id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-020134-kqvh248w Hentschel, Raoul A Broker-Based Framework for the Recommendation of Cloud Services: A Research Proposal 2020-03-06 .txt text/plain 2192 103 46 Furthermore, we contribute an early-stage design of a cloud broker framework that considers cloud-service consumers' sourcing preferences while making new cloud-sourcing decisions and that can be used in the selection and adoption phase of implementing cloud services and/or as part of a multicloud strategy. Finding a suitable cloud service provider (CSP) that matches all the CSC's requirements is a complex, time-consuming and cost-intensive process that can prevent the adoption of CC especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) [2] . In order to address this problem, we propose a cloud service broker framework called "ViBROS" as a starting point for supporting CSCs in their decision-making process by recommending appropriate cloud services based on CSC requirements using dynamic and extensible matching methods. This research-in-progress article addresses this gap and proposes a new framework called ViBROS as a starting point for providing a more reliable and cost-efficient approach for SMEs to use while selecting appropriate cloud services. ./cache/cord-020134-kqvh248w.txt ./txt/cord-020134-kqvh248w.txt