id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-284113-qboon2uv Zheljazkov, Valtcho D. Industrial, CBD, and Wild Hemp: How Different Are Their Essential Oil Profile and Antimicrobial Activity? 2020-10-12 .txt text/plain 7499 393 57 The hypothesis was that wild hemp would have a different EO content, composition, and antimicrobial activity compared with the EOs of registered industrial hemp cultivars, new hemp breeding lines, and a hemp strain (unregistered cultivar) that is currently used for the commercial production of CBD. Overall, the EOs of the wild hemps and registered cultivars in this study were similar to those reported previously: 0.23 to 0.31% in fresh inflorescences [14] , 0.29 to 0.19% depending on the collection time with higher EO yield from plants sampled earlier (in September than in October) [13] , and 0.1% in stems and 0.15% in the leaves of wild hemp from Austria [15] , respectively. Overall, the results from this study suggest that wild/spontaneous hemp in Europe is chemotaxonomically related to the industrial hemp varieties (cultivars) grown in Europe and deviate from the chemical profile of the USA hemp strain that was developed from marijuana-type cannabis for the commercial production of CBD. ./cache/cord-284113-qboon2uv.txt ./txt/cord-284113-qboon2uv.txt