id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-342765-rw8valjp Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn Evaluating the efficiency of specimen pooling for PCR‐based detection of COVID‐19 2020-05-13 .txt text/plain 2125 123 52 Additionally, NT specimens with PCR cycle threshold (Ct) greater than 35 were pooled to determine the limit of detection and sensitivity of pooling samples to test for SARS-CoV-2. Previously positive specimens with high and low-concentrations of RNA, as determined by PCR Ct values at the time of detection, were selected to determine the effect of viral load on pooling to ensure that the sensitivity and accuracy of the assay was maintained (Table 1) The fifteen 1X (L>35) pools were tested by performing duplicate (replicates I and II) qPCR assays to determine the limit of detection of specimen pooling when compared to individual testing. This study demonstrates that specimen pooling (either 1X or 2X pooling ratios) does not compromise the sensitivity of detecting SARS-CoV-2 provided the Ct value of the individually tested sample is lower than 35. ./cache/cord-342765-rw8valjp.txt ./txt/cord-342765-rw8valjp.txt