id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-344062-8xxu0orq Bozkurt, Hayrunnisa Bekis Is the impact of childhood vaccines on coronavirus disease 2019, which is moderate in pediatric patients, possible? 2020-07-31 .txt text/plain 151 20 54 key: cord-344062-8xxu0orq authors: Bozkurt, Hayrunnisa Bekis title: Is the impact of childhood vaccines on coronavirus disease 2019, which is moderate in pediatric patients, possible? date: 2020-07-31 journal: Clin Exp Vaccine Res DOI: 10.7774/cevr.2020.9.2.183 sha: doc_id: 344062 cord_uid: 8xxu0orq nan with COVID-19 are vaccinated and live in an area with high vaccine hesitation. Finally, we think that childhood vaccines can be effective in observing COVID-19 infection as a mild disease for pediatric population. However, we need more knowledge about the pandemic considering that pediatric cases may be helpful in shedding light on the treatment of the disease. Hayrunnisa Bekis Bozkurt Clinical features in pediatric COV-ID-19 Are children less susceptible to COVID-19? Measles, immune suppression and vaccination: direct and indirect nonspecific vaccine benefits Protection from SARS coronavirus conferred by live measles vaccine expressing the spike glycoprotein Nonspecific effects of vaccines and the reduction of mortality in children ./cache/cord-344062-8xxu0orq.txt ./txt/cord-344062-8xxu0orq.txt