id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-325261-bdumhy5b Clemente, Valentino Deubiquitinating Enzymes in Coronaviruses and Possible Therapeutic Opportunities for COVID-19 2020-05-15 .txt text/plain 7815 380 44 Since viral PLPs are used by coronaviruses to both replicate and to antagonize the innate immune response, they are considered important therapeutic targets for coronavirus infections and thus may be of interest for future COVID-19 treatment strategies. The multifunctional activities of PLPs, namely as cysteine proteases, DUBs and deISGylating enzymes, play two important roles in coronavirus pathogenesis: the first involves the production of non-structural proteins (nsp) required for the replication process and the second consists of blocking the innate immune system of the infected host cell. Since it is known that cellular antiviral pathways include (de)ubiquitination within their regulatory mechanisms [14, 15] , PLPs are believed to contribute to infection pathogenesis by using their intrinsic DUB and deISGylating activities to antagonize the activation of the host cell innate immune response [5] . Crystal Structure of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Papain-like Protease Bound to Ubiquitin Facilitates Targeted Disruption of Deubiquitinating Activity to Demonstrate Its Role in Innate Immune Suppression ./cache/cord-325261-bdumhy5b.txt ./txt/cord-325261-bdumhy5b.txt