EUR volume 27 issue 1 Cover and Back matter I M P R I M E R I E F . P A 1 L L A R T A B B E V I L L E ISSN 0003-9756 Le gdrant : J A C Q U E S L A U T M A N Printed in France Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Numeros sphiaux < • S P E C I A L I S S U E S Sondernummern I i Industrial Society and Rep- resentative Government. 2 A la recherche des classes perdues. II i Lc sabre et la loi. 2 On the Welfare State. III 1-2 Universitat im Umbau : Anpassung oder Widerstand ? IV i In Quest of Political Partici- pation. 2 Trois e'tudes sur la science. V i Organisation der Macht, Macht der Organisation. 2 Tocqueville, Marx, Weber. VI i Simulation in Sociology. 2 Armed Forces and Society in Western Europe. VII i Alienation et structure or Conscience and Consciousness. 2 On Suicide. VIII i Paradoxes of Transitional Societies. 2 Sympathy for Alien Concepts. IX I Weber et Durkheim : le solitaire et le chef d'e'cole. 2 Zur Problematik der Modern- isierung or The Concept of Modernity. X i Survivances et permanences or Continuity and Re-enactment. 2 Myths and Mass Media. XI i La planification dans des nations du tiers monde : bilan critique. 2 La foi et les moeurs or Faith and Morals. XII i Permanent non-Revolution. 2 Reflections on Durkheim. XIII i Permanent non-Revolution (continued). 2 "A Sack of Potatoes" ? XIV i The Political Elite, British and French. 2 Tantum Religio... XV i Faith and Power. 2 Citoyens armes, pre'toriens desarmes. XVI i Observer's Analysis of Caste and Clientele. 2 From Madness to Mental Illness. XVII i Structure and Interest. 2 Professions avec ou sans com- petence. Might and Rite.XVIII XIX XX 2 Whither the unwithered state ? 1 Le prix moral de l'e'galite'. 2 Sociologie de la science. 1 Hidden God, visible cleric. 2 Auslese in der Kultur- geschichte. XXI i Capitalism and the Rise of Religion. 2 Racines aristocratique* de la democratic. XXII I Michels and his critics. 2 Comprendre les cas extremes. XXIII i Soziologische Selbstbespie- gelung. 2 Watersheds. XXIV i Overt . and Covert Politics clients, factieux, brigands. 2 Unnecessary Revolution. XXV i Auslese durch Erziehung oder Technik ? 2 Tending the roots: nationalism and populism. XXVI I Ne'cessite de la vie politique. 2 Le mythe du mythe. Les series completes sont vendues par Cambridge University Press, aux conditions mcntionnlet page 2 de la couverture. Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge Annales Economies Soditis Civilisations Revue bimestrielle fondie en 1929 par Luden FEBVRE at Mare BLOCK publiee avee le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Sctentifique et de I'EcoIa des Hautes £tudes en Sciences Sociales Comite de Direction: Fernand BRAUDEL - Charles MORAZE M M BURGUIERE - Marc FERRO •• Jacques LE GOFF - Emmanuel LE ROY LADURIE • Jacques REVEL Secretaires de la Redaction : Lucetfe VALENSI, Bernard LEPETIT 40* ANNEE - N° 6 NOVEMBRE-DECEMBRE 1985 L'AFRIQUE : UN AUTRE ESPACE HISTORIQUE Presentation, Marc AUGI=, Jean-Pierre CHRETIEN, Claude-He'lene PERROT Le jeu des pouvoirs et des lignages Marc AUGE, Note sur ies rapports entre espace social et systemes symboliques Claude TARDITS, L'espace, indicateur historique, re've'lateur structural : I'exemple bamoum (Cameroun) Controle du milieu et strategies du peuplement Claude-Helene PERROT, L'appropriation de l'espace, un enjeu politique. Pour une histoire du peuplement Jan VANSINA, L'homme, Ies forets et le passe en Afrique Espaces politiques et espaces mythiques Jean-Pierre CHRETIEN, L'empire des Bacwezi. La construction d'un imagi- naire geopolitique Jacques BUREAU, L'espace politique ethiopien David ROBINSON, L'espace, Ies metaphores et I'intensite de I'islam ouest- africain A traversl'afrique (Comptes rendus) £conomie et soctete' contemporaines Serge-Christophe KOLM, Les explications de la crise d'inspiration marxiste iconomie et soctete contemporaines (Comptes rendus) REDACTION : 54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 PARIS ABONNEMENTS 1985 • France • Stranger • Le numero 210 F <• ftudiants France : 160 F 290 F 55 F - Le numero special (double): 110 F Les abonnements dolvent etre souscrits a la Libralrie Armand COLIN, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75240 