id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-338972-uq2ha8xs Olson, Michael T. Resumption of elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: what lessons can we apply? 2020-06-05 .txt text/plain 1688 84 37 authors: Olson, Michael T.; Triantafyllou, Tania; Singhal, Saurabh Ensure quality and quantity assessment of local PPE availability, and closely follow PPE recommendations for COVID-19+ patients, patients under investigations, and non-COVID-19 patients Re-evaluate health care facility capacity, including resources (e.g., beds, ICUs, ventilators), and expansion strategies Operating rooms should take inventory of existing surgical and cleaning supplies before re-activating elective surgeries Ensure coordination among surgery, anesthesia, nursing, engineering, housekeeping, and other hospital staff or specialties involved in multidisciplinary care; assure adequate staff volume Assign a governance committee to clarify, interpret, and iterate policies, make real-time decisions, and initiate and communicate messaging Although leading surgical societies have guided surgeons in terms of appropriate surgical practice amid the ongoing viral pandemic, certain questions remain, particularly pertaining to the safety of performing minimally invasive surgery in the setting of COVID-19. It remains to be determined how these infection-control measures, albeit contributing to the safety of the patient and staff, impact surgical care when elective surgeries are again performed. ./cache/cord-338972-uq2ha8xs.txt ./txt/cord-338972-uq2ha8xs.txt