sexual harassment. Street sexual harassment is not reserved for women who are deemed socially desirable, and can also be used as a tool to Many women can still recall their first personal experience with street sexual harassment because it was Street sexual harassment tells women that our presence in the public sphere is open for comment and Collazo 2013; unknown; Laxer 2013; Alston 2012; Moore 2015; Boosil 2015; CompleteStreetsCat 2015) dominance feminism best explains the lived experiences of women subjected to street sexual harassment. enact new criminal laws against street sexual harassment. id: work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty author: Denise Burkhard title: Linda Newbery on Writing Historical Fiction and on her Neo-Victorian Novel Set in Stone date: 2019 words: 6427 sentences: 474 pages: 16 flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ifaqz4beufcxhp5xbzxwmfesty.txt summary: and on her Neo-Victorian Novel Set in Stone Linda Newbery, an acclaimed writer of historical fiction for children and (young) adults, won the 2006 Costa Children''s Book Award for her neo-Victorian novel Set in Stone In this interview, Linda Newbery answers questions regarding Set in Stone, as well Keywords: historical fiction, Linda Newbery, neo-Victorian fiction, Set in Stone, YoungAdult fiction. Linda Newbery''s YA (Young Adult) neo-Victorian novel Set in Stone In this respect, Newbery''s award-winning Set in Stone, published Set in Stone''s thematic focus on child sexual abuse is particularly The main story of Set in Stone takes place in 1898, a time when the age of Like other neo-Victorian novels, Set in Newbery''s only novel-length neo-Victorian publication to date. concerning Set in Stone as well as questions regarding writing historical Burkhard: Your novel Set in Stone bears an interesting title, which to the Set in Stone of the title: Ernest Farrow''s sinfulness has been carved id: work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa author: Derek J. Hook title: Team building and leadership in the successful implementation of automation for high throughput screening date: 1996 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wrhqaazptfdh7o4sstgluydzfa.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217535315 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:03 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq author: Devi Vijay title: Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India date: 2019 words: 3222 sentences: 274 pages: 5 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a6vqd3waejen7id6d66epniggq.txt summary: Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work nature of work and organizations in India. India''s liberalization have been the new middle class one means of poverty reduction, neoliberal India is labor markets, local economies, work arrangements, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India pertaining to domestic workers'' employment conditions, national security labor, academic labor, climatechange-induced agrarian distress and digital labor of collective action, organizational dissent, precarity organizing workers who work in middle-class changing nature of work and organization in India. Butler J (2004) Precarious life: The powers of violence and India, New Delhi middle class politics and India''s democracy in comparative Gooptu N (ed) (2013) Enterprise culture in neoliberal India: Oxfam India, New Delhi India Ink, New Delhi domesticity, and class in India. Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India Introduction to the special issue: changing nature of work and organizations in India id: work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq author: Dmitry K. Shaytan title: Exploring Management Of The Fuzzy Front End Of Innovation In A Product Driven Startup Company date: 2015 words: 6047 sentences: 600 pages: 6 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hemvhquhwnhxzk6o35aivlixkq.txt summary: Microsoft Word exploring-management-of-the-fuzzy-front-end-of-innovation-in-a-product-driven-startup-company[2] We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product managerial approach the product concept was created to help experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed In a product driven business (not market driven and not-metoo) of a breakthrough innovation a huge challenge is innovation ends with the high Q-factor product concept. through product concept development; Product concept development for further prototyping was the created the required outcome – high quality product concept. product concept as outcomes of the FFE management. product concept was prototyped and tested to estimate quality (3) a position to test developed prototypes in his/her business (3) a position to test developed prototypes in his/her business Following the managerial approach the product concept was The Q-factor of the product concept is regarded as high In case of a product driven startup in FFE stage we would id: work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui author: Dubravka Zarkov title: Ambiguities and dilemmas around #MeToo: #ForHow Long and #WhereTo? date: 2018 words: 3412 sentences: 196 pages: 7 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mjv6ohekabb6bksq2kugruktui.txt summary: Hardly a day has passed since the accusations of sexual harassment against US film producer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017 without a new allegation being made. sports doctors – have been publicly accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape by a #MeToo started in the USA a decade ago as activism by Black women who had experienced sexual violence. and have watched the unfolding of the accusations of sexual assault around #MeToo with sexual violence against both women and men in war and violent conflict Today the most visible #MeToo women are powerful: rich and famous celebrities, wellknown TV personalities, journalists, and members of political elites. Making powerful men as perpetrators and young, beautiful women many different women and men, and that when feminists say it is a matter of ''power relations'' we do not actually reduce this power to a number Kathy: It used to be easy to think of sexual harassment in terms of oppressors id: work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu author: Dwi Siswanto title: Refleksi Aktualitas Fenomenologi Edmund Husserl dalam Filsafat Kontemporer date: 2007 words: 3524 sentences: 636 pages: 20 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2fhwihkdh5c7zeiizvvidqnfxu.txt summary: karakteristik filsafat kontemporer; dan fenomenologi Edmund yang penting dari .filsafat itu tidak dapat. Dalam arti sempit, ilmu tentang fenomenfenomen yang menampakkan diri kepada kesadaran kita Bagi Husserl, fenomenologi meru paka metode dan Dalam reduksi ini, Husserl meninggalkan sikap alamiah yang biasa pada orang ''biasa'' yang tanpa ragu-ragu melihat bendabenda dan tidak sebagai gejala kesadaran saja. Dalam hal ini hakikat oleh yang dan basis filosofis Husserl ialah bahwa dunia yang tampak ·ini dengan konsep kesadaran (subjek) murni, manusia pada Pada filsafat kontemporer, para filsuf eksistensialisme yang dan sponta, sebagai ''yang lain'' dari kesadaran (Bakker, 1984: Husserl yang terutama mengambil tema ini kesadaran atau pada kegiatan subjek, sebagai suatu kecenderungan yang manusia dalam suatu metafisika., Dengan demikian ia dalam ''fenomenologi hermeneutik'' yang masih akan kebebasan ini pada pengertian tentang manusia yang telah Fenomenologi pada Ricoeur itu dikembangkan dengan kehendak yang pada manusia dengan peristilahan religius manusia sebagai eksistensi dan kita hadapi pada id: work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4 author: Dylan Yamada-Rice title: Licking planets and stomping on buildings: children''s interactions with curated spaces in virtual reality date: 2018 words: 2729 sentences: 194 pages: 14 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6vsfvrhomrenpmpff4eigc6ez4.txt summary: ways both to offer virtual experiences within the physical museum (e.g. The Franklin museum spaces and that of some VR content explored in the study presented here. to the ways in which children engaged with virtual spaces and content. movement to children''s meaning-making in VR I produced a series of line drawings Figure 1: Line drawing used to understand children''s movement in Google Earth VR combined children''s specific interactions with virtual elements in the VR content with sense to children''s meaning-making practices in curated VR spaces. the ways in which children experience new materials in order to explore why this was the way in which adults and children interact with spaces and materials are of social interaction to children''s meaning-making practices in VR. two children''s social interaction while one played on the VR game Job Simulator. This visual essay has shown how, as with studies into children''s meaning-making in id: work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4 author: Dzhennet-Mari Akhmatova title: Promoting digital humanitarian action in protecting human rights: hope or hype date: 2020 words: 5059 sentences: 461 pages: 7 flesch: 26 cache: ./cache/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o2whzamvbzelflnw23mjgcczt4.txt summary: Promoting digital humanitarian action in protecting human rights: hope or hype Keywords: Digital, Humanitarian action, Human rights, Digital Geneva Convention, Data protection (Droege 2008), then the digital trends entrenched in humanitarian practice affect the entire spectrum of humanitarian assistance, as well as human place and rights the issues and limitations on the latest technology implementation to support the human rights-orientated humanitarian practice. (ICRC), also suggests messaging apps could play a crucial role in humanitarian work in the future (Stoll 2017). In the current context, there is a need to actively address the issues of gender equality in humanitarian action and protection of women from sexual harassment the access of women humanitarians to the digital solutions developed to enhance the effectiveness of their humanitarian assistance through the human rights violation and threats posed by the era of digitalization. id: work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm author: E V Boisaubin title: Cardiology in ancient Egypt date: 1988 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qlbjmtslunfmff2zxyjgzqpbbm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217536207 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:04 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi author: E. Mercier title: MP46: Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study date: 2020 words: 1148 sentences: 92 pages: 1 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5uygrcruvvd4xpvjxc3esbqjgi.txt summary: aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. study took place at the Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP), within the Emergency Department of The Ottawa Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort Mitra, PhD, MBBS, the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. retrospective cohort study extracted data from electronic patient Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative What to do with #MeToo: pre and post presenting patterns of intimate partner violence Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative review id: work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa author: Edward Kevin Faller title: Pedals and Pedagogy: Cycles of Hope and Health date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rsrlkwg7u5alzkpbss6orgguqa.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539879 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq author: Edward Shorter title: The liberal state and the rogue agency: FDA''s regulation of drugs for mood disorders, 1950s–1970s date: 2008 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pdbkbidtlrb2pmp4wfpeq7b5kq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539648 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru author: Edwin Ng title: Vulnerability, Response-Ability, and the Promise of Making Refuge date: 2019 words: 10596 sentences: 797 pages: 16 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w4kcddc6e5hlbiljjivedawmru.txt summary: Keywords: engaged Buddhism; mindfulness; making refuge; vulnerability; response-ability; white The paper will then examine the effects of white supremacy in U.S. Buddhism through the framework of making refuge. making refuge as the work of building conditions of trust and safety necessary for living and dying exposure to vulnerability and their shared response-ability to provide the common conditions an example of making refuge in practice, one that does not just attend to animal lives, but which The promise of making refuge can host a dialogical space for Buddhist and secular approaches to Making refuge, which involves the task of building conditions of trust and safety for living and Engaged Buddhists can perform making refuge through We also considered making refuge in relation to the harms suffered by Asian heritage Buddhists and an ethos of response-ability we are arguing for in the promise of making refuge. Available online: Available online: Available online: id: work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem author: Elaine Russo Martin title: Social justice and the medical librarian date: 2019 words: 10075 sentences: 830 pages: 13 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6yaothgfyvexdp5dlw773h6zem.txt summary: Medical librarians must develop a new professional orientation: one that focuses on cultural awareness or Using examples from medical education, this lecture makes the case for social justice This lecture also presents a pathway for social justice medical librarianship, identifies Library Association, and library schools for developing social justice education and outcomes. advocates for an understanding of and connection to social justice responsibilities for the medical library to discuss "Social Justice and the Medical Librarian." This lecture discusses social justice and the role that medical librarians can play in a democratic society. This lecture discusses social justice and the role that medical librarians can play in a democratic society. Social justice needs to be central to the mission of medical librarianship and a core value of the profession. Social justice needs to be central to the mission of medical librarianship and a core value of the profession. id: work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4 author: Eleanor Hutchinson title: We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems date: 2018 words: 3324 sentences: 335 pages: 4 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3va5hzzs2jeplbdcfrzjklyqi4.txt summary: The health sector consistently appears prominently in surveys of perceived corruption, with considerable are actually ways of making dysfunctional systems work, the serious challenges to researching corruption, concerns that a focus on corruption is a form of victim blaming that ignores larger issues, and a lack of evidence We need to talk about corruption in health systems. We need to talk about corruption in health systems. We need to talk about corruption in health systems. Int J Health Policy Manag 2019, 8(4), 191–194 doi 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.123 of corruption in the health sector.4,5 We also know that this of areas, could be leveraged to tackle corruption in the health Research on corruption in the health sector conversation about corruption in the health sector. authors on corruption, available at five-reasons-corruption-health/. reduce corruption in the health sector. Corruption and the health sector. Corruption and the health sector. id: work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm author: Elisabetta Minico title: Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid''s Tale date: 2019 words: 10328 sentences: 708 pages: 15 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ce2gmgqvgneubeyefpcv272njm.txt summary: Spatial and Psychophysical Domination of Women in Dystopia: Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid''s Tale Abstract: Analyzing Burdekin''s Swastika Night Piercy''s Woman on the Edge of Time and Atwood''s The Handmaid''s Tale the article aims to examine the relations between space, gender-based violence, dystopian New York in Woman on the Edge of Time, and Gilead in The Handmaid''s Tale are spatial and The authorities that rule these dystopias imprison women in restricted spaces first, Keywords: dystopia; space; patriarchy; gender-based violence; sexuality Overall, the female gender is the most affected by this domination: women''s natural space is once Edge of Time and The Handmaid''s Tale, violence is predominantly directed towards women, related to In Connie''s world, women often experience sexuality as a power relation and a source of Swastika Night, Woman on the Edge of Time and The Handmaid''s Tale remind us that women''s worth id: work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y author: Eliza Notaro title: Sexual Harassment from Patient to Provider date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bwddjahnfnhenjobr4nsdxw72y.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539552 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe author: Elizabeth A. Bukusi title: Mentorship and Ethics in Global Health: Fostering Scientific Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research date: 2019 words: 5615 sentences: 397 pages: 6 flesch: 41 cache: ./cache/work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_isglpkninra5xl32y3lkizwwqe.txt summary: 1Center for Microbiology Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya; 2Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Addressing ethical issues through mentorship is key to encouraging scientific integrity and increasing support spans across the research framework from obtaining ethical approval and ensuring scientific integrity, to determining authorship and disseminating study results—providing multiple opportunities to model ethical behavior for This study explores four specific mentoring case scenarios commonly encountered in the global health research field in million to nearly 2.2 million.1 Over this same timeframe, scientists from lowand middle-income country (LMIC) institutions increased their percentage of scientific and technical in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) to reduce misconduct in trainees, especially in countries that have limited scientific integrity in the conduct of research," the U.S. National of us has encountered while mentoring trainees in our programs: 1) plagiarism, 2) determining authorship, 3) the appropriate useof anIRB, and4) imbalances of power, especially id: work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni author: Elizabeth A. Sharrow title: Sex segregation as policy problem: a gendered policy paradox date: 2019 words: 12848 sentences: 1122 pages: 23 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2au25gcbsjbyjhlmtdsvefm7ni.txt summary: Separate but ostensibly equal segregated athletic teams for men and boys versus women Policy design defines sex as a binary category for the purposes of competitive athletics, mobilizing this categorical definition to implement the practice of of discrimination "on the basis of sex." Activists drew on long traditions of feminist critique (Cott 1987), framing educational institutions as a breeding ground for sexist exclusions of women from public life (Evans 2010). domains established by policy design largely serve to retain "men''s" sports for "male" participants and, because Title IX does not require sex equality in spending practices, they and intercollegiate athletics governed by Title IX borrow from signals transmitted by international sports governing bodies (e.g., the International Olympic Committee) in maintaining policy design, even without "testing" participant sex.31 Instead, NCAA and state high id: work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy author: Elizabeth E. Tavares title: Pericles Wet presented by Portland Shakespeare Project at Artists Repertory Theatre date: 2018 words: 1905 sentences: 111 pages: 6 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ubl3434e7ngfffx5ibzfojrwxy.txt summary: Pericles Wet presented by Portland Shakespeare Project at With Ben Newman (Pericles), Alex Ramirez de Cruz (Hesperides), David Bodin (Antiochus/Simon/Andy), Shannon Mastel (Thaisa/ Marina), Murri Lazaroff-Babin (Chorus, Sailor, Diana), Samson Syharath This is the question behind Ellen Margolis''s Pericles Wet, an adaptation of Pericles produced for its world premiere by the Portland Shakespeare Project. Both Thaisa and then her daughter Marina (both played by Shannon It is this oscillation between the timely and timeless that the late Barbara Mowat argued, in The Dramaturgy of Shakespeare''s Romances, was the of Thaisa, Pericles could not stand the sight of his newborn, Marina. the actor Lazaroff-Babin, who had already played several different characters by this point. When asked about this, Ben Newman, who played Pericles, pointed out to Hes, played by Alex Ramirez de Cruz. was her when Pericles held baby Marina, for the last time, over his dead id: work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm author: Elizabeth Economy title: 30 Years After Tiananmen: Dissent Is Not Dead date: 2019 words: 3064 sentences: 234 pages: 8 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ujs23mqmubcuphv6h4e6sgspnm.txt summary: Thirty years ago, tens of thousands of Chinese university students descended on Beijing''s Tiananmen Square—a landmark of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) power—to advocate democracy and transparency. As the world''s market-based democracies debate the relative success—or failure—of thirty years of "engagement" with China, the continuing calls for political reform and expressions of citizen activism within the country should factor into any assessment of engagement''s impact and value. August 2018, New York Times, 8 July 2018, News, 29 January 2019, Social Credit System," Epoch Times, 22 May 2018, Times, 23 September 2018,; Sharma, "Beijing Signals Tighter Control Han Zhang, "One Year of #MeToo: How the Movement Eludes Government Surveillance in China," New Yorker, 10 October 2018, Five,''" South China Morning Post, 20 July 2018, id: work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34 author: Elizabeth Evens title: Plainclothes Policewomen on the Trail: NYPD Undercover Investigations of Abortionists and Queer Women, 1913–1926 date: 2020 words: 12284 sentences: 774 pages: 18 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uyep64ehovakvbm5r4ddr6bz34.txt summary: In early twentieth-century New York City, policewomen went undercover to investigate abortion the New York Police Department (NYPD), the first female investigators were working class role in controlling other women''s sexuality and reproduction.12 New York policewomen surveilled immigrant midwives, coerced working class women to testify in abortion trials, and, opportunistic matrons sought new duties, at first within the precinct by assisting on investigations involving women and children in police custody, drawing upon perceived feminine expertise. 1981); Mary Aldrich-Moodie, "Staking Out Their Domain: Women in the New York City Police Department, 47The New York District Attorney Indictments record that the NYPD arrested 34 individuals following policewomen''s undercover investigations between 1916 and 1925. Following a complaint to the district attorney, Sullivan and Leonard investigated the proprietress of the tearoom, Eve Adams, a Polish Jewish émigré, born Chawa Zloczewer, with a background similar to the midwives.86 Historians have detailed how state and private actors policed id: work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi author: Elizabeth Tavares title: Romeo and Juliet by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival date: 2019 words: 2021 sentences: 115 pages: 6 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4iwcmtkoizcurlpl7xlgn4stbi.txt summary: Romeo and Juliet by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (review) Presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival at the Allen Elizabethan With William Thomas Hodgson (Romeo), Emily Ota ( Juliet), Sara Bruner (Mercutio), Derek Garza (Tybalt), Robin Goodrin Nordli of Dámaso Rodríguez''s Romeo and Juliet, which played in the outdoor private spaces: marking the private dovetailed sonnet Romeo and Juliet body in different kinds of role allowed the play to speak to a wide range choices were the lighting elements incorporated into the set design by For example, the bed in which Romeo and Juliet exchange lines of carpe see the sensitively lit production under a moonless night, allowing Juliet The thoughtful coherence of the production''s design was matched by with that concern, little of the rest of the production was similarly invested in developing audiences'' empathy with those society casts as outsiders. unintentionally) the central concern of the production: two communities, id: work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u author: Ella Mcpherson title: CGHR, Peaceful Assembly Online Research Pack 11-2019 date: 2019 words: 21871 sentences: 1274 pages: 43 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ipeirvd3avhq7denk2qhxktb2u.txt summary: recognised ''that human rights protections, including for freedom of assembly, may apply to considerations for protecting the right to peaceful assembly enacted in online places, focusing in States are obliged to protect online assemblies that fall within the definition of ''peaceful'', but the diffuse nature of online assemblies raises challenges for how to protect the right, including exercising their right to participate in online assemblies, from access to the internet to data trolling will be protected under a proposed right to peaceful online assemblies. issue of protection under a proposed right to peaceful online assembly. extent can political trolls be protected under the right to peaceful online assembly? extended protection of hacktivism under the right to peaceful online assembly. State is obliged to protect the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, as has been noted by the States are not only obliged to respect and protect the right to peaceful assembly online. id: work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq author: Emanuelle Degli Esposti title: Fighting for "Justice", Engaging the Other: Shi''a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus date: 2019 words: 10843 sentences: 782 pages: 17 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vqfyynypvffkxksb23pphi2jnq.txt summary: Fighting for "Justice", Engaging the Other: Shi''a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus Keywords: Shi''ism; Islam; identity; sectarianism; activism; Britain; university Islamic world, Shi''a Muslims in Europe represent a numerical minority, making up approximately conducted between 2013–2018, our research focuses on Shi''a Islamic societies on British university social, religious, and political activism currently being orchestrated by Shi''a students in Britain.3 come to undergird contemporary forms of Shi''a student activism within British universities. forms of Shi''a activism taking place on British university campuses. minority in the West to represent a different image of Islam and to ensure that Shi''a Muslims and their University ABSocs thus function both as a place for Shi''a Muslims to come together with other Due to Shi''a Islam''s minority status both within university campuses and within wider British Shi''a identity, it is our contention that in the context of Muslim minority communities in Britain this Muslim Identity Politics: Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain. id: work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima author: Emil L. Sigurdsson title: #MeToo – a concern for general practice? date: 2018 words: 998 sentences: 97 pages: 3 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6s46minwwnecracodpmf2cpima.txt summary: ISSN: 0281-3432 (Print) 1502-7724 (Online) Journal homepage: Sigurdsson (2018) #MeToo – a concern for general practice?, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 36:1, 1-2, DOI: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1426153 accusing the film producer of sexual assault and harassment, has led to a worldwide movement. female doctors have come forward with stories about sexual harassment: first, someone with more authority SJPHC: Do patients consult their GP for sexual concerns? primary health care provider and as such have the opportunity to assist women who have been the victim of sexual assault. women are reluctant to step forward and tell their story, Do patients consult their GP for sexual concerns? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? #MeToo &hx2013; a concern for general practice? id: work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na author: Emille Davie Lawrence title: Mathematics for Social Justice date: 2020 words: 1434 sentences: 124 pages: 2 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hkzvhkarkngebhfcb4w5suj7na.txt summary: 532 Notices of the AmericAN mAthemAticAl society Volume 67, Number 4 Emille Davie Lawrence is a term associate professor of mathematics a variety of courses with the essays and modules written by for social justice": all mathematics instruction that aims to that connecting mathematics and social justice is a new is why Mathematics for Social Justice: Resources for the College the book by the authors, five essays that make the case for introducing topics of social justice into the math curriculum, and fourteen course modules that can be adopted into Mathematics for Social Justice Mathematics for Social Justice The utility of Mathematics for Social Justice: Resources for community a toolkit for challenging students to use mathematics to improve our world from many different angles. Karaali and Khadjavi are working on, Mathematics for Social in the postscript the modules are sorted by mathematical id: work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm author: Emily Bryan title: "Fantastic Tricks before High Heaven," Measure for Measure and Performing Triads date: 2020 words: 11938 sentences: 898 pages: 17 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eppnr4yax5d6dopsyrd4ctiefm.txt summary: Cheek By Jowl production use a triadic structure which suggests the Trinity, foregrounding the body Keywords: Measure for Measure; Cheek By Jowl; performance; the body; the trinity; Christology; What happens in performance to the logic of substitution in the play? good way of controlling people" ( Isabella, like the clowns, plays with repetition and language in a way that makes puns available to In the context of the play, the first substitution is Angelo for the Duke, the resolves that Shakespeare''s comic turn in Measure for Measure was to write an imperfect play. I am thinking about how the Cheek by Jowl performance interacts with the play text of Measure for inaugurates the triadic logic in the play: Angelo for the Duke. substitutions work in the play as creating an institutional desire corresponds to the way I see the logic If the play hinges on the logic that repetition (and therefore, performance) cannot be id: work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi author: Emily M. Colpitts title: Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in the Context of Rising Anti-Feminist Backlash date: 2020 words: 7763 sentences: 806 pages: 14 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kzqovjkwbralnjhkiat4zsxkxi.txt summary: Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in the Context of Rising Anti-Feminist Backlash Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in Addressing Sexual Violence at Ontario Universities in versities, men''s rights, sexual violence sexual violence perpetration at Canadian universities. influences Canadian universities'' responses to sexual recent efforts to address sexual violence. sexual violence on university campuses, and in partic­ specific sexual violence policies, anti­feminist backlash against framing student allegations of sexual violence can be said about sexual violence at Canadian uni­ issue of campus sexual violence, Schmidt might thus Some institutions'' sexual violence policies place re­ How Responses to Campus Sexual Violence are Shaped by universities are responding to sexual violence. Canadian institutions respond to sexual violence. Yet as institutions'' sexual violence policies and re­ lysis of universities'' sexual violence policies revealed a if university responses to sexual violence anti­feminist backlash at Canadian universities, this id: work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum author: Emma Bell title: Time''s up! Feminist theory and activism meets organization studies date: 2018 words: 9586 sentences: 721 pages: 35 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m55vnz4t2nadjbhn3dyxo4wqum.txt summary: Feminist theory and activism meets organization studies Introduction to Human Relations special issue ''Organizing feminism: Bodies, practices, study of organizations and social relations at work. Keywords: Feminism; theory; activism; sexism; patriarchy; intersectionality; politics of feminism in the study of organization, social relations and work. Not to ask feminist questions about gendered social relations at work, in feminisms by positioning feminist theories and approaches as central to the production of organization studies show that feminisms remain marginalized and silenced as theory and The need for specifically feminist spaces in management and organization studies was Feminisms are also being debated at other management and organization studies conferences, into question the relevance of feminist theory and practice to organization studies. subject of feminism, and we trust that more feminist work can be submitted to this journal to knowledge such as feminist theory in organization studies. of/for feminist and gender studies in Organization. id: work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky author: Erik Serrao title: Raltegravir, elvitegravir, and metoogravir: the birth of "me-too" HIV-1 integrase inhibitors date: 2009 words: 11046 sentences: 1423 pages: 14 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4iwqrs2pf5bc5hx2wlsa4ykoky.txt summary: development of raltegravir, HAART had been recommended to consist of at least three different drugs targeting separate stages of the HIV life cycle: two nucleoside Simultaneously, a different group discovered and developed potent DKA compounds, leading to both the first Although raltegravir has become a modern blockbuster anti-HIV drug, multiple viral amino acid mutations profiles (compound 18 = 12 nM IC50 against strand transfer, 86 nM CIC95 in cells in 50% NHS, and a 47% bioavailability and 48 mL/min/kg plasma clearance in rats). of a new HIV-1 integrase inhibitor in clinical development. activity of MK-0518, a potent HIV integrase inhibitor. Structure activity of 3-aryl-1,3-diketo-containing compounds as HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. M, Summa V: Discovery and synthesis of HIV integrase inhibitors: development of potent and orally bioavailable Nof raltegravir, a potent, selective orally bioavailable HIVintegrase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-AIDS infection. resistance profile of a novel HIV integrase inhibitor JTK-303/ id: work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a author: Eva Mathews title: Sexual Harassment in the House of Medicine and Correlations to Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey date: 2019 words: 7074 sentences: 678 pages: 11 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ya36my57nfbynpwupyora4ct7a.txt summary: Sexual Harassment in the House of Medicine and Correlations to Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey between sexual harassment at work and burnout in women physicians, but no studies on this topic have been done in the United Methods: For this study, women physicians with active Louisiana licenses were invited to complete a cross-sectional self-report Ninety-six percent of respondents reported having experienced gender harassment from their colleagues, while 69% had experienced unwanted sexual attention from the same. Conclusion: This study found that reports of burnout and gender harassment from colleagues were significantly correlated. results also align with previous findings of high rates of sexual harassment in medical school and residency. between sexual harassment and burnout in female physicians with active licenses who are practicing in Louisiana. Next, the Kearney SEQ21 contains 19 items that measure gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. physician burnout is correlated to sexual harassment experiences from either colleagues or from patients and their id: work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre author: Eva Schoenefeld title: Medical education too: sexual harassment within the educational context of medicine – insights of undergraduates date: 2021 words: 4267 sentences: 435 pages: 6 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre.pdf txt: ./txt/work_anipmdlvpvfexfkzbn2g3dxdre.txt summary: Medical education too: sexual harassment within the educational context of medicine – insights of undergraduates A survey was undertaken, using the Medical Women''s International Association sexual harassment questionnaire Baseline characteristics, e.g. answers by male or female medical students, were correlated with their individual sexual harassment experiences Keywords: Sexual harassment, Gender inequalities, Discrimination, Undergraduate education This study investigates the prevalence of sexual harassment among undergraduate medical students in a German conducted among medical undergraduates to better describe the problem with baseline data to assist and inform future educational practice and policy. A validated sexual harassment questionnaire in the medical working environment is not available in German Table 1 Various forms of sexual harassment reported from undergraduates stratified by sex of our Münster medical school Statement 1: Our undergraduates are aware of sexual harassment within the medical field. Statement 2: Our female students have personally experienced sexual harassment in general. id: work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi author: Fabian Bergès title: ARE CONSUMERS MORE LOYAL TO NATIONAL BRANDS THAN TO PRIVATE LABELS? date: 2012 words: 6807 sentences: 803 pages: 27 flesch: 74 cache: ./cache/work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nlz2yzajrbd5xpcon7bbu5l5yi.txt summary: We show that consumer demand for "metoo" private labels is as elastic as for national brands. Keywords: National Brands, Private Labels, Demand Elasticity, Competition. the manufacturers of NBs. The introduction of high quality private label products constitutes a 3.A Demand price elasticity: a measure of consumers'' attachment to brands of demand price elasticities to measure consumer loyalty to products. duopoly the demand price elasticity of the high quality shorter, in absolute value, than that of The high-quality private labels (HPL): these are the retailers'' own products sold under Distinguishing the different retailers and products, we calculate the price elasticities the product considered, its distribution between the different brands, and retail prices. where ijpε is the direct price elasticity of product p sold under brand i at retailer j. of Private Label Brands across Product Categories, Journal of Retailing, 76 (2), 175 – 191. id: work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm author: Fangwei Liu title: Mechanistic and Kinetic Study of Singlet O2 Oxidation of Methionine by On-Line Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry date: 2015 words: 11845 sentences: 1533 pages: 14 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_faumgptlo5hzpffa7vedzdjwfm.txt summary: reactions in solution using on-line ESI mass spectrometry and spectroscopy measurements. methionine oxidation intermediates and products at different pH, and measured reaction rate constants. Keywords: On-line ESI mass spectrometry, In-spray solution mixing, Reaction kinetics, Methionine, Singlet investigating the resemblance and evolution of reaction pathways and products from the gas phase to aqueous continuum. continuously pumped in order to replace quenched O2 in solution with fresh 1O2; consequently, ESI MS has to sample solution from a low-pressure reaction system. reaction kinetics between Met and 1O2 in different pH solutions. (a) Product mass spectra for Met oxidation in pH 10.4 solution at different reaction times; and (b) plot of deprotonated counterpart, we may propose two steps for oxidation of neutral Met. Their reaction enthalpies were calculated oxidation of [Met + H]+ follows the same reaction mechanism Similar to gas-phase reactions, the first step of Met oxidation in solution is formation of persulfoxide. id: work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4 author: Ferrán Catalá-López, title: Does the development of new medicinal products in the European Union address global and regional health concerns? date: 2010 words: 7151 sentences: 1017 pages: 10 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nr3tsrvjhrhkjnmakmy6hwxcc4.txt summary: Methods: We reviewed the information on new medicinal products approved by centralized procedure from 1995 between authorized medicinal products and burden of disease measures based on disability-adjusted life years Results: We considered 520 marketing authorizations for medicinal products and 338 active ingredients. DALYs and new medicinal product development (r = 0.619, p = 0.005) in the European Union, and a moderate Conclusions: We find that the development of new medicinal products is higher for some diseases than others. medicinal products changes with disease burden in different populations. We collected the following information: year of approval, name of the medicinal product, active ingredients (new chemical between human-use medicinal products authorized during the study period and burden of disease measures. development of medicinal products and disease burden From a public health perspective [18-20], the therapeutic value and degree of innovation of medicinal products could also be considered, referring to their id: work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e author: Fiona Jenkins title: Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences date: 2018 words: 5240 sentences: 344 pages: 5 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kuxtsxhdnvch3dotqxy7rftv2e.txt summary: Although in these disciplines, as across the social sciences, we see vibrant sub-fields, where feminist approaches and gendered analysis are of feminist and gender research has been mainstreamed or acknowledged in its importance by the academic disciplines that are tasked with 1 Gendered innovations in the social sciences, Australian National University November 6–9, 2016. In turning to consider how ''gendered innovations'' in the social sciences might be elaborated, important differences from these STEM discipline examples and gender research: political science, economics, and philosophy. knowledge, and undertake a citation analysis of feminist papers in influential journals in economics, history, international relations, philosophy, political science and sociology, as well as influential feminist science disciplines feminist and gender research has been overlooked or Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences Work (still) in progress: Establishing the value of gendered innovations in the social sciences id: work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna author: Francisco José Roma Paumgartten title: The tale of lenalidomide clinical superiority over thalidomide and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues date: 2019 words: 6930 sentences: 1880 pages: 10 flesch: 78 cache: ./cache/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.pdf txt: ./txt/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.txt summary: (RCTs) controlled with a placebo, or with a therapy of proven effectiveness (active comparator), lenalidomideversus thalidomide-based therapies for MM, and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues behind lenalidomide authorization, to identify comparative effectiveness and safety studies of thalidomide versus cost-effectiveness studies of thalidomide-versus Lenalidomide (Revlimid®) was the first thalidomide-like drug obtaining a marketing authorization (Figure 1). the applicant provided no evidence that lenalidomide was more effective and or safer than thalidomide for both therapeutic indications. showed that both thalidomideand lenalidomide-based combination therapies were effective Comparative effectiveness of thalidomideversus lenalidomide-based therapies To the best of our knowledge, only two randomized (phase-III) trials have compared the effectiveness of thalidomide-based versus lenalidomide-based therapeutic regimens so far (Table For instance, lenalidomide, compared to thalidomide, A. A systematic review of phase II trials of thalidomide/dexamethasone combination therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. and lenalidomide in patients with multiple myeloma id: work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani author: Frank Dobbin title: The promise and peril of sexual harassment programs date: 2019 words: 6736 sentences: 941 pages: 6 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.pdf txt: ./txt/work_737ui6gec5ddnkivy3s4iioani.txt summary: First, sexual harassment grievance procedures, shown in surveys to incite retaliation without satisfying training, in firms with more women managers, programs work Much of the subsequent research also suggests that sexual harassment grievance procedures and training may be managerial harassment grievance procedures, training programs for managers, and training programs for managers are followed by significant increases in white, black, and Asian-American women in management. For white women, effects of sexual harassment grievance procedures are negative and marginally significant (P < 0.10) among creation of sexual harassment training programs for managers, women, manager training shows positive effects in workplaces management following the adoption of sexual harassment grievance procedures, for workplaces in the first, second, third, and fourth quartiles of women managers improve the effects of grievance procedures managers up to about 12% improved harassment program effects for white women, but growth beyond that did not (see corporate sexual harassment grievance procedures and training are id: work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi author: Fredrik Bondestam title: Sexual harassment in higher education – a systematic review date: 2020 words: 12696 sentences: 1115 pages: 24 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ol3xbwyhbneofgoybasjxigmsi.txt summary: the international research field on sexual harassment and higher education, the development of concepts and delimitations has been quite similar. in order to contextualize and guide a discussion about challenges and limitations recurrent in the research field as a whole, this section summarizes main findings from topranked peer-reviewed articles in the research field on sexual harassment in higher education (Adams, Kottke, and Padgitt 1983; Benson and Thomson 1982; Bruce et al. Evidence-based research confirms more specifically that sexual harassment in higher education can lead to depression (Martin-Storey and August 2016; Selkie et al. Reading and conducting searches in the complete research field a number of themes concerning prevention of sexual harassment in higher education emerges. resources, we complemented the review by taking part of adjacent research on organizational perspectives on preventing sexual harassment in large organizations with similarities to the higher education sector. id: work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq author: G Chen title: Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models date: 2010 words: 12029 sentences: 3500 pages: 13 flesch: 74 cache: ./cache/work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xudgnhl6arhx3okho6t3uidjmq.txt summary: Bipolar disorder (BPD) is characterized by vulnerability to episodic depression and mania and association studies, the list of risk genes for BPD is growing rapidly, creating an and monitor phenotypes related to mania, depression and mood swing vulnerability in Keywords: mania; depression; bipolar disorder; animal model; lithium that induces specific behavior(s) thought to crossspecies phenocopy one or a few mood symptoms (for studied using batteries of behavioral tests for phenocopies related to different components of BPD. and strong associations between BPD risk and polymorphisms of ERK pathway-modulating genes, such animal models target these behaviors and are sensitive to chronic or repeated treatment with antidepressants, including the learned helplessness Many candidate genes are being studied in antidepressant-sensitive behavioral paradigms or animal recurrence of depression,68 response to antidepressants,68–70 increased risk for BPD71 and symptoms of Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models Translational research in bipolar disorder: emerging insights from genetically based models id: work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq author: G. Genois title: MP47: Factors associated with preventable trauma death: a narrative review date: 2020 words: 2356 sentences: 176 pages: 2 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mdklpcvwqbhedeq3ssaspjfkbq.txt summary: aimed to investigate if the #MeToo social movement influenced patterns of IPV cases presenting for emergency care. study took place at the Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP), within the Emergency Department of The Ottawa Conclusion: #MeToo is a powerful social movement that corresponded with a significant increase in IPV cases presenting for emergency care. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort the incidence of clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage (T-ICH) following minor head trauma in older adults. retrospective cohort study extracted data from electronic patient mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients in Ontario and Alberta Does reduced cough capacity in minor thoracic trauma leads to cough capacity assessment, in patients without atelectasis were (0.53 Clinically significant traumatic intracranial haemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study Does reduced cough capacity in minor thoracic trauma leads to more atelectasis development? id: work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom author: Gabija Bankauskaitė title: Žanro konferencija subūrė skirtingų sričių mokslininkus date: 2020 words: 1988 sentences: 277 pages: 5 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jo5hc7jyfjfmrazixyoltwzcom.txt summary: Spalio 11 dieną Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo Pirmoji Žanro konferencija, kurią organizavo dar Kauno humanitarinio fakulteto Sociokultūrinių tyrimų centras, įvyko 2015 metų spalio 23 dieną. Sekcijoje ŽANRO TRANSFORMACIJOS INFORMACIJOS AMŽIUJE pirmoji kalbėjo Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto Žurnalistikos ir audiovizualinių medijų katedros docentė dr. Prelegentė svarstė žurnalistinių žanrų problemą intermedialumo aspektu ir akcentavo, kad šiuolaikinėje lietuvių žurnalistikoje ryškėja žanrų simbiozė, kuriai įtakos turi ir Eglė Gabrėnaitė aptarė rinkimų programą kaip politinės retorikos žanrą. Fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto asistentė dr. Akcentuota, kad pastaruoju metu daugėja populiariosios literatūros žanro Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto Fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo studijų instituto docentė dr. Sekcijos darbą pratęsė Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Kalbų, literatūros ir vertimo Paskutinį pranešimą sekcijoje ŽANRO AKTUALUMAS LITERATŪROS NARATYVUOSE skaitė Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto alumnė, poetė Lina Buividavičiūtė. Prelegentė kalbėjo apie žanro variacijas šiuolaikinėje lietuvių poezijoje, akcentavo vis id: work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u author: George E. Pake title: The Material Foundations of Modern Scientific and Technological Advances date: 1985 words: 4070 sentences: 239 pages: 5 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wmckt2r245bufgld5avsliyi3u.txt summary: accumulating advances from materials research. possible by the advances in materials science and technology From a broad perspective, materials research has enabled a commercial sense, consumer electronics and communications depend critically on the high function, durability, say a few words, that is, particle physics or high-energy communities of research scientists, that the most important next requirement to advance elementary particle physics is SSC design study concluded that the total accelerator cost For the United States instead to deliberately choose a "metoo" or "also-ran" research science status is to opt for States is best assured if we lead the world in advancing budget for science and research. research or of materials science depended upon one major, advancing cancer research, or of the technological benefits SSC project is only possible because of advances in superconducting materials which enable the magnets, in the distinction that the materials science, solid-state physics, or id: work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq author: George Levine title: Why Beauty Matters date: 2018 words: 10428 sentences: 763 pages: 23 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq.txt summary: "to embrace Darwin''s aesthetic view of life and fully incorporate the possibility of nonadaptive arbitrary aesthetic evolution by sexual selection."1 of sexual selection, that female aesthetic choice provides a better explanation than the traditional adaptationist one for many evolutionary While Prum rightly connects his own perspectives on sexual selection with Darwin''s, his embrace of the female role in speciation and evolutionary change takes him a long way, even from the Darwin he is trying The idea of the aesthetic as a social contract is not the only important inference Prum draws from the evolutionary engagement (and contest) of female and male. beauty, "that the females admire the beauty of their male counterparts."16 "The taste for the beautiful," says Darwin, comfortably using language of intention, and desire, "is not of a special nature in the human id: work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci author: George Veletsianos title: Women scholars'' experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame date: 2018 words: 9497 sentences: 685 pages: 36 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t5ti5ezwobhv3m56m342kwb3ci.txt summary: scholarship, the research examining their experiences of harassment and abuse online is scant. this study, we interviewed 14 women scholars who experienced online harassment in order to harassment, as well as scholarly recommendations for future research into scholars'' experiences Women Scholars'' Experiences with Online Harassment and Abuse: Self-Protection, Women Scholars'' Experiences with Online Harassment and Abuse: Self-Protection, mobilization, the harassment that women scholars face online becomes an important issue to Lee (2015: 436) note "women report greater emotional distress as a result of online harassment, evidence describing women scholars'' experiences with online harassment is lacking. gendered harassment, both online and offline, in order to consider how women scholars cope The women who were interviewed for this study coped with online harassment by first systematic investigation of how a group of women scholars'' cope with online harassment Themes describing the ways women scholars cope with online harassment id: work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia author: Georgii Pocheptsov title: Эмоции создают новые физическое, информационное, и виртуальное пространства date: 2020 words: 2172 sentences: 374 pages: 15 flesch: 101 cache: ./cache/work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kqg5o3qis5bl7kkdoro46bmvia.txt summary: Даймонд говорит, что все не так просто. это при том, что сельхозкультуры занимают 40-50% обитаемых земель, инновациях, как это происходит сегодня. мы обнаружили, что все они читали научную фантастику, поэтому мы и подумали, что, наверное, это хорошо" [4]. населения погружаются в другой мир, что в результате может помочь [9 – 10], вероятно, потому, что люди хотят осмысления того мира, в Если эволюция может двигаться без эмоций, то все революции это смотреться крайне дискомфортно, и мы подумали, что это неуместно […] Это что стало то, что они видят на экране. работают так, поскольку они не включают мозги эмоционально. И все это идет под общей темой – чтение и ментальное здоровье. Это результат реформирования в сторону того, чтобы Вспомним при этом, что Разница только в том, что христианская Мир виртуальных врагов никуда не уходит, так как власти не выгодно его того, что происходит внутри и вообще-то не может быть показано. id: work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q author: Georgina Born title: Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures date: 2020 words: 9916 sentences: 825 pages: 12 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3gzhmtnnobcblj5c2c4cc33i4q.txt summary: MIR community: social, cultural, epistemological and ethical matters to do with the diversity of the profession, of the music with which MIR engages, and of the kinds of knowledge produced. is interdisciplinarity: how MIR would gain from closer dialogues with contemporary musicology, music Keywords: MIR; diversity; ontology; interdisciplinarity; music sociology; music anthropology forms of music, and consequently MIR tasks are biased and ontologies of music responsive to a greater diversity of 2.3 Musical Diversity and MIR''s Epistemological and diversity of musical cultures, can such assumptions be Currently, MIR takes a range of digital data as an approximation of the contours of a musical culture. ontologies of music into MIR''s analytical frame? or discipline – whether MIR or music anthropology. Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures. Diversifying MIR: Knowledge and Real-World Challenges, and New Interdisciplinary Futures. 2.3 Musical Diversity and MIR''s Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions id: work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i author: Georgina M. Hosang title: Gender discrimination, victimisation and women''s mental health date: 2018 words: 3018 sentences: 205 pages: 3 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nz7jfi2755cpzamkrsfapczx4i.txt summary: We provide a timely discussion surrounding the impact of these issues on women''s mental health impact of gender discrimination on physical and mental health can provide preliminary but convincing evidence that gender discrimination plays a prominent role in women''s mental health. Females are at greater risk of being exposed to childhood maltreatment12 and domestic violence and abuse.4 Gender victimisation also and combined impact of childhood maltreatment and domestic violence and abuse on women''s mental health. mental health services based on such findings include the implementation of gender and trauma sensitive protocols regarding clinical assessment and access to trauma-informed interventions as well Gender inequality and women''s mental health, what Gender discrimination, victimisation and women''s mental health Gender discrimination, victimisation and women''s mental health Gender discrimination, victimisation and women''s mental health Does gender discrimination affect women''s mental health? Gender inequality and women''s mental health, what is psychiatry doing about it? id: work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq author: Giang Nguyen-Thu title: Vietnamese Media Going Social: Connectivism, Collectivism, and Conservatism date: 2018 words: 7951 sentences: 568 pages: 14 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lacxnbcajrc7xcwtrhjcww25qq.txt summary: JUNE 2018 WAS AN intense time in Vietnam when one saw the role of social media inrevealing and facilitating the (dis)congruity between connectivism, collectivism, and coming and going of Facebook-based public debates remind us that counterpolitical discussion on social media, whether subtly invested in a sarcastic tone or frankly manifested Law in June 2018 indicates how the Internet and social media have become urgent concerns for the Vietnamese party-state, allowing it to justify the escalation of political Against this background, I provide a short history of social media (predominantly Facebook) in Vietnam and how it is driven by an escalating sense of political and The Cybersecurity Law demonstrates that ideologically, the party-state wants to control social media by digital sovereignty that this new bill allows us to identify a major problem of Internet governance in Vietnam: the party-state does not seem to understand the difference between "The Influence of Social Media in Vietnam''s Elite Politics." id: work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku author: Gina Heathcote title: Introduction – Speaking Subjects: Celebrating Twenty Years of Lacey''s Unspeakable Subjects date: 2018 words: 2376 sentences: 119 pages: 5 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ecfcqrjtlzdl5anyl6o4foz4ku.txt summary: Lacey''s seminal feminist account of legal thinking, Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in publication of Unspeakable Subjects we hosted an event at SOAS University of London to wider intellectual contribution to the field of feminist legal studies. power, persistence and relevance of her contribution to feminist legal theories over time. Unspeakable Subjects in this moment when the politics of austerity, renewed legal challenges of liberal law offered by Lacey in Unspeakable Subjects. One of Lacey''s central concerns in Unspeakable Subjects is to offer a critical examination of For Heathcote, Lacey''s work in Unspeakable Subjects provides a stimulus to advance Yet another theme evident in the collection concerns the contribution Unspeakable Subjects up on Lacey''s work in criminal law theory, and draws connections between this work and Lacey''s feminist legal theory. theory, Lacey examines the ways in which gender and responsibility and crime have come Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in Legal and Social Theory (Hart, 1998). id: work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va author: Giuliana Viglione title: The US National Academy of Sciences can now kick out harassers. So why hasn''t it? date: 2020 words: 1620 sentences: 123 pages: 2 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xor2rli3crdoxffqqnm3p6l2va.txt summary: used the new system to report known harassers within the NAS''s membership, Nature has not received any reports concerning harassers. "We know that there are several NAS members for which there is good documentation of McNutt feared that the NAS would be inundated with requests to investigate members. Under the NAS''s new policy, anyone — whether Marcia McNutt, president of the US National Academy of Sciences, says that the academy hasn''t received any requests to expel members. The academy told Nature that no one has used the complaint system put in place last year, even though several academy members are known sexual harassers. secretary when an NAS member is accused, and an NAS member in 2016. at the university who filed sexual-harassment Why no one has used the new NAS system to file reporting harassers to its members and to the As for other members of the NAS''s governing McNutt says that the NAS members who are id: work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4 author: Giuseppe Toscani title: Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects date: 2018 words: 1089 sentences: 211 pages: flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tkzg4lmcxzctholz7hyl5vokl4.txt summary: [PDF] Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 19230722Opinion modeling on social media and marketing aspects We introduce and discuss kinetic models of opinion formation on social networks in which the distribution function depends on both the opinion and the connectivity of the agents. The opinion formation model is subsequently coupled with a kinetic model describing the spreading of popularity of a product on the Web through a social network. Numerical experiments on the underlying kinetic models show a good qualitative agreement with some measured trends of hashtags on social media websites and… Expand Improving Opinion Formation Models on Social Media Through Emotions Opinion dynamics over complex networks: kinetic modeling and numerical methods Dynamic behavior of a social model for opinion formation. