id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-337325-h9l7yy5z Bruzzone, Francesco The combination of e-bike-sharing and demand-responsive transport systems in rural areas: A case study of Velenje 2020-09-29 .txt text/plain 11503 524 51 Conventional public transport in such areas is often unable to meet accessibility needs and requirements of different user groups, resulting in large portions of the population relying on private motorized transport, high operational costs, and thus increased fares and low revenues. The diverse elements of the proposed integrated strategy-the new, semi-flexible DRT; the expansion of the BSS with the provision of 96 e-bikes and 28 additional stations; and the development of a digital tool to manage the system-were subject to a cost analysis, which was compared with the current public transport and bike sharing offer. The proposed integrated mobility system presented here would not optimally solve transport issues in Velenje's suburban areas; however, it would increase the number of settlements with daily and frequent access to the train and bus stations and to public functions downtown, thus allowing citizens to access public transit and sharing services independently and to choose them for their daily commute. ./cache/cord-337325-h9l7yy5z.txt ./txt/cord-337325-h9l7yy5z.txt