id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-322417-9e95m4kz Segovia-Juarez, Jose High altitude reduces infection rate of COVID-19 but not case-fatality rate 2020-07-15 .txt text/plain 1256 88 59 authors: Segovia-Juarez, Jose; Castagnetto, Jesús M.; Gonzales, Gustavo F. title: High altitude reduces infection rate of COVID-19 but not case-fatality rate It is suggested that life at high altitude may reduce COVID infections and case-fatality rates (cases/deaths). A recent paper with data as of April 7th from the Tibet, Bolivia and Ecuador suggests that high-altitude (HA) may provide protection from pathogenesis of SAR-CoV-2 infection (Arias-Reyes et al, 2020). The current study has been designed to determine COVID-19 cases, deaths by COVID-19 and case-fatality rates in Peru in an altitude range from 3 to 4,342 meters above sea level. The sex ratio (male/female) for positive cases of COVID-19 is maintained at any altitude of residence ( Figure 1D ). Another important finding from our study is that the cumulative case-fatality rate (cumulative deaths/cumulative positive cases) by COVID-19 does not appear to change with altitude of residence ( Figure 3 ). ./cache/cord-322417-9e95m4kz.txt ./txt/cord-322417-9e95m4kz.txt