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa author: Gordon D. Schiff title: The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics date: 2018 words: 2203 sentences: 181 pages: 3 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uoguup3ja5ccxiio5hvjpbrpsa.txt summary: 1Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care, Boston, MA, USA; 2Brigham and Womens Hospital Center for Patient Safety Research and With the publication of 2015 National Academy of Medicine Report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care and recent reports suggesting diagnostic errors are The goal of developing and reporting standardized measures related to diagnostic safety has been an elusive one. crafting measures for diagnosis quality has not proven to be wait for a patient to die to uncover diagnostic improvement Culture of diagnostic safety and improvement 984 Schiff and Ruan: The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics JGIM Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledges support for research in diagnostic error and improvement from CRICO (Harvard Improving diagnosis in health care. Improving Diagnostic Quality and Safety Draft The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics The Elusive and Illusive Quest for Diagnostic Safety Metrics id: work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u author: Gouri Rao Passi title: News in Brief date: 2018 words: 1391 sentences: 237 pages: 1 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wdmnuj6g7zfqfagj3esu72cc6u.txt summary: SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, musculoskeletal analysis of six studies seems to suggest that prolonged sitting of daily sitting can be injurious to health. relationship between type-2 diabetes and sitting time, suggesting that any reduction of sitting time will reduce the reduce prolonged sitting times. sitting to standing posture after every 30 minutes of continuous sitting. their time in sitting posture. We must break up our sitting times with intermittent standing, about 10% of infected pregnant women delivered babies with suggested that somewhere around 2013, the virus mutated study published in 2017 also identified another mutation A188V mutation is not present in the current Indian strain; In this study, 30% of women reported having balanced discussion in the Canadian Medical Association Already women in leadership positions in medicine are few women. They are less likely than men to have medicine at a higher rate than men. id: work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm author: Grace Ese-osa Idahosa title: Challenging the way we know the world: overcoming paralysis and utilising discomfort through critical reflexive thought date: 2020 words: 9755 sentences: 728 pages: 23 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pvui23j2nfejbjuwkcdm7ll2jm.txt summary: Keywords: Critical reflexivity; contradiction; paralysis; knowledge production; the knowledge production and change process and the tensions and paralysis engaging in critical reflexivity is a hard and messy process but to attain change My process of self-reflection began during my doctoral research in South Africa, questions of power and privilege in the knowledge production process are raised. level – challenging knowledge production and practice in the process. they are personal, embodied, political and critical to the reflexive process. To engage in critical reflexivity is to challenge the way we know the world, Decolonial reflexive practice thus refers to the process of challenging the ways we paralysis in arguing for critical self-reflexivity, and an awareness of discomfort and of discomfort, contradiction and paralysis that arise in the process of reflexivity. our positionality and legitimacy in the knowledge production and change process. reflexivity) enabled us to challenge the ways we know the world. id: work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti author: Gretchen Kerr title: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Struggle for Child Protection in Canadian Sport date: 2020 words: 10321 sentences: 784 pages: 16 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sntxnue66ncefflcb3otdbnfti.txt summary: the Canadian sport system from physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect. financial assistance to high-performance athletes, and helps Canadian organizations to host sport Between 2016 and 2018, Canadian sport was also shaken by cases of sexual abuse of athletes in the Despite the preoccupation of the media and sport organizations with cases of sexual abuse of athletes: "I would never feel comfortable going to my National Sport Organization if I were harassed "We want the minister to know that athletes support an independent body to handle safe sport issues," The development of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport Centre of Canada, to provide independent investigators to assist sport organizations in addressing Available online: (accessed on 17 January 2020). Inc. Available online: (accessed on 20 February 2020). Available online: (accessed on id: work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a author: Grit Höppner title: un/doing age: Multiperspektivität als Potential einer intersektionalen Betrachtung von Differenz- und Ungleichheitsverhältnissen date: 2021 words: 10583 sentences: 1981 pages: 16 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_k2lcr5zb7rgchgxk36uv5dhy3a.txt summary: Diskussionen über die Herstellung von sozialen Differenzkategorien, deren Wechselwirkungen und damit einhergehenden Produktionen sozialer Ungleichheitsverhältnisse insbesondere über intersektionale Ansätze geführt. eine begrenzte Anzahl bereits gut erforschter Differenzkategorien und zweitens ihr Fokus auf Konstruktionsprozesse (doings), wobei tendenziell Dekonstruktionsprozesse (undoings) ausgeblendet werden (Hirschauer 2014). die Eigenständigkeit von Alter als Differenzkategorie sichtbar zu machen und Alter nicht nur als eine Verstärkung In der Alter(n)sforschung wurde die Idee des undoing age erst in den letzten Dazu werden die Konturen der Differenzkategorie Alter skizziert, und sowohl deren Spezifika im doing gender im Jahr 1987 hat in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Geschlechterforschung die Idee der sozialen KonGrit Höppner und Anna Wanka, un/doing age 45 60) Ähnlich wie von Lee wird auch in aktuellen Weiterentwicklungen des doing age-Konzeptes im Bereich der Solch eine interobjektive Sichtweise vermeidet durch die Anerkennung der materiellen Vielfalt von Alter(n) determinierende und Interpretationen, die jedoch insbesondere auf das Verleugnen, Negieren und Reversieren von Alter (vgl. id: work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu author: Gry Høngsmark Knudsen title: Changing Masculinity, One Ad at a Time date: 2020 words: 8751 sentences: 684 pages: flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z7tsh6lasbb2hoatnpd4u6nonu.txt summary: We compare rhetorical strategies in two purpose branding campaigns, Lynx''s Is it ok for guys (2017) and Gillette''s The Best a Man Can Be (2019), to demonstrate how respective uses of formal and narrative tropes create vastly different narratives about masculinity and therefore also very different audience agency. Specifically, we analyse and compare the new brand narratives from Gillette and Lynx to understand the rhetorical strategies these two brands use in their communication on toxic masculinity. However, in 2019, Gillette turned its brand narrative upside down and began a conversation on toxic masculinity and men''s responsibility to change it through their new slogan ''The Best a Man Can Be''. Where we, and previous advertising researchers, consider Western media culture to reach beyond national borders (Jenkins et al., 2013), the changes in space and time between the reception of Lynx''s and Gillette''s campaigns (with developments of #metoo beginning in October 2017 and Donald Trump''s instatement as president in January 2017), were locally different. id: work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa author: Guillermo Caballero title: COMMUNITY AS SELF: AN INTERVIEW WITH NADIA E. BROWN date: 2020 words: 2117 sentences: 176 pages: 2 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pw4mmoz3rfgwvbypc5sblvl6wa.txt summary: 1. What were your initial motivations to study Black women study Black women changed since then? University for my PhD, my major field was women in politics. Although concentrating on gender politics was really illuminating, it was all about white women. From my own lived experiences of seeing Black women champion inclusive politics and of scholars who do women of color studies. three scholars of Asian descent (two women and one male), seven for an intellectual community that studied women of color and these disadvantages are the same, different, or parallel as compared to women scholars who have other intersecting identities? One of the challenges facing a scholar doing work on intersectional identities in this field is that I am often asked how research on Black women? kind of identity politics work does not get you published in thinking about your experience as a scholar? out to feminist scholars and women academics in particular. id: work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu author: Haiden A. Huskamp title: Prices, Profits, And Innovation: Examining Criticisms Of New Psychotropic Drugs'' Value date: 2006 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jhmvzylq5vbq7lzvm2zygxavwu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217546260 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:17 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu author: Hannah Mason-Bish title: Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses date: 2019 words: 1363 sentences: 109 pages: 3 flesch: 29 cache: ./cache/work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kdqrvpgyhzgoxni7we35swisqu.txt summary: whereby concerns about hate crime and prejudice are a pressing social and political 1 7 scroungers11 within the few countries that includes disability as a hate crime category. 10 Rise in disability hate crimes UK scrounger rhetoric xenophobia towards migrants, William Arrocha discusses the timely concern of violence and hate directed towards refugees in the global north. international organisations in addressing hate crime, including the relevance of internal increasing international efforts to combat hate crime and Junuzovic provides a much critically examines the need for criminal justice agencies and civil society to work society can offer is central in responding to hate crime. Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses Introduction to the special issue on the politics of hate: community, societal and global responses id: work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74 author: Hans Asenbaum title: Making a Difference: Toward a Feminist Democratic Theory in the Digital Age date: 2019 words: 10719 sentences: 857 pages: 27 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4vipvppyxbdztgrkumaaxgnt74.txt summary: Difference democrats did not take notice of the parallel emerging discourse on cyberfeminism exploring novel identity configurations on the internet. and state agents to think more adequately about the variability of identity performances and democratic functions of different participatory spaces. modes of identity performance in different participatory spaces fulfil different democratic functions. In difference democratic debates, the corporeal identity of marginalized subjects functions as visible claim for inclusion. Thus, while early cyberfeminist writing of Haraway, Turkle, and Plant focuses on ephemerality and identity play, current cyberfeminists situate themselves much closer to difference democrats'' politics of presence by focusing on analog/digital identity continuities, thus paying closer Both difference democrats and cyberfeminists contest gendered power asymmetries by focusing on particular modes of identity performances. Difference democrats developed their accounts of inclusion in relation to three types of political institutions in society: representative state institutions, citizens'' participatory institutions, and Representatives'' websites are rather used for one-way communication and identity construction contributing to difference democrats'' ideal of embodied diversity. id: work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m author: Hans Renders title: Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the Netherlands date: 2019 words: 3684 sentences: 277 pages: 9 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mikjlifh2rb3zb2elfrwtdij2m.txt summary: Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the a good way to look at the state of the art in Dutch biography. subject for a biography, it is clear that there is an increased effort to use sound archival sources as the foundation for biographical research. Because we are living in a world of alternative facts, biography and journalism seem In the case of Belgian biography, another factor comes into play: the language in which the book was written. When a biography is written by a family member, the author sometimes gets access publication of the biography of the Dutch poet and resistance hero Jan Campert in The arts are also the focus of Manu van der Aa''s Tatave!, a biography of the id: work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74 author: Harriet Hartman title: The 2019 Sklare Address: How Gender and Family Still Matter for Contemporary Jewry date: 2020 words: 12154 sentences: 790 pages: 25 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l7nedk5h7bezxno53j6hlcza74.txt summary: Keywords Family · Gender · Jewish identity · Open systems model · Ecological with Moshe, is what is distinctive about the patterns of gender, family, education and labor force that occur among American Jews and what is "Jewish" about labor force achievements, resulting in gender differences between American Jewish men and women in secular achievement. strategies that have helped shape Jewish families, including strictly Orthodox communities and same-sex parents, suggesting productive ways to think about possible In another example, this time from the Israeli context, intermarriage between different Jewish denominations is not common: 95% of haredi Jews marry other haredi But Jewish identity and engagement are affected by the collective denominational profile of all Jews living in their community (another macrosystem variable). fields of gender and family and Jewish identity, including Gender and American Jews: Patterns of Work, id: work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y author: Hassan ATIFI title: New Feminist Claims and Digital Media: Circumvention of Social and Religious Prohibitions in Tunisia and Morocco date: 2020 words: 13479 sentences: 2031 pages: 30 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hbf5dwxr2fcjvookqh6cctzh7y.txt summary: question de la présence des femmes tunisiennes et marocaines sur les réseaux proche d''une égalité dans les droits entre hommes et femmes. privées et publiques ainsi que des titres de presse) et de ferveur pour Internet, les exprimées sur Facebook et Youtube par des internautes/acteurs dans les deux pays tourné dans les rues de Casablanca, des femmes marocaines prennent la parole et de nouvelles formes de revendications qui s''attaquent a ̀ quelques-uns des tabous les tunisien n''est pas sous-tendu par des revendications pour l''égalité sexuelle entre les la nudité du corps féminin n''a pas fait la une de la presse, ni été discutée dans les dans le monde pour dénoncer le harcèlement sexuel que subissent les femmes, n''est femmes, pour les inciter à prendre la parole sur Internet car le web marocain est des Marocains vivant dans une société qui interdit les relations sexuelles hors id: work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq author: Helen Costigane title: Vos estis lux mundi: Too Far or Not Far Enough? date: 2020 words: 7319 sentences: 526 pages: 14 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bjs7jvj4rjemddtylg6dkcjxfq.txt summary: Child Sexual Abuse (RCIRCSA), Final Report (2017), provided very specific recommendations to The Murphy Report, dealing with the Archdiocese of Dublin, notes that the preoccupation in dealing with cases of abuse up until the mid 1990s was maintaining secrecy, avoiding scandal and protecting institutional reputation and assets.13 Church to deal adequately with the question of child sexual abuse by clergy Crimen sollicitationis, first issued in 1922 and reissued in 1962, established a procedure for canonical cases where priests were accused of abusing the confessional to proposition penitents sexually. the document imposed secrecy only on canonical procedures, and did not prohibit anyone from reporting criminal abuse cases to the statutory authorities. Recommendation 16(9) addressed the issue of child sexual abuse itself and One issue that was not mentioned in the Royal Commission''s recommendations was that of the abuse of vulnerable adults. id: work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e author: Helen Gardner title: Emily J. Manktelow. Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific: Rev. Simpson''s "Improper Liberties." London: Bloomsbury, 2018. Pp. 256. $114.00 (cloth) date: 2019 words: 1287 sentences: 76 pages: 2 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_myd5v7hdgndwpkuxwiqmaulq7e.txt summary: Unavoidably, the book conveys something of Boole''s attitude to mathematics. Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific: Rev. Simpson''s "Improper Simpson of the London Missionary Society in the Tahitian field sexually abused many of Yet the charges were a deep shock to the London-based mission society for whom Tahiti was Manktelow''s new study, we follow the minutiae of this process, learning Manktelow''s analysis of this event is both innovative and wide-ranging, as much a meditation on history writing as on the events of Tahiti in the mid-nineteenth century. Her historiography of sexual violence begins with Susan Brownmiller''s landmark study on rape, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (1975), and the subsequent debate on the prevalence of this abuse through history. Manktelow''s deep subjectivity ensures the book is not only a polemic. Manktelow explores the suspicion of missionary children seemingly tainted by In the final chapter, Manktelow focuses on the legacies of British colonialism and efforts to Manktelow''s exemplary analysis of sexual violence in the id: work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm author: Helen Kopnina title: Ecocentric Education: Introduction to a Special Collection of Essays date: 2020 words: 3259 sentences: 329 pages: 6 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h6kemg7idnaixe3oblxfl7gmcm.txt summary: This Special Issue "Ecocentric education" contains articles focused on ecological values in "The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, this Special Issue, ecocentric education does not "restrict human well-being to economic aspects"; Contributors to this collection of essays reflect on this new type of environmental education, What are the most effective forms of education taking environmental sustainability as an ultimate for sustainable development (ESD), ecocentric education reveals the lessons of environmentalism and environmental education and, particularly ESD are largely focused on social and economic issues [15,16], Environmental education and the issue of nature. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): The turn away from ''environment'' in Sustainable development, environmental education, and the significance of being in place. (accessed on 20 August 2020). The Origins of Ecocentric Education: From Critical Theory to Ecopedagogy The Origins of Ecocentric Education: From Critical Theory to Ecopedagogy id: work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4 author: Helen Kopnina title: Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is Wrong with ESDGs, and What Can We Do Better? date: 2020 words: 8249 sentences: 647 pages: 14 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sm7dut6j4jccdlosn5fn4udjj4.txt summary: Abstract: This article will discuss social, environmental, and ecological justice in education Keywords: biospheric egalitarianism; ecological justice; education for sustainable development; This article questions the Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG) through the More recently, this criticism has turned toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seventeen oxymoronic aims of SDGs and Education for Sustainable Development Goals, or ESDG. Sustainable development, according to critical educational scholars, reflects The sustainable development rhetoric hardly mentions the questions of human population growth "The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, and concerned focusing on ecocentric ethics and justice have given way to education for sustainable development. is "sustainable and inclusive economic growth" ( the subjects of business, politics, environmental ethics, sustainability, and economic development. Biospheric egalitarianism concerns the rights of other (non-human) species independently of Critical Evaluation of Education for Sustainable Development Goals. id: work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe author: Helena Esser title: The Perks and Pitfalls of Parody: Review of Claire Nally''s Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian date: 2019 words: 4421 sentences: 256 pages: 12 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l4rclognfzdydgmgyeakvivwqe.txt summary: Claire Nally''s Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture, and the Neo-Victorian is Claire Nally''s Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture, and the Neo-Victorian is towards a discussion of neo-Victorianism in the present cultural moment, concerned, and neo-Victorian criticism, like gender studies at large, tends to in creating steampunk parodies of Victorian gender roles, aware that such and irony", Nally claims that steampunk representations of gender may neo-Victorian steampunk aesthetic in potentially problematic ways analysis of material which complements neo-Victorian gender studies in What Nally''s study also illustrates is that steampunk gender, Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Review of Steampunk: Gender, Sub-Culture and the Neo-Victorian Steampunk, Science, and (Neo)Victorian Technologies. ''Steampunk and the Performance of Gender and Sexuality'', NeoVictorian Studies 9:1, Special Issue: Performing the Neo-Victorian, 123Steampunk in Everyday Practice'', Neo-Victorian Studies 1:1 (Autumn), id: work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4 author: Helgi Jaagus title: Kolmkümmend aastat ehhokardiograafiat Eestis date: 2014 words: 1385 sentences: 251 pages: 3 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v27v7m6onjawjbwn777wsoebs4.txt summary: aastal möödus 30 aastat südame ultrahelidiagnostika juurutamisest Eestis. mis olid toodetud Jaapanis, said Tallinna Vabariiklik Haigla ja Vabariiklik Tartu Kliiniline Haigla. oli võimalik uurida nn M-skänni (M-mode) meetodiga, mis annab ülevaate aordija mitraalklapist, Esimese ehhokardiograafilise uuringu Eestis teostas Artikkel annab ülevaate ehhokardiograafia kasutamise algusaastatest Eestis ning põhineb autori ja kolleegide dr Eevi Maiste ning dr Silvi Saretoki mälestustel. (samuti ainult M-mode, ühetasapinnaline metoodika) eeliseks oli kujutise jäädvustamise võimalus Tallinna Vabariiklikus Haiglas uuringu võimalustega Analüüs nii filmi negatiivilt kui ka fotodelt oli väga ka Tallinna Vabariikliku Haigla kardioloogid. Esimese kahetasapinnalise mustvalge Dopplermetoodikaga kardioloogiline südame-ultraheliaparaadi Mark 600 (firma ATL) sai Vabariiklik Tartu Tallinna Pelgulinna Haigla kardioloog Ene Pullisaar. Tallinna Meremeeste Haigla sai Vabariiklikus Tartu Kliinilises Haiglas alus tasid tööd 1986. aastal esimesed TEE-uuringud teostas samal aastal esimese TEE Tallinna Kiirabihaiglas ühetasapinnalise anduriga. Ta oli Soomes omandanud TTE ja TEE metoodika. Keskhaiglas kardioloog Svea Sildmäe, kes on omandanud nii TTE, TEE kui ka stress-ehhokardiograafia id: work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu author: Helle Rydstrom title: Machinery of Male Violence date: 2019 words: 10361 sentences: 844 pages: 19 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4na6ibgi4vahzo7fjpxqhxiblu.txt summary: This article takes the notion of crisis as a helpful analytical entry point to unfold the temporalities and modalities of the machinery of violence as manifested in men''s abuse of years, the article argues that some types of crises might be episodic, and thus a bracketing of daily life, while others, such as intimate partner violence, might settle as a crisis of Keywords: Body; Gender; Intimate Partner Violence; Masculinity; Vietnam backdrop for debates on men''s violence against women in Vietnam. The study Gender-Based Violence: The Case of Vietnam (World Bank, 1999) provided sexual abuse of women, called for recognition of the harm such violence inflicts upon against women (Domestic Violence in Vietnam, 2016; see also, Rydstrom, 2017, 2019). initiated in Vietnam to mark opposition to men''s violence against women. violence against women in Vietnam. domestic violence against women in Vietnam. Men''s perpetration of intimate partner violence in Vietnam: Gendered social learning and the id: work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine author: Henriette Bier title: Dialogs on Architecture date: 2019 words: 2750 sentences: 164 pages: 6 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lfts7mksefethlw5jcqamhbine.txt summary: intellectual model of high technology and are involved in its advancement and application in architecture. The first dialog focuses on the impact of an intellectual model of high technology on architecture, and takes Dialog #1: The impact of the intellectual model of high technology on architecture third and fourth industrial revolutions influenced architectural thinking and practice needs reconsideration. However, architectural practices and the building industry are slow in engaging HB: If the building industry would be willing to apply the intellectual model of high technology, the KG: Maybe the building industry will not be first in the application of high technology in the design-toproduction process. KG: I think we have architectural education all wrong today. and the building industry, architectural education is lost, in my judgement. vanity." Architecture schools do a lot today to excite youthful vanity at the neglect of challenging students production that are not the mainstay of today''s architectural practice and the academy. id: work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam author: Henry Way title: Beyond the Big City: The Question of Size in Planning for Urban Sustainability date: 2016 words: 6090 sentences: 486 pages: 8 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ndfo4fja6bbl3bhfpimr2rgwam.txt summary: Beyond the Big City: The Question of Size in Planning for Urban Sustainability The paper then explores the opportunities and challenges for a sizebased analysis of urban livability and sustainability and the questions posed by the experience of smaller cities. This paper introduces the question of city size to the consideration of urban sustainability, livability, and associated geographical research will then be discussed, with a particular focus on how medium and small sized cities have been however, that "[r]elatively little research in planning or urban studies has used small to mid-sized cities as a focused livability research; the particular consideration of sustainability and livability in small/mid-sized cities; and the 5. Directions and questions for small to mid-sized city sustainability and livability Small and mid-sized cities are important to consider in terms of sustainability planning. own research on urban planning and policy-making in a small city (Harrisonburg, in Virginia in the U.S., population id: work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy author: Holly Gayley title: Revisiting the "Secret Consort" (gsang yum) in Tibetan Buddhism date: 2018 words: 15900 sentences: 1205 pages: 21 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_b3eup7g4fjghxo5e2tdzi4ncyy.txt summary: Tibetan teachers at the head of Buddhist communities in Europe and North America. Keywords: Buddhism; gender; sexuality; tantra; consort relationship; women in religion bias of Buddhist tantra and surfaced allegations of abuse by Tibetan lamas in North America while, to recognize significant shifts in how secrecy and sexuality have been practiced among Buddhist tantric including specific ritual practices involving sexuality and teacher-student relationships. In this way, sexuality was gradually contained in Buddhist tantric contexts in Tibet by Recent studies have shed light on sexuality in Buddhist tantra from the vantage point of Tibetan lives of Buddhist lamas, monastic and non-monastic alike, through the tantric rite of sexual union. Namtrul Rinpoche and Khandro Tāre Lhamo is in press with Shambhala Publications. July 2011 ( 104 The response from the Rigpa organization was posted on The Lion''s Roar on 21 July 2017 ( id: work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm author: Hubert Kahn title: Kuvariga töötamiskohtade riskihindamine date: 2014 words: 2854 sentences: 481 pages: 7 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g7ov4tt7vfamjlryfeir5bdzkm.txt summary: Kuvariga töötamis kohtade riskianalüüsi alusdokumentidest ja vastavatest metoo di listest materjalidest on artikli autorid andnud ülevaate ajakirjas Kuvariga töötajate töötingimuste selgitamiseks tehti töökeskkonna riskianalüüs. Üle poolte uuritutest töötas kuvariga enam kui 75% oma tööajast, tegid 15 ettevõtte 810 kuvariga seotud töötamiskoha riskianalüüsi. enne, kui riski on vähendatud; V (talumatu risk) – tööd kuvariga töötamise aja, töö vahel dumise, tööoskuste Andmetest selgub, et naiste töö nõuab sagedamini (üle 75% tööpäevast) kuvariga töötamist kui Uuritute enesehinnangud kuvariga töötamise aja suhtes üles, mis takistab pisarate välju mist), andmete sisestamise meetodist (pimesüsteemi mittevaldamise korral jälgib töötaja nii klaviatuuri kui ka ekraani ning ülekoormus kuvariga töötamise ajast (r = 0,221; moodustama 10% kuvariga töötamise ajast) ning Vajalik on kuvariga töötamise Kuvariga töötajate jaotumine lihaskonna ülekoormuse astme järgi töötamiskoht kujundada vastavalt kuvariga töötamise tööohutusnõuetele ning võtta kasutusele füüsilist ülekoormust peamiselt siis, kui töö kuvariga 1. Üle poolte uuritutest töötab kuvariga enam kui Risk assessment of video display terminal workplaces id: work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4 author: Hugh Bochel title: A Place at the Table? Parliamentary Committees, Witnesses and the Scrutiny of Government Actions and Legislation date: 2019 words: 9460 sentences: 640 pages: 17 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hsp2sgadhzfkdjkrofvyqitml4.txt summary: Keywords: Diversity, representation, gender, Scottish Parliament, participation. the work done by parliamentary committees, and in particular the voices that they hear outreach policies and participation in public events held in parliaments, the IPU''s selfassessment toolkit does not extend to the voices that a parliament''s committees might The committees of the Scottish Parliament are responsible for both legislative diversity of voices heard by committees, including oral witnesses. Parliament, 2015), the Public Engagement Strategy (Scottish Parliamentary Corporate gender (for example, The Good Parliament report: Childs, 2016) and select committee for Wales and Scottish Parliament, found that in each legislature male witnesses typically committees make considerable use of witnesses from ''representative bodies'' or umbrella (2018) ''Committee hearings of the UK Parliament: who gives evidence and does this matter?'', (2012) ''Committee hearings of the Scottish Parliament: evidence Liaison Committee (2018) Witness Gender Diversity, London: The Stationery Office. Witnesses and diversity in the Scottish Parliament id: work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe author: Hyo Sun Jung title: How Does Sexual Harassment Influence the Female Employee''s Negative Response in a Deluxe Hotel? date: 2020 words: 7994 sentences: 1066 pages: 13 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5an55zb3prhklm5sxh4oe4ilpe.txt summary: negative impact on the female employees'' psychological distress and workplace deviant behavior. Keywords: sexual harassment; psychological distress; deviant behavior; organizational silence; the perception of sexual harassment among female employees causes psychological distress and A proposed model of sexual harassment, psychological distress, workplace deviant A proposed model of sexual harassment, psychological distress, workplace deviant behavior, Many studies exist that investigate perceived sexual harassment in organizations and psychological psychological distress, Nielsen and Einarsen (2012) stated that sexual harassment perceived in an this study proposes that sexual harassment increases employees'' psychological distress as follows: Perception of sexual harassment positively influences employees'' psychological distress. Employees'' psychological distress positively influences their workplace deviant behavior. Organizational silence moderates the effect of sexual harassment on psychological distress this study assumed that the effect of employees'' perceived sexual harassment on psychological distress of sexual harassment-related studies that investigate psychological distress or deviant behavior id: work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y author: Hyo-Dong Lee title: Confucian Democracy and a Pluralistic Li-Ki Metaphysics date: 2018 words: 8853 sentences: 570 pages: 13 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_b5qv4iesorf63ksvmqxm65uq2y.txt summary: filial affection, Kim claims that such a Confucian public culture is characterized by civility. Relating this notion of Confucian public culture of civility to the specific context of South Korea, accompanied in Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucian metaphysics by a propensity to devalue psychophysical thing-events, pattern unites, while psychophysical energy differentiates" (Zhu 1986, vol. them similar is their pattern; what makes them different is their psychophysical energy" (Zhu 1986, vol. and nurture the Confucian public culture of a pluralistic democracy. Neo-Confucianism, for envisioning a pluralistically comprehensive moral doctrine. Nongmun''s Neo-Confucian metaphysics, that "pattern and psychophysical energy are equally actual 17 For the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucians, Heavenly Pattern—which Angle translates as "universal coherence" (Angle 2009, extolled by the Neo-Confucians, is a joint manifestation of pattern and psychophysical energy.22 the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucian devaluation of psychophysical energy but also locates in it the source 25 In affirming the notion of popular sovereignty, the pluralistically comprehensive Confucian metaphysics which I am id: work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki author: I. Muller title: Is Serological Testing a Reliable Tool in Laboratory Diagnosis of Syphilis? Meta-Analysis of Eight External Quality Control Surveys Performed by the German Infection Serology Proficiency Testing Program date: 2006 words: 6370 sentences: 950 pages: 7 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ttxc5xesv5hsbfprsbfbmfkjki.txt summary: Meta-Analysis of Eight External Quality Control Surveys Performed by the German Infection Serology Proficiency Testing Program Iris Müller, Volker Brade, Hans-Jochen Hagedorn, Erich Straube, Christoph Schörner, Central Laboratory of the Bacteriologic Infection Serology Study Group of Germany (BISSGG), Institute of Medical Microbiology, The accuracy of diagnostic tests is critical for successful control of epidemic outbreaks of syphilis. Research Laboratory (VDRL) testing (mean accuracy, 89.6% [qualitative], 71.1% [quantitative]), the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) (mean accuracy, 88% [qualitative], 65.8% [quantitative]), and immunoblot assays (mean qualitative accuracy, 87.3%). the mean percentage of false-positive results was 4.1% in the VDRL test, 5.4% in the IgM ELISA, 0.7% in the that their microbiological commentary and qualitative and quantitative test results for both samples determined with established assay systems met the abovelisted criteria (12, 13). Analysis of median antibody titers calculated from the VDRL and FTA-ABS IgM test results of reference laboratories in id: work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou author: Ico Maly title: Metapolitical New Right Influencers: The Case of Brittany Pettibone date: 2020 words: 11918 sentences: 1060 pages: 23 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wqumghqrxrd2naj2j4xel3duou.txt summary: Metapolitical New Right Influencers: The Case of Brittany Pettibone. how far-right vloggers are using the practices of influencer culture for metapolitical goals. analyzing political YouTuber and #pizzagate propagator Brittany Pettibone1 as a case, this paper media like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube and adopts the practices of influencers to further a metapolitics is at the heart of the new right cultural construction of a future society. New right activists try to use the digital mainstream platforms as leverage Brittany Pettibone uses digital media to wage a metapolitical battle. Digital media scholar Tufekci, for instance, called the YouTube algorithm a great radicalizer and analytic project studying far-right political parties and movements and how they use digital media 6. Constructing Brittany Pettibone, the New Right Political YouTuber Digital media not only enables new actors to become part of the metapolitical battle. of far-right ideas, movements, and parties seems to indicate that this new digital metapolitical battle id: work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m author: Ilire Rrustemi title: Gender awareness among medical students in a Swiss University date: 2020 words: 5724 sentences: 553 pages: 9 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xe6eqfd2kvggvb6ny3pcrifc6m.txt summary: Methods: A validated scale (N-GAMS – Nijmegen Gender Awareness in Medicine Scale), with 3 subscores assessing translated into French and was distributed to all medical students registered at the University of Lausanne, Results: In total, 396 students answered the N-GAMS questionnaire, their mean age was 22 years old, 62.6% of which suggests a more gender stereotyped opinion toward patients among male students. teaching in the medical curriculum could improve students'' knowledge, limit gender bias and improve patients'' The GRID score has 7 statements, which explore student''s stereotypes towards doctors and their practice, for example: "Male physicians Table 1 Number of participants stratified by gender and years of education, with total number of students registered in Autumn We used a validated tool (N-GAMS) to specifically assess gender awareness among medical students. gender awareness among Swiss medical students and N-GAMS: Nijmegen Gender Awareness Medical Scale; UniL: University of id: work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi author: Inge Sorensen title: What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural policy post-Weinstein date: 2018 words: 1470 sentences: 164 pages: 8 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v4xqzg2iajakxne3orp5y32ifi.txt summary: (2018) What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural What sexual harassment in Zentropa tells us about cultural policy post-Weinstein award-winning film company Zentropa. Zentropa was established in 1992 by producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen Nordisk Film, Scandinavia''s largest producer and distributor, with Trier and Aalbæk behaviour and sexually charged ritual, public humiliations at Zentropa. rejected that Zentropa''s internships or work culture are problematic. Danish Film Institute (DFI), a major Zentropa funder, stated that the company''s Finally, Zentropa''s management side lined Aalbæk from the company, its It is no coincidence that Eurimages, FiV, and SFI threatened Zentropa with funding the scandals of Zentropa and The Weinstein Company remain to be seen. (Nine ex-employees describe sexual humiliations at the film company Zentropa.)" Politiken, November 10.å-filmselskabet-Zentropa. influence from Peter Aalbæk after sexual humilations.)" Politiken, November 14.å-filmselskabet-Zentropaå-filmselskabet-Zentropa id: work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa author: JEMMA HOUGHTON title: ''Research sharing'' using social media: online conferencing and the experience of #BSHSGlobalHist date: 2020 words: 8583 sentences: 547 pages: 19 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_szsdiu3a7jfaredsw6quajz7aa.txt summary: digital conference via Twitter, with the dual goals of improving outreach and engagement with international historians of science, and exploring methods of reducing the Over the past year, the British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) has made multiple forays into the facilitation of academic research sharing through digital media. BSHS Twitter conference was our first attempt at re-creating – or, in reality, experimenting with – an academic conference on a digital platform. While Twitter has often been used as a communications ''backchannel'' at standard inperson conferences, the BSHS decided instead to use the social media platform as the . In response to the climate emergency, could more of our work – especially conferences, which carry a particularly heavy carbon footprint – be done digitally? Therefore we tweeted the papers for the BSHS Twitter conference own metrics, the reach (or ''impressions'' as referred to by Twitter) on the day of the conference from the BSHS accounts tweeting the event was over 309,000. id: work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq author: JONATHAN HAVERCROFT title: Editorial: Donald Trump as global constitutional breaching experiment date: 2018 words: 7821 sentences: 2012 pages: 13 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o3s6za6uyndw5c7d4hbtvrcfoq.txt summary:>. in His Firing'' New York Times (10 May 2017) Politics, . 2017) . (7 October 2016) . id: work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4 author: Jacey Magnussen title: Where is it? Examining Post-Secondary Students'' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence date: 2019 words: 9514 sentences: 853 pages: 20 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cdsu2yqirvgqvl7qp2xgzvikz4.txt summary: Examining Post-Secondary Students'' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence Students'' Accessibility to Policies and Resources on Sexual Violence. Faced with a growing demand for adequate policies and programs that meaningfully address sexual violence on campus, the provinces of British Columbia, public attention to the issue of sexual violence on campus upon finding out that her assailant had also assaulted two other students (Browne, 2014). of sexual violence policies and support programs at Alberta''s post-secondary institutions. Canada does not have similar legislation and as such, Canadian post-secondary institutions are not required to disclose campus crime statistics or to provide policies pertaining to sexual violence (Quinlan et al., 2016). concerning that Indigenous students at First Nations institutions do not have clearly accessible sexual violence policies and services. Canada''s post-secondary institutions are dealing with sexual violence on campus and (Derworiz, 2016), there is limited availability and accessibility to post-secondary institutions'' sexual violence policies. id: work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe author: Jacob S Sherkow title: CRISPR, Patents, and the Public Health date: 2017 words: 144 sentences: 24 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fjjjfiwdgjerpnvqejhpzpjpwe.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217542344 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na author: Jacqui Wise title: Emma Vaux: setting new standards date: 2018 words: 911 sentences: 222 pages: 2 flesch: 79 cache: ./cache/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pt66zkkeu5do5ecq6map7gs4na.txt summary: The consultant nephrologist and general physician talks to Jacqui Wise about quality improvement By the age of 12 I was sold on the idea of medicine and I worked I studied medicine at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical The BMJ, saw a job on the Oxford renal rotation, and thought censor at the Royal College of Physicians, I thought, if I don''t I led the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges quality improvement: training for better outcomes work which involved work in action, with patients across specialties and across 2003 to present: Consultant in renal and general medicine, Royal training), Royal College of Physicians 2010-2017: Clinical lead, Learning to make a difference, Royal College 2013-2016: Programme director of quality improvement, Royal Berkshire 2011-2013: Clinical director, acute medicine, Royal Berkshire NHS 2010-2016: Associate medical director, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians id: work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i author: James Baumlin title: Positioning Ethos in/for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction to Histories of Ethos date: 2018 words: 19488 sentences: 1432 pages: 26 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cl3pubxuoncyjd5uhrhsr5bd3i.txt summary: published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. the humanities; and to promote new versions and hybridizations of ethos/rhetoric. We write by way of introduction to the essay collection, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives etymological ''family resemblances'' as ἦθoς (that is, ''rational ethos'' or a speaker''s rhetorically-constructed character), ἔθoς 15 Pertaining to personal and cultural narratives alike, identities arising from a "narratization of the self" are, Hall declares, meaning" constitute culture, which, in turn, conditions individual human experience, expression, and self-image. radically textualized model, the ethics of ethos must "lie outside," since Aristotle''s Rhetoric undergirds agreement with his model of self and its implications, both for ethos and for rhetoric generally. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. id: work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e author: Jamiu O Busari title: #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare date: 2019 words: 3432 sentences: 496 pages: 3 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tlmpzcessvfi7gubxmlindxa3e.txt summary: black minority leaders in healthcare of racial harassment, implicit bias and the impact on they were looking for a directive and more taskoriented candidate, which meant that his compassionate and empathetic leadership style was not a good match for the position and for the sort of explanation expected to be used to rationalise leadership building at the top of a healthcare organisation.5 Furthermore, the evidence in the literature shows that individuals with communication skills are considered to be essential competencies that every effective healthcare leader should possess.6 7 Brown was from an ethnic minority group (black), one may then of how to tackle implicit bias and unfair practices in academic the impact of implicit bias on black academics and healthcare As healthcare leaders, we need to embrace #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare #UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcare id: work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e author: Jan Blommaert title: Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter date: 2019 words: 6661 sentences: 450 pages: 17 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vjkai2manfaujb565azvhruf4e.txt summary: To cite this article: Jan Blommaert (2019) Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter, Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter a radically action-centered approach, rather than from an approach privileging participants and their identity features, or privileging the linguistic/semiotic resources deployed I shall do so by looking at a common feature of online interaction: the use of hashtags, media likewise use hashtags as analytical tools for modelling topics and tracking participant engagement and involvement (e.g. Blaszka, Burch, Frederick, Clavio, & Walsh, 2012; forms of communicative action within what Goffman (1975) called a ''realm'' – a ''meaningful universe sustained by the activity'' (p. various allowable modes of conduct and various forms of ratified participation and congregational work in social activities that appear, from a distance, simple and unified. actions performed by participants in social interaction. id: work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm author: Jane M. Grant-Kels title: Can men mentor women in the #MeToo era? date: 2018 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_valjq5rlxjfelb5bl7zqgynoqm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539923 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee author: Jane Zelikova title: Harassment charges: Enough himpathy date: 2018 words: 2095 sentences: 280 pages: 4 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e7eg64ginneothr4ogugpgfnee.txt summary: e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC currently address charges of sexual harassment. Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Enough himpathy ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED id: work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m author: Janez Strajnar title: Zdravstveni obzornik in slovenska medicinska beseda date: 1985 words: 4200 sentences: 729 pages: 11 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7rvsxubhajapvmbpziwa3htz3m.txt summary: IZVLEČEKPrvi del članka obravnava vsebinsko zasnovo in raz voj Zdravstvenega obzornika, strokovnega glasila medicinskih sester Slovenije. dalje pa glasilo izdaja samo Zveza društev medicinskih sester Slovenije. medicinskih sester Slovenije, kar je navedeno tudi na novi naslovni strani. strokovne sekcije pri Zvezi društev medicinskih sester Slovenije k neposrednemu stalne rubrike, ki v prvem ddu vsebujejo tudi strokovne članke o razvoju zdravstvene nege, v drugem pa aktualne novosti, probleme in dogodke iz življenja in Druga sprememba naslovne strani Zdravstvenega obzornika (od leta 1977 dalje), ki • služba nege bolnika zajema vse tiste dejavnosti v zdravstvu, ki so v organizirani obliki na razpolago bolniku; izraz nega zajema tudi zdravega človeka, obsega Zdravstveni obzornik je izdal tudi dve tematski številki: Delo in izobraževanje medicinskih sester (1981, 7000 izvodov) in Živeti s hemofilijo (z barvno Uredništavo Zdravstvenega obzornika aktivno sodeluje tu di pri opredeljevanju in usklajevanju delovnih program ov strokovnih sekcij Zveze društev medicinskih sester Slovenije, spodbuja usmerjeno in sistematično obravnavo področja id: work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu author: Janine O''Flynn title: Confronting the big challenges of our time: making a difference during and after COVID-19 date: 2020 words: 11331 sentences: 1199 pages: 21 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xyvdpb4jkvdsrassvnmpz2w4vu.txt summary: making a difference during and after COVID-19, Public Management Review, DOI: This article explores key challenges emanating from COVID-19 and how public management and administration research can contribute to addressing them. As COVID-19 morphs into one of the great disasters of our times, public administration and management scholars, can, indeed must, make a difference and show that the big questions needed to focus on ''how public administration affects society . the COVID-19 experience to date and reflecting on public administration and management I identified a series of potential big thematic challenges that cut across levels of public administration systems are ill-equipped to confront these big complex challenges (Bourgon 2011). reminding us that politics matters profoundly to public administration and management – shaping it in old and new ways. id: work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa author: Jari Avikainen title: A Method for Wavelet-Based Time Series Analysis of Historical Newspapers date: 2019 words: 12297 sentences: 968 pages: 50 flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kqsqmw4gcnewjmjpwwpl7gzafa.txt summary: A Method for Wavelet-Based Time Series Analysis of Historical Newspapers historical newspapers, wavelet transform, step detection for change detection in time series generated from historical newspaper data. of the transformed time series are used for step detection similar to the analysis by Sadler As an example of a (partial) wavelet transform using real data, Figure 3.2 shows a time Figure 3.2: A time series of newspaper coverage per month (a.) and the first three scales of the wavelet sharp edges produce maxima across multiple scales in the wavelet transformation at approximately same location, and therefore the multiscale products will have large values at Figure 3.5: The proportion of assumed data used for calculating the wavelet product of a time series of Figure 4.3.a. shows the time series used to test the effect of step width to the corresponding Figure 4.3: The signals used for testing the effects of step width (a.) and height (b.) to the wavelet id: work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4 author: Jayna M. Holroyd-Leduc title: #MeToo and the medical profession date: 2018 words: 1103 sentences: 124 pages: 2 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jvsxdw5o3rbllgtghnnx3famg4.txt summary: All editorial matter in CMAJ represents the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Can adian Medical Association or its subsidiaries. I n the era of #MeToo, it is time for physicians to acknow­ledge that the medical profession is not immune to bully­ing, harassment and discrimination, and act to abolish Unprofessional behaviour in medicine affects not only iour in medicine include poor leadership, power imbalances Medicine is a stressful career, and physician wellness is often Some Canadian medical schools and health care organiza­ tions have begun to promote respect in the workplace. the workplace and should be addressed in medicine.7 This should Professionalism is a required competency for physicians and As such, medical workplaces need safe and It is time that all Canadian medical schools and health care achieving a culture of respect within medicine. Harassment and discrimination in medical Department of Medicine (Straus), University of Toronto; Li Ka id: work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm author: Jean Steiner title: Tell Your Own Story date: 2015 words: 4022 sentences: 238 pages: 12 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tsyvg5q2pzbpdf6qolnw57kyxm.txt summary: Law and Literature (, whose core proposals are to encourage the studies on Law and Literature and to promote European founded the European Network of Law and Literature (EURNLL). the word out about new Law and Literature publications and events. Humanities (2019) and my From Law and Literature to Legality and particular Law and Literature histories, for instance, in the Netherlands your studies on English Literature until you approached Law and trajectory: how was this path from Art and Literature to Law? your assessment on the development of the studies of Law and Literature cultural studies to my analyses of law and legal processes to treat them as the leading periodicals in Law and Literature now include work focusing genres and art forms that can now be spoken about in Law and Literature Individual Law and Literatures depend on the specific legal, narratives that might also be garnered through Law and Literature work. id: work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi author: Jeff Hearn title: You, them, us, we, too? … online–offline, individual–collective, forgotten–remembered, harassment–violence date: 2018 words: 3405 sentences: 245 pages: 9 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wjmlyskvqba6lfbo7w5wcnniqi.txt summary: against lack of services for Black women victims/survivors of abuse, especially sexual assault, in Alyssa Milano, initiated a new viral #MeToo campaign. First, #MeToo is an example of contemporary virtual politics or cyberpolitics of sexuality and how tweeting and online campaigns more generally bring social change. profile individual cases of what has been often characterized as sexual harassment, confirmed or meanings) sexual abuse cases of children, young people and women by leading British men More generally, sexual harassment is far from new; it is just that it was not always called that. public media, in terms of sexual harassment, and much less in terms of the wider questions of (, in keeping with the continuum of sexual violence (Kelly, 1988). solidarity and fundamental change in gender/sexual power relations is a question only be and social research on sexual harassment'', New Mexico Law Review, 17(Winter): 91-114. MacKinnon, Catharine (1979) The Sexual Harassment of Working Women. id: work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi author: Jeff Kingston title: Watchdog Journalism in Japan Rebounds but Still Compromised date: 2018 words: 7050 sentences: 635 pages: 13 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z6nzrp2ps5dbpahkcrlhrf3opi.txt summary: Keywords: Asahi, censorship, comfort women, Fukushima, Japan, #MeToo, press That is really bad for freedom of press in Japan because information is sometimes manipulated by the government, preventing us from playing a role in monitoring the power."3 For example, in 2005 the Asahi reported on Abe''s interference with an NHK documentary program about an international tribunal regarding comfort women and violence University''s Koichi Nakano explains that Asahi TV''s handling of the Fukuda affair highlights the fact that "collusion between the press club reporters of the mainstream media sexual harassment in the media industry is the story, the press must cooperate in its 2018/05/17/national/japan-survey-suggests-96-sexually-harassed-media-workerstargeted/#.WwZMgy-B2b8 (accessed September 29, 2018). may/22/japan-sexual-harassment-survey-reveals-150-allegations-by-women-in-media id: work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie author: Jeffrey C. Stewart title: The Knowledge Revolution Of 1968 date: 2019 words: 5140 sentences: 248 pages: 10 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.pdf txt: ./txt/work_psa2dkfb4vbrbjfrz7ncawx4ie.txt summary: students seized the computer center in North Hall on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara on the morning of October 14, 1968 and issued a series of demands knowledge all students at UC Santa Barbara, and arguably at other UC universities, occurred because of seizing the power of the computer on this campus. actually in sync with the knowledge revolution that Black students insisted on in 1968 UC Students from Black communities were supposed to come to universities like UCSB and assimilate the knowledge already held in the libraries and classrooms of the university. a history and culture ignored in American education also meant that those occupying students demanded that the knowledge they already possessed from sites of epistemology like Students today need to reclaim that sense that to become educated means to be selfconscious about the embodied knowledge they bring to college and university. id: work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4 author: Jen Parker-Starbuck title: Editorial Comment date: 2018 words: 1269 sentences: 68 pages: 3 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rvgg7syegvgtfnlit4ar6iyft4.txt summary: justice through performance to the emergence of ideas about "ham" acting in the them all together, there is also a sense of framing that runs across these distinct essays. watching.''" By looking at two distinct framings of infants, Trezise argues that the of the essays in this general issue; authors explicitly and implicitly analyze questions In his essay "''Better to burn'': The Prima Mimarum and Political Friction in FourthCentury Antioch," Scott Venters begins with the story of Saint Pelagia the "harlot," framed by the film, which follows the production as it tours through other conflict The final essay of the issue, Eleanor Massie''s "Ham Acting: A Circum-Atlantic Genealogy," expands Sianne Ngai''s aesthetic categories to include "ham": "awkward, but also links its emergence to the precarity of black performers and to a reframing The essay then frames three specific Theatre''s potential to frame immediate political crises (as in the affective id: work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa author: Jennifer Huemmer title: Leaving the Past (Self) Behind: Non-Reporting Rape Survivors'' Narratives of Self and Action date: 2018 words: 8570 sentences: 597 pages: 31 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rgjevxqfa5gmlnjkiqlm2su6oa.txt summary: Leaving the Past (Self) Behind: Nonreporting rape survivors'' narratives of self and action. Non-Reporting Rape Survivors'' Narratives of Self and Action Non-Reporting Rape Survivors'' Narratives of Self and Action Non-Reporting Rape Survivors'' Narratives of Self and Action Using a symbolic interactionist framework, this study considers the narratives of nonreporting rape survivors. Thought processes, such as constructing a narrative about self-identity, are forms of By paying attention to the stories non-reporting rape survivors tell, we can gain survivor''s interpretation of the event impacts the meaning that they assign to the self. For some sexual assault survivors, the dominant social narratives about rape may onto the world that rape survivors experience, helping us to understand the complicated control, which disrupts how the survivor interprets and understands the self, leading her women constructed narratives about a new self that sheds ''rape'' as a central identity by circulated narratives about rape present reporting as the necessary action that a survivor id: work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi author: Jennifer M. Grossman title: A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex date: 2020 words: 10084 sentences: 906 pages: 15 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mt5cxfp3izfytibarnerocldzi.txt summary: A Larger Ecology of Family Sexuality Communication: Extended Family Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Orientation, and Positive Aspects of Sex Extended family members often serve as resources for teens'' communication about sex [4,5] and talking to an extended family member about sex, with the most sexuality communication reported with Some studies explore the content of teens'' conversations with parents and extended family about extended family communication with teens about sex, particularly regarding sexual orientation. Extended family may provide a less judgmental alternative for teens to talk about sex and relationships whether sibling participants talk with teens about topics related to sex and relationships compared to of the study was to understand how teens and their families talk about sex and relationships to better themes related to participants'' perceptions of talk with teens in their families about sex that came up The theme Sexual Behavior includes any substantive talk between extended family and teens id: work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy author: Jennifer Sills title: SciComm speaks date: 2018 words: 2611 sentences: 348 pages: 4 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rceqshhyy5gzncypeyxic2oyyy.txt summary: In her Working Life piece "Instagram won''t solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright''s critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4 author: Jeremy Berg title: Editor''s note date: 2018 words: 2614 sentences: 348 pages: 4 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y7w42z3vljgknk7armpl3l3yx4.txt summary: In her Working Life piece "Instagram won''t solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright''s critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u author: Jessica Duffy title: Harassment charges: Journalists'' role date: 2018 words: 2083 sentences: 280 pages: 4 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u2uluy364fddnk4xjkd5n2o62u.txt summary: e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Journalists'' role ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED id: work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe author: Jessica Fanzo title: A research vision for food systems in the 2020s: Defying the status quo date: 2020 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ihpbo5d3p5f2rb3yq7jhvaqaxe.