id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_hq6ptig6gzczvbpke26wbdnftu Steffen Ducheyne Adriaen Verwer (1654/5–1717) and the first edition of Isaac Newton's Principia in the Dutch Republic 2019 .pdf text/html 855 166 65 Adriaen Verwer (1654/5–1717) and the first edition of Isaac Newton's Principia in the Dutch Republic | Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Quick Search anywhereEnter words, phrases, DOI, keywords, authors, etc... 2020Adriaen Verwer (1654/5–1717) and the first edition of Isaac Newton's Principia in the Dutch RepublicNotes Rec.74479–505 Based on a close study of his published work, his correspondence with the Scottish mathematician and astronomer David Gregory (1659–1708), and his annotations in his own copy of the first edition of the Principia, I shall scrutinize the impact of Newton's ideas on Verwer's thinking. Please access the online journals via the Fellows' Room ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING ./cache/work_hq6ptig6gzczvbpke26wbdnftu.pdf ./txt/work_hq6ptig6gzczvbpke26wbdnftu.txt