id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-030371-wp6xmaqe Kubota, Kazuo Basic Science of PET Imaging for Inflammatory Diseases 2019-12-21 .txt text/plain 15774 767 37 Based on the critical role of neuroinflammation characterized by glial activation in neuropathogenesis, in vivo imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) is required in clinical and preclinical studies for the purposes of elucidation of pathogenesis and novel treatment development, because it is commonly available in human and experimental animal models. In a preclinical study conducted in small animal models of brain ischemia and traumatic brain injury, a second-generation TSPO tracer [ 18 F]DPA-714 PET was used for the evaluation of glial activation; the TSPO uptake was validated by comparison with the immunohistochemical findings of co-staining for TSPO and a microglial/macrophage or astrocyte maker. Although the binding affinity in humans has been shown to vary due to polymorphism, TSPO PET has been employed as an effective tool to visualize and quantify the degree of neuroinflammation associated with glial activation in preclinical studies conducted using animal models, including rodents [106] . ./cache/cord-030371-wp6xmaqe.txt ./txt/cord-030371-wp6xmaqe.txt