id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-254423-jz6hoxk1 Song, Lili Impact of COVID-19 on Patient Behavior to Stroke Symptoms in China 2020-10-08 .txt text/plain 745 41 52 During the peak period of the outbreak in February and March 2020, the implementation of national policies to avoid social gatherings and travel to high-risk areas [2] resulted in hospitals reducing outpatient clinics and many services were restricted to urgent cases. China is now emerging from this difficult period, but the shadow of COVID-19 continues, as we have encountered during initiation of the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-ACute stroke Trial (INTERACT4) ( NCT03790800, and Chinese Trial Registry ChiCTR-1900020534). As the effectiveness of reperfusion therapy in highly time-dependent, public health strategies encourage patients to urgently call an ambulance, so that they can present rapidly to hospital after the onset of symptoms suggestive of acute stroke, most popularly defined by the Face symmetry, Arm weakness, Speech slurring, and Time to call (FAST) tool. The main reason that patients were Song/Ouyang/Sun/Chen/Anderson Cerebrovasc Dis 2 DOI: 10.1159/000511394 excluded according to the ambulance screening logs is "delayed time from symptom onset" (>2 h [n = 39]). ./cache/cord-254423-jz6hoxk1.txt ./txt/cord-254423-jz6hoxk1.txt