id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-329262-ybr1auo2 Moriel‐Carretero, María The hypothetical role of Phosphatidic Acid in subverting ER membranes during SARS‐CoV infection 2020-05-18 .txt text/plain 3957 203 44 Subsequently, a major path for viral internalization relies on the endocytic pathway and culminates with the release of the viral RNA genome into the cytoplasm of the infected cell (reviewed in 3 After this, +RNA viruses need to establish a complex capable of amplifying and further expressing their genome, the "replication/transcription complex", as well as additional (termed "non-structural") proteins capable of coordinating accessory functions. A relevant point when analyzing the morphological particularities of DMVs induced during SARS-CoV infection is that, in contrast to those triggered by other +RNA viruses, the inner layer indeed constitutes a closed circle, but the outer one is continuous all along with that of the other DMVs, giving the impression that the whole is disconnected from the cytoplasm ( Figure 1A , right panel) 11 . ./cache/cord-329262-ybr1auo2.txt ./txt/cord-329262-ybr1auo2.txt