id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-317707-r0q7ipa6 Saracco, Margherita Carrying on with Liver Transplantation during the COVID-19 emergency: Report from Piedmont Region 2020-08-07 .txt text/plain 2843 159 58 We aimed to analyze the number of LT performed between February 24 th , 2020 and April 17 th , 2020 with the same period of time in 2019, in our high-volume transplant Center (median 150 LT/year). Furthermore, among the 5 intensive care units of our hospital, the one dedicated to transplants was maintained COVID-free, by testing each transplant recipient in advance with SARS-CoV-2 RNA in NPS or BAL, starting from the 22 nd of March. Between February 24 th , 2020 and April 17 th , 2020, among 22 admissions in our 7-bed sub-intensive liver unit, a 40-year-old woman, who was listed during hospitalization, developed fever during hospitalization and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in NPSs. Immediately transferred to a COVID unit, she came back to our unit after 7 days and 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 RNA in NPS and underwent LT the day after readmission to our unit. Despite all our efforts to maintain a transplant COVID-free pathway, two transplant patients, one before and one after LT were tested SARS-CoV-2 virus positive during hospitalization and both were safely discharged home. ./cache/cord-317707-r0q7ipa6.txt ./txt/cord-317707-r0q7ipa6.txt