id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-318005-cxjnczwv Ormerod, A.D. Molluscum contagiosum effectively treated with a topical acidified nitrite, nitric oxide liberating cream 2001-12-24 .txt text/plain 1710 111 53 title: Molluscum contagiosum effectively treated with a topical acidified nitrite, nitric oxide liberating cream A double‐blind, group‐sequential clinical trial of acidified nitrite was performed to demonstrate the efficacy of this nitric oxide donor in treating molluscum contagiosum. 9 We have previously described the use of acidified nitrite cream as an NO donor to treat dermatophyte infections 10 and now show the effectiveness of this topical treatment in molluscum contagiosum. As we could not estimate the size of the effect of this therapy, we chose a double-blind, group-sequential design 19 in which subjects were randomized to receive either 5% sodium nitrite co-applied with 5% salicylic acid under occlusion, or identical cream with 5% salicylic acid but omitting sodium nitrite, as a control. No significant difference was found between the active treatment and control groups in the number of lesions per patient or duration of these lesions (Table 1) . ./cache/cord-318005-cxjnczwv.txt ./txt/cord-318005-cxjnczwv.txt