id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-351107-a5bx74ao Phua, Ghee-Chee Mechanical Ventilation in an Airborne Epidemic 2008-06-30 .txt text/plain 2981 145 40 The severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak exposed the vulnerability of health care workers and highlighted the importance of establishing stringent infection control and crisis management protocols. Approximately 20% to 30% of SARS patients required intensive care and mechanical ventilation for acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [9] . Adjuvant strategies shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation include deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, stress ulcer prophylaxis, sedation protocols, and avoidance of neuromuscular blockage, if possible; semirecumbent position should also be employed during airborne epidemics causing hypoxemic respiratory failure [18] . With the increasing threat of pandemic influenza and catastrophic bioterrorism, it is important for intensive care providers to be prepared to meet the challenge of large-scale airborne epidemics causing mass casualty respiratory failure. With the increasing threat of pandemic influenza and catastrophic bioterrorism, it is important for intensive care providers to be prepared to meet the challenge of large-scale airborne epidemics causing mass casualty respiratory failure. ./cache/cord-351107-a5bx74ao.txt ./txt/cord-351107-a5bx74ao.txt