id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-334268-n2hon61o Ren, Yanfang Risk for dental healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 global pandemic: an evidence-based assessment 2020-07-18 .txt text/plain 6861 300 48 Considering that the primary route of transmission for COVID-19 is from respiratory droplets, and potentially from spatters or aerosols generated during dental treatments, risks of COVID-19 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f transmission from asymptomatic patients to DHPs are dependent on several factors: effectiveness of PPE, specifically the N95 masks in preventing virus transmission, prevalence of asymptomatic cases in the local community, rate of transmission from asymptomatic patients to healthcare providers in close contact, probability for an infection acquired from an asymptomatic patient become symptomatic, and age-adjusted infection fatality rate of symptomatic COVID-19 patients. To understand the potential impact of COVID-19 on dental care and oral health and assess the risks to DHPs from the disease while providing essential services to the community, we periodically searched and reviewed published literature in PubMed and Google Scholar using various combinations of keywords, including SARS CoV-2, COVID-19, Dental, Dentist, Dentistry, Droplets, Aerosols, Healthcare Workers, Symptomatic, Asymptomatic, Saliva, PPE, N95 Masks, Face Shields, and Infection Fatality Rate. ./cache/cord-334268-n2hon61o.txt ./txt/cord-334268-n2hon61o.txt