id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-325019-hznnoxw6 Benavides-Cordoba, Vicente Drug Repositioning for COVID-19 2020-06-30 .txt text/plain 2897 165 45 In this review, we present a selection of drugs, of different classes and with potential activity against COVID-19, whose trials are ongoing; and as proofs of concept, double blind, add-on event-driven, would allow proposing research that generates results in less time and preserving quality criteria for drug development and approval by regulatory agencies. Likewise, when researching new molecules in humans, it is necessary to ask several questions that could improve the designs, and avoid some failures, such as, for example, did the drug hit the target?, did the medication change the target?, what was the dose response?, and what are the characteristics of the study patients?. Hydroxychloroquine, a chloroquine analog, is a medicine widely used in the treatment of systemic autoimmune diseases 35 , being currently the most studied drug for treating COVID-19. In COVID 19, 133 clinical trials are registered, taking different degrees of severity, ranging from prophylactic use in the general population and in health workers 38 to patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). ./cache/cord-325019-hznnoxw6.txt ./txt/cord-325019-hznnoxw6.txt