id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-009804-4lozmf0h Lion, Marryanna Evapotranspiration and water source of a tropical rainforest in peninsular Malaysia 2017-10-19 .txt text/plain 6815 326 55 In Pasoh Forest Reserve (FR), which is located in a dry zone of Peninsular Malaysia and receives the lowest yearly rainfall amount among adjacent south-eastern tropical rainforests, relatively stable ET, which includes transpiration, interception evaporation, and soil evaporation, was observed even during the driest period, based on 7 years of continuous eddy covariance (EC) measurement (Kosugi, Takanashi, Tani, et al., 2012) . Our study of ET and water sources in the Pasoh FR comprised three objectives: (a) measure and calculate ET using the EC method over a 4-year period (2012-2015); (b) determine spatial and temporal patterns of water uptake and provenance, using water budget methods combining ET, precipitation, and soil moisture data; and (c) determine the provenance of water that is transpired at different times of the year by assessing the stable isotope signatures of water in precipitation, soils, plants, and streams. ./cache/cord-009804-4lozmf0h.txt ./txt/cord-009804-4lozmf0h.txt