id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku Satheesh Mathew The Invisible Culture of Discrimination 2019 3 .pdf application/pdf 1049 77 46 Call it 'institutional racism or unconscious bias, it has devastating impact on the victims Institutional racism, discrimination, race relations, BAME A recent ITV news item featured Radhakrishna Shanbag, a senior surgeon with over 20 years and prophesying that NHS has a zero tolerance policy to any form of abuse towards staff. The NHS Workforce Relations Equality Standard Report in 2018 2 highlighted the continued available organisational support structures were lacking in empathy and cultural competency. Professional trade union structures failed to provide appropriate support. BAPIO decided to establish a not-for profit professional support organisation in 2010 as the professional excellence for all doctors including IMGs and doctors from black and the other We have welcomed the NHS Long-Term Plan and its commitment to supporting NHS Workforce Race Equality Standards. 1. racist-abuse-against-nhs-staff-almost-triples-itv-news-finds/ 2. 3. David Oliver: Should NHS doctors work in unsafe conditions? 4. ./cache/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.pdf ./txt/work_xtdfanhfn5bffjuczzyuyvgrku.txt