PARIS CEDEX 5 (Comptes cheques postaux: PARIS n ' 21335-25) Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge Revue frangaise de sociologie publi6e avec le concours de HNSTITUT DE RECHERCHE SUR LES SOCIETES CONTEMPORAINES CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE OCTOBRE-DECEMBRE 1985. XXVl-4 Avocat: une nouvelle profession ? Indices et comparisons de proportions L'interajcttion entre variables: probleme statistique ou sociologique ? A propos de I'indice de Gini Lucien KARPIK Jean PREVOT Dominique MERLLIE Jean-Claude COMBESSIE et Marc BARBUT NOTES CRITIQUES : Analyses et reflexions sur le patronat L'Etat, ('action collective et I'histoire LES LIVRES Franpois GRESLE Patrice MANN Direction, Redaction : REVUE FRANCHISE DE SOCIOLOGIE 82, rue Cafdinet, 75017 Paris - Til: ibonnements: L'ordre et le paiement sont a adresser directement a . Centrale des Revues, CDR 11, rue Gossin, 92543 Montrouge Cedex — Tel. . CCP La Source 33-368-61 CDR-Gauthier-Villars Les abonnements sont annuels et partent du premier numeio de Vanned en cours. Tarif 1986: L'abonnement (4 numeros) France 243 F Etranger 286 F Vente an numito s Les ventes au nume'ro et celles de collections sont assurers par les Editions du CNRS, 295, rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris — T£l.: CCP Paris 9131-53 Editions du CNRS Tarif 1986 • he numero „. 77 F Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge Revue frangaise de sociologie 82, rue Cardinet, 75017 Paris - Tel. 42 670760 AVRIL-JUIN 1986, XXVII-2 LA CROYANCE ET LES PARASCIENCES Croyances aux parasciences : dimensions sociales et culturelles Parasciences et proced6s de legitimation La croyance aux Extraterrestres Le rite et la croyance Socio-style Daniel BOY et Guy MICHELAT Gerard CHEVALIER Jean-Bruno RENARD Francois HERAN Nicolas HERPIN Composition demographique et cycle de vie L'ouvert et le ferm6 dans la pratique du questionnaire Les associations d'anciens eleves d'6co|es d'ingenieurs des origines a 1914 LES LIVRES Yannick LEMEL et Daniel VERGER Salvador JUAN Georges RIBEILL Abonnements : L'ordre et ie paiement sont a adresser directement a : Centrale des Revues, CDR 11, rue Gossin, 92543 Montrouge Cedex - Te~l. : (1) CCP La Source 33-368-61 CDR-Gauthier-Villars Les abonnements sont annuels et partent du premier numero de l'ann£e en cours. Tarif 1986 : L'abonnement (4 nume>os) France 243 F Stranger 286 F Vtttte au numero : Les ventes au numero et celles de collections sont assurers par les Editions du CNRS, 295, rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Parts — Til : (1) CCP Paris 9131-53 fiditions du CNRS Tarif 1986 : Le nume>o.. 77 F Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge contributions a la connaissance des elites africaines / 3 TCHAD REGARDS SUR LES ELITES OUADDAIENNES ISSA HASSAN KHAYAR • les elites tchadiennes, et plus particulierement ouaddaiennes, pendant les periodes precoloniale et coloniale et leur evolution : comment les systemes edu- catifs et les institutions politiques de ces epoques ont produit leurs elites et quelle etait leur capacite d'adaptation aux diverses evolutions et a leur peuple • changement et continuiti au Tchad; termes de reference; methodes de I'etude • formation du Tchad • /e Ouaddai et ses elites • rapports des elites aux partis politiques 13 x 21 / 232 p. / brochi 4 cart. ISBN 2-222-03567-8 90 F 15 quai Anatole France. 75700 Paris CCP Paris 9061-11 - Tel. 555.92.25 Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge PAST AND PRESENT a journal of historical studies "la plus grande revue d'histoire du monde anglo- phone": Annales "No historical periodical has done more than Past and Present to influence the study and teaching of history in British universities . . . It has proved extremely fertile in new interpretations, ideas and controversies. . . What makes Past and Present so invigorating is that it encour- ages historians to extend their horizons and ask new questions": Times Higher Educational Supplement Past and Present began publication in 1952. It now appears in February, May, August and November. It publishes a wide variety of scholarly and original historical articles primarily concerned with social, economic and cultural