id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-344563-bjuvxpkc Neustroev, M. P. Developmental Results of a Vaccine against Salmonella-Induced Equine Abortion 2020-11-04 .txt text/plain 2389 169 50 An inactivated vaccine based on the Sal. abortus equi BN-12 strain with the Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain filtrate used as immunomodulator has been developed in order to prevent salmonella-induced equine abortion. The Sal. abortus equi BN-12 strain stored at the All-Russia State Research Institute for Control, Standardization, and Certification of Veterinary Preparations was used in order to develop a vaccine against the salmonella-induced equine abortion. The preclinical tests with the white mice and the industrial tests with the horses have proven that the inactivated Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain vaccine against salmonella-induced equine abortion is an effective method to prevent infectious abortions. Therefore, the method developed by the authors for specific prevention of the salmonella-induced equine abortion with the inactivated vaccine used with the culture liquid based on the Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain is a cost-effective measure that should be recommended for widespread adoption in the stud farming systems. ./cache/cord-344563-bjuvxpkc.txt ./txt/cord-344563-bjuvxpkc.txt