id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt chapter-125 chapter-125 .txt text/plain 1250 93 91 During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, the man at the Pequod's In a severe gale like this, while the ship is but a tossed shuttle-cock storm-trysail was set further aft; so that the ship soon went through ship as near her course as possible, watching the compass meanwhile, the wind seemed coming round astern; aye! The cabin lamp--taking long swings this way and that--was burning fitfully, and casting fitful shadows upon the old man's bolted door,--a honest, upright man; but out of Starbuck's heart, at that instant when to report a fair wind to him. shall this crazed old man be tamely suffered to drag a whole ship's murderer of thirty men and more, if this ship come to any deadly harm; and come to deadly harm, my soul swears this ship will, if Ahab have hope to wrest this old man's living boy!--But if I wake thee not to death, old man, ./cache/chapter-125.txt ./txt/chapter-125.txt