id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-328557-f6o1aynz Samad, Abdus Designing a multi-epitope vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: an immunoinformatics approach 2020-07-17 .txt text/plain 7593 423 50 So, targeting S-protein can provide an immunogenic response in the human host, and has been chosen for designing a multi-epitopes vaccine candidate against the SARS-CoV-2. For the prediction of CTLs epitope, the sequence of the selected protein was submitted into the NetCTL v1.2 server available at For this purpose, we submitted the refined vaccine model as ligand and TLR4 protein as immunological receptor into the ClusPro v2.0 server, available at, for molecular docking (Kozakov et al., 2017) . Due to the high number of potential epitopes, we selected the top four CTL epitopes for the final vaccine construction based on the antigenicity score (Table 1) . Likewise, we considered the top four HTL epitopes for incorporating into the final vaccine construct based on the antigenic score (Table 2) . In this study, we designed an epitope-based vaccine that could provide a strong immune response against SARS-CoV-2, thereby, preventing the COVID-19 pandemic. ./cache/cord-328557-f6o1aynz.txt ./txt/cord-328557-f6o1aynz.txt