id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-349428-i2s41kl7 Griffin, Ian The Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Labor and Delivery, Newborn Nursery, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Prospective Observational Data from a Single Hospital System 2020-06-13 .txt text/plain 4416 228 53 The study population consisted of maternal-infant dyads whose mothers were identified to be either COVID-19 positive or persons under investigation (PUI) before their admission to labor and delivery (L&D) or at any time before their discharge. Obstetric patients who were COVID-19 positive or PUIs were cared for in a designated suite of single-person airborne infection isolation (AIIRs) negative pressure rooms separate from the main L&D unit through delivery and the postpartum period, while awaiting testing for COVID-19 or if they had tested positive for COVID-19. If a mother tested positive for COVID-19 and newborn infants had been immediately separated at birth from their mother, neonatal isolation precautions were suspended after two negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based nasopharyngeal swab tests, performed at 48 hours and at 5 days of life, respectively. ./cache/cord-349428-i2s41kl7.txt ./txt/cord-349428-i2s41kl7.txt