id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-319955-spnykv96 Arafah, Azher S1 Subunit and Host Proteases as Potential Therapeutic Avenues for the Treatment of COVID-19 2020-05-21 .txt text/plain 909 47 49 Abstract The novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, now called COVID-19 initially originated in Wuhan city of China and later spread across borders and infected more than two million people and killed over 2.9 lakh people all over the globe. Some reports have found and confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 like others SARS-CoVs utilizes angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor for making entry into target cell by binding to the receptor with its S1 subunit and employing host cell proteases for cleaving S2 subunit at S2′ in order to fuse with cell membrane. Some reports have found and confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 like others SARS-CoVs utilizes angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor for making entry into target cell by binding to the receptor with its S1 subunit and employing host cell proteases for cleaving S2 subunit at S2′ in order to fuse with cell membrane. ./cache/cord-319955-spnykv96.txt ./txt/cord-319955-spnykv96.txt