id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-353523-gwud4bb7 Abobaker, Anis The Eye: A Possible New Route of Infection in COVID-19 2020-07-27 .txt text/plain 928 63 53 1 This might indicate that the eye is not a potential target for coronaviruses; however, this does not rule out the possibility that the conjunctiva and the ocular mucous membrane could act as a port of entry to CoVs to the upper respiratory tract given the close anatomical proximity and the similar epithelial receptors. There is evidence that lack of eye protection in clinical settings increased the risk of infection of the severe acute respiratory disease (SARS) caused by SARS-CoV. The low frequency of conjunctivitis and corneal involvement in COVID-19 patients could be explained with the fact that the level of ACE2 expression in ocular tissues is much less compared with other organs, such as the lungs and kidneys. SARS-CoV-2 has been detected by PCR in conjunctival swabs taken from COVID-19 patients with conjunctivitis as well as patients without ocular LETTER TO THE EDITOR manifestations. SARS-CoV-2 in the ocular surface of COVID-19 patients ./cache/cord-353523-gwud4bb7.txt ./txt/cord-353523-gwud4bb7.txt