id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-318069-logh6rnu Ordás, Carlos M. Concurrent tonic pupil and trochlear nerve palsy in COVID-19 2020-09-10 .txt text/plain 1334 85 50 We report a case of concurrent tonic pupil and trochlear nerve palsy in this context. A 62-year-old man reported a 5-day history of binocular vertical diplopia and blurred vision in his left eye, noticing that his left pupil was dilated. Clinical exam showed a right trochlear nerve palsy and a left mydriatic pupil. This is the first case reporting Adie's pupil as a postinfectious manifestation of COVID-19. Here, we report a case of a fourth cranial mononeuropathy coexisting with a contralateral tonic pupil developing 2 weeks after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. A 62-year-old man with an antecedent of hypertension attended our hospital reporting a 5-day history of binocular vertical diplopia and blurred vision in his left eye, noticing that his left pupil was dilated. In conclusion, we report an exceptional case of trochlear mononeuropathy and tonic pupil occurring shortly after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a presumable immunemediated mechanism. ./cache/cord-318069-logh6rnu.txt ./txt/cord-318069-logh6rnu.txt