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217537077 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:05 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa author: Jia Xue title: Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence on Twitter (Preprint) date: 2020 words: 7923 sentences: 976 pages: 11 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ffp4avoupnbp5edo5ezqznmnpa.txt summary: Objective: This study aims to provide a large-scale analysis of public discourse on family violence and the COVID-19 pandemic Methods: We analyzed over 1 million tweets related to family violence and COVID-19 from April 12 to July 16, 2020. Results: We extracted 9 themes from 1,015,874 tweets on family violence and the COVID-19 pandemic: (1) increased response (eg, 911 calls, police arrest, protective orders, abuse reports); (8) social movements and awareness (eg, support victims, Twitter; family violence; COVID-19; machine learning; big data; infodemiology; infoveillance Themes, topics, commonly co-occurring terms, and examples of tweets about domestic violence and COVID-19. "COVID-19 has serious consequences for cis and trans women everywhere including higher risks a result of …the rise in domestic violence." Social services for victims of family violence during COVID-19 Tweets about family violence and COVID-19 during the Increased Risk for Family Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic. id: work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq author: Jiang Chang title: Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism: An Interview with Todd Gitlin and Michael Schudson date: 2020 words: 10100 sentences: 744 pages: 15 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zh2wijscrvhmffcjeaymhcowqq.txt summary: Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism: An Interview with Todd Gitlin and Michael Schudson culture in the news media, particularly because of the political moment — the anti-war movement, the various rights movements evolving at the time, all very much present among younger Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. Reflecting on Forty Years of Sociology, Media Studies, and Journalism Sociologica. id: work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm author: Johanna P. D''Agostino title: Intimidation and Sexual Harassment during Plastic Surgery Training in the United States date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sdbm5wgmrza77fsw6ufi5txhnm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541829 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq author: John Buschman title: Between Neoliberalism and Identity Politics: Academic Librarianship, Democracy and November 8, 2016 date: 2018 words: 7381 sentences: 577 pages: 15 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ilmwzb62tbbibdjxtec3bu3ngq.txt summary: Keywords: capitalism, labour, libraries, Marxism, neoliberalism, value Marx above, I will argue that the crisis of librarianship is fundamentally due to library real subsumption of labour to capital, with examples from within librarianship. transformation as a process of subsumption of labour under capital, but for now it is For Marx, use-value is the product of particular kinds of labour (knitting, cooking, welding, etc.), while exchange-value is the product of a universalized, abstract labour. increase the productivity of labour, so that the value required to repay the worker is made up Marx''s analysis of the formal and real subsumption of labour under capital. A merely formal subsumption of labour under capital sufces for the production of extract relative surplus-value by increasing the productivity of labour. within library work; the automation of process is seen as a core means of increasing labour alongside the subsumption of library labour under capitalist conditions of production. id: work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy author: John Coverdale title: Pedagogical Implications of Partnerships Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics-Gynecology in Caring for Patients with Major Mental Disorders date: 2015 words: 3910 sentences: 385 pages: 5 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fcdmpwjltzhx7gzspy5d7dmgdy.txt summary: Consequently, the experiences of sexual violence and needs of patients with major mental disorders is on sexual violence against adult women with major mental disorders and briefly discuss some of the potential Our interest for this editorial concerns the risk of sexual violence against patients with established major mental disorders. studies together found high rates of sexually violent acts perpetrated against women with major mental disorders [12–22]. with sexual victimization of persons with major mental disorders include homelessness, alcohol or substance abuse/misuse, and illness severity [23, 24]. sexual violence perpetrated against patients with major mental There is a dearth of evidence-based sexual assault resistance programs for women with major mental disorders. #MeToo and Female Patients with Major Mental Disorders: What Should Academic Psychiatry Do? #MeToo and Female Patients with Major Mental Disorders: What Should Academic Psychiatry Do? Sexual Violence Perpetrated Against Women with Major Mental Disorders id: work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee author: John Coverdale title: What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? date: 2019 words: 5109 sentences: 513 pages: 6 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rvpbv2fmrvea7ic5oopsakgwee.txt summary: What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, abuse from families and patients, medical error, academic performance, and verbal abuse by members of the health care We recognize, though, that other potentially stressful adverse experiences during residency training Assault by a patient and suicide of a patient have been identified as the two most stressful adversities of training in psychiatry. of internal medicine residents: aggression by patients and mistreatment by colleagues. Physician leaders along with the institutions in which residents train have professional obligations to treat colleagues (and about the prevention and management of the various adversities that psychiatry residents may encounter in clinical training. Encountering patient suicide: a resident''s experience. What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? id: work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu author: John Douglas Moore title: On equivariant isometric embeddings date: 1980 words: 8078 sentences: 1460 pages: 15 flesch: 99 cache: ./cache/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_b3fp2y4xdfeqjjanl2aoycnixu.txt summary: isometric embedding in any finite-dimensional Euclidean space. equivariant isometric embedding, and Step 1 is finished. equivariant isometric embedding theorem may be chosen to be real-analytic. space ~ and an isometric embedding from M into H which is equivariant with n o t have an equivariant isometric embedding into Euclidean space. does have an equivariant isometric embedding into the pseudo-Euclidean space compact then M has an equivariant isometric embedding into some pseudoEuclidean space, N o w suppose we h a d an isometric embedding f : M-ME N which is equivariant with respect to p: G ~ O ( N ) . group) require arbitrarily m a n y dimensions for an equivariant isometric embedding into Euclidean space. These manifolds do not even have equivariant embeddings into Euclidean space. Then M has no equivariant embedding into any Euclidean space. Then M has no equivariant embedding into any Euclidean space. id: work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq author: John Launer title: Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address date: 2018 words: 1580 sentences: 308 pages: 2 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mzkwlbjndbbnrlfzsd3ntfy6jq.txt summary: Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address prominent women in politics and entertainment have given the issue of sexual common perpetrators, and sexual harassment is the most frequent form of abuse. institutional procedures to deal with grievances and reduce harassment are often effective ways of dealing with sexual overlaps with sexual harassment in many the subject of a large amount of psychological research outside the medical intervention to reduce sexual harassment of sexual harassment is the responsibility of men to address, and it calls for Sexual Harassment in Medicine #MeToo. N discrimination in medical training: a systematic review establishing sexual harassment prevention and female medical students'' experiences of gendered prevention and management of bullying and harassing Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address Sexual harassment of women in medicine: a problem for men to address id: work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm author: John M. Griffin title: Personal infidelity and professional conduct in 4 settings date: 2019 words: 7262 sentences: 893 pages: 6 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pnmyrrbyuvdbzfm354orbrutxm.txt summary: police | financial advisors | CEOs | fraud | personal conduct financial advisors, and SEC defendants allows us to observe the connection between personal and professional conduct beyond the managerial settings previously analyzed. the relation between professional misconduct and personal usage of AM by samples, financial advisors working in the same county with the same gender and similar ages and a second matched sample of CEOs and CFOs AM usage of police officers with misconduct to the matched of police misconduct on AM usage controlling for age and years Regressions of misconduct on AM usage for police officers and financial advisors Each column reports odds ratios and z-statistics (in parentheses) from separate logistic regressions of misconduct on an indicator variable for the specified type of AM usage. to the matched financial advisor and CEO/CFO samples. Appendix, Table S7, we control for CEO and CFO legal infractions to distinguish AM usage from personal legal infractions id: work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i author: John S. Bak title: In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko date: 2019 words: 3743 sentences: 304 pages: 8 flesch: 75 cache: ./cache/work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4uy42xk7ezgvjexxapls3mzn3i.txt summary: Bak, "In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko", Miranda [Online], 18 | 2019, Online Writer, painter, musician, SaFranko is also a playwright, whose oneact and full-length plays date from the early 1990s to 2018 and have been produced at respect to Mark SaFranko''s career in the American and international theatre. SaFranko: The single instance of one of my plays being translated was Seedy, or observation that in the past New York actors liked to think that doing "pure" theatre J.B.: Fame is another common theme in your plays, from Wendy to Eddie to the Suspect in In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko In Interview with American Playwright Mark SaFranko id: work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa author: Jon B. Gould title: Making Academic Life "Workable" for Fathers date: 2018 words: 4156 sentences: 367 pages: 5 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hlrwk74vozaaxphuelschl7fsa.txt summary: as difficult as academic working mothers; it would take willful ignorance to disregard the privileged position that men, conversation about academic working fathers and advance unique—both against their female colleagues and in comparison to working mothers and fathers in society at large. In our conclusion, we suggest several measures that institutions can pursue to assist fathers in balancing academic life in their own terms, especially those in academe who are presumed to be able to balance work with family life. In many ways, academe "works" for the involved father. academic work and family life. In this article, we address the experience of fathers in academe, focusing predominantly historically has been "women''s work," equal fathers fear the and sharing with others their parenting stories and their challenges (and failures) in balancing family and work life. that allows academic fathers to excel at work and family life. Available at id: work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4 author: Jonathan Burnay title: Effects of sexualized video games on online sexual harassment date: 2019 words: 6759 sentences: 761 pages: 10 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kn3hox2n3besbnxxvirunvdgw4.txt summary: Effects of sexualized video games on online sexual harassment video game content on online sexual harassment against male and female targets. partner were higher for participants who played the game with sexualized female characters than for participants who played the same game with non-sexualized a video game can be a sufficient condition to provoke online sexual harassment hypothesis that exposure to sexualized female video game characters playing a sexualized video game has on online sexual harassment video games can increase tolerance of sexual harassment (Dill, in one study played either a neutral video game or a sexualized predictor of sexual harassment in an online video game environment. research literature is that online sexual harassment behavior was number of video games that contain female sexualized content online sexual harassment against female targets after the game is examine how video game content influences sexual harassment online video game sexual harassment. online video game sexual harassment. id: work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa author: Jordan Fairbairn title: Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change date: 2020 words: 13835 sentences: 1202 pages: 21 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ilejbsrva5gi7dk5em75ngrspa.txt summary: Before #MeToo: Violence against Women Social Media Work, Bystander Intervention, and Social Change a central theme in VAW prevention work in social media. interview data from 19 participants to explore the role of social media in their VAW prevention and value social media-based efforts as a form of online bystander intervention that moves beyond important space for many pre-social media violence prevention strategies (e.g., raising awareness To be interviewed, potential participants had to be doing VAW work involving social media and 381).6 Participants use social media for a variety of VAW prevention-related objectives Prevention work in social media highlights the gendered nature of intimate partner violence and viewed changing narratives as a key part of the role of social media in VAW prevention, they explain a priority for VAW prevention work in social media. A third reason to link VAW prevention in social media and bystander intervention, also related id: work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy author: Jordan Zimmerman title: #foodie: Implications of interacting with social media for memory date: 2020 words: 12254 sentences: 991 pages: 16 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7i6bh5oa6ferrjficigl57mqsy.txt summary: In two experiments, we examined how the act of commenting on social media images in recognition memory were observed, and "unhealthy" food images such as chocolates were particularly well Keywords: Social media, Memory, Elaborative encoding, Food, Disordered eating observed, and "unhealthy" food images such as chocolates were particularly well remembered, but these memory findings did not relate to self-reported eating For example, across the whole experiment (study and test), participants saw five total images of pizza, some of which were new items and some In addition to effects of commenting, we tested the hypothesis that individual differences in memory for food testing hypotheses relating memory for food-related Instagram posts to disordered eating behaviors. Each participant commented on 50 of 100 viewed Instagram posts, followed by an old–new recognition memory In addition, the by-person random effects for memory and commenting were positively related (r = .487, p < .0001), indicating that participants id: work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi author: Josefa Sánchez title: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing date: 2021 words: 6174 sentences: 909 pages: 10 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qyjoehwvhnhibdqplbxnkxb2xi.txt summary: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing to determine the factorial structure and the discriminant and convergent validity of the ''sexual Keywords: sexual harassment; mobbing; football referee; gender inequality; sport Different forms of sexual harassment occur in all sports and at all levels [15], and In relation to previous studies on sexual harassment, research has been carried out To study sexual harassment in sports, qualitative instruments, such as interviews In the absence of a sexual harassment investigation in the football refereeing world, the One hundred and eighty-three183 football referees from different categories participated in the present study, of which 51.4% were women. Structural model of ''sexual experiences questionnaire'', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD). Statistics adjustment for the ''sexual experiences questionnaire'', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD) scale model; Statistics adjustment for the ''sexual experiences questionnaire'', Department of Defence (SEQ-DoD) scale model; Assessing the sociology of sport: On sexual harassment research and policy. id: work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta author: Josefien J. F. Breedvelt title: Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top date: 2018 words: 2800 sentences: 300 pages: 8 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta.pdf txt: ./txt/work_746bbd3ejzbgxnmaw6jj43y6ta.txt summary: Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top Unleashing talent in mental health sciences: gender equality at the top highest rate of women clinical academics (about 46%); at about 30%, psychiatry is not the women in senior academic positions, but also concern about reviewer bias. However, fewer women are applying for, and receiving, clinical excellence awards (CEAs). local CEAs in academia, with approximately equal percentages of men and women holding many medical Royal Colleges, including our own, led by women, and our current National for too long many men saw inequity as a "women''s issue" – it is a societal issue, including Women, science, medicine and psychiatry [Internet]. Available from: Available from: 4 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2017 [Internet]. Women on Boards 50:50 by 2020 [Internet]. The gender pay gap in the English NHS [blog on the internet]. id: work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4 author: Joseph A. DiMasi title: The Economics of Follow-on Drug Research and Development date: 2004 words: 9106 sentences: 942 pages: 14 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jaowdmixhngcdduzjxidm6jxd4.txt summary: We determined average times to initial and subsequent entry in drug classes by drug in a new class enjoys has fallen dramatically over time (a median of 10.2 years development prior to the approval of the class breakthrough drug. Conclusions: The data suggest that entry barriers have fallen over time for new drug However, only ten first-in-class drugs are examined covering a nearly 30-year period with no indication that steps were taken to be comprehensive, new follow-on drugs at the time of marketing compare them to the approval and development histories of their corresponding first-in-class drugs. to 1998 period that have not had chemical or pharmacological follow-on new drug approvals. Regression results for trends in the time to market entry following a first in class approval Share of therapeutic classes with at least one follow-on drug with development phase initiated prior to first-in-class approval by id: work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm author: Judith Butler title: ¿Philosophy Or Activism? Interview with Judith Butler date: 2018 words: 3382 sentences: 211 pages: 7 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l64ihhgw6rd6tfk4lkvbziblkm.txt summary: way to think about subject formation within discourse and power. the same as the individual, there seemed to be no way to think about forms of acting in concert or forms of world-making that happen in among people – social My sense is that Foucault''s notion of critique continues to be important engaged form of thinking that seeks to understand the historical conditions of our to think we need to understand how forms of thought become naturalized bind to their own selves, by resorting to discursive forms power produces.Do you think If discourse/power produces the way a subject comes to regard or treat itself, if However, in your reflection on power you always regard Foucault''s tackled Foucault''s notion of power from a perspective that critically approaches Hegelian by the conception of power and the possibility of critique of Foucault, as we have I think that we have to move beyond the subject of politics as an id: work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am author: Julie Libarkin title: Yes, Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women Out of Physics date: 2019 words: 458 sentences: 78 pages: flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hmwbsv2wjvd3rbsjzr7kfu25am.txt summary: Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 133611319Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women title={Sexual Harassment Still Drives Women}, Y ou may be someone who thinks that sexual harassment is a "thing of the past" or that it''s experienced by "only a few" women. As recently as 2014, a study found that sexual harassment affects the majority of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) [1]. Figures from this paper Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate female physicists View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references results Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa author: June Choon Wai Yee title: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global Progress and Creating Change date: 2020 words: 3302 sentences: 223 pages: 4 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_p2uj5jneezh7tmiepwtp6vogpa.txt summary: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: The Global Progress and Creating Change. lessons that could be potentially useful for countries that are heading the direction of narrowing if not close the gender gaps. Results: Despite there are more initiatives to address this alarming issue over the years, progress towards gender equality is still and policies that have proven to be costand time effective in pursuit of gender equality are discussed in this paper. The Global Gender Gap Report has monitored progress in 20 June Choon Wai Yee and Kenneth Lee Kwing-Chin: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: 20 June Choon Wai Yee and Kenneth Lee Kwing-Chin: The Economic Cost of Gender Inequality: [1] World Economic Forum, "The Global Gender Gap Report advancing women''s equality can add $12 trillion to global advancing women''s equality can add $12 trillion to global id: work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq author: June Gruber title: Best practices in research mentoring in clinical science date: 2020 words: 12072 sentences: 1783 pages: 13 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aejuwszcwzdtxpnt2jp6h6v6rq.txt summary: The growth of clinical science as a field depends on the work of engaged mentors nurturing future a path forward for further discussion and research around best mentoring practices in clinical science. Keywords: mentoring, teaching, clinical psychology, students science mentoring includes a developmental consideration of personal and professional development, emotional support, and skill mentors should help mentees understand how to evaluate published research critically, generate novel hypotheses, design focusing on clinical psychology or research mentoring (Callahan & Watkins, 2018; Lundgren & Orsillo, 2012). mentor believes it would benefit the student''s professionaldevelopment goals more to spend time in clinical work but it Mentoring graduate students can encompass many stages of their careers (Kaslow, Bangasser, Grus, McCutcheon, & Fowler, 2018; Lundgren & Orsillo, 2012). Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science Best Practices in Research Mentoring in Clinical Science id: work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva author: Jurjen J. Luykx title: Safe and informed prescribing of psychotropic medication during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020 words: 3567 sentences: 298 pages: 4 flesch: 41 cache: ./cache/work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iiyahlkdcjczrdhvgvoxnv2mva.txt summary: Many patients'' treatments with psychotropic medication may currently be jeopardised in several ways because of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent policies of social distancing and lockdowns. other, several considerations may be of use to enable safe prescribing of psychotropic medication during the current pandemic. unrelated to COVID-19 we compiled a table listing preferred psychotropic medication per drug category. medication and drug misuse are rising during the current pandemic,1,2 resulting in an important discrepancy: safe prescribing We note that in most instances people requiring COVID-19 medication are hospital in-patients with electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring possibilities. Besides interactions we should also be wary of COVID-19 medication with high risks of psychiatric adverse drug reactions. Although currently unknown, possibly COVID-19-positive patients on clozapine taper such medication when a COVID-19-positive patient is in need. Safe and informed prescribing of psychotropic medication during the COVID-19 pandemic Psychotropic prescribing for COVID-19-positive patients Psychotropic prescribing for COVID-19-positive patients id: work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq author: Justin Jones title: Towards a Muslim Family Law Act? Debating Muslim women''s rights and the codification of personal laws in India date: 2019 words: 9743 sentences: 639 pages: 15 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_accrpf4i4jh3lcdrzpqcmaobmq.txt summary: Debating Muslim women''s rights and the codification of personal laws in India women''s rights and the codification of personal laws in India, Contemporary South Asia, DOI: In 2014, the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA, or ''Indian Muslim Women''s Movement'') published the first draft of a document that has come to define its agenda: The Muslim Family Law Act. The Act opens with the statement that, across the world including Muslim-majority states, ''new legal Samaj in 1970, a Muslim socio-political organisation that pressed for the legal prohibition of contentious Muslim family laws and the move towards a common civil code (Haygunde 2017; Guha 2011, in the wider Islamic world; the prior codification of Hindu family law in India; and the weight of significant Muslim community support for reform, might all have incurred legislative intervention. wholesale legislative overhaul of Muslim personal laws advocated by women''s activists in earlier generations, arguing that such initiatives might foster social division and lack support within the community. id: work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq author: K. Muldoon title: P114: Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence date: 2019 words: 1190 sentences: 70 pages: 1 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_shcwegidvbfxxiehfhfwp6g7qq.txt summary: hypothesis that a small number of physicians are responsible for a disproportionately high number of CTPA ordered in the ED. Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at Preliminary results show a great deal of variation in ordering rates, ranging from 0.9 to 22.2 CTPA per 1000 ED visit (median = order disproportionately higher numbers of CTPAs have lower diagnostic yields. hospital-based data to characterize sexual and domestic assault cases Tracts to identify potential geographic areas where SGBV cases are Variables of interest included, age, gender, First Nations status (as identified by treaty number), EMS response times, bystander Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence id: work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4 author: Kaitlynn Mendes title: Digitized narratives of sexual violence: Making sexual violence felt and known through digital disclosures date: 2018 words: 9784 sentences: 748 pages: 21 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tmtklownpncizej7heyew5qlt4.txt summary: Digitized narratives, feminism, memes, platform vernacular, rape, rape culture, sexual These narratives draw on the ways in which feminists have discursively articulated sexual violence, extending them into digital spaces that are governed by distinctive "platform vernaculars" (Gibbs et al., 2015), or the conventions, affordances, and Others have identified how digitally curated disclosures hold the capacity to challenge victim-blaming narratives and female responsibilization of violence, making way for new narratives to emerge (Loney-Howes, 2018; We are particularly interested in how platform vernaculars shape the affective experiences of engaging with sexual violence disclosures on Tumblr and Twitter. through which contributors'' experiences of sexual violence are narrated through the visceral means of the hand-crafted sign, which makes use of different colors, size of print, While scholars have long been interested in narrative accounts of rape and sexual violence, we argue that social media platforms such as Twitter and Tumblr offer new terrains id: work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq author: Kamran Abbasi title: Understanding career barriers for women in surgery date: 2018 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_emzq6jcjnrh7xllwqvqssdqqdq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534694 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:03 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq author: Karen Boyle title: Television and/as testimony in the Jimmy Savile case date: 2018 words: 9208 sentences: 640 pages: 17 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ids7th6awfcfnidgrph7vstzwq.txt summary: Television and/as testimony in the Jimmy Savile case article focuses on television coverage of sexual abuse revelations involving another celebrity Savile case as a story about and on television; the televisual construction of victim/survivor Given Savile abused victims on BBC premises, using his shows documentaries about the Savile case shown on Britain''s main television channels between Child sexual abuse is constructed as so traumatic that it renders victim/survivors speechless, As the Savile case accrues an archive of its own, in which victim/survivor testimonies feature used in What the BBC Knew, Abused and Louis Theroux: Savile and Ward has published her sometimes beyond): Sam – another victim/survivor of Savile, interviewed in both Abused respect as it includes testimony from women and men abused by Savile and his associates, this, as the later documentaries use archival footage of the Savile case and create other id: work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy author: Karen Dempsey title: Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle date: 2019 words: 6435 sentences: 851 pages: 17 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_s25pkllnpfesxiuyco7332fopy.txt summary: Despite more than three decades of feminist critique, archaeological scholarship remains predominantly focused on the exploration of patriarchal narratives and is, therefore, complicit in reinforcing structural inequalities. relative absence of gendered approaches within archaeology through the lens of later medieval Keywords: later medieval archaeology, castle studies, gender, feminism For balance, potential gender disparity in authorship is also assessed within three journals of medieval archaeology published in Gender balance in a selection of Oxford handbooks of archaeology (figure by the author). the body, gendered identities, queerness and, of course, women and feminist activism (e.g. Green 2008; L''Estrange 2008; French 2013; Maude 2014; Moss 2018). gendered interpretations is a fundamental issue not just for castle studies, but also for medieval archaeology and archaeology more generally, where many scholars still take a singular Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland id: work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e author: Karen Emmerich title: Konstantinos Theotokis, The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas (tr. J. M. Q. Davies) London: Colenso Books 2016 and Konstantinos Theotokis, Corfiot Tales (tr. J. M. Q. Davies) London: Colenso Books, 2017 date: 2018 words: 2460 sentences: 115 pages: 3 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fjyhqc4avbehlhgfiyjhb75v7e.txt summary: Konstantinos Theotokis, The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas (tr. Colenso Books 2016 and Konstantinos Theotokis, Corfiot Tales (tr. Literary works in translation are, for better or worse, often taken by readers as representative not Davies'' new translations of Konstantinos Theotokis''s Corfiot Tales and The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas, I found myself wondering how, particularly novella The Life and Death of Hangman Thomas, first published in 1920, are all set in Corfiot In his introduction to the most recent Greek edition of Corfiot Tales, Giannis Dallas suggests that the stories present ''a world that is immovably traditional, in an era when in Greece social life has, even in literature, become urbanized'' (230); even in the moment of their Yet in my view, the stories in Corfiot Tales if not Hangman Thomas present a the troubling themes and scenes that Davies had to tackle in his translations of these texts as id: work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e author: Karen Johnston title: Women in public policy and public administration? date: 2018 words: 8679 sentences: 575 pages: 37 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_674mqsbkevbqzgnvzbb3gpzc4e.txt summary: upon representative bureaucracy research, has policy outcomes for beneficiaries of public services. There is persistent under-representation of women in public administration as secondary data the continued under-representation of women (and other minorities) in public bureaucracies representation of women in public administration and a systematic literature review (see Denyer The secondary data collection on the descriptive representation of women in public administration the search terms: ''female''; ''women''; ''representation''; ''government''; ''public administration''; Meier, Stewart and England (1990) empirically demonstrated that as the number of AfricanAmerican teachers increased across public school districts (passive representation), the inequitable that a bureaucracy cannot be representative of society if its public administration is for active representation, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18, p. active representation, The American Review of Public Administration, 41, 2, p. Keywords: gender, equality, representation, representative bureaucracy, public administration Keywords: gender, equality, representation, representative bureaucracy, public administration id: work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry author: Kari H. Hansen title: Kjønn på dagsordenen: Et ikketema i yrkesfaglærerutdanningene? date: 2020 words: 8993 sentences: 1776 pages: 22 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ovn463htjnd2zhjopeg4rhojry.txt summary: Det er i liten grad lagt til rette for at verken jenter eller gutter kan være minoriteter i yrkesopplæringen og i arbeidslivet. androsentriske arbeidslivet inn i den skandinaviske eller norske arbeidslivsmodellen og partssamarbeidet, er det mulig å sette i gang prosesser som kan utvikle kompetanse blant yrkesfaglærere I vår studie har vi valgt å fokusere på det Gunn Imsen (2016) omtaler som likhetsskapende funksjon i yrkesutdanningen: likeverd, likestilling, medvirkning og medansvar, samt hvordan dette for likestilling (NOU 2012:15) vises det til et stort behov for arbeid med kjønnsbalanse innen yrkesfagene, blant annet i prosjektet Jenter i bil og elektro og (Vagle & Møller, 2013). Kunnskapsdepartementet legger føringer for arbeid med å fremme likestilling og likeverd i forskrifter og nasjonale retningslinjer for yrkesfaglærerutdanningene og praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning for yrkesfag (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2015, 2018a, 2018b). Dialogkonferansen avslører at det er behov for kompetanse knyttet til kjønn som minoritet blant id: work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy author: Karin Hansson title: "We passed the trust on": Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden date: 2019 words: 8132 sentences: 610 pages: 19 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ohlfbgwnwzf2hpwbl7qnkweuhy.txt summary: We passed the trust on"Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden In this study, based on semistructured interviews and a survey that involved 62 organizers of the Swedish #metoo The organizers managed to mobilize large groups through social Some petitions were organized by groups of people, whereas was organized, how it was distributed, about the role of security and trust, and organizing groups maintained a close and continual contact through different example, one petition started as a discussion thread in a Facebook group that Most petition organizers emphasized the importance of a trustful environment the Facebook group, which created trust so that other people also dared to share. participants, and security is based on trust on shared values and community; Regulation, where collection of testimonies were made in closed groups on social media, to which petitions were made in horizontal networks in social media that organized women id: work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u author: Karin Hansson title: Datafication and cultural heritage: provocations, threats, and design opportunities date: 2020 words: 2993 sentences: 360 pages: 8 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2q5jrabamfhlxoavgjvnwvcj4u.txt summary: cultural heritage: provocations, threats, and design opportunities. Increasing digitization and the emergence of new data sharing practices are Crowdsourcing, social media, linked open data, and other participatory and open science working to develop critical perspectives on archiving practices. The digitization of cultural heritage, increased datafication in all areas of society, and new infrastructures for sharing data within research and with the wider public increased datafication and development of data-driven practices in diverse societal influenced new research fields such as digital humanities, digital social science, eIncreasing datafication of research practices and their infrastructure create design, and research practices. research that looks into digitizing and digitalization processes in cultural heritage  How are critical archiving practices supported in cultural heritage and new practices in relation to understanding and sharing culture? designing for participation in the development of the cultural heritage culture" research group at Stockholm University. practices shape the development and design of digital technologies. id: work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e author: Karin Hansson title: Materializing activism date: 2019 words: 3281 sentences: 308 pages: 9 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lgmdsqmnvbchzbxndvlnb2a42e.txt summary: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN 2510-2591), DOI: Net activism shows how easily available tools allow the organization of social collaborative efforts within social movements, looking into the socio-technical systems; the organization of activism; the relations between traditional and social media; and the support the infrastructuring of social movements, and have the potential to enable The environmental movement has, in the past, made use of social media to Other examples of activism where social media aspect of such social movements lies in the technologies and cultural practices social media thus creates new sorts of risks: the risk of relying on a technology Technological Infrastructure in Digital Activism. Digitally enabled social change: activism in the Creating the Collective: Social Media, the Occupy Movement Pickard (Eds.), Media activism in the digital age. Media Activism in the Digital Age. Shaping Social Media Visibility: Challenges to Activism. id: work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi author: Kat Hill title: Memories from the margins? Anniversaries, Anabaptists and rethinking Reformations date: 2019 words: 5625 sentences: 413 pages: 6 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v7clmiazorcz7j3tsg5akzmjsi.txt summary: This paper considers the question of anniversaries in relation to supposedly marginal religious groups in the era of the Reformation. The paper argues that considering memories and anniversaries amongst these communities allows us to question whether these anniversaries are an appropriate or relevant celebration of Mennonite identity (Goossen, 2017b). within the Mennonite community reveal about these memories histories produced in the 1970s and 80s on early modern Anabaptism, Anabaptist studies have not seen the same energy since. Anabaptist and Mennonite histories (Driedger, 2002; RäisänenSchröder, 2011; Monge, 2015; Hill, 2015; Goossen, 2017a). have sharpened questions of the interaction between the Reformation legacies of Anabaptism and Lutheranism (and other traditions) and brought to the fore the continued global power of histories of Mennonite communities in regional Polish archives memory cultures of early modernity and Reformation history. Memories of the Reformations and their global legacies must be id: work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q author: Kate Fortmueller title: Time''s Up (Again?): Transforming Hollywood''s Industrial Culture date: 2019 words: 7772 sentences: 499 pages: 16 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cplxk52rcff55inxhpek3p263q.txt summary: Hollywood unions organized "women''s committees" to counter institutional (AFTRA) women''s committee as a case study, this article shows how employment The actors'' unions, both AFTRA and SAG, respectively, were unique among the guilds because they represented a wide array of different In 1972, both SAG and AFTRA performers formed National Women''s Committees to address The guild material that scholars use to understand labor practices and history are often living documents moving between contemporary union workers to shape decisions. In 1972 (when both SAG and AFTRA formed their women''s committees), 90 percent of SAG actors made less than US$10,000 for acting work during the year.10 The two actors'' unions, SAG and AFTRA, followed suit with women''s committees in 1972. The language employed by the Women''s Committee to explain its organizational goals demonstrates a sensitivity to AFTRA''s broader unemployment problem and a reluctance to alienating male union members. id: work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta author: Katharina Kellenbach title: Guilt and Its Purification date: 2019 words: 5839 sentences: 502 pages: 14 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u4csokwv7rbndipilme6annwta.txt summary: sequence of ritual steps to transform personal and collective guilt in the In fact, it is one of the cruel ironies that victims feel guilty, while perpetrators remain indifferent to and Atrocities, which on Claudia Card''s definition include sexual and domestic violence against women and children, suck entire communities into divine ordinances require expiation that take the form of rituals of purification, often involving the entire community, which is mandated to purify in response to violation of the sacred law. punished, the entire community is implicated in guilt by association, playing out in the current church crisis, which stems from the community''s failure to mark wrong and punish wrongdoing. When a Pope (or head of state, or CEO) issues a formal apology on behalf of an institution, they signal a community''s disavowal of practices, policies, and persons that were previously tolerated. Pope Benedict XVI "The Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse," https://www.catho id: work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu author: Katherine Cook title: EmboDIYing Disruption: Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies date: 2019 words: 8931 sentences: 920 pages: 17 flesch: 40 cache: ./cache/work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu.txt summary: Inclusive approaches to archaeology (including queer, feminist, black, indigenous, etc. transhumanism and the era of digital scholarship, this article outlines compelling applications in inclusive digital practice but also the pervasive structures of privilege, inequity, inaccessibility, and abuse Keywords: digital archaeology, queer, feminist, inclusive scholarship, public archaeology, diversity feminist1, and more broadly inclusive disruptions of traditional forms of communication, values of objectivity, and gatekeeping of knowledge increasingly draw from more traditional archaeologies challenging identity in the past, digital media Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 Cook – Queer, Feminist and Inclusive Digital Archaeologies 413 id: work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq author: Katherine M. Iverson title: Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices date: 2019 words: 6653 sentences: 557 pages: 8 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4b5ajvga3rghjfbcu42dnkpytq.txt summary: OBJECTIVES: Screening women for intimate partner violence (IPV) is increasingly expected in primary care, consistent with clinical prevention guidelines (e.g., United States real-world implementation of clinical practices or contextual factors impacting IPV screening program success. to and facilitators of IPV screening program implementation in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In this study, we (a) characterized successful clinical practices of IPV screening programs in Late-adopting sites were defined as those that reported not currently engaging in IPV screening as routine care (i.e., no screening or screening at provider''s This research is innovative because it is guided by an established implementation framework (i-PARIHS),21 enabling identification of clinical practices and contextual factors that inform evidence-based strategies for scale-up of IPV screening programs in and beyond successful intimate partner violence screening programs in health care Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in the Veterans Health Administration: Informing Scale-up of Successful Practices id: work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu author: Kathleen C. Basile title: National Prevalence of Sexual Violence by a Workplace-Related Perpetrator date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wwqdcwqltrhwhgssrxtbxybkhu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217531093 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:55:58 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu author: Kathleen Frederickson title: Evolution date: 2018 words: 1928 sentences: 176 pages: 5 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ahmttysdnzfx5ivj5bo7oyiivu.txt summary: CHARLES Darwin famously does not use the word "evolution" in thefirst edition of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Reflecting on evolution''s altered status as a legitimate scientific principle, Darwin writes that and non-naturalist friends be skeptical, dismissive, or wary of earlier evolutionary hypotheses; by 1872, among naturalists at least, natural selection might be contentious, but evolution itself was not. the view that species transmute as a result of adaptation and the inheritance of acquired characteristics;2 for Lyell, Lamarckian "evolution" the fittest"6—is representative of many nineteenth-century appropriations of evolution: though Spencer was happy to adopt natural selection Beer''s now classic account of the uses of evolution as a narrative paradigm stresses that Darwin''s later writing on sexual selection turned to 1. Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or Darwins (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016), 51. (Cannon Schmitt, Darwin and the Memory of the Human: Evolution, id: work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei author: Katrina Marie Plamondon title: Blending integrated knowledge translation with global health governance: an approach for advancing action on a wicked problem date: 2019 words: 8560 sentences: 901 pages: 10 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.pdf txt: ./txt/work_56btkfrcnjg7rdip57vsm4yzei.txt summary: Blending integrated knowledge translation with global health governance: an approach for advancing action on a wicked problem Global health governance (GHG) also ought to be well suited to advance action, but a lack of accountability, Discussion: Action on root causes of health inequities implicates disruption of structures and systems that shape IKT, is a promising opportunity to strengthen leadership for health equity action. Keywords: Integrated knowledge translation, global health governance, health equity, health inequities, complementarities of two promising approaches of applied research and practice that might support meaningful processes for advancing evidence-informed health (IKT) and Julia on global health governance (GHG). policy and practice for health [14, 17], there are few examples of using IKT approaches to respond to wicked problems. Table 2 Blending processes and mechanisms for a blended integrated knowledge translation (IKT) – global health governance GHG: global health governance; IKT: integrated knowledge translation; id: work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy author: Kelsey Medeiros title: Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance) date: 2021 words: 3419 sentences: 297 pages: 8 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nnf62ckc5ffb5gj5grefjolmsy.txt summary: Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power Long title Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance) Sexual harassment in Academia: A Matter of Power (Imbalance). experimental study, Hart (2019) found that women who self reported sexual harassment were less The role of power in perpetuating sexual harassment can be viewed through two perspectives. The dominant theory of power in sexual harassment is that of the vulnerable-victim, which leadership positions experience more sexual harassment compared to women in With this in mind, women face a double-bind with regard to power and sexual harassment. How leaders in the academic community respond to power abuses / sexual harassment sends a When considering the role of power in sexual harassment, it would be remiss of suggest that when these academic stars sexually harass others, the academy is likely to dismiss Sexual harassment as an exercise of power. id: work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy author: Kevin Scott. Wong title: Rethinking the center from the margins date: 1997 words: 5660 sentences: 424 pages: 7 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hfvro26ng5btzhjhr2z4ddniiy.txt summary: This paper considers the question of anniversaries in relation to supposedly marginal religious groups in the era of the Reformation. The paper argues that considering memories and anniversaries amongst these communities allows us to question whether these anniversaries are an appropriate or relevant celebration of Mennonite identity (Goossen, 2017b). within the Mennonite community reveal about these memories histories produced in the 1970s and 80s on early modern Anabaptism, Anabaptist studies have not seen the same energy since. Anabaptist and Mennonite histories (Driedger, 2002; RäisänenSchröder, 2011; Monge, 2015; Hill, 2015; Goossen, 2017a). have sharpened questions of the interaction between the Reformation legacies of Anabaptism and Lutheranism (and other traditions) and brought to the fore the continued global power of histories of Mennonite communities in regional Polish archives memory cultures of early modernity and Reformation history. Memories of the Reformations and their global legacies must be id: work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi author: Kim Solga title: Introduction: Hearing Women''s Stories date: 2019 words: 1651 sentences: 113 pages: 4 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iyt2ptw65rch5gmfrw2bpv3jfi.txt summary: All Rights Reserved ©, 2019 Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales Document generated on 04/05/2021 8:56 p.m. Theatre Research in Canada Introduction: Hearing Women''s Stories. Introduction: Hearing Women''s Stories. Introduction: Hearing Women''s Stories. Hearing Women''s Stories know, because I''ve been glued to the Times website, like many women in North America The ways in which women''s stories of sexual violence and domestic abuse have for In its second chapter, I told the story of the rape script women in Shakespeare''s time might mean, to listen thoughtfully, carefully, and without prejudice to women''s stories now. the following pages you will find six full-length articles by seven women researchers, telling to question how the commonplace narratives we tell ourselves as researchers about the art will become a bi-annual tradition of surveying recent trends in Quebec theatre and performance scholarship, Louise Forsyth offers our first ever review essay of new work from the id: work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau author: Kim Solga title: Présentation: Écouter les histoires des femmes date: 2019 words: 1994 sentences: 289 pages: 5 flesch: 77 cache: ./cache/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2bfpo53nmjgnthzxweo4fjoxau.txt summary: nous avons cherché pendant des siècles à faire entrer de force dans des structures narratives patriarcales ce qu''ont à dire les femmes sur la violence sexuelle et conjugale ; j''en ai fait long non seulement sur les limites très réelles qui subsistent quant à la capacité des femmes sur la mesure dans laquelle les histoires des femmes (tant les témoignages de faits vécus que été publiés sur une plateforme prestigieuse alors même que les histoires déchirantes et horrifiantes des femmes qui l''ont accusé restent largement incomprises, leur complexité ayant Nos deux dernières contributions, signées par Kimberley McLeod et Naila KeletaMae, nous proposent de nous demander en tant que chercheurs comment les histoires les émotions des femmes noires dans des auditoriums que la critique choisit de quitter. dans ce qui deviendra, nous l''espérons, une tradition de présenter deux fois par année les Inattendues, informatives, toutes différentes les unes des autres, elles vous sont id: work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu author: Kimberly Walsh title: Beauty and the Patriarchal Beast: Gender Role Portrayals in Sitcoms Featuring Mismatched Couples date: 2008 words: 9370 sentences: 833 pages: 12 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qvxi6xrmqfgg5fs5r4xekt5jzu.txt summary: Prior research has placed rape and other sexual assaults within a patriarchal framework, presuming prevalence of rape myths, the persistence of gender power differentials, and for the perpetuation of ancient Jung, archetype theory, rape, sexual assault, patriarchy, misogyny, feminism, myths, Despite the recent focus on the issue of sexual abuse, few people realize that current rape myths For Jung (1968), the persistent power of archetypes could not be overstated: "[A]rchetypes create myths, religions, the Greek myths – parallels still exist between those mythical accounts of rapes and sexual assaults that occur rape in Greek mythology and the facts of three modern day sexual assault cases parallel each other? that contained rape portrayals in the Greek myths, when utilizing content analysis, ''how the story is told and how Available at: Brock Turner, ex-Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault, denied new Greek Myths of Rape and Today. id: work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe author: Kohlbey Ozipko title: "No eclipse lasts forever" : confronting gendered violence in Stephen King''s Gerald''s Game and Dolores Claiborne date: 2021 words: 19323 sentences: 950 pages: 55 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_odzdzotmy5cxfdqcqhac3r4gwe.txt summary: "No eclipse lasts forever": Confronting Gendered Violence in Stephen King''s Gerald''s Game and violence against women as a real issue, specifically his set of novels Gerald''s Game and Dolores gendered violence thus far through protagonists Jessie Burlingame and Dolores Claiborne, respectively. In the novels, Jessie and Dolores experience sexual, physical, and domestic violence enforced by their gendered violence in two novels by Stephen King: Gerald''s Game (1992) and Dolores Claiborne (1993). social issue revealed and critiqued in Gerald''s Game and Dolores Claiborne is violence against women I will be arguing that, although Jessie and Dolores use violence to physically escape their abusive eclipse in Gerald''s Game and Dolores Claiborne is key in revealing the violent nature of gender and the literal sense in Gerald''s Game and Dolores Claiborne as the eclipse is the point in time for both Jessie gendered violence represented in Gerald''s Game and Dolores Claiborne? id: work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce author: Kristen Renwick Monroe title: Harassment charges: Metoo but due process date: 2018 words: 2086 sentences: 279 pages: 4 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ashvaus5frfofdry7fu2lb7fce.txt summary: e have heard from readers with concerns about the publication of the Letter "Harassment charges: Injustice done?" (A. The published Letter in question did that by raising concerns about the transparency of the investigatory process. processes and outcomes of harassment investigations should be shared, decisions that must In the future, we will not publish Letters in which authors argue that an individual accused women he harassed at University of California, Irvine (UCI). acknowledge that sexual harassment in all As a woman in science, I find the reporting of allegations against Francisco Ayala sexual harassment investigation. (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment ("Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine (UCI), failed to post easily accessible guidelines on how the Ayala case was to fairly confront sexual harassment and charges of sexual harassment. charges of sexual harassment. Harassment charges: Metoo but due process ARTICLE TOOLS RELATED id: work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a author: Kristin Bergtora Sandvik title: ''Safeguarding'' as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping date: 2019 words: 4455 sentences: 414 pages: 6 flesch: 29 cache: ./cache/work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z6l4jq76f5g23f5qoi4zwcix3a.txt summary: ''Safeguarding'' as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping scope and content of ''safeguarding'' as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about Keywords: Buzzwords, Humanitarian accountability, Safeguarding, Sexual exploitation, Sexual violence and children, safeguarding has acquired a broader meaning, which includes all actions by aid actors to protect staff and content of ''safeguarding'' as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the spring 2018, 118 members of InterAction (a US NGO alliance) signed a pledge on preventing sexual abuse, and exploitation by and of NGO staff, the word ''safeguarding'' was initiatives, like HAP International (the Humanitarian Accountability Project) and People in Aid also emerged ''safeguarding'' as a normative bundle based on humanitarian sector-specific responses to ''internal'' events in the id: work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi author: Kristin Skare Orgeret title: Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism date: 2020 words: 2568 sentences: 219 pages: 7 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hrztqxtthvh7xjsymn2xtdo3hi.txt summary: To cite this article: Kristin Skare Orgeret (2020) Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism, Digital Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism Until recently, the notion of emotion in media studies and communication research was mostly examined through the lens of cultural Hassan, Kilgo, Lough, Riedl, Sanchez Laws, Waddell, and Zou highlight how the affordances of digital journalism have an impact on Embracing emotions as a dimension in digital journalism studies contributes to emotions in journalism, there is also a need to focus on how affective dynamics can be spurred by phenomena such as conflict and Embracing emotions as a dimension in digital journalism studies contributes to opening up interesting approaches towards concepts such as With the arrival of digital journalism emotions have gained significant new attention. Therefore, it is both reasonable and commended to continue including emotions in the field of digital journalism id: work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm author: Kritika Mishra title: A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis date: 2020 words: 7806 sentences: 719 pages: 22 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ricr5udsvfbg5i4ngy2yyfhvsm.txt summary: analysis on audio files by calculating their Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) and clustering them into positive-neutral-negative and combines these results with those obtained by performing sentiment is used to generate Single Value Neutrosophic Sets (SVNS) for the audio. For the sentiment analysis of text part, the translation of the audio is provided as text files along with It will result in the analysis of the overall positive, neutral and negative sentiments which will audio and text SVNS which are again clustered and visualized for comparison. The K-means algorithms used for clustering SVNS values for sentiment analysis was proposed in [13]. algorithms, the SVNS of audio, text and combined modules were visualized into 3 clusters. Now the text file is processed with the VADER tool for analysis, which generates SVNS values in novel framework that combines audio features, sentiment analysis, and neutrosophy to generate SVNS id: work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m author: Kumanan Rasanathan title: Reimagining global health as the sharing of power date: 2020 words: 1856 sentences: 293 pages: 2 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oftlfp4vzfdyxkzkkqulj3st4m.txt summary: Gender inequalities in global health institutions have been challenged by organisations the report examines the policies and composition of 200 organisations working in global while only 12% of global health organisations global health organisations compared with BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health BMJ Global Health The intersectional lens the report applies to its analysis of today''s global health architecture is much needed. of global health organisations'' headquarters in highincome countries? and middleincome countries in only 5% of global health whether global health leadership can be anything other culture of global health. to action for gender equality in global health leadership. Report card shows gender is missing in global health. 9 Global Health 50/50. 9 Global Health 50/50. The global health 50/50 report 2020: power, Reimagining global health as the sharing of power Reimagining global health as the sharing of power id: work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4 author: Kunj Gohil title: Diabetes market grows ever more crowded date: 2014 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jareegxh5bdrxe3pqjejm4fad4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217537605 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:06 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm author: L. Salehi title: P113: Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians date: 2019 words: 1211 sentences: 73 pages: 1 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gigttku62nggdfgbfbhzpenkdm.txt summary: hypothesis that a small number of physicians are responsible for a disproportionately high number of CTPA ordered in the ED. Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at Preliminary results show a great deal of variation in ordering rates, ranging from 0.9 to 22.2 CTPA per 1000 ED visit (median = order disproportionately higher numbers of CTPAs have lower diagnostic yields. hospital-based data to characterize sexual and domestic assault cases Tracts to identify potential geographic areas where SGBV cases are Variables of interest included, age, gender, First Nations status (as identified by treaty number), EMS response times, bystander Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Variability in utilization and diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT) scans for pulmonary embolism among emergency physicians Geographies of sexual assault: using geographic information system analysis to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence id: work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi author: Laila A. Gharzai title: Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs date: 2020 words: 1777 sentences: 173 pages: 3 flesch: 33 cache: ./cache/work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nqbvauua2je6fhudgn63voaagi.txt summary: Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs: The Broken Pipeline Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs comprehensive overview of gender distribution in the leadership of academic oncology programs in that the gender distribution of leadership of academic oncology programs remains overwhelmingly Women faculty represented 35.9% of the total faculty body in medical oncology, radiation the early ranks and then later in more senior positions over time as women who entered medical unconscious forms of gender bias and systemwide policies that disadvantage women,5 a complex set to leadership positions at the rate expected based on their representation among medical students. Women''s representation in leadership positions in academic JAMA Network Open | Oncology Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs JAMA Network Open | Oncology Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs id: work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou author: Lars Ohnemus title: B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? date: 2009 words: 1186 sentences: 69 pages: 3 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ygfvq3cmend63kcbyhozgu25ou.txt summary: B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? B2B branding: A financial burden for shareholders? In the business-to-business (B2B) arena, does branding create sustainable economic value for companies and their shareholders? branding and the financial performance of companies in the B2B segment. Abstract Is branding an effective tool for generating shareholder wealth for phases, depending on the strategic branding position of the company. Used strategically, business-to-business (B2B) companies with a balanced corporate brand strategy very few of the companies analyzed possessed an optimal balance between branding prompted not only by global manufacturing, enhanced knowledge, and design sharing possibilities, but is also due to the fact that companies For European companies in particular, branding branding and financial performance in a B2B context, and to address the fundamental research Furthermore, is there truly any difference in branding strategies between industries, or are we dealing Conceptually, the difference in marketing orientations between companies producing consumer id: work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi author: Laura Baecher-Lind title: A Call to Action to Address Gender Equity Within Our Specialty date: 2018 words: 812 sentences: 154 pages: flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wu45tiokfzfbbocyeflu2izmqi.txt summary: Corpus ID: 13669472A Call to Action to Address Gender Equity Within Our Specialty: Time''s Up on Waiting for Change. Although national attention has been focused on sexual harassment and gender inequity in the United States, leaders within the obstetrics and gynecology community have remained relatively silent. This article serves as a call to action for leadership as well as physicians within obstetrics and gynecology to implement ethical and evidence-based approaches to reduce gender inequity and improve workplace culture within our… Expand Sort by Most Influenced Papers Striving for Gender Equity in Academic Medicine Careers: A Call to Action Comparison of Women in Department Leadership in Obstetrics and Gynecology With Those in Other Specialties Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha author: Laura Hawks title: Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women date: 2019 words: 6830 sentences: 726 pages: 8 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.pdf txt: ./txt/work_li5wbpu2snbs3d7hkp2t7qsdha.txt summary: characteristics of women who experience it, or the association between forced sexual initiation and reproductive, gynecologic, and general health outcomes among American women. We then examined the association between having experienced forced vs voluntary sexual initiation and reproductive, gynecologic, and general health outcomes in unadjusted and adjusted analyses. 3 continuous outcomes, we estimated the mean adjusted difference between women who experienced forced vs voluntary sexual initiation using multivariable linear regression models that controlled for age, race/ethnicity, poverty level, and Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women Research Original Investigation Association Between Forced Sexual Initiation and Health Outcomes Among US Women id: work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64 author: Laura M.D. Maguire title: Managing the Hidden Costs of Coordination date: 2019 words: 5392 sentences: 452 pages: 23 flesch: 31 cache: ./cache/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fdafesp5x5b25dbjlzy7zbli64.txt summary: dependent services'' support teams, and coordinated among coordination costs and how software engineers experience directions for design to control costs of coordination in coordination from the costs that those activities incur. an incident response – just one function in joint activity. how poor coordination design impacts engineering teams not eliminate the need for coordination design. to: (1) centralize response coordination through an incident hidden cognitive work of coordination; or (3) depend on coordinative demands are manageable without design for of adaptation to high costs of coordination. adapt when high costs of coordination threaten the critical software platforms; the coordination of joint activity this way eases the coordination costs of transient, singleissue demands and of early exploratory efforts. Coordinating joint activity tools are explicitly designed to support coordination. distributed work systems, but the lack of coordination costs of coordination include adopting incident command cognitive costs of coordination in large-scale, id: work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4 author: Laura Saldarriaga title: Sexual Violence Victimization among Undergraduates at a Chilean University date: 2020 words: 8758 sentences: 812 pages: 15 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5bfmdslhljc75ons4fywjg45q4.txt summary: Schuster and colleagues found much higher prevalence rates of sexual violence victimization over a colleagues (2007) used five comprehensive items assessing attempted rape, rape using three different coercive strategies (physical force, verbal pressure, taking advantage of the victim being unable to resist), questions concerned (1) assessing sexual violence victimization experiences among PUC undergraduates in Established risk factors for sexual violence victimization addressed in the survey include the age of onset Previous research has shown effects of ambivalent sexism and sexual aggression myths on the perception of a victimization experience (LeMaire, Oswald, and Russell 2016). wording as Schuster and colleagues (2016).3 Respondents who reported at least one victimization experience in the three main items were asked to give additional details.4 number of sex partners, short-term mating orientation, age of onset of sexual activity, and the fact of being sexually active were identified as significant correlates of sexual violence victimization, supporting our id: work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy author: Laura Visser-Maessen title: Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States date: 2018 words: 2163 sentences: 106 pages: 5 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h4byyytnejhanpq3hamehfvnxy.txt summary: Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women Laura Visser-Maessen, « Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the 1 Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States. women performing "men''s work," workingwomen''s dissent, and cross-racial class As the first book-length study of antebellum workingwomen''s literary works, it then is not just the addition of class and workingwomen to 19th-century cultural studies Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in t... Lori Merish, Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States id: work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34 author: Laurel Sharples title: Identifying Opportunities to Improve Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Primary Care System date: 2018 words: 2267 sentences: 266 pages: 4 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6vx57kwrsbcgdc2b5ocyvssn34.txt summary: IPV screening within our universitybased network of primary care clinics. We examined IPV screening practices in five primary care clinics BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a silent epidemic affecting one in three women. Force recommends routine IPV screening for women of childbearing age, and whether screening initiated by medical assistants or physicians resulted screening practices in five primary care clinics within a university-based network in Northern California. Each chart was reviewed to determine if an IPV screen Using medical assistants to deliver IPV screening may be more effective than (physician or medical assistant), patient age, and screener gender. The overall frequency of IPV screening across five primary care clinics Table 1: IPV Screening Frequency and Characteristics of Patients/Screeners age with IPV screening, the study Table 2: Association Between IPV Screening and Clinic Table 4: Association Between IPV Screening and Screener Gender Table 5: Association Between IPV Screening and Patient Age id: work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq author: Lauren Cameron title: The Romance Publishing Industry and Its Reputation date: 2020 words: 7378 sentences: 649 pages: 16 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.txt summary: Romance is an intrinsically feminine genre, which creates a problem in misogynistic societies that are attempting to police women''s bodies and minds.4 The struggle to implement feminism is not just a problem within the UK and USA, but it is frustration diminishes the genre and women.13 Finally, "trash" implies that the novels are bad, when the entire point of romance is to examine human relationships.14 genre; selling romance novels was about convenience for women, which was a books they read a secret if it is romance, because of one too many negative interactions or shared experiences that shame them into hiding. Romance is a genre about women taking control of their bodies; female readers are conditioned to search for love from a young age, while men are not, which creates a disconnect in society.74 By reading romance, girls and women can fulfill the Voices of resistance: young women readers of romance fiction. id: work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki author: Lauren Vogel title: Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment date: 2018 words: 966 sentences: 89 pages: 2 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5cyl2nhz7ja7nn3cefm2yxhoki.txt summary: Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment A n online survey is shining a spot-light on pervasive sexual harass-ment in acad em ia , incl u d ing cases, respondents didn''t report abuse for found that 45%–93% of residents experienced some form of harassment or intimidation during training, with 25%–60% Medical students report similar experiences. Medical trainees are urging schools to Smith says medical schools have complaints processes after realizing trainees were unwilling to flag abuse if they had Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment Power imbalances in medical training enable abuse and make it difficult to report, say trainee groups. Other schools still require complainants to identify themselves. reporting sexual harassment by a faculty Smith notes that even anonymous complaints may be traced back if the abuse was "We have to support victims of sexual harassment, or any id: work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy author: Leah Okenwa-Emgwa title: Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example date: 2018 words: 785 sentences: 137 pages: flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_loouqynu2fgpbppgp6llcx24cy.txt summary: Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53745750Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example title={Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example}, author={Leah Okenwa-Emgwa and E. Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Gender and types of intimate partner violence: A response to an anti-feminist literature review View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. id: work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u author: Lee Shepherd title: From Gaze to Outrage: The Role of Group-Based Anger in Mediating the Relationship between Sexual Objectification and Collective Action date: 2019 words: 12559 sentences: 1247 pages: 16 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g3m2ltjwe5h5zhgrwyvvmpz77u.txt summary: From Gaze to Outrage: The Role of Group-Based Anger in Mediating the Relationship between Sexual Objectification and Collective Action their feelings of group-based anger, and their willingness to engage in collective action against sexual objectification. is likely to result in women feeling group-based anger and that this anger, in turn, promotes collective action against sexual Therefore, it was also important to test whether sexual objectification predicted the willingness to engage in collective action after controlling for these variables. The dependent variable was the women''s willingness to engage in collective action against sexual objectification. In our study, we extended this research by demonstrating that experiencing sexual objectification was positively associated with the willingness to engage in collective action against the objectification of women. These results suggest that group-based (but not interpersonal) anger mediated the relationship between sexual objectification and the willingness to engage in collective action. id: work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq author: Lee-Fay Low title: Negative stereotypes, fear and social distance: a systematic review of depictions of dementia in popular culture in the context of stigma date: 2020 words: 11361 sentences: 1369 pages: 16 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ueeqnyewfrcqlf6ygfcilvvbcq.txt summary: Negative stereotypes, fear and social distance: a systematic review of depictions of dementia in popular culture in the context of stigma Background: Literature, film and news media reflect and shape social perceptions of dementia which in turn for dementia in literature, film, mass media and social media in order to better understand cultural stigma related English language papers which included original analysis on the representation or depiction of dementia in popular culture (i.e. in film and television, literature, news, social media and language). more positive depictions of dementia including expressing love and individual agency and experiencing personal Conclusions: Depictions of dementia in popular culture are associated with negative images and feelings, and Keywords: Stigma, Dementia, Alzheimer''s disease, Systematic review, Culture, Media suggest that the portrayal of dementia in the media influences and reflects cultural stigma. often equated with Alzheimer''s disease, people with dementia were depicted as having memory difficulties, being disoriented, and experiencing decline and death, id: work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa author: Leigh Gilmore title: He Said/She Said: Truth-Telling and #MeToo date: 2017 words: 2541 sentences: 147 pages: 6 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zictkosvhjcdro3m3pjxpmibqa.txt summary: "He Said/She Said: Truth-Telling and #MeToo" analyses how the conversation about sexual The #MeToo moment offers a clear representation of the scale of sexual violence and of women worldwide raised their voices to say "Me Too." In response to allegations of sexual abuse in sexual violence in women''s lives, to move the conversation beyond Hollywood, to catalyse a widespread and men in the U.S. are learning to speak in new ways about sexual violence and abuses of power. #MeToo certainly exposed the scale of women''s experiences of sexual abuse, but the generic quality of exposing and articulating everyday sexual violence in the lives of women. 4 In Tainted Witness (2017), I argue that Anita Hill''s testimony in 1991 inaugurated a new era of doubting women Leigh Gilmore is the author of Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say About Their Lives id: work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe author: Libby V. Morris title: Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making date: 2019 words: 1096 sentences: 63 pages: 3 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eq5mgi45wrfgfieyswvldzppwe.txt summary: University of Georgia''s 2018 Ethics Week. Professor Tenbrunsel began by stating that we, like other people, are generally not as ethical Our blind spots do not allow us to see our behaviors or decisions as having ethical Thus, the ethical dimensions of a decision may fade as other issues (e.g., unintentionally in unethical behaviors as a result of bounded awareness, ethical fading, and Ethical lapses and unethical behaviors are not only concerns for individuals, but also for However, ethical decision-making is required not only at the presidential and senior leadership levels; every day faculty members must make multiple decisions Taking time to individually and collectively consider the ethical dimensions of our instructional and research decisions should benefit both students and faculty. our own professional aspirations and activities to see decision-points and ethical considerations ethical issues in post-secondary higher education. Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making Complexities in Ethical Decision-Making id: work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy author: Lieke L. Schrijvers title: Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex date: 2018 words: 10555 sentences: 803 pages: 23 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_amscbqejf5fdrfwrtj3uglrnoy.txt summary: Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex. practices of good sex, Culture and Religion, 19:2, 139-159, DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2018.1444655 This article focuses on the triangulation of sexuality, religion and secularity in KEYWORDS Sexuality; secularity; religion; gender; the netherlands; discourse study of religion, secularism, gender and sexuality. practices that constitute religious/secular sex. this implicit secular/religion binary in gender studies and the study of sexuality, the stubborn conviction of religion and sexuality as being juxtaposing is increasingly considered a Taylorian subtraction story of the secular, as more and more In order to understand the intersections of sex, religion and the secular in the Dutch public discourse in which religion and non-normative sexuality are counter posed, and dealt with this in different ways. Sex in the study of religion and the secular Sex in the study of religion and the secular id: work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m author: Liina Uudam title: Mesenteriaalveeni tromboos date: 2020 words: 1315 sentences: 316 pages: 3 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5nzod3kj5rhuvgp3vc3ea4c33m.txt summary: Probleemiks oli 6 päeva kestnud kõhuvalu, mis Kõht oli käinud läbi viimati eelmisel Patsient oli umbes ühe aasta jooksul A nam neesis oli tal alates Ravimiallergiat patsient eitas ja operatsioone tal Apenditsiidi kahtluse tõttu tehti ultraheli( UH ) uuring kõhukoopast, kus parenhümatoossed elundid olid iseärasusteta. Nabast allpool paremal oli alumise õõnesveeni ees (pildil tähistatud ristikestega) paksuseinaline tubulaarne struktuur, mille läbimõõt on 0,88 cm ning mis on kas Nabast allpool paremal oli alumise mis UH-anduriga ei olnud kokku surutav mille parempoolses harus oli tromb, mis Tromboseerunud veeni ümber oli rasvosas oli leid iseärasusteta. sisehaiguste osakonda esmase ägeda mesenteriaalveeni-tromboosi ( MV T ) tõttu ja tal S-valgu sisalduse vähenemine, mis võis olla mesenterica superior''i (VMS) tromboseerunud v. mesenterica superior (VMS), mille Ägeda mesenteriaalveeni-tromboosi trombofiilia ja pahaloomulised haigused Kirjeldatud patsiendil ei tekkinud valendik oli hargnemise kohal vaid osaliselt Mesenteriaalveeni tromboosi põhjused (1) Metüleentetrahüdrofolaadi reduktaasi (MTHFR) geeni mutatsioon id: work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm author: Lily Frank title: Swiping Left on the Quantified Relationship: Exploring the Potential Soft Impacts date: 2018 words: 2091 sentences: 172 pages: 4 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m6gg5x6jsvgn5holfnci7hf7pm.txt summary: Swiping left on the quantified relationship: exploring the potential soft ISSN: 1526-5161 (Print) 1536-0075 (Online) Journal homepage: To cite this article: Lily Frank & Michał Klincewicz (2018) Swiping Left on the Quantified Relationship: Exploring the Potential Soft Impacts, The American Journal of Bioethics, 18:2, 27-28 potential soft impacts of quantified relationship technologies (QRT). Relationship, dating, and "hookup" technologies, Tinder is an example of the way in which relationship Consequently, even if users consent to the use of QRT, Online relationship, dating, and "hookup" apps are based dating app that intentionally uses of gamification to Tinder can be used as a dating app and as a means the different ways in which men and women use relationship apps like Tinder (Tyson et al. QRT are likely to be informed by stereotypical and gendered "scripts" of romantic and sexual behavior that are Available at: id: work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4 author: Lindsey E. Blumell title: Reassessing balance: News coverage of Donald Trump''s Access Hollywood scandal before and during #metoo date: 2019 words: 8555 sentences: 678 pages: 18 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t6i3n3hmajahbhb74l5uiza7e4.txt summary: Reassessing balance: News coverage of Donald Trump''s Access Hollywood scandal before media had the highest levels of rape myth acceptance in their coverage for both time #metoo, Access Hollywood tape, Donald Trump, issue dualism, news coverage, The news industry largely espouses rape culture when reporting on sexual abuse interrelated; however, focusing on rape culture within news coverage of sexual abuse can and the rape myths perpetrated in news coverage of sexual abuse (Jordan, 2012). We analyzed rape myth acceptance within news coverage of the Access Hollywood scandal #metoo movement changed news coverage, thus decreasing the prevalence of rape culture in between the two sampled time periods and the rape culture acceptance index, with significant issue dualism ought to include those coming forward to accuse Trump of sexual abuse. three women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual abuse, and one rape survivor who wanted to One way rape culture acceptance was demonstrated in news coverage was through the id: work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu author: Lindzi Wessel title: #MeToo moves south date: 2020 words: 3513 sentences: 399 pages: 5 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6gqrmmfxi5gd3ep2nftdimpafu.txt summary: students in the sciences—according to dozens of researchers from across Latin America Many universities in the region lack formal policies for reporting, investigating, or against gender-based violence and harassment," says Mario Pecheny, a political science The National University of Colombia, Bogotá, surveyed 1602 of its female students and found that more than half reported (A university spokesperson says it did ultimately suspend the alleged attacker from abuse wrath," says one man, a former Uniandes student who worked with Amézquita do that … I am not aggressive to the students," he told Science prior to the university''s announcement that it was firing him. 2019, after an initial investigation, the university fired Amézquita Torres for failing to In March 2019, fearing that the university was burying the case, the complainants and their allies used public universities in Latin America have yet to of universities adopting policies on sexual id: work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e author: Lisa Anderson title: Management Education in Turbulent Times date: 2018 words: 6662 sentences: 539 pages: 16 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7sunqxmiqndddekqou7skrrw7e.txt summary: Times: Journal of Management Education Special Issue. MANAGEMENT EDUCATION IN TURBULENT TIMES where knowledge generation, learning and management education unfolds. innovations are responses to the turbulent and rapidly changing management environments our community in striving to understand management learning and education however and Turbulent Times in the Higher Education Context for Business Schools engagement that business and management academics generate with extra-institutional Developing links between business and management schools through what is often referred special section on Management Education in Turbulent Times. We have argued that business schools and management educators are in a unique There may be a need for both students and educators to develop resilience in turbulent times, view of knowledge in learning about business and management. order to continue to develop management education to support responsiveness and resilience Academy of Management Learning & Education 15(2), 287-303. Academy of Management Learning & Education 15(2), 287-303. id: work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4 author: Lisa Downing title: The body politic: Gender, the right wing and ''identity category violations'' date: 2018 words: 7022 sentences: 361 pages: 23 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qhwv7zydzndq7cokqncgcap6x4.txt summary: Downing, L 2018, ''The body politic: gender, the right wing and ''identity category violations'''', French Cultural The Body Politic: Gender, The Right Wing, and "Identity Category Violations" political challengers from the right who are female: Marine Le Pen (born 1968), the feminist Andrea Dworkin''s Right-Wing Women (1983), the more recent edited Keywords: The right wing, feminism, identity politics, Marine Le Pen, Front Mainstream coverage of right-wing women often seeks to understand their politics by Margaret Power, also called Right-Wing Women (2013), and, in the French context, Dworkin argues that women are attracted towards right-wing politics on the basis of female leaders fit – or fail to fit – in a political tradition in which women have long The Body Politic and Right-Wing French Female Activists and woman-as-the-land is picked up in Dworkin''s analysis in Right-Wing Women. Lesselier, Claudie (2002) "Far-Right Women in France: The Case of the National id: work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei author: Lisa Hermanns title: "Even if patriarchal sociopathy is more pervasive than we like to imagine, it can be defeated" - #MeToo as contentious politics date: 2019 words: 37026 sentences: 2508 pages: 91 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zlgdxaggrnhdbo7lyvxwnmcpei.txt summary: Tilly and Sidney Tarrow''s theory of contentious politics provides insights into #MeToo and Tarrow to analyze #MeToo. Contentious politics is a rather open concept inviting the analysis contentious politics are especially relevant in online contention and for #MeToo and why? political causes of feminist women''s movements to challenge women''s structural oppression whether #MeToo is feminist or not as contention politics is not concerned with categorizing investigate #MeToo, out of the tradition of social movement theories and research. analysis of social movements, which considers gender issues "will provide a dynamic, longterm and less state-centered approach to power, protest, and change" (Ferree and Mueller harassment and abuse, participants of #MeToo do not have to identify as feminist. #MeToo developed have changed since women began to fight sexual harassment and abuse in harassment and abuse gained through #MeToo was The New York Times and its journalists a socially protected position to harass or abuse women, #MeToo emphasizes an existing id: work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda author: Lisa Meerts-Brandsma title: Unpacking Systems of Privilege: The Opportunity of Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education date: 2020 words: 7819 sentences: 662 pages: 12 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wysmbbll2jcv3lbwg7wagd5rda.txt summary: Unpacking Systems of Privilege: The Opportunity of Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Outdoor adventure education (OAE) is a setting wherein instructors could teach critical reflection they can incorporate critical reflection as a tool to disrupt systems that operate within the course. Outdoor adventure education has many elements that make it an ideal space to learn to see systems employed in OAE to encourage students to question the discourses that underlie systems of privilege expectations placed on students of different genders on OAE courses. evidence exists to suggest that transformative learning, and thus critical reflection, occurs for some Critical reflection likely already occurs on some OAE courses. White privilege in experiential education: A critical reflection. Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Critical Reflection in Outdoor Adventure Education Employing Critical Reflection on Outdoor Adventure Education Courses Employing Critical Reflection on Outdoor Adventure Education Courses id: work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji author: Lisa Pasolli title: Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women''s Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand date: 2018 words: 1472 sentences: 127 pages: 4 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3gbwv6naovarxa2qibnf4evdji.txt summary: Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists: The Origins of the Women''s Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand Women''s Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand Origins of the Women''s Shelter Movement in Canada by Margo Goodhand]. that Canada has long been in a state of religious decline and argues instead that this Margo Goodhand''s Runaway Wives and Rogue Feminists, a history of the women''s shelter movement in Canada, is the women she profiles, Goodhand''s history recognizes the importance of the political and the personal. The Origins of the Women''s Shelter Movement in Canada Women''s Shelter Movement (Vancouver: example, women in the shelter movement came to shelter work not through the women''s movement but through church-based feminist history, and Goodhand captures their biggest barrier to confronting violence against women was the failure to recognize the "scope and nature of the problem" (141). the book studies Canada''s tax history as id: work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa author: Lisa Wynne Smith title: Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth-Century England date: 2020 words: 14058 sentences: 1275 pages: 24 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mvkds6pvhnhm7k75ikdcaog4sa.txt summary: Lisa Wynne Smith, ''Resisting Silences: Gender and Family Trauma in Eighteenth-Century England'' In Newdigate''s version, an unwell, ageing patriarch protected his family, despite being undermined by adult sons'' demands for independence. They kept excellent household records, which historians have used for topics ranging from food to politics.10 Steve Hindle and Peter Edwards have examined Newdigate''s account books to understand estate management, while Elaine Gooder and Lady Only Gooder discusses the family disputes, depicting Newdigate as a loving father Newdigate counterbalanced this with extensive evidence that he remained an independent man and good father, despite his children''s Estate be preserv''d to the Family''.60 Newdigate legally regained power, but Richard Newdigate defended the family''s honour by preserving the children''s reputations The Newdigate case is about a family''s trauma. 6. Sir Richard Newdigate, The Case of An Old Gentleman, persecuted by his Own Son (London, 1707), id: work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem author: Logan Alexander title: The way we look matters : witnessing. trauma. perspectivism date: 2020 words: 31061 sentences: 3182 pages: 112 flesch: 77 cache: ./cache/work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5igqcohv2rgrlff3gi74oaptem.txt summary: downtown Vancouver to demonstrate that people who look queer receive harsh micro-expressions When the material is non-binary in nature, the way of feelings, and stories, and gender, expect people to feel hope for certain things that are simply unviable in under certain systems of queer person, incorporating their lived experiences as context and content, makes the fact that I wouldn''t be able to talk much about my own experiences around "queer looking" with very much So, a non-binary perspective, for queer people, is often both the cause of trauma, and the healing If I imagine a non-queer audience then I feel like If queer party space could be cued in such a way that peoples'' pallets would have been more open But I wanted to be able to show people what it''s like to hold eye contact with someone who with queer people in a loving way. id: work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im author: Long W. Lam title: Toward an objective-based typology of e-business models date: 2003 words: 1324 sentences: 78 pages: 3 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cmtdkkejfzaxdawc2ubgg5y6im.txt summary: Toward an objective-based typology of e-business models so, then business models should clarify those objectives In delineating strategic objectives for expansion into e-business, a firm must identify the model To make matters worse, there is currently no single, cogent, and comprehensive typology of Internet business models to point to. E-business models: -business models are methods, concepts, frameworks, or architectures by which companies can use were needed, and what roles they filled.…In contrast, the Internet enables us to create new business Recent years have seen sporadic attempts to classify existing e-business models. marketing''s four Ps—product, price, place, and promotion—to arrange e-business models and strategies. and Tucci (2001) explain how business models can be Applegate analyzes business models based on their technical platforms. number of dimensions to characterize e-business models why companies need to create e-businesses in the first strategic objectives of these e-business models, in addition that speak to the strategic objectives of running an e-business. id: work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq author: Lori L. Isom title: Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization Gordon Research Conference Power Hour Summary date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kuyu76aysbfpbehhdxjeme7hrq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217535475 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:04 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy author: Louise Devenish title: TEACHING TERTIARY MUSIC IN THE #METOO ERA date: 2020 words: 4314 sentences: 240 pages: 6 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cwux37xbfjeudej4q7qbjorfyy.txt summary: Since 2012, a national approach to improving gender diversity in music has begun to emerge in Australia, as oncecontroversial strategies trialled by four tertiary institutions have become established practices that address these Griffith University (QCGU) to understand how undergraduate music students perceive issues surrounding gender music performed in student recitals was by female composers. concert program, the decision to have a gender-balanced creative contribution across music theatre, opera, orchestra, Hope introduced quotas for all final year (graduating) Bachelor of Music performance student recitals across all In 2018, a review of gender diversity across programming and teaching at the University of Western Australia Conservatorium of Music took place in response to new staff directions, industry changes and student initiatives that most ensembles within the Conservatorium exclusively programmed music by male composers. In 2018, Dr Cecilia Sun designed and taught the first class devoted to women in music at the University of Western id: work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my author: Louise Jessica Hardy title: Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? date: 2019 words: 2267 sentences: 355 pages: 2 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n3zp5xbcs5hoxgx6ml5vssz5my.txt summary: Professionalism and leadership in medical education: Few would argue that professionalism and leadership share a value set which overlaps in many areas, be characterised either as leadership or professionalism.4 To be an effective leader in health, you need Leadership requires individuals to understand healthcare and political systems and to build on their strive to deliver leadership education and development in the National Health Service (NHS). for developing leadership in medical undergraduates (FMLM would certainly expect them to be continually learning, developing and refining their professionalism as they progress (and and empowering others to develop their own leadership qualities and abilities. framework to guide action on improvement skill-building, leadership development ''Developing Collective Leadership for health care'', Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? Professionalism and leadership in medical education: how do they differ and how are they related? id: work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4 author: Lucas G Hill title: Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female Mentees date: 2019 words: 3004 sentences: 482 pages: 4 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7boq7sc6fjdvjmoztxkcyofhv4.txt summary: Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female Mentees Guidance for Male Mentors to Support the Safety and Success of Female respect the unique experiences and concerns of female mentees, particularly regarding sexual violence and connection are offered by the authors, a male faculty mentor and female student mentee pair. backlash to the #MeToo movement as 60% of male managers reported being uncomfortable mentoring, working Male mentors bear a responsibility to consider these concerns proactively when advising female male mentor with one female and one male student mentee The female mentee accepts, but the male can also be detrimental to a female mentee and the development of trust in a mentoring relationship.15 Male female mentee''s trust in the male mentor. Physical contact between a male mentor and female mentors for female mentees. safety and success of female mentees in academic pharmacy. id: work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu author: Luciana Silvestre Fernandes title: (Re)claiming the canon : a new lens for the staging of Thomas Middleton and William Rowley''s The Changeling date: 2020 words: 33431 sentences: 3654 pages: 183 flesch: 82 cache: ./cache/work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fe3h344y35c7dguk24l33tavtu.txt summary: perspective of the central character in the play, Beatrice-Joanna, and on staging her trauma. Figure 20 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna in her final dress (Set by Luis Belassai; Costumes by Figure 27 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna having a moment with her feelings on top of 4.1 (Set by Figure 3 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna above and Kyle Preston Oliver as De Flores below (Set by Luis For example, that the play begins with Beatrice-Joanna and Alsemero falling in Flores'' actions and their impact on Beatrice-Joanna, to list a few: "Though thou writ''st maid, Figure 9 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna at the end of the play. Figure 9 Bonnie Duff as Beatrice-Joanna at the end of the play. However, coming full circle, the Joannas and Beatrice closed the play just as they opened In scene 2.2 (see appendix), when Alsemero and Beatrice-Joanna confess their love for each other, he id: work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e author: Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko title: On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims date: 2018 words: 8533 sentences: 520 pages: 11 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qlkxydrmcfhwlhuxbc5yqhvr2e.txt summary: On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims Keywords: Jack the Ripper; representation; simulacrum; victims; waxworks image of Jack the Ripper, including his wax likeness, complete with his (stereo)typical signifiers—long could admire his latest ''work'' in the form of wax figures of his victims at 106 Whitechapel Road, with An interesting commentary on the consumers of wax exhibits of the victims of Jack the Ripper comes Fictional representations of Jack the Ripper as a wax figure reflect the change in the perception Jack the Ripper (Werner Krauss) that is depicted in a dream sequence about an animated wax figure. text probably the only positive representation of Jack the Ripper not only as a wax figure, but as a to some extent, repeated in the latest addition to the waxwork motif: The Wax House: Jack the Ripper The Wax House: Jack the Ripper. id: work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti author: Lynne Segal title: Democracy in the making date: 2018 words: 6774 sentences: 344 pages: 13 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zkxir7vq4ragle3crkd6mop5ti.txt summary: for those in the ''first'' world who don''t have the time to do our own caring work, even sexism and racism mean care work remains, for the most part, extremely poorly paid In our socialist-feminist vision, we began by thinking that gender issues world of caring and commitment in domestic intimacies, at the same time as women started from wanting shorter working hours in paid employment, hence making caring domestic, social and working lives to enable men and women to be equally engaged find a significant minority of men wanting to support women and be involved in there hasn''t been any change in men''s violence against women, there has been an we were going to transform the world so that both men and women could together people, in this case men, simply to ''choose'' to change genders and thereby enter become women, or men if indeed we do identify with these gender positions we''re id: work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu author: M P Colgan title: Oxpentifylline treatment of venous ulcers of the leg date: 1990 words: 5004 sentences: 762 pages: 4 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dkfzaqe2ezbwvieo2gzsrnlssu.txt summary: Oxpentifylline treatment of venous ulcers of the leg Mary-Paula Colgan, John A Dormandy, Peter W Jones, Ivor G Schraibman, D Gregor Shanik, Objective-To determine the effect of oxpentifylline on the healing of venous ulcers of the leg. Results-Complete healing of the reference ulcer this drug in patients with venous ulceration of the eligible patients attending the leg ulcer clinic at each study of patients with leg ulcers." The patients were of the study 64% of reference ulcers had healed in the patient who received a placebo the persistent additional ulcer developed anew during the course of the median area of the ulcer for each treatment group at might be effective in healing venous ulcers of the leg Although pharmacological treatment has been advocated for the healing of venous ulcers, the few studies no effect on the healing of ulcers.2 Two studies using Study design-Patients whose blood pressure was id: work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe author: MARK FRANCIS title: SUPPLIER LED NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IMPROVEMENT IN THE UK FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS INDUSTRY date: 2008 words: 10025 sentences: 615 pages: 26 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_goiuap5lvjfmlkyb2bq67pszoe.txt summary: Supplier Led New Product Development Process Improvement in the UK Little has been written about new product and packaging development processes within the fast moving However, no rigorous study has addressed the commercial success/failure rates of private-label products in the UK FMCG industry and details the new NPD process mapping method and tool that was developed to Keywords: FMCG; private-label; suppliers; success rates; NPD; process mapping. was designated the Supplier Association New Product Development (SANPD) project and was new NPD process mapping technique that was developed to conduct this study. ASDA Supplier Association and New Product Development Project (Table 1) and was designated the Supplier Association New Product Development (SANPD) project. research has been conducted that has dealt specifically with the FMCG industry or retailer privatelabel NPD processes and their performance levels (Francis, 2006).Most process-oriented studies in developed 473 new private-label product lines for ASDA of all innovation project types. id: work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm author: Mae Kuykendall title: Looking for a Life Raft: Citizen Voice and Votes of No Confidence date: 2021 words: 42592 sentences: 2778 pages: 97 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_izfq2teblvhfbda2szqg7vb3rm.txt summary: President of Harvard University both suffered votes of no confidence.1 votes of no confidence.12 Part III addresses specific university university or other institutional officials or outcry by faculties or group /news/20170102/resident-physicians-at-summa-health-vote-no-confidence-insystem-president [] (reporting on a vote of no [] (reporting on a 2015), vote also arise from student and faculty outcry over such matters as alleged 2015), [] (describing racial incidents on []. news/nation/2019/05/09/harvard-university-professor-jorge-dominguez-sexualharassment-misconduct-metoo-title-ix/1154497001 [] Votes of no confidence occur in certain public service organizations, such [] [ []. 1, 2015), 3:12 PM), []. [] (reporting Ku''s pattern of a faculty vote of no confidence against a university generically charge that all votes of no confidence by tenured faculty A 2007 resignation of the law school dean at Michigan State University Michigan State University College of Law brought a vote of no confidence against id: work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye author: Magali Peyrefitte title: Space, power and sexuality: transgressive and transformative possibilities at the interstices of spatial boundaries date: 2018 words: 4137 sentences: 241 pages: 10 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dknoqei6i5hvdiy63vfaas3bye.txt summary: (2018) Space, power and sexuality: transgressing spatial between power and space in relation to gender and sexuality by looking at processes The transgression of spatialized norms of sexuality and gender present a Keywords: Power; Sexuality; Norms; Transgression; Space makes clear the need to bring together papers that explore questions of space, power engagement with space, spatial relations and power that, he considers, should be of pursued a critical reading of space that incorporate a focus on gender and sexuality. Critically Reading Space through Gender and Sexuality: transgressive and approach to a critical reading of sexuality and gender conceptualizing space as fluid As another example of alternative spaces where norms are contested, Neville''s paper scholarship that explore the interstices of power relations in space. collection presents examples of different ways in which space and place can be As such, a critical geography of space and place id: work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki author: Maja Zarić title: The role of critical thinking in the digital media culture and strengthening of digital immunity date: 2020 words: 4334 sentences: 952 pages: 13 flesch: 96 cache: ./cache/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cyhk5jfdzbagzmi3sxxxdakqki.txt summary: кроз креирање квалитетне јавне политике у области медијске писмености. Пракса држава чланица Европске уније (European Union), као и међународних организација попут УНЕСКО-а или Савета Евро­ У претходне две године Министарство културе и нформисања је са различитим државним институцијама, мултилатералним и билатералним партнерима радило на унапређењу ове области како у оквиру формалног, тако и у оквиру израђена у оквиру поменутог ресора, а која је такође обухватила активности и инициативе из области медијске жно да се ови напори различитих ресора, који се баве областима попут медија, културе, образовања, омладине и информационог друштва, даље развијају као међусобно повезани, и да кроз креирање синергије примењујемо холистички приступ за стицање компетенција медијске писмености. 5; приступљено 12. Креирање јавних политика у области медијске писмености године, на позив УНЕСКО-а и Владе Шведске, у Гетеборгу, на Конференции о медијској и информационој писмености, Министарство културе и информисања Министарство културе и информисања, доступно на http://www. id: work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54 author: Malin Wieslander title: Controversial diversity: diversity discourses and dilemmas among Swedish police recruits date: 2019 words: 11566 sentences: 825 pages: 18 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z3bdltxvibbl7cbsddnjjxmp54.txt summary: Controversial diversity: diversity discourses and dilemmas among Swedish police recruits how the Swedish Police''s official policies for diversity and social equality are recognised, but also Policy documents, such as the Macpherson (1999) report calling attention to institutional racism in a British police force (see also Shiner 2010), have recognised cultural and gendered improve their equality and anti-discriminatory performance, and increase the social inclusion of minorities in the police force, independently of whether such minorities are based on gender, ethnic One area of debate concerns the relationship between ethnic minorities and discrimination in police work profiling practices. an understanding – how police recruits'' discourses of diversity regulate their own and others'' views of This discourse on diversity as a political goal was presented by the recruits as having been promoted by the government through its police policies. Diversity discourses among police recruits affirmed social categories particularly id: work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe author: Mano Soshi title: Sexual harassment: The most challenging issue of medical professionalism in Japan date: 2018 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4wnrfvhllfbjxc2g5bydvuifoe.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217539058 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq author: Mao-Yu Zhang title: Seizing the strategic opportunities of emerging technologies by building up innovation system: monoclonal antibody development in China date: 2015 words: 9211 sentences: 852 pages: 12 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ds7aoswenvhyho6b5jzgy776hq.txt summary: Seizing the strategic opportunities of emerging technologies by building up innovation system: monoclonal antibody development in China research and development of mAbs in China based on an innovation system functions approach and probes into building up a complete innovation system in developing mAbs. Methods: Mixed research methods were applied by combining archival data and field interviews. Results: From the perspective of innovation system functions, technological development of mAb in China is being Keywords: China, Emerging technology, Innovation system, Monoclonal antibody advantage of emerging technologies to overcome challenges through building up an innovation system in developing mAbs. In so doing, it attempts to contribute to While there are still few original innovation drugs developed in China, the status quo of foreign players dominating the Chinese mAb market has now changed. Stages of mAb technology development in China Stages of mAb technology development in China id: work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q author: Mara Mattoscio title: Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media date: 2018 words: 2058 sentences: 164 pages: 5 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ejw2pt77rvf43p7v3bnivj652q.txt summary: Gender, Migration, and the Media, Feminist Media Studies, 18:6, 1117-1120, DOI: Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media Introduction: Gender, Migration, and the Media gendered complexities of migration, border surveillance, and media systems have been Kumarini Silva''s 2009 "Women, Migration, and the Media" contribution to Feminist Media migrants and the media, Western media discourses have accumulated reports of "dramatic peaks" in mass migration across the Mediterranean, the result of the so-called practices, mediated environments, and the politics of migration" (Radha Sarma Hegde The final two commentaries work in tandem, excavating media coverage, gender, function as linear boundaries [but] hierarchize people''s movement according to genderconstructed roles" (Rigo 2017, 11), transnational media discourses about migration Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures. "Commentary and Criticism: Women, Migration, ''New Slave Trade'' or the New Nativism?" In Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media id: work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm author: Marcus Arvan title: Nonideal Justice as Nonideal Fairness date: 2011 words: 10542 sentences: 790 pages: 38 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w6cl3ht33fhydalvla4e2s4tgm.txt summary: nonideal conditions, including theorists who reject fairness in ideal theory. Key words: justice, fairness, ideal theory, nonideal theory, original position the issue of how to extend ideal theories to nonideal conditions, both generally (Arvan 2008, Nozick rejects fairness in ideal theory, he invokes it in nonideal theory—because only (Arvan 2014: 97-101) argue, Rawls'' ideal theory cannot be extended to nonideal conditions theory, Rawlsian ideal theory generates no account of what fairness requires under nonideal Rawlsians need a theory of nonideal fairness for international affairs as well (Simmons 2010: abstracting away from nonideal costs: Rawls derives his principles of ideal justice from an model a fair procedure for, (ii) weighing such conditional duties against ''nonideal costs'', and case of Rawls'' theory of domestic justice, the relevant parties to the nonideal original (B) Provide a fair procedure for weighing nonideal costs against those conditional duties id: work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom author: Margaret Janse van Rensburg title: Navigating Uncertainty, Employment, and Women''s Safety During COVID‐19: Reflections of Sexual Assault Resistance Educators date: 2020 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r5f3aovl6nhjjaal6j74xs3iom.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217545990 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm author: Margaret S. Stockdale title: Beyond Representation of Women in I-O to Producing Gender-Inclusive Knowledge date: 2018 words: 3451 sentences: 340 pages: 15 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mgozl3pu5be4tcxh3ousdgvlcm.txt summary: from leadership and sexual harassment; and (4) gender research in I/O is not a career killer, and representation of sex and gender topics in I/O science, we first document the prevalence of sexor gender-related research published in mainstream I/O journals since the 1960s. frequently studied in I/O psychology within this body of sex and gender research. Whereas men were more likely than women to be first authors of gender research in I/O and female first authors is likely a function of the number of men and women in I/O psychology women in I/O publishing about 67% of gender research. men to be the lead authors of gender-based research in mainstream I/O-related journals, both in The placement of research on sex and gender in top journals in I/O psychology and management The growth of gender research is impressive within psychology in general (Eagly, psychology: Analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender. id: work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq author: Margaret Thornton title: Postscript: Feminist Legal Theory in the 21st Century date: 2020 words: 2373 sentences: 243 pages: 4 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g6zfgjcofrazrp2z6jq4ll3ekq.txt summary: It shows how feminist legal theory (FLT), a corollary of second wave feminism, was initially Keywords: feminist legal theory; backlash; post-feminism; 21st century Feminist legal theory (FLT) emerged as a corollary of second wave feminism and the critiques of mogul, Harvey Weinstein, had sexually harassed multiple women, including prominent movie stars More generally, interest in feminist legal theory on the part of young women has revived, with 3. Karen O''Connell, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, "Can Law Address Intersectional Interventions in Law Reform: Criminalising Image-Based Sexual Abuse in New South Wales" legal scholars, image-based sexual abuse is very much a 21st century issue. 6. Ana Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal, "Subject (in) Trouble: Humans, Robots, and Legal Australian Feminist Law Journal 1: 27–44. Available online: Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination. Can Law Address Intersectional Sexual Harassment? id: work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4 author: Margot I. Witvliet title: It Will Take a Global Movement to Curb Corruption in Health Systems Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" date: 2019 words: 2551 sentences: 309 pages: 3 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gv7iivpkobgmrlpocdpunitwy4.txt summary: Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" Corruption in health systems is a problem around the world. In the editorial entitled "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" concern with the Keywords: Corruption, Global Governance, Health Systems, Healthcare It will take a global movement to curb corruption in health systems: Comment on "We need to talk about corruption in health systems." Int J Health Policy Manag. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines that all people have the right to security and a right to health.1 Yet around the world, corruption can keep discussing the problem of corruption in health systems. corruption in health systems, then research agendas should effectively combat corruption in health systems. on corruption and health systems, but is the world and in Governance and Corruption in Public Health Care Systems. about corruption in health systems. about corruption in health systems. id: work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta author: Margot Shields title: Exposure to family violence from childhood to adulthood date: 2020 words: 10819 sentences: 2571 pages: 15 flesch: 77 cache: ./cache/work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta.pdf txt: ./txt/work_p5y63o4fhfcbdlbquczg3xwtta.txt summary: Background: Both childhood maltreatment (CM) and intimate partner violence (IPV) are public health problems Survey, we examined associations between three types of CM—childhood physical abuse (CPA), childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and childhood exposure to IPV —and subsequent intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood Results: When potential confounders were controlled, CPA, CSA and childhood exposure to IPV were associated A Canadian study using data from the populationbased 1999 General Social Survey (GSS) found an association between CSA and IPV in adulthood for both sexes, An analysis of 2014 GSS data observed an association between CSA/CPA and severe IPV in adulthood (being beaten, choked, threatened with a gun or a Table 2 Percentage experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood and childhood maltreatment (CM), by sex, household Table 2 Percentage experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood and childhood maltreatment (CM), by sex, household id: work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy author: Margus Viigimaa title: Kardioloogia. Kas 2017. aasta muudab hüpertensiooni ravi eesmärkväärtusi? date: 2017 words: 2548 sentences: 558 pages: 3 flesch: 74 cache: ./cache/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ttcodfxmhnh2tf32rqqwdysmfy.txt summary: uuringu SPRINT (Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) tulemused (2). Tuleb tunnistada, et vererõhu eesmärkväärtuste leidmine on küll teadus, aga juhendis olid toodud järgmised vererõhu eesmärkväärtused: vererõhku süstoolse vererõhu eesmärkväärtused tüüpi diabeedi korral vererõhu klinitsiste aastateks uskuma, et vererõhku tuleb langetada madalaima talutava tasemeni, ja oli aluseks „mida madalam, seda parem" kontseptsioonile. intensiivse rav i rühmas vererõhu mis räägivad SPRINT-uuringu tulemuste alusel vererõhu eesmärkväärtuste < 120/80 mm Hg vähendamise Noortel (alla 50aastastel) patsientidel on vererõhu eesmärkväärtused aastal (12), on soovitatud üle 60aastastele patsientidele süstoolse vererõhu Äsja ilmus ajakirjas JAMA metaanalüüs, kus uuriti üle 65aastaste patsientide intensiivse vererõhu langetamise Leiti, et intensiivselt ravitud patsientidel oli kardiovaskulaarsete sündmuste ja surma risk oluliselt väiksem. • Üle 80aastastel on süstoolse vererõhu eesmärk 140–150 mm Hg. Outcomes of intensive blood pressure lowering in older hypertensive Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) blood pressure trial: Intensiivse vererõhu langetamise toimed vanemaealistel hüpertoonikutel (3). Intensiivse vererõhu langetamise toimed vanemaealistel (≥ 65 aasta vanustel) hüpertoonikutel id: work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4 author: Maria Brock title: Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism in Russia and the US date: 2018 words: 10314 sentences: 672 pages: 19 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cem6bii4nff3tns3zxe5hz2wh4.txt summary: Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism in Russia and the US To cite this article: Maria Brock (2018) Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism Satire or political humour are here treated as one expression of an ironic or cynical The article analyses specific examples of satire, as well as the responses of cultural commentators and academics to these manifestations of political humour. States and beyond that utilitise political humour in their performances or public appearances, as well as critical responses to them. Russia is often portrayed as steeped in multiple layers of cynicism: post-transition, postmodern and late-Soviet, each of which has impacted majority political participation in For those treating the Russian public sphere as a world of masks and poses, a simulacrum with nothing at its core, there is little to no hope that this cynical relation to politics Available online at (accessed 03 June 2018). id: work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy author: Maria Shevtsova title: Reasons for Joy and Reflection: Engaging with Shakespeare at the Craiova Festival date: 2012 words: 7659 sentences: 303 pages: 13 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oculzsr2ojdk7higtqamz6txiy.txt summary: Play reviews Craiova International Shakespeare Festival, 23 April–6 May 2018 Romanian stage, to George Topârceanu''s 1921 translation of A Midsummer Night''s Dream, a play As if challenging from within the production''s play on distancing effects, characters broke through of the play to invite a female spectator to join him on stage, a woman stood up. Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare''s only too familiar play to international and Romanian audiences to address the audience'' no longer as Shylock but as Tubal, he explained or, rather, the actor playing scene on stage and off seemed to reflect a rapidly changing cultural world that those in the audience characters, now the actors bowing down at the front of the stage, revealed the tableau of Shylock''s The most translated of Shakespeare''s plays into Romanian, Hamlet has a long history of political performance was either for an audience familiar with Hamlet or that the plot itself was less id: work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle author: Maria del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes title: Invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study date: 2020 words: 6983 sentences: 753 pages: 12 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zahv6nsvsfeefbkqfnvcuo7xle.txt summary: invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) across the Spanish and Colombian populations, Keywords: Sexual Double Standard; invariance; culture; sex The Sexual Double Standard (SDS) refers to an attitude that implies a different playing an active role in sex), we refer to traditional SDS and the fact that men are allowed more sexual study, among Spanish-speaking countries, of gender attitudes towards sexual behaviors should consider both countries supported greater sexual freedom for their endogroup than for the group of women; (b) men; (c) the differences in support for greater sexual freedom that men and women from each country the double sexual standard between two culturally different countries: one more individualistic (Spain) favorable attitude to the traditional double sexual standard was found in Colombia than in Spain. Both men and women from both countries supported greater sexual freedom for their endogroup, thus Sexual Double Standard: Cultural and Gender Differences Sexual Double Standard: Cultural and Gender Differences id: work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri author: Marianne Cense title: ''Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.'' Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands date: 2020 words: 10852 sentences: 1035 pages: 15 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4y7bajqytfh73hx464dwpgxsri.txt summary: ''Sex Is Not Just about Ovaries.'' Youth Participatory Research on Sexuality Education in The Netherlands with 17 young peer researchers, we explored what good sexuality education looks like from the point Dutch high school pupils think the sexuality education they receive can be improved. for different content in sexuality education: Young people want less information about biological This study addresses four main research questions: (1) What does good sexuality education look Most research participants voiced they want sexuality education at high school to be given more Most research participants voiced they want sexuality education at high school to be given more Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career Young People Express a Strong Need for More Sexuality Education during Their Whole School Career id: work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi author: Marie Bocher title: Drawing everyday sexism in academia: observations and analysis of a community-based initiative date: 2020 words: 12659 sentences: 1062 pages: 17 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7ljiyfogbzhwpa4bwqvrgdsggi.txt summary: Through the website, we collect testimonies about everyday sexism occurring in the professional academic environment (universities, research institutes, scientific conferences. stereotypical feminine roles, (2) behaviours that aim at maintaining men in stereotypical masculine roles, (3) the questioning of the scientific skills of female researchers, (4) situations where women have the position of an outsider, especially in informal networking contexts, (5) the objectification strips, we decided to extend the project by collecting sexist stories from the academic community, and turning these For example, males tend to doubt and question studies showing gender bias more than women do (Handley et al., 2015). received testimony using three main criteria: (1) the story depicts a situation of sexist bias, (2) the story is different from Again, in a work context, most of these situations put female scientists back to their gendered condition, but this time Gender Bias Against Women in Science, Worklife Law, available at: id: work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq author: Marie-Louise Crawley title: Dance as Radical Archaeology date: 2020 words: 7699 sentences: 638 pages: 13 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o6glea647famrhapeogartnweq.txt summary: a key part of a wider practice-as-research project probing shifting experiences of temporality when choreography "performs" as museum exhibit.2 The project asked how we might consider the live female dancer in the archaeological museum as a counter-archive or, to use it, dancing in the museum of ancient history and archaeology seems a rare phenomenon, at least I asked of my spectators, also speaks to dance scholar Gabriele Brandstetter''s work on the fragmentary nature of performance in the museum as offering an alternative to traditional historiography.11 museum is navigating past and present; she is "doing" history, remembering, storytelling; choreography, like archaeology, continually inscribes "the polyvalent qualities of the past" (Shanks and so, although the video acts as a "memory" of the dance practice as it was performed in the museum, issue of Dance Research Journal (2014); the "Theatre and the Museum: Cultures of Display," a special issue of the Theatre Journal (2107); and "Performance, Choreography and the Gallery," a special id: work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa author: Mario Bisiada title: Movement or debate? How #MeToo is framed differently in English, Spanish and German Twitter discourse date: 2021 words: 10702 sentences: 1033 pages: 28 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ykw6cgpo6vbzpevzmnbbvufwpa.txt summary: study adds to existing knowledge of the power of hashtags for feminist social media activism by highlighting the importance of (cross-)linguistic corpus-assisted How #MeToo is framed differently in English, Spanish and German Twitter discourse. To understand how transnational, cross-linguistic misogynist and anti-feminist discourse works to globally attract particular groups of men, more linguistic research into its surface form on social media and hashtag discourse can be This study is based on 1,353 tweets containing the #MeToo hashtag (505 in English, 405 in Spanish and 443 in German), gathered between July and August The data analysed here should thus be understood as a snapshot comparison of activity around the #MeToo hashtag in the English, Spanish and German To analyse the semantic prosody of the #MeToo hashtag, I have conducted a frequency analysis of its collocations where it does not occur as a single word. id: work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa author: Marit S. G. van der Pijl title: Left powerless: A qualitative social media content analysis of the Dutch #breakthesilence campaign on negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth date: 2020 words: 11674 sentences: 1152 pages: 22 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u535rjtnofhmjkpacpz3n755wa.txt summary: 2016, a Dutch client organization initiated an online campaign, #genoeggezwegen (#breakthesilence) which encouraged women to share negative and traumatic maternity care experiences. Movement set up a campaign inviting women who had a negative experience with their care during labour and birth to publicly share their story. In the #GG stories, some women also mentioned postPLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth PLOS ONE A qualitative social media content analysis of negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth id: work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq author: Mark Brown title: Waiting for Godot in the Marketplace: Setting the 2018 Edinburgh Festival in Context date: 2018 words: 3944 sentences: 256 pages: 16 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ivfp45jebzfizfx7ahmuisecyq.txt summary: by Alice Birch and directed by Katie Mitchell, presented at the EIF by French company Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord; Unsung, a new monodrama about the public and private lives of a career politician, by the Flemish theatre collective SKaGeN and performed by Valentijn Dhaenens as part of the Fringe programme of the Summerhall venue; and, finally, Ulster American, a political satire written for the Traverse Theatre''s Fringe programme by Scotland-based, Northern Keywords: Curated; open-access; Edinburgh International Festival; Fringe; Song of the Goat; This said, there are Fringe venues (most notably Scotland''s new writing theatre the Traverse and the Summerhall arts centre) which run curated programmes The 2018 programme was no different, with work by the exceptional Irish theatre company Druid and leading French company Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord (including Katie Mitchell''s staging of a new adaptation of Marguerite Duras''s novella La Maladie de la mort). id: work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm author: Marta A. Kisiel title: Medical students'' self-reported gender discrimination and sexual harassment over time date: 2020 words: 6361 sentences: 772 pages: 9 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rpi5kwicobbojmrdbiudpndvcm.txt summary: Medical students'' self-reported gender discrimination and sexual harassment over time Medical students'' self-reported gender Medical students report high prevalence of GD and SH, which may negatively affect their education and health. Keywords: Gender discrimination, Sexual harassment, Medical students, Swedish university all registered medical students (n = 689) at Uppsala University were invited to participate, and the questionnaire In 2002, 343 (55% of all distributed surveys) medical students completed the questionnaire, 62% were women, SH: Female pre-clinical students reported an increase We found that mistreatment of female pre-clinical students increased at all learning contexts between 2002 and 2013; specifically, occurrences in the pattern of self-reported experience of gender discrimination (GD), including gender harassment, and sexual harassment (SH) of medical students between 2002 comments due to her/his gender?" Prevalence (percent) of the medical students who answered ''yes'' to this question (weighted to The prevalence of medical student mistreatment and its id: work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy author: Marta Dynel title: Arcana imperii* date: 2019 words: 10573 sentences: 909 pages: 31 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lfl6zqbr3ncfxfflbi2l36rvzy.txt summary: Focusing on witty retorts to insults on Twitter, this paper contributes to the studies of creative humour in online interactions (Demjén 2016, 2018; Vásquez and micro-analysis of the data, focusing primarily on the formal and conceptual creativity of Daniels''s humorous retorts to the insults she receives. Jocular insults performed as a humorous ritual (e.g. on social media) can be immensely creative and may communicate truthful meanings about targets even though they are not intended to cause we anonymise all tweets except for Stormy Daniels''s, deleting from the screenHumorous retorts to insults on Twitter 63 In her response to the insult, Stormy Daniels humorously makes use of the polysemy of the word "sleep" and focuses on the irrelevant sense (clearly not intended The Twitter data analysed in this paper indicate that through her humorous retorts, Stormy Daniels never shows taking offence at the misogynist insults, id: work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au author: Martina Ferrari title: Questions of Silence: On the Emancipatory Limits of Voice and the Coloniality of Silence date: 2019 words: 12710 sentences: 663 pages: 20 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5ofdiasqnbdgxeoko2bdphv2au.txt summary: movement, seeks to break the "culture of silence" surrounding sexual violence) and concerns about the coloniality of voice made visible by the recent decolonial turn within feminist theory (Ruiz 2006; Lugones 2007; Lugones 2010; Veronelli 2016). sense, was also felt as resistant behavior; his silence was also a practice of "radical meaning making" from which he could envision and bring about radically different gendered own experience of racialized, sexualized, and gendered violence).4 By bringing into dialogue Jacques Derrida with decolonial insights from the modern/colonial research project normativity of voice, ultimately upholding modern categories of thought and being (logocentrism, to be precise) that reify the oppressive colonial apparatus they seek to resist. operations of power that eviscerate deep silences of their depth and complexity, flattening them to a transparent, mono-dimensional phenomenon indexing ontological By reducing deep silences to the expression of natural inferiority or the exclusion from the subject position, the coloniality of silence makes invisible id: work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou author: Marwa Ahmad title: "You Do It without Their Knowledge." Assessing Knowledge and Perception of Stealthing among College Students date: 2020 words: 6478 sentences: 608 pages: 11 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mkrfps6wcfffnnsw6hsxbi77ou.txt summary: participants felt that stealthing was a violation of their privacy, trust, sexual consent, and their ability We also found sex differences in the perception of stealthing being considered a sexual assault with common practice of sexual acts without condoms when consent is lacking [9]. sexual consent was consistent and predominant in the focus groups as an emergent theme, thus survey questions were centralized on understanding the knowledge of stealthing and sexual consent, as well questions assessing knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy related to sexual consent, as these were a condom without the knowledge or consent of the partner was going against the sexual act that the Participants expressed that stealthing should be considered a violation or sexual assault, as once the condom is removed without a partner''s consent, the act of stealthing is similar to rape. Available online: (accessed on 19 February 2020). Available online: id: work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm author: Mary Frances Dondelinger title: M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men date: 2018 words: 2958 sentences: 252 pages: 5 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mmlhae3zkzfobdk3g3mbhavvbm.txt summary: way to band like-minded people together, creating a whole new evolved society. When I was invited to exhibit new works create images of a healthy society doing | Run Like a Girl, Terracotta Bowl-black figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, Diam: child being told I didn''t run like a girl. M. Flandia would embrace running like a Bowl-Black figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, | Wrestle Like a Girl, Terracotta Bowl-red figure, Period: Archaic M.Flandia, Diam: In M.Flandia, women are these are images of men in art the viewer | MF Dondelinger at M.Flandia archeological site 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men 74 M.Flandia: A Newly-Discovered Society of Strong Women and Helpful Men men in M.Flandia. into new sculptures I was creating for future unearth pieces of M.Flandia. id: work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu author: Maryam Zaringhalam title: Journal editors should not divide scientists date: 2018 words: 2633 sentences: 346 pages: 4 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nhguauwwwzcfncqpwy2yka6vqu.txt summary: In her Working Life piece "Instagram won''t solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright''s critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. women and other underrepresented minorities in science should feel no obligation to media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui author: Marçal Mora-Cantallops title: Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach date: 2020 words: 10433 sentences: 808 pages: 21 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ivi6jaxmwzfznkle2qm3upynui.txt summary: Authority-Based Conversation Tracking in Twitter: An Unattended Methodological Approach a large part of users use Twitter to communicate or receive political information, we created a method Keywords: Twitter; topic tracking; data extraction; information retrieval; data mining Thus, Twitter produces trending topic lists from all users'' tweets. relevant topics of discussion among a set of opinion leaders that we call "authorities", and adapting Within the general analysis of trending topics on Twitter, some authors have tried to analyze what real time and tracking them to extract all the relevant tweets produced by the users. time period, an ordered list of hashtags (that are equivalent to conversation topics) is produced and Result: Twitter Stream tracking (at most) the top T Hashtags, composed by H hot topics and E though the relevancy of each topic in the top ten tracked hashtags obtained from the authorities is Tracking the relevancy of the general hashtags in the election period; notice how #28a id: work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu author: María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez title: ¿Puede la publicidad ser feminista? Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío date: 2019 words: 11351 sentences: 1628 pages: 14 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3xnx5ouzcjaedjpuu2d6v5oeeu.txt summary: Ambivalencia e intereses de género en la femvertising a partir de un estudio de caso: Deliciosa Calma de Campofrío sólo supera los paradigmas sexistas sino que incorpora elementos de empoderamiento de las mujeres. estudio de caso para aproximarse a una publicidad sobre la que apenas existe bibliografía. Estados Unidos concluía que el tratamiento de las mujeres en publicidad era una de las claves para llamar la necesidad de que los mensajes publicitarios representen con mayor precisión a sus públicos para relacionarse mejor con ellos y optimizar las actitudes de marca explicar que en 2015, la igualdad de género se convirtiera en una de las principales causas sociales elegidas por reflexionar sobre la femvertising para estudiar si se trata de una fórmula únicamente comercial y que no tiene Orbach era una autora reputada de los estudios feministas por su denuncia de la opresión estética que empleada por empresas que desean construir mensajes apoyados en el empoderamiento de las mujeres y id: work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi author: María José Barros title: Aguas y ríos: Activismo, descolonización y naturaleza en Cecilia Vicuña y Ana Tijoux date: 2020 words: 10382 sentences: 1399 pages: 16 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ag45hv6f7jf4rl5szpz2xenqmi.txt summary: articulando un discurso ecológico en que los ríos y mares son defendidos desde una "cultura del abajo" de Tijoux incluida en su disco Vengo (2014), estableciendo previamente algunas directrices críticoteóricas sobre las nociones de activismo, naturaleza y descolonización en las que se sostiene este trabajo. sentido, los artistas-activistas como Vicuña y Tijoux no pueden ser pensados al margen de las múltiples voces artístico como prácticas culturales que problematizan las fronteras entre el mundo del arte y el activismo Mujeres en Defensa del Agua (movilización de indígenas mazahuas que tuvo lugar en México entre los años ¿Y cómo se sitúan las producciones de Vicuña y Tijoux en el marco de estas disputas por los recursos hídricos Menstrual la muerte del niño es pensada como una ofrenda por el agua que debemos agradecer y recordar por el verbo "soy", que van delineando una simbología del agua afín a las creencias indígenas en torno al id: work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu author: Mathew Rickard title: Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature (Durham: University of New Hampshire Press, 2018) date: 2020 words: 2186 sentences: 96 pages: 6 flesch: 39 cache: ./cache/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z5szyxf3ynd4xdrpu3xkljypnu.txt summary: Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in NineteenthCentury French Literature (Durham: University of New Hampshire Press, 2018) Citation: Mathew Rickard, ''Review: Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature (Durham: University of New Maxime Foerster, The Politics of Love: Queer Heterosexuality in Heterosexuality in Nineteenth-Century French Literature arrives at a perfect time in the post-#MeToo Foerster''s study spans the length of the long nineteenth century in French literature, Politics of Love tackles the often-thorny issue of masculinity in the French nineteenth century, a time Foerster adroitly demonstrates that this heterosexual trouble was felt on both sides of the gender heterosexual trouble in French decadent texts. suggesting that nineteenth-century heterosexual trouble paved the way for new and more Romanticism and decadence to our modern conceptions of gender and sexuality. sexuality in nineteenth-century French literature, his focus on the ''norm'' of heterosexuality and id: work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y author: Matthew Hoyer title: #TimesUp in Native Communities date: 2018 words: 885 sentences: 83 pages: 2 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_daxuolek7ngi5n524jxhr3vo7y.txt summary: American women are more likely to experience rape and one in three Native women have been raped during her lifetime (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), but on certain reservations, the Native American Women''s Health Education Resource You''re Raped: An ABC Handbook for Native Girls. clear example of what Natives describe as "modern imperialism." This loophole was only partially closed by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, which sexual assault or rape, which continue to fall outside the reach assaults against Natives are more likely to be interracial than Health Service (IHS) is charged with providing free healthcare for millions of Natives, yet often lacks the funding and of interracial sexual assault and rape. Native women are calling. Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and the criminal justice response: What is known (United from the national violence against women survey (United States, For Native American women, scourge id: work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu author: Megan Ryland title: Learning digital citizenship in publics of practice : how adults learn to use activist hashtags on Twitter date: 2018 words: 57257 sentences: 3677 pages: 205 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zcsmiy7ddfadtgobukd5idlitu.txt summary: Learning digital citizenship in publics of practice: How adults learn to use activist hashtags on using content analysis to explore how participants learned to use activist hashtags on Twitter. Study participants learned to use hashtags to advocate for social change on Twitter by users learned to use the Twitter platform to advocate with hashtags. and understand participant experiences learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter. how adults learn the media and digital literacy competencies to use activist hashtags on Twitter. • What mechanisms allow or enable learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter? • What mechanisms allow or enable learning to use activist hashtags on Twitter? required to use activist hashtags, participants did have to have some Twitter archive history. meanings that shape Twitter use for my participants, particularly when using activist hashtags. The study "Learning to Use Activist Hashtags on Twitter" is recruiting participants. About the Study: Learning to Use Activist Hashtags on Twitter id: work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi author: Meghan B. Spyres title: Moving Towards Gender Equality in Medical Toxicology date: 2019 words: 1894 sentences: 178 pages: 3 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6gcyk6qxhjgq7frrph4wuaizyi.txt summary: The unique struggles of women in academic medicine are receiving heightened attention thanks in part to the rise of the The desire to be present for your children conflicting with the drive to advance your academic medical career Women also tend to be underrepresented as speakers in academic conferences, missing these key opportunities for broader "Conferences for Women," a leadership and networking conference, were found more likely to be promoted and to receive advance women in the field of medical toxicology, and thereby advance the specialty as a whole. Funding Information Dr. Meghan Spyres, Dr. Elizabeth Moore, Dr. Michelle Ruha, and Dr. Ayrn O''Connor have no financial disclosures to Women physicians in academic medicine: new Gender differences in faculty rank among academic emergency academic emergency medicine physicians. 4. The state of women in academic medicine: the pipeline and pathways to leadership 2015-2016. id: work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu author: Melissa L. Bates title: Everyone must be able to breathe: A plan to support diversity and inclusion in respiratory physiology date: 2020 words: 3432 sentences: 375 pages: 4 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bq4vexjy6fb3nglyxorkrkwpuu.txt summary: Everyone must be able to breathe: a plan to support diversity and inclusion in respiratory physiology Everyone must be able to breathe: a plan to support diversity and inclusion in Dr. Karla Haack, Chair of the APS Diversity and Inclusion Respiration Section, to address health disparities and support Underrepresented minorities, particularly black Americans, have historically had poorer health outcomes, compared Being involved as a sponsor of a Minority Travel Fellow awardee, and with our underrepresented awardees and Porter fellows at our section banquet, are examples of how we can widen our own networks, as than 10 years ago, we changed our section''s Standard Operating Procedures so that the representative to the Trainee Advisory Committee could participate as a voting member of our therefore, encourage the nomination of underrepresented members at the section level and commit to promoting them to AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00269.2020 • id: work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e author: Meredith Nash title: "Antarctica just has this hero factor…": Gendered barriers to Australian Antarctic research and remote fieldwork date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xt7rczs6b5gtxfzbmxhujfve5e.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217536811 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:05 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4 author: Meredith Wadman title: A hidden history date: 2018 words: 5699 sentences: 679 pages: 7 flesch: 79 cache: ./cache/work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rpomn7og7zeudbagdbylcr3ll4.txt summary: harasser," says Monica Zoppè, now a molecular and cell biologist at the Institute of Clinical Physiology in Pisa, Italy. Inder Verma, pictured in a Salk laboratory in 2016, conducted research that helped power the institute''s reputation for outstanding science. complained about Verma''s behavior, Salk administrators told her not to speak to anyone Olivarius, who specializes in sexual harassment cases, reviewed the eight women''s allegations at Science''s request. Inder Verma, Salk Institute for Biological Studies In 1988, the year Verma turned 41, the National Cancer Institute asked him and Jean Wang did, however, begin counseling female UCSD students who proposed to do research at Salk, 2 kilometers away, not to work Verma told her that Mellon had left Salk. recalled what he described as Zoppè''s "distress" about her relationship with Verma after she complained about him to Salk. Verma continued to make sexual comments about her to others at Salk, that id: work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim author: Meredith Wadman title: The twitter warrior date: 2019 words: 3301 sentences: 405 pages: 5 flesch: 73 cache: ./cache/work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2nj4skyppzby7nrmdtgiv65oim.txt summary: at Vanderbilt University Medical Center McLaughlin is founding to support survivors of sexual harassment. Indeed, McLaughlin has made bitter enemies: Last fall, she says, she was anonymously year her department and VUMC''s Appointments and Promotions Committee recommended her for tenure, according to a later But the university halted her tenure process in December 2015, in the wake of allegations that arose during the investigation of a and a visiting McLaughlin friend and collaborator, Dana Miller of the University of Miller, a lesbian, also told investigators that Galli made inappropriate comments about her sexuality. Meanwhile, Galli alleged to EAD investigators that McLaughlin was sending derogatory tweets about unnamed colleagues, her today." McLaughlin told Science that McLaughlin and contacted by Science declined to comment or did not return interview requests.) McLaughlin, saying her activism had "accelerated" AAAS''s decision to develop a process for last week, McLaughlin says, he apologized BethAnn McLaughlin, Vanderbilt id: work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm author: Mia Lindgren title: Researching Podcast Production – an Australian Podcast Study About Women and Work in Are We There Yet? date: 2019 words: 3410 sentences: 355 pages: 9 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6xztot4p2bez5anhpxan5epvwm.txt summary: The two novice podcast presenters – Melbourne-based leadership consultants Linda Betts and Barbara Dalton – had run face-to-face (''f2f'') leadership topic of women at work could provide listeners with a shared experience similar The team produced and analysed the podcast using a practice-research approach, building on this author''s conceptual work into radio documentary Stories of women''s experiences in the workplace were shared with listeners as short voxpops, in the interview and by the presenters in their informal asked about the experience of listening to the episode and the use of podcasting to discuss gender in the workplace, participants noted four main themes: The solution-based approach of the podcast motivated one focus group participant to actively change her behaviour when applying for work: "it made me This introduction becomes a three-point ''manifesto'' for a podcast about women and work: 1) listeners are part of a community of shared experiences; 2) Lindgren, Mia (2016): "Personal Narrative Journalism and Podcasting." In: The Radio id: work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e author: Michael A. Fahey title: Continuity in the Church amid Structural Changes date: 1974 words: 6375 sentences: 424 pages: 16 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y5pkc6y33fdtvefwdrhfqqio6e.txt summary: art collective cobratheater.cobra to show how precarity has provoked organisational and I conclude that infrastructural performance criticises structural precarity through collective actions of infection, exposure, and disobedience. form of collective artistic organisation, which proposes the possibility of change in social At the end of the article, I speculate how infrastructural performance might change the conception of the art work itself. labelled cobratheater.cobra, I show how they, through infrastructural performances, criticize the demand for artistic signature, individualisation, austerity conditions of artistic freelance work to its extremes is the immateriality, embodiment, and ephemerality of the genre of performance art. if performance art serves the demands of capitalism perfectly in its productivity, and at the same time exhausts the artists through structural precarity, the explosive production of identities and dissonant aesthetics within the label cobratheater.cobra as an infrastructural performance criticising artistic the artists'' infrastructural performance as an aesthetic and political form of id: work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe author: Michael Adorjan title: Social Constructionism Now More Than Ever: Following the Hermeneutic Money Trail in a Post-Truth World date: 2019 words: 8113 sentences: 553 pages: 15 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ftpjdtn4kvfidfh3lgidz3hmhe.txt summary: never has been a sociology of social problems^ (Spector and Kitsuse 1977: 1). Bthe sociologist cannot use their own personal morality or ideology to identify conditions as problems.^ Social constructionists are certainly not amoral and agnostic to claims, also has the potential to examine social processes of failure (or contestation), an argument which also resonates with Tony Christensen''s article in this and Kitsuse''s vision of a sociology of social problems, not conditions. 1 A recent special issue of Qualitative Sociological Review (2015, XI(2)) also includes new empirical studies siloing of sociological approaches to the study of social problems. national context of social problems claimsmaking in Japan. The sociology of social problems in Japan. Kitsuse (Eds.), Studies in the sociology of social problems. Beyond case studies: Expanding the constructionist framework for social problems research. Challenges and choices: Constructionist perspectives on social problems. (Eds.), Challenges and choices: Constructionist perspectives on social problems. id: work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra author: Michael Bernhard title: Digital Politics date: 2018 words: 2647 sentences: 181 pages: 4 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kfbnj44hijcfhmgyzzbpjllzra.txt summary: Regulating Disruption: The Politics of Uber in the United transportation markets, but on how Uber has also effectively escaped regulation by local government, state raised in Kathleen Thelen''s "Regulating Uber: The Politics impact of dystopian fiction in a digital politics section. © American Political Science Association 2018 December 2018 | Vol. 16/No. 4 915 The importance of digital politics is also reflected in a special "Digital Politics" section. APSA commissioned a task force to study sexual harassment at its annual meeting, and it issued an influential politics, to reflect on the question of harassment. and synthetic discussion within the political science profession and between the profession and the broader scholarly and reading publics. Perspectives seeks to nurture a political science public Research articles: As a top-tier journal of political science, Perspectives accepts scholarly research article submissions and publishes the very best submissions that make id: work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia author: Michael J. Poletti title: An Empirical Study of Declining Lead Times: Potential Ramifications on the Performance of Early Market Entrants date: 2011 words: 7973 sentences: 439 pages: 20 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tpvlkczphfhmrgazueqgxhdaia.txt summary: product innovations introduced from 1887 to 1986, the average first-mover lead time second-mover lead time, and consequently, it is difficult to determine whether the "fastsecond" strategic approach is gaining in viability. research indicates that increased lead times can enhance first-mover market share entry barriers that increase the innovation lead time between early movers and the examining second-mover lead times over a 20-year period. models, underscore the need to study the lead times of second movers. Hypothesis 3: Mean second-mover lead times since 1985 will be less Hypothesis 4: Mean second-mover lead times will decline from 1985 As prior studies have not addressed the rate of change for second-mover lead times, Hypothesis 5: Second-mover lead times will decline at the same rate as The second hypothesis dealt with the rate of change in first-mover lead time from 1985 This study was also successful in measuring second-mover lead times for a broad id: work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa author: Michael Lewrick title: Market Orientation and Innovators'' Success: an Exploration of the Influence of Customer and Competitor Orientation date: 2011 words: 7115 sentences: 935 pages: 15 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g7e6jl4s4bgbhky2be3nb46lsa.txt summary: Market Orientation and Innovators'' Success: an Exploration of the Influence of Customer and Competitor Orientation Market Orientation and Innovators'' Success: an Exploration of the Influence The concepts of market orientation and innovation and their interrelationship with business success have been explored company and reveals new insights with regard to market orientation and its constituent elements and its relationship with market orientation, has positive relationship to incremental innovation for start-up companies but it is contra productive In mature organizations a strong customer orientation is associated with radical innovation. Keywords: Innovation; market orientation; customer orientation; competitor orientation. Market Orientation, Innovation and Success customer orientation leads to more innovations (Von (Audretsch 2001; Cohen and Klepper 1992; Verbees mature companies and is a major element of market orientation. competitor orientation, market dynamism and customer With mature companies, customer centric and market to market orientation and innovation. Orientation on Product Innovation." Journal of the id: work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm author: Michael Macaluso title: Postfeminist Masculinity: The New Disney Norm? date: 2018 words: 6178 sentences: 518 pages: 10 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iwlfduyetfadhpejjzjoxjumnm.txt summary: sociological focus on postfeminist masculinity, this article reviews several Disney characters to argue for a new model of postfeminist masculinity advanced in recent Disney films, with a particular focus Keywords: Disney; postfeminism; masculinity; gender; cultural studies of masculinity that accompany postfeminist sensibilities in and through Disney media and its reception. examines Disney films to offer more productive critical discourse around masculinity (e.g., Davis 2013; process, I will argue that a postfeminist masculinity sensibility pervades these Disney cultural texts, postfeminist masculinity, the focus of this paper, as a discourse that "celebrates women''s strength The traditional depiction of Disney masculinity comes in the form of a dashing prince or hero. More specifically, the postfeminist version of masculinity is a Disney man who experiences I do wonder if a positive postfeminist representation of men and masculinity can exist in the Disney Finally, this paper offered a new model of Disney masculinity, the idea or trope of the postfeminist id: work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y author: Michael Pirson title: Reclaiming our Humanity- a Cornerstone for Better Management date: 2018 words: 2601 sentences: 198 pages: 5 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sk7npst6ffac7foh7abvkqno7y.txt summary: Reclaiming our Humanitya Cornerstone for Better Management Therefore, the Humanistic Management Journal focuses on how we can protect dignity and Furthermore, the humanistic perspective on management focuses on how we can organize so that we protect the intrinsic value of life and promote probably has never been more need for better management theory, research, teaching, We need to reclaim our humanity and dignity through a novel civility that is not 2018)." Because not all ideas of freedom equally allow the conceptualization of responsibilities, he argues that we need to pay more attention to our underlying understanding of basic approach to organizing practice, one that is normatively guided yet pragmatically human better understanding of the potential for compassion organizing in theory and practice. As such the authors bridge ideas of humanistic management, integral practice, and positive are organizing a special issue of the Humanistic Management Journal focused on the Reclaiming our Humanitya Cornerstone �for Better Management id: work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i author: Michael Rios title: Diversity and Inclusion by Design: A Challenge for Us All date: 2018 words: 5274 sentences: 432 pages: 9 flesch: 41 cache: ./cache/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vo65gako45egjprvunjywqdx7i.txt summary: Teaching, and Service" is the theme of the 2019 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) engaged forms of scholarship advance diversity and to promoting the value of a diverse academic community while ensuring representation of underrepresented In 2001, only 11% of graduating landscape architecture students were non-whites (ASLA, Fortunately, many landscape architecture programs already support engaged scholarship, especially impacts retention of URM faculty in landscape architecture and other disciplines (Laden & Hagedorn, of hurdles to retention and advancement of underrepresented faculty include evidence that student teaching merit, and promotion evaluation criteria in our Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design program engaged model of scholarship and supports the criteria identified for evaluating such a scholarly pursuit. engaged scholarship and the intersections with diversity and inclusion. equity, diversity, and inclusion with community, public, and civic engagement. much of the criteria for evaluating an engaged scholarship model for the UC Davis Landscape Architecture id: work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi author: Michael Snyder title: REVIEW ESSAY: Sacred Smokes (Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr.) date: 2019 words: 3150 sentences: 187 pages: 6 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bgggy2qsn5di5adl2hnlkroaqi.txt summary: Van Alst, Jr. Sacred Smokes. the case of Sacred Smokes, the University of New Mexico Press stresses the selling point of a "story of a Native American gang member in Chicago." With such a cue, a potential reader might be tempted to begin making comparisons between Sacred Smokes and Tommy Orange''s smash hit novel, There There, published in 2018 within two months of Sacred Smokes, which Van Alst, he was something of an ally to American Indians since, in the 1780s, Franklin praised Sacred Smokes, although undoubtedly a great work of contemporary Native American literature, It is a bit Nietzsche and quite Franklin in the sense that Teddy learns the lessons of thrift, Germane to Sacred Smokes, Vizenor also writes in Manifest Manners: "The Postindian Like Ben Franklin and Sherman Alexie, Teddy always has his nose in a book, an avid reader 1.4831702/i-grew-up-knowing-what-i-was-was-a-conflict-tommy-orange-writes-aboutchallenges-facing-urban-indians-1.4832186. id: work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka author: Michalis Nikiforos title: Demand, Distribution, Productivity, Structural Change, and (Secular?) Stagnation date: 2020 words: 8579 sentences: 651 pages: 29 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dyath56t4ba6hdx7agrbniudka.txt summary: Demand, Distribution, Productivity, Structural Change, and (Secular?) Stagnation The present paper emphasizes the role of demand, income distribution, endogenous productivity change approach, the decrease in demand and the stagnation of wages can lead to an endogenous KEYWORDS: Stagnation; Demand; Distribution; Technical Change; Institutions Secular stagnation refers to the tendency of the real GDP growth rate in the United States and other Figure 1c shows that labor productivity''s growth in the current recovery is also the slowest among to the period''s low growth rates and the increase in defense expenditures to fund the wars in increase in inequality) lead to a decrease in the growth rate of the economy. A second factor that is responsible for the slowdown in productivity growth is the stagnation in the stagnation of output and productivity growth of the last decades. "Growth or Stagnation in the American Economy." The Review of Economics and id: work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq author: Michelle Templeton title: Young people''s sexual readiness: insights gained from comparing a researchers'' and youth advisory group''s interpretation date: 2019 words: 7274 sentences: 702 pages: 21 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ghkq7rcesvdb7nscxzgs767woq.txt summary: Young People''s Sexual Readiness: Insights gained from comparing a Young People''s Sexual Readiness: Insights gained from comparing a researchers'' and heterosexual young people aged 16‐18 years attending sexual health clinics in Northern young people with relevant information that reflects the reality of first sex and its links report that social influences also affect young people''s sexual competence and early sexual debut, limited attention has been paid to exploring young people''s own experience conducting and analysing qualitative research in relation to sexual health relationships are framed in sexual health promotion, policy and sex education, which ready for the impact of gender inequalities on young people''s sexual wellbeing. To improve young people''s sexual health outcomes, policy Normative Change for Young people Sexual and Reproductive Health and Well‐ from Young Men in Ireland." Sexual Health 5 (1): 25‐30. "Social Sex: Young Women and Early Sexual for Young people Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Framework and Promising id: work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y author: Mike Fitzpatrick title: Big pharma--paper tiger date: 2006 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jutrvf3qofbxdc3oguxbhsv56y.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217544052 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:14 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm author: Mike Grimshaw title: Introduction (CTT&T V3, Issue 2) date: 2021 words: 824 sentences: 50 pages: 2 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zmza5lbjjbghvfl3fh2gx3sgrm.txt summary: So, on the one hand, the vast majority of the global population live within varying transcendental law) is a cultural and social experience that continues in varying Yet there is also the other way we think about ''sin'' and that is as a type of defiance and identity and as a type of secular sin of omission – that is, the us take the time to think about an interesting sin which goes unchecked: sexism. Volume 3 | Issue 2: Thinking Sin Thinking Sin: Contemporary Acts and Sensibilities Thinking Sin: Contemporary Acts and Sensibilities Sin therefore can be regarded as much as socio-cultural act and sensibility a and belief and so this issue asks, what does it mean to think ''Sin'' today? So just like being saved, sin demands an overconformity with social, This issue considers sin as The contributions in this issue all consider sin as a noun and as a verb – it is id: work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq author: Mikko Packalen title: Neophilia ranking of scientific journals date: 2016 words: 9291 sentences: 506 pages: 21 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bugz5cb5sfhjfo2ttub3c52lqq.txt summary: reward journals for publishing innovative work that builds on new ideas. an alternative ranking based on the proclivity of journals to publish papers that build in a new area is unlikely to generate many cites unless multiple journals publish papers articles published by a given journal build on new ideas. neophilia index for a journal based on articles published in it during 1980-2013. assigning a high neophilia ranking to a journal that merely prefers to publish articles Based on this index, we determine the neophilia ranking of each journal in a journal mention a relatively new idea 50% more often than the average article published To compare our neophilia index against citation based journal rankings, we make use of in the General and Internal Medicine journal set (Table 1), neophilia rankings for all to publish articles that try out new ideas (that is, for 8 journals in Table 1 the neophilia id: work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli author: Mindi Schneider title: We, too: contending with the sexual politics of fieldwork in China date: 2020 words: 10131 sentences: 821 pages: 23 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e6ma3zqezrfjrb32aaxnvmxzli.txt summary: contending with the sexual politics of fieldwork in China, Gender, Place & Culture, DOI: who work in China, we have found remarkably similar stories about navigating gendered and sexualized power relations in the field. drink alcohol to intoxication at banquets, visiting spaces of sex work like karaoke bars and massage parlors with gatekeepers, and fending off unwanted up by women in China, prompting both public denunciations of sexual misconduct by men in power, and subsequently, further suppression of feminist activism (Parkin and Feng 2019). how sexual harassments and assaults in fieldwork negatively impact especially female scholars'' career trajectories, highlighting the failure of universities to consider the field as a workplace and to extend institutional rights Material in the paper is drawn from the authors'' personal experiences and narratives from other researchers who do fieldwork in China. male-presenting researchers, the failure to comply with gendered and sexualized expectations for heavy drinking and participation in the sex economy id: work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je author: Mindy S Crandall title: An Adaptive and Evidence-Based Approach to Building and Retaining Gender Diversity within a University Forestry Education Program: A Case Study of SWIFT date: 2020 words: 7109 sentences: 598 pages: 12 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rg5zzqiqkjaw5gmcmbnf2yz2je.txt summary: An adaptive and evidence-based approach to building and retaining gender diversity within a university forestry education program: acase study of SWIFT of faculty and students formed Supporting Women in Forestry Today (SWIFT) in 2016. This case study surveyed participants in Supporting Women in Forestry Today (SWIFT) in 2016 Using these surveys and gender literature to adapt SWIFT''s development showed that the combination of educational readings and discussions, panel sessions, social events, and hands-on-training were promising as an effective way to engage women in the forestry profession and increase the likelihood of program Furthermore, participants report benefits from the networking opportunities and shared experiences provided by groups like SWIFT. the approaches identified to achieve SWIFT''s goal: education for women about concepts of gender bias; development of strategies for success; improved networking; almost all survey respondents stated that they developed connections with other women in the SFR community due to their participation in SWIFT (Figure 6). id: work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y author: Misha Kavka title: Taking down the sacred: fuck-me vs. fuck-you celebrity date: 2020 words: 10245 sentences: 571 pages: 18 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i6hoiqtqqreapfibmjx72dtb3y.txt summary: Celebrity has always been a machinery of desire organised around acts as well as fantasies of fucking, which processes of desublimation and desecration, I make a distinction between fuckme and fuck-you celebrity, drawing on examples such as Caitlyn producing ''new gods'' worshipped on the sacred altar of celebrity culture (Laderman cited self-reflexively make a film about sexual, medial and celebrity sublimation that turns his From a gender perspective, Hollywood-built celebrity has long depended on the institutionalised production of women whose look, stance and performance to the camera ''calling out'' the men who sustain the gender/power nexus that upholds fuck-me celebrity. McGowan''s film/TV career) to fuck-you celebrity. The exposure of the gender/power/sex dynamics in the Weinstein celebrity-making apparatus, followed by the #metoo and Time''s Up movements, appears to be radically shifting celebrity sustains the sacred character of the institution by means of sublimation, by not The fuck-you celebrity exposes sex and its gendered imbrication with power, id: work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym author: Misnal Munir title: Filsafat Voluntarisme date: 2007 words: 4442 sentences: 809 pages: 10 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lkffcrvz7nawvj4rao5sm6mqym.txt summary: memiliki kebebasan, dan dengan kehendak itu pula .manusia menembus kebuntuan pemikiran (Descartes, 1984 : 40 Filosof yang dengan jelas meletakkan kedudukan kehendak di atas rasio menekankan bahwa hidup aJalah kehendak untuk berkuasa dan itu adalah, kehendak untuk berkuasa adalah dorongan hidup yang paling kuat (Copleston, kepada suatu aliran filsafat yang tokohtokohnya berkeyakinan bahwa ''kehendak'' nlallusia mengatasi akalnya. dalam hidupnya tidak dikuasasi oleh rasio atau akal --sebagaimana yang diyakinioleh kaum rasionalis-melainkan hakekat manusia itu sendiri, hal ini berbeda dengan kaum rasionalis yang berpendapat bahwa akal yang tampakdalam Plato mengatakan bahwa di dalam kehendak ini bersemayam perasaan-perasaan yang lebih Filosof yang agak terang membiearakan kehendak dalam filsafat abad manusia sebagai sesuatu yang hampir tidak terbatas, sedangkan rasio dihadapkan pada berbagai keterbatasan. membahas peranan dan kedudukan kehendak dalam diri manusia secara lebih Tindakan manusia ini dilangsungkan oleh kehendak yang mengalami Kehendak dalam filsafat Yunani kruno sebagai bagian dan iiwa yang id: work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4 author: Mitch Abrams title: #SportToo: Implications of and Best Practice for the #MeToo Movement in Sport date: 2019 words: 8189 sentences: 765 pages: 16 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3n664wqkzfdk7l7zgkqxirfzo4.txt summary: dynamics of sexual violence within the athletic and sport culture. Keywords: assessment, sexual assault, sport, violence vital areas: clinical psychology/counseling and in sport and performance, particularly in understanding athletic and sport culture, bring pragmatic expertise to the Prior to the Larry Nassar scandal at Michigan State University and U.S. Gymnastics, there has been concern about sexual abuse and assault in sport. experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation (Cantor et al., 2015) with an additional 25% of transgender college students likely to perpetrate sexual violence (e.g. Eskenazi, 1990) than non-athletes. focus on culture change, interventions need to utilize both a top-down and bottomup approach and include addressing the myth of false reports and victim prototype, rates, it is important to help male athletes understand that sexual assault affects three-pronged approach: comprehensive prevention, risk assessment, and treatment, cannot be underestimated in moving toward reduction of sexual assault The male athletes and sexual assault. id: work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay author: Mona Lena Krook title: Violence Against Women in Politics date: 2017 words: 13442 sentences: 1257 pages: 16 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kjiwdpkakjcbhmc5pos5xwlhay.txt summary: against women in politics, offering six criteria to ascertain whether an attack was potentially motivated by gender bias. framework to analyze three cases: the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, and the murder of Jo Cox. We conclude with the negative implications of violence against women in politics and point to emerging solutions around the globe. state to respond with legal reforms, passing a law criminalizing political violence and harassment against women in politics; the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) undertook a global study of sexism, violence, and harassment Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) highlight violence against women in elections, rather than in political identify cases of violence against women in politics. violence against women in politics, but the Bhutto case Violence against women in politics thus entails violations of both electoral and personal integrity (Bjarnegård form of violence against women in politics, semiotic politicians, not violence against women in politics. id: work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy author: Murat Erdör title: Developments in E-Entrepreneurship in Turkey and a Case Study of a Startup Company Founded by a Woman Entrepreneur date: 2012 words: 1230 sentences: 85 pages: 2 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7wac6ei3d5anllvhjhfo5g5umy.txt summary: 5 Reasons to Include a Woman on Your Startup Team KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Women, Diverse study notes that less than 40% of business owners and study( in 2019 revealed that only ( most to business and particularly to startups: innovating, ( , we know that women give here are five business reasons to include women on 1. Companies with women in leadership study found that US and UK companies in the top quartile of leadership team gender diversity had higher women and other diverse people on the management 2010 study of nearly 700 people who worked in teams higher percentage of women directors were more likely 4. Women take more prudent risks diversity improved how a company identified acquisition One is that diverse teams acquisition after a team of junior women uncovered Startups have the chance to build an effective team Advantages of Gender-Diverse Leadership Teams Entrepreneurs( id: work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u author: Márgara Millán title: La eclosión del sujeto del feminismo y la crítica de la modernidad capitalista date: 2018 words: 11134 sentences: 1619 pages: 26 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sblww7nksjbibk7nz4pazi3y4u.txt summary: mejor hablar de los feminismos, ya que éstos no pueden comprenderse fuera del contexto en liberación de las mujeres, constatamos por el contrario que el reforzamiento del del valor y la disociación sexual; los trabajos de Silvia Federici sobre las mujeres y lo femenino Por otro lado, las subjetividades que se han ido creando en los tiempos del siendo una responsabilidad de las mujeres, sea un trabajo no pagado, lo que importa trata del hecho de que la diferencia de género es una de las primeras significaciones marxista, el feminismo zapatista, la defensa del territorio hecha por las mujeres hablar de sí, es decir, del lugar de las mujeres y su potencial para "hacer mundo", tensiones y las diferencias dentro de un feminismo que se disemina en la lucha por del feminismo implica que las mujeres en muy distintas situaciones discuten con el Unidas a las mujeres que defienden los derechos humanos id: work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa author: N. NGR. ADISANJAYA title: ANALISIS EFEKTIFITAS PROSES PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH PT. INDONESIA POWER UNIT BISNIS PEMBANGKITAN (UBP) BALI BERBASIS MICROSOFT VISUAL FOXPRO date: 2015 words: 5235 sentences: 975 pages: 7 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bmrzlbea6vf4li6hyap2f2mxoa.txt summary: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas tingkat pencemar air limbah dan efektifitas proses Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari dan Maret tahun 2011 dengan parameter temperatur, separator I, TS II yaitu pada outlet separator II dan TS III yaitu pada outlet proses pengolahan limbah secara Hasil yang didapat adalah kurang optimalnya efektifitas poses pengolahan limbah pada cadmium (Cd) yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 61,32 % karena masih berada dibawah standar efektifitas yang berlaku yaitu proses pengolahan limbah untuk menurunkan kandungan logam berat khususnya cadmium (Cd) dan untuk analisis kualitas dan efektifitas proses pengolahan dua yaitu kualitas air limbah dan efektifitas proses mutu, data efektifitas proses pengolahan limbah secara limbah (�Q) dengan standar efektifitas baku mutu akan Data kualitas dan efektifitas proses pengolahan Hasil kualitas air limbah pada proses pengolahan proses pengolahan limbah pada separator I dan II. dan sekunder dari rata-rata kualitas air limbah pada inlet dan tingkat efektifitas proses pengolahan limbah id: work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy author: Nadya Ali title: The unbearable anxiety of being: Ideological fantasies of British Muslims beyond the politics of security date: 2018 words: 10498 sentences: 826 pages: 29 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h6awdh5movfhda4ehh5kvdveyy.txt summary: The Unbearable Anxiety of Being: Ideological Fantasies of British Muslims Islamophobic ideological fantasies summon a ''conceptual Muslim'' Today, in the academic fields of politics and international relations, we find ideology counterposed to Foucault''s concept of ''governmentality'' in the form of a vertical analogy wherein the social construction of British Muslims can be conceived of as ''ideological'': fantasy, and anxiety. ''other'', the conceptual Muslim, and its ideological functions in concrete political struggles beyond this investigation: the mediatised social construction of British Muslims beyond the politics of 2.4 Ideology-critique and the unbearable anxiety of the ''conceptual Muslim'' categories, including fantasy and anxiety figure in political and social processes and events, and this is the ideological function of the ''Muslim rape gangs'' fantasy. this is the ideological function of the ''Muslim rape gangs'' fantasy. Through ideological fantasies about Muslims, confrontation with fundamental (accessed 8 December (accessed 8 June 2014). id: work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4 author: Nan (Tina) Wang title: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate? date: 2018 words: 616 sentences: 141 pages: flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ih4thc62trbhzautqo6rickhc4.txt summary: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53243393To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making title={To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate?: A Two-Process Model of Innovation Adoption Decision Making}, author={Nan Wang}, View via Publisher Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Adoption and Impacts of Interorganizational Business Process Standards: Role of Partnering Synergy late adoption of radical information technology innovations across software development organizations: an extension of the disruptive information technology innovation model Business, Computer Science Business, Computer Science Business, Computer Science Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy author: Negar Shiva title: The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace date: 2019 words: 7159 sentences: 952 pages: 18 flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nwdg2mgzejezplmqtw5y323vzy.txt summary: women to use social media to speak out against various forms of sexual violence Rebel Women in 2013 to outline the fourth wave of feminism and its acknowledged the fourth wave, that the movement is online (Andersen, feature of fourth-wave feminism, and names social media platform The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace The Fourth Wave of Feminism and the Lack of Social Realism in Cyberspace id: work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm author: Niccole Leilanionapae''Aina Coggins title: Towards inclusive scholarly publishing: developments in the university press community date: 2020 words: 3800 sentences: 234 pages: 8 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_36l725fm3fcbzcukplbfpz6yvm.txt summary: Towards inclusive scholarly publishing: developments in the university press community Presses are working towards more inclusive practices in scholarly publishing. the Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program (now in its fourth year), the work of the Association''s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, the Gender, Equity and Cultures of Respect Task Force Diversity; inclusion; equity; bias; university press; scholarly publishing currently under-represented in publishing is the Mellon University Press Diversity The Task Force also documented how several university presses have established crossdepartmental working groups to support equity and inclusion initiatives, which may presenting these groups'' ideas, the AUPresses Diversity and Inclusion Task Force seeks Diversity and inclusion work continue to be an organizational priority for the Association. (accessed 11 March 2020). Association of University Presses Gender, Equity and Cultures of Respect Task Force, US Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship Program id: work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu author: Nicola Döring title: How Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Affecting Our Sexualities? An Overview of the Current Media Narratives and Research Hypotheses date: 2020 words: 12442 sentences: 1302 pages: 14 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x6ian7o2wfdqxfs3hklwx725iu.txt summary: suggested in a prescriptive less casual sex narrative that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be best to shut down New York City Health Department made headlines worldwide when