id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-334430-1udn20wo Qin, Li The immunity induced by recombinant spike proteins of SARS coronavirus in Balb/c mice 2007 .txt text/plain 1890 107 58 title: The immunity induced by recombinant spike proteins of SARS coronavirus in Balb/c mice The immune effect of two recombinant protein fragments of spike protein in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS CoV) was investigated in Balb/c mice. Two partial spike gene fragments S1 (322 1464 bp) and S2 (2170 2814 bp) of SARS coronavirus were amplified by RT-PCR, and cloned into pET-23a prokaryotic expression vector, then transformed into competent Escherichia E. The results showed that recombinant proteins of SARS coronavirus spike protein induced hormonal and cellular immune response in Balb/c mice. Spike protein is also the main protective antigen inducing the generation of neutralizing antibodies, and it can be detected in infected cell culture supernatants with antisera from SARS patients [7, 8] . An exposed domain in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein induces neutralizing antibodies ./cache/cord-334430-1udn20wo.txt ./txt/cord-334430-1udn20wo.txt