changes, and their causes and consequences, ranging in time from prehistory to the present day and world-wide in coverage. The Journal is designed to reach an audience that includes both specialists and non-specialists; to communicate the results of historical research in readable and lively form; to provide a forum for debate in which historians and scholars in allied subjects take part; to reach beyond the bounds of conventional history into nearby disciplines such as anthro- pology, sociology, literature and study of the visual arts and architecture; and to encourage the examination of particular prob- lems and periods for the light they throw on wider issues of historical change. Recent contributors to the Journal have included John Bossy, Robert Brenner, Peter Burke, David Cannadine, Samuel Clark, Stuart Clark, Linda Colley, Natalie Zemon Davis, Mark Elvin, John Hatcher, Douglas Hay, Christopher Hill, R. H. Hilton, E. J. Hobsbawm, Olwen Hufton, Martin Ingram, Mervyn James, Henry Kamen, Fergus Millar, Theodore K. Rabb, W. D. Rubinstein, W. G. Runciman, Eugene Schulkind, Joan Wallach Scott, T. C. Smout, Lawrence Stone, Enrique Tandeter, E. A. Wrigley, Eileen Yeo. For free Classified Table of Contents and for details of Subscrip- tion Rates write to: The Business Manager Past and Present 175 Banbury Road OXFORD OX2 7AW Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge TABLE QUINQUENNALE DES TOMES XXI A XXV 1 9 8 0 - 1 9 8 4 A R C H E R , Margaret S. Process without system, XXIV 1. A K J O U A N D , Said Amir. The Shi'ite hierocracy and th« State in pre- modern Iran : 1785-1890, XXII I. A U G U S T I K S , Georges. Esquisse d'une comparaison des systemet de per- petuation des groupes domestiques dans let socie'te's paysannes europeennes, XXIII 1. B A B A D I A N , Alain. Inventer des mythes, fabriquer des rites ? XXV 2. B A E C H L E R , Jean. Les origines de la democratic grecque, XXI 2. La nourriture des hommes. Essai sur le n£oli- thique, XXIII 2. B E E T H A M , David. Michels and his critics, XXII 1. B i i t i i O K , Philippe. La dynamique revolutionnaire ou la logique du totalitarisme. A propos de l'interpretation de la Revolution francaise par Augustin Cochin, XXII x. B E N - R A F A E L , Eliezer and Sasha WHITMAN. The reconstitution of the family in the kibbuti XXV 1. C A H N M A N , Werner J. Toennies and Weber : a rejoinder, XXII 1. C H E R K A O U I , Mohamed. Cbangement social et anomie : essai de formali- sation de la theorie durkheimienne, XXII 1. C O S K R , Lewis A. The notion of civility in contemporary society, XXI 1. D R I E S S B H , Henk. The 'noble bandit' and the bandits of the nobles : brigandage and local community in nineteenth- century Andalusia, XXIV 1. E I S B N S T A D T , Shmuel N. The axial age : the emergence of trancendental visions and the rise of clerics, XXIII 2. E L S T E R , Jon. Negation active et negation passive. Essai de sociologie ivanienne, XXI 2. FAR H E R , Mary K. Rational action in economic and social theory : some misunderstandings, XXIII 1. F o x , Renee C. Is religion important in Belgium ? XXIII 1. GOODELL, Grace. From status to contract : the significance of agrarian relations of production in the West, Japan, and in 'Asiatic' Persia, XXI 2. GRAY, John N. Lamb auctions on the borders, XXV 1. GRE E N r E L D, Liah. The role of the public in the success of artistic styles, XXV 1. G U R E V I C H , Aaron J. Medieval culture and mentality according to the new French historiography, XXIV 1. H A I L I D A Y , Terence C. Professions, class and capitalism, XXIV 2. H A L S E Y , A. H. Provincials and professionals : the British post- war sociologists, XXIII 1. H A S S A N , Riaz. Suicide in Singapore, XXI 2. H E L L I N G , Ingeborg. Das Erklgrungsmodell der Situationslogik bei Popper : eine logische Rekonstruktion und Kri- tik, XXIII 1. J A N I K , Allan. Schorske's Vienna, XXII 3. K A H A N E , Reuven. Religious diffusion and modernization : a prelim- inary reflection on the spread of Islam in Indonesia and its impact on social change, X X I 1 . K A N T O W S K Y , Detlef. Die Rezeption der Hinduismus/Buddhismus- Studie Max Webers in Stidasicn: ein MipverstSnd- nis ? XXIII 2. K E D O U R I E , Elie. Minorities and majorities in the Middle East, XXV 2. K E M E N Y , Jim. Professional ideologies and organizational struc- ture : tanks and the military, XXIV 2. K M K I , Margaret E. Institutional and transformational migration and the politics of community : Greek internal migrants and their migrants' association in Athens, XXIV 2. K H A Z A N O V , Anatolii M. Myths and paradoxes of nomadism, XXII 1. K I L B O R N E , Benjamin. Anthropological thought in the wake of the French Revolution : the 'Society des observa* teurs de l'homme', XXIII z. KUMAR, Krishan. Class and political action in nineteenth-century England : theoretical and comparative perspec- tives, XXIV 1. KUFER, Adam. The man in the study and the man in the field. Ethnography, theory and comparison in social anthropology, XXI 1. L I E B E R S O H N , Harry. Leopold von Wiese and the ambivalence of func- tionalist sociology, XXIII 1. Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge L I H D H O L U , Charles. Images of the Fathan : the usefulness of colonial ethnography, XXI 2. M A C H B R E L , Claude. Don et reciprocity en Europe, XXIV 1. M I L A U O U D , Charles. Semantique et rhetorlque dans la hierarchie hin- doue dcs 1 buts de l'homme », XXIII 2. M A H H , Michael. The autonomous power of the State, XXV 2. M I J E D I O R , Jose Guilherme. Mort a l'homo ceconomicus ? XXI 2. M I L T O N , John R. The origin and development of the concept of the 'laws of nature", XXII 2. MOM MS EN, Wolfgang J. Max Weber and Roberto Michels. An asymmet- rical partnership, XXII 1. M o s s , David. The kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, XXII 2. O S I E L , Mark J. Going to the people : popular culture and the intellectuals in Brazil, XXV 2. O T T , Sandra. Blessed bread, 'first neighbours' and asymmetric exchange in the Basque country, XXI 1. P A T T E R S O N B R O W N , Ellen. The ultimate withdrawal : suicide among the Sara Nar, XXII 2. P O C G I , Gianfranco. The place of political concerns in the early social sciences, XXI 2. RAY, Laurence J. Models of madness in Victorian asylum practice, XXII 2. R H O D E S , Aaron A. Material and nonmaterial incentives in political machines, XXV 1. R O N I O E B , Luis. Modern patron-client relations and historical clientelism. Some clues from ancient Republic- an Rome, XXIV 1. RBSEt, Jakob. The economy of an Indian temple: landed endow- ment and sacred food, XXIV 1. R U L E , James B. Law and strategy in sociological explanation, XXV 1. R U X C I H A H , W. G. Comparative sociology or narrative history ? A note on the methodology of Perry Anderson, XXI 1. Unnecessary revolution : the case of France, XXIV 2. S A H T C A S S I A , Paul. Patterns of covert politics in post-Independence Cyprus, XXIV 1. S M I T H , Anthony D. Ethnic myths and ethnic revivals, XXV 2. S T A E S H A H , E. M. Zu Problemen der sozialdkonomischen Geschlch- te Roms, XXI 1. S w A R T z, David. Classes, educational systems and labor mar- kets, XXII 2. TAPPER, Nancy. Matrons and mistresses : women and boundaries in two Middle Eastern tribal societies, XXI 1. T H E O B A L D , Robin. The decline of patron-client relations in devel- oped societies, XXIV 1. T R A U O O T T , Mark. Durkheim and social movements, XXV 2. U R R Y , James. Who arc the Mennonites ? XXIV 2. VAN P A U I H , Piilipoe. Sociology as general economics, XXII 2. W E E D E , Erich. Ordnungspolitik und Sicherheitspolitik als Ele- " mente der Sicherungspolitik, XXV 1. W E I N G R O D , Alex. Rashomon in Jerusalem : ideology and power in an urban dispute, X X I I 1 . W E I S S , Linda. The Italian State and small business, XXV i . W E I T H A N , Sasha and Eliezer BEN-RAFAEL. The reconstitution of the family in the kibbutz, XXV 1. W I N D O L P , Paul. L'expansion de l'enseignement et la surquallfica- tion sur le march* du travail, XXV1. W O O D , Geoffrey. FrazeVs magic wand of anthropology : inter- preting The Golden Bough, XXIII 1. Z A R S T , David. Ideology and organization in puritantsm, XXI x ISSN 0003-97)6 May 1986 C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 iRP $2 East 57th Street, New York NY 10022, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:32, subject to the Cambridge