id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-354534-0b7zwzjv Fuccillo, E Olfactory disorders in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: a systematic literature review 2020-09-15 .txt text/plain 2847 161 43 The patients, intervention, comparison and outcomes ('PICO') criteria for the review were considered as follows: (1) patientspatients with SARS-CoV-2 infection certified on laboratory tests who underwent a clinical evaluation of smell impairment using anamnestic data, a smell questionnaire and/or olfactory tests; (2) interventionclinical evaluation of olfactory disorders; (3) comparisondifferent methods of evaluating olfactory function (subjective and objective); and (4) outcomeprevalence and characteristics of olfactory dysfunction in Covid-19 patients. The reported data show that smell dysfunction was, overall, more prevalent in patients investigated with validated questionnaires and/or tests with odorants (Table 3 ), compared to PubMed (("COVID" OR "COVID-19" OR "SARS-COV-2" OR "coronavirus")) AND ("smell" or "anosmia" or "dysosmia" or "hyposmia" or "parosmia" or "olfaction" or "olfactory") The Journal of Laryngology & Otology individuals evaluated using anamnestic data, simple surveys and/or non-validated questionnaires. ./cache/cord-354534-0b7zwzjv.txt ./txt/cord-354534-0b7zwzjv.txt