id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-327164-t39zfhdf Tufts, Steven Hospitality unionism and labour market adjustment: Toward Schumpeterian unionism? 2009-11-30 .txt text/plain 10878 466 41 Instead, such renewed unionism calls for new approaches to servicing that allow workers to self-organize against an employer through mu-tual-aid (see Bacharach et al., 2001) and shift any surplus resources created by greater membership participation to organizing new members within and beyond traditional industrial relations frameworks into a broader labour movement (e.g., representing workers by pressuring employers prior to any formal certification). Instead of arguing for broad changes or 'why can't Canada be more like Sweden?', the union settled for 'why can't Toronto be more like Las Vegas?' Such a Schumpeterian approach by UNITE-HERE is expected given that the strategic potential to (re)regulate the local labour market through such a centre and the new spaces for engagement created by the re-scaling of state economic development strategies. ./cache/cord-327164-t39zfhdf.txt ./txt/cord-327164-t39zfhdf.txt