id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-326045-x8xntne7 Chng, Shu-Sin Synthetic studies towards anti-SARS agents: application of an indium-mediated allylation of α-aminoaldehydes as the key step towards an intermediate 2004-12-20 .txt text/plain 1254 78 60 title: Synthetic studies towards anti-SARS agents: application of an indium-mediated allylation of α-aminoaldehydes as the key step towards an intermediate Synthesis of intermediate 1 and analogues proceeded via a highly diastereoselective indium-mediated allylation of α-aminoaldehydes. Based on these findings, it was suggested that the HRV 3C pro inhibitor, AG7088, could serve as a good starting point for modifications leading to an efficient and bio-available inhibitor for the SARS-CoV M pro and other coronavirus main proteinases. The synthesis of 1 in our group has proceeded via the highly stereoselective indium-mediated allylation reaction of N-protected valinal as illustrated in Scheme 2. 8 In addition, when we performed the same indium-mediated allylation reaction on N-t-butyloxycarbonyl-L L-valinal, we obtained the homoallylic alcohol as an 87:13 mixture of syn/anti isomers (Scheme 4). The critical step in the synthesis involved a highly diastereoselective indium-mediated allylation reaction. ./cache/cord-326045-x8xntne7.txt ./txt/cord-326045-x8xntne7.txt