id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-348537-rsdyiygo Pignatti, Marco How the COVID-19 pandemic changed the Plastic Surgery activity in a regional referral center in Northen Italy 2020-05-15 .txt text/plain 2272 118 51 Finally we underline the importance of using telemedicine and web-based tools to transmit images of lesions that need the surgeon's evaluation, and can be used by the patient to keep in touch with a doctor during the distressing time of delay of the expected procedure. All the patients already booked on an outpatient clinic at the time the switch from elective to urgent activity was implemented were contacted, on a daily basis, to evaluate the urgency of their case and to decide whether to cancel, postpone or maintain their appointment. However the use of internet tools for monitoring reconstructive surgery patients has been largely described 22, 23, 24 .Instant sharing of images or video calls allow plastic surgeons to make an easy consultation, filtering only clinical cases that really need to be evaluated in person for an adequate treatment. ./cache/cord-348537-rsdyiygo.txt ./txt/cord-348537-rsdyiygo.txt