id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-278297-twiye6jv Lourenco, Stella F. No Participant Left Behind: Conducting Science During COVID-19 2020-05-11 .txt text/plain 1638 89 51 Although research conducted online solves the problem of data collection, a lack of internet access among low-income and minority communities may reduce the diversity of study samples and, thus, impact the generalizability of scientific findings. Indeed, many child development laboratories are going online for the first time, a shift that is being facilitated by resources such as the Parent and Researcher Collaborative (, a single, crowd-sourced platform where researchers from different labs can post their studies for families to participate in. As excited as we are about the promises of online testing (e.g., in fields like developmental psychology where data collection is typically slow and expensive), we are also concerned about how the demographics of online participants may shift during COVID-19. In particular, we worry that online testing may reduce the diversity of participants--especially those from low-income and minority households-whose participation in scientific research has been essential in understanding all sorts of phenomena, from language proficiency [4] and spatial reasoning [5] to academic achievement [6] and brain development [7] . ./cache/cord-278297-twiye6jv.txt ./txt/cord-278297-twiye6jv.txt