id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-331147-numz9onx Al‐Kofahi, Mahmoud Finding the Dose for Hydroxychloroquine Prophylaxis for COVID‐19: The Desperate Search for Effectiveness 2020-06-01 .txt text/plain 2301 109 48 Our aim was to identify possible hydroxychloroquine dosing regimens through simulation in those at high risk of infections by optimizing exposures above the in vitro generated half maximal effective concentration (EC(50)) and to help guide researchers in dose‐selection for COVID‐19 prophylactic studies. 8 We simulated the current FDA approved dosing for malaria treatment (800 mg followed by 400 mg at 6, 24, and 48 hours after the initial dose, a total of 3 days) and prophylaxis (400 mg weekly) and other regimens, such as those tested in recent COVID-19 trials (i.e., 400 mg/day for 5 days or 200 mg 3 times daily for 6 days). For the FDA recommended treatment dose of malaria (800 mg loading dose followed by 400 mg daily for a total of 3 days), simulations predicted 89% of subjects would have troughs above the target on day 1, however, this number dropped to 7% by day 14 post-exposure after the start of prophylaxis ( Table 1) . ./cache/cord-331147-numz9onx.txt ./txt/cord-331147-numz9onx.txt