id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-267389-v2ihhtl0 Canevelli, Marco The Pipeline of Therapeutics Testing During the Emergency Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak 2020-09-24 .txt text/plain 3090 136 39 The database and the European Union (EU) Clinical Trials Register were investigated on March 31, 2020, to identify all ongoing phase 1–4 research protocols testing pharmacological interventions targeting SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or clinical syndromes associated with COVID-19. In this article, we provide a summary of the interventional studies that have been conducted worldwide to test the efficacy and/or safety/tolerability of pharmacological compounds against COVID-19 in the emergency phase of the pandemic. The following data were abstracted by three authors (F.T., Ga.R., and Gi.R.) from the selected protocols: NCT (the unique identification code assigned by and/or EudraCT codes; study phase; allocation and masking procedures; tested compound(s); way of administration; mechanism of action; primary outcome measure(s); expected primary completion date; expected number of participants; age range of participants; targeted COVID-19 related condition; sponsor; and location. ./cache/cord-267389-v2ihhtl0.txt ./txt/cord-267389-v2ihhtl0.txt