it published tips on safe sex during the COVIDIn the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, a destigmatization and normalization of technology-mediated sexual Pandemic-relevant research questions are also related to immersive virtual environments in which people experience sexual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexualized violence in sex work organizations of COVID-19 effects (https ://www. This commentary provides a first overview of media narratives and research hypotheses on the sexuality-related effects have sex during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Sex and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Sexuality-Related Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 Effects on Partnered Sex COVID-19 Effects on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues in Vulnerable Groups id: work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq author: Niki Lacey title: Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects: A Retrospective on (and in…) Good Company… date: 2018 words: 2142 sentences: 87 pages: 4 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wg775tvnjjgr7ijqrs3yasrccq.txt summary: Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects: A Retrospective on (and in…) by taking up Gina''s insightful thoughts on split, plural and speaking subjects. it in relation to Unspeakable Subjects in another amusing yet troubling form: on reading my deftly pointed out in a review of my last book on criminal responsibility, which covered terrain subjectivity in a previous book, yet which did insufficient work to fully draw together the direction, which probably explains why I didn''t explicitly work again on feminist legal theory nature of legal constructions of concepts such as responsibility, autonomy and, as Emily points Powerful and complex social dynamics are of course at work here. Hence, for example, if the subject uses her ''responsible choice'' in the wrong way, the discourse Cagney and Lacey: a reference for the mature reader…!); teaching feminist legal theory with Lacey Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects Lacey Response – Revisiting Unspeakable Subjects id: work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada author: Nikki Peck title: Drawing The Lines Of Female Sexuality date: 2020 words: 11376 sentences: 1123 pages: 41 flesch: 76 cache: ./cache/work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ym2aw2tap5fmbimy2basx27ada.txt summary: society, this thesis inves=gates the plurality of ways in which the gaze, feminist art prac=ces, sexuality, followers of my drawings and pain=ngs which examined women and female sexuality in 1 illustra=ng the power and importance of female sexuality as forms of iden=ty, libera=on and to depict a sexually confident and liberated female-iden=fied nude in art or will the image The male gaze is the viewpoint in which women are sexualized as objects of desire by representa=on is objec=fying and con=nues to support male gaze depic=ons of women. some of her representa=ons of the female nude adhere to the male gaze, it is her process and The fact that the female gaze has been coined by someone who iden=fies as nonbinary and gender non-conforming also adds to the various intersec=ons and intertwined portray a hyper-sexual image of a female-iden=fied body in contemporary society and art? id: work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy author: Nikki Usher title: Sharing Knowledge and "Microbubbles": Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism date: 2020 words: 10107 sentences: 1981 pages: 13 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zl4y4fd4evh2vcxvp5nffgtkjy.txt summary: Sharing Knowledge and "Microbubbles": Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism This article examines the peer-to-peer dynamics of Washington political journalists as Communities of Practice (CoPs) employ inductive computational analysis that combines social network analysis of journalists'' Twitter interactions with media elites, political journalism, Communities of Practice, epistemic communities, Twitter, social network analysis and how to cover it, particularly as peers across news organizations, stands to shed insight into the contours of the insularity long observed in political communication scholarship hybridized media environment, Washington political journalists still have outsized power, status, and influence in and Engesser (2014) observed this among contemporary climate journalists, noting the practice of knowledge sharing (producers); local political news; regulatory journalism; foreign affairs; longform/enterprise; and social issues. Proxies such as top hashtags and mentions suggest this cluster is focused on general interest political news. On Twitter, a platform absolutely integral to the political journalism news production process, CNN journalists have limited engagement id: work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi author: Nikolai George Lewis Holm title: Youth, gender, and perceptions of security in Norway date: 2019 words: 8994 sentences: 679 pages: 15 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4m5vmpcxw5hozh64kg5s5uobhi.txt summary: Pettersen (2019): Youth, gender, and perceptions of security in Norway, International Journal of Two historically neglected issues in discussions of security are those of youth and gender. investigation on perspectives from youth on issues of gender and security. and the study presented here on Norwegian youths'' perspectives, it does not impede the usefulness of the circles of (in)security as a way of organizing or categorizing participant responses. Other participants addressed inner issues indirectly, connecting positive feelings of security and Participants also indicated perspectives that reflect social circle security concerns. Specifically, participants'' personal feelings of security were usually connected to an ontological sense of security that emerges from issues linked better to social and outer circles. what contributed to feeling secure, most youth focused primarily on outer circle issues, while participants to feel comfortable discussing certain inner circle security issues like personal fears, Regarding inner circle concerns, gender emerged in some participants'' constructions of security id: work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4 author: Nina Jakku title: Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study date: 2018 words: 11044 sentences: 974 pages: 17 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ih2upr72fffaxgh5pkwcn7kdy4.txt summary: approaches to gender equality connected to dealings with Muslim women in Sweden. obstacles connected to Muslim political subjects, the study provides insights into media representation Keywords: Islamophobia; Muslim political subjects; Burka Songs 2.0; representation; gender equality Available media research in Sweden concludes that a stereotyping representation of Muslims is The voices of Muslim women, often in the form of debate articles, have become more common in Sweden in Restrictions on Muslim Women''s Dress in the 28 EU Member States; Open Society Mirza, H.S. Embodying the veil: Muslim Women and gendered Islamophobia in ''New Times''. reports/restrictions-muslim-women-s-dress-28-eu-member-states (accessed on 27 September 2018). reports/restrictions-muslim-women-s-dress-28-eu-member-states (accessed on 27 September 2018). online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). New York, NY, USA, 2011; Available online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). New York, NY, USA, 2013; Available online: (accessed on 27 September 2018). id: work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi author: Niraj Shenoy title: Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct date: 2019 words: 697 sentences: 64 pages: 2 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_65ebgyo2krdw7dbs5mbwbynjxi.txt summary: the categories of behavior spectrum in matters categories of human behavior spectrum in academia in matters of unethical conduct Category B: Engages in unethical behavior (intellectual theft, abuse, scientific misconduct). Category C: Is not directly involved in the offense but knows of it well. Category D: Is not directly involved in the offense. Category E: Has a moral dilemma whether to help the wronged or not (or challenge the Category G: Is willing and courageous, but lacks the know-how to help the wronged against Category H: Is willing, courageous and possesses the know-how to help the wronged against by regulatory bodies (Nik-Zainal and Barroso 2019). Publisher''s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct Professional ethics in academia: defining the categories of behavior spectrum in matters of unethical conduct id: work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy author: Norma M. Riccucci title: On Our Journey to Achieving Social Equity: The Hits and Misses date: 2018 words: 10802 sentences: 1003 pages: 10 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xmsbc6nnhza7nbvxj6uszmiqwy.txt summary: Public Administration." It was only textOn Our Journey to Achieving Social Equity: Marini''s (1971) Toward a New Public Administration: The Minnowbrook Perspective. first affirmative action symposium appearing in Public Administration Review argued Harvard University (Students for Fair Admissions v. book, The Retreat from Race: Asian American Admissions and Racial Politics, makes (2013) the Court did not make a substantive ruling on the use of race in admissions, public administration a diverse and inclusive academic field? • Public administration is (not) a diverse • Public administration is a white field this be the case for us in public administration and political science?19 in Policing." Public Administration Review 77(2): Bureaucracy, and Vocational Rehabilitation." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory and Social Equity." Public Administration Review and Social Equity." Public Administration Review Officer Race and Police-Involved Homicides of Black Citizens." Public Administration Court''s Employment Discrimination." Public bureaucracy." Public Administration Review 68(4): id: work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju author: O. Scheirer title: P115: Outcomes of out of hospital cardiac arrest in First Nations vs. non-First Nations patients in Saskatoon date: 2019 words: 2331 sentences: 175 pages: 2 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rkforhxi5ve5znuurokvyo74ju.txt summary: Data was collected on all CTPA studies ordered by ED physicians at consisted of patients aged 18 years or older with OHCA of presumed Results: In all, 372 patients sustained OHCA, of which 27 were identified as First Nations. Keywords: emergency medical services, First Nations, out of hospital Introduction: Procedural sedation in the emergency department This is a secondary analysis of an observational cohort study of children 0-18 years undergoing procedural sedation in six pediatric EDs Procedural skills training in emergency medicine physicians The Edmonton Zone is a health region that comprises eleven tertiary, urban community and rural community emergency departments (EDs) that represents over three hundred patients ≥65 years presenting to the Edmonton Zone EDs between Impact of young age on outcomes of emergency department procedural sedation Procedural skills training in emergency medicine physicians within the Edmonton zone: a needs assessment id: work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q author: Olle Folke title: Sexual Harassment of Women Leaders date: 2020 words: 7990 sentences: 611 pages: 19 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_msg4hvybbjabnebvpflzad7a7q.txt summary: United States and Japan did not have comparable data, we collected original survey data in these two countries, which in turn allowed us to ask more detailed questions to understand the mechanisms of sexual harassment exposure and reporting. or innuendos on subject matter that is commonly associated with sex." Respondents are then asked if, in the last twelve months, they experienced these behaviors 1) from supervisors or colleagues, or 2) from other people (for example, customers, patients, clients, passengers, or students). It is well documented that such subjective questions generate lower reported rates of sexual harassment than list-based measures. In the United States, the harassment rate is lower for the top two positions than for the lower levels of leadership, but is still higher than for women employees. Our surveys in the United States and Japan asked women to report which actions they took after being sexually harassed. id: work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi author: Ozcan Ozeke title: Second victims in health care: current perspectives date: 2019 words: 9676 sentences: 2075 pages: 11 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mftjwzgufjczni7tocp7kn7wqi.txt summary: Abstract: Medical errors are a serious public health problem and the third-leading cause HCP [SV], the hospital reputation (third victim), and patients who are harmed subsequently harmed patients and their families and HCPs. Keywords: second victim, defensive medicine, medical malpractice, medical errors, however, medical errors and adverse events will likely always be a part of the human error which resulted in patient harm, and must Indeed, medical error causes the patient harm because the error to patients, families, and hospital colleagues is a errors to patients and families.60 HCPs fear that acceptance victim" after adverse patient events. medical errors on practicing physicians in the United States and second victims of medical errors. second victims of medical errors. Disclosing harmful medical errors to patients. professionals (second victims) following an adverse health event: the negative impact of adverse events on patients, health professionals and healthcare organizations. Disclosure of medical errors: what factors influence how patients id: work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm author: PAUL RAE title: Editorial: International Interest Test date: 2018 words: 3830 sentences: 187 pages: 7 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qwrurw6icnbupgb2sa7odgt3gm.txt summary: recognized its conceptual and political value for a journal with the word ''international'' in theatre research international · vol. © International Federation for Theatre Research  · doi:10.1017/S0307883318000482 continues to be produced in those places with the greatest investment in researchintensive universities, and where there tends to be a cultural, historical or institutional The articles in this issue represent a thoroughly international range of perspectives francophone theatre-makers of the time, argues Hamadah, suggests that Wannous''s history and place intertwine, and in his article Schmidt focuses on the ways the Theatre Research (IFTR), with which this journal is affiliated, in Belgrade in July . achievements, in  Hazem co-edited a special issue of TRI with Marvin Carlson on friends and collaborators in the IFTR Arabic Theatre Working Group and beyond, ways in which the journal performs its mission. cultivation of ideas about theatre that might pass the international interest test. id: work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u author: Partha Kar title: Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth date: 2020 words: 950 sentences: 154 pages: 1 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4xa5ekckl5eh3bs3tkodzofg7u.txt summary: Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth Partha Kar: To tackle racism, the NHS needs policies with teeth covid with institutional racism amongst your friends knows the genetics of covid, but you see fit to suggest ethnic people] is down to racism. The BMJ,1 in which I discussed whether racism was among people from ethnic minority backgrounds. racism and discrimination may have contributed to there may be racism in the NHS. allies for women facing sexism and trying to bring Racism in the NHS is not much different. having a race bias, may simply reflect your ignorance Such views mean that, existence of discrimination and racism. the data" makes no difference without targets and NHS responds to targets and associated penalties: 1 Kar P.ParthaKar:Covid-19andethnicity-whyareallourangelswhite?BMJ COVID-19 on BAME groups. NHS workforce race equality standard. id: work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa author: Patricia A. Hurley title: ONE WOMAN''S CAREER PATH—WITH ADVICE FOR YOUNG WOMEN SCHOLARS date: 2020 words: 2532 sentences: 232 pages: 2 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ntlliqkglja2dargoujt6l5nqa.txt summary: for Women at Work (Williams and Dempsey 2014). They interviewed 127 successful working women and signaled four main patterns that affect women at work. way women often have to prove themselves, time and again. to the way gender bias against women creates conflicts among and Creating New Horizons." European Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1): 3–16. Patterns Working Women Need to Know. on the faculty in the political science department at that time, but These conferences provide good opportunities for networking and making people aware of one''s work. earlier work on the same topic that was coauthored by a very senior scholar who also was at the conference. professional associations were making an effort to afford women in professionalism during the course of my career: people present papers that are too rough for prime time, panel chairs who there were particular women scholars who were very visible in the id: work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu author: Patricia L. MACLACHLAN title: Storming the Castle: The Battle for Postal Reform in Japan date: 2006 words: 6519 sentences: 869 pages: 18 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bvzegehwcbdvpbqgh2fmrdezxu.txt summary: Title Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Despite more than three decades of feminist critique, archaeological scholarship remains predominantly focused on the exploration of patriarchal narratives and is, therefore, complicit in reinforcing structural inequalities. relative absence of gendered approaches within archaeology through the lens of later medieval Keywords: later medieval archaeology, castle studies, gender, feminism Our versions of the past reflect the context in which archaeological knowledge is produced: a patriarchal society in which (white) men are privileged above others tends to For balance, potential gender disparity in authorship is also assessed within three journals of medieval archaeology published in Gender balance in a selection of Oxford handbooks of archaeology (figure by the author). the body, gendered identities, queerness and, of course, women and feminist activism (e.g. Green 2008; L''Estrange 2008; French 2013; Maude 2014; Moss 2018). Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland Gender and medieval archaeology in Britain and Ireland id: work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um author: Patricia R Recupero title: The Notion of Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment date: 2018 words: 5965 sentences: 456 pages: 8 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uceyriydcfetjnoypqo7db26um.txt summary: The Notion of Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment How does society decide what information is relevant to determining truth in legal proceedings?3 When a party in a case is a member of a women''s truth in sexual harassment litigation. pervades public discourse, with victims of sexual harassment often derided as lacking credibility: Sexual harassment law in the United States developed in the context of sex-discrimination claims U.S. Supreme Court case to recognize hostile environment-based sexual harassment a violation of Title Many sexual harassment allegations are characterized by courts as "he-said, she-said" disputes: Disputes about the truth of the matter have dominated public discourse surrounding recent allegaTruth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment in a case of alleged sexual harassment. com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/27/all-of-the-women-whohave-accused-trump-of-sexual-harassment-are-lying-the-whitehouse-says/. Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment Truth and Our Evolving Understanding of Sexual Harassment id: work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy author: Paul M Ryan title: Mining Google Trends Data for Health Information: The Case of the Irish "CervicalCheck" Screening Programme Revelations date: 2019 words: 2936 sentences: 274 pages: 7 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_usvfj5k65jh6dhjvkwhyjhq3dy.txt summary: volume data for several terms relating to cervical testing/cancer and human papillomavirus This study monitored the volume of Google searches relating to the cervical smear test and addition, trend data for "HPV vaccine" and "human papillomavirus infection" searches were Until recently, trends in Google searches relating to the CervicalCheck screening programme Despite the substantial peak in cervical testing/cancer-related searches, "HPV vaccine" and public did not seek information on HPV and cervical testing/cancer concurrently, and indicates information-seeking behaviour with regards to cervical testing and cancer, the Irish public did knowledge, this is the first study to use Google Trends data to examine public informationseeking behaviour in relation to cervical cancer testing and HPV, or the temporal association Mining Google Trends Data for Health Information: The Case of the Irish "CervicalCheck" Screening Programme Revelations FIGURE 2: Anomaly analysis of cervical smear test-related Google searches and complimentary general practitioner visit uptake response id: work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u author: Paul R. Carr title: Shooting Yourself First in the Foot, then in the Head: Normative Democracy Is Suffocating, and then the Coronavirus Came to Light date: 2020 words: 10282 sentences: 685 pages: 19 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wg3jvxzpo5ftjit5wnhblnut6u.txt summary: Shooting Yourself First in the Foot, then in the Head: Normative Democracy Is Suffocating, and then the Coronavirus Came to Light democracy; (2) Capitalism, or neoliberalism, needs to be more fully exposed, interrogated, and confronted if ''normative, representative, hegemonic, electoral democracy'' is to be re-considered, re-imagined, and re-invented; the perpetuation of social inequalities lays bare the frailty of normative democratic institutions; (3) Covid-19 has exposed mainstream sectors of society) of developing a different, alternative democracy, especially during election season, which seems to be increasingly all of the time (Masket 3) Covid-19 has exposed the fault lines and fissures of normative democracy, illustrating here the ''common sense'' ways that power imbalances are sustained, which requires critical engagement, and constructing media/political literacy, however defined, needs to be considered in order to better underpin meaningful forms of democracy (Carr, Cuervo, and Daros 2019). media and the quest for democracy: faking the Social media, democracy, and democratization. id: work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq author: Paula González title: Private versus social incentives for pharmaceutical innovation date: 2016 words: 15417 sentences: 1914 pages: 34 flesch: 79 cache: ./cache/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_22ikipu56za2fmev3pm4yjmkqq.txt summary: When the new drug is much more cost-e¤ective than the pioneer, the innovative �rm sets a price that leads the physician to prescribe the new drug to all patients. drugs are very horizontally di¤erentiated, then the price set by the innovative �rm leads They study the incentives of an incumbent pharmaceutical �rm to launch an upgraded drug through innovation before it faces generic competition. Second, the physician prescribes the new drug to all patients if the price p1 is low that of the pioneer and �rm 1 decides to set a price for which the new drug is prescribed Proposition 3 For an incremental innovation process pursuing a me-too drug, the optimal investment decision for �rm 1; I1in; and for the social planner, I , and pmax, pall, and pint are all increasing in b, the price of the new drug will id: work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva author: Pedro Cuatrecasas title: Drug discovery in jeopardy date: 2006 words: 6150 sentences: 447 pages: 7 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gl5g4a3wirbftoov2cyehy4rva.txt summary: the obsession for blockbuster drugs, the shift of control of research from scientists to marketers, the need for fast sales Reduced productivity in the drug industry is caused mainly by corporate policies that discourage innovation. shift of control of research from scientists to marketers, the need for fast sales growth, and the discontinuation of development compounds for nontechnical reasons. that these problems can be overcome, and herein, new and improved directions for drug discovery are suggested. that these problems can be overcome, and herein, new and improved directions for drug discovery are suggested. and are selected by nontechnical management (and human resources programs) as "good company players." While outstanding scientists are often recruited for high leadership roles in research, the success in discovery research and rapid development (12), demonstrating, cynically, the current technical capacity of major companies to apply modern science to many diseases. id: work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy author: Penelope Andrews title: Research Handbook on Feminist Engagement in International Law. Edited by Susan Harris Rimmer and Kate Ogg. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2019. Pp. xxvii, 558. Index date: 2020 words: 3176 sentences: 177 pages: 5 flesch: 31 cache: ./cache/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_p6hgmjki2jdxrlvwxp2wzg2sgy.txt summary: College of Law, have compiled an important volume on feminist engagement with international extend their inquiries to areas not previously covered by feminist scholars of international law in A valuable inclusion in the introductory discussion is an empirical review of feminist international legal scholarship''s contribution to conflicting perspectives regarding feminist scholarship in international law''s disproportionate feminist approaches to international law, weighing the success of the contributions (their impact Regarding the successes of feminist international law scholars since the start of the new millennium, Harris Rimmer and Ogg point to the Harris Rimmer and Ogg also point to a contradiction: a growing despondency about the limited influence of feminists at the international law race theory, third world feminism, and queer theory) into feminist critiques of international law; For example, in her chapter examining the complete absence of feminist analysis of private international law, Mary Keyes, professor at Griffith "Feminist Engagement with International Law: id: work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q author: Peter J. Hills title: Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape date: 2020 words: 14059 sentences: 1328 pages: 16 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ahmj72uayneyfc3obfvfoaiw4q.txt summary: While the lack of consent is the only determining factor in considering whether a situation is rape or not, there is sufficient evidence studies in two UK universities in which participants read vignettes describing sexual encounters that were consensual or not, that a significant portion of our participants held attitudes reflecting rape myths and tended to blame the victim. of understanding of consent and rape and highlight avenues of potential educational materials for schools, universities or jurors. Allgeier (1998) found over a two-week period, 38% of participants in committed relationships consented to unwanted sex. pleasure all affected how participants appraised rape in sexual situations despite consent being the only thing that is simply use consent to appraise whether a depicted sexual scenario between partners is rape. Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape Understanding How University Students Use Perceptions of Consent, Wantedness, and Pleasure in Labeling Rape id: work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q author: Peter Kalulé title: On the Undecidability of Legal and Technological Regulation date: 2019 words: 10791 sentences: 890 pages: 22 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hwb4uttwrjeunfhj3fmf2ct62q.txt summary: It only seeks to identify and critically unpack the extensive aporias inhabited within contemporary regulatory structures, processes and practices in order to suggest that regulation in the areas of law Rather than remaining closed and singular, it becomes a movable, transferable component of an iterable system of ''decentred'' communication, performance and meaning through its interpretation, transmission and enforcement (Ramshaw 2013). regulation discussed above, online communication technologies are always embedded within an iterable and disseminatory ecological process of writing and communication. This is done using a number of online communication technological tools in processes of remixing (Lessig 2008) that involve the endless deferral, translation, invention and repetition of texts in and at differing times. The different aspects of online communications technology and law with which This article has suggested that the regulation of law and online communications And even after processes of translation and legal-juridical clarification, law/regulation and online communications Part 2: Deconstructing the Regulation of Online Communication Technologies id: work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i author: Peter Simeon Swisher title: The managed web: A look at the impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management for the enterprise date: 2007 words: 6759 sentences: 578 pages: 11 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z7uwauisb5hpjm7y4vdzt5ng3i.txt summary: management (MAM) and how end users interact media, metadata, end users and production tools is the product manager at VFinity, an innovative content management software company based in NYC. and implemented the only web-native asset management system on the market today. digital asset management, relationship management and other web-based technologies for companies such as Quark, Inc., Aris media, metadata, users, and tools — all via the web. increased, DAM end users began requesting web legacy DAM, MAM and rights management completely web-based tools, media and metadata. MAM and content management systems was Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management Impact of Web 2.0 on media asset management " managed web " or " MAM 2.0 " . " managed web " or " MAM 2.0 " . id: work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi author: Peter Stiernstedt title: Some Things Are Rarely Discussed in Public – on the Discourse of Corruption in Healthcare Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" date: 2019 words: 2326 sentences: 203 pages: 3 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3txpdsxxgfhtjlltnvljvypydi.txt summary: Some Things Are Rarely Discussed in Public – on the Discourse of Corruption in Healthcare Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" Comment on "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" In an editorial titled "We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems" the authors Hutchinson, Balabanova, and McKee hope to encourage a wider conversation about corruption in the health sector. some fragile health systems to subsist, shifting blame – are those involved in anti-corruption research colluding Some things are rarely discussed in public – on the discourse of corruption in healthcare: Comment on "We need to talk about corruption in health systems." Int J Health Policy Manag. health sector are difficult to hold, the authors strive to nurture interventions to reduce corruption in the health sector that about corruption in health systems. reduce corruption in the health sector. id: work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu author: Phil Wintle title: Book Review: Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media by Jason Lee date: 2018 words: 1623 sentences: 127 pages: 5 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kwcdagah2bbsfoshtw4wflaacu.txt summary: Book Review: Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media by Jason Lee in Film and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, in Film and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, Film and Media by Jason Lee This review explores Jason Lee''s timely work Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Keywords: Nazism; Neo-Nazi; Politics; Philosophy; Trump Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media is a ranging text moving from the interesting arguments for expansion; Lee''s work is strongest when looking at media The concluding chapter of Lee''s work ostensibly focuses on modern politics. instance, Lee points to Trump''s manipulation of the media, both social and newsbroadcast, as evidence of Nazism entering the mainstream. of Nazism and far-right extremism in modern society and media. on film and media is needed in Lee''s work where the focus is often fragmented. and Media by Jason Lee. Open Screens, 1(1): 3, pp. id: work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4 author: Philip H. Mirvis title: From inequity to inclusive prosperity: The corporate role date: 2020 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jgqvcapfvrawfi4gwdfp4rmsl4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217534083 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:02 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy author: Philippe Volpé title: Passer à l''agora : de la pertinence d''une histoire des sujets en action en Acadie date: 2019 words: 7124 sentences: 1053 pages: 17 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vtsawr7sb5bbzdv74djuy55fiy.txt summary: Passer à l''agora : de la pertinence d''une histoire des sujets en action en Acadie Philippe Volpé « Passer à l''agora : de la pertinence d''une histoire des sujets en action en 5 Jean-François Sirinelli, « De la demeure à l''agora : pour une histoire culturelle du politique », Comme les autres sociétés de ce monde, l''Acadie n''est pas naturelle, mais nous soutenons que l''action collective est constitutive des sociétés et nations, dans Jean Daigle (dir.), L''Acadie des Maritimes, Moncton, Chaire d''études acadiennes, 1993, de l''Acadie proposent une réorientation des études acadiennes – jusqu''alors des « normalisateurs » d''Acadie17, retenons pour notre propos que dans leur et des historiens du Québec aussi influencés par la nouvelle histoire sociale, qui dans leurs comme toutes les sociétés, elle est aussi aux prises avec des réalités économique, de file et de projets prospectifs en Acadie, il nous semble qu''une histoire des id: work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju author: Pierluca Coiro title: Sex and gender bias in the experimental neurosciences: the case of the maternal immune activation model date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ql5acerlsrhf7n5tr2vvwkcaju.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217540373 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm author: Pierre-André Taguieff title: Beyond the Fears of the Pandemic: Reinventing the Nation-State? date: 2020 words: 9123 sentences: 546 pages: 23 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_32orav5bnnf6bir72tgi5qd5jm.txt summary: Beyond the Fears of the Pandemic: Reinventing the Nation-State? This is how, on April 9 of this year, the French government''s press secretary (for the presidency), Sibeth Ndiaye, stated on the radio station France On March 16, 2020, in a solemn address to the nation, President Macron repeated several times: "We are at war." A new, unforeseen, invisible It Failed," new york Times, March 29, 2020, 38% of French people trusted the government to effectively fight the pandemic—a six-point drop compared to the previous survey carried out on health of the citizens in each European nation, involving a general mobilization and a state of emergency—destined to remain temporary—must alone cannot do everything, and because we are a nation." Borderless people of all political stripes come to recognize the need for border controls, TELoSscope, April 9, 2020, Nation, sovereignty, borders, they are part of the same political id: work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a author: Pihkala title: Moving with Touch: Entanglements of a Child, Valentine''s Day Cards, and Research–Activism against Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Peer Cultures date: 2019 words: 9074 sentences: 557 pages: 13 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7bch7bcvengddgywvbdibikm2a.txt summary: that reconfigures painful experiences of gendered and sexual harassment for recognition, response, Keywords: Barad; children; creative methods; feminist new materialisms; research–activism; movement, silence, voice, space, history, feeling, and touch and how these human and more-thanhuman elements intra-act, producing particular and contingent outcomes (Barad 2007). 1 Informed by our long-term work with children around sensitive topics of gender and sexual harassment, the with touch and response-ability enables us to imagine the intra-activity at stake as materially workshop sessions focusing on gendered and sexual harassment in pre-teen peer relations with a workshops, the children engaged in discussions and exploration of gendered and sexualized peer bodies, matter, in its curious and imaginative ''self-touching'' form (Barad 2014), reconfigures the girls'' and the note and the materiality and affects of our research–activist workshop, touch was a sensedfelt resonance that intra-acted with the cards, the pens, the tables, the public space of the café, the id: work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4 author: Priya Sepaha title: Impact of Social Media on the Functioning of the Indian Government: A Critical Analysis date: 2019 words: 5043 sentences: 583 pages: 6 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_izyxviib2ndflcwmokgoanm6r4.txt summary: any social movement and has demonstrated that it will have a farreaching effect on government as well. policies and some social movement which India has witnessed the the impacts of social media on the functioning of the Indian Keywords—Impact, Indian government, misuse, social media, the social movements which India has witnessed in recent The impact of social media in terms of active users can impact of social media in terms of users residing in a Impact of Social Media on the Functioning of the of social media on the public at large, it will be useful to study the power of social media for activism. Political parties encourage social media users in India to the US and UK to ensure that Facebook and other social media Educate Girl Child, Clean India are some noteworthy social Indian Judicial System has, under the impact of social media, [8], (Accessed on id: work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4 author: Péter Mezei title: From trust in the system to trust in the content date: 2020 words: 12005 sentences: 1165 pages: 28 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4bxjbfs6orfqlfrfhhc2sh5fw4.txt summary: content, including content moderation, copyright law, fake news, game-making, hateful materials, three micro-fields of the internet: fake news, leaking and copyright law. effects and influences of digital media on our day-to-day existence, negative emotions, (political) thoughts and social behaviour, onand offline, we must acknowledge the fact that fake news is already part of our reality, one with which we will Whistleblowing platforms (the roots of which are to be found in WikiLeaks) are increasingly becoming a common tool in journalism, and are one of the strategies that journalists can adopt in communicating with whistle-blowers in a safer way and to obtain data and information without exposing sources to the risk of being identified, developments (especially those related to audioand audiovisual works, the mechanical dissemination of contents, e.g., radio, television, and later on digital technologies, especially the internet) as well as society''s instant adherence to the new id: work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja author: R. Bax title: How to evaluate and predict the ecologic impact of antibiotics: the pharmaceutical industry view from research and development date: 2001 words: 8324 sentences: 6481 pages: 3 flesch: 120 cache: ./cache/work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ajzo3knymnegbdgidune3fjmja.txt summary: ���� ������� ����� � �� ������������ �� ��� �������� �!�� �� �.!����� ��� �� �$ ������ ���� ��� ����� ������� ����� � �� ������������ �� �2��& ��� ��)��� �!������!� �!.��� ���� �".�� ���� �������� ����� ) ������� ����� .��"��5��� � � ��� ���� �������� � ��� � ��!����� !���!� .���!�� ���� ��-�� �� ��)� �G� ����� I����)�� ���5 ������"� �22�$� ,�� .���� ����� ��� �����)�� ���5 ������"� ,�� �����)�� ���5 ������"� ���� ������� ���.��" ������''����� �� ���� ��� +��� � ������ ��) ����� ��� �� ��� �� ���� ����� �� � ! �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ �)���� � ��� ������ ���� ��� �����-������ �� ����� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � � ��� ��&��#����� ���� � id: work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a author: Rachael Graham Lussos title: Assault and Accusation Without Agents: Verb Voice in Media Narratives of Campus Sexual Assault date: 2018 words: 6700 sentences: 425 pages: 20 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sztbx6f7bfhi3m3n5gaw6ao67a.txt summary: Verb Voice in Media Narratives of Campus Sexual Assault News reports of sexual assault cases are frequently accused of engaging in victim To better understand the news reporting of campus sexual assault, a 2016 study of 93 universities, such as the 2006 Duke lacrosse case, is not new; reporting of campus sexual assault there is no study of verb voice in media narratives specific to campus sexual assault. reports on non-campus sexual assault in the use of passive voice for verbs associated with 1 Much of the literature on sexual assault and verb voice uses the term victim to refer to the accuser verbs in news reports of campus sexual assault were primarily written in passive voice. assault use passive voice for verbs associated with accusation to a different extent than news To extend the research of verb voice and agency in stories of sexual assault, this study id: work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy author: Rachel Hall-Clifford title: Where There Is No Hashtag: Considering Gender-Based Violence in Global Health Fieldwork in the Time of #MeToo date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 25 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5rypzqjznfahre6ifg65kx76yy.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217545447 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu author: Rachel J Caswell title: How, why, for whom and in what context, do sexual health clinics provide an environment for safe and supported disclosure of sexual violence: protocol for a realist review date: 2020 words: 8598 sentences: 1979 pages: 8 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2tieqiangbctrobd4c6gedszlu.txt summary: contextual factors and underpinning casual mechanisms for safe and supported disclosure of sexual sexual health services a realist review will be undertaken This review will employ a realist approach31 to understand how, why, for whom and in what context, sexual If healthcare professionals are trained in traumainformed care (''context'') they will recognise the importance of, and offer, patient choice (''resource of mechanism''), so that patients feel empowered (''response of 1. Understand how and why any potentially relevant attributes of sexual health services optimise safe and and supported disclosure of sexual violence works within and supported disclosure of sexual violence works within this service works for disclosure of sexual violence will be of sexual assault in health settings: a systematic review. How, why, for whom and in what context, do sexual health clinics provide an environment for safe and supported disclosure of sexual violence: protocol for a realist review id: work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq author: Rachel Muers title: The personal is the (academic) political: Why care about the love lives of theologians? date: 2020 words: 8567 sentences: 992 pages: 12 flesch: 80 cache: ./cache/work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_egs6uuacwbg23b5rvypz3hfvdq.txt summary: uncovering and examining the Barth-von Kirschbaum story, should be welcomed by theologians and series of blog entries by Bobby Grow indexed under ; and affects the presentation of the lives of Nelly Barth and Charlotte von Kirschbaum at several key he tells that von Kirschbaum was a significant contributor to the Church Dogmatics に effectively a coauthor.13 However, this powerful SWヮキIデキラミ ラa ┗ラミ KキヴゲIエH;┌マげゲ ヴW;ノ S;キノ┞ ┘ラヴニ に and later of the article, a housekeeper describes the Barth-von Kirschbaum household as けラヴSWヴWS ;ヴラ┌ミS デエW theologians in relation to the telling of the Barth-von Kirschbaum story are, I suggest, not about Iミ けWエWミ K;ヴノ MWデ Lラノノラげ says of the question of whether Karl Barth and Charlotte von Kirschbaum politics of sex and gender at play, both in the story of the Barth-von Kirschbaum household and in Telling the Karl Barth-Nelly Barth-Charlotte von Kirschbaum story as a domestic id: work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm author: Ranit Mishori title: #Diversity: Conversations on Twitter about Women and Black Men in Medicine date: 2019 words: 5714 sentences: 1343 pages: 9 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aco3wngalnayzanr475hfhxbzm.txt summary: discussions are taking place online, including on Twitter, via specific hashtags, such as #BlackMenInMedicine, #ILookLikeASurgeon. out to assess selected hashtags and analyze their spread, as well as whether or how health professional inclusion in medicine on Twitter requires an intentional and strategic use of hashtags, photographs and Keywords: Medical Societies, Physicians, Racism, Sexism, Social Media, Twitter with colleagues, the public, and other stakeholders13–15 and create virtual communities.16,17 Twitter users can post messages ("tweets") of up to 280 a growing Twitter discourse on racism, discrimination, and diversity in medicine, including online Selected Healthcare Hashtags Related to Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine The 22,019 tweets sent containing one of the medical diversity hashtags in 2017 were sent by 5683 Volume of Tweets and Retweets Using Diversity Hashtags from January 1 to December 31, 2017 Available from: id: work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y author: Rashi Aggarwal title: #MeToo: the Role and Power of Bystanders (aka Us) date: 2019 words: 4979 sentences: 572 pages: 6 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_km5j3hhzbzhdpdvqx5rvf5l57y.txt summary: students in medicine have reported being sexually harassed [1, the high prevalence of inappropriate sexual behavior of patients toward trainees and the lack of training on how to handle [19] discuss that sexual violence against women with psychiatric disorders has been missing from the conversations related to #MeToo. Finally, sexual harassment, the women present are the survivors, and There are a small number of perpetrators of sexual harassment, a relatively large number of survivors, and a larger (bystanders) during sexual harassment situations. to address inappropriate sexual behavior by patients as reported by Michael et al. women choose not to report sexual harassment because of the the willingness of survivors and bystanders to report sexual show, however, that the downstream impact of reporting sexual harassment is typically extremely negative for survivors Sexual harassment in medicine-#MeToo. N Engl J Med. 2018;378:209–11. Acessed Available from Accessed 11.27.19. id: work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u author: Rebecca Bondü title: Political and Religious Extremism and Sexual Aggression – New Perspectives from the Workshop on Aggression 2018 date: 2020 words: 2820 sentences: 210 pages: 5 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ww6qtc4zsfg3jgymx26dxbsl7u.txt summary: This focus section on extremism, radicalization, and sexual aggression presents recent research from two cur and acceptance of group-related aggressive behavior, namely hate speech against Muslims and collective violent in Chile; the other considers risk factors for potential sexual aggression in a German sample of participants with Keywords: extremism, radicalization, hate speech, collective violence, sexual aggression aggressive behavior receive growing public and research attention over time, depending for example on The present focus section, therefore, will first draw attention to various aspects linked to the acceptance of several forms of aggressive behavior towards out-groups and radicalization tendencies. the University of Jena, Germany, outlined a comprehensive process model of radicalization including individual factors that may make subjects particularly shift the focus to other risk factors for potential sexually aggressive behavior in a group of participants aggressive behavior may be reflected on from different scientific angles and that individual and social risk id: work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim author: Rebecca C. Thurston title: Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Mental and Physical Health date: 2019 words: 4618 sentences: 647 pages: 6 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mnuz5uhzqzd7halkj2nu6lumim.txt summary: Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Mental and Physical Health sexual harassment, sexual assault, depression, anxiety, sleep). we investigated the association of a history of sexual harassment and sexual assault with blood pressure (BP), depressed Women with a history of sexual assault had higher depressive symptoms, anxiety, and poorer sleep quality than women poorer sleep, and sexual assault with depressed mood, anxiety, Workplace Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Associated With BP, Mental Health, and Sleep Indicesa Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Health Original Investigation Research Association of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault With Midlife Women''s Health Original Investigation Research id: work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq author: Rebecca Joelle Gass title: Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment Through Visual Music Media date: 2020 words: 17190 sentences: 1418 pages: 68 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cmypzffljjax5c244d537gfyfq.txt summary: This research study explores popular culture through visual music media, specifically Visual Music Media: Its Origins, History of Sexual Explicitness, and Effects on Women and Girls .... Black feminist theory, while undertaking a social constructionist approach, my research inquiry The study explores the impact visual music media has on young girls across Canada, in Research in the field of power relationships, feminist media studies, and content analysis ways in which visual music media empower young women in a qualitative approach, besides "social relations" is important to note in this study as we explore the power of media influence express their values, opinions and feelings on media and popular culture, specifically, Beyoncé''s social critique, especially when considering elements of popular culture, visual media, and power Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media Making Lemonade: Examining Female Empowerment through visual music media id: work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm author: Rebecca Schoen title: Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Improve Provider Wellness and Patient Care date: 2020 words: 3402 sentences: 482 pages: 4 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r6z4oyvjqjflzmsdmu63igb2jm.txt summary: Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Improve Provider Wellness and Patient Care Addressing Sexual and Gender Harassment in Pharmacy Education to Research indicates widespread sexual harassment has not significantly decreased in health care over Given the significant implications for individuals, organizations, and patient care, addressing harassment should be a priority. Pharmacy schools and supporting pharmacy organizations should proactively address sexual and gender harassment and provide education about this issue. Keywords: education, female, sexism, sexual harassment The National Academies report indicates gender harassment that is severe or disciplines within the last 25 years indicates sexual harassment is widespread throughout the health care disciplines, including among nurses, physicians, chiropractors, Given the risks of sexual harassment facing health care Addressing sexual harassment in health care could them vulnerable to experiencing sexual harassment, including during patient care. reported by providers indicate that sexual harassment is a Sexual harassment of female physicians by patients. id: work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4 author: Rebecca Vasquez title: Successful Mentoring of Women date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mc57zi4lobgurdweijvzgceyk4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541779 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem author: Reiner Rugulies title: Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce date: 2020 words: 7128 sentences: 591 pages: 10 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ixmrmsvfkrd2jmav3ivnvmpkem.txt summary: Background: We studied onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent risk of depressive symptoms and Results: Onset of sexual harassment was associated with elevated depressive symptoms in 2014, both for harassment by non-workplace personnel (e.g., patients, estimate (B): 1.61, 95% CI: 0.51–2.72, p = 0.004) and distress symptoms among women, but not among men, following exposure to sexual harassment in a two-year follow-up study (Nielsen and We had previously reported cross-sectional results on sexual harassment and depressive symptoms in a subsample of our study population (Friborg et al., 2017). analysing the short-term association between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and level of depressive symptoms at t2. Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce id: work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi author: Renée Spencer title: Freud''s Oedipus Complex in the #MeToo Era: A Discussion of the Validity of Psychoanalysis in Light of Contemporary Research date: 2020 words: 10199 sentences: 993 pages: 16 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cjt5ifwbefbz5ademejpw7fqsi.txt summary: Abstract: The Oedipus complex is a child development construct developed by Sigmond Freud that Keywords: Freud; Oedipus complex; #MeToo; psychoanalysis; child development; symbol Allegedly, the Oedipus complex is a universal child development stage in which young children Psychological research influences how survivors of sexual violence are perceived and the types Oedipus complex is tied to theories of the id and, in turn with sexual desire [1]. The above quotes from Freud and Jung imply that children are capable of adult sexual desires Therefore, to suggest that Freud is a direct influence on #MeToo sexual violence given to Freud′s theories that excuse sexual abuse of children, whilst at the same time those acts are Prior to "discovering" childhood sexuality as expressed in the Oedipus complex, Freud The Oedipus complex forms the basis for psychoanalytic processes and symbol interpretations, to develop a complex understanding of sexual desire in association with marriage. id: work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa author: Revelles-Benavente title: Feminist New Materialisms: Activating Ethico-Politics Through Genealogies in Social Sciences date: 2019 words: 64993 sentences: 4690 pages: 118 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5jgpyzabtbbi5a2hbesxfrkcwa.txt summary: Feminist New Materialisms: Activating Ethico-Politics through Genealogies in Social Sciences The idea to create a Special Issue journal around the topic of feminist new materialisms emerged As editors of this issue of "Social Sciences," we recognized the need to rethink feminist new materialisms, ethico-political dimensions of feminist new materialisms through research, and activist efforts to Keywords: sound and noise art; feminist new materialism; posthumanities; doing-cooking; social academic research in relation to the Special Issue on Feminist New Materialisms. The research generated by the artwork, a Public Kitchen, contributes to feminist new materialist transformation as a new materialist politic of connection in a post-human world and future social Abstract: Using a feminist, new materialist frame to activate ethico-political research exploring Karen Barad''s feminist new materialist theories of ''diffraction'', ''intra-action'' and ''entanglement'' feminist modes of social inclusion, Instagram artists build online communities from their art practice Using a feminist new materialist frame to activate ethico-political research in religion and gender id: work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i author: Revista Miscelánea title: Eventos y actividades de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales date: 2019 words: 3193 sentences: 494 pages: 14 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wmamz5wk6vdfjneksuav2vvr6i.txt summary: En esta charla, Ronan Malt describió su experiencia profesional diaria como traductor e intérprete en el mundo del deporte, una actividad caracterizada por su gran Su pasión por el fútbol es quizás su principal habilidad profesional, aunque obviamente tiene que aportar a su trabajo los otros conocimientos y técnicas que se universitaria una muestra de las revistas científicas editadas por el Servicio de Publicaciones de nuestra universidad, que cuenta con un importante fondo y una larga Ambos ponentes coincidieron en la complejidad del sistema electoral estadounidense, basado en elecciones primarias para elegir a los candidatos, un sistema que se visión multidisciplinar», junto con la Facultad de Ciencias humanas y Sociales, organizó este congreso en torno al papel e impacto del feminismo en nuestra sociedad salud, tanto desde el marco deontológico de los profesionales del Trabajo Social en La reflexión sobre si es adecuado, en nuestro ámbito profesional, una separación del conocimiento y los valores fue el contenido central de este id: work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe author: Rhea Mahajan title: Correlating Crime and Social Media: Using Semantic Sentiment Analysis date: 2021 words: 4853 sentences: 501 pages: 8 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_q3vxtoihvngpta2hacggcrspfe.txt summary: Correlating Crime and Social Media: Using Semantic Sentiment Analysis feed forward neural network to the tweets to determine the crime forward neural network to the tweets to determine the crime area of crime Prediction using data from social networking of integrating Twitter data for crime prediction is to take into geographic analysis methods to model crime risk using tweets important works done in area of crime Prediction using tweets. LISTS SOME OF THE IMPORTANT WORKS DONE IN AREA OF CRIME PREDICTION USING TWEETS Crime related and Geo-tagged real-time tweets were collected Input: Sentiment140( Ttrain), Real-time Crime Related Geo-tagged tweets between predicted crime pattern (Fig. 7) from tweets and actual Crime Pattern Predicted from Tweets from 2 Dec 2019 to 22 Dec between Crime pattern predicted from Tweets and the actual correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and correlation between crime pattern predicted from Tweets and id: work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm author: Richard Rose title: Money, Sex and Broken Promises: Politicians'' Bad Behaviour Reduces Trust date: 2018 words: 8592 sentences: 707 pages: 20 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nj5qmcqbnnej7dzznbulusmipm.txt summary: of forms of behaviour that violate social, political and legal norms about how politicians ought to behave. popular distrust of politicians appears greater than illegal political behaviour. stronger effect on distrust of political parties that do differences in partisanship. bad behaviour can refer to breaking legal, social or political standards (cf. Violating informal norms can be described as bad behaviour, while violating formal standards is an illegal act (Rose and Peiffer 2018, chapter 1). Legal and normative standards of behaviour can be in conflict, since opinions of citizens about how politicians ought to behave are subjective popular Altogether, empirical analysis provides strong support for our model of the effect of corruption on individual trust in the political parties that represent them. perceive politicians as breaking any of the three informal standards, they are significantly more likely to distrust political parties. Table 3 Effect of breaking standards on trust in parties id: work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4 author: Richard Sparks title: Crime and justice research: The current landscape and future possibilities date: 2020 words: 5772 sentences: 345 pages: 18 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nb4ls462vzbgbkz5ffmqs35op4.txt summary: Sparks, R 2020, ''Crime and justice research: The current landscape and future possibilities'', Criminology Crime and Justice Research: the current landscape and future possibilities users of research, organize our thinking on actual and emergent problems of crime and The scope of research in the fields of crime and justice is in principle extremely large. central to the contributions that crime and justice researchers can make to interdisciplinary here to re-think the problem-spaces of crime and justice research beyond the primacy discourses in terms of which questions of crime and justice are circulated and socially Crime and justice research has much to offer Whist international collaborative enterprises in the fields of crime and justice research are Three propositions for investment in crime and justice research questions of crime and justice (and conceptions of harm) and other current arenas of Centre (e.g.; a modest amount of new work on policing, id: work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa author: Rishi K. Wadhera title: Temporal Trends in Unstable Angina Diagnosis Codes for Outpatient Percutaneous Coronary Interventions date: 2019 words: 4950 sentences: 600 pages: 5 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zsad2k62vnafpcf6ur5twfogaa.txt summary: Temporal Trends in Unstable Angina Diagnosis Codes for Outpatient Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Some have declared this a policy success—that the fewer inappropriate PCIs performed nationally reflect better selection of patients likely to experience improved outcomes. To explore this possibility, we examined trends in PCIs coded for acute indications in the outpatient setting in 3 large and geographically dispersed states. The proportion of outpatient PCIs coded for acute indications increased inpatient setting, PCIs coded for acute indications increased New York, the proportion of PCIs labeled as acute, but performed as outpatient procedures, increased 14-fold, driven data raise the possibility that physicians increasingly classified patients with stable chest pain as UA in the outpatient setting, or that hospitals shifted coding patterns, potentially owing to external factors including reporting of appropriateness Number of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) Performed for Unstable Angina or Acute Myocardial Infarction id: work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4 author: Rita Gardiner title: Guest editorial date: 2020 words: 4076 sentences: 292 pages: 8 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hsjx7u6fdzeyljjo7jstzqg2k4.txt summary: on leadership, gender and #MeToo, which took place at an international conference. #MeToo movement challenges organizational practices and policies in diverse cultural and leadership research that examines how organizations are responding to #MeToo. Before discussing each article in this SI, we provide some background on some of the scholarly conversations around #MeToo movement, as it relates to organizations, gender movement, the importance of collective action and leadership and organizational culture. hashtag for sharing stories about sexual and gender-based violence (Fileborn and LoneyHowes, 2019). nature of the #MeToo movement, in organizational cultures, there is often a resistance to #MeToo movement as a catalyst for changing workplace culture must therefore be harassment, but this requires organizational leaders to alter their approach to gender-based sociocultural, organizational and leadership issues that prevent gender and sexual leadership programs, higher education organizations and intersections of gender and sexual identity. Leadership, #MeToo and organizational cultures Leadership, #MeToo and organizational cultures id: work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm author: Robert A.J. McDonald title: Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman date: 2018 words: 1623 sentences: 128 pages: 4 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tctsgxjxwnfolmv54siq7qwwnm.txt summary: Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 by E.A. Heaman]. In Tax, Order, and Good Government Elsbeth Heaman makes a compelling case that it is time to write taxes and poverty into Canadian history. the book studies Canada''s tax history as history, such was not the case for the people themselves whose debates about taxation addressed the problems of wealth and what Canadians said about wealth, poverty, and taxes before the introduction of the of Canada''s tax history in the half century its 470 pages a vast trove of historical insight about Canadian political history and Government represents a powerful addition to the developing field of "new political history." In particular, it helps to of Canadian political history. book that Ontario History readers will find id: work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby author: Robert Alfred Winkler title: The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter It date: 2018 words: 1779 sentences: 143 pages: 5 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lkha3nqztza6vdgx47odt4kpby.txt summary: Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America. In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America, George Yancy, scholar In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America, George Yancy, scholar Yancy models what he is asking of white America by acknowledging that he openly racist responses to Yancy''s letter (p. her racism, the "opaque white racist self" (p. In Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America verarbeitet George Winkler, Robert A.: "The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter Winkler, Robert A.: "The Ugly Face of Whiteness in the Contemporary US – And How to Encounter It [Review on: Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in It [Review on: Yancy, George: Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in id: work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm author: Robert D. Johnston title: EDITORS'' NOTE date: 2018 words: 2150 sentences: 324 pages: 4 flesch: 78 cache: ./cache/work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vyweidbeyre45dohgxvy6kp5tm.txt summary: With this issue, we formally leave the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era in Cothran and Genetin-Pilawa will take a now middle-aged journal still powerfully The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 17 (2018), 595–598 © Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Nationalism" speech there, Obama hoped to birth a new Progressive Era by directly channeling the spirit of the old one.2 constitutes modern-day "populism" in our rancorous age of resurgent nationalism history of capitalism to indigenous histories of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. In and Get Students Excited About Doing History (New York: Teachers College Press, 2009), 211. Johnston, "Long Live Teddy/Death to Woodrow: The Polarized Politics of The Progressive Era in the 2012 Election," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 13(July manager, Podesta was one of the chief targets of WikiLeaks; in the process, the Journal of the Gilded Age id: work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4 author: Robert E. Shapiro title: NIH Funding for Research on Headache Disorders: Does It Matter? date: 2007 words: 1274 sentences: 111 pages: 3 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2qwbxu7vfekpnb34nmbb27oq4.txt summary: NIH Funding for Research on Headache Disorders: epilepsy, whereas only 1 new medication (plus 6 "metoo" drugs) has been approved for migraine (Table)? and simple explanation for the discrepancy in drug approvals: there were fewer promising compounds available to test in migraine clinical trials. often performed in publicly funded research laboratories, not those of the pharmaceutical industry.3 Federal funding of research on epilepsy has always hugely outpaced that for migraine. Figure—NIH funding for migraine versus epilepsy. every federally funded (mostly NIH) biomedical research grant, and an analysis of the relative number of CRISP documents provides commitment to headache medicine from federal agencies similar to that which has been appropriately extended to epilepsy. increase headache research funding to >$100M annually. and press them to take Congressional action to increase NIH funding. The lack of NIH funding for headache research dearth of public funding for headache research. id: work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu author: Robert Hoppe title: Policy, governing and politicality date: 2019 words: 9672 sentences: 712 pages: 20 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xm5hs2ie3nesjafscbkvegixgu.txt summary: This Forum contribution takes a critical look at "policy", "policymaking" and "governing" as key KEY WORDS: policy, governing, politicality, depoliticisation, European Union observers (e.g., professors of political science, public administration, or policy with "policy, process, and governing" (Colebatch & Hoppe, 2018) and not, for the "policy state" to Van Middelaar''s reflections on the different degrees of politicality of governing in the European Union (2017). At the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century, Dutch etymologists declared the word "policy" in its old meaning as "general management" or "leadership by the state," obsolete. between "politics" as action and "policy" as making. book publications are the Handbook on Policy, Process and Governing (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018) (with Hal Colebatch), and Women, Civil Society and Handbook of Policy, Process and Governing. Hoppe: Policy, Governing and Politicality: Policy Studies Journal 167 Hoppe: Policy, Governing and Politicality: Policy Studies Journal 167 "Political Power Beyond the State: Problematics of Government." id: work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm author: Robert K. Toutkoushian title: Addressing Gender Equity in Nonfaculty Salaries date: 2003 words: 8759 sentences: 771 pages: 13 flesch: 43 cache: ./cache/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_icaeebljy5fd3fu7gvknr6zilm.txt summary: rising, gender-related disparities in numerous metrics persist, notably in compensation, promotion, funding, recognition, leadership, publishing, and speaking. At this unique time in history, there is an opportunity for leaders in neurology to strategically accelerate efforts to address workforce gender and behavior when it comes to addressing workforce gender disparities for women in medicine. reflecting that most gender equity research occurs in academic medicine, demonstrates disparities for women in Women neurologists also have been underrepresented in leadership positions and academic promotion, particularly to professor level, in neurology.5,19,36,37 Disparities in representation on To examine the rank of academic physicians'' salary by specialty and gender, the adjusted salaries* of men and women Figure 3 Rank of women academic physicians'' specialty-related salary gap as a percentage of income Understanding and addressing gender equity for women in neurology Understanding and addressing gender equity for women in neurology id: work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq author: Robert O''Mochain title: Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan date: 2019 words: 3511 sentences: 328 pages: 5 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5pwdqqf3vngoxc2lxiecuwcpxq.txt summary: school students had experienced sexual harassment reported being sexually harassed at work (Japan In a review of measures against workplace sexual harassment in Japan, Huen (2007, p. Engagement with the difficult issues raised by sexual harassment should be seen as a vital concern for own efforts to challenge the culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment and to raise awareness face of sexual harassment issues in Japan. educators will incorporate sexual harassment issues As well as raising awareness in the classroom, language instructors can also lend support to those initiatives which aim at eliminating sexual harassment sexual harassment is an issue of concern in many that sexual harassment issues can be of interest to Sexual harassment by students Workplace sexual harassment in Japan: O''Mochain: Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan O''Mochain: Sexual Harassment: A Critical Issue for EFL in Japan sexual harassment among junior high school students id: work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju author: Robin E. Bell title: Harassment in science is real date: 2017 words: 970 sentences: 195 pages: 2 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3ayh6sxrkbgqfobznakmux2dju.txt summary: victims are coming forward with their stories, reflecting how this damaging culture In our own fields of geophysical and environmental sciences, in which teams cultural change in our fields labeling bullying and harassment as "antics" or disguising them as rigorous scientific review. Women and men affected by harassment struggle to get jobs, secure tenure, win research Since news of the sexual misconduct of film executive Harvey Weinstein broke, the #MeToo movement denouncing harassment is alight across the sciences. ethical culture of science. Cultural change must occur at the individual, team, professional society, and institutional bullying and harassment as As societies move forward, harassers will no longer to institutions where harassers cultural change rests with individual scientists, teams, harassment, teams developing a code of conduct, and Harassment in science is real Harassment in science is real Harassment in science is real Bell and Lora S. ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi author: Robyn Bourgeois title: Hostility, Harassment, and Violence: On the Limits of ''Free Speech'' for Minority Feminist Scholars date: 2020 words: 7981 sentences: 525 pages: 13 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g5fvw2bx55dhrbrwuvxnxzzuzi.txt summary: Hostility, Harassment, and Violence: On the Limits of ''Free Speech'' for Minority Feminist Scholars and racism against white people and dismissed my freedom of speech I''ve experienced as an Indigenous ences with power, privilege, and violence. white students on why I, an Indigenous person, was my expertise on violence against Indigenous women violence, I know that challenging white supremacy When challenging the right of white settler scholars to grounds that some other Indigenous person this white is response not only privileges Western, white, colo­ membering violence against white women only is part white privilege to dismiss our knowledge, foreclose sexual violence against Indigenous women and girls. threats of violence have come exclusively from white freedom of speech against minority scholars. these attacks come most frequently from white people while I''ve experienced support as an Indigenous scholar 1. Support Indigenous and other minority scholars weaponization of freedom of speech against scholars id: work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi author: Romana Andò title: Desecrating celebrity date: 2020 words: 3819 sentences: 211 pages: 8 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_s64rrk36i5e6roqton6lv7mgzi.txt summary: To cite this article: Romana Andò & Sean Redmond (2020) Desecrating celebrity, Celebrity sea of falls from grace and the perversion of star and celebrity images: it was if desecration circulation processes the celebrities ''digital life'' is, in fact, produced from the contamination between top-down and bottom-up forces, and official and unofficial media streams. engaged with and in the way stars and celebrities ''speak'' to culture (Jerslev 2016). produce this constant flow of celebrity consecration and desecration. In Lucy''s article, Beautiful Penitent Whore: the Desecrated Celebrity of Mary Magdalene, she explores the way that Mary Magdalene as both celebrity and film star embodied the feminist film and media studies, celebrity and popular culture, Lucy examines a number of has in desecrating the female star or celebrity through such acts as chastisement, ridicule the Desecration of Political Authority, Anita suggests that Donald Trump''s perverse power It our job to defaecate on and to desecrate celebrity culture. id: work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq author: Romy Hecht title: Posibles roles de las arquitectas en la materialización de la arquitectura en Chile date: 2018 words: 4054 sentences: 449 pages: 12 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xthvnqesyfajtijb4hgcth4fwq.txt summary: had scarcely published buildings by Chilean women Universidad Católica de Chile, the third year Research only name seven practicing women professionals: Inés work of a group of women during the above-indicated the development of modern architecture in Chile, thus based on new architectural-institutional / housing / women graduated from the Universidad de Chile and the identify, objectively, possible roles of women architects Chilean modern architecture development and thus, in interior designs in two houses in Santiago, or the new and Sobrino in building modern architecture in Chile, Beach in the work developed with her husband Alberto 1 Up to issue 43 (Nov. 1999) there are 26 published works by female An architect of the Municipal Works Department in Arica is María stated, at least a considerable number of architects working in Chile 1960, 67 architects from the Universidad de Chile and 12 from u c Architect and Master in Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica id: work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea author: Rosalind Gill title: Not all creatives are created equal date: 2018 words: 1443 sentences: 90 pages: 5 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5j6eymenxff4zd2dblrz3tfcea.txt summary: Permanent repository link: Scientific community and society / Social sciences / Culture / Arts For people interested in equality, diversity and social justice in the workplace, the cultural are sites of stark and persistent inequalities, in which women, people from black and Focussing on gender, and taking the film industry as an example, it is evident that almost potential, particularly considering that women and men graduate from film school in equal reason, inequality in our cultural industries is even more troubling than in other fields. benefits in that female creatives tend to be more likely to hire women than male creatives. It may be also that the myth of egalitarianism, to which people in cultural and creative fields affective dissonances for me as a researcher as I was told again and again how open, equal Rosalind Gill is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, Department of Sociology, City id: work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e author: Rosalind Gill title: The shifting terrain of sex and power: From the ''sexualization of culture'' to #MeToo date: 2018 words: 5536 sentences: 485 pages: 14 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jsvv5f7bonaqxerv2gdsyun55e.txt summary: The shifting terrain of sex and power: From the ''sexualization of culture'' to #MeToo sexuality studies, queer theory, examinations of sex in the media and popular culture, and As media scholars who work around questions of gender, sexuality, and intimacy this has intimate publics (Berlant, 2000), media sex (Attwood, 2017) and mediated intimacy major focus of interest with work on feminist and queer digital activisms opening up new popularity of feminism and the important work of preceding feminist and social movements women''s experience, it triggered critical discussion of silenced sexist and sexual violence pouring of stories of (mainly celebrity) women in the media and cultural industries, MeToo The critique of MeToo''s narrow focus on gendered sexual violence connects to a third sexual violence stories, especially on social media, may make the distribution of online Sexed up: Theorising the sexualization of culture. Media, empowerment and the ''sexualization of culture''debates. id: work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu author: Roxanne C Keynejad title: Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership date: 2018 words: 6328 sentences: 1201 pages: 7 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_suhzoxg6xjefdejvtr3ta75ylu.txt summary: Gender equality in the global health ► Global health workplace gender inequalities are gender inequality and nurturing of grassroots initiatives, through institutional partnerships and international networks. gender equality in global health largely influencing experiences of gender equality affects Somaliland, but data regarding practising healthcare staff, Long-term global health partnerships between healthcare organisations and educational institutions in to global health not readily accessible to large institutional bodies.19 In particular, the benefits of ''boundary-spanning'' practices that foster cross-cultural learning diverse staff in both countries, exploring gender-associated barriers and facilitators in the global health workplace, focusing on solutions and best practice. global health partnership between Somaliland and the to consider gender in global health practice and Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership Gender equality in the global health workplace: learning from a Somaliland–UK paired institutional partnership Gender inequality in global health Gender inequality in global health id: work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee author: Ruth Lewis title: Guest Editors'' Introduction date: 2019 words: 2806 sentences: 149 pages: 12 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zclfpgg56jauji4fd2xgz4tiee.txt summary: Despite decades of attention to the problem of gender based violence (GBV) on campus, UK, although students and academic staff have been active against sexual violence for decades, it is only since the recent upsurge in global feminist activism that efforts to challenge universitybased sexual violence have gained ground. transformation includes activism by students, staff, and faculty aimed at long-term progressive piece in this special issue provides an example of change that appears to ''work,'' we must likely to experience sexual and intimate partner violence (Cantor, et al., 2015), transformative In addition, while the attention to transforming rape culture provides rich insights into the harms resistance to GBV in universities will include identification of transformative strategies that can ''Lad culture'' and sexual violence against students. # MeToo and Student Activism against Sexual Violence. including intimate partner violence, online abuse and GBV in universities and has been id: work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4 author: Ruth Tsuria title: Get Out of Church! The Case of #EmptyThePews: Twitter Hashtag between Resistance and Community date: 2020 words: 8554 sentences: 680 pages: 13 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gvnmzwmpnfeaxeipajn3ytvoz4.txt summary: online signifier for sharing stories of religious abuse, and thus a format for identity and community An analysis of 250 tweets with #EmptyThePews revels five different uses of the hashtag, Keywords: hashtag; activism; online communities; online social movements; digital religion; Trump; such as Twitter hashtag, social movements, resistance, community online, and the relationship between #EmptyThePews starts as a clear call of action, a resistance to churches that support Trump or Similarly, other users used the tweet to share their stories of why they left the church in the past. than explicitly calling people to leave now, these users re-appropriate the hashtag for sharing personal These experiences then led these users to leave the church and use the hashtag to use the hashtag, for example: "#EmptyThePews if your church supports hate don''t go" or "Annnnd yet Available online: (accessed on id: work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu author: Ryan J. Gallagher title: A clarified typology of core-periphery structure in networks date: 2021 words: 11756 sentences: 1284 pages: 12 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_snhpkts5xvg67k552sip3lnztu.txt summary: formulate both the hub-and-spoke and layered core-periphery structures as stochastic block models (22), which allow us to encode the Across network domains, we find that the core-periphery partitions identified by the two-block model and k-cores decomposition Distributions of distances between partitions extracted by the two-block model (15) and the k-cores decomposition (18) across network domains. The core-periphery typology formalized through block model representations of the hub-and-spoke and layered structures. Synthetic network experiments validating the core-periphery block models and the use of MDL as a measure of model fit. Different networks within and across domains are better modeled by hub-and-spoke or layered structure, indicating that there is no one universal best Networks that have similar MDLs are generally those where both core-periphery models extracted similar partitions. Core-periphery structure is a natural network model for such amplification processes. We fit hub-andspoke and layered core-periphery models to the #MeToo network id: work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve author: S.Yu. Pavlina title: USING CULTURE-SPECIFIC ELEMENTS IN AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES date: 2020 words: 2167 sentences: 286 pages: 3 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve.pdf txt: ./txt/work_akbqla7epfb47ggwiib2egcsve.txt summary: USING CULTURE-SPECIFIC ELEMENTS IN AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES The article explores the linguistic component of American presidential debates. The former incorporates political and social realia as well as those connected with cultural norms Idioms used in the presidential debates reflect American culture codes. Keywords: presidential debates, culture-specific components, realia, idioms. represent some aspects of a particular political and social contexts which are closely associated with a specific culture. singled out in debate texts pertain to the political realm, social sphere as well as cultural norms and practices. Apart from realia culture-specific linguistic units embedded in presidential debates rhetoric include typically The analysis of presidential debates rhetoric shows that culture specific units employed by American politicians in preelectoral discourse encompass realia and idioms. 9. Donald Trump & Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript 2020 [Электронный ресурс]. (дата (дата обращения: 20.11.2020) 9. Donald Trump & Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript 2020 [Electronic resource]. (accessed:20.11.2020) id: work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu author: Sabina Krajíčková title: Affirmative consent ve světle Listiny základních práv EU date: 2019 words: 759 sentences: 207 pages: flesch: 75 cache: ./cache/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lgm2p6nby5henf7ssndufnyctu.txt summary: Česky / English Informace a služby Pro autory Informace pro autory English Historik Jaroslav Čechura se v předkládané monografii zaměřuje na období třicetileté války. Obě témata se prolínají v závěrečné části věnované kronice Chronicon Aulae Regiae. Katalog jaro 2021 Novinky Nakladatelství Karolinum na období jaro/léto 2021 naleznete v našem novém katalogu. Světla a stíny husitství (Události – osobnosti – texty – tradice) Čornej, Petr Gecko, Tomáš Fašismus Křížková, Věra Kloudová, Věra Koptík, Tomáš Prášek, Petr Témata Témata Témata AUC INTERPRETATIONES AUC INTERPRETATIONES AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC THEOLOGICA AUC GEOGRAPHICA AUC GEOGRAPHICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA AUC PHILOLOGICA Informace o akcích a nových titulech nakladatelství. Fašismus podle Rogera Griffina V edici Politeia vychází již druhá kniha jednoho z největších odborníků na fašismus, britského profesora moderních dějin a politického teoretika na Oxford Brookes University Rog... Nakladatelství Karolinum Nakladatelství Karolinum Nakladatelství Kontakt a služby © Karolinum 2021 id: work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu author: Sabine Frühstück title: The Future Is Also a Different Country and We Should Do Things Differently There date: 2020 words: 9245 sentences: 899 pages: 28 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_s7wa26ebc5dufhzdwmamemmjxu.txt summary: Keywords: Area studies; Japanese studies; Asia knowledge; discipline; social-science approaches and borrow from feminist studies, visual culture thought about area studies in terms of "the national security problem," noting that K. Powers, for instance, envisioned area studies as the basis for preventing war and of practical value about important world areas; giving students and scholars an for example, suggests that without area studies, "the disciplines risk becoming Without area studies effectively serving as mediating grounds for other disciplines, becomes ever more shaped by the world within, without area studies. The pasts of the disciplines and disciplinarity and of Asian studies may well seem to "The Global University, Area Studies, and the World Citizen: Discipline." Journal of Asian Studies 46(1): 15–25. The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines. The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines, edited by David L. "Japan Is Interesting: Modern Japanese Literary Studies Today." id: work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu author: Salvatore Madonia title: From the Mosque to the Town Square: Some Reflections on Islam, Youth, Social Movements and Citizenship date: 2019 words: 8690 sentences: 573 pages: 13 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kjat2jsw3rfgtnnnxkkwb33jyu.txt summary: Muslims who frequent Madrid''s mosques and squares raises the possibility that these young Spanish and confrontation with Islamic people in the Spanish context, new association-building and new the setting for the Islam of the young people presented in this article, the initiative of Muslims in associated with one of the largest federations of Muslim communities, the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain, viewpoints, young Spanish Muslims are beginning to search for their own associative spaces where ''producers'' of an Islam characterized by being young, Muslim, Spanish, and European (Madonia 2018). various Arab-Islamic majority countries; and encounters where young people could discuss their proposals new Islamic youth associations engaged in an animated debate on the social networks. Q: Have you participated in any associations for young Muslims? 17 Discussion in the Complutense University of Madrid Young Muslim Students Facebook group [last visited 12/03/12]. id: work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm author: Samantha Z. Yammine title: Social media for social change in science date: 2018 words: 2645 sentences: 349 pages: 4 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dgcwboi3kzhnfkh5gob3jyvwnm.txt summary: In her Working Life piece "Instagram won''t solve inequality" (16 March, p. can do, yet it seems unfair that such scientists must devote time to social media media role model at her university—the Science Sam Instagram account run by of social media success, Wright''s critical comments about such outreach were Yammine in particular and women science communicators in general. the 500 Women Scientists organization responds to the Working Life article, and two scientists recognized by AAAS (the publisher of Science) for public engagement social media in science. also science communicators who just happen to be women. media for public engagement with science social media for public outreach and policy increasing institutional pressure to communicate about science — whether to to science communication and public 500 Women Scientists envision for science. Social media for social change in science ARTICLE TOOLS id: work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64 author: Samira Abdulai-Saiku title: Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust reversals due to environmental disturbance date: 2017 words: 6710 sentences: 735 pages: 13 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ddr3j3r6krb3hagpavelneuc64.txt summary: Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust How to cite this article: Effects of stress or infection on rat behavior show robust reversals The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Toxoplasma gondii infection increased aversion to cat odor Toxoplasma gondii-infected female rats showed increased aversion to bobcat odor in two sequential experiments (A and B). Ordinate depicts time spent by female rats chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii near bobcat odor. and Toxoplasma-infected rats in both experiment 1 and 2. Early life maternal separation stress resulted in increased anxiolytic behavior in male rats. 9. Webster JP: The effect of Toxoplasma gondii on animal behavior: playing cat Toxoplasma gondii infection did not cause significant change in body weight of animals (179.1 ± and adding some stress factor, e.g., infecting animals with , will shift the behavioral responseToxoplasma id: work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq author: Samuel D. Museus title: Editors'' Notes date: 2019 words: 1744 sentences: 99 pages: 4 flesch: 39 cache: ./cache/work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_upcrhcqpzzhwnmh4a5eiyhtcaq.txt summary: Volume Title: CREATING CONDITIONS FOR ASIAN AMERICANS TO THRIVE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Throughout history, racial exclusion has been a hallmark of the Asian American experience (Takaki, Asian Americans, all indicators suggest that these communities are shaping these major debates and that it is imperative that higher education engage Asian American communities in effectively and exclude Asian Americans (for thorough review, see Museus, antonio, & Kiang, 2016). other communities to develop more accurate knowledge of the Asian American experience, and result from failing to engage Asian American communities in such major conversations. Despite the reality that affirmative action has benefited Asian American communities the urgency of better understanding Asian American experiences and ways that such knowledge can exclude Asian Americans while simultaneously reinforcing other racial communities (Chapter 7). In California, Asian Americans find growing political power. Retrieved from Asian American students in higher education. id: work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q author: Sandra Starkweather title: Revisiting perceptions and evolving culture: a community dialogue on women in polar research date: 2018 words: 3126 sentences: 241 pages: 4 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4wmp3cy2hvflxdat4xcapanf6q.txt summary: women in polar research aCooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA; bScott Polar Research Institute, Women have made outstanding contributions to polar research in recent decades, though Remote field settings, such as those pervasive in polar research, timely at the Polar 2018 Open Science Conference in Davos, Switzerland, to convene a Entering the Field to Taking the Helm: Perspectives of Women in Polar Research"—took place the statistics related to workplace harassment and to encourage polar science organizations Women''s participation in polar research has grown Twentiethcentury policies barring women from polar field sites (Bell & Koenig 2017; Waldman 2018). of Women in Polar Research"—took place on 20 June that the Antarctic culture for female researchers is impact of women in polar research be limited by their Sexual harassment of women: climate, culture, and consequences in academic sciences, id: work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi author: Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta title: Languaging in digital global South–North spaces in the twenty-first century: media, language and identity in political discourse date: 2018 words: 15762 sentences: 1316 pages: 34 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3qlnybgv3vdhdfgkuxn3gqmvxi.txt summary: (Linell 2009) or the meaning-making and deployment of semiotic resources in contemporary political mediascapes in the nation-states of India and Sweden (henceforth Languaging, Identity‑positions, Political discourse, New social media, Ethnography on how new social media enable (or curtail) the participation of political parties, leaders and netizens. In addition to recognizing that alternative epistemologies are marginalized across time–space, the socioculturally oriented, decolonial perspective on media, identity and language presented multimodality and nation-state aligned identity-positions, including super/hyper-diversity, can potentially be studied from alternative perspectives (Bagga-Gupta and Dahlberg The dataset covers all posts and includes videos, live-videos, infographics and photographs posted on the official pages and comments and reactions by political party While Sw political leaders'' posts on their individual Facebook pages were at times recycled on their party pages (Fig. 3), this was never the case in the In-dataset. and participation spaces" and "Identity-positionings in political social media" sections) and participation spaces" and "Identity-positionings in political social media" sections) id: work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm author: Sanne van Oosten title: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: AN INTERVIEW WITH LIZA MÜGGE date: 2020 words: 2424 sentences: 233 pages: 2 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fynfbw3xaneonbrs3cixsie5rm.txt summary: out fresh out of my PhD, I also worked full time but received a SvO: To what extent did your transfer from anthropology to political science entail a shift in working culture and/or environment? I overall do see more women in political science, but we are far Yet, in research on politics and gender, women are overrepresented. we face is that work on gender is not always considered political politics and gender scholars gain increasing visibility in generalist political science journals. year, the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) to the way gender bias against women creates conflicts among European political science should take on (Mügge et al. Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1/2): 17–36. Patterns Working Women Need to Know. on the faculty in the political science department at that time, but (all male), I received support and encouragement for my work. id: work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a author: Sara Cohen Shabot title: Why ''normal'' feels so bad: violence and vaginal examinations during labour – a (feminist) phenomenology date: 2020 words: 9798 sentences: 710 pages: 21 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vbfzpa5ca5cxbiktokuaoomt6a.txt summary: Why ''normal'' feels so bad: violence and vaginal examinations during labour – a (feminist) phenomenology prevents labouring women (and obstetrics staff) from recognising vaginal examinations Butler, childbirth, embodiment, epistemology, labour, obstetric violence, phenomenology, sexual violence, shame, vaginal examinations Obstetric violence has been defined as physical and psychological violence performed by medical staff against women giving birth (Sadler, 2016; Cohen Shabot One constitutive feature of my own experience of obstetric violence was my constant subjection to vaginal examinations during labour. As with many elements of obstetric violence, vaginal examinations during childbirth are mostly unquestioned, seen as a ''natural'', ''normal'' part of ''labour management''. Some labouring women experience vaginal examinations as intrusive women and obstetrics staff from recognising vaginal examinations during labour practice''s violence but from the epistemic deficiency deriving from women''s situation under patriarchy and their phenomenological experiences within the context experiences of labouring women in general – and concerning vaginal examinations id: work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q author: Sara Morais Dos Santos Bruss title: Queering Feminist Solidarities date: 2019 words: 8700 sentences: 668 pages: 20 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rwr76zxcmrcqpgc6rvulgtpa6q.txt summary: Abstract: At the height of international visibility for #metoo, a crowdsourced list was published on Facebook that contained the names of prestigious Indian academics, accusing them of sexual harassment. I will argue that the non-upper-caste, non-heterosexual status of the leaker of the list, Raya Sarkar, necessitated the digital''s multiplicity to become a I will in closing argue that the list harnesses a multiplicity common in digital spaces that questions the capacity for identity politics The list must be read as an anti-caste and queer feminist Through LoSHA, I propose a queer reading of the digital as a space Precisely because of its collectivity, its connection to Me Too, and the centrality of Raya Sarkar as the queer Dalit leaker – their position in the US protecting and enabling them – LoSHA systemically identified faults in Indian feminism''s caste discourse. (19.08.2019). id: work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju author: Sarah Anderson title: ECR collective response: The future of criminology and the unsustainability of the status quo for ECRs date: 2020 words: 2014 sentences: 132 pages: 10 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dok2qvtxenhutgh3kcgqmdfgju.txt summary: ECR collective response: the future of criminology and the unsustainability of the status quo for ECRs ECR collective response: the future of ECR collective response: the future of The Future of Criminology and the Unsustainability of the Status Quo for ECRs the areas of future research identified in the piece. collective group of early career researchers (ECRs) are currently engaged, often in academic posts, creating a situation whereby many ECRs will become ''serial'' postdocs; employed on a succession of fixed-term, temporary, and precarious contracts a lack of recognition of the additional time inter-disciplinary research requires (e.g. to posts with unfinished outputs from previous projects and have limited time to engage in Funders may also see limited returns when ECRs move from their PhD to teachingheavy posts. higher and there are greater difficulties securing research funding in criminology, and Available at: id: work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy author: Sarah Banet-Weiser title: Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation date: 2019 words: 11003 sentences: 618 pages: 40 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hg76h3cecrek3mxmclgrk2kvxy.txt summary: term neoliberal feminism; and Sarah Banet-Weiser has just finished a book on popular feminism. neoliberal, and popular feminism all depend on and validate media platforms and organisations potentially generative in post, neoliberal and popular feminisms, and think through what might neoliberal feminism helps to both maintain a discourse of reproduction and care-work while Sarah''s work on popular feminism has compelled me to think about the relationship between The focus on inclusion by popular and neoliberal feminism is authorised by a specific political feminism is popular in part because of the media forms on which it circulates; feminist messages This feminist economy of visibility also facilitated postfeminism and neoliberal feminism; in the relationship between the media visibility of feminism and feminist energy and activism. on intergenerational feminism in Feminist Media Studies a couple of years ago (Gill, 2016). of popular feminism, or use media visibility as a way to expose structural violence, or are nonheteronormative and intersectional. id: work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua author: Sarah Crown Rundell title: 1. Promoting a Healthy Work Environment by Sarah Crown Rundell date: 2020 words: 2382 sentences: 170 pages: 3 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wux2lt5wtzehvhn6pe7dmhypua.txt summary: While the articles are focused on the prevention of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace, our society, many colleges and universities across the country offer training programs to prevent sexual harassment can hear your talk." Or, if you notice a colleague has posted In my department, if someone notices an article about a positive member of your department, people in your your department where others feel not only respected but people feel appreciated by pointing out where you do person from the situation or not, it''s helpful to follow up person is a senior member of your department and you member of the department, you may feel uncomfortable department and work environment and try to be open to took time during a department meeting for each member be periods of time when department members are able to might find it helpful to talk about the situation with a id: work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy author: Sarah E. Parkinson title: The dignity of complexity: Being human in political science date: 2018 words: 2308 sentences: 191 pages: 3 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tkqtrl3ehvfjrftehebjf5q4dy.txt summary: Field Research in Political Science: Practices and Principles. The last conversations I had with Lee Ann Fujii had nothing to do with violence, research methods, or political science. and ethical practices in research; her insistence that Lee Ann was a superb scholar of violence precisely humanity of those around her: research participants, the case of the laundry, Lee Ann''s laughter resulted from relationships made Lee Ann uniquely equipped to Remembering Lee Ann Fujii on humanity, often in ways that political scientists hesitate her recent volume on relational interviewing, Lee Ann was an elite, old, racist, white man; Lee Ann believed he location of the lynching, a piece of information Lee Ann For Lee Ann, this relationship illustrated how researcher-participant relationships (Fujii 2010). In it, Lee Ann walks scholars through a hypothetical complex dynamics of political violence, racism, or any Fujii, Lee Ann. 2010. Interviewing in Social Science Research: A Relational Approach. id: work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha author: Sarah M. Perman title: Public Perceptions on Why Women Receive Less Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Than Men in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vovi4yiebvfelcadqumuehhnha.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541560 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we author: Sarah Pickard title: France''s #Nuit Debout Social Movement: Young People Rising up and Moral Emotions date: 2018 words: 14562 sentences: 1395 pages: 21 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qdfwbtrxcrddrivlwbsfpq44we.txt summary: adversely, the Nuit Debout protest movement in France began in March 2016 when people gathered in Keywords: young people; social movements; protest; political participation; austerity; moral-political account of the political situation in France that provoked the Nuit Debout movement. shifts to the novelty of the Nuit Debout movement in a nation renowned for political protest. labour law legislation was the initial catalyst for the Nuit Debout, as the movement progressed, young Contrary to the idea young people were politically disengaged, young participants in Nuit Debout young people to participate in Nuit Debout. As many young people participating in Nuit Debout understood, they were moved to action Many of the young people participating in Nuit Debout were students (who were also working Young people involved in Nuit Debout describe their experiences of politics and identities variously Available online: (accessed on 24 September 2018). id: work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4 author: Sarah-Jayne Camp title: Awareness and support: students'' views about the prevention of sexual assault on UK campuses date: 2018 words: 28 sentences: 7 pages: flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5j4cyrxokbaivfqgmbcdggsop4.txt summary: Welcome | EQUELLA guest EQUELLA Welcome No institutions exist on this server Administer server Thank you for using EQUELLA Home | Privacy | Credits RSSTwitter© 2015 Pearson id: work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24 author: SarahS. Grace title: The sex offender and the criminal justice system date: 1984 words: 6581 sentences: 571 pages: 14 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n2oy4hmqpfd4zmoz7e5rutst24.txt summary: Whilst the focus is predominantly on ''victims'' (usually female) and people suspected or charged with sexual ofending (usually male) within the criminal justice system in England and Wales the concerns considerations in attrition.3 We agree that these are sensitive and important considerations.4 The concern here however, is the potential wrongful conviction and miscarriages of justice regarding those suspected of or charged with a sexual ofence. is currently being potentially undermined regarding sexual ofending and the outcome is miscarriages of justice and wrongful convictions. The threats to defendants'' rights have already been articulated.15 Many individuals in the criminal justice system "frequently slip into talking of victims (in trials), investigation, and an incomplete investigation is a threat to the whole process of justice".21 The above criticisms go against the wider sense of the presumption of innocence embodied in European human rights law in that "pre-trial procedures should The presumption of guilt and a climate of unquestioning belief in accusers'' narratives are not conined to England, Wales, and the criminal justice system. id: work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem author: Saralyn Mark title: Letter to the Editor date: 2018 words: 144 sentences: 27 pages: flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y4mqemkd6racda2ir77wlt2nem.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217541076 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku author: Satheesh Mathew title: The Invisible Culture of Discrimination date: 2019 words: 1049 sentences: 77 pages: 3 flesch: 46 cache: ./cache/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.txt summary: Call it ''institutional racism or unconscious bias, it has devastating impact on the victims Institutional racism, discrimination, race relations, BAME A recent ITV news item featured Radhakrishna Shanbag, a senior surgeon with over 20 years and prophesying that NHS has a zero tolerance policy to any form of abuse towards staff. The NHS Workforce Relations Equality Standard Report in 2018 2 highlighted the continued available organisational support structures were lacking in empathy and cultural competency. Professional trade union structures failed to provide appropriate support. BAPIO decided to establish a not-for profit professional support organisation in 2010 as the professional excellence for all doctors including IMGs and doctors from black and the other We have welcomed the NHS Long-Term Plan and its commitment to supporting NHS Workforce Race Equality Standards. 1. racist-abuse-against-nhs-staff-almost-triples-itv-news-finds/ 2. 3. David Oliver: Should NHS doctors work in unsafe conditions? 4. id: work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu author: Scott R. Freeman title: The Increasing Importance of Systematic Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research and Publication date: 2006 words: 3369 sentences: 218 pages: 4 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ezbiswdwvaltiifn3v3mawqzu.txt summary: The Increasing Importance of Systematic Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research and Publication Reviews in Clinical Dermatology Research reference to existing systematic reviews as a prerequisite for protocol approval and publication Authors of systematic reviews conducted within the Cochrane Collaboration make perform systematic, up-to-date reviews of randomized controlled trials of health care in areas of medicine outside Trials of new pharmaceutical agents often fail to compare crucial active comparators with the study drug. new class of medication for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, a systematic review combined data from randomized study reported that the median length of a Cochrane systematic review was 15 printed pages, and a substantial number Insisting on the need to mention whether or not a systematic review has been done, and how the existing body of evidence dictated the need for a new study, does seem entirely The Journal of Investigative Dermatology requires registration of all clinical trials that started enrollment after July id: work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy author: Sepideh Modrek title: The Spark of the #MeTooMovement: Text Analysis of the Early Twitter Conversation (Preprint) date: 2019 words: 534 sentences: 33 pages: 2 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sbe5dfwq65fplp7p7p74lgkjmy.txt summary: The Twitter Premium API has a maximum retrieval limit of 500 tweets per data request and each This process led to the loss of some request with non-overlap times to fill in missing tweets. to both some duplicate Tweets and brief periods with missing data. After data cleaning we had 11,935 non-duplicates tweets but based on the Twitter API counts the number of non-deleted tweets at the time of query. available via data endpoint due to user compliance actions." We queried the counts before Supplemental Methods 2: Description of the Demographics Pro Algorithm Demographics Pro then provided us with a distribution of gender, age and race/ethnicity for the handles we shared and similar data for a random sample of 20,000 Twitter users in the US as a comparison. Demographics Pro uses a series of proprietary machine learning algorithms to estimate or infer likely id: work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq author: Shamshad Akhtar title: To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs date: 2018 words: 935 sentences: 66 pages: 3 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_obwpofzgbrbx3cyfb7wjg3efuq.txt summary: To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women In 2018, we have an opportunity to accelerate progress towards gender equality. In Asia and the Pacific, there has been some progress towards greater equality. current trajectory, South Asia would achieve gender equality in 60 years, Central Asia in At the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia First, we need to improve women''s access to diverse sources of financing. Second, we must improve women''s access to ICT and innovative technologies. Gender equality in Asia would increase per capita income by 70 percent governments across Asia and the Pacific will be entrepreneurial about achieving equality Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. "To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs", IndraStra Global Vol. 04, Issue No: 03 (2018), 0013, | ISSN 2381-3652 To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs To Achieve Gender Equality, We Need Women Entrepreneurs id: work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm author: Sharon Thompson title: The Sexual Contract 30 Years on: A Conversation with Carole Pateman date: 2018 words: 6474 sentences: 441 pages: 13 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f2slrt7zkzhcfhawj7xxgkwcgm.txt summary: As socio-legal scholars, The Sexual Contract has been formative in, and transformative of, our understandings of law and gender. I thought of…the term, ''the sexual contract''", says Pateman. feminism "offered a different way of looking at all of this" and hence The Sexual Contract emerged as being "partly about the classic texts…and partly my rereading of them once I''d got this feminist perspective which made it all look so For readers of The Sexual Contract, these "eureka moments" are patent in Pateman''s writing over and over again. It has been enormously gratifying for Pateman to observe that the term ''the sexual contract'' has taken on a life of its own beyond the book, "people refer to it as a It is interesting to consider Pateman''s own response to reading The Sexual Contract once again in preparation for her opening address to the upcoming conference at Cardiff University and this interview. "The Sexual Contract", Women in Politics, Globalization and id: work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm author: Sheena J Vachhani title: Ethics, politics and feminist organizing: Writing feminist infrapolitics and affective solidarity into everyday sexism date: 2018 words: 13876 sentences: 950 pages: 48 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cksumcuat5as5negwcdydt4fhm.txt summary: are: what new forms of feminist organizing are developing to resist sexism and what are the Key words: affect, ethics, embodiment, everyday sexism, feminism, infrapolitics, solidarity. In this paper we analyse women''s resistance to sexism in a social movement: the resistance and feminist solidarity (Bates, 2018) and importantly addresses different axes of solidarity which is a central organizing feature in feminist resistance against sexism. feminist organising the politics of experience (Phipps, 2016) and economies of empathy affective solidarity is supported by two further modes of feminist organizing: the politics of website for the project enables individuals to anonymously post their experiences of sexism The ESP makes evident how women take their experience of sexism to a public yet problem of sexism and starts with women''s experiences, collecting them and acting upon conceptual analysis including: posts on the Everyday Sexism website, Bates'' published book id: work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci author: Sheena J. Vachhani title: Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements date: 2019 words: 11494 sentences: 862 pages: 14 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6svzzlv4bffefkkwxmulwlwqci.txt summary: Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social the development of a practical democratic ethics and politics of organizations; (ii) to explore two key cases of contemporary in which a practical democratic politics proceeding from an embodied ethics of difference forms an important advancement Keywords Alterity · Democracy · Difference · Feminism · Feminist ethics · Irigaray · Radical politics · Gender · Ziarek To translate this further into organizational terms, feminist ethics and politics offer ways of disturbing organizations, pushing beyond constructed categories assigned to us, In this sense, Irigaray and Ziarek both enable the development of a practical democratic ethics whereby "women Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent… Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements id: work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm author: Sher-Lu Pai title: Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion date: 2018 words: 835 sentences: 168 pages: flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7qyju2ba45gdlil2fd6wcjkwzm.txt summary: [PDF] Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 47013148Top 10 Things Women Anesthesiologists Must Do for Academic Promotion As gender equality and equity continue to progress, shining a spotlight on academic promotion for women in anesthesiology may help to ensure equal academic advancement for future anesthesiologists, regardless of their gender. Sort by Most Influenced Papers Gender-Based Disparity in Academic Ranking and Research Productivity Among Canadian Anesthesiology Faculty Twelve tips to promote gender equity in international academic medicine Recruitment, Promotion, and Retention of Women in Academic Medicine: How Institutions Are Addressing Gender Disparities. Raj, Samantha E Kaplan, K. The Status of Women in Academic Anesthesiology: A Progress Report Status of Women in Academic Anesthesiology View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background id: work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y author: Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin title: Female Faculty: Why So Few and Why Care? date: 2020 words: 4217 sentences: 358 pages: 6 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_spsys7qw2jclzhoql5demdx42y.txt summary: This is true, also in Sweden where we both work now, a country frequently and rightly praised for gender equality. of Grade A staff (equivalent to full professor, EU-28 18 %, Figure 1 A) in natural sciences.[1] The challenges to reach a women are less represented in Grade A positions than in academia generally, that is, that there is a glass ceiling effect We will then present an example of a promising gender equality initiative in academia (currently taking place at one of the men, for the same performance, as well as gender bias in general.[17] Several studies show it is harder for women to publish, higher impact.[22] Since the goal of universities is to be successful, promoting gender equality becomes everybody''s problem (A) Proportion (%) of women among Grade A staff in natural sciences (full professor equivalent). Genie is to stimulate and help each department to take ownership of and responsibility for gender-equality work. id: work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4 author: Sicco van Gelder title: The new imperatives for global branding: Strategy, creativity and leadership date: 2005 words: 5050 sentences: 344 pages: 10 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gq5qqpsypfa43b7uyfexfngij4.txt summary: branding: Strategy, creativity This paper argues that the combination of strategy, creativity and leadership is going to be the key to the success of global brands in the coming decade. global brands in the coming decade. create value if the brand that is devised entire strategy process from the formulation of a vision for the brand right Strategy, creativity and leadership Strategy, creativity and leadership Strategy, creativity and leadership business strategy to branding is that it brands'' products and services, and strategy comes in: to translate the brand places, brand development partnerships, marketing partnerships and between strategy, creativity and leadership, and to apply branding as the combine strategy, creativity and leadership differ significantly. due to a differing brand strategy, as due to a differing brand strategy, as force management to be highly creative when devising global or international strategies. the brand difficult to manage globally. strategy, creativity and leadership right, id: work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy author: Sienna Ballou title: The #OthelloSyllabus: Twitter as Play date: 2020 words: 3454 sentences: 338 pages: 9 flesch: 10 cache: ./cache/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lhuxshwobzerxcny6bed23lozy.txt summary: on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, William Shakespeare''s Othello, and Jordan Peele''s Get Out. In weekly twessays, posting responses during community lectures, and in devising a Twitter play, the platform''s paradoxical mix of anonymity and very public writing worked to develop in notes, students pulled out their phones to post at least three tweets with the course hashtag #OthelloSy17 during and in response to questions Students Kylie Wong and Dana McCarthy share their Twitter play with a showcase attendee. 