id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-353479-kwi8zxo6 Chuang, H.-L. Impact of enhanced infection control procedures on clinical outcome following resuscitation attempts 2007-11-30 .txt text/plain 2902 144 39 Other strict hospital ICMs in period 2 included the following: (i) all new admissions were required to be examined by our emergency department's SARS screening team; (ii) all febrile patients were required to be admitted to the fever screening ward regardless of their diagnoses; (iii) unnecessary contact between HCWs was restricted and regular meetings and conferences were cancelled; (iv) each step of the standard operating procedure was strictly audited during resuscitation. There were also more emergency resuscitations performed without intubation and a higher number of 'do not resuscitate' orders signed during resuscitation in the period of strict implementation of ICMs. These changes resulted in an abnormal situation in which the hospital's facilities were adversely affected and the ability of the hospital to provide patients with medical care during the SARS outbreak was reduced. ./cache/cord-353479-kwi8zxo6.txt ./txt/cord-353479-kwi8zxo6.txt