id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna Francisco José Roma Paumgartten The tale of lenalidomide clinical superiority over thalidomide and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues 2019 10 .pdf application/pdf 6930 1880 78 (RCTs) controlled with a placebo, or with a therapy of proven effectiveness (active comparator), lenalidomideversus thalidomide-based therapies for MM, and regulatory and cost-effectiveness issues behind lenalidomide authorization, to identify comparative effectiveness and safety studies of thalidomide versus cost-effectiveness studies of thalidomide-versus Lenalidomide (Revlimid®) was the first thalidomide-like drug obtaining a marketing authorization (Figure 1). the applicant provided no evidence that lenalidomide was more effective and or safer than thalidomide for both therapeutic indications. showed that both thalidomideand lenalidomide-based combination therapies were effective Comparative effectiveness of thalidomideversus lenalidomide-based therapies To the best of our knowledge, only two randomized (phase-III) trials have compared the effectiveness of thalidomide-based versus lenalidomide-based therapeutic regimens so far (Table For instance, lenalidomide, compared to thalidomide, A. A systematic review of phase II trials of thalidomide/dexamethasone combination therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. and lenalidomide in patients with multiple myeloma ./cache/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.pdf ./txt/work_izjlueimqneiljcxm4zmi6kuna.txt