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 id: work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq author: Silvia Boide title: Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht''s Work? date: 2018 words: 2174 sentences: 183 pages: 6 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6lnpplwn2zcaxgzmx4x2wkscdq.txt summary: Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht''s Work? Swiss author Christian Kracht, who is known for his reticence to appear in public, was announced to Kracht starts his lecture by provoking laughter in the audience by referring to his missing talent as Die Aufregung um Christian Krachts Poetikvorlesung in der Mediennachlese." https://, 15.07.2018, accessed 28.11.2018). With his lecture, as the panorama of reviews shows, Kracht poses the same regnete nicht.'' Christian Krachts Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten als literarische Kracht starts the third lecture with a reading of an early review of his debut novel Faserland. de/kultur/literatur/2018-05/christian-kracht-vorlesung-frankfurt-abschluss, 23. But Kracht also refers to the genre explicitly and suggests that "This is Christian Kracht Boide, Silvia: "Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht''s Work?". Boide, Silvia: "Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen 2018 – New Perspectives on Christian Kracht''s Work?". id: work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu author: Simon Rosenberg title: The Women''s Prize for Fiction and Book Studies date: 2020 words: 3605 sentences: 248 pages: 6 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ql2jj3ykfzfcpljt245u3y6mwu.txt summary: Just a few years after the first Nobel cerBOOK STUDIES AND BOOK AWARDS Although provocative in itself, it was the book''s winning the "Women''s Prize for Fiction" (WPfF)1 which The Women''s Prize for Fiction and Book Studies Creating a literary book award and restricting it to one gender, rather than one genre, language or country, was bound to be controversial. It was this shortlist that provided the impetus to create one of the most controversially discussed literary book prizes Telegraph that the WPfF is a ''sexist con-trick'', stating that underrepresented groups among the winners of the two most important British book prizes, shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize from its inception in 1969 until 1991 were female, and 38 per between the author''s work and the values and ideologies of the institution that awards the prize. Controversial Novel Wins Orange Prize. Prize for Fiction." Women''s Studies, vol. age), and, more recently, book prize culture in the id: work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq author: Siobhan McAndrew title: The values of culture? Social closure in the political identities, policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers date: 2019 words: 9142 sentences: 739 pages: 23 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3u5qtgz3lrfqpgwyi3slnoptgq.txt summary: Social closure in the political identities, policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers'', The Sociological Review. political identities of workers in the creative industries and cultural sector. cultural and creative industries, cultural workers, left-right politics, liberalism, social attitudes, cultural sector workers exhibit unusually liberal, pro-welfare and left-wing attitudes. These two analytic stages build on existing findings regarding the social closure of occupations associated with cultural production (O''Brien, Laurison, Miles, & Friedman, 2016; Oakley et al., 2017). We examine how scores on each scale vary by occupational class (comparing cultural workers with managerial, intermediate and routine The difference between the two categories of arts workers is also not significant, suggesting they share a sectoral rather than class-based values profile. occupational status, cultural workers are the most liberal on average, and the most prowelfare (except for the ''never worked'' sector). id: work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4 author: Smiriti Kanangat title: Letter from the Editors date: 2020 words: 565 sentences: 112 pages: 1 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_acjvclwoprdoppnm24hmuyvbb4.txt summary: push remains for innovative expectancy have improved world, thanks to innovative mission The Journal of Global improvement in parts of the the history of global health is the forms of innovation have global healthcare delivery in lowincome countries. also been new solutions to end This issue marks The Journal of Global Health''s seventh year of leading insightful global health by our authors and editors. single issue can possibly present from the world of global health our mission to promote global health dialogue and impactful research in the form of our physical journal, global health New York, NY, 10027, USA Manuscripts should be submitted at THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH Letter from the Editors EDITORS-IN-CHIEF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Smiriti Kanangat EXECUTIVE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR SENIOR EDITORS ASSOCIATE EDITORS Kelly Lew ONLINE EDITORS Kat Chen Patrick Kelly Smriti Kanangat Smriti Kanangat id: work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi author: Smriti Mallapaty title: COVID-vaccine results are on the way — and scientists'' concerns are growing date: 2020 words: 2286 sentences: 164 pages: 2 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_epmw5dnvw5hxzo6p2v7dwjgesi.txt summary: secretary when an NAS member is accused, and says Meg Urry, an astrophysicist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who became Election to the NAS — a lifetime appointment — is often considered one of the highest honours a US scientist can receive. at the university who filed sexual-harassment Why no one has used the new NAS system to file reporting harassers to its members and to the McNutt says that the NAS members who are 2017, says that these scientists'' lack of participation in academy activities is not enough. vaccine candidate developed by the University of Oxford and pharmaceutical company trials early to get fast-tracked approval. the UK trial of the Oxford vaccine had been vaccine, that is notable, says Raina MacIntyre, allow the US trials to resume, says MacIntyre. even if the trial is stopped early, says Viele. a trial that tried to establish whether a vaccine id: work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm author: SoRelle Wyckoff Gaynor title: ADVICE FOR WOMEN AND FOR THEIR COLLEAGUES AND MENTORS: AN INTERVIEW WITH FRANCES E. LEE date: 2020 words: 3554 sentences: 277 pages: 3 flesch: 72 cache: ./cache/work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rbrm564mjfeglhhwtkqdonomdm.txt summary: These conferences provide good opportunities for networking and making people aware of one''s work. earlier work on the same topic that was coauthored by a very senior scholar who also was at the conference. in professionalism during the course of my career: people present papers that are too rough for prime time, panel chairs who a new professor, were you aware of a gender disparity in the field scholars as I studied for comps and worked on my dissertation. female graduate students interested in American politics tend to For those in a mentorship role, it''s great to talk to female graduate students about the challenges that they face. SG: What are some disadvantages you see women facing in legislative studies? Female scholars in the legislative University for my PhD, my major field was women in politics. of scholars who do women of color studies. the legislative studies field. id: work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy author: Sophie Bergerbrant title: Editorial date: 2019 words: 1991 sentences: 213 pages: 10 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2slpescrlfe43dl5jgogbh2tyy.txt summary: The Swedish Archaeological Society & Nordic Academic Press Current Swedish Archaeology is published in one annual volume. © The Swedish Archaeological Society & the Authors 2019 Sandby Borg: New Perspectives for Iron Age Archaeology in the Baltic Region. This year for the first time Current Swedish Archaeology presents a themed to vary the format between keynotes and themed sections – each time followed by individual research papers covering our usual breadth of subjects Then comes a report from the conference Sandby borg – New perspectives for Iron Age archaeology in the Baltic region, which was held at CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. CURRENT SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGY VOL. The final notice in this volume is written by Magnus Djerfsten and introduces the ongoing and planned archaeological surveys and excavations For more information, please see the webpage of the Swedish Archaeological Society. editors of Current Swedish Archaeology id: work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii author: Sophie Chadelle title: Conference Report: 25th SERCIA Conference: "Trouble on Screen" date: 2019 words: 4470 sentences: 269 pages: 9 flesch: 55 cache: ./cache/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sttmmjgixvasliifxlwc4pgsii.txt summary: Sophie Chadelle and Mikaël Toulza, "Conference Report: 25th SERCIA Conference: "Trouble on Occidentale) analyzed the detectives'' diagnosed mental troubles in three series: (Université Paris Nanterre) studied the factual, spectatorial and genre troubles in The 5 Timothy Corrigan''s keynote explored the troubling relation between film and the real emphasized that films are a way to represent reality as a certain variation of the real, porn and how this difference played an important role in the reception of films such as the film to a trip, hence the importance of aesthetics in the reception, not so much in Satanism which troubles the film''s aesthetics. argued that both films explore the troubles associated with working-class WASP notion of trouble on screen was brilliantly tackled throughout this conference, which conveyed through the aesthetics of films or series, the narrative and characterization Keywords: trouble, cinema, seriality, serial, series, TV, media, internet, film, television, id: work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae author: Srijeeta Mukherjee title: Millennium women: Sexual challenges in the digital era date: 2020 words: 5536 sentences: 625 pages: 10 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z5hqud2kkfbmjhbiioaz3rj4ae.txt summary: Millennium women: Sexual challenges in the digital era Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Online sexual harassment social media, and online dating sites, or Several victims of online sexual harassment pornography, Online Sexual Grooming Online communities and social media have risky sexual online behavior across the lifespan. Digitizing rape culture: Online sexual violence and the power of the digital Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture Volume (6), Issue (1) id: work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m author: Staker, Abigail (Abby) title: The Gender Funding Gap Within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the United States: Does a Correlation Exist Among Gender, Industry, and Funding? date: 2020 words: 12679 sentences: 1061 pages: 57 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_idreizapavdfflc2jvez4tny4m.txt summary: females delivered higher revenues, a gender gap persisted in new-business funding (Abouzahr, capital industry, (2) gender bias, and (3) femaleversus male-owned company characteristics and in the financial capital industry, (2) implicit bias in entrepreneurial financing, and (3) femaleversus male-owned company characteristics and owner attitudes. less than 5% of total venture capital funding went to female-owned firms (Gatewood, Brush, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, the researchers found the gender funding gap not likely to to receive funding from venture capital investors than companies with even one female on the Differing industry focuses by males and females further explains the gender funding in percent of total funding invested in all-female and mixed gender founded ventures. sample dataset time period for all-female teams, the discrepancy in average funding between allfemale and all-male founded ventures approximated $11 million. predicted funding amount for an all-male founded venture exceeds all-female and mixed gender id: work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na author: Stefanie Gillson title: The Women''s Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women date: 2020 words: 1047 sentences: 69 pages: 2 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dqoyxo5snvfmjjzl2spd7xi2na.txt summary: The Women''s Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead multidisciplinary Women''s Mental Health Conference. The conference also touched upon pressing contemporary issues in women''s mental health, including the effect of (from the departments of psychiatry, obstetrics, and gynecology) organized the conference to increase awareness and the contributions of women''s mental health advocates, researchers, and clinicians. The scarcity of women''s mental health education holds To improve education in women''s mental health, the committee helped revamp Yale''s women''s mental health curriculum for the psychiatry residency training program in 2019. care for patients while offering Yale residents a training opportunity in women''s mental health. To highlight the work of existing women''s mental health The success of the inaugural Women''s Mental Health The Women''s Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women The Women''s Mental Health Conference at Yale: Trainees Lead the Way to Improving Care for Women id: work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye author: Stephen Palmer title: Incorporating option values into the economic evaluation of health care technologies date: 2000 words: 8477 sentences: 622 pages: 27 flesch: 52 cache: ./cache/work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lmf4qry3sbfvdbjb2rhzqdqnye.txt summary: DP166.Incorporating Option Values Into the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies Despite uncertainty being intrinsic to economic evaluation of health care, existing techniques appraisal, methodologies for incorporating uncertainty into health technology evaluation are many health care decisions involve considerable uncertainty, often involving an irreversible Table 2: Cost-per-QALY estimates (£) for 7 medical procedures after sensitivity analysis of outcome and cost-per-QALY estimates for procedures 5-7 exceed the critical threshold the decision maker the benefits of the technology to be valued as V, and there is an investment cost of I. In cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) the health benefits of alternative interventions are Applications of option pricing theory to the evaluation of health care technologies decision rules conventionally used to evaluate health care technologies. Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health care The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. id: work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a author: Stuart Davis title: From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism date: 2019 words: 9019 sentences: 588 pages: flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_j6pma7azrfdsvmuamp3ynrhq3a.txt summary: More specifically, it will draw on a case study of the Mexico City-based feminist media collective Las Morras in order to address both the role of networked digital activism for raising awareness about gender-based harassment and its limits for facilitating longer-term social/political transformations. Incorporating a qualitative content analysis of the responses to YouTube videos and comments taken from Las Morras'' Twitter and Facebook accounts (before deletion) with in-depth interviews with three of the group''s four founding members, we argue that Las Morras offers a powerful illustration of the paradoxical role of networked digital media as activist tool. Our analysis draws on the case of Las Morras to first present a conceptual interrogation of the difficulties of sustaining activist projects borne or incubated digitally as well as an opening in the move described by Dubravka and Davis (2018), Mason-Deese (2018), Rodino-Colocino (2019) and others to utilise digital media as part of a larger repertoire of solidarity-building tactics within social movement campaigns fighting rape culture, everyday misogyny, gender-based violence, and other systemic issues related to structural power differentials. id: work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu author: Sue Hamilton title: Director''s Report, 2019–20 date: 2020 words: 6878 sentences: 618 pages: 26 flesch: 36 cache: ./cache/work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jeai2fjxwjexroim6mdfsdzycu.txt summary: We are pleased to announce a new UCL Institute of Archaeology PhD are available here: the first event in the 2019–20 UCL Institute of Archaeology/British This year''s UCL Institute of Archaeology Gordon Childe Lecture was team of archaeologists led by UCL''s Institute of Archaeology.'' ''UCL Institute of Archaeology researchers are involved in collaborative id: work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy author: Suprakash Chaudhury title: Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment date: 2017 words: 623 sentences: 129 pages: flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3ygwbwjanfhjpef2dzhaqqgsfy.txt summary: Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51935103Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment title={Misogyny, feminism, and sexual harassment}, Chaudhury, +1 author Samiksha Sahu Feminism is a gamut of socio political movements and ideologies that share a common goal to delineate, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.[8] Feminist movements over decades have campaigned for rights of women, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 2 excerpts, cites background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background View 3 excerpts, references background id: work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola author: Susan Berridge title: Mum''s the word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries date: 2019 words: 9393 sentences: 506 pages: 18 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lnpjrz46kzcmbiepqytzasyola.txt summary: Berridge S, Mum''s the Word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring responsibilities with work Title: Mum''s The Word: Public testimonials and gendered experiences of negotiating caring While at times women reinforce new labouring subjectivities that privilege selfregulation, they simultaneously critique the punishing nature of neoliberal working cultures, Film and Television Industries; Gender Inequalities; Care; Neoliberalism; Production reconciling caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries, paying reconciling caring responsibilities with work in the film and television industries, paying micro analysis of the testimonials of parents who work in the film and television industries explores the specificities of women''s experiences of working in the film industry, including women who work in the film and television industries feel. responsibilities on gendered inequalities in the film and television industries in more depth public testimonials of the challenges of reconciling caring responsibilities with creative work of the women to reconciling creative work with caring responsibilities. id: work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4 author: Susan M. Sterett title: Introduction: Reflecting on the Profession date: 2018 words: 4073 sentences: 427 pages: 4 flesch: 56 cache: ./cache/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_buywtljxx5ebjftvg2nsgu7hn4.txt summary: doi:10.1017/S1049096518001245 © American Political Science Association, 2018 PS • January 2019 31 This is how Patricia Williams, the legal scholar, closed her path-breaking essay, "On Being the Object of Property." In it, she reflected on her place in law and the legal academy as an African American woman, as a law professor, and as the In recent years, political science has been fostering discussion of strategies for advancing women in the academy. Therefore, this symposium comprises reflections on building careers in political science. Politics, to Judith Grant, to Laura Mateczun, and to the participants in the workshop funded by National Science Foundation Faculty: The Differential Effects of Where You Work (Institutional Characteristics) and What You Do (Negotiate and Publish)." PS: Political Science & women''s and gender studies and political science at Department of Political Science at the University of Political Science at the University of North id: work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi author: Susan P. Phillips title: When will it ever end? And how? Sexual harassment of female medical faculty date: 2020 words: 1107 sentences: 123 pages: 2 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vxntw6mchjemhfb5yxaikr5upi.txt summary: journal homepage: Sexual harassment of female medical sexual harassment of American medical faculty shows the breadth Sexual harassment and victims'' fears of reprisals from naming it Women in medicine have reported sexual Raj et al report a decrease in sexual those who stay despite severe sexual harassment have a drive and But what does the persistence of sexual harassment in DOI of original article: sexual harassment their complaint is seen as a ''one off '', for which P. Phillips is the sole author of this commentary. Effects of sexual harassment on advancement of women in academic medicine: a multi-institutional longitudinal study. Sexual harassment and discrimination experiences of academic medical faculty. [4] Harassment and sexual violence in the workplace � public consultation. harassment of Canadian medical students: a national survey. Sexual harassment of Sexual harassment of female medical faculty Sexual harassment of female medical faculty id: work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne author: Susan Rees title: Believe #metoo: sexual violence and interpersonal disclosure experiences among women attending a sexual assault service in Australia: a mixed-methods study date: 2019 words: 10412 sentences: 1806 pages: 11 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6fedjpe6cvhu7gr6ov2pizb3ne.txt summary: disclosure of sexual abuse to parents and family family members and the extent to which negative reactions to sexual abuse disclosure play a role in exacerbating adverse mental health outcomes. Several studies have attempted to identify a measurable relationship between disclosure experiences, mental 2. Enable disclosure of the sequence of events and responses, and underlying mechanisms, especially related to the disclosure experience, that may have increased risk of mental harm following sexual abuse. The study was designed and led by mental health professionals with skills in working with sexual assault victims. where major events occurred (sexual assault, disclosure, the victim''s emotional response and her attribution regarding the impact on the onset and course of mental health problems and risk of exposure to sexual abuse in sexual abuse, disclosure and mental illness. of sexual abuse, disclosure experiences in relation to Study reveals negative disclosure experiences of sexual abuse to family members, id: work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te author: Swati Arora title: Be a Little Careful: Women, Violence, and Performance in India date: 2019 words: 11027 sentences: 707 pages: 16 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.pdf txt: ./txt/work_himnslxtmzhijeyzcujc6rm3te.txt summary: In this article Swati Arora analyzes a contemporary Indian feminist performance, Thoda Thoda Dhyaan Se are limited to urban, middle-class, and upper-caste women and overlook the oppressive realities of women from non-urban, lower-class, and lower-caste of theatre and performance, feminist theory, critical urban studies, post/de-colonial theory, Key terms: gender, caste, violence, feminist theatre, Delhi, urban space, Mallika Taneja. of performance in the urban public spaces of limited to urban, middle-class, and uppercaste women and exclude the oppressive space afforded by the naked body of Taneja, concerns of urban women like her – middleclass, educated, liberal, English-speak ing, Women protesting against gender violence at Jantar Mantar on 16 December 2013. ing to limit women''s mobility, Taneja''s been dominated by middle-class, uppercaste women living in urban spaces, the Contemporary Women''s Protests (New Delhi: Zubaan, Gender, Space and Resistance: Women and Theatre in India Practice in the Women''s Movement in India (New Delhi: id: work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu author: Tali Bogler title: Female family physicians and the first 5 years: In pursuit of gender equity, work-life integration, and wellness date: 2019 words: 144 sentences: 26 pages: flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_363irzbhqrf4bnksoeiqn2yppu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 217546703 ( Time: 2021/04/06 01:56:17 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha author: Tanya van Wyk title: Redressing the past, doing justice in the present: Necessary paradoxes date: 2019 words: 9534 sentences: 683 pages: 9 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6ahg7ptuxfhrvndyoweqv2miha.txt summary: In 2003, South African feminist theologian Denise Ackermann published a book that was about is explored by presenting the notion of ''paradox'' as a response to ''binary thinking''. as a response to increasing polarisation because of a struggle in redressing past injustices: the done by bringing the work of the South African practical theologian, Denise Ackermann, in that is caused by dealing with injustice, difference and memory in a polarising fashion. of the ideas proposed by Ackermann and Volf, and as a way to live together, ''after the locusts''. Keywords: paradox; binary; justice; transformation; identity; diversity; otherness; memory; This article represents re-worked aspects of a paper entitled ''Reconciling diversity ''after the locusts'': A political-theological landscape'', 3.Volf''s introspection with regard to his memories is based on his interpretation of identity, justice and the Christian paradox of being present is based on embracing difference (Ackermann between the past and the present, identity and difference, id: work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i author: Tessa Kerkman title: Traumatic Experiences and the Midwifery Profession: A Cross‐Sectional Study Among Dutch Midwives date: 2019 words: 5860 sentences: 780 pages: 8 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a7cttaeyfzboxnjccmm27csu4i.txt summary: Contraceptive consultations: A cross-sectional study of Norwegian women''s experiences and opinions INTRODUCTION Access to contraceptive consultations and the content of these Norwegian women''s experiences of and opinions on contraceptive consultations. RESULTS Few women found it hard to access consultations (5%). majority of women deemed issues of sexual wellbeing important to address during contraceptive/sexual health consultations. CONCLUSIONS Women want contraceptive consultations to include more information on side effects and available hormonal contraceptives. be asked about their sexual health and wellbeing during contraceptive consultations. Women should be made aware that midwives can provide contraceptive services women''s experiences and opinions on contraceptive use sexual health and wellbeing as part of the contraceptive hormonal contraceptives to women aged 16–20 years since Women were asked if questions on sexual wellbeing had regarding questions on contraceptives, sexual health Women''s opinions on questions regarding sexual health and wellbeing during contraceptive women''s access to contraceptive consultations. women''s access to contraceptive consultations. id: work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe author: Tessa Mae MacIntyre title: White feminist fragility : from part of the problem to radical allyship date: 2020 words: 17577 sentences: 983 pages: 72 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_k7hqs3pngjhz7onfdabic2choe.txt summary: racism, decentre whiteness in feminist practice, and commit to radical anti-racism work ways white feminists can cause harm to women of colour. This can only be accomplished if white women who practice feminism commit philosophy by women of colour available, why do white feminists still struggle to talk feminists, in the intentional ignorance towards issues of racism and white supremacy strategy was to create a racism consciousness raising group, for white women only When white feminists insist racism will be solved once women achieve If mainstream feminist practice is white feminism, is the movement capable of deconstruction of white feminism; this will include utilizing the work of women of colour of McClung, and then to the white women holding the Feminist conference Lorde white feminism, but I would like to propose a radical challenge to all feminists who are white women, many feminists of colour have still taken the time to create resources, id: work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja author: Theodore L. Caputi title: Internet Searches for Sexual Harassment and Assault, Reporting, and Training Since the #MeToo Movement date: 2019 words: 1638 sentences: 281 pages: 2 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dvlza5voujflnorvf375tcavja.txt summary: Internet Searches for Sexual Harassment and Assault, Reporting, and Training Since the #MeToo Movement Methods | We monitored the volume of Google searches originating from the United States that were indicative of sexual harassment and/or assault awareness (all searches including monitored the subset of these searches that focused on seeking resources for reporting of sexual harassment and/or Results | Sexual harassment and/or assault searches were 86% terms, the post-#MeToo period corresponded with the greatest number of sexual harassment and/or assault searches ever sexual harassment and/or assault has major public health US Google Searches for Sexual Harassment terms "sexual" and "assault" or "harassment." B, The subset of searches that Public health investments in preventing sexual harassment and/or assault is disproportionately small compared with Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Caputi, Nobles, Ayers. To explore this possibility, we examined trends in PCIs coded for acute indications in the outpatient setting in 3 large and geographically dispersed states. id: work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy author: Theodore L. Hayes title: Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training date: 2020 words: 14201 sentences: 1433 pages: 20 flesch: 42 cache: ./cache/work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gevaz6edkzgshow7zlmfkqvajy.txt summary: Keywords: unlawful racial discrimination; sexual harassment; applied psychological interventions; training; professional skills to the job." However, while harassment and discrimination might be signs of poor interpersonal skills, and while training might effectively improve skills in general, damage to the organization''s reputation (and the well-being of employees) arises from the behavior of individual Psychologically trained practitioners in organizations, including I-O psychologists, social psychologists, clinical psychologists, and consulting psychologists, are in positions to implement behavioral interventions designed to mitigate or eliminate unlawful racial discrimination and sexual Research Question #1: Will unlawful racial discrimination or sexual harassment training Models of sexual harassment and unlawful racial discrimination training generally unlawful racial discrimination or sexual harassment behavior is a continuum of harm, there Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training Coffee and controversy: How applied psychology can revitalize sexual harassment and racial discrimination training id: work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi author: Therése Skoog title: Study protocol for PRISE: a longitudinal study of sexual harassment during the transition from childhood to adolescence date: 2019 words: 8103 sentences: 687 pages: 10 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2kfbj5stjzetnprxkueixdxwfi.txt summary: harassment and potential correlates including biological (e.g., pubertal development), psychosocial (e.g., selfassertiveness, self-image, peer relations), and contextual (e.g., classroom climate, norms) factors. examine school readiness and policies in relation to sexual harassment and collect register data to assess the Keywords: Sexual harassment, Peer victimization, School, Longitudinal, Late childhood, Adolescence, Testimonies from the #metoo movement, and evidence from a small, tentative body of mainly crosssectional research, converge to reveal that sexual harassment becomes part of young people''s lives early in and psychological (e.g., self-esteem, body esteem, resilience, satisfaction with class and school, reactions if sexually harassed) factors within the individual. objective of the PRISE study is to examine the prevalence of sexual harassment over the course of the transition from late childhood to early adolescence and its school personnel) on child and adolescent development in general, and sexual harassment among young id: work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma author: Thomas Grimmsmann title: Polypharmacy in primary care practices: an analysis using a large health insurance database date: 2009 words: 5711 sentences: 519 pages: 8 flesch: 67 cache: ./cache/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ia4e5scbgbdhjdowfc3hnomuma.txt summary: Polypharmacy in primary care practices: an analysis using a large health insurance database prescribing profiles in practices with a high rate of polypharmacy patients (HPP) and a low rate of polypharmacy patients (LPP), respectively. Methods This observational study used a database composed of prescription data from a large German statutory health insurance. defined polypharmacy as the continuous prescription of five or more drugs and calculated the percentage of polypharmacy patients for each Results A total of 136 521 patients in 730 general practices received continuous medication. Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words — polypharmacy; prescriptions; drug utilisation review; databases; family practice have studied prevalence rates of polypharmacy in 173 practices in a defined region of of practices or doctors with a high rate of polypharmacy prescriptions could also be proxies for other patients (''high'' polypharmacy practices, HPP) and to id: work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru author: Thomas Kilduff title: "Identity" in Publishing: The New Currency date: 2020 words: 4059 sentences: 385 pages: 10 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gn56e24phzhu7fx44ofjlbseru.txt summary: "Identity" in Publishing: The New Currency [Modern forms of publishing include writing blogs and posting diverse content on social media. In this context, how do library and/or information services relate to questions of identity in the infosphere, the new currency is not money nor content, reputation or character, but the idea of Identity is the new face of a creator in a world known as a transitional identity, one that separates "work" publishing sites (like LinkedIn, If identity is the new currency, then there are some groups and individuals who try to Available at: (Accessed 17 April (Accessed 17 March 2020). Available at:,9171,1570810,00.html (Accessed (2016) ''Elena Ferrante: literary storm as Italian reporter ''identifies'' author'',,9171,1570810,00.html Available at: (Accessed 12 id: work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci author: Tiffany Page title: Making Power Visible: "Slow Activism" to Address Staff Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education date: 2019 words: 10238 sentences: 631 pages: 30 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gskppskys5df5kx4d45rxxy6ci.txt summary: Making power visible: ''Slow activism'' to address staff sexual misconduct in Higher Education This article examines activism to address staff-to-student sexual misconduct in higher education in the We argue that in order to tackle staff sexual misconduct in higher education, the problem has This article takes this starting point to examine the activism that we have undertaken to address staffto-student sexual misconduct in UK higher education, focusing on the problem of initiating and process of making complaints of staff sexual misconduct to institutions in which we were enrolled as The study found that institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct tended The silencing of experiences of staff sexual misconduct within institutions students and staff.9 The need for institutional action to be visible, while the details of sexual staff sexual misconduct visible within the higher education sector, and more widely discussed in Sexual harassment of students by university staff hidden by id: work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i author: Torsten Lange title: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism date: 2020 words: 8220 sentences: 859 pages: 10 flesch: 51 cache: ./cache/work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m3jphgaomrchxg63dnpn2afl3i.txt summary: This Special Collection explores the impact of current feminist discourse on architectural historiography. authors have begun to question whether this reinvigoration of feminism and its associated phenomena constitute a new, ''fourth wave'' (Baumgardner 2011; Munro critical reflection about, fourth wave feminism in academic debate both within and beyond architecture has to include the contribution of women within or alongside the canonical histories of architecture (men writing Lori Brown and Karen Burns'' article ''Telling Transnational Histories of Women in Architecture, 1960–2015'' New work in women''s history and gender studies, particularly that of Black and queer scholars such as Saidiya work of feminist architectural history in the fourth wave, Designing Women: Gender and the Architectural Profession. Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 Lange and Pérez-Moreno: Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism Art. 26, page 9 of 10 id: work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru author: Trichy V. Krishnan title: To push for stardom or not: A rookie''s dilemma in the Tamil movie industry date: 2010 words: 12640 sentences: 917 pages: 13 flesch: 80 cache: ./cache/work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7gpx7smatfcrliea74cw73qrru.txt summary: when the probability of success is neither too high nor too low and when the producer invests actors, and although the success rate of a movie with a new Leenders (2005) studied the effect of employing established actors and stars on the financing of movies and found taken the Low strategy in stage 1.) If the movie had been Cost to make the movie that hires a new face Z Cb Table 4 SR choosing high or low: Impact of combinations of Pr (probability that the SR''s movie would be a hit) and H (Cost of The parameter e tells how the market updates the probability of success of the SR''s movie in stage 2 using the To push for stardom or not: A rookie''s dilemma in the Tamil movie industry To push for stardom or not: A rookie''s dilemma in the Tamil movie industry id: work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m author: Upasana Mahanta title: Women and Law in South Asia date: 2019 words: 3134 sentences: 173 pages: 7 flesch: 48 cache: ./cache/work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g6lmne7hqzcrddqldo6eosvy6m.txt summary: This special issue of the Jindal Global Law Review (JGLR) is themed ''Women and volume we could look towards was Violence, Law and Women''s Rights in South 1 Savitri Goonesekere (ed), Violence, Law and Women''s Rights in South Asia (Sage Publications 2004) contemporary legal issues that women in South Asia encounter. of the proposed categories of ''women'', ''law'' and ''South Asia'' as well as offering Lived experiences of women in South Asia often navigate the volatility of individual and group rights, honor and shame, purity and pollution, customary practices and modern citizenship rights, extreme poverty, illiteracy, women in South Asia continue to primarily look towards law, and not politics, for Our "feminist curiosity"7 stems from seeking to understand the workings of law in South Asia from a offer critical insights into the socio-legal lives of women in South Asia. Women and Law in South Asia Women and Law in South Asia id: work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa author: Valery Ridde title: It''s time to address sexual violence in academic global health date: 2019 words: 3875 sentences: 711 pages: 4 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3mdu7b7venck5icgbnz4tjzwwa.txt summary: violence in global health academic research.5 common in academic global health.6 7 While researchers engaged in global health partnerships to ensure that collaborations are fair and US medical students'' global health internships found no mention of sexual harassment where universities are increasingly developing global health training programmes As with sexual violence in universities in the Global health research field placements, engage in inappropriate and sometimes predatory sexual behaviour. a sexual harassment policy that meets the four best practices according to Global Health 50/50: commitment other inequalities in global health research partnerships, Our actions must be informed by up-to-date prevention guidelines on sexual violence on college/university issues in academic global health, with programmes for young women in global health. and collaborative partnerships for global health research learning It''s time to address sexual violence in academic global health It''s time to address sexual violence in academic global health id: work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu author: Vanessa Quintal title: Examining Consumer Risk Perceptions of Prototypical Brands Versus Me-Too Brands date: 2014 words: 8644 sentences: 882 pages: 32 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7josria3pjclxoibbx6evagjvu.txt summary: Branding is the marketer''s response to the risks consumers perceive in the players on the market, their perceptions of risk associated with the pioneer brand will measured perceived social risk (e.g., I am afraid that an Apple iPod / another brand of perceived time risk (e.g., Purchasing an Apple iPod / another brand of MP3 player could First, the 44 items related to risk perceptions of the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) effect on any of the dimensions of perceived risk for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) perceived equivalent quality of the MP3 players for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) perceived equivalent quality of the MP3 players for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) dimensions of perceived risk for both the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) and the other financial/performance, time and psychological risks for the Apple iPod (pioneer brand) psychological risks for the Apple iPod. Consumers who perceive the equivalent quality of id: work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky author: Verna Ehret title: Transcontextual Narratives of Inclusion: Mediating Feminist and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric date: 2018 words: 11231 sentences: 695 pages: 15 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky.pdf txt: ./txt/work_65rqjc2b3be4vbqrq6qqcmu7ky.txt summary: a transcontextual performative narrative of reconciliation is a way of being in the world through One can also argue that the way feminist narratives are constructed is a part of what anti-feminism that takes into account masculinity and anti-feminist narratives. feminist narratives, and in reading these one finds certain recurring themes: gender justice, oppression, figures, "white men." In the process she uncovers important aspects of an anti-feminist narrative, and how a feminist narrative along these lines is performative, creating the reality of hostility toward the current discussion is not only some insight into masculine and even anti-feminist narratives, but article therefore both begins the discussion of masculinity and anti-feminist narratives and draws us more familiarity with the masculinity and anti-feminist narratives is needed. feminist narrative, that women belong in the work place and men should be partners in the home language of masculine and anti-feminist narratives. anti-feminist narratives, new meanings can be constructed. id: work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm author: Victor K. Ng title: Competing With Crohn''s Disease date: 2005 words: 1679 sentences: 280 pages: 2 flesch: 85 cache: ./cache/work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yhliw6z33ba2riejrvn733vbpm.txt summary: my ultimate goal to qualify for the Canadian Olympic team in the high jump. dream aged 24 years. When you''re told at 9 years old that several times that I had to quit athletics due the rest of the medical team and help to need to eat ''hard to digest foods that support athletics'' (such as complex optimising my eating, sleep, medication, periods to train my body as best as I can, I think the key is supporting athletes to others with Crohn''s disease. others with Crohn''s disease. working with an athlete with Crohn''s at Athletics Canada who offer a holistic athletes to reach their peak condition. the medical team (and more importantly by the patient) is essential. Competing at the top level with Crohn''s disease Competing at the top level with Crohn''s disease ''My Crohn''s, my symptoms'' ''My Crohn''s, my symptoms'' id: work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y author: Victoria Brooks title: Greer''s ''Bad Sex'' and the Future of Consent date: 2019 words: 10663 sentences: 670 pages: 19 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qhcwvcoin5bmlaufmdncsgtn5y.txt summary: of Greer''s revival of second-wave arguments in relation to reforming our laws on This article examines this position and argues for urgent research on women''s sexuality, and radical intervention in the law and academia, in the quest for consent law reform. which means the reality is that women do not perceive everyday ''bad'' nonconsensual sex as rape: women, but the responses to Greer''s work on consent are in a different register.6 In consent which forms the architecture of the law''s attitude to women''s sexuality and be considered now a hotbed for toxic sexual relations, far more so than, for example, than BDSM sex, which has a culture of ''active consent'' (Tripodi 2017). to focus on sex, to find out what women''s sexuality needs from the law, and what the Methodologically speaking, there is also a problem to bringing forward radical sex research and women''s sexual experiences to the law. women''s sexuality, with meaningful consent law reform. id: work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e author: Virginia A Brown title: The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers date: 2020 words: 1045 sentences: 113 pages: 2 flesch: 26 cache: ./cache/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nw4yczg7kvglngusihnh6wtk4e.txt summary: The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies discrimination and harassment are common in academia as well; Asian health care professionals have Black health care professionals and academic professionals experience at #BlackInTheIvory.3 American Medical Colleges address patient-perpetrated sexual harassment in patient bills of rights empirically affirmed that the right of patients "to receive care free of harassment" was foundational academic institutions can take to end the harassment that women, people of color, and LGBTQI discrimination and harassment toward health care workers based on their race/ethnicity or gender Clear policies and procedures including zero tolerance of harassment toward health care workers is JAMA Network Open | Medical Education The Need for Stronger and Broader Patient-Perpetuated Harassment Policies in US Academic Medical Centers id: work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi author: Vivian Hui title: The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate Partner violence (IPV) – 2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system date: 2021 words: 6089 sentences: 708 pages: 8 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y6mif2e76fgltb2humuu5zoovi.txt summary: The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate Partner violence (IPV) – 2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pressing phenomenon whose consequences are associated with Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the association between IPV with emotional support, life Results: The analyses show that there is a strong association between IPV experience and emotional support (AOR: Conclusions: People reported with any IPV experience are more likely to receive less emotional support, perceive Keywords: Life satisfaction, Emotional, Perceived health, Intimate partner violence Intimate partner violence (IPV), includes physical violence, sexual violence, unwanted sex, and psychological Table 2 Logistic regression between IPV and emotional support, life satisfaction and perceived health from states of Hawaii, Virginia, dependent variables (i.e., emotional support, life satisfaction, and perceived health status). Results indicate a strong association between participants'' IPV experience and emotional support, suggesting id: work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464 author: Vladislava Gordić-Petković title: Digital transgressions: Fiction and change in the era of technological expansion date: 2019 words: 5935 sentences: 412 pages: 15 flesch: 61 cache: ./cache/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7y3ortzlgnastbllqxmg4hk464.txt summary: than computers, it was digital technology that offered a miraculously effective existential and fictional frame for the mediation of literary testimonies. The paper intends to examine the ways new digital technologies contribute to representations of reality in the novels by Amber Tamblyn, Tamara whose novels deal with ways of life amid social networks and digital technologies. the new technologies, so that the ways love is perceived and experienced change as well. Amber Tamblyn''s debut novel Any Man, a dark piece of experimental fragmented fiction about a female serial rapist, gives voice to six as digital formats of communication and embracing new social Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion Digital Transgressions: Fiction and Change in the Era of Technological Expansion id: work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme author: Väino Sinisalu title: Reformid Eesti tervishoius – edulugu ja õppetunnid date: 2014 words: 2207 sentences: 377 pages: 5 flesch: 57 cache: ./cache/work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme.pdf txt: ./txt/work_52j6sqaeqnfxdja3znjgppbtme.txt summary: Eesmärgiks oli kujundada Eestis majanduslikult Avalik-õiguslik Eesti Haigekassa loodi 2001. Siiski on Eesti riigi kulutused tervishoiule Eesti Haigekassa tulemusele Kutzini järgi on Eesti selles osas „väike riik" Eesti eraldab rahvuslikust kogutoodangust tervishoiule (SKT) ligi 5%, samal ajal arenenud Euroopa Eesti inimeste omaosalus tervishoiukulude katmisel suhteliselt suur ning see on aastate jooksul kasvanud. inimeste omaosalus, siis arvestades Eesti suhtelist kuid omaosalus on 30%, Eestis 20%). J. Kutzini arvates peaks Eesti tulevikus oma Ravikindlustussüsteemi arendamise kõrval oli Eesti ka Eesti Perearstide Selts. Regulaarselt on tehtud haigete esmatasandi arstiabiga rahulolu uuringuid. a oli 96% Lõuna-Eesti elanikest rahul esmatasandi arstiabiga, siis Tallinnas oli sellega järgi raviasutustele tasuti tehtud töö eest, ja esmatasandi arstiabi areng tingisid ümberkorraldusi ka Selle tulemusena vähenes hospitaliseeritute arv ja haiglad pidid oma töös lähtuma Selle kohaselt on Eestis 3 regionaalhaiglat: Lõuna-Eesti, Valga ja Põlva haigla funktsionaalsed seisukoht), et kui haiglate arengukava kehtib, tuleb Seniseid ümberkorraldusi Eesti tervishoius ei id: work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq author: William C. Boles title: The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh date: 2019 words: 3170 sentences: 264 pages: 11 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ecpgbv53x5fjhdmnholtenrgsq.txt summary: Boles, "The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh ", The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh The Cane by Mark Ravenhill and A Very Very Very Dark Matter by Martin McDonagh id: work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi author: William P. Boyce title: "Abusers of Themselves with Mankind": On the Constitutive Necessity of Abuse in Evangelical Sex Manuals date: 2021 words: 10006 sentences: 762 pages: 15 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f2nswglhpjcn5omtxfergduepi.txt summary: American evangelical Christians interpret so-called divergent lifestyles and their origins by associating queer sexualities with abuse*, despite its lack of any consistent or coherent definition. will turn to two popular US evangelical Christian sex manuals from "The Every Man Series." Doing so will reveal how the category of abuse* operates as a positive and inescapably core reality on the underside of the narrative. The authors of both evangelical sex manuals present homosexuality as a path-dependent condition of abuse*. pathway counseled by an evangelical interpretation of Scripture.21 In both texts, the journey of transformation around abuse* involves "godly" diagnosis, therapeutic examination, and restoration or rebirth for persons with queer desires. On the other hand, the eradication of queer desire does not comport with the experiences of many readers of US evangelical sex manuals, whether from "The Every Man Series" or from other purity culture authors like those mentioned previously. Available online: (accessed on 1 December 2020). id: work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i author: Xin Zeng title: New perspectives on citizen journalism date: 2019 words: 5588 sentences: 326 pages: 10 flesch: 47 cache: ./cache/work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_irgmb2shvvfc3hlfv5heidsi7i.txt summary: Asia, citizen journalism, new perspective, special issue, user-generated as government infiltration of citizen-generated content – that is, paying for people to post in support of the local authorities'' assertions as a strategy to subvert opposition and manage this new, and China (GMC) issue devoted to ''new perspectives on citizen journalism''. for the most part, as CGNet Swara and Video Volunteers have amply documented, citizen journalism efforts depend heavily on their own activism in following up cases with the authorities to create lasting impact. media (Allan, 2013), Southeast Asia is not a place where one would expect citizen journalism to between citizen journalism and the mainstream media and the broader political system of China. media platforms and indicates that citizen journalism in the form of short videos does not play a The impact on citizen journalism on Chinese media and society. id: work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu author: Xu Qingli title: Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan date: 2020 words: 3637 sentences: 238 pages: 4 flesch: 69 cache: ./cache/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wde62sknqrhgjdppnwgfxvkadu.txt summary: Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan. Abstract: The Disney''s 2020 live-action Mulan is remade from its 1998 animated one whose box office globally grossed 304 Both movies are based on Chinese "The Ballad of Mulan" that a young woman disguised as a man to join the army about Xiang into Chen Honghui and Master Tung, replace Mushu with phoenix, and create two female role:Mulan''s sister Xiu and a gender identity to conclude that "loyal", "brave" and "true" motto will push women to be engaged in social fairs and take more social responsibilities, omission of Li Xiang is helpful for women to break their hidden Cinderella complex, Phoenix, a female symbol, rather than a dragon, a male, is better to be Mulan''s guardian, and Xianniang, the villain in the movie, is pessimistic for 114 Xu Qingli and Shi Ying: Female Gender Identity in the Adaptation of Disney Live-action Film Mulan id: work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe author: Yang Hu title: The impact of China''s one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations date: 2018 words: 11313 sentences: 1680 pages: 44 flesch: 70 cache: ./cache/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yzs47ryh7jg5xdp6imfl3hcjfe.txt summary: state of gender equality among Chinese children under the one-child policy by examining the encouraged Chinese families to concentrate the investment of available financial and nonpecuniary resources, such as time and attention, on singleton children (Fong, 2002). that greater gender equality existed among Chinese children under the one-child policy was one-child policy was more rigorously implemented and patrilineal ideals are detraditionalised to a greater degree in urban than in rural China, the presence of younger (male) between sibship, gender and rural/urban residence, respectively, and children''s subjective not support Hypothesis 2A, which predicts that singleton boys and girls enjoy greater intergender equality in intergenerational investment than their counterparts with siblings (see Liu, The one-child policy and gender equality in education in China: Evidence The impact of China''s one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations The impact of China''s one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations The impact of China''s one-child policy on intergenerational and gender relations id: work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu author: Yasmine Kandil title: What Zombie Feminist Bouffons Can Offer Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter date: 2019 words: 9273 sentences: 767 pages: 19 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5ns2nmeptfdtrkw5tdrrj7qkmu.txt summary: What Zombie Feminist Bouffons Can Offer Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter Applied Theatre: Seduction and Provocation in Death Married My Daughter. The performers'' use of bouffon seduces and provokes their audience in order to elicit empathy for the characters, expose the presence of neoliberal and postfeminist ideologies in women''s While Desdemona''s conclusion at the end of Death Married My Daughter might sound familiar to audience members versed in second wave radical feminism, Valerie Solanas''s famed audience''s empathy before rousing their discontent, the play exposes the harmful intertwining of postfeminist and neoliberal ideologies in women''s lives and positions feminist in the context of applied theatre responds to an audience''s investment in that lived experience; this breeds connection and ultimately investment in the narrative that is taking place Death Married My Daughter, a performance created by a generation of women theatre id: work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi author: Ye Liu title: Perching birds or scattered streams: a study of how trust affects civic engagement among university students in contemporary China date: 2020 words: 8781 sentences: 607 pages: 16 flesch: 50 cache: ./cache/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nrocxseg55cnjh7vsto2jcjdzi.txt summary: Perching birds or scattered streams: a study of how trust affects civic engagement among university students in contemporary China differentiate the exclusiveness and inclusiveness of civic activities and their different implications for the level and radii of social trust (Delhey et al. These studies make significant contributions to our knowledge of interdependent relationships between civic engagement and trust. finds that Chinese Communist Party members tend to show a higher level of generalised trust as well as how the level of trust from these relationships affects civic engagement. generalised trust come from higher education in mediumand long-term programmes, particularly in social fields of study. (2009) empirical work highlights politically active and involved university students but how university experiences shape their civic engagement, particularly in relation to social and individuals'' trust manifested through these interpersonal relationships is the key to understanding the different degrees of civic engagement. students'' family backgrounds and gender on their levels of trust and civic engagement. id: work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa author: Ylenia Caputo title: We Are Who We Are: Futuristic Teen Agers date: 2020 words: 1198 sentences: 182 pages: 2 flesch: 74 cache: ./cache/work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6gzrf7qgqbgpvp2uhufmruueaa.txt summary: di rappresentazione dei personaggi e dell''universo narrativo, entrambi i prodotti seriali sono accomunati dal racconto di una generazione, la Generazione Z, che nella fluidità di genere e nella valorizzazione Il modo in cui gli altri ci vedono non ci definisce (siamo ciò che siamo, dopotutto), eppure crea crepe associabile al concetto di Fashioning of the self — che come Fashion in quanto tale. di sé stessa più virile in modo che gli altri possano vederla come lei desidera essere vista. Così provoca Caitlin: « mi piace la poesia perché non è come i tuoi vestiti, moda usa e getta; compri una cosa che ti piace adesso e tra due mesi la butti. Gli abiti indossati, così come la mera esposizione del corpo sanguinante di Caitlin o l''intimità senza filtri dei personaggi della serie — tra genitali esposti e rapporti sessuali promiscui — sono id: work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi author: Yongrui Duan title: Introduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost and Shelf Space Opportunity Cost date: 2018 words: 10239 sentences: 1612 pages: 20 flesch: 83 cache: ./cache/work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6z3q4imax5fehaqpuhpyc2gemi.txt summary: This paper studies the introduction of store brands (SBs) when the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, and baseline sales are the product cost of the SB (NB) and the shelf space opportunity cost are the dominating factors that determine the optimal pricing products at retail prices 𝑃𝑛 to the consumers through displays offline (shelf) or online (web store). the shelf space allocation and pricing decisions in the marketing channel by applying static and dynamic games. different product cost, shelf space opportunity, and baseline The retailer maximizes profit by allocating shelf space to each brand. In Figures 3 and 4, we aim to study (1) the relationship between the product cost 𝑐 and the profit of the retailer and profits of the retailer decrease as product cost 𝑐 increases. between the opportunity cost of the shelf space 𝑘 and the profit of retailer and manufacturer when the SB is introduced, as id: work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm author: Yunhwan Kim title: #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses date: 2020 words: 12843 sentences: 1517 pages: 20 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lz6uxempwzgbrdzkxlkjfzkqkm.txt summary: #Antivaccination on Instagram: A Computational Analysis of Hashtag Activism through Photos and Public Responses This research analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as an example study measured the public engagement with the photos as well as the sentiment of the comments and public health, hashtag activism, and the antivaccination movement on social media. Next, previous studies have analyzed social media photos related to the human body. Previous studies also analyzed social media photos about alcohol [28], junk food [29], pregnancy [30], Another group of studies analyzed the content of hashtagged social media posts. antivaccination photos on Instagram, employing features both at the content and pixel levels for analysis snack, dessert, toy, monitor, billboard, music, cake, bird, letter, tableware, television, vegetable, funny, road, holding, tie, wearing, wheel, selfie, dress, fedora, young, beach, flower, active shirt, eyes, This study analyzed Instagram photos with antivaccination hashtags as id: work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy author: Yvette Russell title: Book Review: Rape and Resistance date: 2019 words: 1675 sentences: 112 pages: 4 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_acyfovfrgvcvbn4i6mgipwbhvy.txt summary: Alcoff''s book Rape and Resistance makes a timely entry into the small but lively to maximise the current moment of political visibility of sexual violence to engender social accounts of feminist discourse on sexual violence, that rape is about power but not sex (p. In framing the current political moment, Alcoff relies on José Medina''s notion of ''metalucidity'', which refers to how we come to know, and how we may be impeded in knowing subjects who can mobilise in resistance to sexual violence, two other aspects of Medina''s political moment is such a time in which the epistemic friction around sexual violence has Alcoff returns to familiar theoretical territory in her appraisal of anti-rape politics, by analysis is starkest in Alcoff''s attempt to think sexual subjectivity. ground this understanding of sexual subjectivity as central to the process of self-making. theory and resistance, but her attempt to do this without any reference to sexual id: work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka author: Zaida Orth title: "These Women are Making a Statement Against Rape and yet the only Thing Y''All can Focus on is ''Eww They''re Naked''": Exploring Rape Culture on Facebook in South Africa date: 2020 words: 8494 sentences: 718 pages: 17 flesch: 60 cache: ./cache/work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3clefxycprfw7nneoe6blzp5ka.txt summary: The findings suggest that the #nakedprotest was successful in initiating public conversations concerning the issue of rape culture. reaction to the #nakedprotest demonstrated that rape culture is pervasive in society and continues to be re(produced) through discourse on social media platforms. However, social media also offers individuals the opportunity to draw from and participate in multiple counter-publics which challenge these mainstream rape culture Keywords Rape culture · Social media · Qualitative · Content analysis · Facebook and activism, which utilises social media technologies to develop counter-publics, and in turn, allows users to initiate and engage in conversations about sexual Commenters who were against the protest were shown to perpetuate a rape culture discourse through attitudes related to exploring perceptions of rape culture on social media also found victim-blaming It indicates that people can use social media to collectively respond and challenge dominant discourses surrounding sexual violence and rape culture. id: work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4 author: Zenzele Isoke title: bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center - Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. By bell hooks. New York: Routledge, [1984] 2015. 180 pp. $136.00 (hardcover), $23.96 (paperback) date: 2019 words: 2177 sentences: 168 pages: 5 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tiwwacn5iffx3chzkn7fbc32t4.txt summary: Theory: From Margin to Center is among my least favorite books written I find that From Margin to Center is most useful for white people who undergraduate class on feminist politics at Rutgers University. as the other black woman student in the class called out our instructor that white-woman-centered understandings of feminist history and Ironically, white women''s cooptation of black feminist theory has students in feminist theory classrooms. Most black women of my generation did not encounter bell hooks and say about white women and academic feminism was always less Margin to Center: "Women of color must confront our absorption of Today, young people come to bell hooks by way of quotes on Black Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Ain''t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center bell hooks: 35 Years from Margin to Center id: work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum author: Zoe McKee title: Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial date: 2020 words: 7089 sentences: 1075 pages: 17 flesch: 76 cache: ./cache/work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jzv3omstvffglnxlzpz5zivnum.txt summary: Data Police officers from four separate policing roles completed questionnaires designed to measure their attitudes towards victims of rape. female rape victims when responses are combined across all four police groups (but not training delivery was effective in changing attitudes towards rape victims on issues estimated 15% of rape victims report the crime to the police (Ministry of Justice 2013), training and the resulting effects on attitudes and behaviour towards rape victims in changes in officer attitudes towards male and female rape victims in terms of reducing effects of the training on rape myth attitudes is not uniform, the subscales that showed by the police response and their attitude towards victims of rape, not only from a Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape: a Randomised Controlled Trial ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel