id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_fvvbk2lkzbe27otkowafldczza Alec Ryrie 'PROTESTANTISM' AS A HISTORICAL CATEGORY 2016 15 .pdf application/pdf 8840 474 55 Protestant quickly became as much a political as a religious label, meaning, simply, a the use of the word 'Protestant' as a self-description over the following centuries is usually an redundant for the study of the Reformation era, by suggesting that the category of all nonpapal western Christians is simply not useful. Reinhard, 'Reformation, CounterReformation and the Early Modern State: a Reassessment', Catholic Historical Review, 75 (1989), 385–403; W. the negativity of the term 'Counter-Reformation', and a Protestant scholar, Schilling, who Reformation period's various religious groupings were not simply providing different difficult it is to explain the distinction between Lutheranism and Reformed Protestantism. Calvinists for the Reformed Protestant party: since Calvin was more directly responsible than Which is to say, Calvin and the Reformed in general failed to take Lutheranism (Minneapolis, 1987), 66–9; James Tanis, 'Reformed Pietism and Protestant Missions', Harvard Theological Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain (Oxford, 2013), 335. ./cache/work_fvvbk2lkzbe27otkowafldczza.pdf ./txt/work_fvvbk2lkzbe27otkowafldczza.txt