id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-284833-g914vww5 Qiu, Tingting Chinese guidelines related to novel coronavirus pneumonia 2020-10-08 .txt text/plain 5732 247 42 A total of 15 guidelines focusing on pharmacological treatments for all COVID-19 cases were further investigated (Table 1) , including 3 national guidelines: the 'Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia' released by the National Health Commission, the 'Guideline for the appropriate use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)' released by China Association of Chinese Medicine, and 'Notifications on the dosage adjustment of Chloroquine Phosphate' released by National Health Commission. Twelve were provincial guidelines, including 4 focused on the diagnosis and treatment released in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei province, Shandong province, and Guangdong province, 6 guidelines for the appropriate use of TCM in the treatment of COVID-19, and 2 guidelines provided recommendations specific to the optimal use of Chloroquine Phosphate. The new dosage adjustment of the Chloroquine Phosphate was included in the 7 th version of the Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia and the Guangdong expert consensus. ./cache/cord-284833-g914vww5.txt ./txt/cord-284833-g914vww5.txt