id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-354453-uze6ze8o McCloskey, Brian SARS to novel coronavirus – old lessons and new lessons 2020-02-05 .txt text/plain 3153 116 47 By 26 January also, almost 50 million people in Wuhan and neighbouring cities had effectively been placed in quarantine while the WHO had determined that the event should not yet be declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) [2] and had recommended no specific travel restrictions. There was extensive criticism of China for its perceived failure to share information about the emerging SARS infection early enough in the outbreak to allow countries to prepare and respond. The rapid sharing of information in this outbreak and the speed of the coordinated response both in the country and internationally suggest that lessons have been learned from SARS that improve global capacity. The global media response to the unfolding events has been relatively balanced and informed but the nuances of the evolving situation have not been critically examined in partnership with the media and as a result the public perception of the risk may be exaggeratedalthough it of course remains possible that the outbreak will develop in a way that matches up to the perceived risk. ./cache/cord-354453-uze6ze8o.txt ./txt/cord-354453-uze6ze8o.txt