id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-337516-hrcf2udq Dickens, Borame L. Modelling lockdown and exit strategies for COVID-19 in Singapore 2020-08-01 .txt text/plain 4844 208 49 Although Singapore's lockdown seemingly had no effect on several large outbreaks among foreign worker dormitories that started in early April, it appears to have arrested the epidemic growth in the general population, using school closures and workplace distancing as recognized and effective attack rate reduction measures [ 7 , 8 ] . (1) Establishing a limited control baseline with case isolation and quarantining of family members only; (2) Measuring the impact of 6-week (early cessation), 8-week (planned) and 9-week (extended) lockdown in duration, at different start dates of 5, 6, 7 and 8 weeks, on the final infection attack size, when compared to a no-exit strategy where lockdown is immediately lifted; (3) Estimating the effects of this lockdown with GRES which includes the immediate re-opening of schools post lockdown, due to their limited epidemic suppression impact [14] , with a 3-month readjustment period. ./cache/cord-337516-hrcf2udq.txt ./txt/cord-337516-hrcf2udq.txt