id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-324823-bw2x9h45 Little, Mark P. Pneumonia after bacterial or viral infection preceded or followed by radiation exposure - a reanalysis of older radiobiological data and implications for low dose radiotherapy for COVID-19 pneumonia 2020-10-01 .txt text/plain 4155 230 54 Methods and Materials With standard statistical survival models, and based on a systematic literature review, we re-analyzed thirteen radiobiological animal datasets published in 1937-1973 in which animals (guinea pigs/dogs/cats/rats/mice) received radiation before or after bacterial/viral inoculation, and assessing various health endpoints (mortality/pneumonia morbidity). It is the purpose of this paper to report reanalysis of the data abstracted from the original publications so far as that is achievable, using standard statistical survival models in order to assess modification of pneumonia morbidity or mortality risk by radiation exposure before or after inoculation. Each study demonstrated some measure of support for the hypothesis that X-ray treatment could reduce the effects of the pneumonia induced by bacteria or viruses." Manifestly this is not the entirety of the literature relating to post-inoculation radiation exposure (Tables 1, 2) , and a review of our results (Table 2) demonstrates that there is little evidence overall of reduction of morbidity or mortality with increasing radiation dose. ./cache/cord-324823-bw2x9h45.txt ./txt/cord-324823-bw2x9h45.txt